27+ Oddly Useful Life Hacks You'll Wish You Knew Sooner

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I'm rounding up a bunch of just like oddly random but extremely genius and useful life hacks that you're going to wish that you know let's do [Music] this we have a lot of hacks to go through and I'm going through them in no particular order cuz I'm feeling just off the rails today did you know that your cheese grater is like the perfect thing to destem your herbs this like literally blew my mind because I've tried actual destemmers and this works better than ones that are designed for it it just literally pulls off all the leaves and you're left with just this I don't know this is brilliant um if you ever fight with parchment paper which I do probably like every other day um I recently learned a hack that literally changed my life and the woman was like if you're struggling to get your parchment paper to sit inside of the container as I am here she said it's because your parchment paper is parched it's parched paper and I was like I don't know if this is real but basically she's like get it wet and I was like this seems wrong um it's not wrong if you get your parchment paper wet you can now like fit inside of any any casserole dish or any this literally has changed my life I've used it multiple times it has not affected the baking of my item at all and I will now always unpar my parchment paper when I'm cooking okay next hack if you have uh White dishes that look like this I always just thought these were like actual scratches like into my white dish but it's not it's actually just the color of the silverware that has transferred onto the white and you can get it off using the pink stuff which the pink stuff let's all just be real the pink stuff is a miracle product I use it on everything never thought to use it here um you literally can just pink stuff away all of the marks that are on your white dishes this honestly like I knew it was going to work the first time I did it and I was still it still somehow blew my mind that the scratches went away anyways pink stuff will take it off look at how beautiful these are now I'm going to go spend an hour doing all of my dishes um you don't have to spend a lot of money for magic erasers I know they're really expensive you can literally just make your own you can buy this bulk thing of like melamine sponges on Amazon I think I got like a bajillion of them for 10 bucks something like that and then all you want to do is create a spray bottle you're going to add warm water add a tablespoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of borax um and then this will be the perfect solution to make your own Magic Erasers so you can actually use this I have like a lot of scuffs on my walls thanks to kids so I have a lot of options to show you how this works um basically you can take your solution and spray it directly onto this scuff but I find it's better to just like spray it directly onto your sponge and there you go you have a magic eraser that cost you like a fraction of what a real magic eraser cost and it works just as good maybe better I'm not sure okay now I have a hack for cleaning around the bottom of your toilet which you why does it get so gross especially when have children that are learning to use the bathroom it's just gross um shaving cream I saw this hack from um is it Angela Jean cleaning I I will link her down below um but I was watching a video one time and she talked about using shaving cream at the baser toilet and I was like okay I'll try it and it actually works really good you spray it on let it sit for like I don't know 45 minutes if you want 10 minutes an hour there's there's no rules here and then you just wipe it all away and not only does it get the base really clean but it makes your bathroom smell really really nice and so while I was at it I was like you know what shaving cream in the toilet which also works really really well too and I'm not just like making this up shaving cream actually has um emulsifiers and cleaning agents that are very similar to ones that are found in household cleaners so this is like legitimate but I sprayed it all inside of my toilet and then just used it to like scrub away and let me tell you my toilet was really shiny and again everything smelled really really nice okay we're back in the kitchen I told you we're just going to be all over the place um I have a child that loves grapes and eats so many of them and I saw this hack for getting all of your grapes off of the stem you just put it between a dish towel and you roll it back and forth I did this Vine I rolled it for like I don't know 30 seconds or so and then it took off most of the grapes you'll see that some of them are left still like on the vine but then I just removed all the grapes that had come off and I gave the remaining Vine one more little like Shake in the dish towel and they basically all came off this is so much quicker and better than pulling them off on one by one another food I love to eat but hate to prep is squash until I learned a few tricks to make it easier one um peel your squashes with a vegetable peeler I learned this trick a couple a couple of years ago and I don't know why I wasn't doing this my entire life because this is the way to take the peel off of a squash I mean obviously why didn't I think of this I was always like trying to manually peel it which is insanity and then two when it's time to cut a squash don't just cut it like you're going to cut anything you're going to add your knife to the top apply a little bit of pressure and then just rock it back and forth and this squash is going to cut so much easier so you can see I did down the center and I'm going to do the two stems and again I'm just going to a little pressure on the knife and then just rock back and forth easy eest way to cut a squash okay everyone loves a good rotisserie chicken nobody likes taking all of the meat off of it because you always feel like you don't get it all off I always hate this chore at the end of the day when we've had rotisserie chicken if you take your entire chicken and you put it inside of a Ziploc bag and then you just SMH it around which honestly doing it feels a little gross now that I've filmed it and I'm like watching it it looks a little gross but it works you're just massaging it and all of the meat will literally fall off of the bone for you so you're not trying to like cut around the perfect little bones and around the cartilage or whatever it literally just slides off and then you can just pull the bones out throw them back into the bag and now you've got all perfectly separated chicken right inside your little Ziploc bag for whatever you want to do with it usually I save some for like tomorrow's lunch and then I will roll the rest up and I'll label it and I stick this bad boy in the fridge for when I need some quick soup or enchiladas all right kitchen to laundry room why not not I'm going to teach you how to fold a fitted sheet you thought you couldn't but you can start with your fitted sheet inside out and then what you're going to do is look for two corners and I don't think it necessarily matters if you're doing a short side or a long side but for the sake of this tutorial I chose long sides essentially what you're looking for is the seam of the corner and then you want to take your little fingers and then make a little Pinchy you know little pinches pinch your fingers like a lobster or just a human being with two pinching fingers you want to take your hand and you want to Pinch at the final corner of each one pinch at the corner so now you are holding one corner in your right hand you're holding one corner in your left hand you are then going to bring the right corner over to the left corner using your left hand you're going to pinch so you're now holding both corners and you're going to fold the right corner over the left corner to check that everything is done right you should be holding two corners in your hand and the two seams should be lined up along the top together what's most important with this method of folding fitted sheets is that the two corners and the seams are now together things are going to look kind of like a jumbled mess at the bottom you're probably going to start sweating right about this time if you're like me you're like this can't I'm not doing this right you are just stick with me okay things are still messy work your way down to the bottom of the sheet area a little bit and you're just going to take anything that's still inside out and make it right side out is it right side out whatever then you're going to pass what's in your left hand over to your right hand it's just easier to work this way you are going to go down to the bottom of the sheet and you're going to look for the two other corners and you'll actually find the two corners have probably kind of found each other so they're probably kind of nested and close to one another but again the point is your pincher finger is going to be grabbing both corners and you're going to be lifting it up so now you're going to have two corners and your right hand with the seams on top of each other you're going to have two corners pinched in your left hand with the seams on top of them and then again you are going to bring your right hand over to your left hand now with your left hand you're going to pinch all four corners and fold over the top again we can check that we've got this right because now you'll have all four corners pinched in your left hand all four seams should be sort of essentially stacked on top of one another and it's time to move down to the ground you're essentially going to take what you have and sort of lay it flat and this is the second time in this folding method that you probably are quite sure that you are doing things wrong just stick with it okay it's going to come together at this point kind of don't worry too much about where the fitted Edge is we're going to move over to the opposite corner and you're going to be able to make this into sort of more of a right triangle so don't worry too much about the bunched end and sort of focus on the other Edge getting a nice 90Ā° angle if you will out of your sheet and then just sort of place the rest of the sheet as you go to create as much of a rectangle as you can so we're going to start start from the edge that has the most like bunching we're going to fold the whole thing into thirds the long way the H dog way and then you're going to fold it over one more time press it nice again to get it as flat as you can then you're going to start from the end that has the most like excess fabric again where those Corners are where that excess bunching is you're going to fold over once and then you're going to fold over again again and there you go guys you have successfully folded a fitted sheet and since we're talking about sheets I'm going to teach you how I learned how to fold all of my sheets actually into one little bundle which makes them so much easier for storing so once you have your fitted sheet folded which you now know how to do thanks to my very helpful tutorial you're going to then fold the two pillowcases with it and then you're going to take the top sheet to bundle it all together so you're going to you know fold a top sheet as one does you know like hot dog and then hamburger way and then once you've got it folded twice you are then going to fold it the long way about three times so you sort of created like a long band and then what you're going to do is you're going to take the bundle that you've created of the fitted sheet and the pillow cases you're going to place that in the center of this strip and then you're just going to fold the entire thing up and now you've created a nice little perfectly bundled I want to say bundle of joy that's it's not right but a little bit it is there is a little bit of Joy involved in this process and now you can easily store all of your sheets together you know exactly where all the pieces are when you like need to pull out your sheets you're like I know exactly where the fitted and the top and the pillowcases are all right and since we're talking about folding I got to share with you one of my favorite folding hacks that I've shared a lot and that has to do with like bath towels and beach towels folding them like this is not the way to go because they're going to fall apart they're going to get messy you're going to reach for one and the one underneath is going to fall you want to spa towel I mean Spa fold your towels especially beach towels because it makes it so easy to throw them into like tote bags into your kids swim bags or whatever so let me teach you how to spot fold it looks nice doesn't it it's fancy it's really easy so start by just throwing your entire you can place it you don't have to throw it put it on the ground and you're going to fold one corner over and then fold down from the top and then you're going to flip the whole thing over and then you essentially just roll up from the not diagonal end you want to roll it as tight as possible but you don't have to be like super crazy about it and once you get to the very end you essentially are just going to take the little flap of that diagonal end and tuck it in now you have a perfect little bundled towel that is going to store easier and it's going to travel easier inside of bags if you've ever struggled to get stickers off of something like the price tag stickers why do they make these with like glue that just doesn't come off I'm not really sure there's a lot of ways to do it but I found the best way is heat blow it with your blow dryer on a high heat for I don't know 15 seconds 30 seconds it doesn't really matter until you feel like it starts to pull back you'll know and then it comes right off if there's any sticky residue you can now use nail polish um but really it's going to get off like 95% of it okay next hack totally random but ladies if you're not checking the men's section for jeans I don't know what why they have been keeping this a secret from us first of all the sizing for men's jeans is so much easier it's just numbers and the numbers are literally just inches of waist and NSE and the men's jeans actually fit really great last year I actually bought a bunch of men's jeans from Walmart to try this hack out and like why do these look why do these look like jeans that I spent just recently $60 on these are $12 jeans from Walmart you guys $112 and I'm sorry but like you can't pretend like the butt on this Jean wasn't made for a woman I don't know why they're gatekeeping the men's jeans why are they making men's jeans for women and then selling them for $12 it's it's it's honestly a scam and we're going to end it now with this life hack if you have have any uh grout that's gotten sort of like yucky and yellow there's these things called grout pens and you literally can just like paint them white again and that's really all I have to say about this life hack I love how easy this look it it's white now that was so easy if you do cooking in the kitchen which is where I hope you're doing your I'm not sure where else you'd be doing your cooking um but if you like to use your tablet two little Command hooks on your counter will hold up your tablet or even your phone for you so that you can look at your recipes and if you are more of a cook cookbook kind of person grab one of the hangers that people use for pants and then just hang this onto a command hook or even onto the handle of like a cupboard and it'll hold up your cookbook on the page you want it if you have a garbage bag if you have a garbage bin where the bag is constantly falling into the bin which we all know is so irritating two Command hooks upside down on either side and then you can use the handles to just clip them in to the Command hooks and this will prevent your trash bag from falling inside of the bin you guys why is putting a bracelet on yourself so hard I'm not really sure but you can really fix this super easily with just a piece of tape just tape it in place and then you can hook on your bracelet and you're good to go if you ever have a tub ofwar that's gotten stained with red sauce which is all of us cuz who doesn't love good red sauce as a leftover it's one of the best leftovers there is a little dish soap with a paper towel and some warm water put it into the tupp Weare shake it up real good and then you're going to pour the water out you can see literally here all of the color came out into the water water and now you have a nice clean clear tupp Bo he the next hack is for your shower if you have a glass shower you know that the glass tends to get foggy over time and get water spots over time and a really easy hack here is actually just to treat it with rainex rainex is usually used on people's windshields to help the water beat up but if you can get the water to beat up on your glass showers then it's going to prevent some of that fogginess and some of those hard water stains so just treat it according to the directions and then you can see the water will be need so much better okay this is super random but I learned this about a Scrub Daddy I don't know how I didn't know this but it's designed very specifically the smile is not just it's cute but it does multiple things one it's perfectly designed to go inside of bowls and cups two the mouth is the perfect size for spoons and then the little eyeballs is the perfect size for like grabbing knives and other cooking utensils it's cute but also designed purposefully when I learned to use my oeder mop to clean my cupboards I don't it changed my life how many times have I said that in this video but this video is a compilation of all these cool hacks I've learned that changed my life so there you go um you use your oer mop which is one of those like self it like you know rings out all the water really well and then you can just wipe down all of your cupboards it's so much easier than doing it by hand it's extremely satisfying and it allows you to get up to like the high spots really really easily I do this like once a month now so satisfying and very effective I don't even remember when I learned this hack but I find myself using it all of the time and it's how to close up cardboard boxes even though they have the little tabs the little tabs like never stay closed for you so the trick is you're going to fold in three of the corners and then you're going to push in from the short edges like push them I don't really know how to describe it you can see in the video here and then the long piece that you haven't folded in yet will now just tuck in to the piece that you created and your box will stay closed I pretty much use this on all of our cereals because it's just easier okay so this hack is for Band-Aids and it's how to get Band-Aids off without them hurting I feel like is especially good hack to have if you have children so I have a Band-Aid here and I am going to put it onto my arm like where you have those fine little arm hairs cuz everybody knows that the worst place to take a Band-Aid off I'm already regretting this a little cuz like what if it doesn't work it will I know it will work I've done this before okay you want some Vaseline or some petroleum jelly we're going to just put that onto the Band-Aid the best thing to do is just kind of let it sit for 10 minutes or so okay so it's been like 15 minutes or so and so now we'll just be able to peel this Band-Aid right off it stuck a little bit as you could see but it didn't stick to any of my hair it didn't hurt for it to come off at all so this is a great hack if you don't want to have to take a Band-Aid off a place with hair or you have kids that are funny about Band-Aids as always thank you so much for stopping by and watching I hope you're having a fantastic day remember to be kind to yourself and others and I will see you all in my next video
Channel: That Practical Mom
Views: 1,010,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, 5 minutes craft, diy hacks, do it yourself, life hacks for home, life hacks shorts, life hacks food, life hacks 2023, life hacks 2024, kitchen hacks, cleaning hacks, women hacks, hacks for women, home hacks, time saving hacks, game-changing life hacks, life improvement, easy life hacks, life hacks for everyday, practical life hacks
Id: 2A8OqL-nHT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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