EVERYTHING In Patch 10.2.5 & What You Can Do!

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welcome back it's time for the big 10.2.4 video we've got new story new systems what even looks like a test of a revamped archaeology and a wealth of things to check out today you're going to learn everything that you need to know as well as locations of many handy items for you to pick up so let's slam the feature counter on screen and get stuck in largest is the Reclamation of gilas one of the rare times that we actually see the core World be Advanced but of course with midnight and last Titan doing quas and northrend it's kind of just the start of that now this Quest is available for Reliance and hord there are worries there given some promotional images and the forsaken's actions during cataclysm I do understand people's worries chances are blizard wants this to be content for everybody though for the Forsaken to perhaps make some am meds in a little dash of the enemy of my enemy is my friend regardless though I'm Keen to see what they've cooked up Gan has been relegated to gruff onlooker for far too long now he's active enough to check out b.o. and support the show that's where he and you will get early content as as soon as it's made the lore walking podcast where we're about to kick off our special series on the second war and a whole load more check out the links down below I'll see you over on the members Lounge Discord next there's a short dragonflight appal Quest chain that takes you around the place including to balth it set some stories to rest and it's got numerous stay a while and lense scenes which is where blizzard often like to foreshadow some future lore now there's one thing to be quite suspicious of take a look at the marketing materials and you do see verino and a rron on the INF graphic of course a rron is through that void portal presumably not to be seen again during this expansion and given his words he may even be part of the last Titan expansion so yeah expect something interesting during this epilog we'll stop off at bth and unite eles settlement and while you're there why not steal some of the stuff the elves have left laying around yes these are rewards you can get and they are perfect for any night elf themed transmog there's a bad roll a backpack a spear bow knife Shield as well as spy glasses signal horns and some pouches you can pause and take a look at the coordinates they on screen right now or you can just explore the area and take a look at your mini map because they appear as Treasures on it the horde can go here as well but talk to Arch Druid run totem and uh you'll see that you definitely have to be on your best behavior and you will have the eyes of the Sentinels debuff on your character now bath is also really handy for travel there's a host of portals to and from Stormwind hiel dark Shore feather Moon stronghold V and the emerald dreamway if you're a druid you can teleport to the dreamway if you've done of course the Legion class hle Quest stuff which does give you essentially instant access to the other end of the Dragon ales which is dead handy let's talk gameplay azerothian archives is all about Cosmetics zero player power but I think the Cosmetics look great so here's how it works this is an event that will take place each hour here in traitor's rest it's got a reputation rather similar to the time RI feature with five levels Junior capable learned resident tenard and if you do everything and complete the meta achievement you will get the Isles arist title so what do you actually do essentially this event like with the Rifts launches every hour now you may have heard that it starts 5 minutes after the last one has been completed that appears though to just be a thing that they did in PTR for the sake of testing so so it's hourly and in terms of how it works it's kind of like the tusar feast an NPC will give you tasks these can be group or solo you'll collect things uncover things and you'll use some newish mechanics like using a scanner to find relics helping some familiars and an excavation miname now reading in between the lines of interviews these all feel like tests for future archaeology mechanics I suppose we can hope that's a war within patch feature maybe anyway as you do this you'll fill a bar as you fill that bar you will get Toms of various qualities there are green ones that give you 25 wrap and 50 fragments blue ones that give you 50 rep and 100 fragments and finally purple ones with 100 rep and 300 fragments now when you open these STS in addition to the rep and the fragments you can get some loot as an example this really nice sort of Explorer Set uh recolor so that's great and of course the clay skill horn Strider now at the end of the event doom shadow spawns kill it and when you do you'll get another thousand Pages which will fill whatever Dome you're on and that's basically how this event works but blizzard have also fixed a rather large problem what if there are barely any players at the event wouldn't that basically kill this feature the answer thankfully is no because this time they've actually increased the amount of pages rewarded after completing a task based on the player count so essentially if there's barely anybody there your progress will be accelerated so that it's actually a reasonable thing that you can go and do so absolutely let's hope they bring this to the other events that they've put into the game there's also an account-wide weekly Quest that gives you 3,000 rep and 5,000 fragments and there's an item that lets you transfer fragments between your characters with zero penalty taking a look at the rewards then on the vendor I think they're pretty great there's this big Mount as well as the historian transmog along with a backpack a hat some really nice sets of glasses a snazzy red backpack and some archaeology tool themed weapon mogs overall then much to do and to be honest for me the time Rift feature was kind of like crack somehow so I'm glad that something sort of like it is here and given that this is all based around a single dig site you really do have to imagine this is some sort of test for what a future archaeology revamp looks like okay next a massive feature for the game follower dungeons this is a new feature that works with the eight original dragonflight dungeons to do these just select follower dungeon in the dungeon finder drop down menu select your role and the rest will be filled with NPCs and it even works if you've got some other players in your group and they kind of need NPCs too they act decently smart they'll buff you at the start they'll give you Mage tables that sort of thing and when you're doing the dungeon you can see a new extra action button that basically toggles between the NPCs leading the party or you leading the party in terms of pulling and that kind of thing overall then looking pretty great now there's a limit of 10 of these per day and I've got to imagine that to clamp down on some like automated dungeon farming that people might do so is this a super relevant feature to most people now I mean no not really unless you want to do leveling and just knock out those dungeon quests solo without having to wait for a que or maybe you want to farm out some mogs but clearly though for me this is a war within thing where the war within dungeons will ship with this and then that means when you're leveling up fresh characters you don't have to rely on other people to do those dungeon quests this is something that Final Fantasy 14 pretty damn successfully did the players really appreciate it as an example I was using that feature when leveling an ed Walker because I just wanted to dive into the Dungeons and soak them up as a part of the narrative as I was leveling up and they were really good for that next WoW movement is changing forever where worldwide dragon writing is a thing this is rather massive it changes how all of wow feels going from point A to point B in any continent will never have been faster and in the war within they will update this and rename it to Dynamic flight and you'll be able to toggle it on and off with almost any mount in the game for now though it is just your dragon riding mounts that can work it is limited to 85% speed so as to not trivialize zes but honestly don't really worry about that it is still a humongous speed boost compared to anything you would have been used to now learning this still does require the usual account wide unlock for the Isles and if you have already unlocked it and are leveling an alt and that alt is below level 60 it can actually still use your Dragon riding mounts they just will be operating the old style of static flight next end for the dra the amazing news empowered soaring is a thing it replaces your old sord mechanic and it basically works just like Dragon riding it is awesome it's a big win and it's a win that Druids will be sharing in when their flight form gets upgraded to Dynamic flight in 11.0 and that's actually not all for flight the Outland cup brings 13 races in three variants as well as a bunch of new rewards there is the Outlander Drake racer set plus this awesome looking scarf along with the manuscript of endless possibility which adds a toggle ability which you can turn on to randomize Your Dragon's appearance every time you mount up and if you do all Races in Gold you'll get the Outland racer title and the Ruby Riders of Azeroth tabart then we have some improvements the intro Quest like breadcrumbs you to all of the races that are available and it gives you 40 badges then for balance it actually gives everybody essentially maxed out Dragon riding abilities then if you haven't unlocked Dragon riding you'll should be loaned a dragon for each race and because of worldwide Dragon riding you won't be dismounted after you do a race overall then pretty damn neat you can go and do that for 2 weeks and uh let's hope the other cups actually come back in soon next then a few game systems the Revival Catalyst now gains one charge per week up from a charge every two weeks which is really good for tier catchup and uh even if you just want to like quickly get those tier set appearances on your alss okay UI then so number one there's a new instance indicator that dnotes difficult player account then the Trading Post store has got more clear UI to show you what's in collection then we've got the traveler log which is nicer in a few ways as an example time limited objectives are a good bit more clear and they've also updated the edit mode snapping right so basically snapping to the intersections of grid lines then the center of frames snapping to grid lines and the edges of frames snapping to the horizontal and vertical center lines which uh altogether is just kind of nice then they've also added a preview for the light and dark mode Quest Tex options all right Cosmetics there's actually quite a lot here because there are events some changes and just some new things for you to get and I'll kick it off with character and pet stuff so in 1025 we're getting five newr hair colors a darker draai skin color as well as five Tyrant options and 11 dark layers for the warlocks to choose from and it's kind of nice because it covers just a bunch of old and new models as well then we have a Hearthstone event so Hearthstone is almost 10 years old and on March 11th there'll be an event in in game we don't know exactly what it is but we have seen some data mind rewards as an example here's a really cool looking flying disc there's also a red version of The Hearth Steed hats tabards a Sarge pet and a 36 Slot bag and a cosmetic Hearthstone then for those that have done 12 trading posts and have unlocked the new Warden set actually good news because in 1025 you're going to be getting just like by default a day and night version of the set that are completely static and won't color change meaning yeah your MOG isn't just going to s be broken whenever the time of day changes then another really nice cosmetic thing and that is that Covenant abilities are being reemed because real nice if you don't want to be reminded of the shadowlands all the time so yes all Covenant abilities that were carried into dragonflight as a part of talent Tre such as the hunt Divine Toller convoke and many many others they're all now themed to their classes instead of covenants and it just looks great that said if you did like the old Covenant appearances a future patch will add the ability to switch back the next Pepe not that one there are three Pepe themed outfits one for Alex trza explorers and tusar and you can see where to pick them up on screen these are of course cuteness overload and uh maybe this is the last of the tusar that we'll be getting until we arrive back in northr for the last Titan then finally Love is in the air with February and there are a bunch of reward updates basically we don't know how these will be split up between the actual event and the February Trading Post but if you like Sailor Moon then there's certain are MOG sets for you and there's these really nice Fox mounts that just look really nice plus loves in the air itself has got some new quests so definitely worth checking out so that is it for this patch what next then well patch 10.2.0 will hit the PTR very very soon that's basically how they have to run things because their patch Cadence is uh well just so aggressive also we'll probably get a marketing wave soon to actually explain what this patch is going to be of course all we've got so far is ATS in the road map image it does seem pirate theme though and if season 4 is to drop shortly afterwards then maybe we're going to see some sort of like I don't know Pirate Invasion of our raids to to change him up anyway it won't be long until we see 10.2.3 dark heart that will be taking any idron and zotth related hints that we see in the epilog quest lines in this patch and uh well it'll do something with them to set up the war within which of course is something blizard have already been doing because if you've completed the Guardians of the dream patch in the very final quest line when everybody's having a big party underneath the tree number one khadgar says that there is dark Whispers going on and he's going to check in with an old friend about that and then thr and Jana both get Visions which essentially are the early versions of the visions that thr and anduin get in the big cinematic the blizzard showed off at BlizzCon so many lore things are going on thanks for watching today's video and if you want to learn more about zotth check out this video next that's it from me I'll see you over there [Music]
Channel: Bellular Warcraft
Views: 127,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow 10.2.5, wow patch 10.2.5, seeds of renewal, gilneas, xalatath, wow world soul saga, world soul saga, azeroth, dragonflight, world of warcraft, iridikron, azerothian archives, bel'ameth
Id: AUN1x2t93LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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