Everything GREAT About Avatar: The Way of Water! (Part 1)

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this is part one because holy long movie but if you want to watch all of everything great about Avatar the way of water right now ad free with an even longer conclusion sign up for nebula using my link that's in the description you also get access to all my exclusive videos that can only be found on nebula [Applause] we just did Avatar a few months ago and I still got slammed in the face with Avatar Nostalgia because of the score even if it will always and forever make me hum near far wherever you are I know it's a lot slower but I hung that in my head which makes sense since it's Cameron and James Horner compose both Avatar and Titanic scores yes even celine's famous song was actually composed by Horner rest in peace King and for a three hour movie that takes place mostly in an entirely new location made of water this is a great way to remind us of what we loved about Avatar in the first place also a reminder of both how amazing the CGI was in 2009 and the emotion it carried while letting us know we've come a long way in tekkan's story it truly was a thing to see on the big screen well you are Pandora going wild folks finally got your wish let's leave it at that hey what do you know it's another movie with parent child stuff I promise I won't make this all about my parenting experience but that right there that little finger crap it'll end you the great mother holds all her children in her heart man that's gotta be a trip for a baby like a like a literal Acid Trip imagine plugging your newborn directly into whomever you call God happiness is simple a line that stings when you can't figure out why you're unhappy but also reassures you that you can get there and I don't think it's about having kids specifically it's finding what makes you happy and just doing that Jake had no idea this is what happiness was gonna be for him I mean also antidepressants to fix the chemical imbalances in your brain but like who's to say these connections don't come with a little selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor drip too I I have something to admit and you might all reject my movie lover card after I admit it this movie what's the first movie I ever saw in 3D and I really hated it for a few minutes but then you get used to it and it becomes normal anyway the subtitles moved around the screen in the 3D version it was pretty cool he would always be alien hope that doesn't come back to bite poor spider I'm sure it's fine way of water shadowing might as well be English great device to keep me from having to read through this entire movie even if he did kind of steal it from The 13th Warrior which haha but also can you blame Cameron this is a movie meant to be looked at glancing down constantly would kind of take away from that experience Subs over dubs but also not covered all the bases no way anyone can get mad spoiler's obviously right you're not watching this to my video for the first time that would be Bonkers but something the camera does so well is to set nateam up just enough to be important to us so that we feel his loss in the end but we also hit a point where lowak really takes center stage and look I'm not saying that one sun is less important than the other but also I'm not left just completely distraught because the kid I just followed for three hours is dead it's just the one we're told and shown Jake loves the most or at least the one that gives him less trouble firstborns am I right where my third borns at they don't know those firsts have no clue how hard we had it right I'm sorry did you say something middle child nobody was paying attention does that little hiss noise to Kitty never considered it was something they used to parent as well as intimidate Sky demons Sky flirting actually fly flirting flirting like big night also this is super cute and relatable but also totally unrelatable because date night isn't usually flying our dragons near bioluminescent waterfalls it's sushi and sake in front of succession and then maybe time for a little seconds on the sushi although speaking of flirting the whole going for a fly date thing brings up some questions some balthramall type questions guy people returning so Avatar starts with humans on their ships and it isn't until about half an hour in that we really see Pandora it focuses the story from a human's perspective Jake now we're still getting the story from Jake's perspective obviously since he's narrating but he's no longer human so we start with his family and now even he calls humans Sky people and we get to see this guy people's true Devastation as Invaders we have to assume this is what happened last time they landed on Pandora but we skipped right over only saw a little strip mining it was a little nebulous at first why the navi hated them so much this feels pretty clear obviously seeing his enemy when he first wakes up isn't gonna go well but get some guy was never the brightest so character continuity I mean we gotta take it for granted pretty quick because Jake did it but talk about body dysmorphia and dysphoria you're not just bigger you've got weird ears and your signature scars are all gone but we'll just regroup in hell it's a pretty badass line and lands pretty well considering the circumstances where does this take place anywhere in America early 2020s take that real infrastructure they've really got taken the gun ships out down to a science at this point even when Jake's using the sky people's weapons and Tech it's got some Navi Flair don't even know how to use it dad took me first tenthood favorite son isn't really a thing when Jake doesn't see himself in the favorite son the hunt down and kill Jake Sully it's actually pretty great that they spent let's see nine soldiers 45 billion dollars to take out the leader of the Insurgency but really it's just revenge on Jake badass Warrior natiri turned sweetest loving mother is a character development I'm all about your son is actually bleeding nitiri constantly waving slash wagging her tail is one of those fun details you take for granted most of the time and then you notice it and remember they are not human this is not a squad it is a family despite the fact that they focus on it for a second this line kind of slips by and it's ultimately the groundwork for Jake's Arc with his boys we already know that when the sky people land they destroy everything thus desert but we're also getting a glimpse into what they're after this time since half the compound is in the water so that's brain Goose shadowing yeah that's an upgrade in mobility and speed you're just a tad more exposed I hope that doesn't come back to bite poor anyone who uses one nah I'm sure it's fine also Carmela soprano as a badass General wasn't something I knew I needed before this movie but I also wouldn't put it past Nurse Jackie of all the things that happened in the first 30 minutes of this movie this is somehow the one that intrigues me the most just that they created some kind of Basim taupe formula for The Operators to interact with their suits so that she doesn't put the coffee cup through her head while trying to take a sip like the distance from the full extension of her arm to her face isn't a one-to-one with the suit's arm and I'm sure it's pretty simple but I just love that thought and time went into this also she's fidgeting and wiggling her fingers and the suit replicates it now might we test that hypothesis General the hard way outstanding you gotta give him props for the fortitude I mean I think that just makes him a scary nut job but respect if I had a brand spanking new recombinant body I would not be headed out on a Revenge Mission I'd be saying what's up with them ponytails and screwing off into the forest first hints that kitty is more than meets the eye obviously I have my own theories about who her father is but from a science position her mom was connected to AWA either while she was pregnant or well you do the math so Kitty would be known by AWA avatars you've got to respect Cameron for sticking his entire giant franchise in a box about remote controlling aliens and he found a way to reinvent the wheel to be so much cooler but still honoring the general concept of humans and non-human bodies I mean because it's called Avatar and there aren't really any avatars in this movie except for Grace's baby daddy I mean Norm a good way to guarantee your death would be to harm a hair into foreign butthole is definitely the kid-friendly version opposed to a-hole which makes sense he's a kid but it's funny because it's also more explicit like a-hole is so ingrained in our cultural vernacular that you kind of forget what it really means however you call someone a butthole and there's no confusion spider Socorro miles nobody calls me that fun uh fun-ish fact is that spider's mom passed sakuro was a pilot in courage to Squad and died during the final assault on the Tree of Souls so I didn't need another reason to hate courage but there you have it using his position in power to impregnate a subordinate really checking all the boxes core Alas poor korich my new him Wayne Fleet that gives you some idea of how much that scratch hurt bone deep son is it a good thing or a bad thing who could say leaving the past behind turning over a new Leaf or crushing the earlier weaker version of yourself a la Ultron or even like the big bad Mystic stay who doesn't even wait for his previous clone to die remember that movie This Is My Curse random scenes like that live rent free up in here I'm pointing to my head I'm sure you guessed that this is some legit guerrilla warfare stuff here making animal noises that only your comrades recognize as you that's a brutal looking weapon yup checks out brutal also almost instant kill with one blow is pretty impressive and dare I say compassionate I will kill you as many times as I have to I believe her saving your mom even though you were supposed to stay with ikron and saving your boy even though you told him to stay with the econ The Vibes here are very newbie Jake runs from thanatore and it's always smart to call back to the original visually get it and it gets worse for spider but I understand that natiri would celebrate without worrying too much for spider he's completely feral yeah man let's throw you to brightly lit glass cage and see how tame you are right that's interesting because baiwa is clearly their deity but just like Grace was trying to figure out there's something scientific behind it all right because if AWA was really some kind of God no way quartz clone would pass the sniff test had him under his knife yeah I'd be dipping too Jake just not a fan of seeing knives at my kid's throats get it together nay I got no plan that stings in the first movie Jake was full of plants all about the plans just throwing plans around really nearly but he's not a soldier anymore he's a dad and he just wants to keep his family safe so the only plan he's got is run respect I really appreciate that calling people buttholes is a thing that Sully's consistently do hey at least they're not ruining Beethoven for him there wasn't nearly as much human and Navi interaction in the first one and dang are they big his palm is the size of spider's entire abdomen the leader must die I think it's neat that the omentakaya are able to honor the old ways while not being fundamentalist sticklers about it would be a weird movie if Jake died in the first hour because of bylaws getting to peek into this new world like this brings up all those old feelings from the first Avatar and the Seas is new to us as Pandora wasn't the first one thousands of islands which is a very simple explanation this line the people harborous they will die might make you think there's nowhere safe but disappearing into a random tribe that isn't even they have to be a different species right Homo sapiens looks more like neanderthals than Naomi Takaya look like the metcaina bigger tails and eyes weird gross swimming hands okay so maybe it's just naturally occurring but even if it is the Breakwater seems to be throwing fish into these pools genius way of fishing hey he's still got a little white guy in him is that supposed to be a tail getting Dunked On by the weird gross swimming hands people has gotta hurt and it's an interesting reminder that these different tribes don't really interact all the navi that Jake recruited in the end of Avatar were basically the same looking but the Met kaina might as well be on a different planet now that's an entrance although Kate Winslet also really loves an entrance seems Rude the DD apparently agrees I like that it's some level of dominance assertion that we're not fully clear on like it's not a slap in the face but it's clearly not an accepted form of greeting either and not even true nothing they have demon blood but even within what's acceptable is Navi there are things that still make the Sully's Outsiders adding insult to injury I mean they don't even know the half of it with Kitty which is an excellent way of giving us that same feeling we had for Jake way back when he was just driving an avatar and his family will stay with us as soon as I saw moana's Dad I knew he would come through for them you just need to be worried if he'll let you leave suffer the shame of being useless weird universal truth that we all feel but often pretend doesn't exist even if you're the laziest person on planet Earth you're still going to get bored and hate feeling useless eventually the design of the metcaina people's Village is so perfect and well thought out easy access to the water but still kinda like tree forts just stretched out over the sea so it's pieces of what we already know about the navi but adapted to almost be completely foreign to the forest people I want to be all don't be racist lady but then took is being the cutest and also most realistic part of this entire section hopping along cool headedness I want to go home this time with some feeling together that's how they stick together more of that Suburban white dad coming through you gotta love his enthusiasm I love the differences between how the two clans enter the water the Met kaina dive in so gracefully it's almost as if they are just stepping in the omit Takaya do what you would do if you think of water as something different than land in other words what many of us do trying to make the biggest slash possible while flailing all your limbs nope wouldn't make it as a metcaina not with those things swimming around peace yeah I'd like to see you all climb some trees and tightrope some Vines weird hands I'm sorry that's rude you can't help it I learned a thing recently if you're thinking about commenting on someone's appearance ask yourself can it be fixed in five seconds if it can something in their teeth go ahead speak your truth if it can't shut up about their gross fish hands crazy wife too you can tell who's in charge by the laughs they get it bad jokes why so blue and non-jokes he just called her crazy and the reason is that she doesn't want her kids to be murdered just making sure we're all on the same page about the Casual cross species misogyny it's when your horse bucks you off it doesn't yell in your face after bucks you off that sounds like the correct thing to say that's I think yeah that's good hey it's that shot that everyone was sure was live action and then Corridor crew was like it's CGI why have one weird insert shot be practical and then wet on the visual effects soup we're like nah did you follow that people are literally still arguing about it they had a pool they built the harness the stuff we Marvel over in this shot is mostly practical the water is live action the hands are painted the harness is real which honestly just goes to show how amazing the blending of CG in Practical is in this movie and yet the first time I saw this all I could think when he wrapped his hand was that's gonna sting when it gets ripped off so this inspired me to expand my lungs It's gotta be useful for so many things just off the top of my head jumping into a huge water vortex and being spun around in circles while trying to open an underwater door to do some Espionage and getting really lucky when one of the hottest ladies alive saves you something like that heartbeat is fast sorry try to focus okay girls be so dumb but the guys know what's up this is basically it though kids and teens both often have no clue when someone likes them but they know when someone likes their friend friend does that make sense me who could like me my buddy forget about it Jake Sully did it the hard way sure but then he also took an Acron off the back of another ekron fun parallels here between Jake learning a new skill while courage is as well gaining respect for kwar wasn't what I expected but something tells me the next movie is headed further down this path as part of spider's story aha you can kill the man out of the get some but you can't kill the gets him out of the man the ray of water has no beginning and no end today as way of water Credo is Beautiful by itself and gives the medkaena the feeling of having a much deeper history but it's truly what her guidance leads to later on that makes this so impactful freediving seems incredible and absolutely not I'm never doing it just more inventive creatures living in harmony with the Apec species Grace is technically still inside AWA right just saying look I don't even know if Navi people have melanin In Their Skin I've never seen them sunburn but I will say as a person with very little melanin being close to the surface of the water looking down like this is why I'll always wear a shirt when snorkeling from now on for step by the top really tight like this okay then dang it's possible these guys literally don't know about fists which is sad when you realize what the sullies have brought to them always be so dumb Lighting in contrast is out of this world they captured that white out feeling you get in the sun sometimes where you just can't see a thing especially with a reflection off the water it's not often that overexposure looks so gorgeous that's what the other guys look like worse that's good a lot worse get out of here parenting is hard Jake has to fight the urge to treat his kids like soldiers and it's not like he can say violence is never the answer with a straight face unfortunately no thanks that Crystal Clear turquoise water looks mighty fine to me don't need to spend any time in this navy blue nightmare sick you lose super manner that's one-handed so more of an airplane it's no turntable though I just Googled all of these kids suck sometimes haha you got him he trusted you in a place he knows nothing about while doing something he's never done before he really showed him it's even worse when they know they have an audience of peers nope thanks for letting me play I'm gonna go sit in a tree it's amazing how many times I would have quit Avatar Life by now I just can't imagine how hungry this thing has to be to Chomp on all these rocks and coral just for a skinny Forest boy ah maybe it's like a delicacy to them also this is up there with worse nightmares I mean kinda because I'd already be passed out breathing in Water by now like so long ago you ever hold your breath with movie characters yeah me too and even without all the exertion I end up hyperventilating in my seat which is awkward but what am I gonna do not see if I can hold my breath as long as the movie characters you get bravery points my man again I'd be half digested by now so you're showing me up all over the place that's my big fluffy boy I mean pycon isn't actually fluffy but he's got fluffy energy is that tracking for anyone else this totally fooled me the tulcoon is so still in the water I thought it was a rock and definitely jumped to my seat when it breathed buddy I have no idea what you just said look at that reflection that tolkun's eye not just the water the sky the Sun and clouds but also lowak sitting there and the detail of his iris is still insanely vibrant not a new technique by any means but the clarity above and below the water is stunning and like not to get all why are the curtains blue but lowak is still a forest boy half in half out of the water this moment right here is where he truly Embraces the water with pyacan bicon doesn't think the curtains curtains are new don't that boy look my gut reaction here is to hug my knees and rock back and forth because of a little philosophobia maybe even specifically xenophobia because Wales no thank you you're just too big but dang it if pycon isn't just softening me up a Ted you big sweetie Outcast what is it baby girl easy Joel I don't need another crying fit I hear her breathing now hear her heartbeat so what is it was heartbeat sound like ah you thought she was talking about her dead mom in the trailer right just want to say I'm super stoked we were all wrong also I watched it again and they 100 lie to us they swapped AWA for her so what does her heartbeat sound like lame you're not crazy baby girl he did it again it's crazy how meaningful those words from your parent can be free for the strength son it's so specific like she's thought about it and who could blame her I'm gonna try to talk me out of it that's dang that's a lot dude tried to straight up murder you and you covered for him I mean it's a genius strategic play regardless but I'd still be seeing red or do they they say a different color maybe like a pale yellow I think that checks out on the color wheel any more trouble a joke or not in your tail again these parenting threats are Beyond me I don't know it sounds rough leave me Charlie oof got him with the Jarhead speak for those not in the know that means little cookies and he's gonna go eat some little cookies now it's a weird one but there you have it loud and clear not silly because I know what it's like to be one big disciplined heartbreaking line with a side of solidarity he killed Navi and other tulk not here but far to the South you wouldn't have known them that they go to a different School in Canada honestly anung is the perfect little sheltered Prince I'm not saying I don't like him I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised if he was a bully to everyone [Music] such a classic little sister move always the sweetest protect who could all costs Julia's exact words were oh wow and I concur some mouths are just too big is that a wife win I think that's a wife win gorgeous shot that's it that's the Tweet JK it's such a poetic moment the light bouncing off the water creates an ethereal Beauty but because lowak is upside down we're actually seeing the world from the tulkoon and met kaina's perspective this is their world the dry land above or below is the foreign Locale it's a simple shot that speaks volumes about low Ox growing spiritual connection to the water all right icon is really starting to make my xenophobia dissipate we can do tricks and flips together the kova the ancestors is given the Tree of Life a run for its money I'll say that much Earth has some cool stuff but rocks in the shape of the eclipse the best thing about this sequence is how they both change size and scale when Kitty walks in she's full-size towering over Grace but as soon as Grace stands up and kitty calls her ma she shrinks to be the size of a human teen and then once they hug Grace Becomes Her Avatar self a slow morphing of reality to a better representation of the connection they feel also there's a few ways to look at this I guess I can't be koi anymore my theory is that awaz Grace's father when Grace died she said she was with AWA and we see her go through a tunnel so her Consciousness is inside AWA for Kitty to talk to it's also possible she's one with AWA and this is actually AWA talking to Kitty as Grace either way works or you know probably most likely it's Norm huh I guess I assume the dots of the navi were glow in the darker like a black light receptive I did not know they produced their own light and now I want that not not the seizure the lights she's got tiny hairs in her stomach I guess they are mammals we got live birth we got mammary glands we got hair we got warm blooded I guess my only question is why don't we have bioluminescence [Music] appropriate reaction for sure the last thing she remembers is her bio mom getting sucked away Into The Ether again not a fan of Courage not here for his Redemption tour but I didn't really believe him when he said they were gonna do it the way Jake did it but here he is riding a necron Barefoot and dirty I'll bring you back his scalp oh never mind screw you jackass you know those Waters doc uh you are who oh I'm Ian Garvin Jermaine what is your accent why are you American Cameron what what the heck is going on here the Aussie kept his but you made the only sympathetic science puke sound America doesn't matter jermain's still a win I'll be nice once then I won't that smile he's both less scary and blue and more scary like he seems more reasonable than his human counterpart but also like he might snap and bite your nose off while laughing you get mad too that's where part one ends but if you want to see part two right this very second a full week early follow my link over to nebula and sign up it even has an extra section in the conclusion that I had to cut from the YouTube version for time and also because I get so much dang backlash when I talk about certain problematic topics but I've combined both parts into one Ultra long video but the hits don't stop there usually I talk about how this is the best way to support me and it is if you subscribe with my link I get a revenue share of your subscription but at this point it's an amazing streaming service with so much to offer I can't fit it all in a reasonable amount of time and it's growing every day on nebula you'll be able to watch all of my other exclusive 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didn't forget you could be watching it ad free and read free on nebula if not the link is on screen it's in the description it's even right here clickable so get that annual plan and start watching some Prestige videos oh and the rest of everything great about Avatar too there's even a timestamp when part two starts on nebula thanks Jake Wick in the house sorry natiriwick in the house she just shot the recom through the other Coons chest time for your favorite segment Lee requests movies that will never be made
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 404,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar 2, Everything Wrong With The Way of Water, Way of Water Analysis, EWW Avatar 2, EGA Avatar 2, ERW Way of Wtaer, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Id: d00_LAW_KfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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