Everyone is buying Dollar Tree napkin holders after seeing these hacks!

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today we're talking about one of the most underrated items at the Dollar Tree and that is the napkin holder let me share with you a ton of ways that I use this product that has nothing to do with napkins [Music] all right first up let's just talk about using these products simply how it is without altering it at all now obviously I guess you could use it for napkins I've actually never used it for napkins once maybe I maybe I should put some napkins in here I love this thing for just like file sorting all sorts of stuff I actually keep one on my desk to just like keep uh bills to keep paperwork to sort through mail you can use it as a stand for books so like stick one on the countertop in your kitchen and you can put a cookbook on there you can even use it to keep a page open on a cookbook which is a really great use for it you can use it to sort of file store your um like electronic devices whether it's laptops iPads cell phones I personally love storing my electronic devices vertically when I'm charging them because it takes up so much less space on a countertop but a really great hack for these is you can actually come find multiple of them if you want to create like a file shorter that is bigger and all you need is some of the Dollar Tree zip ties so you could do two of them three of them four of them like get crazy do six I don't know and then this way you can either store more things or you can use it to sort of sort your stuff as well so maybe you want to do like bills in the front and like paperwork that needs to get filed away in the back now if you want to get creative with these you can also dress them up as well and I think you could come up with lots of great options I tried a few different options using some Dollar Tree yarn I decided to wrap each of these like front bars individually and yarn I just did a little pattern using some of the yarn I literally just like tied it on and wrapped it around and this just sort of dresses up the front of it so if you are using it to store things especially if it's like out on your desk or you're leaving it out on a countertop it just sort of dresses it up and then I also tried wrapping like the whole thing and I think this look was my favorite I did one just like a neutral and then one in sort of like more of a pattern so you can really get fun and creative is you could do like rainbow you could use a thicker like macrame yarn makes them look so much nicer so much more high-end and literally it's just one of these and one of the things with yarn from the Dollar Tree like we are talking two dollars and fifty cents now you can use this on your desk or out on a counter and it looks so much prettier for storing literally all sorts of different things but you can also hang these on a wall you can obviously use a picture hanger I use Command hooks make sure you're getting ones for like the proper weight of whatever you're hanging and then these just pop right onto the wall you can use them to display books you can use them to store notebooks I just think this is so brilliant now another thing that I've done in the past is you can combine two of them instead of like combining them back to back you combine them to make them long and skinny to create a longer shelf so I did this in my son's room to display some of his books and in this instance I spray painted them like a bright fun color so just another way to sort of like play with these you can spray paint them all sorts of colors whether you want to do it gold or a bright color and I love because of the shape of it it creates this sort of like really pretty scalloped detail which I think is so cute by the way a lot of these ideas are ideas that I have shared in past videos or I've just sort of like discovered myself using these but some of them were inspired by um like tick tocks or like Pinterest posts any of them that I found ideas from or I reference I will link those down below so you can check them out as well but I had seen one where she like added a fringe to the bottom and so I wanted to try that but do like two or three across to create this sort of scalloped look and I just think this is so pretty I mean it is insane for literally like a couple of dollars how pretty this little bookshelf is or notebook ledge or device ledge or like honestly whatever another idea to use this napkin holder is actually to take it and to flip it on its side and hang it on the wall this way so I use two Command hooks you can use something more permanent if you wanted to um but once you have it stored vertically like this so you can actually get really creative and use this to store all sorts of different stuff I tried it out with some cooking utensils I added some S hooks so I could hang some stuff that had holes and then just like stick some stuff into the slots as well then I tried it out with jewelry I'm actually not a huge jewelry person so my jewelry jewelry collection here is is pretty pathetic I really just don't own a lot of jewelry but if you own like a lot of dangly earrings or a lot of necklaces you could store so many across on this you could use it for scarves if you're a big scarf wear and honestly with the S hooks you can get super creative with how much stuff you can hang on these okay next up this is a hat that I've actually seen like all over the Internet and when I was buying my napkin holders at the Dollar Tree the lady who was cashing me out was like I know what you're making with those you're making the paint holder aren't you and I was like well not necessarily wasn't thinking of it but now that you say it I think I'm gonna try it out so this is literally like I feel like a viral hack using the napkin holders and you essentially connect two of them to sort of create it into like almost like a long Circle and then use it to store your paint those like mini paint bottles it's like that standard sort of small size acrylic bottle of paint fits in here perfectly and so you can use it to store a ton of your paint I actually tried it out storing the Dollar Tree acrylic paint in here and that works really well as well I tried it out with nail polish which worked pretty good too depending on like the shape nail polish bottles that you have you could store those in here you could you could literally store so many different things in this configuration I think it's so smart and then if you needed more storage you actually can grab one of the paper towel dispensers from the Dollar Tree I'm basically doing the same thing but I'm going to create two like rows up so I'm using four napkin holders all together connecting two to the bottom and then I'm connecting two to the top using the zip ties to do the top ones I start by like connecting it on the very top so it doesn't fall over and then I secure it with two more zip ties on the bottom I always talk about the Dollar Tree zip ties because besides the napkin holders they're one of those underappreciated products I use them so much usually they have clear ones but for some reason both of my local Dollar Trees were totally sold out of clear zip ties except like the super super huge size so I ended up with these neon ones which obviously doesn't look quite as pretty but I figured I would go ahead and create this storage device and then I would give it a nice coat of spray paint which I actually liked even more I just did like a matte white and I just feel like it made it feel a little more finished it like looks less like napkin holders um and then again you can use this to store all sorts of stuff if you're doing paint I actually um used it to store a bunch of my kids craft supplies what a great storage idea for like kids craft stuff all of their markers their paint sticks or whatever I loved this for that and then I realized that you could probably use these for K-Cups and so I tried it out with that and the K-Cups literally fit perfect in here and you can actually do them back to front so you can get like double as many K-Cups in here so I think this is a great K-Cup storage option as well all right finally I decided to get really fancy with these and I wanted to try to create shelves so I bought a couple of the napkin holders and then actually in the craft section at the Dollar Tree you can usually get these like um pieces of wood and then using some of the marbled uh contact paper from the Dollar Tree I went ahead and covered the wood pieces certainly you could leave it natural wood you could stain the wood whatever I went for marble so then I'm starting by attaching one napkin holder to the end of each one of these little wooden blocks and I used like these picture hanger pieces that you get like for the back of picture hangers I used one of those on each end to sort of secure it and then using some of this like fix it essentially the Dollar Tree super glue I'm like super gluing this on and then I'm just recreating this to create it three uh shelves High I mean I've created this really cute little display case whether you want to use it for makeup or toiletries use it in a pantry use it at your desk options here endless for what you want to store on it I just think this was such a smart little idea using the napkin holders and obviously you could recreate this in all sorts of different sizes if you wanted it to be longer you could get longer pieces of wood um or whatever who would have thought that a napkin holder could do so much as always thank you so much for stopping by and watching I hope you're having a fantastic day remember to be kind to yourself and others and I will see you all in my next video
Channel: That Practical Mom
Views: 443,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dollar tree, dollar tree diy, dollar tree hacks, dollar tree diys, dollar tree napkin holders, dollar tree storage hacks, dollar tree storage, dollar tree organization, dollar tree organization DIY, dollar tree organization hacks
Id: mw8tIgK7kck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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