45 *BEST* Outdoor Patio DIYs... decorate for less! Dollar Tree DIYs + Thrift Flips

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we are talking lots of budget friendly outdoor ideas today from Dollar Tree DIYs to Thrift Store and flea market flips that will transform your outdoor space hello and welcome everyone my name is Shannon from the daily diy.com now let's start with some of these awesome Dollar Tree solar light ideas this first idea is so easy and so pretty too all you need is your solar light some glass beads and some super glue all can be found a Dollar Tree and we're going to start adding some glue to the back of those glass beads it doesn't hurt to add a little bit of hot glue in there with some super glue to attach your glass beads onto the plastic clear part of your solar light just working our way around starting at the top and then moving our weight down the rest of the way on the solar light so the super glue is actually going to hold up and withstand the elements much better than the hot glue but it takes a little bit longer for that super glue to dry so the hot glue actually sets up more quick L for us so we can get through this project in a snap so isn't that a fun way to dress up these average looking solar lights very pretty during the daytime as the sun will bounce off the colored glass but then of course at night time when the Sun goes down and it gets dark that solar light will pop on and then you have really pretty colors to your solar lights you can see I did a little bit of a variety here with the different colors just to see what it would look like and change it up a bit this is one of the coolest solar lights that I've ever seen and I can't believe these are a Dollar Tree for only $125 each they kind of look like little lanterns but they have that flickering flame effect in them so pretty and it's so easy you can do these in a couple different ways you can put them down into a vase or some kind of container that'll hold them up if you want them on a table very cute kind of makes for a romantic flickering Ambiance or of course you can use them to light your Pathways [Music] too so this technically isn't a solar light but it is another light the Dollar Tree carries that are really fun and they are hanging lights I love the little fairy lights that are inside the light bulb and they are battery powered so you just flip the little switch on the top to turn it off and on and another cute way to dress these up is just like the first project we did gluing on some of those glass beads that are also from Dollar Tree around the bottom I just had a few left and unfortunately I didn't have quite enough after our projects to cover this but obviously you'd want to cover the entire light bulb which will give them a fun and pretty little [Music] glow obviously a Dollar Tree has a ton of different Planters to choose from and I love this one that has a little cutout on the bottom so it's actually made so you can put it onto your railing so this is our front porch I just took this little planter put it over the railing and you can use this in a couple different ways obviously you can use it as a planter or you can add ice into it and make it a little cooler so perfect for parties but another idea here is you could put this on a pool side railing and you could put bug spray and sunscreen in it to keep that kind of thing handy use it for a party and put chips and um goodies in there so keep those ideas in mind the next time you see those Planters at Dollar Tree another great outdoor item that Dollar Tree carries are these little water gloves so if you're like me and you have a hard time remembering to water your plants this kind of gives you a little bit of a day um leeway or if you're going to be gone for the day this is a great way to keep your plants watered you just fill them with water and then you stick them down into the soil of your plant and it keeps everything nice and hydrated for you at least for a day now I will say these can these commenters say that they've actually burned holes into wood from the Sun and the Magnetic effect so keep these out of the sun and it will actually last longer too that way so that the water doesn't just evaporate this is another awesome Dollar Tree find that I had had to give a try they are citronella scented incense sticks so they're actually made to keep the bugs away and we live in the midwest we have plenty of bugs during the summertime anything we can do to keep the bugs away I am all for so these come in a pack of six here's a fun little tip and trick for you if you take a small terracotta pot this is also from Dollar Tree flip it upside down and you have an instant incant holder so you just stick the stick right down into the small hole and then you can even put this into a bigger pot I have this cute elephant one that my mom gave me to dress it up a little bit don't use a plastic pot still recommend a a terra cotta pot since we are going to be lighting these incense you just take a lighter light it and as soon as it turns into a flame you'll immediately blow the flame out and that is what's going to release all of the smoke and the incense and the citronella that is going to keep those bugs away [Music] here's another great way to keep the bugs at Bay you can find these floating candles at Dollar Tree as well as these bubble glass vases you're going to fill it a little bit more than halfway up with water and then grab out some essential oils specifically I'm using lemon and lime here which are known to keep the bugs at Bay so adding a few drops to the water and then you can also add a sprig of rosemary in there bugs also don't like that and this combination will hopefully keep you from getting bug bites or bugs flying around you and you just take your floating candle plop it down into the Water and Light it so not only is this a really pretty addition to your outdoor space but it's also doing double duty keeping the bugs [Music] away this is a unique way to use pool noodles and luckily Dollar Tree has those we're also going to grab another unique item a broom handle we're going to make a little squeegee out of this pool noodle so you're going to take it we're going to cut it in half so it's not quite so long remove that sticker off there and then we're going to cut a slit in the top so basically taking our knife and cutting an X Mark right in the middle then we're going to need some super glue we're going to take that put it down into that X marked hole lots and lots of good super glue down in there and then we're going to twist our broom handle right into that hole doesn't hurt to add a little extra super glue to the twisty part of the broomstick as well kind of twist it in there let it set for a good hour or so so it's good and set up before taking it outside and you can use it on your patio to get rid of any excess or standing [Music] water laundry baskets are plastic and great to use outside this one here I was using as a laundry basket and unfortunately the bottom got a hole in it and I didn't want to toss it out so I thought you know what I'm going to take it outside and we're going to use it as a garden hose keeper place to keep your garden hose you just kind of wind it up and then you can put it into the basket all the holes in the basket will let it air out and keeps it all together for you nice and [Music] organized here's another cool way to use Dollar Tree Planters I'm actually going to fill this one with some regular sand just put a few Scoops into your planter you may already have a planter you can use those too and we're just going to scoop it right into there and then we're going to use that as a uh little holder for our garden tool so it weighs down the planter for us and then every time that you push your garden tools down into the sand it's actually going to help clean them and sharpen [Music] them so these Garden trays Dollar Tree actually are called planter trolleys and they have little wheels on the bottom to make them portable and movable so you would usually probably put a plant on there that way you can move it in and out of the sunshine or move it around your house or Outdoors if you wanted to but here's another idea it's actually really handy to have it for your outdoor spaces for heavy items to move them around just like I'm doing here with some soil some planting some new flowers outside use this to kind of move down our uh concrete walkway as I scooped the soil into place you can find these little plastic tool boxes in the hardware section of Dollar Tree and instead of using them for tools you can take them outside and use them for organizing your seeds for spring and summertime so as you can see I have some Dollar Tree seeds here I love the Dollar Tree carries those as well and you can actually just use a paper clip that's what I do to keep them all closed and nice and separated and organized and then you can just close the lid it locks down tight so that way everything stays sealed for you until you're ready to bring them out next year and then this is another solar light idea this is a decorative one we're going to grab some of these children siiz plastic hangers from Dollar Tree you always want to test your solar lights before you actually create with them cuz some of them are just Duds or they do have batteries in there so sometimes they just need a battery replaced so we're going to take this apart we're going to remove the steak out of the bottom and then we're going to need four of these hangers we're going to work with two at a time so as you can see I flipped one upside down we have the curved part of the hangers touching on the left side do the same thing with the right side these are going to be the wings of our butterfly to secure everything grab some of these cable ties from Dollar Tree or zip ties and then we are going to just zip tie these together in all the places where they connect another tip here is don't fully tighten your zip ties until you get everything together that way you have a little bit of wiggle room and adjustment space if things need to be moved around a little bit before we finalize it and then once everything is tightened up you can take some wire cutters and just trim off those Tails repeat that for the other side and then we're going to connect this all together to look like a beautiful butterfly that's going to light [Music] up [Music] [Music] now you can leave this as is if you want or you can get creative take this outside give it a couple coats of spray paint I decided to have some fun with mine and give it kind of a tie dye look something a little bit more natural I guess that a butterfly would look like so I will link all the paint colors that I'm using down in the description box below for you along with the other supplies that you'll see throughout this video to make it easy to find if you are wanting to re create any of these [Music] projects so this was just a fun creative process once it's dry you can take it back inside and add your solar light back to the top we didn't want to paint that and cover up the pretty light that would be showing through and then to add these to wherever you're wanting to add them I just grabbed some of these clear command style hooks from Dollar Tree and took it out to our garden gate and added it on there kind of a fun way to Mark where the entrance and the exit is and makes it look pretty and decorative [Music] too [Music] you are absolutely going to love this project I do it really is so good we're going to make a garden chandelier out of one of these wire hanging baskets from Dollar Tree we're going to start by removing the chain off of the top so they have little hooks on them you pinch them and then they come off the wire Hoops on the basket but don't throw them away we're going to be reusing these here in just a minute so hang tight with those we're going to flip this basket right side up and we're going to take some of these beautiful hanging crystals that I found on Amazon as I said I will link these down below for you super easy to find and we're going to take those prisms that have wire hooks on them and put them around each one of those wires on the basket a pair of pliers comes in handy here so we can pinch them and crimp them down so they don't come flying off our basket do that one prism on each one of those wires now we're going to take our basket and turn it upside down yes we're going to hang it upside down it's going to make sense here in just a second we're going to take back out our chains that we removed in the first step here and we're actually going to start adding them back around evenly spaced on the bottom of this basket around that Circle that is how this is going to hang for us super easy and then we're going to light it up with a solar light so definitely want to test your light always make sure they work first before we get through our project and it did kind kind to slide down through it's pretty small but to remedy that take a little bit of floral wire and add it around in a triangle shape in that Circle it's going to shorten up the space so that our solar light can sit right down the [Music] center this is another one I love so much because it's really pretty during the daytime obviously the sun bouncing off the prisms makes for some little glistening effects and some rainbows I love that but at night time when it gets dark that light comes on and the solar light is actually going to help bounce some light off those pretty prisms as well this video doesn't do a Justice it looks so pretty in person still even at nighttime for this DIY you're going to need a pretty large planter and luckily the Dollar Tree plus section has some of those this one's a great one a 14in size for only $3 such a great deal we are actually going to paint this black or this is an oil rub bronze color to give it a little bit more of a high-end look you can absolutely keep it the Terracotta plastic color if you want just get creative here whatever is going to match your patio space or your backyard or wherever you're going to be putting this we're actually going to turn this into a little garden planter with a updated look and a little bit of a hack in there too so we're going to fill some of this larger planter up with some pool noodles so I love that Dollar Tree also carries these quote unquote pool noodle knives from what you guys have told me it's actually more like a salad knife which works too so if you have a salad knife grab that out regular knife works as well but we're just cutting up some of these pool noodles into smaller sections and then throwing them into the bottom of our planter so now we can add some of our soil on top and it saves us some money so we don't have to put all soil down into our bucket and then you can add your plant this is a blackberry plant unfortunately it did not survive and it didn't make any blackberries for me last year so I have to try something else this year but it does Vine out so I wanted to add a little hack in here that would be a tip and trick for you too so we're going to make a little cage or trellis using some of these large bamboo barbecue skewers that are from Dollar Tree too so what I did is I just took six of these skewers and evenly spaced them out into the soil around the outside edge of the pot now we're going to take the tops of all those skewers grab them all together at the top and take a rubber band wrap it around all of those bamboo skewers so they all stay together now this is just kind of a temporary hold we are actually going to also add some j string around this and that is going to hold up through the elements through the rain through the the Sun and rubber would probably just dry rot and pop off and then we would lose our trellis so if you add some D that will remedy that and you just cut off any excess and we have a nice easy trellis Gable cage for our vining plant to grow [Music] on I love these pretty garden gazing balls they have such fun colors so we're going to kind of recreate our own using a glass bubble vase from Dollar Tree along with a little planter and we're going to use some alcohol ink to add that color so this is another item that I will link down below for you if you haven't used alcohol ink before it is so fun you can also use a can of air which sometimes you can find a Dollar Tree so look there of course Walmart has it um or you can just use a straw and blow air through it and that works as well so with this alcohol ink you just put a few little drops into the inside of the glass vase here in there kind of roll it around it's going to help to spread out that ink and then you're going to come in with your um air or your straw and you can blow that color around and it's also going to slowly dry the ink it dries really really quickly so keep that in mind as you're working you're going to want to work quickly [Music] so I decided to use three different colors here you can do all one color if you want you can do two colors if you want but I highly recommend doing no more than three just because all those colors start to mix and then you'll just get brown which if you want Brown then that's that's the way to do it um but if you stick with three you'll still get a nice variety and spacing of the colors so you just kind of build on it there's no right or wrong way to do it there's just different ways to do it and you can do all one color first and then add in the next color or you can work all three colors at the same time totally up to you but this is what I got at the end when I was happy with it and then we're going to turn this into a gazing ball I need a little stand so I just picked up a small flower pot from Dollar Tree and we are going to add some fairy lights down in there to light it up [Music] so this is really pretty you could put this inside which is a little bit more safe I think than putting glass outside um so here's what it looks like during the day but it looks pretty at night as well and here's another idea for you if you want to put this outside grab another one of those solar lights again test it make sure it works before then just using it on the inside of this glass face and putting it down into the [Music] [Music] planter and now we're going to make another pretty addition to your garden using one of these Wagon Wheel style wreath bases from Dollar Tree just cut off the tag and then grab out some glass beads I found these on Amazon I'll link them down below for you I found a nice variety and we're going to need some floral wire to string all these beads up and then attach it onto our [Music] [Music] wreath loving all the color already we did leave a pretty good long tail at the end so we can actually take that tail and attach it onto the outside edge of the wreath which is going to get us [Music] started so I want to just have this kind of a spiral effect from the outside kind of spiraling into the center so I took a little pieces of that floral wire and just as I went around in a circle packed it on to the little spokes of the wheel until I got to the end and had a nice spiral [Music] effect then to hang this I just grabbed one of these key rings that I had and just stuck that onto the top of the wreath so we can take this outside and now hang it up in our garden so actually added this to one of the trees outside but look at this beautiful sunshine coming down and it will actually bounce off the colored glass of our beads and give our garden a little bit of [Music] Whimsy we're going to make our own garden style citronella candle using some terracotta pots and these white jar candles from Dollar Tree one candle is going to be enough to fill one 3 and 1/2 in terracotta pot you're going to need some kind of Wicks so I'm using some wood Wicks here I love these they have a nice metal base that holds them down in the bottom of the pots for us I will link those down below for you too you can find them on Amazon and we do need to cover up the hole in the bottom of these terra cotta pots so I used a couple pieces of masking tape you could use duct tape whatever you have on hand add a little bit of super glue to the bottom of the metal which is going to hold this down and cover up the hole in the terra cotta [Music] pot [Music] next we need to melt down our candle wax so we're going to turn our flame on our stove down to medium heat fill your pot up about a little more than halfway with hot water and then put your candles down into the hot water and bring it all up to temperature into a boil so that your wax kind of melts and comes up to temperature all together so this is after about 15 minutes you can see that wax will melt down for you and then you need to pull out the wick so you can use these wigs save them reuse them use them for this project if you want totally up to you because they are reusable but I'm going to take these out and set them aside so we can use the wax to fill our terracotta pots you definitely want to make sure you have something covering your hands to protect them this is going to be super hot um and as you can see one glass jar filled up one of those terracotta pots and you can now keep your glass container and reuse it for another project then we're going to add some essential oils into these terracotta pots and into the wax you can use citronella lemon peppermint lime whatever kind of combination you want they all smell really really good um it's just kind of up to you they all seem to keep the bugs away pretty nicely so we're going to add several drops into that wax kind of stir it around a little bit and course it all into the wax and let them set up before you can use them once that wax has hardened you can come in with your scissors and just cut the Wicks down so they aren't too tall it doesn't hurt to put a little terracotta pot tray under these two you can use these indoors or Outdoors highly recommend probably using them Outdoors to heat the bugs away but you can also use these indoors with with other essential [Music] oils this is probably the absolute cutest project of the whole video we're going to turn some items into a garden Turtle so the tray at the bottom I got at the craft store and then the little mini pots are from Dollar Tree and this big wood knob is from Hobby Lobby so a very affordable craft you're just going to need some items outside of a Dollar Tree supply list and you're also going to need some paint I highly recommend using some outdoor acrylic paint I got this off Amazon I'll link it down below for you it will just withstand and withhold through the different elements Outdoors like the sun and the rain we're going to grab two different colors of green for this project we're making a turtle but if you want a colorful turtle go for it we're going to take this darker green color and give everything a good coat of that and then let it sit and dry now for the really creative part we need to make some hexagons on the back of this turtle's back which is that tray and saucer we turned upside down and painted green it's kind of the soccer ball effect here starting in the center and then using that lighter green paint we're going to kind of make this look like tiles that you would put in your bathroom you're going to separate them leaving a little bit of that darker green paint in between and then working your way down the sides of of the turtle shell here's what it looks like after the first coat it's cute you totally leave it like that if you wanted or you can come back in and add a second coat which will give it more of a clean look so depending on if you want that rustic look or that more clean look totally up to you it doesn't really take too much longer to do a second coat since you've already done all the work creating the [Music] pattern now we have all our pie is painted we can put it together I like using this total tape it's a double-sided permanent adhesive that I'll link down below for you it is super strong great for outdoors and it is mess free which I really love too so we're taking those mini terracotta pots and putting them on the bottom our little feet to our turtle and then of course that wood piece that's now green we are going to give this guy a little face with some more [Music] paint [Music] oh my goodness he is just turning out so cute you add some adhesive onto the bottom of that knob add his head onto the backside of the turtle shell and look how adorable he is our little buddy cute little guy in our garden that you can leave by himself or he also makes a little cute uh potted plant or flower tray too now we're going to make a little Lantern for our garden the potted plant is from the craft store so is the little tray but the glass vase is actually from Dollar Tree we're stuffing the bottom of our bigger planter with some paper just so we take up some space in there and adding some River Rocks from Dollar Tree putting the tray on top and then the vase on top of that with some rocks inside there to put it down to hold it down you add a candle in there and you have an instant Garden Lantern so easy and so pretty [Music] too now how about some outdoor organization so you probably think of using these indoors these over Theo hooks but they are heavyduty powder coated so you can actually use these Outdoors too and they will hold up to the high heat the low heat whatever um but you can just take this and we had this little outdoor cabinet so I hung it over the door here and then it's a great place to now be able to hang our wet towels or bathing suits things that get wet while we're outside [Music] playing Dollar Tree also carries some great mesh drawring bags that are great for outdoors when you're messing with things that are wet like toys or garden tools so that way you can still keep everything nice and organized inside the bag but you can hang it up to dry and since it's mesh all the wind and the air will go through it and dry your items for you these water guns are a great example of that just pop open in your bag thr all of those toys that get wet in there and then you can actually tote them around easy if you're going to be taking them to the pool to the beach with you and then an easy way to carry them back and forth and then again to bring back in the over the- door hook from earlier you can actually hang this bag on the hook outside so all your items can [Music] dry this is probably the weirdest item that you're going to see in this video it is a dog collar but you may have not thought of this as an organization tool but I have a couple ideas for you so you can actually take the collars and wrap them around your extension cords your hoses your garden hoses and things like that to keep them all bundled up and together for you you can also use these and put them over a railing and it will hold it up for you or you can also use the metal Loop that's on these dog collars and hang them from a wall on a nail or a hook to keep everything organized [Music] this is an easy way to turn a regular plastic planter into one that is a hanging basket super fun to do you're going to need a hot glue gun you're going to turn it on you want a high heat one because we're going to melt the metal from the hot glue gun through the plastic on the planter so as you can see I made one hole and then next to it a few inches over made a second hole turned it to the back side and repeated this so we have two holes on each side if you have some of that plastic kind of melted and closed up the holes take some needle nose pliers and kind of Route it out so that way it opens the hole back [Music] up to hang this you're going to need some string or I'm using some four ply jute here that I get very cheaply at Walmart I'll link it down below for you we're going to take a big long length of this jute and just string it from the front to the inside of our planter do the same thing with the other hole so you're going to string it from the outside to the inside and then you're going to pull those Tails tight so we don't have a loop on the outside and we're going to repeat that process on the in on the other side so we have four little Tails coming through the center [Music] then all you have to do is grab all those Four Tails together and create a knot at the end which is what is going to allow us to now turn our planter into a hanging planter [Music] this is a wood decorative window that we've had for years that's been on our back patio we're going to turn it into one that has a little bit more functionality with the help of these L brackets that you can get from Dollar Tree I know I'm going to be doing a video hacking these L brackets very soon so make sure to subscribe and turn on your notifications so you get notified as soon as this video goes live cuz some some really great ideas on how you can use these we're going to be creating a shelf for this project though so I just added one to each side of this wood faux window and then we're going to add a piece of wood to the top of this to turn it into a shelf I definitely want to make sure that I waterproof this since it was going to be outside so I'm using a clear matte polyacrylic I'll link it down below for you you can find it at the craft store Walmart probably Amazon too and you're just going to take that and give your wood a couple coats of this to waterproof it and seal it all up once it's dry we're going to take it back out to our Hooks and we're going to apply it onto the top here now there's no holes in this this back side so I'm using a construction adhesive here just adding a bead of that onto each side and then I'm going to set the wood right on top this is an easy peasy way to add some storage and functionality outside and isn't this cute this little succulent planter is an antique toolbox that you'll see a little bit later in this video whenever I get to the thrift flip and flea market hacks you can see here more functionality with these hooks is you can actually add those Planters on there hanging planters on there you can add your um garden tools on there we got some stuff off of my planting bench there added just more storage and organization super easy with those Dollar Tree El [Music] brackets so we're going to add even more storage to this unit with another Dollar Tree find this is a little hook system love these things $125 you can get them in white or black I was going to hang it right here at the bottom of this window however you can see there just wasn't a whole lot of Rune between the top of my table and the window to hang things so instead of doing that I actually bent all the little hooks up and we're going to hang this underneath the Shelf [Music] instead [Music] to bend those hooks I'm just using some pliers here it's not super thick heavy metal wire so it does take a little bit of muscle but not too much and you can kind of Bend and flex them so they look straight just do that to each one of those [Music] hooks [Music] so here's once all of those hooks were bent over you can see I left a little bit of a space so I'm still able to get a string or tool up into that hook for it to hang and you can see on this unit as well there's two little holes one on each end that's where we're going to put some screws and attach it up underneath the [Music] Shelf [Music] such an easy way to add some additional hanging storage and you don't necessarily have to do this just outside I think this would be a great idea to do in an office maybe underneath some cabinets or in your kitchen to add more hanging space for coffee mugs or your kitchen utensils to get things up off your workspace for more room [Music] these white buckets you can also find a Dollar Tree in their organization section and they come as a set of three so only $125 for three buckets is a great value and you can actually just hang these onto those hooks and you kind of create a little bucket of storage for little items this would be great in a craft room in a garage wherever you need that extra storage [Music] space these are the cutest little stools in the Dollar Tree plus section they're only $5 each so a really great deal on these and you can use these Outdoors which I love we're going to make it even more usable outdoors with the help of a round PA so we're going to do is we're going to set our little table down next to our couch or our chair and then you put your round Pap right on top it's heavy enough to kind of stay in place or you can add some construction adhesive on there too to keep it in place and then it's really not going to come off but it's going to add enough heaviness to this table that your table's not going to go flying away in the wind obviously I kind of featured our cute little dog honey on there too she loves being outside in the sunshine and another idea too is if you're going to be using this as a little side table to put food or drinks a little bit of disinfectant doesn't hurt either so like I said a little bit of Liquid Nails would go a long way to hold this all together but I had to feature this sweet little honey bun right here she was grown so much this was last summer she's almost two now but oh my goodness I miss those puppy days but she's a great dog um anyway on to this project make sure to give it a thumbs up this is a cute way to display your plants or you can use it like I said as a side table and use it for drinks and [Music] snacks and I definitely think $7 is a great deal to create your own outdoor side table that is going to hold up and withstand all the outside elements and weather and my sweet little doggy oh my goodness oh my goodness I love her [Music] for this project we're going to take a bench and upgrade it for the outdoors so this bench I did a full tutorial on previously and I'll link that video down in the description box below for you this is a great beginner friendly wood project we actually created eight of these wood benches for our outdoor wedding so we needed an easy project that was going to go quickly cuz obviously we had to whip several of these out but just to give you kind of a rundown it's a 2x12 for the top and then 2x4s created into a rectangle to make the legs and then we just screwed the legs into the top stained it and this was beautiful perfect for our small outdoor wedding and we gave each one of our guests one of those benches or each of the families that came to our wedding one of those benches as a Keepsake and memory of our special day after the wedding I painted brought it home painted the bottom white as you can see here and then decided I wanted this outside so I sealed it up really really well with some um polyacrylic and then I added some of these Square pavers to the top to weight it down protect it a little bit more make it more outdoor friendly and one of the things I noticed about these pavers is that they are kind of rough pointy edges so this is a Dollar Tree sanding Stone I just took that and ran it over all the edges as well as all of the Corn Corners to make sure it was s handed rounded over smooth and comfortable to then sit [Music] on so this is just a fun and easy way to really create some additional outdoor seating for us and there's little honey again um I had planted some flowers and she got into the flower pots and they turned into toys for her so she actually loves those and those orange cones that you get from Dollar Tree in the kids section um or sometimes they're in like the Hardware section and yeah they're plastic and she just likes us to throw them and her to chase them and to chew on them so puppy puppy life right but here is the bench kind of styled and updated a little bit and I definitely think honey approves now these are called Crescent pavers and we're going to take that round p that we use the same one from the table that we made earlier or the stool that we turned into a side table earlier and just a cute idea for this is take those Crescent pavers and put it around it and you actually create a cute little flower this would be really pretty if you dug that shape into the ground and laid it so it looks like a little stepping stone you could paint these too so lots of ideas for this get creative let me know down in the comments below how you would paint yours and then speaking of painting we're going to paint this Crescent into a ladybug my daughter would absolutely not approve of this she's terrified of ladybugs but this is going to be a super cute ladybug we're going to pull back out our patio paint that I link down below for you which is great to use Outdoors is it's kind of like an all-in-one sealer paint in one so we're taking a foam paint brush here and we're going to paint this whole Pap [Music] red next we're going to take our black paint and make our ladybug's head we're also going to need to make his little wings and also some polka [Music] dots now we're going to take some white patio paint and add in some of the details so the little antenna and his [Music] face [Music] so my daughter may not like real ladybugs but I definitely think she would like this one it is so stinking cute a really fun project to do and even one that you could do with kiddos and let them get creative with the paint So speaking of that I let my son pick whatever he wanted to do with his pav and he decided he was going to turn his into a watermelon so I decided to turn turn a tutorial into it this is all him and his design we took that um Pap and he painted green paint all around the outside edge then for the watermelon part we're going to use a dark pink and a light pink so he actually mixed those two colors together and got this medium paint color and painted the front edge and then the inside of the green part nice little chomp out of the water watermelon in the front and does kind of look like a Pac-Man doesn't it so that' be a cute way to paint these two then he took a lighter green paint and made little Stripes around the [Music] outside and then next took some black paint and a teeny tiny paint brush and made little dashes in lines for the watermelon seeds totally all his doing and I thought he did such an amazing job he's so creative and I love that about him he also really got into gardening last year so we got him this um tower garden thing I don't even know what it's necessarily called but he put that outside of his little garden but look how cute it is even mixed in with some flowers fun little surprises here and there that you can add to your garden so I hope you can find these Crescent pavers and get creative with them bricks are another fun thing to add to your outdoor space or garden and you can find these year round and they're only 83 cents at my hardware store so really really affordable actually have several different ideas to share with you using these bricks and first up we're going to make a cute little Lantern using some Dollar Tree tea lights all I have to do is tilt up your brick so it is on the shorter side standing up and then you're going to take your tea three of them since we have three holes and just insert them into the holes and we have a nice weighted down lighted contemporary looking Lantern for outside so these Dollar Tree candles do have a switch on the bottom so you'll have to turn them on and off individually but you can also head over to Amazon and they have teal lights that are remote controlled which are actually so handy and we'll save you a little bit of time so I'll link those down below for you too next idea we're going to make a centerpiece using a metal tray from doar tree we're going to take that tray outside and spray paint it with some black matte spray paint I will link the spray paint down below for you just hit it with a couple coats of that black [Music] paint all right now to turn it into a center piece once it's dry you're going to take your brick and just set it right down in the center with the holes facing up we're going to take some of this sand and we're going to fill the the holes with it all three of them you can find sand at Dollar Tree so keep an eye out for that and then we're also going to use some candles from Dollar Tree you can find these six packs of these smaller taper candles or you can use battery powered taper candles too if you want these are from Amazon I'll link them down below for you you know me trying to make it easy for you and all you have to do is take this outside and then stick your candles down into the sand and we have a cute little candle holder [Music] [Music] another idea is to turn this into a planter so same idea but instead of candles we're going to insert some succulents these are plastic ones from Dollar Tree but you could use live airplants if you wanted to just put the right soil in there and make sure to water them every once in a [Music] while [Music] and then did you know you can actually put decals onto these pavers so I headed in to my Cricut design space found a design and decided to customize it and turn it into one that this is obviously not our address but you would want to personalize it with your name and address on it or you could put a little message or just welcome or make ones for different holidays and Seasons that you could change out but I just printed this on on some or cut this out with some matte black vinyl that I will link below for you and I get questions all the time about the transfer tape that I use so I'll also link that down below for you too we are literally just going to apply this vinyl decal onto the pav like we would any other decal lining it up centering it and then pressing it down I did however make sure to dust off and get all the dirt in any kind of little rocks or whatever out of the pits of this P before applying the decal making sure it's good and clean and dust free and that way we got a nice clean um adhesion of our decal onto the pap so this is pretty cool because the decal or the vinyl that I use is used is good for outdoors it's commercial grade so it's going to hold up in the weather for us this is an idea I did a long time ago but it was so cute I wanted to show you again I took some rectangle pavers and used some acrylic paint and just painted some little white dashes down the center to make a little uh roadway for my son to play with his cars on so these are fun because they're repositionable so you can change your roadway up this was a cute little idea I did for him to play outside made a little Firehouse for him and he just absolutely loved this now let's do some outdoor Thrift flips I found this glass milk bottle filled with some quirks in there at the thrift store for only $2.79 I thought it was a pretty good deal to get pretty much two in one and that's what we're going to do we're going to take the quirks out of this bottle and we're going to use them to create some Garden markers super duper easy and inexpensive so I found the corks that didn't have a bunch of writing down the side and then took a Sharpie marker and added words on to them that lined up and corresponded with the different plants that we have in our garden [Music] next we're going to take some of these bamboo skewers from Dollar Tree these are the shorter ones they come in a pack of a 100 so you get a ton of them and we're going to take the pointy in and we're actually going to push it down into the cork so they get stuck in there and make us a nice little stand for us to push these down into the dirt you can also take some tin snips which I'll link down below for you you all should have these by now if you've been following me for any amount of time you know I am obsessed with my tin snips so good for craft Ing and cutting through uh thin wood like these bamboo skewers we're just cutting those down and we're going to insert them into our soil out in the garden so this is my son's Garden that I was talking about earlier we are so excited to get this planted again this year this was year number one with it and it did pretty good um it's two-sided which I really really like so we were able to plant a ton of plants in this wood double-sided Garden I'll link it down below for you too but these little markers worked perfectly in there now let's work on this glass milk bottle we're going to turn it into an actual tiki torch so grabbing some of these River Rocks from Dollar Tree we're going to put it into the bottom of this glass milk bottle to help weigh it [Music] down now we need to add our tiki torch fuel definitely helps to have a funnel for this just fill it not quite up all the way I would say probably 3/4 of the way maybe a little more then of course our tiki torch needs a wick so I grab some of those from the store along with a washer that was the same size as the top of the bottle and a copper coupling reducer we're going to slide that onto the wick and that is going to then sit down into the washer and then sit down into the te torch fuel I will have all those supplies linked down in the description box below for you go ahead put your Wick into the milk bottle and you can go ahead and light it they do make longer Wicks um but my store didn't have any I did find some on Amazon though so I will link those down below for you as well just be very careful with this obviously it isn't open flames you want to keep kids and pets away from this but this thing since there was so much tiki torch fuel in there lasted all summer long for us and there was still even some left in the bottom so if you're outside a lot this is a great way to keep the bugs away give you a little bit of light and Ambiance and something you won't have to refill over and over again another thrift store find were these light hangers and they were only $3 for this big set and I thought this would be pretty to use outside so we're going to make a little chandelier of teal lights with these so I just kind of organized them they were in different lengths and we are going to start adding these onto one of these wreath rings from Dollar Tree I'm going to be using the largest size but it comes in a set of three which is really cool so now I have two more wreaths that I can set aside and use later on for another project taking that wreath ring outside we're going to turn it black with some matte black spray paint so you saw this earlier this is the wire hanging basket from Dollar Tree we're actually just going to use the chain and the hook off of this so go ahead and uncp those from the basket save the basket for another project we're just going to need the chain for [Music] this then we're going to add that chain evenly spaced out around the ring just hook them on there a little bit of adhesive or tape will'll hold them in place so they don't start moving around on you like mine did there and then I just hung it up from the ceiling under our porch now for the light part I actually went on to Amazon I think I mentioned this earlier that you can find teal lights on there that are battery operated so this chandelier had a lot of lights to it and I thought it was going to be such a pain to take each tealight off and turn them on individually which you kind of have to do whenever you start this you turn them on um but then you have a remote that will turn them back off for you so that's pretty cool it's going to save you a lot of time and you can just kind of walk out on your porch hit a button and all those lights will come on and off for you now for the hangers that we found at the thrift store I'm going to add my teal lights into them and start evenly spacing them out and hang them on that wreath that is hanging from the [Music] ceiling [Music] so here's what it looks like pretty simple I think this would be pretty if you put some Greenery around the hoop too maybe a Vine or something to give it some color even some flowers would be pretty kept it pretty minimalist though but here's what it looks like when you hit the button and all those lights come on at the same time just gives you a nice little glow from [Music] overhead [Music] now let's head to the flea market I love the flea market if you do too hit the Thumbs Up Button this booth had so many awesome items and a really great prices too so I actually kind of grabbed a ton of stuff from this one but I only spent like4 $45 which was amazing so I'll show you my haul but for the most part I showed you earlier this antique toolbx can you believe it was only $5 I didn't touch it I didn't even clean it I just liked exactly how it looked it was going to go outside anyway and get dirty so we are actually going to just use this as a pretty planter so we're going to add some rock to the bottom of this and some soil on top and add some pretty succulents and make a very unique and outdoorsy planter [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for the top I just took some River Rocks from Dollar Tree and sprinkled them around into the soil just gave it a little bit more of a organic look does this guy look familiar at all he's actually a Dollar Tree gnome that I just spray painted with a green color he kind of Blends in and I just think he's cute a fun little addition to this inexpensive and primitive [Music] planter [Music] the next flea market find were these cool baskets there was a ton of them I don't even know what they are if you know let me know down in the comments below but I thought I would turn mine into more of a wol shelf so I measured out the width of the inside and the outside of the basket as well as the depth and we're going to make some wood shelves that will slide in there and create a shelf so a 1x3 seemed to be the right depth for these shelf so I cut it down to size I cut it the longest length measurement and then kind of air fit to make sure it was going to work out right tapered the edges in so that way it would slide in and be a custom fit within the Shelf [Music] once I knew those were going to fit in there really well I did two of those the same size and then sanded them down and now to hang them we're going to be using some cup Hooks and it's actually going to just sit right down onto the wires and that is going to just keep this all together for us so I took those little bitty cup hooks opened up one of the edges so I had enough room that I could slide it onto the wires you can see here and then drilled in some pilot holes on the sides of the shelves and then we're going to insert those cup [Music] hooks see these just twist right into those holes and then magically once we get those positioned correctly we will just sit those right over each one of those wires on each [Music] side [Music] so again I'm really not sure what those wire baskets were used for but I think it turned into a pretty cute shelf to display some of our home [Music] decor [Music] the same booth also had a ton of wood ladders and can you believe they were only $5 each of course I had to find one of those that was unique and grab that one to bring home we're going to turn this into a decorative display that can be used inside first things first we got to clean this up so I took some sandpaper to it first to make sure to get any of the big splinters off of it smooth it down took some disinfectant to it so it was nice and clean and then we can start decorating it I'm just going to be using some regular jute to tie things on I am doing this for inside but you could take this and use this outside I think it would be great next to a front door instead of like a welcome sign you could tie a welcome sign onto this and put some live plants and buckets and hang those on there totally up to you we're going to start with the top here just tying some string on and then hanging a [Music] sign [Music] all right for this tip I'm going to be sharing this for fall which is with moms but you can do this during the spring and summer time with your ferns as well so you're going to take a bucket fill it up with water you can add some fertilizer in there too which will um give it even more nutrients as you're doing this but you're going to take your planter your mums your Ferns and you're going to stick it down into the bucket of water and just push it down until the planter is fully under the water leave it there for a few minutes maybe 5 minutes or so until everything is good and hydrated and then you can take it out and put it where you want it for ferns you you're going to want to put it in the sh shade or partial shade and one more thrift store flip is this Galvan ice bucket that I found for only $2 I thought this would be great for outdoor use so I took it home and we are going to dress it up a little bit for fall but this also works for Springtime too so I'm just going to use some Dollar Tree burlap ribbon and put it around this bucket obviously taking the price tag off and dressing it up [Music] then we're going to add some drainage holes so just took a drill and drilled a few holes in the bottom of this bucket before then adding in my flowers which in this case was moms for the fall but obviously you can do this with your ferns you can do this with potted flowers whatever you have on hand to give your home a little bit more of a upgrade without breaking the bank and spending money on expensive Planters and honey must have been a little [Music] thirsty [Music] if you made it to the end of this video hit that thumbs up button and a big high fives to you I'll have another outdoor affordable DIY video popping up on your screen go ahead click over and I'll see you over there next thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one have a creative [Music] day [Music]
Channel: The Daily DIYer
Views: 473,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dollar tree, dollar tree diy, dollar tree hacks, dollar tree outdoor, dollar tree patio, patio hacks, outdoor hacks, outdoor diys, patio diys, fountain, dollar tree planters, pavers, dollar tree garden, pool noodles solar lights, dollar tree idea, dollar store, $1, the daily diyer, glue guns and roses, krafts by katelyn, do it on a dime, designed to the nines, whiskey and whit, summer, summer diys, spring, spring diys, home decor diys, organization
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 28sec (4168 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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