Everything Catherine Zeta-Jones Eats in a Day | Food Diaries: Bite Size | Harper’s BAZAAR

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- Hi, this is Catherine Zeta-Jones and this is everything I eat in a day. (bouncy music) First thing I do when I wake up in the morning is get my coffee going because I really can't do anything properly without my coffee. So I get that brewing though I usually put it into a French press because there's something very nostalgic about that. I get up very early, so my house is super quiet and it's my little time just to be. And then I go out and take my dog for his little pee-pee and then we come back in and by that point I just do my French press, I pour my cup of coffee and I just sit. I don't usually eat breakfast until about eight o'clock. I like to have breakfast, I'm a three meals a day kind of girl but I do have very, very specific breakfast needs. And it's all about daylight saving. So basically, in the winter hours, I'm a porridge girl. I have porridge with brown sugar, bananas and I make it so the bananas are all soggy and full of brown sugar. And I put some blueberries on the top and I literally have that every morning, definitely Monday to Friday. I'll let you know what happens on Sundays and Saturdays. When we spring forward, I go into my yogurt. Non-fat vanilla yogurt, Bear Naked Granola, blueberries, raspberries. And that is my summer months go-to breakfast. Cut to Saturdays and Sundays, that's when we as a family, do a good British fry up. I get my imported British bacon, we have sausages, which we call bangers. We have baked beans, scrambled eggs and then for the American contingent in my family which is my husband and my two children, we do French toast, it's actually the Martha Stewart recipe. It's really good. Brioche bread, let it soak, put a little bit of cinnamon, a little bit of vanilla and then of course, good old Canadian maple syrup. Every weekend, it comes together in a fabulous family brunch, we love it. I look forward to it all week. Next is 11 o'clock. I always have a cup of tea and usually have a cookie or something. I'm not a big snacker, except for anything chocolate. For me, chocolate is a real treat, I deserve it. I like Cadburys milk chocolate because it's, again it's a British brand that I was brought up with and it's very comforting. Lunch, I always sit down to lunch with my husband if we're not working, we're very big on family meals. I don't know whether it's my European connection. If the kids are here, any family members, anybody who is in our household, we stop and we sit down and we have lunch. Lunch is usually a light affair for us, always a salad. I always have a salad with my lunch and my dinner. So my favorite kind of salad would be a spinach, arugula mix of leaves, pine nuts, tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes, nice farm tomatoes. Not, I don't like the little tiny ones, I like the big ripe ones. Especially if I'm in Europe, I eat tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes. I have sometimes put a little blue cheese, I love blue cheese, my husband loves blue cheese. It's an acquired taste so I wouldn't serve that to my guests. I like to throw some dry cranberries in and my dressing, extra-virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar. I sometimes put some mustard in there, mix mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, shake and toss. I have a salad, every meal other than breakfast because I just adore it. To accompany my salad, a little breast of chicken, grilled simply, maybe some grilled cod. Sometimes like a stuffed aubergine, so something light that doesn't weigh me down too much. In the afternoon I always, 4:30, I brew my Casa Zeta-Jones coffee. I love it because it's my blend and it's the kind of coffee that I love. If I'm really, really good, I've already baked some scones and clotted cream and jam so I have like an afternoon tea. Michael and I usually sit down for dinner at eight. Usually if we go out, you know before COVID, we always make our reservation for eight because we're not really into eating late at night. But when we are in Europe, we do tend... Everything, our whole life tends to, like, shift into European hours, so we do eat later. Then we go to bed later and then we get up later. So it kind of works itself out. So a typical dinner for me would be my salad. In this salad at night, I love fruit. I always chop up an apple, throw it in a salad. Of course I love avocado and a salad too. I would put oranges in my salad, figs in my salad, I love that combo. So my perfect supper probably would be, I'm a big fish and chicken, white meat kind of girl. But I do love just a regular fillet mignon with like a mushroom, shiitake mushroom sauce. The way I make it is that I usually buy the Bouillon base, the, kind of, base of it and then just add in a lot of mushrooms and then vegetables, clean sauteed. If someone was to say to me "What would be your final wish for a meal?" What I do love is cauliflower cheese. I guess I'm a big cheese lover. I love cauliflower cheese, I think it's because my mom was never a great cook but that was like her thing, a big cauliflower cooked whole with cheese sauce and melted cheese all over it and that was like one of her specialities. That's something that it's a little piece of home. Some of my favorite cuisines, and I love to travel and I find that through food, you really get a sense of the life and the culture of a place. And just from community of cooking together, of chatting over making a meal, it's something so comforting and so universal. When I was pregnant, I craved Indian food every day. I was brought up on Indian food in Wales and where I come from, we have a fabulous, huge Indian community. Indian food has been really, you know, intermixed into Britain. Things I avoid to eat. I don't like offal, liver, kidneys so that's... tripe, can't do that. MSG, for me it's not just I feel thirsty. For me, I look like I've had five rounds with Mike Tyson in a boxing ring. I have lips that look really pretty for about two minutes because they're all plumped and I go, wow, my lips look great. And then all of a sudden they get really dry and I get really bulbous and it's an awful, awful reaction that I have. My love dessert, ice cream is just across the board, I'm just a huge ice cream lover and of course, how could I forget my mother's apple pie. The only other great things she can cook coupled with a little scoop of ice cream and I'm a really, really happy woman. Some people say, "Do you live to eat or do you eat to live?" I'm somewhere in between. That's everything I eat in a day. Enjoy. (upbeat music)
Channel: Harper's BAZAAR
Views: 532,072
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Keywords: Harper's BAZAAR, Bazaar, Skincare, Fashion, Skincare Routines, Beauty Haul, catherine zeta-jones, catherine zeta jones interview, catherine zeta jones harper's bazaar, harper's bazaar food diaries, food diaries bite size, what celebrities eat in a day, WIEIAD, catherine zeta jones movies, catherine zeta jones zorro, catherine zeta-jones food, catherine zeta jones chicago, food diaries, everything eats in a day
Id: kQkjyp_5LGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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