THE DEPARTED (2006) - Strength of Street Knowledge

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audiences love gangster films we love them to death literally we love violence we love seeing over-the-top characters and Lifestyles because we would never do what we see in the movies in real life and if at the end of the story there is a message of don't do this the public still comes back for more and why is that what draws Us in the same thing that Drew in little Colin Sullivan in my favorite Scorsese film The Departed power Costello bought his loyalty with Colin stacking groceries and comic books because his family couldn't afford the excess that Costello flashes in front of our eyes then Costello says something important to the young child something that Scorsese wants to drill home to the audience you do good in school yeah that's good I did too they call that a paradox [Music] [Applause] [Music] Marty says several things I believe about education selflessness Prejudice and repentance through Catholic representation and actions in his 2006 gangster detective flick the film starts off with a montage of the 70s Boston bus to segregation I put Hate in Your Heart combining imagery of schooling and racism throughout the film Scorsese will remind the audience that these two go hand in hand that education is the key to resolving problems like this The Departed has many instances of prejudices and multiple culture clashes the Irish versus the Italians not cry over spill guineas snide remarks about other races such as African Americans or Hispanics think they know everything if they knew [ __ ] they wouldn't eat Puerto Ricans no Ticky no laundry put it this way you're a black guy in Boston you don't need any help from me to be completely [ __ ] showing nobody really accepts one another [Music] and it's true everyone truly hates everyone and this does not apply just to ethnicities cops hate criminals criminals hate criminals what oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] out of here cops hate firefighters [ __ ] you cops hate cops yeah actually it's my crime scene but knock yourself up department heads hate department heads unfortunately this [ __ ] has more [ __ ] leaks than the Iraqi Navy and cops hate real estate agents yeah just give me the papers sure but then again I guess we all do the Departed also features class Warfare it's displayed in the subtle items such as a secretary's preference of one man's career over another you can go in there now or in the ideologies of the characters Billy who's trying to escape his low-class lifestyle is trying to gain the respect of his community two pills Billy connotes that anyone who is low on the totem pole is stupid whatever may be going on in that very [ __ ] poor very limited brain of yours us I am not gonna hurt you he does not want to be grouped with these lesser than viewed people in society and wants to escape what I want however upper class doesn't necessitate that you have high class as Madeline a person in power being a psychiatrist cheats on her boyfriend with Billy and she isn't a particularly quality human being what would you do if he was standing right there and he saw us I would lie Colin a state police detective lives in a penthouse yet is a rat working secretly for the mob and sometimes the low totem pole people have more class than the suits Billy comments on how lovely Madeline's family photos are giving her validation she sought when her real boyfriend hated them and did not want them displayed at their new apartment all right we're not having this oh what there are two symbols of upper class and lower class in the film in the forms of rats and the Beacon Hill Francis even combines the two in a drawing and is seen before meeting Billy to ask him if he's the rat and we see the two together in the final shot the beacon gold Tower is a symbol of status and how do you get status identity is what one of the main players Irish racist gangster Francis Frank Costello is obsessed with I don't want to be a product of my environment I want my environment to be a product of me Costello's ideology is based on two factors the significance of schooling and selfishness he uses an analogy of the Catholic church and how serving for God is selfless but that's not his way of going about things you go for that sort of thing I don't know what to do for you a man makes his own way no one gives it to you have to take it being a non-conformist and a man going his own way is the only path to walk for Costello in the modern day era of crime gangs have this exact Mo as Francis they take in young boys off the street flash how great their lifestyle is stop making another with me cousin and make them kill or work at an early age to break them in and mold them into what they need them to be soldiers he gets found in the dumpster you know that dirt ball started his life salty projects what was his name The Departed miles kennethick I was at a funeral myself doing school this young guy you know it's terrible it's a shame costell lures in a young man like Billy by first sending a note at his mom's funeral then gets around to seeing him I look at you and I think what could I use you for Billy is Costello's prey your old man was a [ __ ] hub from Southie baggage handle at the airport I know your father as a man could have been anything are you trying to say that he was nothing saying he worked at the airport as was Colin forget it your father was a janitor his son's only a cop he chooses guys like this because they're easy targets they are easy targets because of the father complex the father complex is a term coined by psychologist Carl Jung stylized nowadays as Daddy Issues the father complex is a group of unconscious associations or impulses from an individual's relationship with their father either negatively or positively and in The Departed it's negatively Costello recruits Colin and Billy on the fact that he can provide what their real fathers cannot identity this is backed up by the Quick Trip Queen has for Frank about how much his mom loved him but his father did not my mother called me Francis I know she did and your father called you the tumor Costello is a father figure in his own eyes to Colin you're like uh like a son to you is that what this is about all that murdering and [ __ ] and no Sons and to Billy who is an interesting character in private with his superiors he quotes classical literature families are always Rising a fallen in America am I right who said that Hawthorne and is touted for his intelligence by his Future boss you have 1400 on your SATs kid you're an astronaut not a stadie a 1400 SAT score in 2006 would be in the 93rd percentile under the 1600 scale but Billy puts on a Persona that he's dumbed Costello that swerves him yeah sure is the president before Lincoln he continues to mask himself under the lore of his family known for not being too smart hey you Billy cost again yeah who wants to know one up I know Sean cost again down on L Street that's my cousin connected not too bright and I know I mean no offense but why would a potential astronaut choose a job so dangerous he's trying to find his place in society look I just want my identity back all right that's all all right I understand you want to be a cop again I don't know being a cop's not an identity I want my identity back he's going through a crisis where his mom just passed and his dad has been dead for some time well you're trying to prove something to the family his uncle Jackie was murdered for a living a gangster lifestyle but had the respect of the other local mafiosos Uncle Jackie better Jackie was all right Uncle Jackie was excellent however his cousin Sean is known as a [ __ ] therefore Francis and Frenchie have his qualms about joining their crew I know your family you make one more drug deal with that idiot [ __ ] cup magnet of a cousin of yours and I'll forget your grandmother was so nice to me I'll cut your [ __ ] nuts Billy in the end got what he wanted being recognized by the community for his efforts for the State Police Department I just I can't get into your file unless I have your password it's my name William Costigan Jr Albert not in the way he probably prefer so how Costello fathers his kids is stressing schooling because there's a link between education and intelligence and how upbringing shapes them both a theme not present in the original version of the story infernal affairs college graduates earn a million dollars more lifetime than non-college graduates that's my son Patrick goes to Notre Dame and not just Costello stresses the importance of catechism and capital make more [ __ ] money this is America you don't make money you're a [ __ ] douchebag now what you're gonna do ghanian Diplomat Kofi Annan once said education is a human right with immense power to transform on its foundation rest the cornerstones of Freedom democracy and sustainable human development Billy did not graduate the police academy but Colin did and he's obsessed with his job and his job progress blow me all right not literally though unfortunately there's no promotion involved for you he's a protege of Costello for sure if you couldn't you would have but I guess you like to go at your own pace being adamant and in control of every aspect of his life I'll stab someone in the heart with a [ __ ] ice pick if I catch me dinner with you but having an education isn't synonymous with instincts the camera Tech will act smarts even though he's in a high profile career this is unbelievable who put the [ __ ] cameras in this place oh who the [ __ ] are you I'm the guy who does his job he must be the other guy whilst displaying how powerful schooling can be Score says he wants to educate us on another transforming aspect of one's potential in The Departed Christian imagery is used and Marty shows us how it pertains to each individual's downfall for one the lord's name in vain is used heavily by characters that either perish or get burned in some form my job up to your goddamn standards eat some Christ's sake oh my God is that French out there when Billy's in the bank robber's house to interrogate him he uses a framed image of Jesus indicating the Sacred Heart if you are unfamiliar with this image it is a representation of the love and long-suffering compassion of mankind from Jesus Christ there are wounds and Thorns depicted on it to elude to the manner of Jesus's death as well as flames to represent the power of his love Saint Bonaventure even wrote who is there who would not loved this Wounded Heart who would not love him in return him who loves so much this image is usually depicted in Roman Catholic homes and Billy obviously in a house using the image as a prop is hurting a believer in Christ or so we think a Believer is Scorsese saying to not harm fellow Christians and or is he saying to cherish the image of the Sacred Heart Ezekiel 36 26 says I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you I will remove from you Your Heart of Stone and give you a heart of Flesh this new heart is a new outlook of Life filled with purpose a gift from God of his love it's ironic that a story of Saint legarde a contemporary of Saint Francis a shared name of a character in the film met Christ in a visitation Jesus gave her knowledge as a gift so she could sing God's Praises but she felt empty and returned to Jesus asking for his heart instead Christ reached into her and removed her heart and replaced it with his own radiant with love heavy lies the crown Francis Costello has similarities to the saint of Desales Saint Francis enjoyed a privileged education had a father that did not approve of his decisions and escaped death several times but Francis Costello is no saint Costello himself has a God complex in his community a God complex is constant feelings of privilege or personal abilities according to Harold Kaplan a person with a God complex speaks of their personal opinions as if they were unquestionably correct this is even affirmed in the lore of the World by Billy's cousin Sean says him says Costello God says as far as yours Costello's demise might be foretold due to this complex may I remind you in this archdiocese God don't run the bingo and hating on the house of the Lord he uses the church analogy in the beginning says he had a prior sexual relationship with a sister before she went into The Sisterhood how's Sister Mary Teresa doing had a tasty relationship before she took her vows then calls priests a few Choice words what have you got to confess to that Anointed patternist The confessional seal these days makes sense that scorsese's devout Catholic upbringing has Costello killed in the end for taunting the Lord may I remind you that pride comes before the fall queen in however is a paradox he's a good Christian from the information relayed in the film can I ask a question why the [ __ ] are we following Captain Queen and find out about the good Catholic life and he even has a crucifix in his office his full name is Oliver Charles queenan Oliver is a Biblical olive tree that symbolizes fruitfulness dignity and Beauty extending an olive branch signifies an offer of peace according to she knows Charles means army or warrior in the 1600s the ruler of England Scotland and Ireland King Charles the Martyr was put on trial for attempting to govern as an absolute monarch rather than Reign together with Parliament and The Departed Queen won't share his informant information with the special investigations unit King Charles the Martyr was executed quinine was thrown off a building and murdered but why would queenan get killed when he was a good Catholic boy let's synthesize everything I brought up and see how it all relates to each character and why each one survives or not our protagonist Billy as much as we root him on and as intelligent as we thought he was was stupid and did stupid things like not putting the citizens envelope in the exact spot where he found it tipping off Colin to discover Billy's Discovery if he only listened to Costello did you ever think about going back to school all due respect Mr Costello school is out maybe someday you'll wake the [ __ ] up and if he only listened to Scorsese Billy did not have the higher education like his comrades and his Downfall with not having the foresight of arresting Sullivan and expecting him to be the only rat queenan had the education to land the role he's at in the Boston Police Department however his instincts got him killed because he didn't think he was being tailed when he was setting himself up for his own demise scorsese's message here is a throwback earlier in the film with the priest's advice to Costello that pride comes before the fall Sullivan had the education of the police academy and the smarts to outwit and survive for as long as he did and as dumb as he was to accept the role in the mob as a mole inside the police force he had the opportunity to leave and was thinking about becoming a lawyer if I did it full-time Law School I'd be throwing a year but instead he stayed around and Karma came to collect in the form of the smartest and most instinctual character in the film dignam Mark Wahlberg's character survives them all because he has every aspect the education to get the higher ranking job with queenan and the instincts that the rat would be Sullivan problem yeah I got a problem I run red fox like you okay I don't like them he has the ability to see through everyone I know what you are okay I know what you are and I know what you're not I'm the best friend you have on the face of this Earth and I'm going to help you understand something you punk you know [ __ ] caught if Billy listened to dingham he'd still be alive the film posed a question in the beginning when you're facing a loaded gun what's the difference the answer is Street smarts dignam is Billy if Billy had the impulses they knew you had cameras in the building they knew everything all right there was a leap from the inside man smoke him out yeah how do we do that Mr [ __ ] Genius who didn't even graduate from the academy that's why dignam not Billy is the one that survives and takes down Sullivan even though Billy's intuition was correct about Francis being an informant something's wrong I'm telling you something's wrong he just wasn't smart enough to figure it out and or get out of this situation it's all paradoxical you don't have to be a somebody to have an identity you don't have to have the higher education to be intelligent and you don't have to be high class to live high class perfectly Illustrated in the symbolism and the final moments the symbolism of bullets spreading from the opening Academy montage is about spreading hate when a hollow point actually hits the skull what happens is it mushrooms and what if mushrooms it peels back so you may have six eight ten little particles maybe we won't hate one another if we learn and educate we can learn to love especially followers of Christ and people who are fatherless so they go to their real father God the Creator and not some gangster with a God complex because if you selfishly do you'll end up dead on the floor next to a bag full of groceries schools have [Music] thank you for watching another episode of Cinema series I'm your host Matthew if you can follow me on social wait a minute I forgot to say writer producer an editor oh wait I just did all right so that might have been scripted anyway you can follow me on social media at Michael manman uh or you can look at my name on Facebook Twitter and Instagram to like talk to me if you want to do that or just follow my latest life feelings um thank you so much I can't believe I plugged this last time and it worked Alex Ross donated a PayPal tip jar link is in the description and something super awesome and super new besides the Amazon store you can buy equipment I use like this microphone and the microphone stand um pretty much everything mouse keyboard camera tripod everything I use or I purchase like toys review available on my Amazon store but something super cool is the merch store I have two designs a Dilophosaurus and another darn Shore and I hope to do more dinosaurs and like more like just designs of animals to show love and appreciation to them because I really love them I'm a huge animal lover and obviously a dinosaur fanatic so um you can buy anything by leggings you can buy T-shirts so I bought an iPhone case some show it off right now on Instagram is very cool it's the first purchase from my store so uh shout out to you my friend thank you so much for supporting me I made a whole quarter legit the margin is a quarter um if you buy a t-shirt it's like four bucks if you buy a hoodie I think it's like seven or eight bucks profit for me um it's really not that high and I want to keep the prices low I could have charged like a lot more but I want to keep the prices low to keep like the items affordable for people so uh yeah something super super cool um there's free stuff to to support me like liking the video that helps subscribing that helps but the most important thing is uh share this link with a friend and just share the love of Marty Scorsese and this is my favorite film I love Marty and I think the message he had for this film was the importance education and how like love can win out and defeat things like racism so I really enjoyed the depart it is my favorite film like I said in the vid and uh I hope it's one of your favorites too that you enjoyed the vids and I hope that you can share it with a friend that they love it too so thank you very much for watching I hope you have a great rest of your day bye End of Line good luck and congratulations on choosing great to have the American ambassador expelled after the incident U.S state Department responded quickly with the new announcement of the ambassador of the immediate voluntary report
Channel: Matthew Danczak
Views: 632,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the departed, analysis, psycho analysis, the departed analysis, movie, film, review, departed 2006, the departed 2006, martin scorsese, catholic, departed analysis
Id: ZlBm9yVNK5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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