Everything GREAT About Spectre!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 431,727
Rating: 4.9588628 out of 5
Keywords: James Bond Analysis, Spectre Analysis, Specter, EWW Spectre, Everything Wrong with Specter, EGA Spectre, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins, No Time To Die
Id: InozhxaIi1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The entire Mexico City sequence from the parade to the helicopter fight is my favorite opening of the Craig series. As great as the parkour scene was in Casino Royale, this one wins by a hair.
I was astonished when I learned Spectre was so disliked, I love it. The action, the music, the story is strange but fun, Lea Sedoux was fantastic. I really liked it.
That's funny, I rewatched Spectre the other day. I don't love it, but I find it solid enough.
I hate the step-brothers twist, and the Spectre side of things should've been done better, because they're just trying to take credit for stuff done better by other villains, but on the whole, I'm always surprised to see just how much people seem to despise this flick.
Should be a nice quick video
I really like Spectre, it's just a very fun Bond movie. Not as smart or tight as some of the previous Craig flicks, but really cool nonetheless.
Thereβs so much good stuff in Spectre, I think itβs a damn fine Bond film until the third act.
I really enjoyed! It's fun to watch! Also, LΓ©a Seydoux it's great! And of course, as a lady i love to admire Daniel in everything
"Oh come one man! That's a bunch of malarkey!" - Joe Biden
Antdude? You're a Bond fan?