FULL BUILD | Building A $100,000 Charger Hellcat Redeye From A Worthless V6 Rental Car

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all right I didn't know you liked cats we got ourselves a hell cat oh [Music] man so welcome everyone to what is a very very exciting day as you can probably tell because in front of me is the newest car I've ever owned in fact for all intensive purposes this is a new car this is a 2021 dodge charger Hellcat widebody and it's not just any dodge charger Hellcat widebody it's my Dodge I'm doing the Doug De mirro thing aren't I now I am super excited because I got this amazing automobile for free for $0 and uh I'm real happy about it now this is not some Automotive journalist thing where I get a press car for a weekend and then cry myself to sleep when I have to give it back I got this car from Dodge from the people that make it because apparently they're fans of my channel and they know that I build things from time to time so if anyone were to try to buy one of these cars brand new it would cost the better part of $90,000 now I don't care who you are cars like this don't just get given out so there is a catch and the catch is I have to give it back except not really now unlike cars from the dealer this thing was a pre-production example essentially what that means is this was made before the production run for testing purposes now what that means for this car is that it's exempt from things like emissions but what it also means is that it can't be titled it can't be registered and it can't be driven on a public road now this presents a unique issue because Dodge now has cars that they have to get rid of and honestly these are really really cool car so that's where I come in Dodge told me that I could have everything in this car that makes a Hellcat a Hellcat and in return all I had to do was one little event that's right they invited me me to this year's Motor Trend presents roadkill Knights powered by Dodge now if you guys don't know what that is then please do go check the link in the video description below because it is one of the most insane events for car culture there is so you have Woodward Avenue in Pontiac Michigan which is a very iconic venue and they close it off and do street legal drag racing it's everything a 17-year-old me would have dreamed of doing so I got this awesome Hellcat but I also got $10,000 for Motor Trend to modify it in any way I wanted to get it ready for drag racing on wward Avenue on August 14th in Pontiac Michigan now I am going to be drag racing other YouTubers influencers social media people I don't know what you call us but just to give you guys an idea of who I'm going up against it's going to be Weston Champlain Alex Taylor and the boys from throttle and whoever wins that is going to go up against Eric Malone from fastest cars of the Dirty South that's a Motor Trend show you should definitely check out so that makes me super duper excited because as you all know I am very competitive when it comes to [Music] [Applause] racing byebye Mr Bon woo [Applause] but another thing I like to do is involve all of you guys in my decisions because to be honest with you I don't know anything about this car I've never even driven one I just got this thing delivered and honestly I'm a little bit scared so you guys should let me know what you do with $10,000 to make this into a more track focused quart mile racer now I just got this thing but you guys can see some sneak previews of what I'm doing with it on my Dodge garage page go check it out in the link in video description below right now I think we should go on a little bit of a tour of this car because I don't know anything about it and I really want to learn and this thing looks awesome and I'm just I'm just going to geek out I'm sorry if you guys don't like geeking out we're going to do that today but the first thing I want to show you is how this thing sounds all right cold start in a Hellcat it's a little raspy it's like really R I don't think it's I don't think that's supposed to happen hold on oh so when I said that this is a pre-production car I was not joking uh there are no um tail pipes here so I think this is this is our culprit and why she is a little bit on the raspy side I think I have something to solve this so it turns out that I went to a shop right next door that deals with like classics and performance cars and they had some Hellcat Muffler tips what are the odds of that oh the best cars need a little bit of wrenching just to get them going so they don't melt their own bumpers off you know just makes it more exciting you know laying on a cold floor it's actually kind of nice I think this is yeah that that gets pushed in a little bit maybe like that okay I think we're good okay now I think we can start it really here what she sounds like much better know usually shouldn't rev an engine cold but I'm fairly certain that this car has had its fair share of abuse that was 3,000 RPM wow so on a normal Hellcat that engine makes 707 horsepower with a 2.4 L supercharger but I noticed that this is not the normal Hellcat supercharger this is actually an engine from a red eyee which means that this is a 2.7 L supercharger and this engine makes 797 horsepower nearly 800 horsepower power meaning that this car is one of the if not the fastest four-door cars in the world with a top speed of over 200 mph this thing is a literal rocket ship now I think you'll agree with me when I say I've been talking too much about this car it's time to get it out in the road and see how it drives but there is one thing that may prevent us from finding the limits of grip with 800 horsepower and that is the fact that it's currently raining this is going to be fun this car came with two keys one is the regular kind of normal one and then there's a red one which is the power key this one unlocks all the power so we'll just going to have all the power today [Music] [Applause] 3,95 mil something tells me those miles were not very kind to the car now we should actually let this thing warm up a little bit because I don't want to destroy anything on this drivetrain now this is for all intented purposes just like the car that you would rent from any Airport rental car company except for the fact that it has more power than a Ferrari more power than a Lamborghini like this is just insane oodles and oodles of power and they can give this to you if you have enough money to buy them now don't get me wrong I am very happy that this car exists 800 horsepower in anything especially something that has cooled seats and air conditioning and and four doors and five seats this is probably the best daily driver you can get if you're out for just crazy power now you guys probably don't want to see all the features of this car this does have heated and cooled seats it has alcantar WRA steering wheel it has a uh sort of leather is line Dash with white stitching it's generally a nice place to be however the thing you guys probably want to see is this SRT menu so you press this SRT button and immediately this goes into full Attack Mode you can pick whatever you want to do with this car this is a more track oriented car so you have your auto settings your custom settings Sport and track so if you put it into sport you can see that the power is in red red means the most power you can get which is 797 the transmission is in sport meaning that it holds the gears a little bit more it's still going to be fine driving dayto day but it's just a little bit more sporty paddle shifters are on you have these tiny little paddle shifters behind the steering wheel traction control is in sport suspension is in sport and steering is in sport so it tightens all that up from the regular normal mode then you go into track and everything just turns red it essentially turns all the nanni all the electronic controls off and lets you get 800 horsepower right to the rear wheels which is which is something which is which is something especially on a day like today okay now we are warmed up and ready to go now I am just going on a private side road so this isn't going on any Highway nothing like that and immediately immediately you can tell that there's something special underneath that hood you hear the slightest faintest wine just by pressing the throttle like 10% I'm not going to floor it in first gear just going to roll into it and go okay all right um did you guys hear that there's no way we're launching this car right now this car has 3 15 mm wide tires front and rear which means that hydroplaning is a real thing turn around real quick all right let's just try one launch just one tiny tiny launch activate launch control right there okay press brake and quickly apply Full [Music] Throttle and [Music] go whoa Who whoo all right yeah we're not going anywhere fast with any sort of water on the road so here's what happens if I'm in second and I just stabed the throttle Dodge you have you have made a very fast car holy moly so this also has a line lock mode which is basically a burnout mode it locks the brakes in the front and it lets the rear just do its thing so you're holding the car and the rear is just giving you the most massive burnout ever now I can't do it now because I mean the it's it's just super wet outside but I did do it [Music] yesterday yeah well all right this thing is nuts so it looks like I'm going to have to wait for the sun to come out for this to do any sort of performance tests but I want you guys to let me know what you would do if you had $10,000 in this car and you had to race it on a street so I don't know what the final form of this car is going to be but I do have some really interesting ideas in my head and I'd love you guys to go along so welcome everyone to the build part of my Dodge Charger Hellcat build now behind me is nothing there's no car here but the car is on its way to my shop right now I'll tell you where it is in a second but if you guys are new to this channel and this build then definitely go check out the other video that I made my Reveal video where I tell everybody that I am a special boy and I got a dodge charger Hellcat for free I am jealous of myself now in that last video I asked you guys what you would do if you had a Hellcat like I just got and $110,000 like motor Tren just gave me and I got a lot of good responses but one guy had some really good ideas and he actually came to my shop and we talked in person now I recorded this whole interaction and I think you guys will like to see so let's go back in time when this car was still here so you guys can see who I'm talking about and here he is this is Tony Angelo you might know him from Hot Rod Garage and roadkill and a bunch of other stuff on Motor Trend right yeah absolutely plus also like drift racing and other things drift racing yeah how much racing is going on in these drift events it's more like style isn't it no it's a lot of it's a lot well there's it starts with a drag race and then there's a sideways race and then at the end it's a looking cool race a sideways race that sounds like some Willy Wonka stuff okay how that's how Americans did it now another thing Americans did is this car right here and uh I have no idea what to do with this car but I think you might because you actually did race on Woodward Avenue didn't you I did yeah these cars the the best thing you can do with these cars is get them lined up hit the gas and hold on cuz they are absolute animals in a straight line so I raced Woodward uh roadkill Knights a few years ago um I would say that I won I'm going to say I never lost I beat Leah pitet and Mike must and somebody else and then in the F it was wet and raining and Dodge called it off so I I'm I won totally okay so I love that that is you can absolutely see the racer in you because you know it's just like a fisherman it was this big I swear I didn't lose Dodge called it off cuz I was too fast what I think I'm going to do with this is not add any more power because 797 horsepower is a ton of power to go through any car I'm just going to try to get more traction from what is already here so what would you say you know maybe like wheels and tires maybe suspension something like that yeah well I would you know if I was getting serious I would get a bunch of the weight out of it bunch of the weight okay so completely gut the car yeah with yeah within reason I would ditch a ton of this extraneous stuff and then Woodward is like a scrambly garbage surface uh it's it's inconsistent and it's uneven and it's just a it's a regular Road mhm so I would do whatever I could to Max my traction I would probably swap wheels and tires and then I would probably get really good at Dy you have it here we we had to show up and just hop in there uh I would take it out in practice okay so another thing that I want to do maybe I I'll just show you uh an idea I have so here's here's the wheel and tire okay and on an unprepped surface this would just create a lot of Tire smoke but you can do well at least in my mind I think what you can do is you can have a little garden sprayer just come out right here and you can put some vht or pimp juice or whatever and that's what I think I'm going to do so I'm going to be when I do my burnout and this can do very very good burnouts I'm just going to put a little bit you know a little puddle of of some some sticky substance so I have a little bit of an edge that sounds insane and I think you should do it I never heard I've seen people spray bleach and water on their tires if you burn on stuff I've never seen people try to go fast by spraying junk on their tires I love it yeah yeah so I mean it can't it can't hurt actually it can hurt but I'm not going to say it's going to it's going to hurt me I think we have a good fighting chance if we do this and some weight reduction and then maybe some other bits and pieces but uh all right well thank you very much uh I'm going to I'm going to be calling you a lot for a lot of this cuz I don't know anything about these cars they are beastly awesome okay awesome uh I am now um a little scared I'm I'm a little scared so let's begin with this build now the rules are really simple they gave us $10,000 which is not a budget cap but let's just say I don't want to spend a ton more money than I have to because it's a lot of money and the $10,000 includes shipping so shipping from here in Florida to Detroit and back is about $3,200 so right off the bat I only have about $77,000 to play with on modifications one thing I always want to do is I want to put on a show for people I want to make sure that people have fun while I'm doing whatever it is I'm doing at this event so I wanted to make sure that the car looks as insane as it drives so I got a color change and that's actually where the car is right now now I had a few options number one is painting the car but that takes a long time and that takes a lot of money if you want to do it right number two is vinyl wrapping the car and that also takes a lot of time and a lot of money it doesn't take as much time as a paint job but it still is expensive on both parts and number three is one that I opted to do and that is Plaster dip now Plasti Dip is something that I'm really kind of well-versed in because the ogs amongst you will know that I took my old S500 down to fona at dip your car in South Florida and we plasted at my car and it looked amazing so I think for an event it's going to be really cool to have a complete color change for not much money and hopefully I don't blow my budget out because of it so let's go back in time time again so I can show you the entire process of plas it di in a car from start to finish on a brand new Hellcat and also I didn't know that I was making the segue so the intro to this next clip might be a little bit weird so if you guys are new to my channel thank you so much for watching I really hope you enjoy it and consider subscribing and hit that Bell if you like what you see now I am in an industrial park it is quite loud because people around here are doing a lot of work now my car is well I'm going to let the cat out of the B it's right here so we are at Pro dips in Orlando Florida and this is Eric the owner and we are about to transform the look of this car how are we going to do it what we're going to do is a few step process but we got a short time frame so we have to make sure we're fully focused on this thing start it off with a nice car wash to make sure everything nice clean decontaminated um then we're going to start with the prep work and after the prep work we're going to actually install the product and after that we'll do the post which is just cleaning anything up and hopefully have the keys and everything ready to go for my man's here by tomorrow my good friend Fonzi sent me over these gallons so we have our safy cone safety cone orange and I can't wait it's going to be basically this right pretty much pretty much exactly like that like the safety cone you see on the street bright bright bright definitely going to make this car pop even more it's already an aggressive car well I mean it's not it's not super aggressive it's just gray like it's why why would they ever make this car in Gray this doesn't make any sense to me not I'm not the guy that Dodge man you absolutely right we need to bright color to match what the car really is man cuz I'm in love right now well I'm in love too dude this car is amazing so you guys have already started before I got here so you started doing some prep work uh right here you just masking all that off all we're doing right here is this little rubber piece so cuz when you close the door you don't you don't want it to be touching so as you see here it's coming is coming down so things like that really matter because when you spray it sprays on there and then when you let it go it's just going to Flap right over so you really don't see an edge or anything like that so little things like that I mean we've been doing for quite a while so it took us a while just to learn stuff like that so everybody should know what Plasti Dip is by now right like you should know that this is a rubber spray that you put on it's a rubberized coating but you can spray it in any color you want and it's also very kind of scratch resistant but then you can just peel it off if you want to change the color absolutely and you know since we started back in what 2011 till now it's evolved so much more um plastic dip would be our entry level uh liquid wrap but then we also have you know PR line we have autolex but even if you want to even enhance plastic dip itself we can do something like dip armor over it with mix you know scratch resistant gas resistant and stuff like that so it's really evolved and and it's if it went done right you can't even tell the difference sometimes between this or any other product out there well I can't wait to see how this turns out uh I'm definitely going to try to help uh whatever you guys want to do you guys have already taken out stuff here and made the car lighter which which thank you very much go ahead and leave those off yeah just leave those off weight it's weight reduction it's fine uh so we're going to do up the tape and then start uh start dipping this [Music] car [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] n [Music] [Music] n I don't think you're ready for this it is so crazy look at that oh yeah so this is my new Hellcat widebody liery and we have made it in the livery of wrench everyday roadside assistance so the motto for wrench everyday roadside assistance is you're on your own because obviously you are the warranty you are your own roadside assistant so this entire dip job was done by the experts at Pro dips so shout out to them Link in the video description below if you're in the Orlando area please do go check them out and all the vinyl stuff was done by window 10 Z now this is what I'm talking about when I look at a Hellcat and I'm like this needs a little bit more loudness to its color to its appearance this is super loud and the car is going to be super Rowdy but now I should probably talk about the actual build this is a build where I have to take this car and make it into more of a focused drag racer and there's three things that you really need when it comes to drag racing number one you want some weight reduction so we're going to work on that number two you need some traction because we're going to be on Woodward Avenue and number three is usually power but this thing has 800 horsepower so the power is going to be completely stock 800 is more than what we'll need to win but that third thing I'm going to replace it with an intim idation factor I want these guys to see this car and shake in their boots I don't they're probably not going to be wearing boots cuz it's summertime but you know what I mean so you guys might have noticed that behind the car is a bunch of parts that look like they're from a charger Hellcat that's because they are this car was also half sort of kind of gutted so there's nothing in the trunk area and we took out all the back seats now the front seats I'll probably leave in because I don't know if motor trend's going want to have a second person in there maybe Jared's going to come along I don't know but I want to leave two seats in there just in case that happens but since many hands make light work I got a friend to come help out because who wouldn't want to work on a big orange Hellcat uh here's my friend Shane hey everybody how you doing I'm doing good that was a lot easier to take apart than I expected I I think so too so this is really kind of beginner stuff if you're looking for a car to start to wrench on like it's it's super easy I think we use like three tools not a lot but I also I think you need to take that front seat out and put the milk crate in there so there's some weirdness going on here because usually when you take out a bunch of weight from a car the weight should go down and if you notice I have some scales right here and those scales wirelessly attached to this which tells me the weight of the car now here was the weight of the car before we did any weight reduction to it and now the weight of the car says it's 80 lb heavier after we took out all of that stuff how does that happen did you leave some tools in there yes they're they're made of depleted uranium we pulled a ton of stuff out and then went and looked at it and yeah it's it's literally just 80 lb more so I think this is one of those rare cases where you take out stuff and it just gets heavier so you stop taking stuff out I think I think we're good I think we're good there what I think we're going to do though right now is I'm going to mount some new tires and some new Wheels because these pellis are fine for making a ton of smoke but they're not going to be good for doing any sort of drag launches so we're going to take these off take these wheels off and I got something very special to put on this car okay so look at these wonderful wonderful boys so these are hoer drag radials and they are DOT approved which is exactly what we need because we're going to be racing on a street everything has to be DOT approved now these are going not on the stock wheels but these guys this is an OEM wheel from a Dodge Demon and yes I have the fronts we'll talk about those later but these are 18x 11 and these are 20x 11 so honestly I want a little bit more sidewall and we got that with these chunky guys right here so what I have to do now is put these on these and then we're going to put it on the car and see that they obviously don't fit actually I really hope they fit these things were very expensive all right so that didn't take long at all right not long at all these tires and wheels took No Lie probably 4 hours because for some reason this tire would not bead on the wheel and I know it seems like a very trivial thing but we tried everything we tried using a lot of lube we tried ratchet strapping we tried different flammable fluids put in there and then we lit it in fact here's a montage of everything we tried ending in [Music] success [Music] we're getting closer though that was big that was big that was a that was an actual explosion we're almost [Music] there [Music] ready that work did work that thing stuck on there now look look at that side collapsed in still like did you hear that I love [Laughter] this oh that is so much better more arm hair that's okay you got you got plenty more so would you look at that it looks so so mean I can't wait to get these things up to temperature you see the fitment is totally totally perfect I mean this is exactly what this car needs because I mean this is an OEM Dodge Demon wheel and we have actually a little bit oversized drag radials so on the other side we have the same thing I am very very happy that we got these on in time for the race but there's one other thing that is going to make this car even more rdy and uh Shane has some yeah baby we got NS all right so let's talk about nitrous this is a 10 lb nitrous bottle and it is currently full it is basically extra power in a bottle and the way it works is that there's magic pix in there that go in the engine and uh they make things real angry and then fire shoots out like it does in the movies and then the car goes faster now it actually has to do with essentially chemical supercharging you see you pack more oxygen into the cylinder and you introduce more fuel meaning that there's more bang in your combustion so it creates more power now I told you that I don't need more power in this car and that is very true so this is going to be that third thing that I mentioned the intimidation Factor because this is going to be a monster nitrous Purge and uh right now Shane is well he's already Riv nutted some of the stuff here and uh this is where the nitrous is going to live and the nitrous Purge is going to be coming out of the hood here and I can't wait for you guys to see this this is going to be a essentially a show car it's going to make big nasty burnouts it's going to have nitrous coming out of there it's going to have a nice little light show that I can't wait to show you later and it's also going to be be super super fast now while Shane does that I am going to work on some other parts of the car namely the lights where I'll show you how we're going to turn this from a regular car into something a little [Music] extraordinary [Music] oh all right so that looks really good uh it is several hours later Shane went home as he should because uh nobody needs to be working in the middle of the night on cars like this uh just so you guys know this is what time it is it's 3:32 and I yes it is August 11th so I don't have a ton of time to put this thing together but I have been making very very good progress so right off the bat we see this thing this is an awesome light show that's going to happen on the top of the car but where I spent a ton of time was back here so we have our nitrous Purge uh setup actually this could be a real Nitrous system uh if I ever want to go that route but over here is uh well this is quite interesting and I think this is going to give me the Edge now power-wise I know I'm probably going to be low man on the totem pole I know that uh I have the least power out of everybody but that doesn't matter because the name of the game is traction and right here we have some pimp juice and pimp juice is really good track prep so I'm doing something that some old Racers did back in the day and I'm not sure why they didn't do it anymore I know this is a old Street Racers trick so all I did was take a gallon of pimp juice and connect it to a 12vt transfer pump and then that goes into a te and that goes into the wheel wells and I'm not sure if you can see it here that little guy is going to spray onto my wheels when I'm doing a fat burnout and then when everything gets up to temperature then I can have some really good traction at least that's the idea I've never actually tried this before and it actually might make things worse and that pump is very very cheap because I tried another pump uh actually bought two and then the other one uh straight up just crapped out it worked for like 5 seconds and then it made a really bad smell so that's what happens when you buy pumps for like $10 I know you guys want to see this thing in action all right so let's turn this to the accessory position and this yep so this is a switch panel a custom switch panel and uh I put in some buttons uh which kind of sort of correspond to uh what's going on here we have our nitrous Purge which I haven't done yet we have our light bar which uh is going to look awesome we have our rear which is the uh pimp juice and then we have the underglow which is I didn't have enough time for underglow let's try this guy light bar and oh yeah that looks amazing so not only do I have that but it has different sort of flashes and patterns and uh I can honestly do whatever I want now I didn't want to do red and blue I wanted to do white and orange because this is a roadside assistance vehicle after all I don't want to pretend like I'm police or something but another thing that I did was in here so in there is a new module and if I press this button oh yes now it's it's official but speaking of official we still do have to put that nitrous Purge in I did a little bit more weight reduction you can see that I took the cowl off and the windshield wipers and they are right there and that's where they're going to stay so I mounted the nitrous Purge right here I just have to run the lines and then do the wiring and then we should be good to [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well it is almost 7 a.m. I have not slept but I'm very excited because this car is done actually it's a few hours away from getting picked up to go to Detroit and I actually have to catch a flight to Detroit in a few hours but this is the moment of truth I want you guys to see this for the first time so first we have our light show bam and Bam now we have Intimidator [Music] mode [Music] yes okay so it is the day of the event actually the day before the event because we have to do a bunch of press conference stuff and I am here at the M1 Concourse and this is the place where roadkill kns is about to take place now um my car is not here and the reason why my car is not here is because uh the shipper That was supposed to take my car we had this planned out weeks in advance uh basically got the worst luck in the world uh his truck broke down then he tried to get another truck from the dealership they sold that and then he tried to get a rental truck and then that wasn't happening and then he tried to get a different trailer tried to use my trailer then his truck like just broke down all together and what I had to do was something very uh sort of desperate the car should have been here yesterday what I had to do was I had to take a shipper from Florida to Atlanta where Jared Jared like the MVP of my channel he took the car from Atlanta and he's currently driving here he picked the car up at midnight last night and it currently 9:30 in the morning and he's due here at about 11:00 now I am like on pins and needles I am super just like I I'm I'm a little bit stressed out because all the other cars are here and we got Weston over here you want go for a ride let's go for a ride I have no idea whose golf cart this is okay good okay so this is this is Weston Champlain uh definitely uh check out his channel but uh you got an awesome car uh my car is not here yet so uh when your car gets here it's going to be awesome awesome though like that thing is Orange it's a freaking recovery vehicle that thing is going to be ready to party and when I blow my car up you can pull me back let's head on down this way okay hi tarish how you doing good dude um so you and I don't mean this disrespectfully I mean this truthfully right this is how you usually set up when you're about to insult someone dude you're not a muscle car guy per se oh no no not not really at all so I didn't understand what muscle cars were about I never even drove a Hellcat until they just delivered one to my shop and honestly I fell in love almost immediately it it's such it makes so much sense and it makes no sense at all at the same time yeah yeah so talk to us about the build because again you come from a Supercar world so how were you able to take that knowledge and turn it into something that's hopefully going to go real fast heading down Woodward Avenue so honestly I I knew that Woodward Avenue it really isn't a a well well prepped track these cars sort of need that and everybody else here I don't want to put the give a give anything away but I know that they're probably going to go for more power I didn't do that I did something else and I I think everybody will sort of appreciate what I did because uh I I like to be unique um s sort of maybe I don't know I honestly maybe everybody else did exactly the same thing and I'm just I'm just talking out of school well let's find out what do you say we pull the cover back on your car and show show it to everybody okay let's do that let's Okay but fine let's do it let's do it except that let let's just pull the cover off let's just let's just do it and okay you're like so so I have done nothing so this is a bone stock car in okay I that's that's not exactly true this is not my car my car actually got here when the CEO was talking and it's right back there this is a stunt car you know like just just so I'm not standing next to Wonder Woman mobile like the invisible car this is for all intensive purposes a very nice Hellcat but my Hellcat is over there which I have worked on and it has a very nice delivery it has some more power adders it has some weight reduction and I'm very excited to get it down the track you guys his eyes have been this big ever since he first got his chance to put his foot down on the right pedal I'm excited to see have you have you have you made a pass yet on that thing at all have you done any testing since you've got yours actually done so uh the answer is no no no no definitely not so I'm going to I'm going to say that I'm with uh Eric here where you know we're just going to run what we' Brun it's street racing you guys tarish he's our guy right here and that's not his car his is over there what happened was uh car shippers are just it's it's so such a rich industry you know with with people that are on time all the time so uh the the tow truck actually broke down there was a huge story there but my friend Jared had to pick this up in Atlanta in the middle of the night yesterday and he just drove it like 12 hours here he had no sleep he is absolutely the MVP so the reason why the car is here is all because of him and it's it's right back there I don't know if you guys can turn your cameras around or whatever you'll see it at at some point but that's yeah that that's going to be fun that's awesome right and just in the nick of time my car is here because of this man right here you're also wearing a shirt that is matching the car I am I really excited uh how long have you been up what time is it 7:00 yesterday okay 7:00 in the morning okay so that's it's many hours it is 2:00 hours okay that's that's a lot of hours uh so you need you need some sleep my friend eventually we got to get through Tech and there's things to sign and like stuff to do so we'll go to sleep eventually so my car got here after a crazy crazy I I I can't imagine the bad luck that we've had with shipping this car but it finally got here just when it was right about too late but it it's fine it's here and it looks fantastic so this is my car and this is Weston Champlain's car he has a twin turbo Hellcat and and it has some interesting modifications it looks really cool like a fighter jet we have Eric Malone's car which has some interesting mods uh has some skinnies in the front and probably has some power adders we have throttle's car and they have done skinnies in the front and drag rles in the back they have more power and nitrous and they've gutted their car I don't think it's going to help them much but we have Alex Taylor's car which is uh can you explain this can you like what's what's going on here so we went for a lot of traction that was our goal that's okay but simply uh-huh that's that's a lot of traction that's when I look at that I look at traction um this is this is interesting I this is a ton of work like like it's so insane you know what's sad is like it was like literally a month straight of work and it's going to be over in a day yeah it's like a roller coaster you know you wait for 3 hours and then like 10 seconds later be like all right that that was cool it's over it's over yeah so I don't know I love it and it's going to hurt my heart to see it go away it's okay I mean it'll live on in something else I mean the the parts are still going to be available there yeah I just I don't think anyone realizes cuz we didn't realize how hard it is to lower a challenger that low with that big a tire well I mean it's easy when you take a sawo and you literally take all of the metal past this point but then up to here we had to cut the trans tunnel and build a whole new Trans tunnel too okay yeah it got complicated quick so if you just took like a race chassis and then put like a challenger skin on it that's exactly what this is pretty much that's what she did yeah so got Eric Eric Malone with with you have a full interior here you got you got AC AC everything I'm going to be comfortable out runer oh okay all right I'm going be comfortable okay all right this has turned into the guys versus Alex right how did that happen how did that happen I think it's everybody versus everybody I can't even win over here I pull it up she pull up imagine how you're going to feel when you spent all this time and money and you get beat by a bone stock car it'll be uh it yeah that that'll be it'll be upsetting okay I am in line for just kind of a test and tune pass this is not for any sort of stakes I'm not going against any of the other Racers um but I just want to see what the car can do because everyone here has had problems with traction so some people can hook up but it's like one out of five people are hooking up the track is very very lightly prepped and I'm super excited to see how this car does now Jared has a camera uh so he'll be able to see what I look like from outside it's probably not going to be very fast I'm not going to give it a ton of power but I want to see how this thing launches maybe I'll do launch control maybe I'll do a line lock um and then leave it in automatic just to see what I need to dial down or maybe dial up because uh this track seems like like it could be anyone's race so here's my order of operations I'm going to go Chiller then line lock to do a burnout and then I'm going to do launch control and then I'm going to launch and see what this thing does okay so so so I left it when I was over there I turned the car off and when I turned it back on I didn't realize that it goes back into Auto so I had it in track and when I tried to do the burnout the traction control came on it was like and then it like it just can canceled the line lock and I'm like all right whatever I'll just go well I'll tell you what of everyone that's run despite how much that not what you wanted to that was the cleanest A to B Pass of All the competitors it felt good like the car next to you had twice the horsepower so that's why it was so much faster but you spun the tiniest bit and then it just went oh yeah yeah so I mean maybe maybe it's just like I leave it an auto and drive that looked good that felt better that looked good you drove around the other car so I I I beat the demon so that oh that was a demon that was a demon yeah you drove around him he got out a little bit then you were just yeah yeah yeah goodbye I I don't know maybe he just uh he just spun or something but uh this thing hooked pretty good um it 22 I did 22 it it it spun a little bit um honestly I think Auto like just having it on auto as a ticket like it just it bogs a little bit and then it just goes so 22 like how many seconds it's been cuz you want just a little it seems slower here I I might put it to drop it to two two yeah cuz we only had one more test pass so that's where we wanted to kind of go above cuz we knew 18 was good can we do another one [Music] here we go that's a [Music] [Music] burnout ready ready yeah A to B A to B this is really this is very surreal I've been watching roadkill for I mean since the first one before the first one yeah and and to to be able to do this is is pretty crazy so I mean whatever happens I don't care if I win or lose this is this is a bucket list item and hopefully they invite me to the next one but even if they don't this is a this an insane like you were just gone that thing is so fast my car a wildy coyote cartoon did you have fun oh yeah it's great good yeah it's fine it's fine we have I can get a golf CL but good fun having fun awesome you guys you guys something dude she was like bus lengths ahead of me another area code but that's okay so how how do you feel honestly if she would like if we started 100 ft in between she start halfway in the track you're going to ask for half a track I'm going to ask I'm going to ask for half the track so 250 ft I'll start 250 ft and yeah come on come on come on it's fair it's only fair you know very relative ter I know so that was some of the most fun I've ever had in a car this car is insane I can't imagine that Dodge would make this car and just sell it to regular people and uh give one to me for some odd reason but we didn't win but it's okay because we had the most heart actually here you did a damn good job I I think you did a damn good job my friend no no dude you did a damn good job so do you know what the difference is between you and me and time what's that it was 06 seconds is that big yes it's big it's it's it's no 06 that's like that it's like it's it's no time at all yeah so I mean this was a close it was it wasn't was a close race that one they spent they spent a lot of time on that car but the thing about is both of these are street cars your car still has AC my okay my car is bone stop yeah my car has zero modification that nitrous is just a yeah yeah so it's it's literally just a just a show car the the thing about it is you made it really good for that though yeah it's fine and and also like even like what what we did here I mean we play like supposedly it'll make like 1150 the horsepower 1150 the wheel right now with the tun you if you hooked up it you were pass you were pass me so much but it was just it was just too much for the for the tires to handle no well I got a really skinny Tire I I couldn't find any tire so I only got a 10in wide tire everybody else has got like a 10 and 1 12 11 in Tire I mean 15in Tire yeah how fun was this how dude this was a blast I will say we didn't win but uh we had a lot of fun absolutely dude got I got a lot of sun Jared got a lot of Jared is like is like apple red right now his his skin is about to be trying to match my shirt yeah so Jared's going to need to get some sunscreen I'm going to need to get some uh some I I I mean I I have adrenaline pumping through my veins right now I'm going to need some rest but this was a very very fun day hope you guys enjoyed it so this car in front of me is my 2017 Dodge Charger it has a V6 it cost me $10,000 and it stinks so bad that my eyes hurt but over here is something very very special this is my 2021 dodge charger Hellcat red eyee and this was given to me by Dodge by the company that makes this car for roadkill kns now this is obviously not stock at least it's not stock looking but the reason why have two Chargers is because Dodge told me that I had to give this car back so not really in this configuration you see Dodge told me that this car was a pre-production Crusher car meaning that after I was done with it it would be crushed this brand new car was going to be crushed I know it makes me sad too but they told me that I could have the drivetrain the Hellcat red eyee 797 horsepower drivetrain and everything surrounding it and everything surrounding it was sort of like a vague thing for me because I mean everything surrounding it means I can have the entire car right so honestly I took that as I could have everything off this car that makes a Hellcat a Hellcat all I needed was a donor car and that's why I got this little stinker over here so in this episode we are going to be putting everything from this car into this car and I'm going to have a street legal Hellcat essentially for the price of a beater V6 all right so we need to get into the action really quickly and in order for us to take this car apart we need to move it back a little bit because there's actually like a little bit of a Hot Zone in my shop right here uh I am stalling for time because I don't want to get in that car it smells really really badly but let's do it oh boy okay this is for YouTube oh boy this is come on can you please start please please start in the first try come on please please car pretty [Music] please wait wait I know your battery is not great [Music] just [Music] okay yeah first first try I'm so glad that nothing in here is being kept and there's a there's a nasty clunking sound coming from the front Okay Jared help we could just make a fan what we could just put the you know put a a fan in and blow blow blow to fix the hot air that way Jared it smells hor yeah please I have never experienced a smell that made my eyes hurt yeah like it it's special it's yeah absolutely so uh we have an order of operations for this car now and um we have to do essentially double work to both of these cars so I made a little list so we're going to do doors off interior out AC vacuum bodyw work off on the lift exhaust drive shaft front subframe rear subframe and remove from the lift so uh that's a big that's a big job so that is like one half yeah because we then have to do this and then we have to reinstall things uh and how much time do we have uh 3 days give or take because of all the other filming we have to do so basically we have to have this well this is Friday it's about like 1:30 2 p.m. something like that and we need really to drive this off the lift Monday to stay on schedule so I think yeah I mean I honestly I think we get it done in the weekend this is I I believe we this is Bolton dude like this is no problem it's just lots and lots of bolts so you know how you always get a lot of work done in a short time [Music] montage [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] ah [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] yeah HOH [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] h [Music] wo [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] so there's been a little bit of work done yeah that's uh it smells so much better in here but out there it doesn't smell that much better over here or over there that's a lot of it's a lot of parts well I'll take care of that soon but I wanted to go over if you're ever working on a car to this point one it's like money cheat code oh yeah yeah I mean there's there has to be like $3 $3 I was going to say 73 but there's a lot of quarters but there's a lot of crevices in these cars and you want to make sure like reach in and get the quarters or it's going to just Rattle and uh it's a good place to store these that that's for Tyler that's uh for his diesel there yeah that's for Tyler and and his and his diesel that's all right well listen somebody was having fun actually this wasn't used so no it it wasn't maybe and if it did there's a bunch of holes in it so oh boy oh that's that's the Honey Boo I got you I'm trying to trying to trap someone don't do that what we're doing now is we have all the harnesses uh kind of pulled back a little bit and we have to take out this HVAC system because even though this is going to be essentially the same as what's in the Hellcat this is just full of cigarette Ash and just nastiness and we want to take everything out and since we have a brand new car there we're just going to put everything brand new there there is a crazy flicker coming from this right now oh is it this light here yep just oh yeah that fluorescent almost gone there we go okay so this is uh going to have to come out but before we do that we have to use a AC machine to take all the refrigerant out of the AC system then we have to bleed the coolant because there's also coolant that goes through the heater core and then we can start taking this stuff out and then we'll probably take the car outside clean everything here and uh make sure the metal is nice and clean and then uh we can do all the really interesting stuff which is like mechanical yeah drop all the subframes front and back so all this will be is a blank slate a be shell with no body workor no drivetrain and ready to receive the fun AB absolutely we we'll need a couple more Magnums to fit that Hellcat engine in there though I think I think uh somebody was ready to receive fun in this car so now comes the moment of truth of what to do with all of this and this and that what do you think I think the doors we could probably put on my Facebook Marketplace and get a couple hundred for and we could probably spend 2 hours pressure washing those to get $20 up up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] bre [Music] so let's take a look at what we have right here this is a husk of what used to be a charger V6 nobody really cares about these cars but I did because now this is going to be a top-of-the-line Hellcat Redeye and I can't wait now Jared had to go home but let's see what he did here let's just go over what what is actually on the car it's nothing but just frame there's a little bit of sound deadening here and heat insulation but coming back here I mean everything just drops out this was a little bit sketchy I mean these Springs are they're quite springy so up here we're not going to have to do any modification at all the only modification we're going to do is back here because well actually on the other side as well because what we've learned is that the quarter panel is actually different the quarter panel for the wide body actually has little cutout holes here so we're going to have to either cut those holes out or replace the entire quarter panel I'm not sure what we're going to do but we have an entire donor car because well that's what Dodge gave us so this is going to be awesome hi everyone how are you I'm good it's been a while are you ready smell cat time yeah we need to do a lot of work to this car I think we should probably just get like straight to the action oh you want me to get the other car yeah yeah one second okay there you go let the other car what is it where where's the car you left Jack and I alone and said try to do some work and we got bored so uh Dodge has the car and this is what's left is the car really gone it's gone it's you're you're being serious right now the car the car's gone it's it's gone well we have three pieces like this so where's all the's all the parts and stuff well some of them are in it and then the rest are waiting for you to put in dude I mean okay so you did did a ton of work while I was in here I was by the way this is not like a bit or anything so I was I was away editing um did you get any of the work like on camera I I didn't get any of it I got all of it that's so [Music] stupid [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well okay now I know a lot more about this car and what it needs and what is about to go into it look at this thing I'm a little bit mad at you honestly I mean like dude it's this is a lot of work I mean look at look at that pile of parts we have to go through and see what it was a whole lot of work but if we didn't get it done you wouldn't have any of this right but here's but here's the thing DoD said we're coming for it so this I did this for you I did this to help you if you didn't do this you wouldn't have this beauty well honestly well I'm I'm very appreciative thank you very much I had to go and edit and while I was away editing uh Jared and Jack Jack uh decided to just remove everything cuz you can't just leave people alone and expect them not to yeah you can't leave two professional mechanics alone with tools and nothing to do you are not a professional mechanic anymore okay now I play one on YouTube yes which means I'm like doubly triple certified yeah I mean you I think all your professional credentials just go out the window the second you make a YouTube channel I'm so impressed that engines are like clean coming out of the car they don't have oil leaks or nothing this is a like essentially a brand new engine and look how look how chunky this transmission is it is insanely big first time you've heard that think about what the transmission handles like they kept making the engines more and more powerful and that's been the same transmission behind all of it so well it's sort of yes so they they did some modification to this transmission this is actually called the torque flight 845 re and this is not the same transmission behind the V6 or even the V8s these have different clutch packs and uh this is definitely beefed up to take the massive amount of torque that comes from this engine but if you just look around this thing it is really big like it is quite gargantuan how much do you think this whole thing weighs uh I wouldn't be surprised if this whole combo wasn't like 1100 lb your transmission table lift table does not like it oh no no it doesn't go up and if you just hint at the lever to ask it to go down like it's B no that's that's that's it that's all she goes so over here we have uh just an exploded car we got doors we got bumpers Headliners seats and uh a bunch of stuff that probably has to go in in a certain sequence right uh for the most part the next step is the engine has to go in and then we can work on dash there are so many coolers on the front of this engine the cooling pack between the radiator AC condenser intercooler cooler the oil cooler the like there's so much so that's one of the cooler packs Freddy's walking over so you have radiator AC and trans cooler this radiator is just for your intercooler and then you have an oil cooler there mhm and then I don't remember where we put it but somewhere is the AC Chiller where the car uses the AC system to cool the water even more for the intercooler system so you make tons of power yeah that's actually so when when you go racing uh usually what happens is these cars get heat soaked meaning that the supercharger and everything just gets super super hot and then you have uh super hot intake air temperatures and that creates knock and detonation and all that stuff that you don't want what this car has is is an AC Chiller and that uses the refrigerant to cool down that intake charge so you actually can cool down a lot lot faster and you can make consecutive runs that's actually what I did for the roadkill Knights yeah just in between you sit there and run the AC and it drops the temperature cuz again it it gets the water well below ambient so yeah yeah and I mean it's it's a great system and especially coming from a OEM manufacturer this is like next level all right so let's let's just put this stuff in and then start working on the interior and getting this car together by the way what's what's up what's up with this what's up with the the lack of glass yeah what happened well we got rid of the front glass because it was delaminating and didn't have all of the provisions for the new charger or for the new uh electronics and viw mirror okay uh back glass um yeah yeah that's I wanted to ask you about that because uh what's like this this seems maybe excessive well we had to cut it because for some reason with this particular audio package maybe there's a way to do it that we couldn't figure out or find online but this particular bolt and these screws are completely concealed the the glass basically sits like this so like if we're looking there so how do you undo that screw I mean you take out the glass you have to take out the glass and we were like oh we'll leave the speakers for now but there's wiring harnesses that go under the speakers that you couldn't remove until it was out so um okay so this is all in there and this is OEM and this is the the 2021 red eyee Harmon Cardon system so hopefully that all works you mean the pink eye we'll get to that later all right let's get to [Music] work [Music] everything [Music] Sun [Music] all right so we have made some progress here did you put in paint calipers yes you you were insistent that the calipers had to be painted so now Jack is over there getting ready to paint your brake calipers okay so which they it didn't need it because the fronts are raw silver the fun the fun parts of being a development car they don't quite finish everything on it no no we found actually a lot of things that weren't finished uh namely the exhaust I think the exhaust is a development uh for this platform so it's like there was a lot of loose hangers just some things not even hooked up period And there's just lots of weird welding in it that I'm fairly certain they were using to tune how 2021s sound so yeah this one actually sounds really good so uh engine in yeah that's definitely in boom all right steering column in we haven't done that Dash in okay drive shaft or drive shaft okay drive shaft exhaust and uh dress out engine bay I mean other than wiper cow that's fairly dressed out everything is in there but the wiper cow I'm I'm going to go ahead and just do that all right uh exhaust boom and well and that's it and it's and it's still a charger so no no no no no I know what you're going to do you stop it thanks I hate [Music] [Applause] it [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay guys so now is the Moment of Truth this thing is together well it it's not really together in the Bodywork sense of things but it's together in in terms of the engine and transmission and everything really we have the brakes we have the tires and we have the wheels you can see that we still have the narrow body on here and uh yeah it looks a little Daytona us aish we don't have any interior other than the center console and the dash but everything here should work I guess everything's plugged in right yeah it's everything that we can plug in is plugged in except for I think lights and the sonar sensors because well we didn't put those body parts on yet okay uh one thing that's really interesting is how much more space this thing takes up it is insanely huge I mean the V6 in here it was like up to here you could probably have a party between the frame rails and the engine I mean you could really land a plane in this engine bay before but now you can't you can't like stick a pinky in there I mean this you can't get to anything there's no room Jack could stand in front of the engine before yeah yeah can you can you do now come on Jack like get in here get no no we have everything plumbed in the only thing we don't have is the AC because the AC is a the new 12337 yeah so it's a r 12 3 4 YF I think or 1243 YF I don't know what the firing order is but um I don't have the fittings for it and I definitely don't have the machine for it so this is not going to have AC for a little while until I can probably get to a dealership and have them just redo the system but we had gauges so we pulled a vacuum on it and it's not leaking so we know everything is at least put together right well if we go to the dealership they're going to say that listen we can't touch this car it's it's clearly not stock it's a 2016 and 2017 okay I'm sorry you better be sorry tell them it is the way that it is because it is the way that it is we had to find uh different coolants because uh this this one is pink and that one is purple and uh never the two shall meet we got new oil uh got a new oil filter all OEM and this should fire into life right yes did you get the power steering fluid see Jack uh Jared makes jokes like this um all the time so he knows full well that this car has electric power steering but he thinks I don't know that I didn't know that okay so here are the keys make sure you use the red key it starts up better that way yeah the red key is for all the power this is for uh top speed runs uh against Bugatti Veron so um well we got to unlock it cuz there there's no way I can get in the car otherwise beep beep beep beep is the battery connected no we should probably do that right how are we going to get into the battery compartment I mean the trunk is just inaccessible from here there is no way we can get why does it still smell in here because this is the smell cat pink eye yeah no I I know we did that for a bit but like it's it actually does snow kind of I didn't know that metal could just stink yep oh no I'm stuck please help get me out I'm so clumsy anyway I go I just I can't get myself free what do you think of that I don't know what to think of this help me step bro what do you think Freddy you and I have done a fair number of first starts on a project right yeah do we want to let the new Jack push a button you push that button no one oh remember always Full Throttle your cold engine that was 2,000 RPM that was so what's pouring out cuz that was way too easy well number one we don't have uh our steering fluid is all over the floor right now we don't have much uh fuel the fuel is low uh airbag needs service because there's no seats or anything here seats aren't in it oh and the red key yeah so party key so I mean it worked it doesn't have any check engine Lo nothing's like super angry seems like it's idling okay it smells really good as far as like combustion process that that went like deceptively really well yeah I call that a win all right so uh the only things we did to prepare is we key cycled a couple times for fuel leavs and uh that works apparently okay so uh now comes the body work yeah yeah our job's done my job begins why aren't you done yet I was done yesterday Jack's so quick you can't even tell when he finishes Jack um how long do you think the Body Works going taking this what [Music] what two to three days all right so we have this thing outside and Jack is wasting no time with getting this all taped up and why are you taping this up Jack just so we keep the dust out of it I mean we're going to make a lot of dust cuz we're going to have to sand a lot of crap they got lots of filler on that side so just taking that off is going to be fun so there's there's filler over here you're saying that this is not stock right this is not how it came from the factory it's almost OEM it's almost OEM I am not going there if you take a look over over here you can see that there's like a ding right here the entire panel is wavy and both quarters have been painted so you see just crap in the paint there's fish eyes and all that stuff so for most people this would be probably okay I mean like from back here if you just like don't look at that this is all right it's not too bad but fortunately we are not most people are we jack no we're not I'm not you're not most people I'm I'm a little above average oh okay Mr fancy pants bodyman here so uh we are going to Well Jack is uh about to do his body workor magic to this and over there and uh he also did something up here this is from the old charger and this had a shark fin antenna and we just have to figure out where this hole goes and then that can go just like [Music] omm it's pretty loud now back here is something really really special and this was taken off the 2021 red eye and you'll notice that this is a narrow body but it's not staying that way for long because we got these guys so Jack can you tell us a little bit about what I'm holding in my hand this very sharp piece of metal uh it used to be part of the wide body for the Hellcat okay so we're just going to take this bracket we're going to trim it off on this side we're going to use this as a template M and set it up on here cut the same design out and and then just slide this in weld it in and you'll have a widebody uh smell C that's right so what this essentially does is allows us to bolt on our over fenders now there is an overfender kit for these cars that just I mean it does essentially the same thing but I wanted to make sure that we are as OEM as possible so we're taking we're just tracing this and then transferring this over uh and then cutting this and then hopefully there's enough like is the structure on the inside the same you think so instead of this one right here the way they put this on is this piece is welded to the the skin to this piece essentially but on this type of quarter panel it has what's called a rolled hem flange so it just rolls underneath like that and it's glued across here okay so I'll grind that off and then once I clean that up I'll just kind of set this in place and then weld through primer weld it into place and it'll be just like it was a Hellcat okay awesome uh it's not a problem that there's a uh gas filler neck right there right no just keep the extinguisher close [Music] by [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] so you have been a busy boy haven't you it's getting dark so yeah very busy so um what are we looking at here this is an oem conversion to a 2017 charger V6 uh it's about to become a wide body yeah so only thing I have left to do is plug weld some of the holes and clean this up and then once we're done doing all our filler work we'll seam seal and Prime and it should be good to go it should look like OEM and fit like OEM so we put the door on just so we made sure everything fits up and it's really really easy to put doors on on this car it's just like four bolts and that's it yeah four bolts and you're good to go and uh that's nice because it makes it a lot quicker to fit so mhm don't fiddle around with it too much so you're using a MIG welder just just a regular uh Lincoln Pro Mig uh on 110 so it's just like whatever comes out of the the Taps this is sheet metal so it's not going to be like a you're not welding anything really structural you know it's not like it's only the side of the car I mean come on yeah somebody's going to be screaming in the comments it's a unibody car the entire body is a structure that's true and they would be correct but we're doing this anyway [Laughter] so [Music] [Music] okay guys so as you can tell we got the the factory widebody piece installed the next step is repairing this here so as you can tell they weld it in a patch panel they didn't do a good job fixing the holes that they created when they pulled the uh the panel um you have a deep spot right there but what I'm thinking is I might want to take this panel out and reweld it back up uh we'll see I'm trying to figure out what's going to be the best route cuz I don't want this thing to have issues again and I want it to be a little cleaner than that so stay tuned [Music] n [Music] n [Music] all right so take a look at this this looks uh this looks pretty insane what do you say it's freaking awesome really it's awesome so come closer Let's uh let's talk about what you did because I leave Jack alone and he just goes nuts I told you that I only wanted one Dent pulled out and look what you did to my beautiful car it was one big dent so I figured just fixing that one Dent the whole car was one big dent yeah it was pretty bad okay so what did you uh actually do so we converted it to a widebody we got all the widebody uh brackets welded in put in place all the body workor from the welding and everything done to about right there m and then on the other side we repaired the really bad body work it's just loose right now so obviously that's why it doesn't line up but we repaired the really bad body work that was here and it was pretty much all the way to about here I want to say MH so with the welding warpage and having to repair up to here we repaired pretty much from here all the way to here mhm we repaired several spots on top yeah cuz this was all wavy and stuff right yeah it was a in a rap video so do you know which rap video no but you know what goes on in rap videos what happens I think I'll get you demonetized if I say it came out really nice and honestly I can't wait to see this thing painted it's going to be badass so right now we are on the way well we're about to uh put the car on the trailer to be on the way to uh the paint shop which is owned by well owned not not owned but uh work there yeah your friend Luis works there and uh this is in a pinch this is literally like the last day of the year when we we can do this uh so you know just coming around the car everything else has been I mean it hasn't been like super prepped we haven't sanded this down but it's a brand new panel from a brand new car so this would just need to be scuffed and shot um everything lines up the way it should everything's bolted on uh except for the doors but we got some straps and yeah that'll be all right now all I have to do is get in the car put it on the trailer and then uh we'll take you to the paint shop where everything will get painted one color and hopefully we don't just leave Tools around that can here you go it would have caught into the back of the car that's true it would yeah the back of the car would have caught it or it would have went out into the highway or something maybe like a light bar yeah yeah exactly like a light bar yep [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so we are in a parking lot full of sort of destroyed cars but the trailer is empty cuz the car is in here waiting to get its paint job and this is going to be a fairly quick one because we already did all the prep work so all it has to do is go inside the booth you can already see uh Jack's friend Luis in there spraying away at something else this thing is super easy to take apart like there's only like a few bolts holding this thing on right yeah like three bolts on each Fender and a bolt on the bumper and the two Hood hinge bolts and that's it hopefully when we line everything up all the panel Gap should be okay I know from the factory they actually weren't that good they're average at best I mean the fitment is is okay but we're going to get them better than OEM better than OEM that's right we're going to build it [Music] better [Music] okay so the smell cat is at the paint shop and getting ready to be painted so now we have all of the Plastics done so what's going on Lis what are we doing um exactly what you said I I wanted to get some movement on this so we have the inside of the hood prep um and then all the plastic so what we basically did was clean them sand them and and throughout the whole process is the cleaning process so after I sanded them I like to do a wet scuff clean it at the same time Mass off whatever I have to and now everything in the booth and uh we'll take it from there awesome let's get it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well here it is guys the finished product Lewis came in and you know he did a little bit of the you know a little bit like that right right that's all that ever is you know quick um but uh seriously from prepping outside again I I keep on saying it's a constant cleaning in here cleaning anti-static treatments um cuz these are all plastic parts except for the hood right after all that was done is a quiot tack and then a sealer and what I love about the sealer and I was able to even make it more of a ground shape required for this color um but that sealer also has a flux add it adaner so it's awesome and they came on with the color and then a quick clear that just makes it have that nice gloss awesome man I got to say one thing you are one of my best friends but you are also one of the best painters that I've ever worked with and I've been very very privileged to work with good people in my career but I got to say you are one of the best bro and this turned out phenomenal look at that shine okay guys so we got the sun gun out Louis is going to show you guys what this thing is going to look like in the sun this color is called go mango Pearl so you can see those Pearl flakes kind of shining off this thing is going to absolutely pop in the sun there we [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and just like that it is is all one color and it looks fantastic I cannot thank Lewis enough and I also can't thank Jack enough cuz uh this was a little bit more work than you thought didn't you well what this was a little bit more work than you thought right well technically you said how long is it going to take and I said about you know 3 days uhhuh and uh it took two weeks but I mean you know well it was like 3 days in between those two weeks right yeah exactly so I can still write that as a title of my video a majority yeah yeah yeah okay so it's like technically correct technically Okay cool so you already explained to people what you did here uh you had to sand everything down you had to prep it and then uh paint and then some buffing and d nibbing and all that stuff right yeah yeah so we prepped all the surfaces we got them ready for paint and uh LS came in did his magic you know little bit of paint and then uh that's it that's just you know that's that's all paint is it's just a ask any painter they're just going to tell you it's just you know it's just a little bit yeah no but we had the dents all fix everything came out really nice uh the car looks really good man very satisfied with the the finished product and this is an OEM Dodge color from a 2021 Hellcat red eyee uh this is actually go mango Pearl and do you know what that is from like that that name it's go man go no it's go go man I mean just it's what is that from it's not from it I don't know if it's from something but it's just go manang go and it's also mango it's it it's just you know like go go cuz the car is fast I want this car to look completely stock and ready to rock so in the interior um well we need a little bit of work so I'm going to start putting this interior together put the doors together and then start working on the outside and then we're going to have have a dodge charger Hellcat red eyee or smell cat pink eye that is completely 100% done and it should only take like 5 minutes right yeah exactly so let's skip to the time lapse and get it [Music] [Music] done [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Applause] [Music] so ladies and gentlemen take a look at this this went from a 2017 V6 completely base model super Haggard charger and now it is a 2021 Hellcat red eyee everything is new it has a go mango pearl paint job it looks fantastic especially out here in the sun it oh my goodness this thing is my dream car I I can't tell you how good this feels like every angle is just perfect this is the exact color I envisioned this car to be it pops in the sunlight so so much and it has 800 horsepower and it's it's perfect this thing is absolutely perfect perfect and I have some people to thank uh first of all Jared and Louie who did an awesome awesome job on painting this car but Jack did a ton of work here I mean I I helped put this thing together a little bit but uh I was mostly at home sort of editing and doing other stuff and you guys really kind of knocked it out of the park man man it was it was really fun to do I had a great great time doing it and I really loved working on this car so it was it was really fun really cool so when you look at something like this first of all it's kind of crazy that Dodge would make like a rental car that has 800 horsepower but they made it and I love that they have a sense of humor I love that this is an actual color that you can order from the factory and you know you can just drive this thing with a driver's license it's it's it's insane one thing we have to do though um we should take it on a drive absolutely yeah absolutely it's a little cold right it it'll get we can warm up we can warm up in the car and we can warm up something else yeah dude you ready to go for a ride absolutely okay come on let's do a burnout what is that is that all you care about there are things in life that I care about and burnouts are one of them okay so before the burnout everything on this car was changed so we have to make sure that like the alignment is all right so can we just like make sure the car is driving first before we do any of that all right so goes and a drive just fine let's put it into SRT mode I don't know let's just get sport see what happens you hear that supercharger that is awesome that manual what I like is that has a lot of low end torque it that so awesome oh that was great this thing dances around a little bit that was great oh my gosh let's check the alignment shall [Music] we that's not bad o that's not bad that is awesome wo this thing is that was 60 MPH right yes wow this thing is responsive I like how the trans like shifts really sort of dude oh my God this is going to be an amazing daily because everybody should daily a 800 horsepower car how do they sell this to people like so this is an auto like U I have it in manual mode but it's in essentially like the lowest uh you know this is this is for babies and like what what is that okay all right all right all right let's we're going to get into trouble so uh I just wanted to try one thing what's [Applause] that [Music] so this thing does Burnout pretty well ah good car really really good car hey did you uh did you see my burnout there's a little bit of smoke little bit I think only one tire spun I couldn't see anything in the car like in the car all right everyone so it is is exactly 8:09 a.m. on a Sunday but I am here right in front of my shop and I'm about to head to the Tail of the Dragon which is around 500 miles away now I have to make it there drive the dragon and then come back for 1,000 M trip it's probably going to be a little bit more than 1,000 miles but if we take a look over here I'm starting with 4,392 mil and we going to end with a little bit more than 5,392 Mi I feel really good this car doesn't have any check engine lights no warning lights whatsoever but I did bring a scanner just in case something pops up and I didn't bring any tools so if something actually does happen I'm screwed so uh let's get on the road so welcome everyone to what is the start of one of the most iconic if not the most iconic curvy roads in America this road is called tale of the Dragon if you guys don't know it is 11 M and 219 curves so obviously I want to take something that is the bones of a rental car with 800 horsepower and 305 wide tires all around so uh that should be nice and sketchy now I've never driven this but this is the back way of the tail of dragon usually people go go from the North Carolina side to the Tennessee side but I'm going the other way so right now we should have a nice upill section and then there should be some really really nice twisties to see if my suspension and my drivetrain and honestly if the car is just put together right and that's a good sign motorcycles High crash area good thing we're not a motorcycle oh yeah next 11 miles nothing but curves now I have this car in custom mode which means that the powertrain is in full attack mode but I have some pliability in the transmission and suspension and steering which means that on a road like this where I'm not too familiar with it they can let me get away with quite a bit the power delivery on this car is absolutely spectacular and what American car companies do especially Dodge is they don't really put a ton of effort into chassis tuning but what they do is they give it a ton of mechanical grip so those 305 tires you can just load them up and they will they will reward you tenfold all right and the brakes oh you know I was worried about having not enough brakes up here but honestly I think those big six piston brembos in the front and four piston rear are exactly what I needed now you can hear all my water bottles and stuff just flying around to the back of the car so that should give you an idea of the kind of g-forces we're pulling here now I also wanted a front view of the dash so you can see that I truly don't have any check engine lights any warning lights and the car is doing exactly what it's supposed to do now I am not on Race Pace I'm not familiar with this road and I am not a racing driver but this is exactly what I want from this car just something that you can warm around oh yeah the weekend in make that kind of noise oh my gosh all right tell you what this is this is actually impressive this is extremely impressive for a 4600 lb car to do this and sound like this and perform this well especially one that I built in my garage with the help of a few good friends I could not ask for more this road though oh yeah now with this challenge that I'm issuing to other YouTubers it's not calling out because I think their work is subar no I think it's because we can make all builds better we can make sure all of our cars do things exactly like this and when a rebuild is actually rebuilt it can do everything the stock car can do and then some I don't know if the designers of this car ever intended for this car to do this but man is good at it and just in case any of you were doubting where I was right here I don't know if you can see this says Tail of the Dragon right there and we have the motorcycle Resort of Deals Gap and I think this car has earned itself a full tank of gas because we are about to go straight home all right we are back at the shop after the drive and actually this is a while later because uh let me let me show you something uh so if we take a look at how many miles there are here all right 7,271 miles that is uh yeah it's a little more than than I bargain for but uh I've been driving this and as you can see no warning lights whatsoever so it goes without saying that this is one of my favorite builds ever now I took it to the Tail of the Dragon and I've actually been driving it for 25,000 Mi this I'm filming this a year and a half after I got this car and it hasn't skipped a beat all I've had to do was change the oil and change the tires and the tires are expensive but it's a Hellcat and uh well that's sort of what it does but I wanted to thank you guys for watching this entire build and hopefully you guys enjoyed it because I certainly enjoy this car and you ain't seen nothing yet
Channel: 2varish
Views: 635,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tp3-1qQM2GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 22sec (7522 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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