We Put an $8000 Body Kit on our $500 Ranger

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wa what this looks incredible this is sick 4 months ago we bought our 1996 Ford Ranger for $500 when we bought it it looked like this but now it looks like this we upgraded the suspension the tires the brakes installed a 453 horsepower LSX engine then outfitted the interior to be safe and equipped it with all the communications and navigation systems we'll need out in the desert everything we've done to our Baja Blaster up into this Point has been utilitarian and performance focused all with the goal of taking this truck down to Mexico to race it 500 mil in the Nora 500 but I think it's time we start making this thing look a little hot today we're giving the Baja Blaster a little face lift and make it look like a truck once more so we have $88,000 worth of exterior parts that's right we got body panels we got a bunch of Lights got a bunch of exterior stuff to make this thing race ready then after we're done installing all of our new parts we're going to send the AA Blaster off for a brand new wrap there was a lot of deliberation about what the final design was going to be you guys even weighed in in the comments in the last video I can't wait to share you guys stick around for that dude this is sick as hell yeah it looks great almost too good I have a feeling this is going to be a very satisfying video but first after what we put this thing through in the last video needs a wash let's get her soaked up we're trying to get this thing wrapped so we want the surface to be as clean as possible for the wrap shop and also just give us a clean slate to work [Music] with there's a good chance we're going to get wet so you know what we got to do get ponchos we don't have ponchos yeah soap it up oh wow soap me up soap me up I don't like [Music] this all right we got the truck pulled in here and Shawn is going to be taking care of the rear fabrication Shawn is an old friend of shop daddy Adam what's our game plan on the rear here I say best start is just to pull off the spare tires get the panels up there see what we have to work with and start working with the tubes and the brackets Sweet let's get started all right so we have the fender kind of just held up in position now and it's is pretty much the thing of looking to see what's available as far as possible Mounting Solutions and then also keeping in mind the spare tires the way that's going to go you kind of just brainstorm and see what works the best so Adam's idea was to have the spares kind of facing backwards side by side right here put more weight over the back tires as we've discovered is the key here but uh when we do that they're outside the fenders so the tire hits this huh yeah so about 20 more inches outside this Edge dang okay back to the drawing board on that we only have 55 in of clearance between our fenders our tires are 37 in wide so this is what I'm thinking I'm thinking we do it like a tractor trailer style where we get one we mount it right here and then we put another one right on top of it we have a dual stack boom boom boom boom boom boom we put the weight way far back uh in the back of the truck which is going to help us uh get a little bit more down grip this thing's super light in the back and this engine uh is super powerful so it wants to slide a whole bunch so if we get a little bit more weight towards the rear of the truck it'll probably help us out a little bit you want the weight to be closest point to the center of gravity which is right dead in the center of the truck so hopefully we won't need this at all but it's better to be safe and sorry I think I think that's a I think that's a move we'll have our inch and a half come off of here Bend and then tie into this bar over here so the blue is the existing structure that's already on the car the red is kind of what we're we're visualizing to kind of cradle the tires and then strap them down sometimes when you're visualizing something in the way it actually comes out differs so we're just going to go ahead and pull the trigger start cutting some material mock it up and kind of go from there where you good at math in school geometry all right that's the one we [Music] need how do you feel about that um misjudge the the notch a little bit now as Sean predicted we're Chang changing up our game plane here what we're going to do is we're going to remove our existing Tire support system right here and then what we're going to do is we're going to add some new structural support to go from our tube chassis to the frame we're going to get this tire thing sorted out dude that vibrates the hell out of your fingure do you want to explore some of the best off-road trails or just make your own well then download today's sponsor onx off-road it's 100% free to download and they're a sponsor we genuinely love we use Onyx all the time at donut want to see realtime conditions before you head out use onx looking for a campsite use onx need to find the way home but have no service use onx it really is the ultimate off-roading app that you can download for free plus for a limited time onx is modifying a school bus into an off-road beast and every onx member gets their name on The Wrap so if you want to be part of onx History just click the link below or download the onx off-road app right [Music] now see how she does really let so fender on let's see what she looks like yeah that's cool that don't look too bad looks way better with the fender we got our weight back there giving us a little extra grip sending us into wheelie Town wheelie Town USA population boing [Music] well Sean's figuring out the back I'm going to be at the front putting the front fenders on those are a little easier not as much fabrication these fenders we got from McNeal racing they are fiberglass they look great what's cool about these is they have pre-marked holes where the factory mounting points are so we just got to kind of drill through there and mount right to where the stock fenders mounted which I think is really helpful just checking the clearance here for the door where I think it'll be yeah right there oh yeah you got plenty of clearance that'll be good oh sweet dude sweet perfo cool we got to get our new hood put on this bad boy to do that we got to remove our headers and our makeshift exhaust now this was fun it was a look but what I don't want to do is start cutting into our new hood we've been known to do that a couple times it's time to grow up be a little bit more mature and do it the right way and luckily borla is going to make us some custom headers we can get our exhaust running out the back like in a traditional fashion so headers off hood on 2 four six bolts later I'm ready to pull here we [Music] go it must be resting on something go again what is that what is it hitting it's the stud stud is hitting it's hitting so we have to trim the stud yeah no panel gaps if there's one gap on this thing we're throwing the truck out how much have we spent so far 100 Grand oh my goodness look at [Music] that first headlight is in that's looking sweet these headlights and turn signals those are 130 bucks the new grill we got was 106 bucks from a salvage yard 236 bucks to refresh the front end I think that's a pretty good deal my God it looks like a truck next up we need a way to secure the Hood from opening while we're driving so we're going to put some Hood fins right [Music] here just taking my time with the hood pins if you're a longtime viewer of the channel you know my struggles with hoods in the past luckily fiberglasses easier to cut than carbon fiber I'll just say that hood latch pretty standard race car stuff we have an aftermarket hood it doesn't have a latch on it we also took the latch mechanism off the truck alt together when we took it all apart so we are going to put these Hood pins on it's super easy even a guy like me can handle it that looks like damn damn damn um we got a bunch of give here and that just won't do will it hot metal now it's too bent Jesus Christ Nolan now now I'm just looking at this big old Gap here there's one gap on this thing we're throwing the truck out look at that dude come on pretty stoked with that look at not much rattle at all that's good the Hood's resting on those washers beautiful okay so Sean and I are working on mounting the bedsides you can see Sean already installed six quick disconnects almost like Hood pin uh quick disconnects on each bedside for easy access easy removal and easy replacement if they get damaged so these will go on these kind of like these we'll weld these to the truck and we'll be in business okay this one tacked up [Applause] [Music] so right now Sean is working on putting some base plates on the back of this truck cuz I want a small Bumper in the back and also in Baja guys have been known to knock on your door to let you know that they're back [Music] there Sean did a killer job fabing up the mounts for the bedsides and the back now we got to move on to the front here we're going to start fabricating our front bumper it's going to to protect the truck and also give us a place to mount these lights right now Sean is bending up our main bar right here and we're going to kind of go off of that and figure out where the rest of it mounts up we're also going to include a skid plate down here it's going to protect the truck but maybe more importantly make it look real hot so let's get started I have the main bar all mocked up in position on some jack stands and that's going to allow me to kind of distance and get the right fit so I can make the main sports to the frame row next up is the skate plates first thing you have to do is get the shape of the skit plate itself it's going to be cut out of a piece of aluminum which I'm told it's our only piece of aluminum so kind of hoping I don't mess that up once I have the skate plate cut out I can clamp it onto the bars and then kind of see where I want to put my mounting tabs since the skip plate is aluminum it can't get welded and it would be nice to have it kind of bolt on and removable and replaceable so once I have the tabs figured out we should have a functioning skip plate [Music] yep so today I working on installing all of our lights so we have over $4500 worth of KC lights we have our main light bar which is going to sit on top of the truck we got our bumper lights we got our a pillar lights and we have our rear facing light bar which is less about lighting things up and more about communicating to other drivers on the course like Hey we're here it'll help us be visible through a whole bunch of dust that gets kicked up so that's going to be super super important we already have a switch panel inside the truck that runs our starter and some of our accessories so I'm going to try to wire all that up into that system so right now it's just figuring out where to start drilling holes where to start mounting lights no Baja truck is complete without some lights so we're going to get these things on here and at the very minimum it's going to make this truck look sick as heck got high beam low beam high beam low beam wires all hooked up I want to First make sure that everything is working correctly so I'm going to plug in our lights here okay let's see oh look at that whoa okay so we got our ambers we got our spots pretty bright jar yeah pretty bright pretty bright okay okay well wired up correctly now I can start funneling this wiring harness through the truck get these mounted on the top and make it look nice and clean like a professional did it like a one-handed professional I can do this I cut my finger to the Bone how'd you do that my my sweet mother gave me a new set of bread knives and I've been using the same bread knife for like 18 years and it's dullish well I was holding the sandwich like this you hold the sandwich like this and I just no big deal you know kind of like this kind of holding the bread no big deal you don't need to put it on just throw your hand under the knife I [Music] did new knives are dangerous dude it was it was gnarly and as soon as I saw it I saw how deep it was and I was like ah I can't super glue this KC lights give us the ability to run either white lights or Amber lights now Amber lights are good because it cuts through the dust when you running at night if it happens to be Dusty conditions now what we're trying to figure out is hey do we really need those do we want those we only have so many available positions on our switch panel we're going to have maybe some other accessories that we need to use and I think our solution is this we're going to use one switch that runs all of our white lights and then we're going to have a second switch that runs all of our ambers so we won't be able to individually control bumper lights from roof lights from a pillars but that's okay when we want our lights on we want them all on at the same time now we will be able to control Amber or white maybe we'll use those ambers I don't know we'll see I think we're going to be glad we added those I think so too we don't know what we're going to run into out there we have no idea we have no idea yeah [Music] this truck's really coming along knocked it out with the front bumper and the lights you know I think we were all worried that this thing was no longer a ranger it was just some monstrosity but with the fiberglass and the headlights and the KC lights it looks like a ranger again just on Extreme steroids which is exactly what we wanted with the fuel cell on the back we need a remote fuel cell fill because our tires are going to be right on top since our fenders are detachable I don't want to put it on the fender itself in case it rips off and since we got tires here we need long tube so that we can get to it easily so back of the truck is where it's going to live I'm thinking I'll have this fill Point hip height that way when you're filling up the gasoline itself you don't have to go too high cuz we're going to have jugs and stuff so all right the truck's coming in we need more fuel okay that feels natural to you that feels good okay well I don't know if we're going to be able to get it there [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm working on installing our fire extinguishers we have two of them we're going to put them in the rear of the truck probably mounted on the bars that come down from the top of the cage the mounts that these fire extinguishers came with are just a little too wimpy for the Baja Blaster like if this is jostling around it doesn't take much for that to go and then fire Stingers is gone so we can't have that and we do have a bunch of metal laying around so I'm going to make some brackets for these things I've seen what other guys do in trucks like these so I'm just going to try to replicate [Music] that you proud of it oh I'm so proud like a proud [Music] daddy that ain't going nowhere until you wanted to wow ladies he's single so we got these big old spare tires in the back but they will do us no good if we can't lift this thing up so right now I'm just kind of looking to see where I have room to mount our Jack we've got one from Pro Eagle that makes one specifically for off-road stuff but she's a big girl got to find somewhere that's easy to access and secure at the same time I don't hate it still like you can still grab it I mean yeah I mean everything in offroad's heavy so we're just going to have to man up going to have to hit the gym yeah I think I'm going to run it yeah let's do it then we can put the toilet on the other side right yeah a little squatty [Music] buy before the car goes into the wrap shop I'm going to go uh around the car and hit the welds holding the roof on the car down with the flap disc here make it nice and smooth so when the wrap goes on the car there's not like a little weird Ridge there that people will look at and uh we'll all be insecure [Music] about workout yeah dude I'm sweating sweating like a stuck [Music] pig I'm about to take out the front suspension so we can check the uh travel of the wheel and make sure that we don't get into our nice new Fender we don't want to break this thing any faster than we have to so if we do have interference well I there's not a whole lot of adjustment we have obviously we can trim this thing to make a little bit more clearance uh we're just hoping to already have clearance don't stop going in oh my God woo we are definitely touching I was kind of hoping to not really have to trim this thing that much it looks so good right now but uh it does seem like we got a lot of interference uh it's not going to change the way it looks very much Nolan's going to knock it out of the park I'm sure thanks for the vote of confidence out of the park I'm feeling pretty good about the cut here look from 20 ft this truck's going to look immaculate it does look a little different now but you know at this point I'd rather have a wonkier looking fender well than the tire on the first time we take it out going full travel into it and cracking the whole thing after all the hours we put into making this thing look good so 100% agree uh great the C look good yeah one of my better cut jobs I'll say progress that's what we're here for improving every day practicing until you're perfect and even when you're perfect not stopping the practice cuz that's how you get rusty that's how you get out of shape truck's coming down Jerry's finishing up a couple wires right now after that they'll be ready to go to the WAP shop and get its new skin honestly it's it's crazy to think not that long ago this thing was a stock truck now it's sitting there with those big old hand-cooked tires it's got the casy lights the Sparco seats this thing really looks like a true race car now and I'm super proud of that okay we got the proper fuses in the truck would you like to see if all ambers work sure oh yeah they work all ambers working great nice now would you like to see if all the lights work oh my god dude no way dude it's hot it's hot we're going to be able to see in the middle of the night I can see all the lights with my eyes closed yeah that hurt all right that's everything we've needed to do to the exterior so off to the Wrap Shop good job we did a lot of work in the last couple days it's been 2 weeks the truck just got back from rap Legends no one here has seen it this is the first time we're going to see it for our own eyes this thing looks massive yeah big as hell I'm excited to see it for the first time Jimmy go ahead and pull that cover off buddy W what it this looks incredible this is sick looks great almost too good got the Casey lights the yellow pops yellow pops on the side almost like someone thought about when we're stranded in the desert easy to find us to see this from the ISS dude this looks insane outstanding it looks so good it looks complete with a wrap on it one color it looks done which is incredible wrap Legends absolutely crushes this is not an easy vehicle to wrap I don't want to wrap any car let alone this thing but it looks incredible they killed it absolutely killed it now it's time to go get it dirty this will be the nicest that ever looks so get all the shots you want Zach [Music] so the ranger turned out way better than we could have ever imagined but before you guys leave we have another big announcement Joby and I we starting our own channel we're super excited about making our own videos on our own time and hope you guys will be a part of it click the link in the description below it's the first video on our new channel big time or you can just search big time in the YouTube bar and maybe it'll come up uh but don't worry you're still going to see us on donut we're going to be around for the rest of the Ranger build and we just bought two identical cars for another series here on donut so you'll still be seeing us we love you guys we're super excited for this and happy that you'll be along for the Journey of us building something new till then bye bye-bye
Channel: Donut
Views: 216,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: donut, donut media, cars, james pumphrey, up to speed, moneypit
Id: 4JAR2JuwvE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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