Everything Wrong With Stranger Things Season 1

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[Music] reading is there a rule that fluorescent lighting is not allowed to function correctly in anything related to the horror genre show is immediately testing my patience by starting with a jump scare i know you want to dip a little bit of the king's horror into your nostalgia milk but just know you're already on thin ice seriously there's no stairs option in this highly [ __ ] dangerous laboratory area the systemic organ is clearly trained in cinematic tension because it waits a full 20 seconds before attacking its completely helpless prey who still has a sprinkler going in november the night of november 6th 1983 was below freezing in indiana so i'm pretty sure the wheelers are just resource-wasting [ __ ] we're so screwed if it's the demogorgon not the demogorgon man i love these kids together if there was an emmy for best ensemble group of children that give off 80s vibes and somehow aren't completely annoying they would have it on lock yes knight rider staple of the 80s and we want to make sure that you know this is the 80s but considering mrs wheeler just said it was a school night and that they could finish their campaign next weekend then mike exclaimed that they'd been playing for 10 hours you'd have to assume this is a sunday which is all well and good but knight rider aired on fridays in 1983. man we are filling up our 80s nostalgia bingo card real fast because we have a full-on outbreak of kids on bikes going on this show 1980 so hard it reminds me of the time i survived on a three pound bag of peanut m ms for a week it seemed like a great idea for a while then it became increasingly clear i should have thrown in some protein every once in a while stranger slender man how is this creature unlocking this from the outside even if telekinesis is one of its powers would it really know about slide locks and how to release them really we're gonna do the same thought the monster was one direction but it was actually a different direction twice in the first eight minutes of the show will is still holding a loaded gun but for some reason decides to lower it and wait for the attack instead of at least trying to shoot this kid has been pretty smart up until now why the sudden case of lambda the slaughter this theme man sometimes a song is so perfect for a show that you wonder if it existed first and then they built the show around it this is one of those times perfection who the hell are the duffer brothers sure the cohens the fairleys the wachowskis have paved the way for sibling teams to be a thing but they still also use their first names in the credits right i guess i'll just have to make them up then sorry abner and basel duffer this is your own fault and in this very moment as if a new david was being chiseled by michelangelo the phrase dad bod became an acceptable thing to say about another human being if the waking up hungover with multiple empty beer cans on the coffee table smoking shirtless outside and smoking while putting deodorant on wasn't enough to convince you this man has a pretty serious alcohol problem and nicotine addiction let's have him chase some pills with a beer just to hit that point home [Applause] how did this phone get hung back up we'll let it fall after his failed 9-1-1 call so did the demogorgon come back through and tidy up how considerate step right up and get your tickets for the freak show because cosmo and darby duffer can't make sure we know it's the 80s without school bullies meet stranger things version of tweedledum and tweedle dumber midnight frog face or toothless that's racist ambitious and dentist man seriously you're gonna be so cool now it's ridiculous you know if i had to pick an early favorite character for this series it's gotta be barb she's such a good friend of nancy and just takes no one she's her own person and the depth the writers have given her will pay off for years to come good thing she's not going anywhere steve left this note early this morning but when would he know that nancy found it is he stalking the girl's bathroom from his arrival all the way until first period i mean yeah probably but man teenage hormones are [ __ ] up a make-out session in the bathroom i'm sorry i lived through the 80s if there's one place we didn't make out it was the bathroom a teenage girl is braving this absolute germapalooza for some pre-class tongue wrestling also how is no one else using this restroom at one of the busiest times of the school day what kind of card game are these two playing where sergeant random here is so carelessly showing his hand by facing backwards and yet hopper can save the day by moving one card around in a hand this guy's been staring at for the last three minutes those garden gnomes again well i'll tell you what i'm going to get right on that joyce byers can't find her son this morning is holding a donut in your mouth the comp version of biting an apple because hopper giving a sarcastic response to a missing child report is about the assholeiest thing i can think of right now also flo couldn't have led with this are the garden gnomes really more important than a missing child i know this is the 80s and all but jesus christ also here's an extra sin just for making me say the word gnome again after barely surviving that no movie nonsense and now i'm realizing i'll probably have to send the sequel damn it 99 out of 100 times kid goes missing the kid is with a parent or a relative i assume the statistic was bullsh so i did some research and jim's actually right less than one percent of child abductions are stranger dangerous things but you still made me do the [ __ ] research show so send you my show if they took the precaution to seal the gloves to their sleeves with duct tape then why wouldn't they have taken similar measures with their boots that's where it came from now probably the other giant sentient goose lathered portal in this lab area remember finish chapter 12 and answer 12.3 why in every television show and or movie is the teacher always yelling over the bell the homework assignment half the kids are already out of the classroom and he should know when class ends you can't stop a few seconds before and give out the homework assignment and this is a very involved assignment what if someone didn't hear the 12.3 part sorry matt it's not my fault you left the classroom at the correct time when i was giving instructions sorry boys i hate to be the bearer of bad news but it came don't these three have another class to get to i guess hanging out with a grown adult in his office is a valid excuse for ditching sorry to interrupt but uh may i borrow michael lucas and dustin why is this i'm gonna say principal pointing out and naming each of these boys both he sweater us mustache and the boys themselves already know this info wouldn't he just pop in and say i need these three guys to come with me have you ever heard of markwood i have not that sounds made up to me it's from lord of the rings the hobbit it doesn't matter how dare you lucas this is exactly the reason dustin has a job waiting for him on the sims team whenever he wants it i i thought i wasn't allowed to see him as long as you don't have nightmares i don't get scared like that anymore not even of clowns spoiler alert also pretty sure it's mike that might want to keep clear of clowns in the future is joyce just now looking here based on the flashbacks this must be a place wheels frequently at bike like this like a cadillac of these kids would have walked at home a bike like this might also be an active crime scene so maybe don't be moving and handling the evidence until the folks from the hit spin-off csi hawkins arrive okay well how nice of chester to conveniently start barking at the shed when hopper came over it's almost like he read the script hey jesus light bulbs in the stranger things universe have great dramatic timing especially considering the monster should be long gone by now are they reacting to hopper is he a hopper gorgon thanks for coming out teach we really appreciate it she died a few years back sorry his kid geez lady do you go around knocking down the gutters on people's roofs too i mean since you seem so good at eavesdropping good thing there's always a town gossip around when we need to get some heavy handed expositioning and pronoun gaming few things are more 80s than the boyfriend at the window trope and falcon and grover duffer continue to mainline that nostalgia my problem is that it never takes the time to explore the deeper aspects of the things it's referencing meaning we spend all of our time at the surface level which is really only the tip of the spielberg you know it's funny your your voice sounds different oh my god they killed toby they know what eleven is capable of right how did they think holding her at gunpoint was going to go down also with all the 80s references in this film not giving matthew modine a set of keys dangling from his pocket was a missed opportunity no which polymers occur naturally starch and cellulose but those aren't the only examples of natural polymers and the question didn't ask for a specific number how would anyone pass this [ __ ] test you're an idiot steve harrington you're a beautiful nancy wheeler as great as this show is it definitely has an annoying habit of characters calling each other by their full name i got your x-men 134 like will's gonna buy that dustin you're not bringing out a mint conditioned copy of too late the heroes and a [ __ ] thunderstorm get your nerdy head out of your ass sorry i went dark there horror show opens up on a dark and rainy night cliche where's your hair you have cancer we've got cancer jokes yo we went out to find will not another problem i think we should tell your mom yes they should and how is it possible not one of these kids tells an adult the thing about stranger things that has always bugged me the most is how they handle the 11 situation early on this feels more like a generic sitcom plot device than anything that's actually interesting if i tell my mom and she tells your mom and your mom oh man our houses become alcatraz and look i know it's been a while since i was a kid but certain things trump a fear of grounding and i'm pretty sure freaking out scared speechless girl with blood on her shirt is making that list is that real sorry i've just never seen a kid with a tattoo before and i have zero knowledge of personal boundaries so there's that escher and hawthorne duffer continue to avoid using their first names in the credits we however will not abandon our responsibility to provide names for them you think i don't know my own son's breathing yes exactly with the headspace you appear to be in i'm not sure i'd take anything you say without an entire salt line of salt my point is writer is making a choice here and it's great but it has consequences for our empathy for the character first you test my patience by only using three eggos and a four slot toaster and then you eat them without any kind of butter or syrup and mrs butterworth is standing right there show doesn't know how to eggo correctly hey what's going on um brother sister footsie okay last mention but it deserves another sin 11 just told mike that people were literally going to kill her and him and he still doesn't mention it to his mom that's a level of tweening that i just can't comprehend one episode later and matthew's hair is still a sin intense door closing what if he slept naked dustin is just the best one of the things ignacio and jarvis duffer got right about this age is how obsessed preteen boys are with sex without even understanding it and teen boys and young adult men and you know what just add a sin for all of us no one will be seated during the 11th seated sequence all the best stuff's on there joy division bowie television the smiths wow the smiths that's some real older brother cred right there considering the smiths barely had their first singles out in the uk in 1983 whoever the british version of jonathan is might have vaguely heard about them but i'm guessing that info hasn't made its way to hawkins yet and you shouldn't like things because people tell you you're supposed to like this very show for instance radio shack also i guess it's possible this could be a parking space but whoever parks there would have to back out in the middle of an intersection so regardless of the probability that's definitely a sin uh yeah you know uh i gave jonathan all my money for for the copies for the posters uh i needed advance for a show that only has eight episodes in its first season you wouldn't think we'd have a lot of time for the frazzled mom buys a new phone and begs for an advance on her paycheck from her boss for three minutes and yet i need this phone and two weeks advance and a pack of camels damn we're only 20 minutes in and there have been three instances where cigarettes have come into play i don't even smoke and i want to pack i know it's the 80s but can we cool it with the cools let me step out of the vehicle a little more pronounced and pause while glaring for a second so you know i'm a little more important than these other guys in suits also the upside of writing sins is that it has taught me a lot one of those things is proper hazmat suit technique which in this case should be sleeves and pant legs outside gloves and boots and tape down otherwise contaminants can easily find their way inside the downside is that if i'm having sex i now feel the need to duct tape the outside of the condom and that's a downside for everyone involved his name's yoda he can use the force to move things with his mind mike just happens to pick the same power that eleven will display later i won't tell her about you i promise considering how loud mike is speaking my guess is she already knows or she's deaf if we get a call from over at benny's i think you need to get there right away no reason i figured you should be in just as much suspense as the audience when it comes to what's happening at benny's well i mostly dealt with strangers back then i called my job stranger things oh look someone in 1983 somehow had dish network or directv i wonder if they'll dump it for netflix in 1987. i'm pretty sure newt and lemuel duffer had it written into their contracts that every episode must include kids on bikes just so we're sure to get a bit of that amblin dopamine hit no and this is definitely when the screaming starts wait you're telling me they just keep befriending her and going along with it after this even after she turned her powers up to 11. no look all i'm saying is maybe i'm not the [ __ ] all right yeah except you don't seem to be concerned about where will is so maybe you are i swear to the demogorgon we had this exact serving dish and plate set when i was growing up part of the reason the show works so well is because of little details like this so i'm taking a sin back because i swear i ate green bean casserole out of that exact dish for will [Music] the one major character need 11 has is not being discovered in the previous scene she had even used her powers to make sure none of the boys said a word about her now she's just wandering around the house like none of the previous 33 minutes of this episode even happened can't ask of course a question well not with that attitude you can't miracle max would like a word with you what is friend for all it does right this show isn't exactly nuanced does it he just wants to get in your pants no he doesn't yes seriously barb would be great at tv sets although if she were really good she would have found a way to do rhyming sins with gnats pants romance chants and second glance tommy and carol have been having sex since like seventh grade it'll probably just be like a big orgy with five people and no monkey waiters with grapes come on barb you're just being silly at this point never feel cursed david harbor's audition for hellboy makes it into an episode that seems like a lot of light for a trunk to be shining out onto his face i mean unless jules briefcase is in there i'm calling ford nanigans jonathan's convenient stroll through the woods is conveniently close to the convenient party at steve's where he conveniently wanders up on them after conveniently hearing a noise show uses alcohol and cigarettes to establish a bad boy persona cliche you are a cliche you do realize that what the did she hear me hello nancy am i trapped in the upside down i'm really thinking tommy's motion here is much less chug chug chug and much more stroke stroke stroke but whatever tommy h you do you literally this has happened to me a lot i go out taking pictures at the place where my brother went missing hear a scream spy on teens making out and i am compelled to take pictures of that instead oh no no no oh no no no no oh no no no no oh no no no no no i would give every sin back if zelda rubenstein showed up right now and told joyce to tell will that she's going to give him a spanking while he wouldn't dare play should i stare should i go we assure you this is a case of the same song used in a previous flashback that just happens to be ready to play on cassette for maximum emotional impact just in case you've missed the complete spielberg rip-off built into almost every scene mansfield and norwood duffer include direct homages as well [Music] considering barb is the conscious of this show i can't wait to see how she gets rescued by the end of the season and gets her i told you so moment this is gonna be so good oh thank god we know the fate of barb i was really concerned that they were gonna wait till much later in the series and that they would just show a random shot of her dead body glad that would never happen ah yes the horror tradition of cutting between someone getting chased or brutally murdered by a monster and a teenage sexual situation nothing weird or disturbing about that i want my mummy also we wouldn't dare play the music but playing foreigner in a love scene set in the 80s cliche despite having plenty of time between the sitting of episodes two and three oswald and pembroke duffer have ignored the public outcry to reveal their first names also in case you were worried i want to confirm this theme still slaps i don't know if it's the cinematographer the dp the gaffer or steve's parents but it's night time and somebody needs to be held responsible for the amount of light entering this room right now that's a lot of lamps who has this many lamps you don't need more labs true are lamp interventions a thing lamp interventions interlamptions we just tell our parents we have av club after school av club av club every apparently 80's knew that we have a v club was code for going to the library to look at baird breast and national geographic right right you're gonna take out the demogorgon with a slingshot says the kid that only brought food what are you hoping the demogorgon has a peanut allergy first of all it's a wrist rocket it is not imagine all the other cool stuff she could do i guess by all the other cool stuff you meant specifically levitate the millennium falcon because you walk past all the other things lying around the room to get to the one object under a blanket in the corner also nobody puts the millennium falcon in a corner if you get hungry eat dust and snacks okay but dustin brought all those snacks to give the group stamina for their mission after school mike is a dick to dustin's snacks michael coming screaming at your parents when they ask you to do a simple task it's not cool kids it's really not cool nancy's caressing that trapper keeper so hard the 80s nostalgia will not be able to be contained any longer it will burst out like a newborn child running rampant all over the pop culture landscape for the next six years and burn the essence of the 80s into every [ __ ] piece of film and television that it can wait what was this in here and why do i have a desire to buy butterfly stickers damn you 80s nostalgia damn you to hell you're being paranoid i mean maybe she is at least about what's behind the intent of the stairs but this girl is clearly staring daggers at nancy so i'd want to know what the [ __ ] is up with that as well all she brought to class was her copy of descent from xanadu either she didn't show up ready to learn in the show deprived us of a lecture about the sexually irresistible jud crane shouldn't you know writers have this minor character answering a question with a question to assuage any doubt that this high school is filled to the brim with [ __ ] i guess we're going to blow the rescues of smithereens the unnerving coincidence of the cold war's greatest hits becoming relevant again as i'm watching this episode in 2022. can i help you uh yeah we're here for a tour why would hopper start with this reason he gives a perfectly logical explanation in a second about having to check the facility because it's a nearby location will could have run off to why not start there and knock him off as if you're up to something sneaky right from the get-go like i said you have to speak to mr schaefer let me shut off my engine and remove my hat because this is 1983 code for i'm friendly but i also mean business [Music] devaluing this collectible by repeatedly smashing it into the ground taking someone's lazy boy for a spin without explicit consent what's next eleven can you eat someone's french fries without asking there are several sacred things in this world that you don't ever mess with one of them happens to be another man's fries two episodes later and matthew modine's hair is still a sin believing this rat's nest of christmas lights could ever be untangled pixar didn't happen thanks to this shot i now know all about ring shank nails okay maybe not all but i know they exist and that this is certainly overkill for mounting some christmas lights i don't know but they're lying this they're hiding something cliche underlying a shadowy government-funded conspiracy cliche wrapped in a i love the story so i didn't really want to send it but i have to cliche i'm no stranger to exercising the old power stance but is there a reason to be standing so close to this equipment as it's being dropped into place i mean at that distance your mini modine's gonna need a hard hat the quietness of this scene juxtaposed against the violence she experienced at the lab serves as the perfect expression of just how upside down a levin's life has been compared to the relatively normal lives of everyone else we see her being mesmerized by the simplicity of this world in the same way we're captivated by the supernatural aspects of hers hats off to the production team for making me see here and feel this snooping i don't care what it is it's disgusting just get off the table he's not wrong but they all should be equally disgusted that she has the same shoes on the table that have most likely graced the germ-infested realm known as the lavatory she's not a superhero she's a weirdo what does that matter the x-men were weirdos mike would be the dungeon master at free period superpower debate sins what are you losers doing back here probably looking for their missing friend i love all the stephen king vibes this show gives off i really do but i could have done without the it's a stephen king story about kids so there has to be belize cliche i think all of us could have done without that i brought you a casserole when exactly did casserole become the go-to you're having a bad time guess you need one of these food for once i want to see someone having the best darn day of their life and their best friend shows up all like heard everything was going great for you there buddy but wait there's more i brought you a casserole also casserole you can find the corresponding micro fish in the reading room i've heard tales of this mythological microfiche and its ability to conjure information long thought to be lost but to this day there's been little evidence beyond tv movies and the stories told by wise old bibliothecaries perhaps one day i'll journey beyond the stacks of historical fiction and into the fabled regions of the third floor at my local library where sightings have been reported but until i see it with my own eyes i cannot stand idly by as this show claims the existence of the microfiche to be a fact the librarian why not the librarian i can see taking issue with the way hopper conducts his personal affairs but your specific concern regarding this woman's vocation makes about as much sense as my insistence on using the word bibliothecary [Music] this fish is on for so long i'm not sure why they didn't name the episode gone microfiching let me throw in that casserole okay you brought the casserole to the private lives of pipoli's winona ryder uncooked what the [ __ ] karen since november 28th was a monday in 1983 either someone is going to be very late for an event that happened in 1980 or someone is being very optimistic about their plans for 1986. oh man he is like totally trembling you must really have something behind steve's being a little over the top here but jonathan isn't exactly the innocent those photographs are creepy and definitely not approved by the photographys and i hate that quizno and remington duffer are actually making me side with the kids beating up on the weakling did a few good men teach you nothing throwing the one guy up against the wall can be justified as a fight-or-flight reaction but the snapping of the neck is very brutal i would dare say too brutal for the child protagonist that we're supposed to be rooting for i love subtle period dudges like this nelson bench designed in 1946 however i'm completely taken out of the scene by the fact that thanks to a resurgence in the popularity of mid-century modern furniture this bad boy now costs over fifteen hundred dollars thank you very much herman miller no one will be seated as ottoman new york's winona ryder paints the alphabet in real time talking running driving excitement hey phil how can we show the seriousness of this scene where the kids are following the cops to the body i don't know gary maybe we have them um i don't know he tried their bikes through a puddle that we'll have a close-up shot on phil this is exactly why they pay you all the money genius it's really well siegfried and tristan duffer thinking anyone's actually going to fall for this will's dead fake out when we all know it was just an excuse for the beautifully stylized ending of this episode whoever you found is not my boy guess i'm removing a sin straight out of the gate joyce's reaction to her experience with the christmas lights the demogorgon coming through the wall and then moments later hearing about will's body being found is the perfect balance of frantic terrified and hopeful when none is pulling off a top-notch performance in this series i'm here for it he was talking with this talking that feeling when as a viewer you know the wild rambling is true but all the characters in the story rightfully think the wild rambling is just wild rambling because it sounds well wild while this does a great job of putting you in the shoes of the same character it just doesn't feel good the bright light over their heads is a reminder that the house does in fact have electricity joyce can't afford cigarettes but she can afford the expensive light bulb with selective electric currents that scan the room and amplify dramatic tension or maybe the lack of lighting is a tactic to attempt to hide the chaos glitter in the house no i'm not blaming the people for the mess it's the bulb's fault for giving them that if you don't see it you don't have to deal with it vibe [ __ ] stranger things bulb man okay last mention of the lighting situation but it's pretty clear from the light streaming in from the bathroom window that when joyce was outside she should have been blinded by whatever bulb is attempting to mimic the [ __ ] sun blind i thought we were friends you know our friends tell each other the truth kids are so dumb they blame everyone else for their own inability to process and manage emotions and let downs super glad we grow out of that phase as we age what you did sucks lucas was right about you not only does mike survive saying this to a person who can snap next with their mind but he also does not immediately apologize when he finds out that eleven was telling the truth even though he now knows that it was him being the [ __ ] all along you know maybe i've been focused on the lack of first names for too long now maybe maybe the names are actually a hidden secret message just waiting to be found oh sh what does it mean you can stop by the video store on the way back pick out whatever you want even r-rated yes because the thing a grieving kid needs to have is a good old jolt of r-rated adrenaline i guess i should need another reminder that we're in the 80s when parents didn't give a [ __ ] about scaring their little ones for life by inviting a boy and his dog into the subconscious lucas do you copy i'm surprised that he eventually does copy the antennas on these old radios fully extended would be like four feet long so while i'm not saying that mike and lucas wouldn't have any reception at these lengths the show is still definitely overlooking the one situation where size does matter i guess some two-way radios will allow the other person to cut in which totally eliminates the need for over and out which is clearly the coolest part of communicating in this way also why are these two fully dressed and already back in bed you mean about his funeral no not his funeral screw his funeral i'm surprised to screw his funeral works and getting lucas to comply with his request but i'm even more surprised mike didn't say that he has some new evidence that will is alive instead of keeping him in suspense using this muted color palette at a coroner's office just because the people are dead doesn't mean your sense of style has to be he has a birthmark on his right arm can you show that to me please you know what this show never does it never shows us the birthmark on the will doll if there's no birthmark on his arm then everyone should be suspicious of this dopplewill if there is a birthmark on whippleganger well my sinful question is simply how how did the [ __ ] from state know about will's birthmark was his body scanned by someone before he popped into the underbelly of pg horror what the [ __ ] is the hawkins police badge's symbol anyway it's like the department had to compromise with the person who wanted a dangerous looking weapon and a nature lover obsessed with dandelions yelling angrily at a woman who was just asked to identify the body of her son when you talk to the cops just don't mention the beers thinking anyone cares about the beers in a town with an ever increasing missing person problem has got to be the prototypical teenage boy equivalent of eating an apple because this scene doesn't move the plot forward as much as it paints steve as an [ __ ] i know it sounds crazy i i i sound crazy you think i don't know that it is crazy word-for-word dialogue of me explaining why michael bay's remake of ambulance is a modern-day masterpiece makes it into the show i am not gonna stop looking for him until i find him and bring him home i am going to bring him home no offense mom but choice is not my mom trying to find a way to bring me back from a dark dimension in this scene where is a lie i see we have the ever annoying shout the absurd truth that no one believes until they believe you cliche at play here there is no way we're gonna get the weirdo in there without anyone noticing i mean look at her i know it was the 80s and gender stereotypes were all the rage but this need to make 11 look pretty in pink seems more about cramming in your homage to et than it is about anyone actually being concerned with her appearance you know how when you drive a car at night with the interior lights on it can with some of your vision this helmet is giving me those vibes they're high beams hugging his cheek bones and lighting up the entirety of his field of vision what the [ __ ] use is that it helps us see him but i highly doubt he can see much further than a few feet in front of him unless this was designed for us to see every one of his pores in which case the helmet lights are great matthew minion's hair is finally covered in this scene good luck in there son miss redshirt thinks he's going to survive this and kurtz's life was running swiftly too nancy wheeler mr triple muffin doesn't respond to this interruption with what the [ __ ] principal pumpkin scruffle it's hard enough teaching joseph conrad to these insulin little [ __ ] without you busting in here like the tater flip and kool-aid man the school's decision to keep score at will's memorial assembly may be the strangest thing in this episode i'm no you're not not listening to the person you're accusing of not listening while they are actively listening this show is set a standard that all lamps in the kids rooms must be on and i'm suddenly very upset that this lamp isn't on no one will be seated as nancy stitches together a picture with an important detail that's located on an intact portion that does not need to be stitched together at all the show wants us to believe that when nancy hastily picked up some of these ripped up pictures in the previous episode she managed to get all the pieces needed to put this one of barb completely back together and i want to believe that one of the writers definitely pulled this out of their upside down also taping the top of the picture rather than the back of the picture but slowly like super slow my yelling may make it seem like reeling him in is urgent but just you know really take your time will was an exceptional student and a wonderful friend to all of us i believe will is a good kid and even an exceptional student but there's no way he had time to be friends with the whole school let alone be a wonderful one look at these fakers they probably didn't even know his name till today faking what these expressions of boredom every one of these kids was forced to be at this assembly just like you so just slow down there with the judgments boys it's kids who circle the entire gymnasium to get a better view of a fight they grow up to cause a mile-long slowdown on the freeway because they can't avoid looking at the accident just [ __ ] go didn't you listen to the counselor wheeler grief shows herself in funny ways riders don't realize the potential of their funny ways spin-off [Music] and one cent for me because perfect stranger things was there the entire time we all want to think that troy pissed himself out of fear but deep down we're all pretty sure eleven used some sort of telekinetic catheter to force p from this poor kid's bladder and while we all hate troy i don't believe we'd wish this on our greatest enemy hey what's going on here principal coleman says this 15 seconds after the laughing began 30 seconds after troy's death threat you're dead wheeled in almost a full minute after the entire gymnasium began to go silent when any seasoned school admin would know that this many kids being quiet is a telltale sign that the proverbial pudding cup is about to hit the overhead projector i don't know what your budget is but over here we we have copper and bronze selling things to grieving people your mom um she said you'd be here stalking he didn't have a face i need to address the elephant in this episode he didn't have a face but he had no face this refusal to ask the important questions like did it have eyes and does it have human grace deprived us all of the painfully appropriate billy idol b plot we all wanted and me personally have the opportunity to say les you son visage cliche odentalgia ah yes july 15 2016 the day google saw a spike of interest in tooth pain and double down on ads to dentistry nationwide suckers whoop the hair is back she's finding him this is crazy calm down she just closed her eyes sure we as the viewers know she's locating will right now but mike and dustin do jump to conclusions way too often and lucas really doesn't get enough credit for his insistence on empirical evidence what is that seems about 10 years too early but i'm pretty sure it's the first track off the upside downward spiral when joyce tears the wallpaper and sees will on the other side she doesn't immediately get the axe and try to break through the wall i know it can't work for story reasons but not even trying till it's obviously too late leaves open the possibility that it could have worked it makes this seem very frustrating to watch i applaud him for being proactive and attempting to subdue the flames but dustin is shooting the front of the radio with the extinguisher when the back is obviously on fire my vintage stereo receiver once suffered a similar fate as the heath kit and while i chose instead to flee with my life i found my knowledge of the flame's location very helpful in my hasty retreat given the time period there's most likely asbestos somewhere in that wall and this type of demolition is a big no-no stephen king is staring right into the camera in this scene part of me loves hopper part of me is angry that he doesn't drag the out-cold body of the state trooper into the room so his shenanigans aren't easily noticed i'd be so good at covering up crimes wait hopper's about to find out that this is some kind of jim henson muppet version of will and while the surprise isn't completely lost on me i have to say that even a casual fan of csi miami would have been made suspicious by the lack of hawaii incision and i'm not saying that i know anything about actual autopsies but if the shadow we grew behind the cover-up was more detail-oriented they could have fooled me for at least a couple more seconds in my shadowy group i of course mean uriah and voltaire duffer also we're all glad that he cuts into the will doll because it gives us some closure that all of this isn't in joyce's head but go with me here how do we know that stuffing bodies with stuffing isn't just a normal thing that happens like does anyone ever double check that this is abnormal all we want right now is for hopper to tell joyce that he checked the body and believes her but instead we get lonnie previously on the x-files being somehow oblivious to the six foot three 245 pound man sneaking about your laboratory look i get that hopper knows some shady shirts going down but to be honest the consistency of said is totally unknown to him which makes walking into this quarantined area without any sort of safety gear and extremely questionable move is jim hopper chief jim hopper yeah i've got jim hopped okay the radio someone to confirm i meant to be here bluff enabled hopper to disarm the first dude but i've got no idea how he managed to get the drop on the second guy who really should have already had his gun ready to go drink i'll calm your nerves and help you think straight yes please give me the thing that makes it illegal for me to drive to help me think straight even in the 80s this was known to be dumb advice don't look at me like that what like how everybody is looking at me like i'm out of my damn mind considering the thing she's claiming is that a demon monster stole her child while she was communicating with him through a membrane to a nightmare dimension hidden in her living room wall a couple of sideways glances are probably fair you remember your aunt darlene no no this is not that well then here's a sim for not giving us a flashback of that one time crazy aunt darlene beat up the milkman mailman and garbage man on the same day because she thought men in uniform were challenging her authority how am i supposed to calculate the level of joyce's sanity if i don't have an example of and arlene's peak craziness well well well will five episodes in and matthew modine's hair is still a sin upside down what'd she say upside down what upside down come on kid say it one more time you might be able to summon the beetle gorgon this is where will is the upside down like the veil of shadows also something that's always bugged me is how our favorite nerds manage to nail what the upside down is based on the smallest slithers of information they've gathered so far i mean all they know is that will is missing somewhere that's dark strange and sort of familiar they combine that with eleven saying upside down and make the leap to extra dimensional mirror land instead of assuming will is being hung from his ankles in his own basement the veil of shadows is a dimension that is a dark reflection or echo of our world and to top it all off this belief is reaffirmed by a literal work of fiction it is a place of decay and death as opposed to our regular dimension where nothing ever decays or dies also dust narration well i wish i had hopper's ability to let my sense of adventure take over my sense of self-preservation no dusty decay flaked hallways of an underground lab can stop this man for where there's no will they're somehow still away i guess you can't get a good read of the situation unless you stimulate at least four of the five senses despite having plenty of time between the sinning of episodes four and five waylon and zaden duffer have ignored the public outcry to reveal themselves take that down it's inappropriate evil dead poster shaming look nice sweetie complimenting someone who is going to a funeral on their choice of clothing this room is lamp tacular kind of get the ones on the bed post i mean they're pretty cool but why did will's room also need one here and here damn it i bet that globe is even illuminated wait should we tell will that jennifer hayes was crying at his funeral for anyone who thought sam nudging steve to check out sharon carter and captain america civil war was the most inappropriate funeral scene ever stranger things would like you to hold its dry eggo waffle paranoid character tears up their house looking for recording devices cliche oh cool and a random blade works is a lockpick cliche one more cliche and i get a free you'd better come take a look at this bumper sticker bumper sticker what you can tell someone but they're not gonna believe you you know that your mom would jeez nancy learn to read the room this is not an appropriate time for your mom dig also if his goal is to make sure his mother doesn't go through any more trauma could i be so bold as to suggest not risking the life of her last remaining offspring but what if right next to her acrobat there is a flea now the fleet can also travel back and forth just like the acrobat here's where things get really interesting they do not what are you doing what does it look like i'm doing being the worst handyman ever first of all hanging some drywall would have helped the hole on the inside of the home and then the boards can be put on the outside until you can get someone out to repair it fully second of all nailing eight nails in a cluster on the right and two on the left is all kinds of tim the tool man idiotic and gets you two extra synths i told you not to take these down they were in the way babe calling any woman that you aren't in a relationship with babe do you even understand how a compass works no one understands how a compass works dustin no one but god help me i will keep these lights up until the day i die my yearly outside christmas lights mantra somehow makes its way into this episode i cried for a week i'm a fan of thumper this kid is alive during the golden age of disney animated movies and his favorite character is from bambi the years 1983 which means you have movies like robin hood the jungle book the rescuers peter pan and the fox and the hound yet you reach back to a boomer aged movie to grab your favorite character from get with the times kid you'll be left back at black cauldron while we're watching toy story yes he and my mother love each other at some point but skip this is not how you answer a phone i know technology's changed but as a child of the 80s i can assure you the correct procedure is to state this is the hopper residence my brother is a fart nugget how may i direct your call how do we know when we get to the gate oh i think a portal to another dimension is going to be pretty obvious dustin would be zuul at tv sins minority reporting your child yesterday with the cameron he's not like that at all yesterday yesterday episode expects us to believe that only a day's pass and steve broke jonathan's camera they found will's body and had a funeral since then get the [ __ ] out of here with you yesterday nancy oh i was just starting to think you're okay believe it or not i actually have a limited amount of skips per episode and if this show isn't careful with the amount of divorce drama alcoholic cop drama and teenage drama drama i'm gonna have no skips left for when we eventually send euphoria maybe they get moved no i don't think it's the gator why why couldn't it be the gate messing with the magnets it could be underground a mile in the sky or the [ __ ] car over here dustin my dude you're easily the smartest kid here but you have zero clue how this gate will present itself admit it there's blood i knew it lucas come on i saw her wiping her nose on the tracks she was using her powers admitting to being able to have done this interrogation hours ago saving enough time to find the portal in my desire to send the rest of this episode okay should be okay or you could leave the [ __ ] house right i mean this is the sort of search you can never be satisfied as complete is this a watered-down cerebro these scientists must have never read an x-pin comic if you want to infiltrate people's minds all you need is a big room a bald head and the desire to sit it's been hit by a car what car do you know of that has teeth [ __ ] nancy this straight could be in the middle of disney world and penn gillette could be inside tempting me with a pack of oreo thin mints and a brad bird signed edition of the incredibles and i still wouldn't crawl into the damn thing but nancy just goes right on in all alone as if her friend's younger brother and her own best friend weren't missing and presumed dead yardley and zane duffer entered the previous episode with nocturnal me by echo and the bunnymen knowing full well how committed we are to the binge and they had the audacity to not open this episode with the killing moon [Music] jonathan also nancy is now running around like she doesn't know she's in the over easy and then if she wants to get back to the sunny side up she's got to crawl back through the gooey tree we all know the rime the one who crawls through the gooey trees press their luck and now must flee and if tomorrow you wish to see crawl your ass back through that gooey tree also also after running around in every which direction she somehow manages to end up at the correct gooey tree unless there are multiple gooey trees which would have also been incredibly convenient oh really because no girl would ever blow off king steve okay these stephen king references are just getting weird at this point also we wouldn't dare play the music but corey hart's sunglasses at night was a mega hit that was released as a single in 1984. therefore it wouldn't be getting radio airplay near the end of 1983 which is when the first season of stranger things takes place steve will ascend oh so stealthily up to nancy's window which is all well and good but if you're trying to be all eye spy with your late night meetups how about not leaving your car parked on the street with the headlights on and the futuristic singings of one corey heart blasting out of the radio yeah it was a drawing of a an adult and a child it said 11 on it i suppose these two dashes could be an 11 but you looked at this for a few seconds and reached this level of certainty for all you know these could have been tally marks which would have made this mean two or it could have been the letter i twice which would have made it mean it was a kid's drawing choice it was stick figures wasn't will oh yes the old my kid's a better artist than your kid defense it's been causing headaches for all defense attorneys since the stick figure incident of 1937. i mean what if this whole time i've been i've been looking for will i've been chasing after some other kid hopper chooses to say this to the mother of the kid he apparently hasn't actually been looking for can you just come up here sure but just in case you're curious that will be a gun in my pocket you know it can't get us in here jonathan might be right but how in the name of the upside down would he know this jonathan's a dick to factual reassurance continuing to show the poster for the thing will not make it any less of a sin no one had a poster for the thing in 1983. we're a good 10 years from reassessment and realization that theatergoers were idiots in the summer of 1982. yeah having a pen but no paper you know what a pinnacle paper gets you a smeared name on your hand that you won't be able to figure out three minutes later you'll wonder if that's a lowercase d or possibly part of an uppercase b but you'll never know because you forgot the paper hopper you forgot the paper now comes the awkward part where jonathan has to confess he wet the bed because he was afraid of getting caught in the hallway by nancy's parents and then nancy says she knew it happened three hours ago and then i have no clue which one of these characters i'm more concerned about every time i close my eyes it's like a dark paradise oh sorry did i just black out in lana del rey again i hate it when i do that i mean oh my heart it breaks every step that it takes damn it it's always alone like a bear while most species of bears do generally hunt alone they can exist and live within close proximity to each other meaning nancy has no way of knowing if there are more than one of these things and it's odd that she's not even considering that a possibility if it works at least we'll know what's coming you have zero knowledge of what you need to do to protect yourself from the monster but hey at least that's similar to a shark theory will be correct good choices are being made here i made some blueberry pancakes putting blueberries in pancakes or adding anything to them for that matter they're [ __ ] pancakes why are we messing with perfect foods your mind does not your mom doesn't knock see nancy that would have been the perfect time for your mom jab everyone in indiana being overly committed to this one design element mike this isn't your fault yeah it's lucas's that's sanctimonist well i hope so no way i'm not shaking his hand like i really hope so all three of you were being a bunch of little [ __ ] dustin would be the dictator of [ __ ] at tv sins today is a very special day you're finally getting a haircut because today we make history omg he's getting a haircut today we make contact he's not getting a haircut karen said she made blueberry pancakes i made some blueberry pancakes yeah i see no blueberries here or here i see something that looks like blueberries here but all the evidence suggests that she made pancakes and put blueberries on top of them in all the ways that matter these are not blueberry pancakes and once again quit [ __ ] with pancakes okay i'll shake i'm really more concerned about why lucas wasn't immediately rushed to the hospital dude could have a concussion or worse after being flung by 11. i know we didn't have will smith movies telling us the importance of concussion protocol back in 1983 but still do you seriously want to fight the demogorgon with your wrist rocket i took r2d2 going to fight darth vader are you seriously going to act like that wouldn't be the coolest thing ever q automatic door opening then rolls in a battle warren r2d2 has just taken out a whole battalion no that's too many a platoon of stormtroopers darth vader looks down and says i sense no fear in you and deploys his iconic red lightsaber suddenly seven green lightsabers emerge from r2d2's dome and expand like helicopter blades rocket boosters emerging from the little robo legs as they launch head first at darth vader in a spinning green glowing fury i'm just saying mike needs to get out of here with his weak sauce putting your christmas tree up before thanksgiving you know you have to pay for those character had a perfect opportunity to use lego myego in conversation and chose not to ah sudden rachel from pet cemetery but the pet cemetery and not the less pet cemetery i told you you're wasting your time no you didn't you gave this cryptic answer but if you want terry to tell you anything you're about five years too late and while becky is the main offender joyce and hopper didn't ask any follow-up questions why is everyone in the scene wasting their own time this show early on has really undervalued the character of lucas so seeing him gear up for a one-man mission to get his friend back is giving me all of the feels but also getting rambowed up in a movie or tv show either made in the 80s or set in the 80s cliche they'd pay a couple hundred bucks to people like my sister gave him drugs psychedelics lsd mostly and then they'd strip her naked and put her in these isolation tanks my awkward explanation of the plot of altered states to my mother somehow makes its way into this episode this is a cool but unnecessary flashback montage designed to explain to us everything we've already put together about 11's past and since no one in the room has first-hand knowledge of what happened at the lab this awkwardly becomes a flashback of the viewer's experience and i don't like the creative license they're taking with my perspective you're gonna stephen king the show doesn't care so much whether or not joyce and hopper have as much as it wants you to know that the writers did the handle of this hammer is just hanging off the edge waiting for someone to brush by and end up with a broken toe i feel like we need more backstory on this guy he just isn't putting in the effort anymore look at the signage the two racks on the right are guns sure but the one on the left is mostly ammo and racka cooney last week i was shopping for a new top i thought steve might like wasting time and money on clothes you think will make a high school boy happy you want to make a high school boy happy show up to where he's currently at that's it steve and the rest of the high school cliches were able to get away with spray painting the front of the movie theater in the middle of the day and they hung around afterward to face even more property even if i let go of the fact that they don't even appear to have a ladder this scene has more contrived vandalism than the tate modern also nancy conveniently pisses off steve on a week that all the right moves is playing at the local theater what would he have done if it was the next week when national lampoon's movie madness replaced it try to use a nancy the [ __ ] configuration with that title he assaulted a police officer he is raising up not realizing someone is behind you and clipping their nose with your shoulder really assault i think the gasoline bullets and bear traps and jonathan's trunks should be more concerning but you do you hawkins police force eating untoasted eggo waffles toothless some would say why did they drop their bikes and run but this was the correct choice look at that terrain they never get up to speed fast enough to get away and there are way too many hazards to navigate the sin here is the absurd convenience of bulk and skull showing up out of nowhere to trigger the conflict that results in eleven also showing up out of nowhere to save dustin and mike get up get off me resorting to murder because you got your ego hurt on the playground our friend has superpowers and she squeezed your tiny bladder with her mom okay show i called you out for the sheer cruelty of that scene in episode four but you just owned it maybe not deus el machina yeah andre you better run i get dustin's happy isn't being held at knifepoint anymore but is he overlooking the fact that eleven just broke that kid's arm couldn't she have just made the knife fly away or something despite all the security measures we know this place has lucas is not spotted joe thinks the government in the 80s was combating conspiracy theories by letting the public draw conspiracy conclusions opening the episode with mike cleaning 11's face like my mom after i've just conquered a double fudge banana split with marshmallows and whipped cream but this touching gesture of face touching was probably not necessary since there's a mirror snog blocking also writing in your own skip doesn't excuse the fact that a skip was needed thing the stranger things kids thought when they saw us getting ready to send the show somehow makes its way into this episode the kids resolve all their issues and get the band back together in the first five minutes because they've realized they're stronger as a team and share a bond forged in the crucible that is grade school but also it's the penultimate episode and they need to set up the finale if you're already inside the police station this seems a bit redundant there's something you need to see you'd better come take a look at this cliche what happened to her here being more concerned about eleven's hair than matthew modine's wasting time building a model to describe a fenced in plot of land next to a road with a building on it and this is the lab right here lucas that's a can circling circling circling still circling you risked your life and nancy's to be fair going after the creature was nancy's idea in the first place jonathan is a high school kid meaning he just happens to do less thinking with his top brain and more thinking with the brain in his upside down he probably cares about his brother and stuff too yeah yeah i'm sure it's more than that boner thing what is your name deputy asking for the name of a person wearing a name tag it looks less likely these agents are collecting evidence and more likely they're planning a sleepover the events of this season are supposed to have taken place in 1983 but great american ghost stories by hans holzer wasn't published until 1990 and the dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago i'm definitely sending this ridiculous ladder placement i get they had to get the stuff on the other side cleaned up as well but now they're at a point where the ladder needs to be moved at least to the middle of the [ __ ] and wheeler how's steve gonna get any elbow grease into his cleaning routine from this angle we should be out there looking for him honey we have to trust them okay stranger things does a pretty great job of having all the 80s goodness mixed in with some really interesting character work so why did ted wheeler have to be a walking believes the government is always there to help you idiot father cliche later harrison sho thinks it's going to get away with us not pointing out that dustin is pointing at the person of color in this scene while pointing out the person of color in another scene and this is now a spider-man scene i never noticed how closely this part of the score resembled john carpenter and now the scene is giving off series halloween three vibes i don't know whether to remove a sin for the carpenter-ness of it all or addison because well you know halloween three so i'll add five because i'm me hopper subdues these three intimidatingly well-dressed agents very quickly and entirely off-screen so the sin is for all style and no substance is that my dress everyone in this show is way too concerned about eleven's hairstyle and what she's wearing mike claims to be explaining the upside down but this drawing looks more like a person standing on the horizon next to a gopher hole i can find them in the bath show proves the vague posts were not an original idea formed in the days of social media and were actually preceded by vague comments like this anything about sensory deprivation tanks specifically how to build one mr clark appears to have the physical characteristics of a science teacher but the show thinks he's a duckduckgo and for those of you have no idea what i just said it's the same thing as a google why are you keeping this curiosity door locked i'm more curious as to why dustin or any student has mr clark's home phone number even for the 80s that's [ __ ] weird you sold that kiddie pool we bought for apples in admitting to bobbing for apples admitting to bobbing for anything really using de-icing salt instead of epsom salt this show is addictive 11's skin now that we're almost to the end of the season it appears all characters have acquired enough xp to activate the squad boost on all talents enabling everyone to complete their tasks in record time just like the saying goes teamwork makes the nightmare stop hey wait i'm not gonna snow next week is it worst case no school i feel like that was missing something cindy run that back and hit him with the good stuff hey wait i'm not gonna snow next week is it worst case no school perfect why was it necessary to set this up in the middle of the gymnasium even if they had to come to school for equipment and supplies why the very middle of the gym and not at least a little closer to your water source black voids with wet floors i assume ernest and hansel duffer killed off barb to raise the stakes but we weren't watching the show for stakes we were watching it for the 80s nostalgia and the triumphant return of barb i demand justice it's okay i realize you just witnessed something horrifying that will probably haunt you for the rest of your life and you'll never get a good night's sleep again but i really need you to concentrate on my son nancy will be able to make new friends hey so bobby what do you think as far as making the castle buyer's ford look creepy and the upside down well i just have one question for you hank have you ever wondered what it would look like if swamp thing burped the worm all over the place burped the worm bobby you know sprayed the pajama glue circumjaculated the globe spilled his brogurt sundae squeeze the okay bobby i get it just order the mayonnaise and never speak to me again i guess because we're in the last few minutes of the show jonathan is suddenly capable of sneaking in and out of the police station unnoticed after that tense episode i'm glad i can take a break from this show never mind guess i'm clearing my schedule for the next hour starting your episode on a star field just to make me jealous of places with little to no light pollution i want to see the universe civilization stop progressing already show keeps matthew modine completely shrouded in darkness for the first 30 seconds making us wait a full half minute to sin his hair its behavior is predictable like all animals it eats i mean sure but not all animals eat children and even more importantly not all animals live in a parallel mirror dimension so your predictions can go suck a slug here's what's gonna happen character in captivity tells their captors exactly what's going to happen before exactly the thing they said would happen happens exactly the way they said it would happen cliche you let me enjoy spires go you're gonna give us anything we need and we're gonna find her son and then we're gonna forget that any of this ever happened this is the dumbest deal in the history of bartering and there's no way the modine mafia would agree to it honest hopper expect to convince joyce to not expose the bastards that faked the death of her son how does he explain to the people of discount haddenfield that will byers has returned from the dead there's bluffing then there's bluffing when you haven't seen your cards then there's bluffing when you haven't seen your cards and you've never played poker before and then there's this gun loading hammering more gun loading trap setting even more gun loading home improvement also shooting a close-up of how many bullets your gun holds when you don't intend on counting to six later also also thinking you can home alone a monster from the underworld you gotta give me your word on those other three kids those boys you're gonna leave them alone and i'll tell you somehow jaded and pissed at the world sheriff hopper believes that the shady government people conducting experiments on stolen children are also people likely to be worried about keeping promises also if hopper knows how badly brenner wants a levin back why didn't he leverage him for more help than just two hazard suits and a will went that away the atmosphere is toxic my son's in there joyce would be an 11 out of 10 at tv sins it's trolls thinking trolls would choose to hunt in playgrounds for food instead of the youtube comments section or whatever the 80s equivalent would have been you okay i mean i'm wondering through a gui hellscape looking for my son who may or may not be dead from toxic exposure after being kidnapped by the demon offspring of a venus flytrap and a very angry horse but other than that i'm just swell you i get that the floating particles add some distinguishing eeriness to the upside down but where is it coming from and why is it constant does the sky have dandruff do all the creatures just have severe eczema is it always winter and never christmas did you hear that it's just the wind just the wind tornadoes are just the wind man wind can mess you up do you even wizard of oz bro nancy getting knocked blocked get out she points the loaded gun at him and [ __ ] it that's dumb nancy's dumb or the show is dumb or the show is dumb for making nancy so dumb what's it doing asking a question to a room full of people who have exactly the same information that you do excessive and inexcusable egg examination is excretable yet exhaustingly expected everything in the upside down will remind hopper of his child because somehow it knows this is the season finale and that the writers forgot to finish telling us his backstory for pitysign not to ask her any more questions she said i must have asked her a thousand already i suppose i had to but how are you gonna find things have a few nice questions ignoring punctuation i mean if i delivered sins like this wouldn't it be incredibly distracting and difficult to follow because commas man how do they work and actually we know how they work and allow pauses so we can breathe in or give our brain some time to catch up and process what's being said someday somehow we're supposed to believe that hopper reads entire books to his child this way and survives this finally someone's acting reasonable and getting the ever loving hell out of hawkins the second the death creature from another world shows up wish more of these and he's about to go back in isn't he the demogorgon will now play older brother and pin jonathan to the ground and hang slobber over him for a bit before doing anything because that's just basic predatory instinct more like the demo borgin am i right what is the number of the daytime [Music] [Music] showing off your bat spinning skills instead of immediately killing the flower-faced goo demon so the plan here is to set the beast on fire for a few seconds and then immediately put it out like that you want to save the house but shouldn't you toast that sucker for a little longer see marshmallows survive longer than this [Music] i has to be dead yes the interdimensional being that can inexplicably travel between your world and its own is definitely dead don't you dare let the lack of a body make you think otherwise and of course hopper and joyce arrive at the exact same hallway where the kids just had the demogorgon barbecue did they bring the graham crackers and the chocolate bars for the s'mores dust is just the best she can make you whatever you like that ghost well yeah it goes but real food too shut your mouth keep that eggo shade out of my 80s nostalgia thank you mike friends don't lie but we do skip i know that just following orders excuse doesn't mean these are good people but i'm not convinced they all deserve to have their insides liquefied and that we should still be expected to root for discount dozen i mean she's responsible for more recorded deaths than the demogorgon at this point right 11 11 can you hear me holding a barely conscious child like this so that their neck is supporting their entire body what what what attempting to clarify your statement by saying the exact same thing wait where the [ __ ] did brenner go he was literally holding his most prized experiment did he seriously run for the hills without taking her with him wait he's still [ __ ] there so he saw the demogorgon burst in dropped his weapon of mass destruction got up and walked directly towards the damn thing as if he's meeting his day for the snowball pulling this thing out seems like a super risky move right they know the environment's toxic so what if this is acting as some sort of disgusting life support system no one's suggesting you leave him here but let's take a minute to assess our options before accidentally pulling his insides to the outside is it dead asking a question to a room of people who have exactly the same information that you do also the demi lovato gorgons haven't received nearly enough credit for their impeccable sense of dramatic timing for a creature that was quickly pouncing all the bad guys earlier the demogorgon sure does like to showboat around these kids huh fortunately i do not suffer from photosensitive epilepsy but i imagine this is a thoroughly unpleasant experience for anyone that does if i wanted to be flash this much i'd go to mardi gras no more until the show becomes a surprise hit then maybe we'll need something for another season or two but nothing that would age our actors out of their parts for sure i mean barring some sort of worldwide pandemic a pandemic this periodic table includes a whole host of elements that hadn't even been discovered in the 80s including tennessee which wasn't discovered until 2010 and [ __ ] you and your fan fiction if you're going to come at me saying the upside down is actually a time portal to the future because if [ __ ] isn't 29 30 now go wait maybe the upside down is a time portal because it clearly teleports hopper 30 years into the future here since he's counting out a 30 compression cpr which wasn't even a thing until like 10 years ago before that it was like five compressions or so between breaths and even in hopper's flashback they're screwing up the cpr because they clearly show the ekg flat line later meaning she already had a rhythm and cpr would be counterproductive i made you a new mixtape but didn't put a case on it yes we know who the real monster is now jonathan this isn't causing will to scream in agony after having his rib cage caved in by hopper this is how 12 year olds talk about a violent movie they saw it would not be how they talk about real life trauma they experienced so maybe back it down a notch with the how cool was it when all the heads exploded reported sorry about the son of a [ __ ] even back in the 80s the fireball spell required the creature being attacked to rolodice to see if they can dodge it so mike should have rolled first instead of letting will go straight for the damage just because he's had a near-death experience doesn't mean you go easy on him dude the campaign was way too short yeah it was 10 hours but it doesn't make any sense it makes sense oh no ah yes the meaning of true fandom to criticize the thing you love for being too short too long over-explaining under-explaining or just not exactly how you would have written it but clearly this is anachronistic considering cinemasins didn't envision a picking until 2012. can i open it yeah sure no older brother has ever been okay with her younger sibling opening a christmas present from the girl they have a crush on this is quite likely the single most unbelievable thing in the entire show you just had to put up some news articles didn't you now i have to read them so explain to me exactly what you mean by experimentations in perusal of mind control perusal did you mean pursuit and sure this could have been a typo but over here you've clearly got the same paragraph twice these small town newspaper editors are lazier than the props department of a netflix show you okay yeah i'm okay i could only assume that will doesn't immediately tell his family about his visions or the upslog down he just coughed up for fear of being sidelined for all of season two as well we'll tell you about the game oh yeah i threw a fire about him and that's how you start that story not only is that the big finish but your mom has no context for who him even is or why a fireball was needed that's terrible storytelling will she get some tips from matt and ross duffer [Laughter] matt and ross those may be the dumbest names we've come up with so far it's been 84 years [Music] time of the night we turn on the black light let the dungeons and the dragons begin boom boom here comes like michael myers i shot him six times well this is awkward attention faculty and students are students two students have just been expelled for fornicating inside a mufasa want anything to drink we have oj skim milk soda o.j purple stuff sun july what is this place nancy what you want to know who fred kruger was he was a filthy child murderer who killed at least 20 kids in the neighborhood no please please don't say that i know i've been selfish but i can do better i can change oh steve i'll have what she's having if you get hungry eat dust and snacks okay michael the meatloaf i heard they make space weapons in their space weapons an industrial laser which emits an extraordinary light not to be found in nature no matter what you got i don't work with o'bannon i say abandon i meant drop you well it all seemed a bit over the top to me considering considering what never like him i never trust her here for all i know he had me set up and had my friend angel fernandez killed okay just when you talk to the cops just tell them i hate them listen to the day you're around the corner right here on first avenue mr charlie's is the name of the place it's the name of the guy behind the counter and tell him mr charlie sent you and he'll sell you cigarettes what's your name again the name's bond james bond you're never going to catch me you're wasting your time forget about it don't do something else see your next meal hey kid would you please leave without a fuss right now tommy how's it peeping tommy that's a painting tell me again upstairs are downstairs upstairs there were horses and a man on fire and i killed a guy with a trident it was a kid's drawing choice it was stick figures it wasn't will booyah meaning it's a predator right there's no stopping what can't be stopped no killing what can't be killed why is he wearing handcuffs you two suck at peddling meth what happened to her hair weak follicles leroy i understand how upsetting this is all i care about is are you happy with your hair hey what's your problem man even smiling makes my face ache you took my boy away from me give me back my son freddie piehole como seyama gayley clarkson you're just a junkie small town cop who had a really bad week took one too many pills this time but once you get locked into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can look everything that's happened here and everything is gonna happen they don't talk about you want well back you didn't see anything i still think we should stick to the chief's plan oh hell let's just do it we always do hijacks and nuclear weapons and hold the world hostage i don't feel so good
Channel: TVSins
Views: 580,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tv, television, tele, tvsins, tv sins, quickest beef owl, eww, everything wrong with, cinemasins tvsins, parody, commentary, reaction, recap, bloopers, tv show sins, stranger things season 1, stranger things s1e7, duffer brothers, netflix, horror, tv reaction, netflix original series, stranger things reaction, television reaction
Id: ADOmZ5ripwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 30sec (3930 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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