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Why I no can watch? Who is dis AlfDigital, and why they block the content?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Psimon12345 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 12 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Whoโ€™s Alf digital

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/DadDevourer ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 12 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What happened??

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AwesomeSophie ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 12 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Still can't watch it

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/KJ86er ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 13 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Good thing bitchute exists...
What could there possibly be "copyrigthable" in the video?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AkiRa84 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 13 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
you did not turn that into a head but it's the worst thing wear it please wear that that puts it before this video begins let me just plug Sookie that's right check out Sookie dot market because we released why are you sad again our collection why you saying but in black very epic super nice cropped overalls how comfy cute and angry sweater how nice and most of all comfy augurs check out Sookie market and let's get on with video everything is awful that's what we're reviewing today because I need you guys to prepare for when I'm finally going on a break to understand that other things are bad too I'm gonna skip the top ones just cuz they're so awful it's not even funny I mean this one is a classic a couple dividing up their beanie baby collection in divorce court 1990 actual adult children everyone that's what it looks like he thought degeneracy was a new thing oh no no man accused of exposing himself at a public pool I never seen someone looks so young yes so old so feminine yes so masculine so pretty yes so ugly I am truly yeah it looks like one of those phase swapped or something what am i oh my god then when I look at it ah best friends who do plastic surgery together stay together oh my god oh you can start a support group for we stuff our faces she looks so much better oh no why did you do it why did you rip your friend into this did a friend not see what happened to you did you not look at this and thought no I don't want that to happen to my face maybe I shouldn't join in on this I think a drew this girl when I was for this because faces look like PlayStation 1 graphic it truly does my god maybe that's what they're going for this is a gaming conference it's finally a lot of women at these events finally see whamon can be gamer too I knew it oh god I saw this stepped on a cricket at work came back to clean it up and a parasite is crawling out of its body ah ha ah this is making me physically pain physical pain ah same thing will happen if you step on me I've been a puppet all along someone else has been pulling the strings there has got to be a better way to display children no I think that's the only way this could be your child you want child hanging from ceiling getting not one but two corporate logos tat on you come on if you're truly based you get at least your whole body covered with corporate logos so what's your personality like I I'm a big fan of Apple and Starbucks and that's my entire personality but if there's only was a way for me to tell people about this so they would be no doubt about it oh I know Lake tattoo how quirky help us conserve paper use a hand towel we wash these every week don't worry Wow every week incredible they wash it every week these people just solve any environmental badness when the sign says don't worry you should definitely worry you should always worry that hits a huge red flag that means they probably don't even wash it every week I'll come on not mine okay this is not theirs the struggle the uneven tear the cat ill what is oh it's the worst video I've ever seen first they can't pull it then the double tear oh and then there's a pool inside of eight and then there's a four chick art truly art oh you know this dude doesn't even have my shoes the girl is digging to China and this old lady has the worst wig oh my god America everyone the land of the free how did you know it's you would say I just know sometimes you just know that is a great week I don't understand what anyone anyone could ever say about that's a great wig she's just doing what makes her happy Felix how much dirt is in public transport see Oh God oh Jesus Christ no why god you're in layers of fart that is that's fart Adams exfoliating itself you're sitting on a the hot water on my school literally turns black L oh my god well I hope you guys know this is why you're not supposed to drink the hot water you I know a lot of people when they cook food a bunch of morons dum-dums what they do is they put hot water in the saucepan when they're gonna boil the water cuz bigbrain hot water oh it goes faster hot water is really bad okay it's black don't use it you can wait a couple seconds for the cold water which is cleaner local wedding photographer the more I look the funnier it is what thank you local wedding photographers very good God the world is all for listening this really makes you see it decided to open and clean my PlayStation 2 controller Oh Oh God not another parasite someone at the office must be losing weight oh my god stop it Kanye's new shoe design that is not a shoe you have got to be shooting me yes I I made that joke wash all the foot boys wear this though Bionicle face well now I want them I'm already sold its advanced Crocs first they laugh but then they buy oh my god he literally stole from Bionicle I can't believe it there's many things I don't understand and these shoes are one of them I understand what they're going for I think I just hate the design I hate it Little Caesars employee making a pizza except with no gloves and naked baby in her arms not to mention the baby was crawling on the floor as well both sad and awful thank you I will not have the pizza do you know what's the worst about babies the germs they spread I've been saying on this channel for a long time in case you knew when I'm not present well leader or whatever I will ban all children because children are literal germs spreading creatures and no one likes it no one likes them and I will pray I will prevent things like this from happening there will be no germs spread pizza with baby poop on it it will not happen on my roll this is from a 90s baseball video game I've seen this where a Japanese game designer had to make up a bunch of American names sleeve Mac dicker tight girl onsen swimmy daryl aqui del D aqui del these are great names ray Mex riff Bobson Doug nut Bobson Doug nut she was trying to avoid jail by impersonating her 21 year old daughter well you could have fooled me what is this Ollie London Ollie London's mom a great use of new vamps oh this is a DIY Oh perfect I love this stuff because it's so awful it's literally the same thing it's the whole sub ready what are you gonna make what kind of quirky thing are you gonna put out of this all right place your bets in the comments what is his waffles you did not turn that into a head the hipster thing wear it please wear that I want to see how it looks on head can someone please make that that is awful yeah why don't you try it all on the video and show everyone how stupid it looks you coward huh everything is truly helpful my therapist captain crack is it's too much go into to rape trials Bill Cosby goes temporarily blind Weinstein suddenly did you actually pull up with that tennis balls at the end Weinstein looks like he's about to throw that prop walker away and go primal into spontaneous dance up oh god that's so funny you cannot be serious you cannot be serious an australian moth that flies it flies I am cringing oh I want to make some sort of fire joke but I can't I just want leave I want to go I knew goblins were real they're goblins they're walking around they've just integrated sighs the goblins are real I'm starting to understand this while reading this sub ready oh where have I heard this story before the perfect woman huh Wow I'm not addicted I'm just trying to look perfect okay who was the MF that did the surgery though right it takes two to tango who did this huh someone really wanted that 76 dollar paycheck huh Jesus Christ oh my god Ricky get go hiding in my son's toys stop it this person try to unlock your phone I knew it I think I recognize him from some sort of tragic news event I swear I've seen it on the news I actually got a headache I'm not even joking this sub R it is too much for me to bear Oh God I got a really bad headache oh no I got a perservere we got to do this together oh no sometimes the lash gets in my eye then I blink and suddenly it's gone but sometimes I wonder if there's a space behind filled with eyelashes thank you for that wonderful image thank you so much for sharing that I truly appreciate it I baked some strawberry cakes in cat shaped pants and they look like this is so hard this is truly torture I'm in pain oh I don't remember this sound sounding like imagine fanners snapping and the only people surviving her people looking like this damn it would you guys like some wet yoga class you will be completely soaked in harbor liquid Oh attendees must learn to fold / unfold their pee-pee do not attend if you can't hold your breath for 33 lunar seconds what the [ย __ย ] free tree bark snack provided Wow what a steal there will be loud screaming don't eat onion 48 hours before imagine signing up for this that sounds hilarious I kind of want to do it for the mean oh my god expectation versus reality yeah how did it get like that I feel this is where they dip their arms stop a pull up your sleeves you're disgusting human you don't deserve a human body you filthy scum take back take it back take back all of it stop clicking on it Felix what is this why does this keep happening stop doing this stop hey stop it get some help stop it what on God's earth is that that's not real is it that was a puppet but why would you make that just take it back and burn it please whose lip fillers look like a tiny mouth within a lodge ladies you look stupid all right you may amongst your little girlie friend group think that that looks good because your other girlie friends have it you look dumb you look very dumb you look extremely stupid no guy actually likes the way you looks just so we clear just stop it you're not funny I hate you I hope you'll die burn in fire again vote for me there will be none more adesh okay forbidden Oreo Oh I will make sure every last insect will be destroyed I don't care about ethical consequences I don't care about any of it I will make sure it's happened we start with the insects we then take the children that's my plan just let me know smash like if you are on board I got a headache and I feel bad now I hope you feel bad too see you tomorrow I should have gone on my break from that either thank you you haven't been training on pixels we'll get on it you're ranked PvP matches are live don't call yourself a gamer unless you're up here in PewDiePie's pics links find the tears get Fame points make 19 year olds cry and unlock new arenas epic oh did I mention there pics links you're welcome [Music]
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 9,636,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: h2K2-MdIva4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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