Everything Wrong With The Departed In Bahston Minutes

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movie gives text position that apparently will always be the case no matter what year you watch the sin what's the point of text like this some years ago Boston might be important but some years ago why are you even typing that out I don't want to be a product of my environment check nichkhun we definitely won't be playing the song but here's the Martin Scorsese uses Gimme Shelter cliche it is a great song but now I'm beginning to believe he puts it in much like a trailer editor puts Solsbury Hill in everything it's the extra-virgin olive oil of Scorsese songs no one gives it to you yeah they take great yeah maybe this sums up the movie but you could have opened here on the exterior of the park luncheonette without the narration and the movie wouldn't have suffered one iota did you period yet come on Frank I've met gynecologist some of them are friends of mine you sir are no gynecologist steak fries when you decide to be something you've conveyed you can't movie inspires Clint Eastwood to make Invictus we got all young Colin Sullivan's stuff before he goes to rugby police school but the other main character the protagonist even we just jump straight to him in police school cuz this a Chaplin film off-the-boat psycho lives in Brockton with his mother she's straight out of going my way hey man like even the people who are old enough to get that reference don't even get that reference Jesus Christ how long has Billy been in this office how long does it take to get to the point that he's not getting a regular cop job we saw Sullivan getting congratulated by the secretary as he walked out the door and Billy was waiting outside since then Sullivan's all got a co-worker talked with his buddy from the Academy and has been in a daily briefing for however long and they're still giving Billy about his family in his motivations for being a cop we have a question finally you'll hardly notice it we can't conceal that you were a trainee you'll be convicted of a crime so if he got a 1400 on his SAT and as an astronaut and not a cop and you can't conceal he went through the police training program why didn't you pull him out right after he applied and skip the need for him to finish training and then go to prison this training didn't make him an astronaut and he didn't take the SAT after he applied to the police academy they also yada-yada the [ __ ] out of his prison time they later say he did three to four months but the movies are just nothing of note took place la-dee-da prison is fine and all right yeah cousin MooMoo perpetuates the myth that undercover cops can't say they aren't cops or at least that criminals think they can no no he's no cop he got out of the joint three weeks ago it's kind of amazing that it's well known that Billy tried to get into the staties and later when everyone knows there's a mole in the Costello crew nobody circles back on that knowledge the guy supposedly got kicked out only four months ago I know his family name is synonymous with crime but nobody's even heard of Billy until just now cranberry juice would he get your period man it's like Queen and Dignam planted this guy in the bar for Billy to get in a fight with his street cred just went through the roof with this convenient insult Ergon hey someone check that buggy just smashed over this dude's head to see if it's breakaway glass this is incredible my people are out there you have one people minions you're not gonna see him like most of America since the first of us set foot here when that dirt ball started his life Southie projects what was his name the departed well departed has been used a couple times already this is as roll credits as it gets someone can just say Infernal Affairs we can have a roll credits bingo he didn't even dock girls have a good day normally he's a very nice guy don't judge him from this meeting along talking and flirting this openly and loudly and forcing everyone but the dude with headphones to be part of your little production again I realize this might be the point that this character is just that cocky but no one even really objects at all this is Boston someone would be all hey could be wicked cool if he took it off the elevator and left us all in peace they exchanged a look and shake their heads but they say nothing this guy's got four hot coffees in a pastry bag that is getting cold man get off the elevator flirt and then walk up the lawnmower flight of stairs to your own floor you entitled douchebag hi dad I had no idea about the tail until I saw it it's a blue sedan and then a white van Sullivan starts talking specifically about the cars that are tailing Frank Costello in the middle of a goddamn police station and sure he calls him dad that's about the only bit of cover he uses on this phone call why wouldn't they have a code to speak with during times like these he smashes this guy's face with the coat rack twice now he's tuning up these Providence guys to get Costello's attention and it works but goddamn you could easily kill a dude by stabbing his face twice with the rack end of a coat rack I'm waiting for you to make oh I don't know if that thing moves I'm gonna shoot it no seriously they're laughing but this dessert is a slap in the face of common sense so what's it like having people find themselves in your office all day long does he get messy with all those feelings flying around it's actually pretty shocking that she goes on to date and move in with a guy that is openly dismissive of her profession but she does granted she will also go on to one of her patients so maybe some things are more important to her than the reputation of her profession this is some kind of macho polygraph boat right here but thinking pain will make an undercover agent spill the truth is pretty naive if you ask me at least not this kind of back room pool house literally using a bhoot type of pain torture maybe but this is not that any decent undercover would pass this test which makes it all the more infuriating of course the movie will excuse everything he does with a hasty Frank is crazy look there's a whole thing here about how Leo beat the out of this guy here when he ultimately was only reaching for cigarettes but I'm on Leo's side here man dude had it coming why would you reach in to gun position during this encounter with an enforcer over your shoulder without announcing you were going for cigarettes Leo should be promoted for this this is probably the worst surveillance van I've ever seen the guys making absolutely no attempt to be subtle in a huge white van purporting to provide home delivery for lobsters it doesn't even provide a telephone number to call for emergency lobster service what an [ __ ] did you ever think about going back to school why does Costello care about Billy being in the business or trying to talk him out of it whose briefcases I don't know somebody whom Holly would drop that off just in case someone needed to pose as someone's lawyer to propel the plot what plot I don't know how do I even know my own thoughts are real softly good afternoon mr. Fitzgibbons you can't do that he just did and the movie won't ever mention it again which is weird given how illegal it is also he can't do that he just did cliche is suiting up for a rave right now I don't know where they're going but they do and so do you Sullivan manages to find a way to warn Costello's people the raid is coming by getting fitzy to call French's number and going through the I won't be home for dinner protocol but why couldn't Sullivan do that himself even if Costello is the only person who knows who Sullivan is Sullivan could call Costello directly and have him learn his people rather than going through this shady jaysus was this floor dip in kerosene look like mr. French only burned the sheets covering the windows can a floor go up like this without some assistance and why do you choose not to burn that blue sheet it's alright guys tend to make too big a deal out of it we interrupt this Scorsese picture to bring you this important message from viagra how does this gunshot result in Leo getting blood on his face so he's in therapy but still undercover as a criminal he can't tell his therapist who was sworn to secrecy that he's an undercover cop pretending to be a criminal he isn't allowed to get real mental health help and in fact has to pretend to be someone else and get phoney help just to keep up the ruse there is no-one wofully than a cop well have you met Kanye West or Franklin Graham or Jerry Jones it's been a year this I've had enough of it this is the first indication of the true passage of time in this movie and I'll admit I'm shocked it's already been a year this is Boston but I didn't see any snow or st. Patrick's Day high jinks or angry Red Sox fans how did a whole year go by now we're the only two people on the face of this earth that even know you're a cop how can that be oh really yes undercover keep it under wraps but only two people this is going to be super important later when one is missing the other is dead and he can't prove he's a cop after the digital record is erased this is negligence up there with George Bailey and trusting company deposits to his drunk uncle Billy because you play a tough guy doesn't mean you are when you play skirt and iris I've been waiting to do this since the Basketball Diaries Marky Mark have I done my job up to your goddamn standards man I haven't seen a police psychologist this unprofessional since Jeanne Tripplehorn and Basic Instinct you want to get a cup of coffee well my boyfriend has been having a difficult time getting it up lately you know the plays call the game I know we didn't give you any idea this operation was happening at all because we were worried about leaks but I do trust you enough to run them no one would be able to type this flawlessly doing so blind with the phone in the pocket this is a lie a pet gerbil would be more likely to hit the right buttons in the right order than this mother also Sullivan can text no phones without looking why can't he also add you have a mole right here now also they just said all cell phone signals are under surveillance through the courtesy of my federal friends over there so how does this text message warning go out from here and get to Frank there without the cell phone surveillance squad catching it see even the other cover guy has to look at his phone in order to text without mistake did you put a camera in the back he did not Dan yeah there's some yata about it being a rush job but he had two angles of the cars in front but no cameras out back yeah he's bad at his job but also you can't beat him up for being at his job we laugh now but in 18 months this guy wins two million in a lawsuit against the city you love him it's a pretty serious relationship yeah the PERT getting the feeling we got a cop in micros yeah I know I'm kind of getting that feeling Jesus you know there's a cop in his crew you know for fact bro get me Social Security numbers so Franco's I'm gonna get the numbers and then they go in an envelope and that's just sitting on Sullivan's desk when Leo comes in at the end and that's how he knows Sullivan is the mole but what good did the social security numbers do we even see Sullivan open the envelope and turn to his computer presumably to run these numbers and at least two of the people in the crew are undercover cops so did that search turned up nothing did he just search them against names to make sure no one was using a fake name cuz that doesn't rule out an undercover guy who is using his real name I love this movie but the social security thing has always bothered me he only asked for it because we need Leo to see something later that he can know instantly means bad guy that's it if it was useful information Frank would have given it all to Sullivan as soon as Sullivan made detective how dumb would these two cops look if Frank didn't come out through this archway but chose one of the many others he could have used he never walks by them and after a while Dignam is like we doing sitting out here with our dicks out captain thankfully Frank followed the script and this exchange was allowed to happen I can't wait to wipe that smirk right off of your face would you rather wait my ass for me my new favorite comeback hey honey I'm going to the store do you need anything wouldn't you rather want my ass for me sir I'm gonna have to remove six of your teeth for utter decay and neglect wouldn't you rather wipe my ass for me I want a divorce wouldn't you rather see it works in any situation why do you think he never gets busted which is okay a bit of a surprise a nice twist but it makes me wonder why the FBI would use the boss of a crime syndicate as an informant instead of someone lower level and yeah this is based on Whitey Bulger and yes he actually was an informant at least according to the FBI has folder himself always denied it but still he suppose they gave them information on other crime syndicates this movie which is a fiction based on the real guy has suggested Frank Costello as the Keyser söze of Boston not one of five crime bosses the cops are only after him who is he giving up to the FBI that his higher level of himself look if you have seats this good this is a tiny theater either that or you literally built a small Tower for your own box in the first few Orchestra rows blocking the views of everyone behind you you could pee on the stage from here and you are dead center what is this seating booth he's some cone Jesus Christ that is one big bowl of coke I don't even have that much flour in my pantry but he's got this much coke by his bed this is Gil coke can you afford to waste it for sure does that mean he should waste it no it is don't move to your numb movie indulges and Frank's indulgence I don't know what this coke scene has to do with anything been pretty tightly focused on the plot up until now do we really have to do this movies about two and a half hours long no way hey Leo looks nervous here but why he's not pretending to be someone else he's pretending to be Billy Costigan jr. which is who he is he's just acting like the crime is fine with them when in reality it's not but his social security number his driver's license number none of that should scare him to share he is him he's him he's not pretending to be anyone but himself the misspelling and spelling correction brought to you by Sharpie where do you go when you're stupidly afraid that writing down your social security number will let the bad guy know you are a fake bad guy - you're hot former therapist old apartment on the chance she's there packing no but she hasn't fully moved into her boyfriend's place and getting hella lucky that she is so uh moving out are you moving in I love Vera Farmiga but I kind of wish she wasn't necessary in this movie or at least they could have cut out the love triangle I mean the odds are pretty ridiculous to have a cop who's a mole in the police force and an undercover cop who's a mole and the very crew the dirty cop works for but they have them both dating the same woman everybody anybody so car launch unlimited authority what about the Supreme Court members Kenny investigate them what about the Spice Girls what is this driving range is it only for short irons that looks like about 120 yards so that fencer roped all weeds back there Jesus Christ what is even the point if a porno theater is this empty during an evening showing how does it turn any kind of profit it's insane that Billy's been undercover for a year and now that he has a big break with Frank meeting Sullivan and he can identify them all inside the police force he doesn't have a disguise a wig a fake mustache contacts all of these things would be helpful so that he doesn't get identified during something like this not admit the scene with Billy chasing Sullivan is pretty badass it's a masterclass in cinematography directing editing and all the things look I know this video is grainy but don't you think this might be the youngest guy in Costello's crew aka Billy Costigan leonardo dicaprio has taken off his Boston Red Sox cap and is now in a hood what do you think he does when he gets home to take that cap off I like to imagine he goes into a special room picks up his wand draws a scar on his forehead and it puts on glasses and then with a simple flick of his wrist he yells DiCaprio and the cap falls to the floor got this red would love to know whose idea it was for Jack to overact like a rat in the scene this seems like something that feels like a great idea in the moment but ends up just being weird when you finally see it on screen [Music] yeah who had no prior record before getting kicked out of the staties I will never understand why Frank doesn't just kill bill and see what happens what does he do that's so invaluable Billy has no cigarette in his mouth in this shot but we can see one dangling out of his mouth in the foreground when it cuts to the next shot and we know this is no time has passed kind of thing because Frank was sliding over to get his own cigarette between the two shots this heinous continuity error is something not befitting of the director of the movie that inspired the TV show Alice everybody knows you can assign here to find cristela's rat do not understand why the police force knows for a fact there's a rat in the SIU but assigned someone in their own department to find them wouldn't this be an internal affairs investigation and yes I know this is a remake of a movie called Infernal Affairs but that doesn't make hiring someone within the very unit that is compromised make any more sense than it does I have reason to believe that Captain Queenan is Costello rat that is some unbelievable bull who's gonna buy that dummies under your command maybe that is the thinnest lie ever told by a boston state police detective where's your boy I know a lot of these guys are dumb but at this point you gotta know it's Billy right even before you factor in the fact that he goes to the right address even though Delahunt told him the wrong one this is the whole crew storming the building without Billy who was the only one left that could be talking to Queen oh sorry I'm gonna argue that you can't which is why we never see a good angle from your vantage point that shows your point of view Queen Anne's body falls right in front of this three four four sign which is established to be the far right of the door with the bee on it when we see the tailing detective walk out to the stakeout car we see at this angle it would be too difficult to see that far around the building not to mention all the trash bins and debris that are in the way I don't think you saw anything honestly even with the shootout that occurs right after this the movie cuts back and forth between the shooters and there's never an establishing shot that shows line of sight between the two parties that would show for a fact they could have seen Queen Anne's body fall off the roof it is now a literal criminal malpractice that these guys don't know Billie's the rat he swipes blood over the talk button but then the blood is shown to be mostly on the one button and very little blood on the talk button at all don't laugh this ain't reality TV what does that mean exactly I've always wondered like on reality TV he would be free to laugh at his boss's failures what does reality TV have to do with this crime eating his laughing or the boss's anger at the laughter load it why does the head of the entire organization need to go to the drug Buy yeah he's crazy and yeah he's got a get-out-of-jail-free card being an informant for the FBI but still this is criminal empire 101 the boss doesn't go to the arrests of events the lead criminal car with Frank in it Hansie get away and the cops just open fire on everyone like that is not how copying works and if there were anywhere to go back there there'd be cops back there too and he'd have nowhere to run they're trying to arrest Frank Costello not kill him why isn't this whole place crawling with cops why don't they a thousand cops here and he goes undiscovered for a long time by anyone but Sullivan this is a lousy raid is what I'm saying for no good reason Sullivan answers dead Frank's phone and tells the girlfriend the Frank is dead for even less good reason this scene was included in the movie you know that guy yeah we were classmates in the Academy together yeah but weren't you there at the microprocessor operation when Sullivan said and the new guy Billy Costigan and you saw him on the video would that have occurred to you then I mean maybe you just thought he went bad or something but it's weird that you never brought it up to Sullivan I just want you to know I'll be recommending you for the medal of merit of all the Matt Damon's the absolute best is book artist Matt Damon here in the department and informant and the talented mr. Ripley both artists Matt Damon is the bee's knees I can't get into your file unless I have your password it's my name William Costigan jr. well having your name as your password is bad password strategy as I can attest due to the great dick-pic incident of 2006 but also does your password have spaces is it case sensitive is Junior spelled out or abbreviate it and if it's abbreviated doesn't have a period after it or not the point is that password could be keyed into the computer a ton of different ways there it is the duck Dale on below full of criminal names and Social Security numbers obviously it didn't help Sullivan find the rat and Costello's outfit but he just kept that out on the desk for several weeks after that okay maybe this is just me but if I just realize this guy was the mole I would take the envelope from the desk out to the cop bosses and Orkin from sullivan immediately with my proof that envelope is proof who but the mole would have it instead bill leaves and later ends up dead i'm saying this might have been a better scenario for him to fight instead of flight now sullivan sees that the envelope is askew god damn story-wise this is the envelope that keeps on giving hey so his address is Pickering Street and this movie has made a big deal about being able to see the gold dome of the Massachusetts Statehouse building but that is up on the northwest corner of Boston Common that's more than four miles away and the gold dome in this movie has been super close to Sullivan's apartment maybe he could see it the Pickering Street be strained or had binoculars but my point is that this address and/or the apartment view are a lie look at that gold dome is a well struck 3-wood away not for miles oh it came to me imagine that you Brett Costello trusted me more than anyone God knows why and I can't believe the lawyer would just hand over Costello's recordings to one of his crew seems like there are other avenues he could have used to get the information out just in case he died did you think you were the only one he had on the inside yeah but my question is why did you have information that Sullivan didn't did you know who he was even though he didn't know who you are and why are you even here did Anthony Anderson tell you to be here how did you expect that to go dude I have never understood why this lady pulls her dog away from Sullivan and the other lady and the elevator doesn't seem too pleased about his presence either did didn't come by and tell everyone he was a piece of before breaking into his apartment or did they already know he was a piece of I'm not sad he's dead he was but I am sad about the wasted take out this rat of overbearing symbolism can suck my testicles of overbearing semen also I swear to God that gold dome Statehouse gets closer every time we get a shot out this window sewer rat meat tastes like pumpkin pack but I never know cuz I would need to fill team up work hard you'll rise faster in the best possible position in the department let's go to work one day when they some of the kids from the neighborhood carried my mother's groceries all the way home you know why it was that a respect lady see the ring they know immediately you must have some cash and you must work I have been late you know big I know everything there is to know about my thickness 0.004 three inches weight about one gram which is interesting because that means that this 20 ml ml isn't even worth its own weight he's not including his regular guys but I'm gonna tell you something sooner ladies gonna find out who I am and he's gonna kill me all that was left than the votes will not bills they knew we were coming as soon as your office got involved in my office you're sitting down there with scum like warts and Ramirez and you're talking tell me who I didn't tell nobody huh tell me why Boggs didn't put anything and his mouth and neither did his friends what they did do is beat him within an inch of his life
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 1,514,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinemasins, cinema sins, everything wrong with, eww, everything wrong with the departed, eww the departed, cinemasins the departed, the departed, movie, movie review, the departed review, leonardo dicaprio, leonardo dicaprio the departed, matt damon, matt damon the departed, jack nicholson, boston, the departed full movie, review, departed, martin scorsese, mark wahlberg, cops, undercover cop, best picture oscar
Id: c2qpAsYPkb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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