Everything Wrong With Luigi's Mansion 3 in 12 and a Half Minutes

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whereas charters you put I don't agree with babies it's your dad you back out again tell you about that gonna get to see by the chart five holiday merge we've got all your favorites like the other sweater which is where the bathroom football games your these is a gig recital yeah yeah it comes into the server of colors defeat ourselves a video game items you squishes no I love like the car keys from Kingdom Come the currency from food fight the tornado from xenomorph and the snow but have the masks from person you know what goes really well with cold weather sweaters beam pom-pom beam beanie this is my favorite because so comfy the design is beautifully embroidered but it looks for the good regardless of what you're actually wait so you don't have to just wear it on chrimbus Kwanzaa it's also the cheapest item forever we review a lot of the sweater features copyleft with stuff from games you already you know how about one from the gaming probably don't know it's not even made yet well fathers got you covered this is a small star sweater be true to see become Unni from a project soul star she's an ass-kicking cutie and he's a handsome fella stroller of the ropes together they'll become a strong core so worried astute I've ever saved I just want people to care I don't want to spoil it I've spent the last decade writing the story and I just want people to care I also covered shirts just in case you live in California where this thing snow is just a made-up thing like the Tooth Fairy taxes go to Broadway rock palpable order yours today to get it in time for the holidays such as Hadouken I didn't know real the Jewish destroys having a Black Friday sale from Thursday November 28th to fund a Monday December the 2nd who you trash compactors could get 15% off storewide thanks for your support I love you sorry I called you trash vandals at one time except for the second was my stripper name Quinn incidentally [Music] this is disturbingly dangerous how can toads see the road when his eyes are most likely being obscured by the steering wheel didn't Poulter pup have pupils at the end of Dark Moon is that just not a thing anymore haha the princess's van used to pack like 40 different suitcases but how long were they staying here that they felt you need to pack 40 different suitcases my apologies for the inconvenience but the other Vater is temporarily out of service we should have it in tip-top shape suit so not only is it kind of weird that the regular gos can talk but shouldn't Luigi and Friends find it strange that the hotel staff is talking but their lips aren't moving welcome guests to the last resort are you ready to check in naming your hotel the last resort is a cute idea but it's the worst business decision ever you know I just realized if the plan is to trap everyone in paintings why not just do it now while we're in the elevator you have them all in one place where nobody can escape or really do anything about a bunch of ghosts why wait art our Luigi's shirt and overalls just a one piece suit is this shirt sewn into the overalls did Mario have a pizza party not invite Luigi or is all this pizza for Mario himself cousin 1 is an [ __ ] in the other goddamn dude that's three pizzas you can't just abandon them here you say [Music] you're the same as ever I see a bit of a handful well excuse the [ __ ] out of me for wanting to save the people I love [Music] those are definitely the elevator buttons I never would have guessed it ghost of taken them I never would have guessed that ghost and who else would have taken them an invitation from someone claiming to own this hotel they said they had a precious collection of ghosts gathered from all over the world no self-respecting ghost researcher would pass up on such an appealing offer obviously I accepted their invitation but when I arrived the invitation was only a ruse they captured me and said my precious dose collection wait what goes collection it's not the portrait goes from the first game did you capture more ghosts since then I thought you were and I quote too old for this ghost catching tomfoolery that includes all those ghosts you'd worked so hard to catch for me before uh no aside from the booze I don't recognize any other ghosts in this hotel even can boo losing him really got under my skin he's my favorite oh he's your favorite then why'd you sell them in a finger.i sale [Music] you know I think that's the only time we ever do that in this game like thank goodness we don't have to keep coming back to the lab but what's the point of unloading the Poltergust now if we never do it again I'll give you one of my greatest inventions yet I call it the virtual boo me beef short it's a state-of-the-art virtual reality device fitted with a fancy red screen really cutting-edge stuff and red is all the rage you know just wait until I finished the marketing materials on this it'll fly off the shelves how do you go from a gameboy colored to add es to a Virtual Boy isn't that like three steps back I'll even the Gameboy horror could display color in 3d images why would you make something that's worse than what came before it elevator tracker inside the elevator for me okay after what it is I'll tell you later go on and get it installed you just told me it's an elevator tracker I would assume its function is to track where the elevator is [Music] wait you can do that how is it that in this world where two plumbers stay at a haunted hotel with the princess and three of her fun guys this is the part I find hard to believe the latest brilliant mind of Professor egad I give you Luigi the development process was a real challenge to say the least fortunately a had a little help from someone to test the prototype yes so there's a small addition to the 3ds remake of the first Luigi's Mansion where during the events of dark moon egad sends GUI G back into the past at s amount and while GUI G is an interesting invention I feel like we're really overlooking the fact that egad figured out time travel we have dog is poultry pup I'm still conducting research but so far I'm guessing something like a silver Retriever then why didn't you call and pull turret raver it was right there what kind of makeup does Helen gravely uses a frequently asked question why doesn't Luigi get surprised every time this happens he knows the button is gonna go in automatically [Music] damnit Luigi was one of the first time but now you just looked like an idiot celebrate the shops grand opening just this once I'm giving away a free gold bone and go on Luigi just select the gold bone to claim it oh sure when he gets says it Luigi gets a free revive when I say my girlfriend kicks me out of the shower didn't see her for three days and her friend Steve said it though that's a sign that indicates that there's a boo nearby let me explain it in more detail where are those note cards you see Luigi's body is made of a material I've dubbed to cool reacts to a frequency emitted by booze so if there's a fool hiding nearby the cool bitrates indicate this the coaster gets one there was location the stronger the vibration will be you'll definitely be able to tell you get close that'll make sense Luigi a strong vibration means it boo is nearby why over complicate things the burrito from the first game worked perfectly why changed the way we find the booze I get it the Poltergust might be heavy but can Luigi just I don't know climb onto the stage if you can carry on his back and climb ladders with it I don't see why hopping on the stage would be an issue [Music] you know poultry pup doesn't pretty useful things in this game so why wouldn't we just keep him around why are the ghosts in the audience cutouts it's not like there aren't ghosts from the hotel that could have been there damn it Luigi you can't even blame anyone but yourself on that one why don't you just put the button away okay you can say the Nintendo games are a light happy and fun but Luigi's Mansion three is the game where Luigi uses a chainsaw to defeat one of the ghosts Luigi can climb this plant that means that either the poltergeist is not that heavy and the slew you should be able to jump no problem or that is one sturdy askin plant um look at that so you do remember that punch-out was a thing huh cuz uh it's been 10 years and we haven't had a new game in the series so sweet megaphone maureen's the director ghost right the master of all he surveys when it comes to this floor he can fly and go through walls how does he not know that the red megaphone is on one of his own sets we just mentioned he rips up all the movies and also maybes because I just did a Resident Evil Marathon where I played Resident Evil 2 like a gazillion time between both the original and the remake but you ever notice how this game is just Resident Evil 2 like there's a part where a city's on fire a part where you're in a garage a helicopter needs to be brought down so you can collect something a brief moment where you're on a bus undead dogs crows giant spiders a part where the main character falls down a chute a moment where you're inside a cops room which has a typewriter in it by the way he's shaped like a heart a dime in the club and a spade a library a scene where someone's locked up a sewer area a part where you fight an aquatic animal that requires a player to put an explosive in its mouth a room with a painting over a fireplace a gigantic plant monster in an area where a character falls from a great height in order to retain an item that's important to them and a final boss it has a time limit huh [Music] it looks like Gojira but due to international copyright laws it's not [Music] the fact that you get an achievement for this is straight-up evil or do wasn't hurting nobody are you serious voltar kitty that's somehow less creative than Poulter pump her guys spoo kitty phantom meow paranormal captivity meow while purchase knock okay admittedly that last ones reaching a little bit but [ __ ] a scaredy cat amateurs the lot of you okay so I'd like to point something out when Luigi uses the pics later to go back to the lab he appears through another one and since he can only go back through the same pics later he used into the floor he was just on it's safe to assume the picture later doesn't travel with Luigi if that's the case wouldn't it be quicker and safer to send the tozi rescues through the pixel later instead of walking them all the way to the elevator risking them getting captured again Master Luigi the poll turkish key doubles here has been tested and steps up to I forget really deep what's important is it's waterproof but because that ghosts use the switch to control the water levels your path is blocked I think you could walk along the sewer waterway it immediately switch give it a try or and hear me out I could just swim over there we've already established at the Poltergust isn't very heavy not to mention we've seen Luigi be able to hold his breath underwater so why can't we just swim to the other side it's like because like this fight if Clem doesn't get you then the spikes will and if the spikes don't get you then the bonds will and if there doesn't get you all three of them will suddenly raise me before suddenly swim mario odyssey what is this sort of a gopro on its head this game rips off all the resident evil there was just a tiny slip-up but it's no problem not at all we'll have Luigi locked away soon if I could just have a little bit more time this sort of goes for any villain ever but if they want put Luigi no painting why don't they just take Luigi on themselves right now it's not like they're doing anything else at the moment I would have ghost needs a shower and wow we're batting three for three on that one huh get a kiss just cuz okay the names booze issue oh I bet it's fire yeah we all know someone like this guy okay you knew what you were doing you weren't supposed to run away from people like a filthy coward if you just let yourself get caught in that pinching hitting fool would have showered me with praise for my brilliant track well maybe instead of mono longing and chasing me like a goober he could have used his crown laser turn me into a painting instantly he has no one to blame but himself Fitz [Music] wait-wait-wait-wait-wait it's weird enough that the makeup changes our hairstyle but how does it change your bust size - Oh Mario you extra [ __ ] also I would like to point out that there's no reason Luigi can't do this - [Music] holy Sh Mario you sound like she got killed chill out you know Luigi can save her you are anyway just because you vacuumed up all those ghosts doesn't mean you can take me on it doesn't matter that you beat the hotel owner Helen gravely woo she let all your friends get away it's so frustrating when you trap something in a painting and it gets out you know Oh trust me I know this is Luigi's Mansion three after all how long did the hotel take to rebuild because they got construction materials and bulldozers cement trucks they had to have rented those from somewhere so did they just sleep on the bus until they built enough of the hotel to stay in okay how did this even happen that doesn't look like an accident that looks like HUJI purposefully put his hand underneath the nail and started hammering [Music] No hey everyone cha ryfi here thanks so much watching my cinemasins pastiche of everything wrong with Luigi's Mansion 3 I'd like to thank my supporters on patreon and my channel members if you want to be featured in future videos and consider helping me out a little bit each month or hit that join button to those who do support stay awesome you guys are heading over to cinemasins the awesome people that I pastiche they also host sister channels that cover music videos brands and other topics if you have some time why not check out everything wrong with Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon until next time stay safe and stay awesome this is jar i-5 signing [Music]
Channel: Charriii5
Views: 306,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EWW, luigis mansion 3, luigis mansion, Charriii5, gooigi, e gadd, king boo, luigis mansion 3 gems, luigis mansion 3 ghosts, poltergust g-00, polterpup, polterkitty, hellen gravely, nintendo switch, luigis mansion 3 all cutscenes, luigis mansion all bosses, luigis mansion dark moon, game boy horror, dual scream, virtual boo, e gadd voice, luigi voice, luigis mansion 3 boos, luigis mansion theme, luigis mansion 3 scarescraper, luigis mansion 3 screampark, luigis mansion 3 guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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