Everything Nadiya Hussain Eats in a Day | Food Diaries: Bite Size | Harper’s BAZAAR

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- Hi, I'm Nadiya Hussain, and this is Everything I Eat in a Day. (mischievous music) So the first thing I do when I wake up is, and it depends how meditative I'm feeling. My natural instinct is to go straight for my phone, which by the way is on the other side of my bedroom because I don't wanna be tempted by my phone. So the alarm goes off, I go to the other side of the bedroom, and then I turn the alarm off. And that's when I have to be, I have to tell myself don't take the phone to bed because that's a whole other hour of your life you're never gonna get back. And then I get up. I'm up, and I like to be up before the kids, because anything after the kids are up, makes me wake up really grumpy. So I like to wake up grumpy and then allow, remind myself I can't be grumpy. And I wash my face, and the first thing I'll do is pray. And that's always, always a good way to start. I'm not a big breakfast person, I don't wake up in the, Oh, I've got to eat straight away. And I also am not also a coffee person. I don't even like coffee. I don't like the way it tastes, I don't even like the way it smells. I like what it does, It wakes me up. So first thing I'll do is I'll make a strong coffee and then I always add some oat milk to that and maybe a tiny splash of honey. I will start with a very hot coffee and I will almost always drink a cold coffee by 10:30. That same coffee never drink it hot always intend to never do, because one by one the kids start waking up. And if it's a weekday, I'll get the cereal out and that's what they'll have. They'll have cereal. But if it's a weekend, it's usually kind of like slowly starting to make pancakes. So because I'm not a breakfast person, like come 10:45, my stomach starts to rumble a little bit. And my go-to is bread and cheese. It always brown bread, good old sliced brown bread and big chunks, thick slices of proper like crunchy slightly crunchy vintage, like really aged cheddar. So I will toast the bread and then I'll put the cheese on top and then I'll put it under the grill and then I'll let that, Oh, I forgot, I forgot completely. It's a routine, it's a way of life. So you toast the brown bread, take it out let it cool down and then take Marmite and lather it on. So there's loads of Marmite on there and like all the way to the edges and then big chunks of cheese on top, and then I grill that to it toasty and then take the out and while it's bubbling, just allow it to cook just enough so you don't burn your mouth. Always cut it into triangles, never, I'm not into the whole straight down the middle, that's weird, triangle and then always a pickled onion. So I have a massive jar of balsamic pickled onion. And just as the cheese is cooling, I like to squiggle on a little bit of salad cream. Oh, so good, there's no green in that at all, between that kind of just before lunch and breakfast and brunch, I usually do all the things that need doing in the house. Like if it's putting on some laundry or cleaning out the cat's litter tray, the kids are at home so I will make sure that the kids are all right and just check in on them, and that's kind of in between doing emails and phone calls. So I don't even get myself in the kitchen at this point, so lunch is one of those things that like, I love eggs. Love, love, love, love eggs, especially for lunch. Less for breakfast. I really like eggs lunch, they're so versatile and they're so good for you. So I will usually make myself and the kids an omelet. And so I like to spice that up, I put some onions in there get some coriander in there, some chilies, but, but, but but the best omelet is the one where you take a bag of crisps, chips and then you crush them in their packet. And then you add them to your eggs. And this makes it from being an omelet to maybe more for Tata type. And I like crisps can I just say, and I also saved some to eat on the side as well, but so you leave those crisps to soak into the eggs and then I will quickly fry that in a pan and then I will flush it under the grill and get it really toasty on top. And usually I like to throw in some cherry tomatoes on top and if it's some, maybe some grated cheese if the kids want some cheese and that's usually with a just a simple green salad, maybe some pickled cucumbers on the side, like anything pickled. Like everything I eat has always got something pickled on the side. So that's what I would normally have for lunch. I'm not, like I say I'm not a massive snacker but like you put some fruit pastels in front of me. Ooh Yeah. Okay, so that's not even a snack, that's just eating sweets. That's what I do, I eat sweets all day, I have sweets in my pocket. I have sweets with my makeup, fruit pastels everywhere. all over the house. And Percy pigs everywhere, under my pillow, my dentist is gonna hate me. Percy pigs and fruit pastels everywhere and polos and sweets everywhere. I have sweets, right there always have sweets. In that time between lunch and dinner, I will always kind of do any recipe testing or anything that I need to in the kitchen. Because between testing recipes I will then be writing recipes, testing them but also cooking dinner at the same time. Bearing in mind, every single recipe is a product of a lot of time and a lot of love. So I love all of our recipes, but for me, one of my favorite recipes is my croissant ice cream pudding. And bearing in mind, I'm somebody who doesn't necessarily, I don't go for a tub of ice cream. This recipe is like, this is one of my favorites, so you take croissants and you cut them in half and then you lather them with butter and lime marmalade or jam or jelly and then you take a tub of ice cream and you let it melt, so you let it melt till it's really kind of soft and frothy and almost completely defrosted but just with a bit of hold. And then you literally just take scoops and dollop that all over and let that melt into your croissants that are sat in this butter dish. And then you sprinkle it with chocolate chips and then you bake it in the oven. Like, can you get more instant than that? And that's using ingredients that we've already got at home and sometimes that's the best kind of baking. It's instant, you've made it just somebody else has put some of the bits together, that's the best kind of dessert. So dinner time, the parents who say don't eat sweets because it'll spoil your dinner, I am that 6 year old, I'm always spoiling dinner for myself. I think my kids are gonna hear me which is probably not a good thing right now but yes, I am the parent that always spoils dinner for herself, but I still eat, I'll still eat. So I would normally cook a very simple chicken Curry, we like to double carb in our house, chicken, potatoes rice with Tamryn and then we always do a vegetable side. Say, where's the rainbows, so we like to put a rainbow on our plate, so whether that's broccoli or Brussel sprouts or kale and then we always like to have pickles. So we'll have lots of pickles of mango, lime, you name it. And that's our moment to be able to say right, we've cleaned up the kitchen, no more work, we are just sitting down for dinner. And my kids love being in the kitchen, you know, when you start, the beginnings of a curry are the most aromatic parts of a curry, and so that's usually the whole spices, so like the cardamom of the cinnamon and the bay leaves all of that. And as soon as those whole spices hit the pan, my kids know she's cooking. So there's always one that will come down and say, "can I help with something?" You know what kids are like, they'll stop two onions in and they're just like distracted. So they always start off helping and they're always there to eat. So there's somewhere in between where they disappear but they love being in the kitchen. I don't I eat, I, well I don't drink. I don't drink and I don't eat pork, but there's nothing I don't really like I like anything, I love chicken livers. That wasn't even the question, like you didn't even ask me what I like, you said, what I don't like, Oh, I don't love ice cream. If I could pick cake with something, it's always clotted cream. The kids are always cake with custard and ice cream, and I don't like custard and ice cream clotted cream, absolutely Rodda's clotted cream, the best. As somebody who cooks for fun, but also cooks for a living, I have so many, I'm mean so many ingredients at home. Sometimes even I overwhelm myself, but there are a few things that I love to have one ingredient. I absolutely love having that, it's complete. I think lots things, some people don't even know about this ingredient, but honestly it's a complete lifesaver. It's crispy fried onions because they're already been cooked, they're great because you can start up a curry really quickly. The longest process in cooking a curry, is caramelizing the onions and they can take half an hour, 40 minutes sometimes if you're doing it from scratch. But because these crispy fried onions have already caramelized, you've given yourself 40 minutes and I'm all about saving time in the kitchen. Equally, they are great on top of a salad or if you are having a hot dog get some of those crispy fried onions on top, absolutely delicious. If you are making garlic butter, add some of those crispy fried onions to that butter and that parsley and that garlic, and they will rehydrate and you get an onion garlic butter, it's so versatile and absolutely worth having in the kitchen. I can't do without it. My favorites food city, I've been so lucky to have traveled quite a lot in the last five years but I've got to say my favorite food city would have to be. I'm gonna stay close to home, would have to be London. I mean, you can go to Borough Market and eat Mauritian food and African food, and Indian food and Mexican food. You can literally travel the entire world in just one market. So if I was gonna pick a food city it would be London, stay close to home. And that is Everything That I Eat in a Day. Thanks for watching.
Channel: Harper's BAZAAR
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Keywords: Harper's BAZAAR, Bazaar, Skincare, Skincare Routines, Beauty Haul, Nadiya Hussain, Nadiya Hussain bake off, Nadiya Hussain time to et, Nadiya Hussain netflix, Nadiya hussain interview, Nadiya Hussain food diaries, food diaries harper's bazaar, WIEIAD, Food diaries bite size, nadiya hussain recipes, nadiya hussain recipes desserts, nadiya hussain wins bake off, nadiya hussain best moments, nadiya hussain egg rolls, nadiya hussain graham norton, nadiya hussain easy dessert recipes
Id: 7Pa37nEvF54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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