Everything GREAT About: Attack On Titan | Season 4 | Part 1/4

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oh heck yes there's that now classic beautiful looking eyeball design i adore so much also though attack of freaking titan also also ladies and gents don't forget drop me a comment it really helps the video grow as does liking it and of course be sure to subscribe so you don't go crazy by missing part two when it arrives in the near future you sane person you there's something so inherently sad about a young lad trying to silently warn birds to fly away from the danger he's facing down on the ground as an animal lover i think it's what i'd do if i was half conscious or something first person view like it's an episode of jojo with no big deal whatsoever reminder from season three about how these guys and girls are treated in this world hit me like a bullet from that machine gun up there just now the very best kind of exposition because they give an actual reason why it's being stated rather than narration or telling someone clearly aware of it themselves [Music] to say after reading what he's saying i'm very intrigued would be the biggest understatement right here gorgeous bird's eye scenery shot of terrain and a thought well now that was an op and to say that their main aim was to have us visualize a season prominent with war and it would be the world's biggest understatement firstly i found myself oddly enjoying the song at first it didn't click at all and then by the end i found myself nodding along but the visuals were very war orientated i'm expecting a lot of war and i think that's what they're aiming for nice op [Music] just a very odd shout out here to the numbered intro i can't believe we've been seeing these since episode one it feels like we've come such a long way and now we're heading towards the end it's crazy but it's been a really amazing journey and this intro always reminds me of that [Music] nice journey recap in the form of very light and extremely warranted exposition as we're reminded how the selection process works that they're made to believe the people on the island are to blame for all of their problems and how their own people are being kept in camps so-called [Music] i know i've already praised the approach to exposition twice now but let me do it one more time and then i'll move on how it works so well here is that you can see why he would explain this because it's all a part of the reason as to why he's saying no to colt's plan instead of spouting off a random we went to war six years ago after blah blah blah as though their fellow soldiers don't know about it you see what i mean [Music] realistic showcasing of soldiers in a trench state of warfare or any kind of warfare to be honest shaking eyes wide open in terror of their coming orders or incoming attacks my god that's terrible as was shown soldiers whose only purpose is to be human bombs that's such a nice touch because it further demonstrates their oppressor's hatred for them and not seeing them as human then just quickly another one here for this incredibly sad scene a man missing his wife maybe children as he knows he's rushing off to his likely demise as a husband myself not gonna lie that's rough to watch [Music] awesome job right here of mixing in hand drawn characters with cgi further down the line instead of spending so long doing all of them that you'd barely notice anyway that's a very good use of cgi firstly that was a lovely little bit of animation right there secondly that was incredibly awesome but what happens now [Music] that was so great dear lord i have missed attack on time for glorious moments such as these incredible animation mixed with brilliant use of cgi as we witness a technically brand new titan in the anime another beautiful bird's eye view of the battlefield in nearby locations i'm really confused this is like ryan's dad or something or am i completely off base just like the episode intros i always find myself loving these as well especially during the first season where you could pause and learn more about this new world if you wanted to and you still can hear i'm going to be very careful with what i show here but so far they've done an unbelievably good job of showcasing to us the viewer a war scenario that appears very real excellently animated and the sound effects are awesome too amazing demonstration of titan vs human power especially when the enemy humans are using these old world war one type of rifles and the titan can sweep across the battlefield causing devastation in seconds oh my god that's so outrageously awesome oh hell yes that gets one all day long for that zoomed out view of the battle at large i hesitate to call it glorious since it's a war but it really does look glorious in this anime man these people have it so bad even somebody drags off the battlefield and saves talks to him like this okay so people have mentioned cgi over on the anime sins version community tab announcement post but honestly if this is the worst of it then i think genuinely it's great i cannot understand why anyone would be opposed to this and how it looks so far my issue with cgi is when it detracts from a scene because it sticks out like a sore thumb and this most certainly doesn't so no issue from me at all oh my god i think i know what this is about purely because of the looks on their faces it just really reminded me of titans but let's wait and see but the amount of hype i'm feeling writing this is insane right now simply put that was utterly outstanding right there and it easily earns them the first very rare maximum two wins award i'm blown away by how awesome it looked as a visual spectacle but also how clever it is as a tactic of war in this situation i can't show it for obvious reasons but it was weirdly great to be back watching titans eat some humans that sounded really weird but i'm sticking with it again i can't show it but they demonstrate how their enemy really does have access to incredibly powerful anti-titan weaponry mowing them down so effectively the return of rhino so that was actually rider how did ryder end up there ryder bruh if that's cgi that's some great cgi freaking again i can't show it but a new armored train took his hand off and my jaw is like on the floor so i'll just quickly and finally address the cgi concern again here unless something pops up later that needs further addressing but people shouldn't forget that season two of attack on titan also heavily featured cgi on the colossal titan this isn't something new that the new studio is doing exclusively sometimes it's just needed [Music] [Music] emergency block twist take cover [Music] i love that delay before the shots hit it just further adds to making it all feel real like they really are giants and i've been praising that element to the anime since season one and this just adds to it ah yes a very much enjoyable ed here great catchy song if ever there was one accompanied by really lovely calming visuals as we exit the horrible reality of war from the episode itself [Music] such a huge fan of world building like this even the small things like a soldier keeping his eye on the window next to him when the shadow of a bird goes past or the broken glass and debris in the room being in this anime is always going to result in a win it's simple maths oh yeah i did also forget to mention that i am now aware of the time jump element to the anime so it all makes sense now and it's leading me to all kinds of excitement wondering what's been happening with aaron and his crew in the past four long years not working on the spot when it really wasn't needed and they could have been lazy and done a zoomed in walking shots rotating view like it's no big deal whatsoever taking okay oh ho they remember very well mikasa and levi god i can't wait to see them on oh so that's what happened to her so she's officially gone now i couldn't quite recall what happened after she left with rainer at the end of season two that's a shame i did always like her but take a win here for this excellent world building scene putting some parts of the puzzle back together for me one thing that some anime are starting to do nowadays is this having two conversations on the go at the same time since naturally in real life it's rarely the case that a group of people stick to one topic from start to finish taking turns to talk it just adds further realism basically jesus that was a stupid amount of frames in that one scene to animate this dude being kind of annoying another thing some of my favorite anime do and attack on titan has always done this is having us feel some sympathy towards the enemy here they once again start that process by showing us this side to a now older rhino who hasn't got much time left in general [Music] that was brilliant him seeing his old friends it also tells us that his ptsd is worse than ever as he seems to float between reality and the past that was like legit haunting right there [Laughter] he really had me going in the first half i'm not gonna lie and reiner is really an enigma that i can't quite figure out right now does he want to help her or did he have a mad five minutes where he wasn't sure what was going on help me [Music] awesome looking city scenery shot that must have taken ages to put together [Music] oh it's gonna be really hard seeing them fight eren and everyone else in the future when you're showing me things like this why are you going to be doing that [Music] this kid is a nice kid and i'm really wondering what his potential plan is going to be especially since when he got off the train he thought to himself whether or not reiner could be trusted very intriguing [Music] i know all of these references is what i want to say in a happy tone but i'm really weirded out by the scene and how rhino is approaching it like the story he's telling clearly isn't one of devil's man he's a tough character to get your head around the weather effects in this anime are probably among the best i've ever seen no joke and before you rush off to the comments to tell me to watch some other anime just keep in mind i have a patreon and my patrons decide everything that i cover this anime included join up for three dollars and get a vote and exclusive videos though lightly touching on the lasting effects of the war and the soldiers who have returned home those earlier on frightened of every sound clearly suffering from what was known as shell shock years ago and now a man who jumped from his roof during the night the warhammer titan get out of town let me see it right now they're listening in on their conversation and they think they might have picked up on zeke giving away that they're listening and now reiner is watching the kids fighting and knowing he's going to be going back to the island and i can't take it anymore levels of character building here even for an enemy like reiner getting to see him as a child and the woe he and his people had to live with their entire lives because of the war um [Music] also definitely take a win here for showing everyone else's kids and potentially even more importantly is witnessing reiner's original state of mind growing up which clearly shows just how insanely torn he is in life growing up every day hating the island and its people fueling his drive to become a malayan so he can reunite his family and then basically fully becoming one of the islanders before betraying them he's a hell of a character really roughly two minutes of recap giving us a full demonstration of each titan their unique abilities alongside who was chosen to take on each of them and why helping to re-familiarize us with them moving forwards hold [Music] still going all in on the excellent character building for rainer and in all honesty it's so damn refreshing after so many episodes and seasons of secrets surrounding these characters where we could only guess and theorize why they act the way they do and now we're finally getting glorious and much needed answers [Music] like why was he apologizing also can we just give credit where it's due for the fact that this scene was in like season two i believe and yet now all of this time later we're seeing the character himself and how it all went down it just feels like in some cases mugha aren't always able to lay out their store in advance this nicely but here it's done shockingly well i'm not showing it because of copious amounts of internal body juices being found on rhino's noggin but man oh man that was an intense scene as annie kicked the juices out of him and then he rose up and jumped her out of nowhere sort of starting the process behind rhino's multiple personality disorder kind of deal really ran out of oxygen there at the end it's so crazy for me to see it from this perspective now because at first they were vicious enemies hell bent on destroying mankind and now they were kids with their own problems their own dreams being persecuted back home and forced into wars i honestly cannot express just how impressed i am with the storytelling as a whole thus far i'm really blown away [Music] here that [Music] i'm very much enjoying how they're moving along the series of events we've already seen and filling in ultimate events that these three spies were going through during the same period of time also filling in blanks as they go for example here finally understanding properly why five long years passed between the big attacks let's go ahead while we're at it and drop a win here for the amazing voice acting in the anime in general the voice actor for erin is one of my favorites so it reminded me here but yeah they're all [Music] great why are you always constantly making me feel stuff for rhino all of the time have you no shame with your clever writing and storytelling and stuff [Music] [Music] this dude is huge and they're wearing different armor and helmets and colors to their military and obviously they're a huge deal and this season is getting so good it's making me crazy so i'm not saying that this dude is a good dude at all but he's certainly an interesting character worth looking into for his actions thus far he was content with the young girl potentially sacrificing herself to save the lives of 800 of her own fellow soldiers he then allowed them to drink and be married together on the train ride home after the battle and now he's even talking about conscription for his own people to make them understand war and what they're putting other people through just saying having a character like him among everyone else is a really interesting choice i'm a big fan of maps and anime giving us a greater understanding of the worlds we're looking at [Music] it [Music] also nice to see that they're not trying to paint the picture that literally every single one of them is a cruel person oppressing these people as here is a good example of a soldier just chit chatting with the kids even laughing with them and encouraging them [Music] sometimes you see anime and on a bit it's a crazy tiny thing to complain about and or praise but bear with me sometimes you see anime and they'll have a massive meeting of people in a clearly way too tiny piece of land but here they really went all out to demonstrate the lengths you actually go to when you want to arrange a massive gathering you can just go ahead and follow under attack on titan trying hard as always to achieve extra realism intriguing upon intriguing as the leader of the nation a man whose sister is capable of turning into a titan herself seems to seriously lament his position in life right here it's very odd but it's another character and angle that i very much look forward to analyzing further [Music] his own grandfather also poor old man that's so sad [Music] even in a scene as simple as this they decided to pour on the animation goodness like a bunch of legends no word of a lie got kind of emotional watching this nice lady do this for him sounds really stupid [Music] this now this could either be extremely bad or extremely good and i cannot wait to find out which let's go ahead and do this together take my hand let's go multiple moving characters within one scene you'd be surprised once you look out for it just how many animes show like one person moving when there's this many on screen or just play music over a still image or something these kids excitement at like the first really amazing thing that's ever really happened to them [Applause] [Music] oh my god i freaking knew it yo your name oh it's so very wait wait wait what they declared a blue this is probably one of the best scenes i've witnessed in the entire anime thus far that's right all four seasons in terms of building tension it is insane especially when you factor in eren down below acting as a potential bomb if rhino doesn't do as he says [Music] oh i've wanted to know all of these kinds of details forever a great titan war that sounds so amazing it's proper history within an anime i love history i love attack on titan and they look like romans [Music] another example of humans getting along with those of titan blood again just putting it out there really helps to build the world and its people rather than having absolutely everyone treat them like that [Music] oh this is so good this is stupidly good it should be ashamed of itself no joke that is probably the single greatest looking hand-drawn crowd i've ever witnessed that is shockingly great right there is don't know what to say take a win and let me continue and no lie it's nearly 2 a.m and i want to sleep but i need to see more of this [Music] [Music] story this entire speech what's happening down below with aaron and the start of this classic song is completely boiling my brain i cannot take this build up and [Music] anticipation [Music] i literally don't now even know what's actually going to happen now i keep seeing soldiers running around and aaron did mention getting word out to his comrades so clearly something is going to go down but what i have no idea especially given erin's words here [Music] it's actually really refreshing to see reiner accept this and take on the responsibility that comes along with it for once since before now he's seemingly been hiding behind a veneer of duty family and everything else sensing oh hell yes okay so for starters or state it's incredibly sad that the young boy seemingly got taken out and a very sweet end for rhino again seemingly taken out trying to save the boy before aaron turned but that scene the build up to it the declaration of war on the surface mixed with the declaration of war underground was nothing short of perfection and for that they're getting the maximum two wins awards this changes things and again it continues to raise the tensions for the scene which ended the incredible fifth episode since we now come to understand that they were aware that not only had enemies cross the sea already but that they had also begun to plan an attack during the speech like i said before he's not a good man but he speaks the truth even if it angers others such as this and i love the mangaka for creating non-one-dimensional characters such as him and reiner [Applause] [Applause] oh my god he just body slammed all of those officers in the stands i kind of see what the mangaka and animators have done here and i think it's absolutely genius because essentially they spent five long episodes introducing us to these characters having us connect with them and feel for them showing their pain joy and sadness now they're showing us the good guys from the past three seasons utterly wrecking all of them in cold blood and it almost now feels like they are the bad guys or perhaps at the very least what the general said just now was spot on they're the spawn of the devil but there's no doubt that they too are the devil in other words it's starting to feel like there's no real good guys anymore [Music] i'm not going to show it but take a solid win here for going against the standard anime grain and having aaron attack this enemy titan during its transformation wearing every other anime i feel like they'd randomly and patiently await them fully turning before engaging in a battle oh what a spectacle that was just a shame i feel i won't be able to show all that much but take a win for that distant view to start off it looks so cool this being pretty much the same visuals as aaron saw as a child when ryder and crew attacked makes this even better and somewhere out there is a real sense of irony ah that's so awesome get out of here with that their arrival on the scene that's the single only other element i was hoping for to make this episode even greater than it is already said to be [Music] the warhammer attack on titan has always had some brilliant sounding music and it seems that season 4 is no exception as this banging and emotional tune plays in the background really hyping me up for battle [Music] time [Music] for that outstanding scene i cannot not give another maximum two wins award right there it was smooth it was tasty it was hyped by the music and the setup and the explosion and best of all it was the damn return of mikasa that gets the award all day long and i'm honestly feeling so blessed being able to witness this outstanding episode and cover it for all of you then they also came up and attacked from the rear as well and it looked brilliant and of course it's becoming incredibly clear now that they haven't got much of a chance against their military gear while in the city getting to witness street warfare something i never once envisioned happening before now it feels like a weird futuristic version of world war ii out there that awesome move there by my wife's husbando jean and the one bit of cgi i heard people complaining about like bruh if that's all you've got to complain about you really shouldn't be complaining in the first place just enjoy the awesome spectacle in front of you that is this episode also big shout out to their new gear looks so cool they look like spec ops or something it's nuts mikasa's lovely reaction here to the carnage since obviously she does still love erin and she knows that what he's done now is something that he can never take back and probably not ultimately live without a friggin crossbow related change of weaponry plot twist of concern and [Music] worrying one final win for this guy just like i mentioned before he's one of the few who doesn't just default to treating them all like dirk but he actually shows care for her which is really nice to see it's so hard to see this i literally just praised him and then two characters that i adore came along and ruthlessly took them out it's so poetic ultimately and difficult to put into words like i said before it's the irony of becoming the thing that you hated perhaps or maybe as well it's just next level storytelling like i said before in how they spent so much time expertly building these characters and making us feel for them only to tear them down by our own hero's hands [Music] also though connie and sasha [Music] oh i missed this type of imagery so much it's not even funny all i can say is i love that i really don't [Music] erin you clever clever boy you take a win for that little plot twist that's brilliant and we've never before seen a titan not controlled from the nape that's insane this is everything entire scene my god levi oh hell yes i can't take it it [Music] hurts [Music] this guy's thought process which is so spot on because he has no clue that these men and women have been fearlessly fighting titans for years and years and of course every foe he's for has been instantly scared twist also though this is perfect because it was really starting to look like a one-sided fight until these machine guns came into play especially when it's aboard a titan such as this one capable of climbing and such really awesome environmental effects some other way would just go for smoke since it's the easiest method to demonstrate damage without showing anything else but here we get details like you'd find in cowboy bebop [Music] them adding in that the reason she was late was because she was putting on that heavy cart gear [Applause] my word who would have seriously thought that within such a small time frame they could not only match them in battle but even start to turn the tide now she's taken erin out of the game for a moment the card titan is doing her thing and the beast titan shows up outstanding i love how calm levi is smiling all like really this guy again these two conflicting orders levi remaining calm and giving his men and women in order to remain alive as he leads the charge giving them nothing but pure confidence oh my god he's still alive and he saved the boy just in time as well this lad man i'm genuinely so happy that he's okay and wow this is truly such a great season this 15 second long one shot type of scene [Music] [Music] they've actually managed to make me happy to see that he's alive and let me tell you something that is quite the feat and it was only achieved by the tireless efforts to build him up as a sympathetic character to us over the past six episodes and now i'm willing him to both live and to want to live it's so conflicting and was expertly done truly this feels awful to me like sick to my stomach it really reminds me of the first large battle they fought during the first season where everyone was eaten and they were taken out so easily by the titans and i'm getting that exact same vibe right here oh that's so awesome and it's amazing to see erin not only do something so cool but also use his head like this figuring out her weakness and his strength during a situation like again i feel the need to point out his unique character like obviously a big part of it is wanting to protect their military investment but at least to a small degree it definitely also feels like genuine care of them let me know your thoughts down below though oh my god it's freaking oven my jaw is on the floor my jaw is on the floor okay composing myself i cannot believe how quickly levi launched that powerful attack it was unreal and that music as well combined it makes for a hell of a scene [Music] oh i'm not gonna lie to you ladies and gents i legit freaked out a little watching that it's simply put one of the best scenes i've ever witnessed and a prime candidate for a maximum two wins awards yet again kicking things off with using music from season one ideal choice in my eyes to the high quality animation the choosing of the unique angles like this rotating view the sound effects when she bats the missile away and then sasha taking out their gunman also taking away their sense of invincibility inside there leading to her losing her call and then ultimately taking all of them out utterly outstanding again i'm unable to show it but they link back to what i was saying during episode 6 about similar visuals as we witness a young child crying among the rubble just like we saw back in the first episode of season one as the same titan now under a new owner causes the same devastation there now and then armin says as much himself [Applause] [Music] oh gene's still going through his own internal struggles as he makes the choice i believe anyway to attack through the kid in order to achieve the objective which links back to struggles he faced during the third season they got a big old airship and almond is safely on board and they're following the lights that they laid out before and i don't know what's gonna happen [Applause] [Music] basically you know the drill lots of limbs off but mikasa and aaron take out this titan in a gloriously gory fashion that's highly deserving of a winner [Applause] her voice acting is superb here can't say much else she's overcome by anguish seeing them lose the war hematite into eren and almost galliard too [Music] just like i mentioned in episode 6 it feels so weird to be half rooting for these kids now but i can't help it that's what they've achieved and i don't hate it at all in fact i envy being able to invoke these emotions from me [Music] that looks different [Music] yet another very clear example for me of cgi that looks so good you'd think it's hand drawn especially the mid section of the punch [Music] i gotta say not hating it one little bit that reiner is being kept alive in this anime like i said before he's become an insanely interesting character through all of that expert character building this season [Music] gorgeous little bit of animation right there i love stuff like this because they give us great clues as to how the characters are feeling such as the dead behind the eyes of armin whereas before they were bright and full of life but also mikas are quickly angering but then just as quickly calming down showing that she herself has serious reservations about the things that erin has done i'm always talking about hating exposition and this right here is a great example of why because it really detracts when done poorly from the story whereas here i'm able to rife in metaphorical agony about why [Music] [Applause] oh i love this freaking anime so much [Music] [Music] on top of this awesome music i wanted to add that i had seen some people taking aim at her as a character and that i don't quite understand i found her to be intriguing and here she lays out pretty much the exact reason why i found her to be that way in terms of how hard she fought to change things for her people and how brutal the realization now is that all of that was for nothing and may even get worse as a result of that battle i see her as a character who is quite indicative of the ldm people's story at large [Music] well that is absolutely gut wrenchingly horrible that music their reactions and the scene itself really got me back to him remember outstanding bloody prop twist don't know what foreign i'm sorry you can go right on the head and take two wins for this it truly deserves it for being one of the greatest plot twists i personally have ever witnessed you got me you [Music] i'm literally dropping a win on this purely because i think he's being entirely truthful [Music] cinder [Applause] gonna go ahead and drop a final win for the end to this most incredible episode solid animation brilliant continuation of the story gut wrenching heartbreak and a truly amazing halfway point again please be sure to subscribe if you're not already and hit the bell to not miss out on part two don't forget that if you love my work and want to support what i do i have a patreon link down below and any pledge is really appreciated so check that out if you like and thanks so much for joining me on the start of this journey and i very much hope to see you in the next video [Music] ryan anderson israel caldera chris harris louis hernandez kim munt jason davies yuki ali manuel mirales dark lord bloody soul blitz cloud aura keeper stealers kimio sentimento jeffers6263 masker tank kevin nelter brendan creo storm 970 mister waffle 64 college warzone jordan samuels sean graves the epic commander crimson shadows kyle farmer plus one three thousand blue
Channel: Anime Wins
Views: 289,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animewins, anime wins, anime, wins, attack on titan, attack on titan season 4, everything great about, everything great about aot, everything great about attack on titan, everything great about attack on titan season 4, levi vs beast titan, ega, ega aot, ega attack on titan, attack on titan wins, attack on titan anime wins, attack on titan animewins, everything right with, everything right with attack on titan, Shingeki no Kyojin, Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
Id: Q_qf40MuWQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 8sec (3248 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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