Everything Personal Trainer Massy Arias Eats in a Day | Food Diaries: Bite Size | Harper's BAZAAR

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- My name is Massy Arias and this is everything I eat in a day, buckle up! If you know me, you know that I am a single mom and I have a lot of businesses that I manage myself and I take care of. I wake up at 5:30 to six in the morning and I co-sleep with my daughter. So the first thing that I do when I wake up is not grab my phone, it's not drink coffee, the first thing I do, I kiss her, I open up my Bible app and I meditate. And it has done wonders for me. I used to be the person to wake up and grab on to the phone, grab some coffee and hit the ground running and that was not working for me, that was bringing me a lot of anxiety so I've stopped that. I like to just start my day with something positive so that that energy can resonate to whoever I'm touching that day. So after, I have two large glasses of lukewarm water, I squeeze half a lemon in there and I have apple cider vinegar pills. It's been part of my ritual for ever. It helps me control my sugar craving, it helps me pretty much flush out my system. Then I get on answering emails, preparing posts, and for that hour and a half I'm literally starting the day before everyone wakes up here in LA. Then Indi wakes up. We are usually going to have the same breakfast. First and foremost I can have breakfast for breakfast, breakfast for dinner, breakfast for snacks, I'm a breakfast person. So it's going to be either oatmeal, oat pancakes, or it's going to be, my favorite, and check this out, I have gluten free toast with eggs, you're never gonna find me just using a lot of butter, I don't use butter, I spray olive oil, extra virgin olive oil in the pan and I scramble the eggs. If I am doing avocado, usually it's going to be egg whites with veggies, my gluten free bread because I have a gluten intolerance, it's horrible. I have this yummy, creamy avocado, I just spread it on top with some salt and pepper, please do salt and pepper and a little bit of vinegar, I know, a little bit of vinegar, on top and a side of berries. That is what we usually have. Indi on the other hand I may make her, some English muffins, with a whole egg, scrambled, she likes turkey bacon, we may put some turkey bacon and avocado and make it into a sandwich. So that's usually what we have for breakfast. If it's oatmeal it's going to be oatmeal with chia seeds, almond butter, almond milk, it's going to be creamy, mm, and I might have two boiled eggs on the side. The oat pancakes, it's going to be everything that I would have in my oatmeal, I just turn that into a massive pancake, so that's that. So I don't have breakfast, Indi has breakfast first. I prepare my breakfast and I take it on the go. If I'm busy that day, or I keep it in the fridge already prepared. I am a huge intermittent fasting enthusiast. Is what works for me, my body loves it. Most of the time it's going to be 12 to 14 hours. I then have BCAs, branched chain amino acids, it is my go to. I love to train fasted, everyone knows this about me or maybe you don't know. I go and do my workout, usually I shoot all of my workouts and I share them on social media. I shoot that, film it, either I come back home and I would be breaking fast with a smoothie, okay, first, and I have a sweet tooth. It's either the smoothie or my breakfast, either or. And usually the smoothie is highly antioxidant so it's going to be mm, so yummy. So if I'm making a chocolate smoothie it's going to be two tablespoons of cocoa nibs, two scoops of my chocolate protein, it's all plant based. Unsweetened almond milk, one tablespoon of chia seeds, one tablespoon of almond butter, two handfuls of spinach in there, a little dab of lemon, one banana and it is delicious. And right after that, I have enough energy to sustain me for hours. So I may snack on, popcorn. I love popcorn. Either it's going to be a handful of almonds and another piece of fruit or it's going to be a Bobo's bar or it's going to be a Shack House, probably I have the whole bag, oh my god. This little puffs, that taste so freaking good. So that's what I do and I keep myself super hydrated throughout the day. That's when boom, three, four PM, I need my coffee and I'll take it black, okay. And yes, I'm someone who can have coffee at four and then fall asleep any time. Usually in the afternoons for my snack, you maybe seeing me with a green juice. Everybody knows this about me, I juice a lot, I call it the hulk juice and it has celery, cucumber, turmeric, black pepper, ginger, lemon and parsley. Now for dinner we're talking about, mm, gluten free pasta with grilled chicken in tomato sauce or it could be ground turkey, sometimes ground beef, and I make a bolognese sauce. I have days where I'm more plant based, I have days where I have more animal protein, it's all about how I feel during that day but know that it's going to be mostly, whole foods. If I'm going plant based that day it's going to be lentil based which has a lot of plant protein packed in it and I may make a cashew sauce. Anything goes but it's all whole foods. I would say when it comes to food, I love New York and I love L.A. Both for very different reasons. Whenever I am in New York, believe me, Levain bakery is going to be my go to cookie. I love my cheesecakes from New York, Junior's definitely go there. Thai Son, is in Chinatown, it's a Vietnamese place that I really, really love. Carmine's is, one of my favorite Italian places and it has some bomb.com meatballs and all things Italian, you need to go to Carmine's, it is delicious. And when it comes to L.A. Favorite spots to visit here in L.A. We're talking about Creations, True Food's Kitchen, Gratitude Cafe, but those are my favorite spots. Anyone that knows me, if you don't know, I'm from the Caribbean, I'm an Afro-Latina, I'm Dominican, my comfort food would be sancocho. And sancocho, like get ready, get ready for that because it is probably going to be the heaviest soup you have ever had in your life and it has a bunch of root vegetables like yuca, platano, yautia, in a thick broth with bunch of meats, all in one soup and we usually have it with rice and avocado. And it is such a heavy meal, just get ready, just to be, a couch potato for like the next five, six hours. If I'm having like, if I'm having a day, a Dominican day, and mind you, my accent just kicked up. (laughing) I may have la bandera Dominicana, rice, beans, chicken and avocado with a nice salad and some fried plantains in there. And that's everything I eat in a day. Thank you for watching, hopefully you guys learned something new today.
Channel: Harper's BAZAAR
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Keywords: Harper's BAZAAR, Bazaar, Skincare, Fashion, Skincare Routines, Beauty Haul, massy arias, massy arias workout, massy arias workout reviews, massy arias food diaries, food diaries harper's bazaar, massy arias leg workout, massy arias upper body workout, personal trainer diet, personal trainer tips, personal trainer day in the life, WIEIAD, what i eat in a day, massy arias harper's bazaar, massy arias food, massy arias ab workout, massy arias what i eat in a day
Id: fxOLdO37qmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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