Everything Wrong With CinemaSins: Avengers Endgame in 21 Minutes or Less

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Sam [Music] [Music] [Music] 15 cents for making the audience wait this long who do you think you are valve pilot Hawkeye his entire goddamn family gets snapped away his wife and three children in ant-man two more antonin we saw Scott lose everyone around him when he went into the quantum realm we saw both Fury and Maria Hill disappear and meanwhile Craig and his family are completely okay you hear that Craig dude your stupid family Craig yes you all waited seven months in two days for this conglaturations holy thank God finally showed up though I was gonna pass out like Ethan the hunt getting a hit of oxygen after that free dive in rogue nation a pop-culture reference and logo sin combined into one damn bringing out all the stops for this video aren't we so the fuel cells were cracked during battle and we figured out a way to reverse the ion charge about ourselves about 48 hours at that time why the did they take off in this ship without inspecting every last detail I know the urge to go home is strong but they could have stayed on Titan for a while to potentially find supplies fix whatever needed to be fixed and find fuel from at least two ships that crash-landed during that fight nebulas necrocraft and the Q ship I feel like this whole thing was made up just to get Captain Marvel involved wait what did you take a stupid pill when watching the ending of infinity war you must have because you're suggesting that Tony was in any mental state to check a ship he knows nothing about for fuel right after being stabbed by Thanos and having people disappear in front of him after losing the time stone wait each of these sinks in this bathroom have individual shaving mirrors is that really necessary it's about as necessary as pointing this out when its outro doesn't know what movie she's in in the scene picking on Gwyneth Paltrow for a no discernible reason next not gonna cliche he did exactly what he said he was gonna do Santos wiped out 50% of all living creatures even though the world governments are in pieces they were able to take not only an impromptu census but also a cat and dog census this scene isn't stating that they took a census only that Thanos said something and that something happened they have no reason to doubt anything they know stated so if he stated he intended to kill half the population that's probably what he did honestly it says exact second I thought you were build-a-bear haha art owns this fall's just as flat as what he called epidemis quid word infinity war Randall pop-culture references don't always equate to comedy movie coming from the guy that literally only uses pop-culture references to keep up the facade that this series isn't meant as actual criticism and saying the Squidward joke fell flat hmm let's see what actual audiences thought of that scene with the Avengers not the pre vengers okay right you made your point sit down pickle a movie either Tony is so upset that he can't think straight or he is just light-hearted enough to make whimsical comments about Captain Marvel and called rocket a build-a-bear it can't be both aren't you the same guy that said Tony should have checked the benitar for fuel after Thanos killed the iron spider you're contradicting yourself here where the hell have you been all this time there are a lot of other planets in the universe and unfortunately they didn't have you guys how did the story of Thanos looking for the Infinity stones elude you and your travels you serious The Avengers didn't know about Dan was looking for the Infinity stones until infinity war and they fought his army 11 years ago Thanos didn't make his intentions known until he attacked Xander and by this time Captain Marvel was busy farting around with Scrolls light-years away who can work Steve I know well because I don't know what I'm gonna do if it doesn't go back to the Fantastic Four up your ass we use the stones to destroy the stones weird I used my farts to cover for other farts but there were still farts left over so what gives this is what happens when you push cinemasins into a corner and they try to prove that they are a comedy channel and not a criticism channel you get jokes like these this is why we say that they are mainly a movie criticism channel because when they actually try to be funny well once again tella holograms will have a normal conversation with each other like they're literally standing in a room like this when in fact they're all by themselves and some sort of hollow booth that I would just once like to see in operation if they're wearing VR we'd see it on their Holograms if they have a panoramic video screen around them that has tied to a certain channel that where is camera come on is this really something wrong with Avengers in game who the hell is sitting around going gee I wonder how these Holograms work I mean there's a talking space raccoon on the screen who not only speaks English but does so with a Brooklyn accent who gives a [ __ ] about how these Holograms work and why would the movie be better for explaining it must've been very long five years yeah but that's just it for me it was five hours the quantum realm makes years seem like hours why did michelle pfeiffer look 30 years older when she got rescued from it ant-man said that time works differently in the quantum realm not that the quantum realm makes years seem like hours at the end of ant-man to Janet specifically warned Scott to avoid time vortexes meaning she knew to avoid them while she was there and don't get sucked into a time vortex we won't be able to save you what if there was a way that we could enter the quantum realm at a certain point in time but then exit the quantum realm at another point in time so you spent five hours in the quantum room and because of relativity that was five years on earth the problem is in both the quantum realm and in the outside world time was moving forward so why do you think there are points that you can go to just because of your five our experience with relativity as I just explained the point is that time works differently in the quantum realm no one said anything about relativity you see this is why everyone should have watched ant-man - it's explained that there are time vortexes in those vortexes are what the Avengers used to time travel now Scott asking why can't they use his experience to go back in time is due to him having literally time travelled to the future logic dictates that if you can enter a vortex that continued into the future there might be a vortex that can go to the past so who we talk to about this in quantum physicist look I know Tony's brilliant but this has never been his forte if anything Scott himself should know some more appropriate scientists through his associations with Haake why not see if Larry Fishburne is still alive except physics is precisely where Tony's expertise is concentrated with Hank Pym Cherie and spider-man all dead the Hulk and Iron Man are the only two geniuses they know about with the capability to handle this and Bill Foster is on the run Jesus did no one watch ant-man - we could go back we could get them sure getting your friends and loved ones back as a noble idea but it's also morally murky remember life has been going on for five years now people have moved on people are in new marriages some dangerous people who used to torment others are out of the picture this would cause even more chaos and be like cast away eight times 3.5 billion so essentially what you're saying is that all the innocent people who were snapped away through no fault of their own should stay dead simply because the people that survived have moved on can't say I agree with that cinemasins holy Tony Sol's the eternal question of time travel in less time than it took actually right the scene is it really unbelievable in the context of this universe though Tony has solved countless seemingly impossible scientific problems like creating AI synthesizing new elements and building insane exoskeletons the first of which was done in a cave with a box of scraps then you throw in the fact that we know time travel or a manipulation is possible in this universe and this really seems like an inevitability trying to get you to stop hasn't been one of the few failures of my entire life pithy one-liner aside the totally stopped he's out here raising a family in a goddamn cabin in the woods washing his own dishes and tucking his kid into bed at night he's not out there iron Manning anymore so this line is a big old sack of pepper wasn't the one that got him to stop though thanos meeting the Avengers is the reason he stopped time travel number one this test is not successful but it's also not unsuccessful in that they do actually transport Scott over time so this means that two scientists have made giant breakthroughs in time travel over the same roughly 12 hour period first of all no Bruce did not succeed in transporting Scott over time what he did was push time through Scott there's a difference and the reason Bruce figured out this was possible was because Scott proved the existence of the time vortex is by traveling through them the same reason Tony made his discovery a fully functioning time-space GPS it's weird to me that Tony knew enough of hanke PIMs work to properly make a device that would help people travel through time in the quantum realm a place where only two people have ever been with one of those people evaporated by the snap and the other being a lovable doofus Scott I thought the first ant-man was about how Hank took his work and hid it from everyone including Tony's dad and the evil Darren cross tried to make his own tech that ended up liquefying a baby lamb and they ended up blowing up dudes laughs I'm pretty sure they didn't give this tech to Tony so the result is Tony's a genius don't think time travel possible by rule I think the movie has to do this because the how isn't all that explainable and the movie is three hours but Jesus it took Doc Brown 30 years to perfect time-travel and it didn't even require that much explanation because you trusted the amount of time that went into it the dialogue presented when Scott pleads with Tony to help them in the later scene showing Tony's failed attempts at solving the problem demonstrates that Tony had already been playing around with the idea of time travel time travel is a staple of science fiction and something physicists have been theorizing about for years of course Tony has considered it before knowing if Hank Pimm's work this is why he knows quantum fluctuation messes with the Planck scale Scott's visit introduces new possibilities so it causes Tony to revisit and figure out the problem this is 100% on Scott here how did he not notice a mother spaceship about to land a few yards away before he opened the talker this is you manipulating a scene once again when Scott unwrapped his taco the benitar was not even in the vicinity yet and only landed when it was in his hand Oh Thor's fat get it it's a joke for almost the whole movie except when the movie wants you to take it seriously then back to joke get it fat Thor is actually the best character building aspect of this movie this man has lost his brother his sister his father his mother half his people and feels responsible for billions of deaths simply because he tried to save her his victory over Thanos and didn't kill him instantly he's let himself go because sometimes this is what people do when they've lost everything it's funny but it makes sense of all the bull this movie did not need its Hawkeye's career as a vigilante but even more I can't believe Hawkeye is the kind of guy who can take on a horde of yakuza on his own you might say Hawkeye has fought tons of enemies stronger than this and I say with help this is what I've been telling you forever Hawkeye is far more badass than you have been giving him credit for there is a reason this guy is an Avenger and it's because he can do [ __ ] like this hilarious reference but this is a reference to a movie that starred Jeff Bridges who was in the original Ironman stop but the constant references especially when they make no goddamn sense Jeremy sends a film for doing something he does all the time ex machina if you travel to the past that pass becomes your future and your former present becomes the past which can't now be changed by your new future are we really just going to leave out the alternative timeline explanation here because this reason focuses on the effects of time travel on one individual it basically says all those new timeline people can go themselves except the film answers this question by showing you that nothing really happens to these other timelines when they slip into them however the long-term effects of time travel haven't been explored yet and I suspect they will further answer these questions with Mordo and dr. strange - we only have enough Pym particles for one round-trip each and these stones been in a lot of different places they later accidentally themselves into Hanks lab in 1970 and grab some pin juice then but why wouldn't they just start by going back to a time when Hank was alive and grab a bunch of the met so that they'd have almost unlimited chances at this I'm not just throwing out a crazed amateur theory this makes all the sense and there are at least two super geniuses on this team obviously the time heist works on a cinematic level but your idea runs the risk of failing and being stuck in the past a better idea would be for fad Thor to return to Wakanda in 2018 where 2018 thoris Thanos subdued and chopped Thanos his arm and head off with Stormbreaker boom all six stones I like The Avengers theme a lot like it's one of the most recognizable themes and modern movies but they lean hard into that in this movie this would be like Star Wars playing the opening fanfare during all your favorite moments in return to the Jedi no it would be like if Star Wars played the Imperial March through all your favorite moments at Empire and Return of the Jedi which they do movie gives me another chance to send this stupid gun cocking the Black Widow does during the hero shot hordes of aliens are raining down on New York but sure the fate of the world might end up resting on that clock dude with a literal bow and arrow in the background sins the gun oh thanks for the rooftop assist ancient one you ever think of maybe sending some of the Masters you know to the battle since this directly threatens earth does the threat only have to be mystical before you get off your ass says this while literally showing a scene of her getting off her ass hmm and no guy parroting cinemasins who said something similar I'm gonna have to call it that's okay trust me yeah look this is a great scene it's even if I'm throwback to Winter Soldier in the middle of the 2012 Avengers timeline but this [ __ ] decides a we don't have to call the director about this even though he's never been told that cab is onboard with Hydra I mean he doesn't even think it might be a trick or something what reason would they have to think cap in 2012 is trying to trick them from their perspective demonstrating that he has knowledge of Hydra and hasn't yet killed them means he's on their team period the Infinity stones create what you experience is the flow of time remove one of the stones and that flows splits oh no in 2023 present-day with the stones destroyed what did that do with the flow of time or do the atoms still count this is incredible the sorceress supreme literally says what happens when you remove a stone and seconds later you ask what happens when you remove a stone anyway yes the atoms do count I can't risk this reality on a promise I also require a hunch about what Doctor Strange is gonna do in a few years I have that reality risked or she knows that dr. strange wouldn't give up the time stone without a reason you know the explanation in the film The Dark Worlds Thor there's a battle about to take place here and you screwed him because you want your hammer back sure Steve brings the hammer back but Thor doesn't know that someone's going to make a return trip until later when Bruce finds out about the branch realities from the ancient one Bruce quickly suggests returning everything back to its proper time after being rebuffed by the sorcerer supreme meaning that the plan to return everything was probably already in place guys I've got it since we lost the wonderful Stan lien let's just cast marc maron to stand in for his cameos and future MCU movies look at him it's perfect Jeremy says all this and treats it as a sin of this movie how is this a sin you might ask who the [ __ ] knows how to climb this mountain or any mountain at all there's an entire planet to explore but there positive the soul stone is right here they know because pretty much everything was explained to them by nebula who had it explained to her by Gamora the only thing no one knew was that they sacrificed was required this being the second time we've seen a successful acquisition of the soul stone I'm wondering what does red skull do after this does he wait until someone brings it back and remember Steve is supposed to come back here later and replace the stone like this never happened where does he put it the fact that this stone is acquired by a sacrifice rather than stolen makes it a problematic stone to return now according to the Russos red skull is set free when someone attains the soul stone and obviously returning the stone isn't problematic because Steve actually does it the fact that it isn't shown to you doesn't mean it's a problem or a sin of this film can't get her back again in time well yeah actually it's you guys obviously don't give up about other timelines you can just go back to a time where she's lived and just take her with you I know I said this in my parody video mocking cinemasins but this is true after they undo the snap they can just use the Pym particles to return to right before she died getting the soul stone and bring her to this timeline while giving that timelines Clint the soul stone so that he can complete his mission there's no real reason they cannot do this all the dead folks to life but let's think about the practicalities here what happened to people who are like on a flight when Thanos did his do they appear in midair and do a wily coyote shrug before falling to their deaths or did Hulk guide them to safety and how unfair is it that the people who were snapped away off an airplane get to live but the people who crashed in an airplane just stayed dead and the people who died were brought then check the cemeteries because we have a zombie apocalypse on our hands this was something I was curious about myself until I stumbled upon Kevin Feige explaining that smart Hulk had the forethought to return people safely relative to their original position this means if they were in the air they were returned to the ground or the safest land mass this is backed up by the film showing no falling humans from the sky that's for the people that died due to their craft losing a pilot yep they stay dead the stones you've collected for me create a new one teeming with life it knows not what it is lost but only what it has been given so with the stones he could have literally done anything he wanted and he chose options II cut the population of the universe in half dick I was onboard with Thanos the thoughtful madness because it may in a certain sense for a villain to exercise or cruel intelligence on life in his quest for balance but now that we know he could create a whole universe that whole balance thing that he wants a spouse and I believed in no longer works he could have created two earths connected by an accordion tunnel total astrophysics go south while half the population moved to the literal new world source material doesn't matter in the cinemasins universe but the word on a street is that the comic book Thanos did all this to impress a lady named death that's right the power of boners man Thanos do this and his actions make way more sense under that context than this does the thing that you have to understand is that this is a different Thanos he has learned from the mistakes of his future self and he realized that people will attempt to change what he does the previous Thanos thought everyone would be grateful his new plan is to create a new universe that doesn't know about him killing half of them that way no one will try to undo his actions also Jeremy says boner assemblé yes although this means we're gonna get a stupid jumble of a fix driven bull fanservice for the next several minutes before there are actual stakes involved aren't we what kind of horrific slack-jawed birdbrain pig nipple would send this amazing scene limbs fighting sins this might be the dumbest part of the movie because cap and Hulk's orders are not mutually exclusive they should be getting the stones as far away as possible so that the Thanos can't get them and they can always take the stones back after they beat Thanos anytime they want to solve the branch reality problem dude are you not watching the movie Thanos just took on Iron Man Thor and Captain America wielding Mjolnir and damn near one by himself now he has his army with him this is nowhere near a lock that they will win so it's best to at least try to take these stones back to the Past I tell you what happens what happens is it because I'm pretty sure Tony has no idea he's about to kill himself as I see ant-man and the law smiling at each other and shrinking down I'm once again compelled to ask why they can't fly into thanasis ear canal or nostril 3 and big in themselves and explode Thanos into 100 million balanced chunks of meat this was the problem with all the people suggesting that Ant Man should go up dances but Thanos is incredibly strong and durable what would end up happening his Ant Man would crush himself inside Dennis's body that would be like trying to destroy two cinder blocks by inflating a balloon between them come on of all the scenes in the Marvel movies that don't make the power differential clear between two opponents it's this one captain marvelous world stronger than Thanos Thanos has taken a beating so far in what universe is Captain Marvel world's stronger than [ __ ] Thanos did you not just see him sling her like a rag doll if she were world's stronger she'd have wrestled the gauntlet away and she had her hands on it twice it also took both her hands to keep his one hand from closing yah-yah-yah head but but Thanos had been fighting for Iron Man Captain America with Milner and Scarlet Witch and had taken significant damage in this battle and is still holding his own this is just two powerful characters going back and forth I don't see the issue here during the struggle iron man is able to remove the stones from the nano don't let neither there was an ejector button or he pried them off I don't know what the hell happened it looks like the stones may have fallen off and landed on the ground but that could just be pieces of Tony's suit for all I know but somehow this turns into Tony having possession of the stones no questions asked in infinity war we were shown that Tony basically has mental control over the nanomachines in his suit so all he would have to do is use that ability to transfer the stones to his hand do they have to turn down stiff you kill a bunch of fools with the Infinity Gauntlet like can you ask them to turn into something a little jazzier like confetti or dippin dots or play slime or something I don't know let's dower yes you can see why asking questions don't count as sins I guess Tony order up the make all the Pharaohs army disappear in front of Thanos before Thanos disappears snap if if the Avengers don't you get a little worried that Thanos isn't going away during all this obviously Tony wants Thanos to see his people die the same way he was forced to watch spider-man die and if I'm an Avenger I clearly understand what is going on here and would moon Thanos to rub it in before he dies [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Th3Birdman
Views: 853,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the birdman, everything wrong with cinemasins, th3birdman, cinemasins, th3 birdman, everything wrong with Avengers Endgame, everything wrong with cinemasins Avengers Endgame, everything wrong with, birdman cinemasins, eww, eww eww, everything wrong with everything wrong with, cinemasins sins, eww Avengers Endgame, Avengers Endgame review, Avengers Endgame, Endgame, EWW Endgame, Everything wrong with CinemaSins Endgame, Endgame Thanos, Endgame Iron Man, Captain America Mjolnir
Id: DgnCKA7Lo3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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