Everything Wrong With The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It In 22 Minutes Or Less

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All of these Conjuring and Annabelle and spinoff movies have all mixed into a blob of film for me. You can splice in scenes from other entries in this "franchise" and I wouldn't even notice.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/ROBOT_B9 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 12 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Iā€™m not ashamed to say the conjuring movies are a guilty pleasure.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Kal_Kestis šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 12 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
40 seconds of logos horror movie opens up at night outside of a house cliche reading brave doesn't mean you're not scared it means you are scared but you hang in there i know he's probably just trying to make david feel better about all this but what choice does this kid have but to hang in there this kid's possessed by a demon not trying gas station sushi i won't let anything happen to you unkeepable promises when your homage to the exorcist just makes me want to watch that movie instead homage fails if ed and lorraine are there and a priest is on his way then clearly david's parents believe some crazy is going on with their kid so why would they leave him alone at any point during this are they under the impression that the demon will only with david if there's an audience present getting in the bathtub to protect yourself from a demon demon's fingers just so happen to look exactly like the shower ring so that this scene can happen what's happening buddy are you okay could you turn on a light okay let's get him down to the car we'll drive him to the church if the plan was always to do this at the church then why didn't they meet the father at the church i don't understand is the demon inside the kid or is it chasing the kid and swiping at the walls blindly or is the demon inside the kid and peeking out to make these claw marks a few minutes later it picks up a whole kitchen far away from david's body so i'm going to chalk this up as a really cool effect that makes no goddamn sense you really shouldn't have let us take a look at this book movie stuff written here is about electing an abbott and blessing and abbott it has jack to do with an exorcism put on the full armor of god that he may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil does lorraine like the exorcist relief pitcher or something it's 1981 so is she like the rally fingers of exorcism it's not working yeah but how do you know are you supposed to see a gradual improvement when someone gets an exorcism does the demon start bleeping swear words david survives this also what's amazing about this scene is that the director didn't tell any of the cast that the actor playing david was going to do this so their reactions are real leave him alone why wasn't arnie already aware he shouldn't do this did ed just skip over the don't talk to the demon portion of the pre-exorcism demonstration leave them alone and take me either this works or already take your pick also the demon takes over arnie now but decides to hold off doing any more damage for almost another month but why is there any reason can't still go down tonight in a different vessel every single one of these movies claims this is the most sinister discovery or most evil demon that the warrens have ever encountered we're going to put a stent into his artery uh if it's 1981 you're not while stints were patented as early as 1972 they weren't being used on the regular inhumans until the late 80s ed would be getting major open heart bypass surgery but that would put him down for the count for the rest of the movie so convenient time traveling step use is convenient and now with david's out of the woods maybe we should put all this behind us and get out of this place arnie still wants to be involved with debbie's family after all that demon possession went down the previous night that's called a red flag debbie this is some more demon prankery bullsh and i'm having a super hard time figuring out how the demoning works in this movie if they're possessing a body then why all the extracurricular away from the body and the best you can do is push cereal choosing to touch whatever this is occultist shows up to scare ernie and then leaves like a dick did i ever tell you the story of how we met skip the three musketeers starring gene kelly and lana turner was released in 1948 ed and lorraine warren in real life were married in 1945 and would not have just started dating as this flashback shows yes this is a movie and that was real life but we're still awesome i went out with my girlfriends and and he was an usher at the movie theater that we went to falling in love with an usher at a movie theater afterwards we went out for ice cream i know i said skip and i meant it but the sin counter told me you have to come take a look at this and i complied like an but this isn't a good how i met your mother's story at all he was an usher and then we went to get ice cream leaves out a lot of detail it's the yada yada of the conjuring universe so i'll eventually find out that this woman is a satanist cursing everyone does that mean she's actually there spying on arnie or can she just project herself wherever she wants to go and why would she even need to do that he's already been cursed and or possessed so what is her with him accomplishing the end goal is going to be the same regardless right isn't she just giving people an even better chance of catching her by pulling this minor league poltergeist the satanist who is doing this needs arnie to complete an extremely vague plan something about giving a demon a soul in exchange for money i have no idea but whatever the case may be she could have killed arnie by turning on this chainsaw unexpectedly and her plan would have been wrecked if that happened yukon it's fine it's over david is safe the demon is gone how does lorraine not know what's going on from the other two movies and even later in this film when she helps the detective in danvers we see how easily lorraine picks up on the presence of evil even with her concern over edge he still should have felt the demon's presence wasn't totally gone after it left david we wouldn't dare play the music but anyone who plays their stereo this loudly and is this obnoxious deserves a sin my name is lorraine warren i know how this is gonna sound but there's gonna be a tragedy at the brookfield boarding kennel why doesn't she just lie and say i'm hearing screaming coming from the kennels and i'm worried about it rather than trying to convince someone over the phone that she has psychic powers is she worried about lying is god going to prevent her from going to heaven if she lies about this also the reign is insanely perfect timing on the matter did the satanists purposely wait for ed to wake up before igniting arnie it's hilarious to me that this demon is making arnie see things that aren't there so that he'll be adequately motivated to murder the kennel manager here in a minute it didn't seem like david had much of a problem going right after his dad for no reason earlier barney looks like a ghoul and it will be revealed shortly that he has blood everywhere on him but this cop drives past him then makes a u-turn as if he didn't see all that blood until the movie tells the audience that it's there these religious objects would have been enough to provoke an inhuman spirit if there was one present fact that he can read from the bible just seals it so why did you let this guy read for so long if all these things would have provoked the inhuman spirit as quickly as you expected i just feel like a time traveling subplot must have been left on the cutting room floor because that is the only explanation for how this 2004 copy of jonathan strange and mr norrell wound up in a film that takes place in 1981. the court accepts the existence of god every time a witness swears to tell the truth i think it's about time they accept the existence of the devil but there's nothing stating the court doesn't accept the existence of the devil it might just not accept that the devil made a kid commit a brutal murder the two things are not mutually exclusive introduce you to annabelle all right show me what you got i'm sure this played well in theaters when everyone saw this poor lawyer's face they introduced her to annabelle holy sh but are you really trying to tell me that they were able to wake up annabelle to do some creepy while she was there did they let her out did the lawyer sleep over while annabelle did her thing were the warrens pointing and laughing at her while they unleash the most evil thing in their christian home wow it took 30 minutes but family moving into a new house before the horror starts cliche is in full effect you know you're supposed to do this when you get married and you're definitely not supposed to do this when it's your girlfriend's parents house what's next arnie you want to ask mr and mrs glatzel if they want you and debbie to christen the bedroom for them arnie didn't need a demon inside him to get creepy he was doing just fine on his own this water bed's on for some time not only that this is being told through a recording the warren's mate which means david probably said i jumped up and down on the water bed and an arm grabbed me and then he moved on to the next part of the story it took him 10 seconds to do what this movie does in three minutes how scary could this demon possibly be if it can't keep a grip on a kid's wrist conway let me handle this you're gonna ruin your dress if you go in there what the was that line of dialogue about this is a woman who has fought off all the demons and ghosts and ed is concerned she might get in a tip because a little dirt gets on her clothing get the out of here with this nonsense so um the guest room's about 15 feet into the right because you better believe in the five months i was here and my brother was possessed by a demon i spent a lot of time in this cellar and always carried around a tape measure why are rats attracted to the evil witch totem lying beneath this house do they think it's food are rats inherently evil this is like 2001 where we'll see the rats learn how to use bones as weapons and before you know it we're launching space shuttles to jupiter lorraine takes three pictures from the exact same angle and pretends like that's a comprehensive way to document it we've heard of satanic rituals like this a demon is summoned the possessed individual takes a life and the demon departs no you haven't you spent this whole movie dumbfounded that you didn't know what the was going on wouldn't this have been one of the first things to pop in your head if it was so common there might be someone else we can ask about this and he might end up being directly involved with the witch's backstory because convenience the why is irrelevant but i mean it really shouldn't be this movie sets up a central mystery that ends up having no answer of consequence it's just witches and chaos and which is fine but why set up a mystery at all if you're not going to give us an answer i don't want to go down there woman who supposedly has taken on hundreds of demons and has a goddamn museum of evil stored in her house doesn't want to go down there because i guess this is a new level of evil i collected this when i was studying the disciples of the ram castner has his own ed lorraine warren artifact room were these just common additions to houses throughout the 70s we should burn all this says the woman who has the exact same closet full of satan that this guy does a few days after the disciples were all found guilty his baby was born six weeks early with its heart outside of its body but nothing happened to the jurors and not the judge either or any of the detectives they just targeted the prosecutor's baby and his wife makes sense 45 minutes in and we're still at demons moving mop buckets we should at least be up to chair stacking by this point why is the demon continuing to demon aren't they supposed to leave and never come back especially since ed warren was so sure about how this worked if the purpose of the possession is to kill someone that task has been accomplished and there should be no more demons messing with ernie at this point color me your color darlene i know who you are man this is a detailed curse the demon even remembers the song that was unintentionally playing when it decided to have arnie get all knife happy i'm sure blondie is very proud i'm really beginning to think that the demon rules are being twisted so that the movie can have more jump scares and this just grabs a hold of discount lucas hedges and leaves hell demons what's the point do we really need a shot of the mailbox to establish where we are a shot of ed and lorraine in their house would work just as well but glad the mailbox painter got to show off his expertise that day hey guys oh don't be silly lorraine you might brush your robe up against this pile of hooks one of these is a knife used on katie lincoln the others just pull from the evidence locker you have a 33 chance of randomly picking the right one but i figured i'd base the entire test on this game and despite the fact that i acknowledge this later cinemasins is going to send this anyway if you know anything about this case you'd be able to pick the correct knife based on the date written on the tags of each of these bags the one lorraine pushes forward comes from 1981 the one on the far right has the year of 1979 and while i can't be 100 certain about this middle knife it looks like the year ends in zero and definitely not one between this and army of the dead we are two films into 2021's suspicious minds plays while characters are driving a car cliche granted there's no oral sex being performed this time around but they can't all be winners you missed a turn funny halloween psychic powers are on full blast now when they haven't been for the entire movie feels like the superpower could have been handy earlier in the movie but oh well david is totally interested in watching arnie and debbie's hands in this shot and totally not interested in the next shot and something terrible happened here no lady this is a previous crime scene and we were all aware of this lorraine warren is as useful to crime scenes as dan smithson was in species dan smithson so this happens and it leads to lorraine's vision of the two girls running around the tree and laughing the delightful jump scare to be true but what the were they doing where a hand had to reach around the other side of the tree if they were kissing it's fine you can tell me but usually you grab your partner's head not a fistful of bark at least not in 1981. i got you something they were selling them at the may festival this year katie and jessica were screwed regardless either one of them gets possessed and one of them gets murdered or one of them becomes the may queen i've seen midsummer and i kind of feel like door number one would be the better outcome definitely a less bear suit if you take that door if jessica was cursed she certainly seemed happy back then we've seen how the demons have affected david and arnie and they didn't look like they were ready to frolic in the woods and handing out bracelets veer for amiga's audition tape for bates motel somehow made its way into this movie if lorraine is so into character when she's doing some deep psychic stuff why was she able to keep herself from jumping into the river just like jessica did hell it's so dark out here it's a miracle she stopped herself the is this demon even doing here we find out later that lorraine needs to touch the dead girl to even get a connection with the satanist and the satanist hasn't sent them the cursed flowers yet so this is some unbelievable even for a movie with demons in it ed who's got a bad leg and has to catch lorraine in midair while a demon drags her off the rock still has enough power to make that happen you know we dragged this basin twice thank god they didn't find her body earlier huh or else lorraine and ed wouldn't have had anything to trade and they wouldn't have gotten this case foul to help them with arnie's very legal and very cool not guilty by reason of possession plea barney needs to be put on a 24-hour suicide watch how can this demon manipulate a phone call between debbie and ed when it hasn't even connected with these two yet ed doesn't get cursed until he goes back home this demon could interrupt phone calls why didn't it do so when the glatzels called the warrens and a priest to help them out with their son god gives everyone the right to defend themselves contraband believe it or not didn't you have a good rapport with a detective who knows lorraine has psychic powers why couldn't you give him a call before breaking into the more also breaking into the morgue basically shows how worthless that case file was what were they expecting to find in it that would have been good for arnie's case even if there were multiple stories about jessica looking possessed it wouldn't have helped basically the warrens got a huge lucky break that the body hadn't been found and that lorraine convinced them to drag the river again the lights near work on a timer so of course ed turns it to about 15 minutes so that some scary can happen when the time runs out yet again the sound of a train is going to help the good guys find the bad guys you know bad guys need to set up their headquarters in places nowhere near a terrain so that they can get away with more see even lorraine warren gets disgusted by over candling she's reaching out to arnie you mean at the exact time you used your powers to find the satanist hideout that's some crazy ass luck she could have done this way earlier but she kindly waited until you could do something to stop it that sounds neat and all but is the satanist performing what you would call a black sabbath what the does that even mean aside from a baba movie and some classic rock and roll by the blood of calvary i command that somehow this immediately works even though we've seen the warrens yell all sorts of things in the past and it didn't do jack [Music] the connection works both ways how does lorraine not already know this is possible they've dealt with all sorts of supernatural beings surely this isn't the first time someone being able to communicate with them has come up the satanist now counterpunches by manipulating a different corpse inside the morgue using the two-way psychic connection that lorraine mentioned but if the connection is through jessica then how is she controlling an entirely different dead body thought she could only control the ones she marked or cursed i got the case filed there's got to be something here that connects these girls back to him i got something to show you too this case file is worthless they keep bringing it up but then get distracted immediately because the case file is worthless dog it's about as useful as a dick on a rainbow i think that's how the saying goes but this part looks like aramaic key to stopping satan is written in several different languages so the dead can't translate the important part because of course it is whenever i discover a cure for cancer i'm going to type important sentences by letting my cat randomly walk back and forth on my keyboard so the doctors will have to guess what i mean by five hits once started the curse must be completed her soul depends on it why didn't she just complete the curse sooner and why wasn't it complete before didn't she get a murder out of it why was her work not finished after that wait why did that work ed's clearly curse now and nobody's been able to snap people out of it once they become murderous but apparently all you have to do is shout someone's name and grab their arm and it's all good too bad debbie didn't do the same with arnie when he killed the kennel guy ed what the hell is going on help me find it great time to play the pronoun game when you need someone to help find the satanic totem they just arrived yesterday while you guys were driving home then why didn't it curse drew instead of it and why did it curse ed specifically has he even been in this office since he got back if you're telling me that david got cursed because he was jumping on a waterbed directly above the totem then drew should have been cursed to susie accepted this vase full of flowers right how did she get that large of an item in a vase with that small of an entryway she would have had to build the vase around it the satanist's power is strongest at night and humans only use 10 of their brain this woman lives in the area finally ed andrew finds something in the case file that's worth a damn they find out that jessica received her totem at college which is close to the other totem places they can now triangulate where the satanist is working because she's lazy and did everything local but here's the thing the whole reason they wanted the case file is because they think it'll help arnie in court later how does finding a satanist home proved that she sent totems and the totems do exactly what the warrens claim then it can't be either of these two the commuter lines don't run that late so larry how are you to get the warrants to where they can find this mysterious cursing lady well hank i was thinking we just created all this trained knowledge for drew to have brilliantly that's why they pay you the big bucks the conjuring the devil made me do it follows the tried and true law and order method of if you've seen this before and other things then he's 100 the killer or closely involved it's the curse i do my best translating by fireplace light i don't believe in electricity the curse needs three victims to be complete the child the lover and the man of god this translation throws a godzilla sized monkey wrench into the whole movie because who's supposed to be the child well the child was supposed to be david right but once arnie told the demon to take him instead then there was no demon inside a child anymore no big whoop i suppose because arne could be the lover and that works too but then we have to decide what jessica is in this scenario she's not a child could be the lover but now you have two lovers and no child and your very specific curse can't work anymore lorraine had trepidations of walking down here earlier now that it's good and dark and the comment was made about how satan's worked better at night she's like the church couldn't now so i raised her here in secret that must have been awkward when you went to your parish and had to leave your baby for hours or doing all that specialty work out the field investigating satanists and it's just firing seriously you know there are actual curses taking place and people being possessed and murdered all over the goddamn place but you're gonna throw that belief out the window and the lights flicker it could just be the wiring but why take your chance father this is your goddamn job now i know the real reason she's here there are tunnels under this land i always go back to this truth satan must be shopping i mean tunneling also this still doesn't explain why castner's daughter is specifically targeting these people i guess she could be going after the warrens to get them out of the way but what about jessica and the glasses and yeah yeah we already seen the about why being irrelevant but ed and drew found a link to all the victims living in the same area she's here weird since arnie just told debbie and the priest that she was close back at the hospital she can't be everywhere mummy but maybe he means the demon the problem with this movie is you never know if it's the satanist or if it's the demon the satanist is trying to call it's all kinds of horse i failed it's about please god don't let me fail i know she deals in devil worship and all that but she's human how does she have the ability to hayden christensen over here sure this satan worshiping asshat can perform jumper tricks when it comes to killing her dad but when it comes to attacking lorraine she turns to walking slowly as her strategy open your eyes and look at me why can't lorraine yell out something about and this eye of an eagle or by the beard of domestically my vagina is strong and get out of this pretty easily something something the lord must not be mindful of our sins or some it loses something in the google i'm sure but how is this supposed to work on curses if there's a common book any priest can get his hands on to latin away curses i'll once again ask why adam lorraine didn't diagnose it sooner evil ed 2 ed by dawn if you didn't know this was ed and lorraine you could sneak the scene at the titanic and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference now open your eyes so that power of love nonsense worked after all this movie is like interstellar and back to the future with none of the time trouble as this satanic walks towards ed and lorraine i'm wondering why wasn't she at the altar before ed smashed it she's done all her from there but when ed comes in with a huge sledgehammer she's conspicuously absent don't tell me she was busy possessing arnie because this movie has been very inconsistent about how any of this works the conjuring universe has come up with some pretty scary and classic adversaries annabelle the nun the crooked man the occultist who looks about as scary as a pissed off schoolteacher will not be one of the most memorable your curse is broken it was good of the curse to wait until ed said that instead of you know when he smashed the altar you promised the demon a soul is that what this was about i didn't hear anything about the ultimate motive for all this until now and from what i've seen this is too complicated for even the most dedicated person to pull off you bit off more than you can chew satanist i forgot my pills if lorraine was this concerned why wasn't she more prepared she could fit a lot more pills into that locket now that the warrens are out of the demonic masturbation layer what story do they tell the cops about castner and his daughter it's not like everyone believes in satan now just because they won the movie as we see ed walk around the annabelle hall of maiden i wonder what happened to cluster's room full of insidious objects did the city sell them off at auction do you know how many spin-offs that's going to cost us yeah we really should see how the detective of jessica's case feels about her death right now jessica didn't have the budget for grieving parents furthermore i guess this means the whole town is sold on demonic possession because they're honoring someone who brutally murdered her bestie so the jury hedged their bets this is almost like the exorcism of emily rose verdict it's like yeah i don't really believe satan made you do this but just in case he did here's only five years for stabbing someone 22 times sentimental gazebo purchases jesus repels you movie thinks playing the actual recording of david's exorcism will convince me it won't plus you had a video camera too there right [Applause] hello you
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 768,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wave jockey job, cinemasins, cinema sins, everything wrong with, eww, movie, review, movie review, the conjuring, the conjuring reaction, the conjuring the devil made me do it, the conjuring trailer, the conjuring 3, the devil made me do it, vera farmiga, patrick wilson, the conjuring the devil made me do it trailer, the conjuring the devil made me do it real life, the conjuring the devil made me do it ending explained
Id: KlUd2pD8Y74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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