I Survived 100 Days as a Goblin in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Minecraft

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today i'm going to be surviving 100 days reincarnated as a goblin starting out in my brand new world i have the unique skill predator and these three goblin friends the goblins told me there's a village nearby that we can head to so to prepare for the journey i got some wood some stone and then made myself some tools i used them to mine a bunch of coal and iron from a nearby cave after a bit of work me and the boys left with 32 iron we wandered around for a little while and eventually ended up in a swamp i killed some pigs and sheep for food and wool then close by underwater i found a foundry if you've seen my previous 100 days video you'll know just how amazing this find is i'll come back here in the future for now i make myself a sleeping bag and stone shield cook up the food i acquired earlier and sleep the first night away day two started with some breakfast to restore my hunger and then me and the boys started a fight with a witch i consumed her with predator and hoped to get a new skill but no luck this time the witch poisoned me and the goblins they got pretty hurt from the poison so i gave them some food to make sure they stay healthy i started smelting the iron i found during my first day and then i got really thirsty so i started consuming water with predator i consumed so much water that i got kicked from my single player game for spamming which is just amazing after around five minutes of hydration i obtained some new skills the extra skill water manipulation along with hydraulic propulsion water current control and water blade my second day is going extremely well so i decided to upgrade my pickaxe and axe to iron and then a brilliant idea hit me i can use predator to consume blocks so i mine some of the obsidian from the foundry and make myself an obsidian shield it's really heavy so it slows me down quite a bit but it offers a lot of protection it's day free and i find a brand new race a lizardman he appears to be friendly however i can mimic races with the help of predator i just need to consume and analyze one first i'm itching to try out water blade so i'll fire a few shots off at the lizard man i'm also curious to see if predator will activate if i kill a creature with a skill the test comes back negative however a few minutes later i have another run-in with a lizard man this one pins me in a rather dangerous place but with the help of the boys i managed to consume and analyze this lizard man i mimicked the lizardman i just defeated and my health and attack power increase so much i feel much safer now with my newly acquired power i decide to farm myself some food i need to make sure i'm always looking out for me and my new crew i also make myself a full set of iron armor my frail goblin body couldn't use iron armor before but as a lizard man i can wear it no problem also just out of character for a second tried healing my goblin friends and it just didn't work this happens quite a lot and the only solution i found is exiting the game and reloading with that out of the way i found a lava pool and started consuming lava that's when the first tragedy of our new world struck goblin 2 fell into the lava i say phil when in reality he tried swimming in it unfortunately he didn't make it we lost one of our crew and i spent the night staring up at the stars sad to see him go on the fourth day me and my party found a village i snuck around and stole their blast furnace going to need that a bit later on i also found an isolated villager and consumed them with predator i can now mimic humans although lizardmen are still the better option at the moment i took some of the village's hay bales to make sure my food supply is always fully stocked and then found the village's main attraction a weird half house this village shall forever be known as huffington close by i found an abandoned house it was rigged with a trap that i quickly deactivated i grabbed the goodies inside and then headed out back to the foundry to see if i could bag myself some overpowered items however night time brought with it a whole host of monsters they had me surrounded i managed to consume a creeper and obtain the extra skill black lightning a very strong skill indeed however during the battle another one of my goblin friends gets extremely low i tried to heal him with food but the same glitch happens as before then a creeper decides to blow up next to us i managed to get my boys away from the monsters and wait it out until the next day after relogging i can feed my goblin buddies so on day 5 they both still survived there was also a slime bouncing around near us so i consumed it with predator and now i can mimic slimes imagine if it was that time i got reincarnated as a slime anyway we make it to the foundry and i asked my boys to stand watch out here i wouldn't want them to die in there inside the piglet miners weren't happy to see me i managed to beat a few of them and pinch a couple of golden apples from a chest they were guarding i don't stay in there too long though through fear i'm definitely not strong enough to handle them just yet time to continue the search for the goblin village along the way we fight a helmoth and i learn that lizardmen are buffed during the rain on day six i find a village in the desert it has a ravine running through it so i decide to name it ravine ville close by i see an orc wandering around it seems friendly but predator is begging me to consume him i shoot my water blades at him and i finish him off with predator i can now mimic an orc i propel myself across the water at insane speeds thanks to water manipulation of course it does consume a hefty amount of magicals though while on the topic of water using my amazing water blade ability i defeat a tempest serpent as i left the desert i entered the savanna and this is where i find the goblin village my new home i bestow names upon my goblin friends the first i name gobbo and the second is named bobo they will be the protectors of this village they evolve into hobgoblins due to acquiring a name so i make sure they're well fed and healthy to end off the day i make a grave for our fallen goblin friend he will live on in our memory day 7 i start by adding torches around the village i want to make sure my new friends have a safe place to live so i also make myself a shovel and fix up the hole near the entrance of the village today is also the day i decide to do a bit of mining with predator mining is so easy i consume a bunch of stone and store it in my stomach i also find some other goodies like iron ore a very productive day during day eight i found an other welder stuck in a hole i decided for science it was one billion percent necessary for me to attack him so i shot water blades at him and to be honest with you i'm really glad he's stuck in a hole he looks way too strong for me to handle right now i test out my black lightning skill on him and it's pretty epic shame it uses a lot of magicals though after a little while i defeated him and i collected the shiny emerald he left behind i then headed back to the goblin village and smelted the iron i collected i also made a bunch of stone bricks because we're about to change animes to attack on titan yeah i'm building a wall i need to make sure my goblin kin are protected construction lasts until the start of day 10 and honestly the wall looks kind of wonky on the map but i think it adds just a little bit of character to the village i also added a few doors and started working on making some lampposts i think they make the village look really cozy next up i scattered some windows around to give us a view of the outside world and i equipped a gobbo with a stone sword so he could better guard this place the next day i decided i wanted to add some acacia logs to the wall to make it look fancy i also wanted to test out my water manipulation skill so i found another welder who was trapped in a hole once again and started blasting him with high pressure water it's pretty darn effective i then headed back down into the mines and started consuming blocks when i suddenly fell into a mine shaft a cave spider tried to ruin my day but i consumed it with predator and obtained the intrinsic skill he'd sense i stay down in this mine shaft and the surrounding caves for the next couple of days i find magical and learn that mining it with a pick is actually pretty tricky sometimes it's successful and others not so much i find a bunch of other valuables like lapis iron silver and also this awesome plant which can be used to make some pretty cool potions i drank lava with predator found diamonds hiding in the lava and then drunk more lava and more lava and more lava you get the idea i drank so much i obtained the extra skill fire manipulation i tested it out by setting a zombie on fire which is pretty satisfying i leave the mine during day 13 and spot shizu close by luckily she doesn't attack me because i'm definitely not ready to fight her just yet nearby a slime bounces by and says i'm not a bad slime so i blast it with all of my skills only a bad slime would say that to end off the day i find another welder that looks like a healer i blast water at him and consume him with predator hoping to obtain some healing skills but no luck this time on day 14 i head back to my base and start smelting my magical with the blast furnace i stole when it finished melting that's when i realized i'm gonna need so much magikor to be able to make anything i'll worry about that a bit later for now i make myself a diamond pickaxe axe and an iron hoe i used my newly acquired farming tool to make a little farm for the amazing plant i found earlier and then a little way outside the comfort of my walls i find a grave lizard which looks pretty scary but i managed to defeat it with my water beams and i feel much better about the safety of my villagers during the night a bar guest doggo attacked me it was a quick boy but using my big brain i managed to defeat it i ended off the day by heading back down into the mines i need to find more magic ore i spent over a day in the mine creating huge holes with predator hoping to find magical this mining method was rather fun but unfortunately not very successful i ended up leaving the mine on day 16 with two pieces of magical outside of the mine i find another other welder a lot of people have been summoned here when i eventually defeated and consumed this one with predator i obtained the unique skill berserker which will definitely be very useful later on while active it buffs my strength speed and some other stuff at the cost of magicals back at home i smelt up my magical and make some chests to store the ridiculous amount of stone i've been collecting during the night i decided to try leveling myself up so i fought a bunch of mobs and i got to level 29 i also found myself another healer so of course i fought and consumed him one day i'm going to get the healing skill just not today day 17 is the day i'm calling attack of the other welders i started the day by fighting another welder who had a spartial blade which is pretty scary i trapped him in a hole weakened him with my water manipulation and then consumed him which gave me the unique skill severa damage dealt with this skill isn't healable by normal means so that's a very useful skill to have shortly after i got attacked by a special other welder they charged straight at me so i had to use my shield to defend myself using water manipulation i was able to blast them away from me and managed to defeat them close by there was another other welder i launched this one into space with my water attacks and then finished him off with predator he didn't give me any skills unfortunately then get this another special other welder attacked me it's like they want revenge or something i blasted this one with my skills and later found out that apparently it has a skill to reflect melee damage so pretty lucky i didn't hit it with my sword that's all of the other welders for today just kidding i beat another one as well and obtained the unique skill spearhead back at base i tried harvesting my special plan but i think i did something wrong because i didn't get any seeds back i also made my first magic steel ingot i'm gonna need way more magical on day 18 i started the day by fighting another other welder the world is full of them i didn't obtain any skills from them but i did reach level 30. i now have enough levels to evolve into a hobgoblin i tried to evolve and it turns out i don't have all of the iron tools required to evolve so i quickly make them and begin the evolution process after a couple of seconds i evolve and much to my surprise my mimic forms also evolved my max magical's doubled and i can now mimic a dragon new which is currently my best option i tested out my new form against the bar geist they still do a lot of damage to me but i feel slightly safer i then decided to head out on a little adventure to explore the surrounding area during which i found another healer still no skill obtained from them though i also found a way stone in a tiger biome so i mine it and bring it back to my base which i name centopia using the power of the waystone i teleport back to harfington and continue my adventure exploring around there i get into a fight with a black spider which looks pretty terrifying but i managed to defeat it and consume it with predator day 19 i started mining with predator to look for magical i don't find any magical but i do mine into a little cave that has a zombie spawner which is pretty darn lucky i'll come back here in the future to harness the power of this spawner but for now i continue consuming blocks and end up finding a couple of magical on day 20 i started heading back to harfington and decided i would try predator mining next to it who knows maybe i'll get lucky again i fall into a cave system and start exploring it i find some magic ore blaze powder raw and more magical some more of that amazing plant and a bunch more magical just what i needed i also have a pretty close call with this creeper who tried to end my life i head back to centopia with the magical waystone system and smelt up my newly acquired magical i also plant the amazing seeds i found and i end the day off by making my second magic still ingot it's day 21 and i'm back out exploring this beautiful world i find a village close to centopia and next to it in the desert i spot a bunch of orcs in armor there's an orc lord amongst them that's an orc disaster just waiting to happen so i carefully avoided them a few minutes later i found a goblin village that has been burnt to the ground by direwolves i grab any useful items that were left behind and deal with the direwolves who harmed my people i then get myself some cooked food by killing animals with fire manipulation which is super useful i also come across my first giant bear i decided to start hunting them because they drop hard leather which will let me make some decent armor while killing one i find a couple of way stones near a merchant camp which is pretty strange so i mind both of them and start looking around the campsite i find a monastery map in the camp's main chest and some iron armor that i use to repair my current set a little distance away from the camp i spot some magical that's above ground which is a really weird sight so i mine it with predator and fall into a cave that has caribbean's core i'll utilize this later but for now i drop a waystone down and carry on with my adventure on day 22 i find a ruined portal and take its gold blocks i get into a fight with a tempest serpent near a ravine and then i head down into the ravine hoping to find some magical unfortunately this ravine wasn't that good so i left and a little bit later i find a much better one i spend a couple of days exploring this ravine it has a mine shaft so i have a pretty good feeling about it i find some magical pretty quickly but i also almost find death i get into a hectic fight with some skeletons a witch and a few zombies they get me pretty low so i shield and spray ridiculous amounts of water at them after i beat the first bunch a small horde of zombies tried to ruin my day as well but luckily i managed to survive i find a lot of magic ore here so the near death experience was totally worth it the next day i discovered that fire manipulation makes me resistant to fire so it lets me swim in lava i end up leaving the ravine on day 23 with a bunch of magical back on the surface i get charged by a special other welder but luckily for me he trips and falls into the ravine what an idiot so i leave him down there and head a little way away from the ravine i start another mine i really want to collect as much magical as possible so i dig into a cave system and start grabbing whatever i can find i stay down in this new mine for a day and a half finding a bunch of magikor diamonds and even one of those amazing plants that i can't pronounce i exited the mine during the night of day 24 and ended up fighting a couple of other welders i finally got the unique skill healer so that's pretty good i also hit this other welder with my water beam and watched him blast off at the speed of light surrender now or prepare to fight during sunrise on day 25 i fought another slime my weapons are too weak to deal damage to it so i have to use my skills again i make my way back to centopia and get all of my magic horse melted while i wait i plant the seeds i got from that amazing plant turns out there's a chance that that amazing plant can turn into a fly trap which sucks so i have to kill the fly traps what a waste of a perfectly good plan day 26 i made two more magic steel ingots and used them to make myself an infused forging table this will let me make some more advanced crafting recipes i start by making myself a crimson lotus edge a fancy sword with 11 and a half attack damage i'll be using this table more in the future for now i want to head back out and explore in a new direction i find another swamp with a witch's hut so i gobble her up with predator but unfortunately she doesn't give me any new skills near the witch's heart i find a portal it looks pretty intimidating but i decide to enter it i spawn on this floating platform above the nether i'm going to be spending the next few days in here so let me show you what happened after i made my way down into the nether i angered an enderman and had to fight for my life i realized that the never is going to be pretty scary because i don't know what can spawn in here on day 27 i spot a demon ball looking thing in the distance so i make my way towards it by the time i get there the boar is nowhere to be found instead i'm greeted by a flying salamander who deals so much damage i managed to defeat it by blasting it with water but it did scare me unfortunately i run into a few more of those salamanders i consume one of them with predator and obtain the intrinsic skill flame breath which basically is the same attack as my fire manipulation by day 28 i was well on my way to leaving the nether so i swam through a lava lake and eventually i arrived at my entrance staircase i make my way through the portal and it teleports me back to where my journey began i decide for the rest of the day i'll go out exploring i fight a giant bear to farm its hard leather find a way stone and take on a night spider it gets me relatively low but i managed to defeat it with the power of fire i finally return home after my little adventure and make myself a fancy hard leather chest plate which is pretty durable and looks lovely day 29 i started off by killing a giant bear definitely want to make a full set of this hard leather armor now i fought a helm off which was a really easy battle and then found a village hidden in a spruce forest i'm gonna call it sprucington and then i teleported back to centopia using its way stone my next goal is to get a full set of diamond tools and armor because it's a requirement for my next evolution i don't have enough diamonds or levels just yet so i headed out during the night to do some training i found this weird illusioner guy that makes clones of itself i set its main body on fire though so in the end he was no problem for day 30 i decided to work on getting more levels so i headed back to the zombie spawner i found on day 19. i spent the whole day making it into a monster farm and i headed back to centopia after reaching level 30. on day 31 i make myself almost a full set of diamond tools and armor i just don't have enough diamond for the boots so i need to do some more mining soon before that however near sentopia i find shizu again i decided to trap her and then blasted water at her with water manipulation once she was low i consumed her with predator that caused the greater fire spirit ifrit to take over i sliced him up with crimson edge lotus and once i defeated him i obtained a bunch of new skills combustion ranged barrier molecular manipulation and black thunder unfortunately with ifrit defeated shizu was left to die i consumed her with predator and obtained her skill degenerate which also unlocked the black flame skill for me to brighten the mood let's test out my new abilities black flame is amazing i'll definitely be using this a lot and black thunder is just incredible but it just uses too many magicals during the night i found a random evoker wandering around i think it was summoned by another welder so i fought it apparently get this by consuming evokers you have a chance to gain the skill sage i didn't get it this time unfortunately but what i did get was a little bit of a scare when i saw hinata flying around murdering monsters i swiftly made my escape and stumbled upon a special other welder who definitely had a bone to pick with me i burnt him with black flame and gobbled him up with predator which gave me the unique skill perceiver day 32 i found a couple of analyst otherworlders and made sure to consume both of them the first one didn't give me any new skills but the second one gave me dylatanti which i'm not sure i'm pronouncing correctly but maybe i am i also burnt some wandering pillagers with black flame and got myself the bad omen debuff i want to evolve and keep growing stronger so it's time to make a new mine and find myself some more magical and diamonds i find out you can use black flame to auto smell oars when you mine them and it doesn't even cost any magicals which is epic i stay down in the mine until day 33 i find quite a lot of magikarp a zombie spawner and i eventually find four diamonds instead of heading straight back to centopia i decide to start a raid at a nearby savannah village the raid started off really easy with black flame i can set my sword on fire which burns all of my enemies the first three waves went by with no problems wave 4 however introduced witches to the mix and they made it slightly more challenging wave 5 almost killed me the evokers the vexes and the rest of the pillagers got me extremely low i used black flames alternative ability hellflame which looked amazing and even set the water on fire incredible with this i was able to successfully defeat the raid however i'm not out of danger just yet a horde of zombies swarmed me where did they even come from i was still poisoned from the raid and i got extremely close to dying again in the end though everything worked out all right and i got my first totem of undying on day 34 i made myself some diamond boots and got all of my magic horse melted while i waited for it to smell i tried to use my race's ability to befriend the nearby goblins and started to fly instead i didn't realize that mimicking a race gave me access to their racial ability what an amazing discovery flying does make me extremely hungry however so i can't abuse this power not yet anyway i need a few more friends to be able to evolve so i name one goblin koopa call another gremlin and my fifth friend is named glenn now that i've also learned how to fly it's time to head out in search of that monastery i found a map for soaring through the air i swiftly find it and swoop inside i find an infested temple map and that's pretty much it outside i find a new way stone which i happily take and then use black flame to defeat an armor soros it drops three of its scales which can be used to make some of the best armor in the game maybe even the best i decided to take a detour back home during day 35 i ended up getting into quite a lot of fights for starters i killed this giant bat that was attacking a direwolf and then i killed the direwolf i gathered a bunch of food so i could keep flying i consumed an armasaurus with predator and obtained the body armor skill which is going to be very useful later on i also flew across the ocean which looked incredible and then fought three armor sauruses and collected all of their scales day 36 i made myself some hard leather boots and then headed to the zombie spawner to gain some levels the zombie spawner was too slow for my liking though so i decided to head back to the foundry i found on day one i made a little wall inside the foundry where i could safely kill the piglet miners without being hit too much i stayed there farming piglens until day 37 i got a pair of never right boots and never write chess play and i never write pickaxe from them i also leveled all the way up to level 52 the experience gain is so good here back at centopia i grabbed all of the diamond equipment i had and i began the evolution process after a little while i evolved into an ogre i look incredible with my horn and my max magicals doubled once again i need to utilize my new power so i head back out during the night and i find myself a tempest serpent i managed to weaken it safely from the top of a tree and i consumed it with predator which gave me the skill noxious breath this skill is pretty great it makes me immune to poison and it doesn't use a lot of magicals close by i find another charybdis cave i mine all of the magical that's surrounding it what an amazing day on day 38 i started by fighting an evil centipede and a black spider of course i defeated both of them no problem i then got attacked by a pack of direwolves these doggos really don't like goblins so i flew around and torched them with black flame a bit later i found a pillager tower at the edge of a desert right next to a ravine in the future i'm going to need a lot of souls so i started collecting them until night time i added a waystone on top of the pillager tower and teleported back to centopia while there i got my magic horse melted and made myself a fancy scale mail chest plate which is probably the best armor in this world i made seven more magic steel ingots which is pretty nice and then flew around the area surrounding my base i found a pillager ship and made sure to collect all of the souls on board the ship had some diamonds gold and even emeralds stored on it so i made sure to take all of it for some reason i also decided i would try converting the ship into a vindicator farm there was a spawner on board so it seemed like a good idea at the time trust me it wasn't by day 39 i realized that this farm was a massive waste of time it was really annoying to build i was attacked by sea creatures while constructing it and overall it's just a really slow farm i stayed there for a little bit to collect a few more souls but i left pretty disheartened on the way home i consumed a couple of analyst otherwise but i didn't get any new skills this time on day 40 i think i had a death wish because i tried burning hinata with black flame it did nothing because apparently she's immune to fire she also has this really annoying anti-magic effect so i can't use skills when i'm near her doesn't really matter because she's immune to basically everything anyway i fly away but she pursues me and she's really quick she hit me once with her lightning attack and it did 12 hearts of damage so i flew as fast as i could and eventually i got away after this stressful experience i need to cool off a bit so i collect the souls of the villagers that inhabit this desert village back near centopia i find another slimy boy this time however i have a sword that can damage it so i consume it with predator and i get the skills self-regeneration and absorb and dissolve these skills are amazing because i no longer need to deal with my hunger in fact that means i can fly forever with my newfound power of infinite flight i head back to where i spotted the orc lord in his army it's grown quite a bit since the last time i was here so i decided it's time to decrease their numbers i used a combination of black flame and noxious breath to slowly clear some of the orgs but every time one dies another spawns so i'm not really making any progress here i'll come back to deal with this problem in the future day 41 is here and i start off by defeating another slime it drops one of those amazing plants which is pretty neat i then consume another analyst over welder and get the skill analyst this should make obtaining new skills even easier to test this out i waited until night time and then consumed an evil centipede i got the skill paralyzing breath after that i consumed a black spider and got the skill bread manipulation i also consumed a giant bat and got the skills vampirism and ultrasonic wave so the analyst skill really did help nearby there was another caribbean's cave so i started mining the magical that surrounded it when a hooded other welder attacked me i killed him using my skills and got the unique skill retaliator this reflects melee damage back at the enemy while active what a productive day to end it off i flew around for a bit found this creepy mush doom monster and this lovely snow goblin village on day 42 i found another pillager tower this one was close to a snowy village so i collected some souls and made sure i got the bad omen effect i flew to the nearby village and began the raid it was pretty straightforward and i was able to get the skills magic sense and shadow step which is really cool i completed the road by night hinata may have helped clear the last wave and needless to say i ran away as quickly as possible while escaping i found this huge pillager dungeon thing it looks amazing but it's also very dangerous i swooped in and managed to consume an evoker i got a bunch of skills from it magic jamming sage and magic manipulation thank you evoka very cool i then spent the rest of the day flying around poisoning the pillagers grabbing any loot i could having epic aerial battle with vexes and almost dying my totem actually saved my life here it was a hectic day and let me tell you day 43 also started off pretty crazy i broke into the dungeon and was instantly facing off with an invoker once i dealt with him i looted the nearby chest which had some diamonds inside i dealt with a lot of pillagers in this dungeon stolen enchanting table which i'll happily use later on and found the best loot in the game that's right pig step i stayed in the dungeon until sunset during which i got swarmed by vindicators and also managed to get myself a few more totems of undying so overall it was a really good experience but the day doesn't end there no no no i find another charybdis cave and of course mine up all of that magical goodness i also find a mushroom mine which is one of my favorite structures to look at i cleared it pretty easily and stole one of their anvils it's mine now i acquired two more amazura scales and would you believe it if i told you that i found another charybdis cave that's a lot of magical on day 44 i found a cool looking mushroom structure all the mushroom-based dungeons look so magical i then traveled back to my day one foundry i wanted to start farming levels so i stayed there bashing piglens until day 45 feeling pretty satisfied and reaching level 56 i then decided to head back to centopia i smelted up all of the magical i collected made myself some scale mouth leggings which are really nice and then started working on getting magic steel tools they're required for my next stage of evolution so i make a magic steel pickaxe axe shovel and then i decide to sleep because phantoms are attacking me i finished making the sword and hoe on day 46 and then realized i also need to get some new friends i need 10 in total to be able to evolve so i head out to look for some while searching i find a pillager campsite so i start collecting souls of the pillagers there when i spot my first new friend a direwolf i name him bruno after my real life dog and i then discover that he's a pretty speedy boy i find a couple more direwolves so i name them one of them is called mango and the other one's called rango now seems like a great time to make the journey back home that is until disaster strikes it was going so well a pack of feral direwolves attack us they managed to kill mango and rango what a tragic day i do get bruno back home safely however and then start searching for more friends i name an orc eduardo a goblin goblina and another gabobo i'm extremely creative with names right now the last friend of the day is a one-horned rabbit which i named bun i now have 10 friends and i got them safely escorted back to centopia day 47 i decided i wanted to try increasing my max magicals apparently by using skills you can slowly increase your magicals i also made myself some scale male boots and put down my enchanting table later on during the day i found a special other welder i managed to consume him and got the unique skill oppressor i ended the day off by fighting a slime which is pretty easy now this one dropped a bunch of magical on day 48 i decided to poison some tempest serpents with their own skill which is pretty ironic and kind of funny i then found a new village i looted the blacksmith which had a diamond and some iron but more importantly i took the villagers grindstone i also found a new awk lord in his small army so i decided to deal with this one before it got out of hand i killed the orc lord with poison and satellite his army one of them dropped some pretty sweet awk armor i'll have to give this to eduardo later on i then headed out to look for more victims i found a pillager ship and swooped by raining poison from the skies it must be a really scary sight for the pillagers i carried on flying around poisoning monsters and slowly increasing my max magicals when i discovered a new pillager tower this one will play a key role in this 100 days to end off i found another charybdis cave and of course you better believe i mind all of that magical day 49 i spent the whole day trying to convert the pillager tower into some sort of super soul farm honestly it's probably just better for me to level off the area around the tower and fly around collecting the souls but i thought it was worth a try by day 50 i can confidently say that this soul farm is not going to win any awards there's no way i'll be able to collect 10 000 souls here regardless i stayed here until the sunset slowly gathering the souls of the fallen on my journey back home i accidentally started a raid it was a pretty easy road until all of the villagers died due to a zombie outbreak that's just unfortunate the orc army is also getting a little out of control look at all of these orcs i tried removing a few of them and then headed back home i gave eduardo his new armor and he looks amazing remember on day 40 when i tried fighting hinata well for some ungodly reason i tried again on day 51 let's just say it didn't go too well and i eventually had to give up when i saw she still had full hp due to her insane region so that failed but a bit later on i find another shizu and now that i have degenerate i should be able to fuse with ifrit so i poison shizu and when she dies nothing happens well at least she drops her sword which is very nice i collect some more souls from another pillager ship those poor pillagers and then i get the unique skill musician from this special other welder on day 52 i headed back to the pillager dungeon and stole some books from this library i really wanted to get my enchantment area finished while there i also decided to clear out the bottom floor there were a bunch of souls there just waiting to be collected which was pretty fantastic i headed back to centopia collected some wood and got my enchanting area finished i used it to enchant shizu's sword with unbreaking three sweeping edge free and smite four then i fought a rather tough looking other welder who was in full armor i consumed him and got the unique skill investigator as luck would have it i also found another shizu so i tried once again to fuse with it for it and i'll let you know right now that you actually can't fuse with ifrit unless you have both hands empty i'll figure that out much later on but for now i had an epic battle which was pretty scary at times i defeated ifrit on day 53 and shizu fell from the skies into some water i put her out of her misery and she dropped her mask which is pretty cool i fought another intelligent slime there's a tiny chance it would give me great sage but unfortunately this one didn't i then picked a fight with the orc lord and his army if i can get the awk lord low enough i can make it transform into an orc disaster which would be a pretty good way to test out my strength unfortunately however i accidentally kill the orc lord i also torch a lot of the orcs that were left behind just cleaning up the server a bit on day 54 i found another orc lord this time i'll definitely oh i killed it again well i guess i'll collect some souls from this pillager tower to make myself feel better oh is here maybe this time i confused with it for it unfortunately i still haven't figured out that both my hands need to be empty so after a little while of trying i eventually just end him shizu drops her mask again though so that's pretty good to end the day off i find another awkward and this one i will definitely turn into an orc disaster day 55 is the day it happens though i decide punching the orc lord with my fists was the most sensible option and it worked an orc disaster is among us this fight lasted until day 56 and it didn't look winnable for a while i mean look at the size of this guy and he has 700 hp that's a lot i try fighting him with black flame which is probably my best option however he hits really hard it's lucky i can fly away from him i managed to take around 200 hp from him but my magicals are so low right now so i need a new plan i try trapping him in water which kind of works i then try using berserker to increase my damage output but by this time the orc disaster is at full hp again his regen is just too strong i used steel threads to deal small but consistent damage to him i managed to stay underwater and slowly chip away at him with my steel threads during this time my magicals have restored so i start using black flame again to speed up the process and then when i felt confident enough i approached him with my sword and started slicing a long battle ended with me consuming him whole i obtained the skills starved and gluttony but that's not all i also got the demon lord seed which will let me become a demon lord at the sacrifice of 10 000 souls to end off day 56 i evolve i'm no longer an ogre i'm now a kitten with 20 000 max magicals of course for now i'm going to stay mimicked as a dragon nuke because flying is amazing on day 57 i found another special other welder who gave me the unique skill lionheart which is super useful it buffs me when i fight a stronger opponent with that out of the way i headed back to the foundry to grind some more levels i stayed here for what felt like an eternity on day 59 i got to level 100 why did i stay there for so long you ask well using 100 levels i can upgrade my sage skill to great sage that took me literally one whole hour of grinding and i kept at it until i reached level 60 on day 60. next up to evolve i need a bunch of new friends so let me introduce you to fred gobini gupta asparagus spelt wrong boggling nilbog bobbin calamity and babinski that's a lot of friends to celebrate i consumed this other welder and got the unique skill traveler day 61 i named my 20th friend orca the orc back at home i enchanted the other sword i got from shizu with unbreaking 3 knockback 2 and sharpness 4. i then used to generate symphysis and separation ability to fuse my shizu swords together now i have one amazing sword with sweeping edge 3 smite 4 sharpness 4 knockback 2 and i'm breaking 4. with that out of the way i headed to a room portal to grab some crying obsidium from it i need it to make some demon steel ingots so i can make some demon steel tools which are also required for my next evolution speaking of evolution requirements i also need a full set of never right armor so i head into the nether i use a presser to pass through the never ceiling and start mining using gluttony i stayed down there mining until day 62 when i found eight pieces of ancient debris which is just enough for two pieces of armor i make my way out of the nether using a presser and then stop at ruined portals to gather more crying obsidian on the way back to centopia back at home i got my ancient debris cooked up made myself a smiffing table and made two never right ingots i also decided it's time to start enchanting my armor so i enchant my never right chest plate with protection for and i'm breaking free and my diamond helmet with aqua affinity fire protection free respiration free and i'm breaking free i wanted to enchant more but phantoms attacked me so i slept for the night on day 63 i carried on enchanting and did some combining using synthesis and separation so i now have some pretty nice looking armor once i was happy enough with the enchants i upgraded my leggings and helmet to never right one step closer to evolving today i also found another shizu unfortunately this isn't the day i fuse with it for it after a long fight i defeat ifrit and head off to mind some more magical with gluttony i need more magikor to be able to make demon steal so i spend a bit of time underground consuming any magical and any diamonds i can see on day 64 i find a black spider spawner which is pretty amazing it's also the day i left the mine with a stack of diamond door and thirty free magikor back at centopia i got the magikarp all smelted up day 65 i made 11 magic steel ingots so i now have 12 in total thanks to great sage i have access to a reinforced anvil so i can upgrade my magic steel ingots into demon steel i upgrade my axe sword shovel hoe and pickaxe to demon steal demon steals pretty nuts because it mends itself when i'm holding it by consuming my experience i'd then get my axe enchanted with efficiency 5 and unbreaking free and then head back to the foundry to gain some more levels by night i got to level 60 which is exactly what i need to evolve and headed back to centopia i got bonked on the head by another wielder and almost died but i dealt with him in the end so it's fine on day 66 i headed to the caribbean cave i found ages ago and attempted to fuse with its core the first attempt fouled but the second one was successful i got the skill gravity manipulation so i can now fly as a kitchen which is fantastic my max magicals are also now 173 000 which is an insane upgrade i flew around with my new gravity manipulation skills and looked for another charybdis cave maybe i can get more skills from another core while flying around on day 67 i found a badlands apparently a lot of armosauruses spawn there so that's good to know i also found this weird village that had hoglands and skeletons roaming around after flying around for a while i found another charybdis cave i mined all of the magikor of course and then tried to fuse with the core but it failed and killed me luckily my totem saved my life i tried again and it used over half of my magicals when it failed i decided it would be safer to take the call with me and force charybdis to spawn so i could consume it with gluttony day 68 i gave the core to a nearby orc and summon charybdis it's huge and hit so hard i used lionheart and berserker to boost my strength and began the fight i consumed all the scales and megalodons that flew after me and after a while of fighting i found a pretty good strategy i fly towards charybdis set him ablaze with black flame and then quickly turn to avoid any damage using this big brain strategy i was able to defeat the ruler of the skies it dropped its core which is now charged so i consumed it and i got the skill ultra speed regeneration on day 69 i decided to do something nice that's right it's time to evolve into an honey my max magicals have doubled again so i now have 346 000 which is amazing and my health increased to 60. for my next evolution i need 10 000 souls so when i found this merchant camp i made sure to reap all of their souls after that i found a ship that beached itself the crew were still on board so i added their souls to my collection and then for some reason i decided to make this ship into another vindicator farm clearly i didn't learn my lesson the first time this time it was a much smoother process gluttony is great for clearing spaces and there were no sea creatures to attack me it took until the sun rose on day 70 to finish the farm i can already tell you that this farm isn't going to get me to 10 000 souls i did spend a while there however because i need all the souls i can get day 70 was also the day i witnessed an intense battle between two hinatas honestly i have no idea how this happened but the fight waged on for ages they were teleporting around like they were in dragon ball z they rained lightning down from the skies like four until eventually one of the hinatas won she then decided to a mayweather shinderumi which was terrifying but i just flew away to safety because i like living day 71 i had a new idea on how i could collect 10 000 souls i need to find myself a new badlands biome that has the bandit tower structure so i made myself a nature's compass which will help me locate a badlands i also made the demon lord milam's dragon knuckles and they look amazing they're also a multi-tool so they can chop trees and mine stuff they can also eat mobs which is so funny anyway i started searching for a badlands it looks like there's one five thousand blocks away so i headed there along the way i mined some ice for a future sword and stop at a pillager tower to collect some more souls when i eventually arrive at the badlands it turns out i've journeyed 5 000 blocks to the one i discovered before nevertheless i find a brand new dungeon that i've never seen before called the catabasis not sure how you pronounce that really but it had a lot of loot some diamonds diamond pickaxes lots of golden apples and it even had some magic ore on the walls it looked really majestic i stayed there until day 72 and this is all of the useful loot i found i then searched the badlands to see if a bandit tower is here but unfortunately i'm out of luck i decide to head in the opposite direction that the nature's compass is telling me in hopes that i'll find a brand new badlands i'll be traveling until day 73 and along the way i'll be showing countless pirates who the true pirate king is maybe it's time for me to do a one piece 100 days leave a comment like sen you are the true pirate king if you want me to do a one piece 100 days that'd be pretty epic meanwhile i just found a pillager campsite and i collect all of the souls from it which is just very epic you know what else is epic my nature's compass has found the new badlands three thousand blocks away let's go before i get there i do find one more pillager campsite and you better believe i reap all of their souls on day 74 i found the bandit towers that i desired and i'll be staying here until day 80. yep this farm took me around two hours to build and it was very painful the pillagers here are armed with rockets they shot me all the time while constructing the farm they even managed to break all of my armor which is very sad i always forget while playing 100 days but i am very bad at building farms this one evolved connecting free spawners up and unfortunately in the end it's not going to be that useful let's just skip to day 81 the day i use the farm and realize it's not very good in fact i think at this point i've only collected 1 200 souls i decide to change up my methods i'm gonna head back to the pillager tower i found ages ago collect all of the souls nearby and flatten the remaining area out gluttony makes this so much easier i also start filling in areas to make sure everything is nice and level i do this until the end of day 83 during which i also collect all of the souls i can and make sure to get the bad omen debuff as well by day 84 i have 1 1491 souls still a long long way until 10 000. i decided to head to a nearby village and start a raid raids are literally a cakewalk for me now so i dealt with it in a few minutes and then head back to the pillager tower to collect more souls on day 85 i'm back in centopia i need a break from soul collecting so i make myself a special blade which can shoot out blades at the cost of durability which isn't really that useful i also make an ice blade both of these swords look really cool i do a quick raid in the nearby sand village and then decide it's time to enter the spirit labyrinth i equip myself with healer severe and black thunder then enter the portal it teleports me to a long corridor after traveling down it a little bit i get teleported to a room guarded by a spirit protector colossus i try using black thunder on it but it doesn't seem to be effective so instead i shot invisible blades at it with severe the colossus likes to leap at me which would be really scary if i was weaker i counter attack with my demon steel sword and in the end our battle is rather short but during those two minutes i managed to burn through 100 000 magicals now that i'm the victor a new portal has shown itself to me i jump in and appear in a spirit summoning room i head to the top of the staircase and try to get a spirit to choose me on day 87 i gave up trying to be chosen two whole days of waiting for a spirit to come to me and nothing happened so i leave the spirit labyrinth and head back to the badlands soul farm i stayed there until day 88 occasionally destroying some of the bandit towers through sheer age i wasn't chosen by a spirit and at this rate i won't be able to get 10 000 souls i head back to the pillager tower and commit more genocide i think word must have got out that i had been destroying pillagers across this world because on day 88 the pillar just formed a huge army and challenged me they had immeasurable numbers but they lacked the power to deal with an oni i poisoned them set them ablaze with black flame and enjoyed scorching the battlefield with hellflame the black flames burned bright amongst all this chaos i'm going to be here until day 90. that's how many pillagers came to fight me i eventually changed my tactics and started using berserker and my demon steel sword to slice through their ranks let me just break out of the script for a second again to explain what's happening here i knew i had no chance of getting 10 000 souls without doing something drastic so i used it in control mod to make hundreds of pillagers constantly spawn around me i still had to collect the 10 000 souls i just sped up the spawn rates alright let's get back to the script on day 19 the pillar just stopped sending reinforcements after killing probably around 8 000 of them my cell count is now at 9956 i'm so close to ten thousand i managed to survive that onslaught with only a few arrowholes not too shabby i stay at this pillager tower and dealt with any stragglers after a little while it happened i started to evolve into a divine honor i headed back to centopia and i became a demon lord with over three million max magicals which oh my god that's insane now that i'm a demon lord i want to force all of the spirits to fuse with me so i go on a quest to find shizu and ifruit i spent the whole of day 91 looking for her without any luck on day 92 i don't find shizu but i do randomly find a charybdis flying around outside its cave something must have activated its core i fight it the same way i did before and honestly this time i'm not scared at all i easily defeat it and consume its core once again back at centopia i also enchanted some of my weapons and tools i got looting free on my demon steel sword which is really nice but i'm so close to the end of these hundred days that it isn't too important on day 93 i find shizu it's time to fuse with ifrit i easily get him below half hp but i still haven't figured out that i need to have both hands empty i consume this ifrit with gluttony out of frustration but it's not over because i find another shizu and this is a time that i actually remove my offhand totem and after a few failed attempts i managed to brute force ifrit to fuse with me i now have 3.5 million max magicals and my unique skill gluttony now has the spirit fusing ability day 94 i forcefully bend all of the spirits to my will and create a bunch of greater spirits i get the greater fire wind earth sky and water spirits i'm kind of like the dark avatar now on day 95 i left the spirit labyrinth and i make myself some aura calcum ingots these took a lot of resources to make each ingot took two demon stealing goods which is just crazy so i upgrade my sword pickaxe and axe they're really nice and shiny now remember hinata the most overpowered final boss yeah on day 96 i tried to fight her again and i tried a variety of different methods to trap her but i just couldn't find a way to beat her i was scared because apparently if she hits you seven times with her sword you just instantly die so eventually i had to just give up if anyone knows how to beat her let me know down in the comments day 97 was pretty chill i dealt with the old orc lord's army a little bit because they were really causing some lag and then headed to the badlands to find another orc disaster on day 98 my wish came true i actually ended up fighting three different orc disasters on this day and they were all easy i destroyed them with my blade the first one tried to eat his own orcs to heal himself but i didn't let him get away he dropped his cleaver which looks really cool the second one was finished in just over a minute of slicing him up and the last one was overpowered in like 30 seconds my power level is through the roof right now it's day 99 and i found my first jungle so i decided to search around it for something interesting i ended up finding an airship above the jungle during the night but apart from that there wasn't anything interesting of course a true pirate makes sure to get the treasure so i raided their treasury and got lots of gold diamonds and golden apples day 100 is here i've come a long way in these 100 days from a little goblin boy all the way to a powerful divine arnie to celebrate i raid one last pirate ship they won't get the one piece before me and i spent my last moments in this world with my friends in centopia
Channel: Senpirates
Views: 1,131,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft 100 days, Minecraft hardcore 100 days, 100 days Minecraft, 100 days Minecraft challenge, Minecraft 100 days challenge, 100 days of Minecraft, 100 days, 100 days in Minecraft hard mode, 100 days in Minecraft luke thenotable, 100 days in Minecraft modded, 100 days Minecraft survival, Tensura, Slime, goblin, shrek, that time I got reincarnated as a slime, rimuru, koopekul, I Survived 100 Days as a Goblin in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Mod Minecraft
Id: K6sI5K6o7XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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