Everything Wrong With My Million Mile Lexus LS400

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this video is sponsored by Simply Safe there's no safe like Simply Safe how's it going guys my name is tvarish and welcome to my second Channel where we take a more behind the scenes and offthe cuff look at stuff I do on my main Channel now a lot of you a lot of you have been asking about this one particular car and I'm talking about this one right here this is a 1997 Lexus LS400 and I think I burned my fingers just now because it's really really hot this is as far as I can tell one of the most boring cars ever made but this one is very special because this is the famous million mile Lexus that Matt Farah bought and then he let a bunch of Automotive journalists and uh people in the automotive space drive across the country many times including myself and then he gave it to me for a dollar because I said I was going to put a turbo on it and then blow it up on the dyno a funny thing happened though um when I said I was going to put it on the dyno and blow it up um he thought that was funny but a lot of people didn't because they wanted this car to live on and now I have realized the Folly of my ways because we are actually going to be taking steps in today's episode to put this car back on the road not only you know just running and driving we're going to fully fully restore this Lexus LS400 now before we do that this car has been like sitting in this lot uh in my yard for the better part of I I want to say 2 years uh because because honestly we haven't had any use for it I know that I've driven it uh in car trek in one of the car trecks where we had a cheap car challenge and this car did amazingly but I mean it's just been sitting here so I think the battery is dead I think it's probably going to need some going over and then uh yeah we uh we need to get this looking as good as it runs I don't know if it runs we should we should probably see if it runs we should go get the turbo first we're not going to do a turbo we're not yeah we're not we're not going to do a turbo there's no turday but tomorrow no not tomorrow we're not going to do there's no turbo going on this car okay Tommy's Tommy just wants a turbo supercharger yeah don't no no supercharger no nit nitrous maybe yes maybe I am also not here alone uh the the guys are over there it's very hot they're uh they're in the shade I am I am burning myself here um so I'm G to try to start this car I have not started this car in a very long time batter's most likely dead also ah oh my oh that's hot okay all right okay no no car doesn't start let's let's figure this where's how do you open okay we could go home good time to go home right now no no we're working on cars today oh we'll be back in December yeah so we got Rex we got Michael Elsia do you remember you guys remember Michael when uh he he brought he brought the the Supra for Jack worked remember remember you got a Supra yes remember that remember that remember the time you got a Supra mint it's mint it was mint when I dropped it off hey hiding in the sh I think it might have changed a little bit I think it's not as me I I don't remember it being mint but if you say it was meant I think I I mean it has to be true right missing a bunch of part if it's on the internet is true it is not missing any parts Jack said it was missing parts I brought more parts in the bed of my truck this time so y'all can't be mad at me are you and Jack having a feud is that is that the problem uh Jack says Jack just called you a liar you going to take that from him said it was from my I'm buying him off with super Parts is what I'm doing for what we'll find out actually I already know the favors I need from Z from Jack but don't he's about to call Z about to call you Zach it's okay it's okay because uh the reason why Michael's here is because uh he drove all the way out here from Alabama yes from Alabama Birmingham B Birmingham uh Alabama and and uh it's about an 8 hour drive the reason why it's here is for this car now uh we are going to do as much as we can today uh to see what kind of condition a million mile car is in uh I'm really excited because I don't know what condition I don't think I've ever had this on a lift to where I can see you know what the the engine is looking like what the underside is looking like but we want to restore this car and Michael has a really good YouTube channel called elia's world right that is correct and I uh worked at a Lexus body shop working on these before uh 5 days ago uh and now I'm going to restore this one with all the knowledge I've gained and we're going to make this a streamline butterfly when I'm done with it I oh I like that that was a got in 60 seconds reference it's going to be a streamline but yeah it's a heap but they give me a couple of weeks and it'll look like a streamlined butterfly Michael decided to uh when he said he worked at Alexa dealership 5 days ago he wasn't fired he decided that uh he was going to make a go of it on YouTube and we are really excited um to have him do uh basically all the body work to this cuz we have a lot of other projects to do um but I'm I I want to see this car live on and I know you want to see this car live on and I have a lot of sweat going in my face this is disgusting I am so sorry but it is super hot uh so let's uh change out what dry heat it's a it's not a dry heat it's the w you guys if you had smell a vision it would be demonetized so um if we could get do we have a a jump pack let's use a jump pack before they do that so if they subscribe to your channel they could pick out the size turbo is that how it works we will not turbo this car in my shop you better you better shut up you better shut up Tommy any previous commenters here from two years ago I'd like to know what you said to him two years ago go cuz he's redeeming himself now and who pays to brighten an LS400 okay so let that was another going in 60 seconds it it it is it is so here's um here's a few specs on the car uh the car has more than a million miles on it this was a it's a one U Fe I like that they they put this here it's a 4 L V8 and uh it's made to a four-speed don't touch the duct tape that's that's speed tape um it's a it's made it to a four-speed automatic transmission makes about 250 horsepower that was many many moons ago so uh it's been running pretty good I think I mean I've done uh multiple cross country trips with it it's been up Pikes Peak it's been up Mount Washington um it's probably hit a few you know curbs or cars or whatever oh that was did you you think it passed the Moose test uh absolutely yeah I mean it's good one thing that's you will know this but my friend gold badges these are when I say worth their weight in gold they're literally worth their weight in gold like these plastic badges that are actually made in Gold you can't find these anywhere these are super super super hard to come by and people who have them new Like New in package they sell them like they're they're just price gouging us all like if you find these on the pages they're thousands of dollars that's literally people's retirement that's worth more than actual gold you know what's funny my white Supra had these badges on and I can't find them you mean that white part car over there yeah the white parts car yeah yeah yeah uhhuh okay yeah you guys should go inside it's really hot outside yeah hey do we have a jump pack yes okay good good I'm going to give this to you you know how to use this one yeah I say we stand out here a little longer and see who drops first it's going to be me it's going to be my it's not going to be this Lexus I'll tell you that oh well listen we don't we don't know know that this does burn and leak quite a bit of oil you want to make sure to cross the streams just in case you know all right three two one oh look at that look at the smoke coming out but don't worry about that that's she's just a little excited hey look we got a fora wine glass here and look it doesn't even fall off the intake manifold that's Wonder see this is the kind of actually uh in car trek we [Music] had in car trek we we actually put like like 13 uh like 13 uh rows of wine glasses on top of this and uh it all like it it fell apart is that why there's so many dents in the hood that I'm going to have to fix uh there's also quite a bit of uh glue on the hood because we glued them to the car cuz turns out you can't actually do that cuz the hood slopes so you can't really do that so we Glu food plastic I'm giving this away we should watch it it's it's actually kind of funny you can put the the clip of car trek in there it's yeah right here yeah Tommy Tommy's going to right in my face like right in these in these two pixels that's where you're going to see it right right there on the be way yeah right on the beat of the after 25 years on the road Lexus is ready to celebrate because even at the equivalent of two trips to the moon and back the road noise of a dump truck countless journalist boogers under the seats 16 unpaid parking tickets and enough oil leakage to make Greta thunberg cry the Lexus LS400 is designed to show everyone around you that you are better than them [Applause] [Music] see if the alternator Works can't kill this thing so can you can you just can you just tell the people how smoothly this is running I mean this is not moving like this has not run in like 2 years realistically it cranked right up like oh yeah I mean I'm smelling a lot of oil there's stuff burning now there is stuff Burning uh do you have any rodents under there you think not anymore no no no right now they they' probably have left or died they got evicted you think we should put this on our for poost and then uh go underneath and see how much oil is actually actually it did it did leak a lot of oil right but like when I checked the oil like before it it still had all the oil in it so like what's leaking hey Jack what are you doing next weekend Oh Jack laughing at you cuz you had to fix that are you happy you don't have to buff this thing out no there's nothing to buff and it's called P correction but there's nothing to correct am I being hazed by Freddy or is Jack paying me back for the Supra it's kind of both it's kind of both he actually you're taking both cars home he doesn't want it anymore I'm going to enjoy this part we have another Lexus too I mean if you're if you're feeling very special knowing these guys there's a mint LS400 behind the shop just sitting there under like an and like oh yeah by ways that's but this one has a k swap the tire the tiger paws still have air in them these are the best tires you can get for the Lexus LS 400 they're uh they tiger paws yeah that's right look at them like they're clawing the ground yeah they certainly are let me see if the uh AC works Freddy there's a smell that's happening we have a fire extinguisher so the AC AC does not work I don't know this isn't my shop the AC and the radio don't work dude a million miles and it still does that that's that is insane still will roast the T what it didn't roast them it kind of like just a little bit that was a transmission it yeah it was it was a transmission that that came out of the engine it didn't come out of the tires we think it's underneath here a million mile car what what do you expect to find I expect um a lot of body filler on the bottom under the car yeah what do you think r or at the Rockers okay I don't think there's any rust there's probably going to be surface rust there's probably going to be uh non-existent bushings all over the suspension like we should be able to take like any bushing and just move it around and if not then it it's a miracle so a car doesn't get to a million miles without people taking care of it now this car is known for being reliable and safe and safe is an interesting word because we all try to have as much safety as possible especially in shops like this we have a lot of equipment we have a lot of cars and we have a lot of people and we want to keep them all safe and that's where today's sponsor Simply Safe comes in so if you haven't heard of Simply Safe then you are missing out Simply Safe is comprehensive security for your whole home with Advanced sensors and cameras to detect threats from break-ins to fires floods and more and with 24/7 professional monitoring Simply Safe agents are ready to spring into action to keep you safe promptly assessing the situation contacting you and dispatching First Responders to your address even if you're away or unable to respond and with 24/7 live guard protection simply safe's expert agents act within 5 Seconds of receiving an alarm signal rapidly assessing the situation and taking immediate steps to ensure your family's safety and with the Smart Alarm indoor camera these agents can even see and speak to Intruders in real time stopping them in their tracks and with their eyes on the scene they can confirm the emergency and convey critical details to 911 helping to get a prioritized response now I've been using Simply Safe for years in all of my shops and my home I wouldn't trust anything else and unlike traditional home security systems Simply Safe never locks you into a long-term contract or charges hidden fees Simply Safe earns your business by keeping you safe and satisfied not locking you in and monitoring plans are available for less than a dollar a day less than half the cost of traditional security systems and you can install your system yourself like I did or have a professional do it for you now you can save 20% on your system and your first month is free when you sign up for fast protect monitoring at simply safe.com tvarish that's simplys safe.com tovarish it's in the link in the video description below it is super worth it go check it out there's no safe like simply safe so this has a power mode um you see uh ECT I don't know what that is uh so you have normal and power uh and the little power thing comes on the uh the dash here but the dash is really cool check this out so what happens when you when a car has a million miles is the dash just says 999999 like a German getting the wrong order on their fast food so um yeah this is this is cool even though the radio doesn't work so we're going to have to figure that out um and the AC doesn't work so all right bring it up when the Dodge dies we'll some pin holes good are you guys hazing me is this hazing I was in a FR so that's actually a lot of a lot of filler is it hold on hold on let me explain something to you all right you in Delta Delta Delta yeah uh you haven't gotten to your super yet so so let's let's why I'm laughing yo you said Jack said verba him like 10 minutes ago Dude really like and on the phone he's like dude really I mean the body is pretty straight dude come on down that's that's straight I mean look at this this is this is very straight you can see uh the the filler that they used here and you can see the the rust underneath that filler so that means it's really good good filler it's good it's very good filler it's uh it's also an f- sport did you know that I saw that it's got extra power this was back in the day when stickers did add horsepower they don't well this is also this is this was added like I think 3 years ago so this is um the fport is just a sticker but I feel like this car has earned it that wasn't the deal oh okay this is good oh no come back here I'm like why is it Rusty here that's kind of strange one thing that you're going to enjoy here is uh fixing this because that's not OEM hey it smells like burnt Tire what did they do this for why why would they do that was there a wide body on this at any time I don't think so oh you know what so this did have a gigantic stereo system and I bet you they put some like 24s on it at some point I bet you that's what it was yeah so they was a VIP car this might have been but they roll the fenders when they say and I when I say roll they they smash the fenders they chopped them too like there's slices speaking of slices that's called bacon in the body shop world where it um I like bacon it's wavy I also enjoy bacon but not on my quarter panels can we talk about the engineering here the because stock wheel stock tire stock brakes look how much the brakes just like take up this is a a big break too it is it's a four piston caliper in the in the front and uh this is actually a bolt-on upgrade for the Lexus SC300 uh actually bolt-on upgrade for the Supra yep um so the Supra twin turbo brakes slightly slightly bigger than this uh but these are also like I think they're like 12.4 in or something in D which is like for the time a really big break setup and they bolt up surprisingly to many other Toyota spindles so it uh is actually very nice cool uh these tires are a little bit on the uh on the sun damage side you know you can see how they're just like roasted um but you know it looks okay that's these bushings are probably shot too so all right let's let's bring it up and then see how bad it is oh no that may have been uh yeah did you ramp it I did not no master Shredder oh my God what is that yeah okay speaking of bacon look at that you that's a water slide you should probably tell the people what you just what you just found um so it looks like somebody jacked it up pun intended that that's carpet yeah oh my god I didn't even see that did it get shot with a 12 gauge yeah that's carpet dude that's that's 100% carpet what is that I that's a that's a somebody Jack that up I'm so happy you get this car I got this is this isn't fair [Applause] okay what you're going to get wet when it rains your feet your socks are going to be soaked I don't drive with shoes on this is free this is a rust free car what is that then I that is that's tet that's patina it's patina it looks like you ran over a javelin oh no look but wait there's more uh there's the exit wound for whatever went inside uh-huh maybe it skipped what what's what's good is that the the pinch weld is actually not terrible it looks better than the Su yeah so look look at this so this isation here is that supposed to be soft uh so yeah yeah so this is this is a uh piece of plastic but what I think happened is that so much oil has gotten on it that it is like ballooned out and then it's just it's now become did you get like something was on my head I was like I told you me dude I told you I was like something was just on my head what was that it got on me you threw it on my leg these Flor all all right all right all right he's gone he's gone everybody just calm down what else is living in here must have been on the we haven't even po the trunk yet he had to have been on the lift it was in the car put my hands like this and then something was on my head like like this and you guys are all like no one sees it and then I'm like what was it where is it you know it was Geo coming back for all the claims that's been filed against this car actually look I mean take a look that this is this looks like it's been repaired at some point yeah it's still a little bent so no no no look this one's the same way uh or is this bent in a new fun way it's really asides from the massive gouge in the floor pan I'm actually surprised this thing has a million miles on it you know what would be great if we like dry iced this yeah like if we took this to Scott als's shop and a dry iced it I I do I do see something that is definitely definitely wrong uh come over here and tell me if you if you see something wrong the fact that there's no bushing in it yeah yeah look at look at that mount it's uh she's she's riding on that's that's oh there we go there we go yeah that might be a little she's a little caddy Wampus uh I checked the front bushings no one checks the rear no no that's fine um so these are also pretty small diameter pipes don't you think I mean iess it depends on who you're asking and how big their hands are exact yeah yeah that's that is very true uh so everything up here is almost completely rusted what you what' you find you find something no no no are you just laughing this is great hey man I'll remember this yeah is hazing legal in Florida uh it is today not so this this almost seems like there were there's like a a cat that was put in at some point because these welds are like there's like a step down here this is just pinched this is straight up pinched and I I don't know if I could yeah this is Crush bent so you can see it goes from like a nice round shape to oval and then it just goes like that uh right there and then this goes from one diameter way down smaller smaller smaller and then up and then down and stealing our horsepower stealing robbing horsepower uh good luck getting these bolts out good luck um these O2 sensors probably would need to be changed you know that would be nice and oh wow dude look at this steering rack bushing oh what bushing I've I've never seen bubble like I've never seen a steering rack bushing bubble is it made of Play-Doh yeah it just looks like oh I can take I can take it out can you get some out yeah yeah this just it just fell right apart didn't it oh yeah yeah that's uh that's attractive hey a zip tie oh that's nice yeah it's OEM that's not the stock engine right that's stock engine stock engine never rebuilt stock oh yeah this is this is stock engine million miles m is apparently allegedly it seemed as though the valve covers have never been removed that's possible do you want to try to remove them what if a dinosaur comes out a dinosaur will come out do you want to I I mean the last one came on Jack's head let's so let's let's ask the let's ask the audience uh do you want to see what's inside the engine of a million mile Lexus of course they do yeah they just told me that so let's do that uh is there sludge is there nothing is it perfect yeah I bet it's perfect I bet you there's a hamster in there that's almost dead I bet there's no oil I bet there's I bet there's I bet there's a lot of oil yeah cuz it just burned off most of it Lexus in the late 90s would put V tags on body panels and when they get replaced no one ever replaces the VIN tags so as I go through this vehicle on my channel we're going to be looking for those Vin tags to see what body panels are original to the car and this bumper could be original it I it it looks old okay it looks very old that' be cool I feel bad for you so that's why I'm taking these off oh thank you uh saving me some time here I just want to I want to you know so Jack is that easy fix this bumper yeah I don't honestly this doesn't look that bad famous words I'm gonna smack I'm gonna get that lizard back I'm gonna put him down famous words so look at this this is plastic this is how old and deteriorating this car is that's standard Toyota the plastic is literally just going back to planet Earth I mean you can just Whittle that away with your finger that oh that's a aftermarket Home Depot screw it is it is yeah yeah makes it better weight reduction it does make it better longer lasting this bumper is rough I kind of regret saying I'm going to fix that but I I think I can fix this bumper for we delete that part edit that part edit this out what I'm saying right now okay we're definitely we're definitely keeping it definitely not deleting that if you want to see me dive into this come on over to Elie's World Channel and I'm going to dive into this with some friends of mine because they're actually really excited about this project um let's pop these valve covers off we need a 10 mm okay cool why did I think your name was Elsia uh I actually don't know how to pronounce my last name and I asked my grandong is Elsie or Elsa uh whatever you prefer when I asked my grandmother she laughed and said honey I don't know so uh my cousin said it should be LC like the C but uh whatever you guys feel like uh I've been called a lot worse so it is officially begun and we lost our first nut already it's okay with the car now we got plenty of nuts it's very hot yeah I probably shouldn't have done a burnout pretty Sandy there too Sandy you're going to make Freddy uh start wallowing in pain if you say the word Sandy too much this one was never sank right I don't think a million miles I mean a lot can happen oh that one wasn't even tight uh is that not the right bolt half the bolts kind of shaved down so that could be a reason why it wasn't sealing uh that's interesting all right I think I'm going to need a hammer or a mallet to like Bop this loose cuz I think it's kind of melted it oh no Jack Jack just ran away cuz he's like you said Hammer I'm going to I'm going to give you a hammer a sledgehammer this is a classic you got to be gentle yeah these aren't magnesium though right uh no I don't think so the Evo valve cover is I think I got all the bolts oh God be gentle with her she's been with me for a long time just smash it I think that used to be 4 in longer I think Jack's Jack's Hammer has more tape that's panel Bond that's panel Bond okay I don't even know what to say about this so we're just going to Built For Speed not Comfort it's a little little hot uh so we're going to put a little bit of pressure on it there we go okay um or we're just going to pry on it just a hair look it just came right out it did uh look at that let's see if there's any million mile engine let's see how she looks drum roll oh yeah this going to be you take out the dipstick uh or no maybe no I don't think so hey that's clean oil yeah we never checked that before we started it we didn't have to we knew it was good mhm all right come on baby come to Papa all right oh look at that dude that's that is not bad that's I'm cool with that I'm really cool with that take a look at this so this has been done before 100% had do look cuz look look that's that looks like almost brand new look look how look how pliable that is yeah that that had to no that's that's new look how pliable this this this has all been done this the valve covers have been off before but that looks dude there's no sludge normally the uh cam caps will have tons of crusty oil see you can see a little bit right right there uh there's a little bit of crusty oil I've seen engines with 100,000 Mi that have Mount Everest growing on the top of them there's so much oil built up this is uh remarkable it's interesting because you only have like the way that this is timed so the cam gears um they go off the crank so the crank and the cams are connected with this um this belt which actually looks like it's in good shape so that that's good but it goes to two cams and you can see right here they are connected with this uh this Gear Drive and that all looks okay it doesn't doesn't look too bad at all so you lose all your certification when you uh become a YouTuber I hope you know that I worked years for that yep yep you you lost it it's okay yeah you're just a stupid YouTuber they can't put two and two together you know it's a little ran that's not too bad but I'll take it uh that's a pretty big gap though Japan that must be NG GK NG KRS Come on talk to me talk to me these are uh bkr 6 P 6 P yeah yeah they spent some money on those uh whoever put these in they look good yeah so they're uh they're they're NGK platinums no need to change these honestly like seriously well we have we have new spark plugs but honestly they're they're they're okay we'll uh save those for your lawn mow yeah all right okay so valve cover is uh well it's it's going on now uh then we plug everything back up I think we need to take Michael for a ride uh because have you been in cars that are like really fast like truly truly performance machines not really no okay well today is not that day either cuz this car is pretty slow but McLaren we're going to take him for a ride in this Lexus what if he leaves that for you like fixes everything but he leaves the floor just for you g to stick Bondo on that thing or some some uh RTV and call it a day you're when you go there he's going to make you fix that we'll put Ramen on it that'd be a that'd be a funny video to do maybe you know behind the scenes oh yeah I'm going to fix it go home man and then Ramen come back he has no idea but it smells like uh creamy chicken for some reason you're good with Bondo show us show us some Bondo bondolio yeah on the noble I saw there's a little Bondo there there's a lot of Bondo on can we see it yeah yeah yeah okay okay ooh so now we got we got a you reconstructed it yeah so this this looks like a lot of Bondo because it is a lot of Bondo but I'm actually just you know 99.9% of that it's going to shaved down but I needed this line right here to be kind of rigid and when I wiped this way all the excess on the spreader just kind of hung over there so it's good enough this is actually pretty thin dude that's looking good bro getting there man a little bit more of work on that and then fitting it up permanently and getting these pieces here sorted out so I got something really cool planned for the inside right here that's going to be freaking dope dope I can't wait to 24 Kat gold it is going to have gold there's going to be gold the gold the frame I'm thinking you know you got three different colors so I'm not sure but I think gold bolts would look dope sick I don't know maybe we'll see I'm all that I'm still not like you know still not sold on it yet so we'll see yeah looking good bro I'm excited about this car man like a real nightmare I can't wait to be ripping in this thing dude dude so lightweight when we the moment that we get this thing running and driving I'm going to do a bunch of spinny boys out here in the parking lot and enjoy this car man it's super light in the front so hopefully I don't just like you know hit the gas and just straight into whatever's in front of me but whoops it's good though dude nice coming together only a little bit only a few more thousand hours um for the people under IR Rock what's your channel it is hack builds it I mean Jack builds it subscribe subscribe subscribe like and share the content I also did uh something off camera I changed one of the fuses uh because the AC and the uh radio doesn't work so now it all seems to work and I can't show you that the radio works because it's going to be uh some copywritten music but AC at least the blower works now what do you think do you think that this still has some AC in it all right it was full full of oil full of coolant so I think it's going to be full of freon and it had a full thing of aluminum foil that I needed yesterday when we were Grill so I feel good about the freon everything's full in this car this going to have everything so we put in a new battery should start up no problem look at that I mean it didn't even hesitate not even a little bit we resealed the valve cover uhhuh come on baby this has dual zone climate control by the way what does that even mean that means you can control the temperature oh both each each person can control the temperature oh hold on oh the button's not coming on or the light the light might not be coming on but is the AC let me look at the compressor yeah I don't hear the compressor clicking oh it's on it's spinning so it engaged which means it's circulating and it's on a pressure switch so if there's not enough free on it won't kick on so it should have enough free on unless it's bypass unless the expansion valve is stuck and then it's just not allowing you know I see a bunch of wires under the hood as well and the valve closes so now we're not getting hot water under the dash but it's not cold nope not even a little bit charge it's got pressure it's doing something I think it's pulling it down these are known to hold four bodies mhm look at that it smells like oil back here it does hey we got crops oh my goodness dud let's party tonight crops we got more why is there so much aluminum foil in here to catch oh gross VT iced pink and Latte ice yeah that's our uh car track crew yeah that's our car track crew September 24th 2021 okay so that's when we had oh dude you opened it that's not bad that's not too bad that's honestly honestly look like here oh yeah smell this you can eat that it's it's really not oh dude that's the that's normal salmon it smells like hot fish that's not it might be a little she might have turned she might have turned I'll give you 20 bucks if you taste it no no no no no no no no no we need you 20s 20 bucks yo we need we need you don't need it no why we got a guys we got a P1 to fix 20 bucks is 20 bucks man you I give you $40 not to eat that that can get me some parts for my P1 sheesh I got my lunch can I break the speed womit in this car is it possible well you can certainly try my friend Ed ban I believe this is a sign I need to come tell a story or two that is for me and it fits yeah it's nice thank you Freddy you're a peach of a guy absolutely okay that just that just starts up so nice come on oh I see way more free on now yeah oh yeah look at that no way it is oh that's so much better than hot air wow AC works speaking of hot air uh Jack blew a lot at that telling me the condition of this vehicle yeah it's not that bad it's not that bad uhhuh I have a problem all right kids let's go let's let's let's turn our let's close the look at that tinted windows how's your leg room back there Tommy it's real nice there is a lot of leg room first class and I'm laning back I thought that was a curtain but I think it's just peeling fabric it's just peeling fabric okay it's it's fine see do let me just block out the sun oh my God thank you what what switch is not working right now no everything's working working okay do we open the sunroof that may be stuck open forever oh you are ballsy I don't even care I don't care it's Lexus bro it's axus oh look it still has the air deflector and the Springs work and then let's see goes back it closes that's pretty smooth operation too it's not even and clunking tilt tilt hey look at that sport mode that is dude the AC works great and nice job look at this dude the the the headliner is still good in this I mean you you ruined part of it yeah you did you did just break it but it's that was well that's not the headliner yeah it's okay it's good it's good true all right this is my sun blocker I think this has automatic oh this has fog lights I think this say Auto uh Auto lights the Clusters are bad nope oh hey hey I didn't even have to hit the dash I was the cluster F so these go these clusters go out all the time the fact that this is good the needles are a little bit weird um but this had I think LED needles put in look at that Freddy uh if you get too much sun in your eyes I'll close the gap for you right here so the power steering is going to need some work cuz oh no it's a little it's a little tough once you get going it's fine so you got a multid player look at that oh wow no wait it just popped out yep okay so we got de leopard whoa I want that de leopard yeah brother we got we got Queen's Greatest Hits okay on Le okay then we got we got Metallica oh which one which one seeking destroy uh no this is um well is that Injustice for all and no no no is it is it well it's and Sand Man sad but true Hool than now Unforgiven so this is this is not yeah I should know this no this is Greatest [Music] [Laughter] Hits maybe do load reload I don't know uh okay so then we have Harvey Danger I don't know never never heard of that uh he's a comedian okay lead Zeppelin okay brother another lead Zeppelin okay brother um did some subscriber put this in here I love Dino Dino explosions Mr Deeds we got the motion picture soundtrack of Mr Deeds wow I didn't even know if that was a thing you can buy top seller all right uh we got Stabbing Westward don't know what that is Lincoln Park Hybrid Theory oh wow that's a this is this is a man of of culture yeah no that wasn't no that wasn't F Fighter um Foo Fighters then we have another Metallica And Justice For All yes this my favorite and then another this car climb Mount Washington CD audio tour that's what we need to play we shouldn't get copyrighted for that one I'm I'm pretty sure we will get copyrighted but everything else is fine that's the one that gets us to got all the suction cup mounts from hard Trek oh oh we got a squirter squirters work yeah one's a little clog oh my God all this suction that's okay all right you guys you guys buckled up yeah cuz so at any point a spring might shoot out yeah my foot might get cut off there's a hole in the floor it could be a valve spring or a coil spring who knows W it's Alexus man you could uh make this a recording studio in here is so quiet it's really nice it's actually quite nice let see if the brakes work yeah brakes work no problem she's a little rolly poly a little you know little that's a boat Jee yeah but that's that Lexus ride quality you know they're going for pontoon boat okay so you want to see if this thing can uh can scoot I mean what do think happens if I if I floor it right now we might get a little detonation from the fuel you felt thein did you feel it like squat down to the left and then come back so I think I think this this uh speedometer might be a little under selling it you 30 yeah because it's it said it was I was doing 27 M hour and I'm like that it's slow but it's not that slow it takes a minute to catch up it does we got to go a couple miles before it we register let me let me see what uh can you can you take a look at we had to hit at least 40 I'm going to uh Google somewhere to go no no no just just I I'll just put on WS so that way all right all right let's see can you tell me how fast we're going absolutely mock one all right 10 15 we're going 32 yes that speedometer might be a problem uh officer I swear I was going 20 M an hour right now I'm going uh 12 31 20 yeah uh yeah it's more than double that it actually pulled really smooth 45 all right now 303 35 uh 65 okay that's 70 dude this thing is pretty quick it's pretty quick it was going it's almost exactly half of what the actual speed is that can get you in trouble especially if you're wearing one of the shirts in the trunk yeah yeah you know what but we have AC everything else Works power steering seems to solve itself cooling down my favorite appear yeah the the brakes work all our temperatures and pressures are okay we have check yeah Clock Works ambient temperature works we have uh for free you know we have the radio that works this is for all intents and purposes a perfect car so I don't know what you're going to be doing honestly there's nothing to do except uh except several things what Lexus do if I took them the car to fix the gauge cluster the gauge cluster won't work well the gauge cluster doesn't need to work because that's I think it's it's reached the end of its absolute mechanical life what I think you can do is you can add on to it by uh having like some digital odometer somewhere else in the car I mean maybe you could put it like what what if you did like a a heads up display or something oh my gosh that would be awesome that would be awesome and it'd be very '90s cuz there were heads up cars in the '90s look at all that Mone look at all that money our budget just tripled dude I I paid a dollar for this car and it had more than a dollar in it I am in the black I'm in the black noted Farah you are a sucker you just left money on the table idiot literally God that's what I think yeah you couldn't get any number look at your burnout Mo dude just got a working limited slip in it unlike Jack's sua that's right that's right is it really Jack I'll trade you for your right now it's in I don't know which one's in better condition hey question yeah didn't Matt switch over to the trip cuz the the odometer quit counting what's the trip at no it's at 1.2 miles it reset battery we took the battery off no we will never know it's okay it doesn't have a million miles in huh oh wait no 1.2 so that put that at 1 million point2 [Music] [Laughter] a million miles on the dot so would this car make it back to Matt Farah's garage as it sits right now 100% you think so 100% it would not skip it would not skip a beat it would not get he sounds way too comp what do you guys think that's what I want to know what y'all think it doesn't matter what they think I'm I'm telling you right now for a matter of fact this thing could drive across the country right now as it sits I've driven way worse cars across the country yeah this is no problem it has seat belts usually the things I don't so I feel comfortable and confident yeah you guys can go see the restoration of this very special car on his channel um so I'll leave the link in the video description below go check everything out uh he's going to do amazing work uh and if you don't I'm just going to take the car from you anyway um so and then we'll we'll just rag on you and then Jack can talk about how much better he is so I'm pretty sure no matter what I do Jack's going to pick my work apart I'm just saying that's not true Jack all you body guys are the same I have I'm not a body guy I'm not either I I just play one on YouTube I quit a perfectly good job 5 days ago that was can you get it back you know can you get it back he did say I could come back my friends you know did say I can come back whenever I want cool get that in writing okay cuz you might need all right guys so uh um until next time uh wrench every day get your hands dirty and if you can buy a car with million miles make sure it's a Lexus LS400 see you
Channel: 2varish
Views: 333,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lexus, mclaren, p1, million mile, matt farah, the smoking tire, restoration, tavarish, car trek, commercial, mat armstrong, rebuild, wrecked, flooded, 675lt, lamborghini, mercedes, s class, bmw, audi, infiniti, cars, supercar, v8, v10, v12, 1uz, will it run, vice grip garage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 33sec (2913 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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