Everything GREAT About The Super Mario Bros. Movie!

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oh [Applause] illumination always gives us a minion logo but Stuart and a go-kart Super Mario Kart Brothers style opening credits and see you can't start revving that early Stuart classic mistake [Music] in classic OG Sprites and midi song in the Nintendo logo re-wins for the production company logos what Have We Become all right logos are cool Airship Theme getting the full orchestral reinvention something this movie does really well is make Bowser a force and when their car is bigger than your house flying spiky blue Koopa Trooper is the battle leader checks out blue shells are the worst or the best if any of you have them Bowser knows a thing or two about presentation eh badass bad guy right off the bat first needle drop of many to let the parents know it's gonna be okay in this case battle without honor or Humanity which is either from new battles without honor and Humanity if you're cultured or Kill Bill if you're even more cultured win-win what eyepatch Koopa was faking it's like a deception win kind of makes you think Mario always struggles in the Frozen World slipping around and such now if only he and Bowser teamed up just saying could be a fun game [Music] racist accents act what that's not a win okay they're Italian so it's okay but Charlie and Chris aren't huh interesting moving along and just a wall of Punch-Out Easter eggs in the punch-out Pizzeria glass Joe looking a lot more confident than usual Bear Hugger as creepy as ever doc over there next to Sandman piston Honda fighting bald bull Von Kaiser knocking out Don Flamenco I think also the duck hunt duck and little Max squaring off with glass Joe what about the accents is it is it too much too much trust the OG Mario voice actor Charles martinet he's not Italian either huh next that is Cinema wins you're hired okay see now spike is being deliberately racist which makes him a good bad guy so we're still winning racism pushing forward no one said mic drops did never cost kind of feel like the GameCube theme song is a deep cut unless you're in your mid-20s but what do I know Spike was the bad guy in the Mario game wrecking crew and we all knew that I kind of like the Mario's platformer skills aren't a result of Peach's teaching that's a real world skill he already has and when the Beastie Boys sing about your city you're unstoppable also teamwork foreign and he beats 1-1 with no power-ups even goes above the frame which usually leads to a warp but flagpole sound effects at all and I mean it's truly 1-1 goodness Tetris block painting that's what the floors are made of in Super Mario Brothers 3 underground levels and everything is just cubes also you can hear the Super Mario Bros 3 world 1 theme playing slowly it's right upstairs the entire movie is Francis with his nose pressed up against the glass hey shielding Bowser breath shadowing the world laughed at Da Vinci too I'm not sure they did sure they did look lots of NES game references I mean he's playing Kid Icarus but Kung Fu was my childhood and you know we had the power pad for track and field but really for athletic world that's one with the river and the braf and you jump over logs and stuff yeah it's a good one I'm young just like you sick and tired of feeling so small better stop hating mushrooms then good lesson for the kiddos veggies good give you superpowers although there are some advantages to being small Mario's head was bigger than I realized level 1-2 because they're going underground even got the right theme music hints that we definitely don't need to worry about how Rainbow Road will look if it happens to come up worlds between worlds are always so beautiful heck yes orchestral Mario theme I've had in my head for literal weeks since watching this with Jude and the correct green pipe sound hello politeness come on Mario and then the Mario 64 theme which hits us with the different kind of nostalgia different flavor if you will credit for making Dry Bones scary in a classic zombie way but still somehow cute like maybe he'd still be a fun pet worst ATM design ever or is this their job like slavery with extra steps what a sweetie already loving our tiny little Plumber guy you just have to blow into it yeah just make sure your mouth is dry which was really easy for eight-year-olds what does Futurama have the sole rights to clear glass Transportation tube jokes of course they do so we'll call this a reference what you're saying they were lying every time I beat a level they were lying to me their custom elements still barely fit their giant domes CQC Beach almost Smash Bros Peach Mains he will eat you for breakfast he won't even notice it probably because you're a fairy very small she hasn't even gotten her fire flower power yet and still got that sick burn [Music] seems fair to say badass good girl pretty epic moves it's fun to see her be a total badass and not just in another Castle all passively she even does her dress float down thing to the actual level complete theme we are not straying here [Music] now for a classic 80s training montage set to none other than the song that made Kevin Bacon a hero while playing tractor chicken sounds like one of those and AI wrote this sentence things but it's real life also a training montage is the fastest way to genuinely capture the feeling of playing the game I know there's usually a joke here but like the way he gets one step further each time but the next hurdle gets him that's gaming baby also puking absolutely is a way to lose a power up good note there and there is an undeniable sense of status satisfaction seeing a guy you've been controlling in various bit numbers for the last 40 years do all the coolest stuff you've ever done with him in full cinematic Glory sometimes even better [Music] the bomb panting like afraid to explode did this movie just get Ultra dark of the ba bomb sentient sex [Music] Comics little dance whatever those things are they're Koopas you racist crap there it is again but they're spinies which are just quadruped Koopas get it together the most powerful turtle in the world are you sure you're not a dinosaur I heard T-Rex from a pretty reputable Source who held his hands like a T-Rex [Music] talk about a glow up a fair no then I will power up with this star and destroy the Mushroom Kingdom and see like we made the joke that biologically it would work in the 93 movie and now it's just confusing his level-headedness is still on point though School of Rock sorry Jack Black is great here he's playing the saxophone a little honesty always stuck to the ba bomb Cannon mini games like really sucked happy to not be shown up here and I enjoy this little tour through the world so we know there's more out there even if we don't have the time to spend in each this movie and obviously a travel montage is the fastest way to get Bowser his Jack Black Thanos moment on a custom piano yeah okay that's awesome giving the staple power up its own little moment that's both visually gorgeous while still honoring our Nostalgia even changing her into her correct dress colors I can't believe don't warp somewhere by accident Man Luigi always gets the raw end of the deal Mario's off canoodling near some flammable Flora while Luigi is getting an Uninvited mustache groom my brother Mario but what a brother compliments when his bro isn't even there to hear them when he watches me kill his brother hey uh Bowser you want to chill a little like shoot some Fireballs maybe a little light kidnapping but why don't we keep the murder on the DL there are kids here yeah no cool cool going for night terrors Fair that's fair that goof from wonder what he did to what complete oh it's just the lumily I wonder what it was trying to sell follow me voice is not matching visuals always works for me even if it's a little AI voice that does all those movie Recaps [Music] [Applause] another needle drop this time making sure we didn't miss Miami Vice Kong's Vibe we didn't still such a polite little dude we have heart in our hair I know Donkey Kong rap has been around since Donkey Kong 64 but the Run DMC Vibes are way heavier in HD that means you did he called the Diddy obviously but Dixie and chunky showed up for this too I love that his hat falls off and then he lands in it on the tumble to go back on yeah we're not not entertain the camera Zooms in on his hand ever so slightly so it seems like he's about to get big but if you heard the power-up noise you know what happened Jude's favorite scene right there not sure what it says about him and I'm not too worried about it probably time for Donkey Kong Country DK going old school which checks out since the entire arena is the OG Donkey Kong blue ladders and everything [Music] okay that was a smart way to get him to say it I don't think you can do that in Smash Bros but who am I to judge the mod ah mercy and saving your new best friend pick your cards Jude and I started playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and if you know how many times I had to say those words hey hit a hit a love really makes a guy come out of his shell again maybe a turtle crossed with a dinosaur just the most messed up Turtle I get why he's so angry he has defeated Donkey Kong and won the Kong Army I mean you make it sound way more remarkable than it actually was but truthfully Mario is the short King so it plays Peach's racing suit matches her bike and even if it's game accurate it's a very odd character wish I could coordinate that well that doesn't seem like a regulation card thank you again not regulation but there's definitely a sense of safety during this Mario Kart sequence so I like that his car can actually be blown up and he's in actual danger it's animation the long take doesn't count cool it still looks amazing especially the spin around Peach right at the end if our man is picking it up fast and I know it's kind of old hat at this point in the movie but the accurate sound effects are really pleasing to the ear friendship almost friendship like I said blue shells are just way too Opie unless I have them in which case they're perfectly Fair also really really into the way they got us to be able to experience rainbow road at night when they're approaching the jump you can see the sun setting casting Stark Shadows on the Rocks around them and then when they get up there it's still intensely bright once the Koopas start chasing them it's dusk the Koopas all turn their lights on and it gets darker and darker throughout the ride until it's night time and the road has a magnificent glow to it they really nailed rainbow road I don't want the last thing I hear before I die to be yours admire DK's commitment to his hatred for Mario even When approaching death ah the mare unagi if you prefer can't be beaten love to see it I said I wouldn't let anyone hurt you Toad my little fun guy gotta give her some props for standing down a giant Airship just the way just away except the halberd badass good girl peaches not that he needs anything to make him creepier but Bowser is the only one in the world that calls her peaches classic Sigma male stuff finally Mercy optimism it's true he collects stuff too so much stuff Donkey Kong Country rocket Barrel Escape Mario was even close to Diddy's size is is that blood dripping down the cake well I really got it all in there didn't they I love that it's not just the usual cast of characters it's King Boo and King Bob bomb because of course they show up for King Koopa even on her wedding day she wears Pink I'd like to know the actual etiquette here because did she even need to hide the Ice Flower it's a flower what if she wants magical flowers for her bouquet all right what was I saying about the satisfaction 1-1 music power-ups ground pound even his little arms outrun we won't tell anyone that you can't stop a piranha plant agreed look I get why they skipped over the super Leaf in raccoon Mario but if you're gonna do that where's the Statue and if it's about flying what about a pee Wing I'm just name dropping stuff this is awesome and I'm happy about it and also he's a cute januki also Super Mario Bros 3 1-2 music I'd want to say this isn't how lava works but it absolutely is how lava Works in Mario games so we're good everything is gonna be okay okay saving your brother Mario why do you look like a bear what is this it's due to observations light to the last is this a reference to the 93 movie they land in a construction site by the Brooklyn Bridge too I don't know what it is but the Peril in this movie is always next level just listen to the bad guys growl I mean seriously Bowser is an actual Beast you just don't know when to quit yeah I've been told that before and he learned to take it as a compliment thanks Peach sign her up for Arsenal you know because of the pink kit Invincible boys with the star theme playing and everything I call that a sing moment this sing they just did a punch out star punch in front of the punch out Pizzeria music with a more upbeat triumphant piece yep funniest thing about the star is that Bowser thought it was the answer to all his problems and it seems to work just like in the games it lasts for 30 seconds and then it's gone works on fire breath though so now I'm knocking it ah bring it in hugging Jude's second favorite scene really likes the doggo's approval hey DK did his Peck dance just like he said he would all that's left is you and infinite void sometimes that's a good thing I think the lumili is misunderstood or optimism oh that was sweet they gave him a tiny piano or shrank a piano either way very considerate [Music] oh yes as far as adaptations go this is one no I'm kidding this is a stellar one the visuals and sound effects even the lore and the explanations of power-ups it all honors the games very well often sticking to the source material isn't the goal for film adaptations and I wouldn't say it was here either but nevertheless it does I mean the most out of left field thing is Chris Pratt is the stereotypical Italian plumber but maybe moving away from the accent is a good thing who am I to say but I understand why they'd stick to the lore this time since Nintendo mostly wants to pretend the live-action movie never happened I mean the Super Mario Super Show isn't terrible and the commercial Mario and Luigi make is a clear homage to it so Nintendo isn't against acknowledging their cringy past in a John Leguizamo or Samantha Mathis voice Cameo would have been amazing and hopefully they show up in one of the many many many sequels this film will have the initial Rumblings were that this movie is boring and by the numbers which I guess it's not easy to set up a brand new world while telling genre bending life-altering stories obviously it is done but as a fun first outing I think it works really well if I'm going to complain I wish that Mario and Luigi weren't split up for most of the movie I guess it technically follows the feeling of the NES games where you took turns but I'm pretty sure the point was to let Mario make a new cast of Friends and really polish Chris Pratt's Star as a Charlie Day Stan I obviously want more of his Luigi and more of the brothers working together but it forces us to get to know Anya Taylor Joy's Peach and Keegan Michael Key's toad who are both fantastic the entire Supporting Cast as well really came to play I loved Donkey Kong and the nicest thing I can say is that Seth Rogen was not distracting that sounds like a slight my point is that he usually is and this time I just saw DK the theme and morals are pretty straightforward stop the evil trust your friends Brotherhood is good seemingly another reason to split them up I think there are plenty of ways to do more compelling stories going forward but it's clear that this first one was about cramming in a bunch of amazing visuals and references and in that they succeeded zero complaints this movie is like a candy coated Nostalgia trip Jude loves it Julia loves it I love it Marco kept saying outside and pointed at the door so I guess she loved it too and hopefully it's the start of a well-made franchising can't believe I'm asking for another franchise but hey it's where we are these days if he can't get out of it get into it next week a fighty one [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 449,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario, Mario Bros., Mario Bros. 2023, Mario Analysis, Everything Wrong with Mario Bros, . EWW Mario, EGA The Super Mario Bros. Movie!, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: g6CGqg4VQeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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