Everything Wrong With The Creator in 21 Minutes or Less

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NADA was the original title but Studio pressure made you go with the far more generic and uninspiring the Creator look I get it but just be grateful they didn't insist on slapping a Star Wars story on the end of it too welcome to the future of robotic this Disney imagineers position narration also I think we should redefine imagination if we can't imagine a robot that has the [ __ ] vacuum cleaner built into them let them help you chores around the house I know we're doing an old history thing here but I ref used to believe this chunky monkey of a robot would be able to help you around the house without costing thousands of dollars in property damage we have given independent thought and Life to robots allowing them to join the American Workforce humans be like I grant you life now I'll get a job loser by scanning your own facial features we can give them to a fully robotic body making them more human than human yep totally indistinguishable from all those other humans you see with a giant hole in the side of their heads also did anyone ask the robots if they wanted to be the asro creep a demolition style hell American freak yeah H what kind of weak ass robot isn't absolutely dusting these fools you can tell me that your robots need a pressure suit but if you're not going to explain why it's getting a s nearly a million people incinerated in the blink of an eye by the artificial intelligence created to protect us I'm getting a strong suspicion that the 2020s will go down in cinema history as the decade of AI gone wrong movies yes it's topical for now but I'm curious how well they're all going to age and how much we're going to regret this trend when our real world a assimilates the genre to make sure they don't make the same mistakes as their fictional brethren for as long as AI is a threat we will never stop hunting them that's roboticist okay everyone our primary mission is to invade this beach from the sea and stealthily take out the AI scum um sir how are we going to do that with that giant light that's following us and Illuminating our arrival like why did we bother with all this black clothing expensive gear and swimming in that freezing water when we're lit up like aing Christmas tree also can you hear that thing it's so loud I don't understand how I said Ste Sergeant who told you our location I have no doubt that these AI soldiers punch like a truck but blunt force torture is a terrible way to get information out of someone why aren't we using AI for more creative torture methods like nail peeling emotional manipulation or projecting death on the Nile directly onto the victim's eyeballs nomad's coming this way oh my however did you guess I mean what gave it away it is so subtle and unnoticeable what the hell are you doing here you going to blow my cover not if you blow it first damn dude do you want to shout it any louder told me you out you promise I'm fairly confident that one day I will be replaced with an AI that will automatically skip all this emotional [ __ ] but until then I have a job to do skip I would have to do anything to hurt you you're all I have come on lady why don't you believe him nothing says true love like having no other options Available to You Sergeant Taylor please they stop him from pursuing Maya when later on Drew was going to tell us they had Intel saying that Maya is nada this makes no [ __ ] sense fire so we're going to straight up ignore how he went from being restrained by three soldiers to freely running through the beach then are we this is the first of many times the movie will show us Joshua and Maya being in love while not addressing the fact that they have vastly different AI ideologies both of them kept gigantic secrets from each other and as such likely know very little about each other eat sleep go to work repeat what is this edge of the Mondays we were married my me and my source I know deep cover is a thing but holy [ __ ] married the Army has some insanely unrealistic expectations for their Deep Cover operative or they're willfully ignoring the fact that he actually fell in love with this woman and might possibly have been emotionally compromised radiation levels are at an all time L all time implies that there's even less radiation now than before the nuke was dropped which perhaps suggests it was the people who were making La toxic and not the bomb discount Death Star trash compactor you're going to want to see this Sergeant you better come take AI look at this cliche also that doesn't mean you should disregard security clearance and show this Intel to everyone within eyesight of the pool our intelligence tells us that NAD has developed a super weapon called alphao making your super high-tech War ending weapon sound like a cereal it took nearly a decade to build Nomad so this is our last chance at winning a war but you managed to build Nomad when you were presumably at your most vulnerable right so if you could afford to take 10 years to build Nomad back then what's so bad about doing it again now especially since you apparently have the AI guys on the ropes I lost someone very near and dear to me I lost a child that night so I don't give a [ __ ] about becoming extinct we're not far from the beach so we should just stop here may Jesus guys did you maybe want to save us all some time and try opening with the much more compelling point that his ex-wife is alive instead of soft balling it at the last minute the resolution on this hologram sucks you recognize this location yes who could forget the trees in this small piece of nondescript Forest I was both my sons in this war one of them f for a simulant theer ins surgeon buddies took their sweet time killing him Colonel I do not think you should be in the field anymore please put the gun down along with your revenge boner and seek professional help for your understandable drama we won't play the song but in 2070 everything in its right place would be 70 years old now well I'm sure that it will continue to slap well on into the future this is the equivalent of present day soldiers getting pumped for an operation by listening to Shake Rattle and Roll by Big Joe Turner which also slaps mind you but if you're going to anacron IE correctly you got to go at least a hundred years into the past like Apocalypse Now did with Ride of the Valkyries and interestingly enough that would put the sweet spot for a war in 2070 in fortunate Sun territory which strangely aligns it with Forest C which starred Tom Hanks who was in Apollo 13 with Kevin Bacon seriously everyone it's like a big freaking flashlight I agree that the beauty of John David Washington and Mark maaga should never be hidden but why are they the only ones without helmets why not give them a helmet that shines a light directly in your eyes like this guy sure he can't see but at least our eyeballs are [Music] satisfied oh [ __ ] you the movie gives us no indication why Joshua would know to spin this Idol not impossible but I expect more out of my high concept sci-fi outings than this door of the Explorer convenien also if an idol is that much of a no-brainer then why the [ __ ] are they using it to hide the door switch to their super secret lab make it something the Army wouldn't look twice at like a plant pot rock or copy of the Geneva Convention which hatch is it Taylor if this dude gets me killed I'm going to be pissed no you won't you'll be dead security guards at top secret facility are obliviously feckless lazy ass snack eating [ __ ] at their job BMS cliche no one ever addresses how most of their gear looks awkward and cumbersome like this big freaking tank please make love to yourself and also make love to your mother I highly doubt she said please most of these lcks they through facial recognition guess I just need a face then huh that's what he just said you redundant [ __ ] also why aren't they just moving the whole fcking body Jesus man do you know how hard it is to cut a face off a human being at speed and keep it in a condition where facial recognition Tech will work on it for the record I don't know either but godamn I bet it's harder than just dragging his ass over there even though the Americans kill a bunch of police here we don't ever get any information on how the New Asia government feels about all this everybody else you're on me the script decides all these extras need to vacate the room so our protagonist can protagonize not having stairs right here what's that what is that [ __ ] they all saw her get hit and fall down right sure she got up and kept running but why didn't they check for a gunshot wound or something else that adrenaline allowed her to temporarily ignore what do they think she got hit with aing dodgeball ah sh we're doing chapters also kids get the hell out of here get out of my face weirdo okay the child might not be the weapon he was expecting but she was still locked behind a huge ass vault door in a secret lab so why is he giving up on his only clue to finding Maya where'd you see that conveniently drawing the one thing that would prevent you from being capped in the head right when you're about to get capped in the head tell don't worry I will kill the American conveniently getting a translation about you being capped in the head before the robot tries to cap you in the head why would the simulants have been programmed to spend their last seconds examining their own chest wound and pondering their imminent departure from this Mortal coil instead of you know using those last seconds to shoot the person who shot them also are we seriously saying that simulant AI has worse reflexes than a human if they can't take a bullet and they can't shoot faster than a human why the were we ever using them for combat it doesn't die it's off it just turned it off like the TV trying to make the TV feel better about the other TV Dying by explaining that you didn't technically kill the other TV because TVs aren't alive to begin with come on little s get in the car hey it'll be fun like cartoons I want to know what kind of up cartoons Joshua grew up with because my Saturday mornings were not filled with a soldier kidnapping a kid in an Old Farmer's truck and running away from an AI police force although now I kind of wish it had been de X why are the humans stronger than the AI robot what the hell is she why are people so mesmerized by a robot child it's like science fiction didn't exist in this reality and now we see how these Future Weapons can't penetrate a minivan slowing down and making a U-turn like a normal person would have cost no time that maneuver was completely unnecessary especially when McBride seemed to have plenty of time to slow down and deliver this attempt at humor earlier miss my turn we're the same we can't go to heaven cuz you're not good and I'm not a person this great line is beautifully delivered too bad it was spoiled in the trailer and three bad the connection between these two feels force is hell all the CG in this movie is so goddamn big they never want to show us what is in any of these gigantic structures A+ for making me curious D minus for the constant architectural edging it's for her [ __ ] it's for her [ __ ] also they chose a wedding ring as the tracker I was really optimistic of them to think Joshua is so Talent at seduction that he can just go around marrying whoever he wants and it fing works this might be the third or fourth s covering this but I really can't express how much everyone in this movie is under or misusing AI Josh and the child are finally discovered by this dude and he's not even a simulate how have they not been found 50 times over already every AI is a camera hell everything is a camera and if they're not being used that way because of some AI provacy law then it would be nice if the movie told us that we know nothing about how AI is used in this culture other than they aren't banned and they share faces around like it's Battle Star Galactica what do you want sweetie for robots to be free oh we don't have that in the fridge how about ice cream mirror reader. exe entering shutdown mode to much sudden misplaced Dr the position eventually she'll be able to control all technology remotely from anywhere this seems a bit like some all powerful being [ __ ] Overkill if your goal is simply to stop Nomad could have made a hackerbot but instead you went with Robo Jesus don't look at me she becomes the Jad and evil supreme ruler of an even more evil empire tell me about joshu ay he's funny we play a game called Savor friend Joshua from being killed by theing police Alfie steals so many scenes that it's a shame this actor didn't get more lines earlier on in the movie these drop ships are made from the kind of magical movie Tech that requires no obvious way of generating lift and we're just supposed to accept that they work because of some hidden science we can't see well not today Sam child is located on the 28 floor do the police not track these squad cars why are how and McBride just allowed to e drop with impunity and take it on aing road trip tell me your favorite which one do you want oh [ __ ] saying oh F instead of throwing the grenade away with your AI robot reflexes okay they may not be programmed with the same sense of self-preservation we have but surely they want to get the [ __ ] job done right and isn't that goal best served by taking cover and not getting shot in the face tracker s the Rings nearby it's your old house on the Beast Josh the Army didn't try looking there first okay so she ends up not being there at all but it's still weird that no one thought to check listen the night of the attack there were things you didn't know about okay things you don't want to know about and I won't tell them to you now so that I can reveal them with my dying breath later for maximum drama why is nada yep that's how we do it because we spent so much time with Drew that his death is super impactful they protected me love me took better care of me than humans would have Maya is a dick all of humanity you too Maya made the child wi the power to stop all weapons what about non- electric gun swords or a board with a nail in it hm we would never attack mankind well not never right might be in self-defense but you're still doing plenty of attacking I would have expected AI to have better aim I was going to say he needed that update like a hole in the head but since these guys actually do need that hole in their head and I have no idea what it does guess I'll just say duh she can stop it the range of world powers are still GR but if we can get her up there maybe she can destroy it so what we're talking about here is a fancy EMP right and if it's a matter of getting her up there or can't they just send a regular ass EMP device instead I know she has a wider mission to disarm the entire world but for now wouldn't a standard EMP bomb make more sense than creating an entirely new form of AI life our two species will live together in peace humans can't even live together in peace with other humans stop lying to these kids it has aing standby button these simulants are part of an underground resistance fighting for their lives and Mission one wasn't to find a fix around the [ __ ] standby button also I'm amazed the AI resistance has lasted this long one Lone Ranger has managed to walk his ass into their tent get next to one of their most important figures and steal their most advanced weapon Skynet invented time travel when it was on the ropes look I'm not here to judge but who the program these guys to get turned on by other naked AI like what function does that serve they possibly getting out that that they can't get from a neatly arranged toolbox I would like to know what having this device around their neck is doing for this person other than making them look futury if you're the American here why would you get out of this tank ever see it's cute because the monkey blew up the tank and you I know it's probably a marsupial leopard lemur or some that's not what I'm sing and you knew what iing meant detonation 100 m radius I would like to know what that means when it explodes it certainly doesn't blow up anything close to a 300t radius maybe when it gets 300 furlongs away from its starting location it blows up but at that point wouldn't you be better off with 300 leagues of drones go command confirmed goodbye Ma'am it's been a pleasure to serve you we're never told exactly how much Consciousness or sentience these little guys have but that was a very polite goodbye coupled with a sense of impending doom which means they at least have some level of intelligence all that to say we're looking at a version of America that's using an allegory for suicide bombing and I don't think the tin count on legs is giving that conceit the weight or acknowledgement it deserves also I know Boston Dynamics gets a lot of press for how awesome their running robots are but how is this any better than just firing aing rocket I feel like someone really just wanted to see a discount Wallace and gromet invention run down a bridge and up some discount Blade Runner replicants this guy misses this thing running straight at him and it's not moving side to side ducking or doing anything to avoid gunfire wait why the [ __ ] is it stopping kid didn't turn it off is it just stopping out of respect why does the walkie trash bomb know about the machini shutdown girl go get me the child copy that sure you got a sprinting bomb but you haven't got a bot that can go in and pick up a fing child also why the are you kidnapping the kid isn't the goal here to destroy the weapon why are you just firing everything at the bridge okay final thing about this scene I promise the timer on this guy starts at 60 seconds when the soldier activates it but it blows up after just 44 seconds and unless this second one has an inexplicably longer timer on it after 51 seconds it says that only 31 seconds have passed and right here where it says there are 18 seconds to go is when it should have blown up boom D I'm good can you feel that huh Can you feel it Captain compost we have to help her take her to nurata taking the injured kid to nurata totally makes sense what doesn't make sense is letting Joshua come along for the ride he has done nothing to prove that he is trustworthy or that the Americans still won't use him to get to Nada M up hop two on the ball lock a kick the tires light the fires Balls to the walls cliche there will never be another like her okay but why she made a new kind of life from your scan of a human embryo a copy of your child did it need to be his child or could he just come to recognize that robots are alive too and find Value in just caring for another life this arbitrary connection doesn't make this any more meaningful he's been carrying the ring he knows has a Tracker he won't factor into the movie at all but it's still dumb we both had our secrets but we were going to raise a child this is a terrible Love Story how long has she been like this 5 years yep Maya survived this well not entirely but definitely more than she had any right to and for considerably longer than you'd expect we simulant cannot harm n Mar goodbye mother I love you hold up a second dude just because they can't kill the life support doesn't mean they want you to do you maybe want to check in first before unhooking the Messiah of an entire culture again what did she think she got hit with do these grenades have the added feature of wiping their own impact from the memory of their victim we tried to terminate the weapon cleanly but she won't let us so either you help us or our other methods will be unimaginably painful but why the do the military care about how painful it is there's nothing to date that has shown me this military gives a [ __ ] about these AI or that they even believe the pain AI feel is anything more than programming designed to imitate pain movie should just call it what it is a [ __ ] excuse to give Joshua the opportunity to rescue Alfie sir we've decoded what Taylor said to the weapon not all standby so Joshua flipped the kid standby switch so that she'd be protected from the EMP PSE but why didn't the Army just do that they must know about the standby switch since theying put it there just put the kid on standby and then kill it or incinerated right this might be the most contrived and bullshitty Escape I've seen since fing Chicken Run I'd give all the sins back if Robert patson appeared out of this tunnel driving the Batmobile in Reverse shouting Batman I'm be careful I heard there's at least one Rogue there thought we wouldn't notice but we did one thing I'll give the movie is that between Nomad this Moon shuttle and all the architecture we see it's clear that an incredible amount of artistry and thought went into the production design of this movie and I wish we had more Blockbusters taking big sci-fi swings like this saying they're going to the moon and then just flying straight at the moon like that is how it is done is a big Fu you to orbital mechanics also why is the moon so freaking big when they are barely in Earth's upper atmosphere movie thinks it's Moon fall falling honestly don't think it wants that not let that thing get aboard NAD one option here would be shooting down the space plane yes yes I know civilian casualties but it's never brought up or even pointed out why it can't be done launching all AI patients before Nomad had to be above the targets now it's just shining its light all over the place our entire experience with no man has been it hovering ominously over a Target before it fires but now it can just fire at everything everywhere all at once why is it even bothering To Shine the Light anymore mov is really not going to talk about why this thing has a Farm Al you got to turn it off hurry Alfie now did Alfie stop it on the very last missile at the very last possible second of course she did previously in the movie this gadget has been used to give you a few seconds with a dead person but are we saying that if you get there quick enough you can download it and entire person's Consciousness I guess so but the movie never really explains what this is how it works or why every human hasn't already avatared themselves into a new body that doesn't age Joshua needs us actually he needed you to stoping around and head back to the ship so you both could get out of here alive instead he will die for the first time and Maya will die again and this will be treated as a better outcome than Joshua being able to raise the robot clone of his child it's wild to me that Nomad is allowed to roam around the planet and drop missiles wherever the it wants we know precious little about the makeup of the world but is America the only Global superpower because I can't imagine the Russians or basically anyone being okay with this so far every time we've seen Alfie interact with tech she's just touched it or looked at it and been able to hack it why the is she physically typing sh in to override this door wait how the [ __ ] is this new Asian News Channel getting hold of footage from the American military installation that is Nomad also double weight he's not dead yet missile connection lost missile connection lost the missiles conveniently forget where they're going and how to missile as soon as no at is destroyed why is she suddenly unable to use her powers to open the door oh never [ __ ] mind you're determined to kill off Joshua and I don't think you actually care about me sending the fact that it's cliche and unnecessary I want go I want pleas God damn this kid can act hey they're ripping off the Kirk death scene from Into Darkness fire Joshua oh all the way off with this convenient nonsense I guess in this timeline all those old school classroom projectors that became Obsolete and the alts finally found a new [Music] home yay Nomad is dead and the kid survives but aren't they still on the back foot won't America just build a new Nomad or an even bigger Death Star rebel I mean they still seem to be the only unified military power with the ability to oh we're cutting to Black well sh guess that's our happy ending I mean you got to applaud the movie for knowing wind to oh sh you know something like this could replace [Music] humans our mission is to find the weapon designated Alpha o o o o you know what I'm talking about please make love to yourself and also make love to your mother you got to ask me nicely this is the police you are under arrest put down your oh my God the quarterback is toast shot me in the ass man the whole war is in the balance was the weapon terminated you are and always have been penis cancer in human form tell me about joshu ay hey what's up mother how Maya made the child with the power to stop all weapons bab with the power that day for no particular reason I decided to go for a little run I'm fast as boy I don't think you have any idea how fast I really am your orders are to hack everything and find their remaining bases hack the plan hello Peter it's okay I have been and always shall be your friend
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 174,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wave jockey job, cinemasins, cinema sins, everything wrong with, eww, movie, review, movie review, the creator, science fiction, sci-fi, creator
Id: 6O0WXC3A0J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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