EVERYBODY'S GOLF with Griffin and Russ!

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Griffin you're so handsome thank you Thank You Russ I think you commented on how handsome my character was like right before we actually started streaming so if you want to give me that again it's just like nice give me a clean one that I can use as my ringtone Griffin you're so handsome thanks that's a perfect simulation of me that's what my five o'clock shadow looks like there's my best friend he's in the game this is everybody's call hi everybody this is your golf I'm Griffin McIlroy and that's Ross iris hi I there's our golf there's this is everyone's golf and we're gonna play it how much do you know about everybody's golf before we get sir okay so I've I love Hot Shots Golf okay that's this you're good right but why did they abandon the name Hot Shots Golf in favor of everybody's got leverage I know it's been called in Japan right yeah this is sort of the end of the Hot Shots it was only Hot Shots Golf in America and or maybe it was in other regions also but in in America we only got Hot Shots Golf that's what they called everybody's golf but now it's just everybody's golf and so they unified it it's like a dragon warrior and dragon to the other one yeah kind of west it's I guess it's kind of like that so it's it's I've been playing it pretty much all day for the last two days it is a real good golf game if you like those Hot Shots titles and what's really neat about it is there's infinite character customization you can see like you can customize your face a whole bunch you can change your sort of body proportions I've unlocked a kid body I guess why am I doing this stream and not Justin Justin's on vacation so I do yeah I know we'll probably get to this very very soon and there's new fashion things and you start out with a bunch of them oh let's look at you that's not a good look a tie on a hoodie is never never tell that to pub G yeah that's like dander and oh I've got new swings let's see what these look like wait what you could change the swings I mean it's just your animation this is my current animation because that's oh I like that that's how I swing IRL so yeah there's a ton of customization options and you're like always unlocking new one why would if you could be anyone in the world why would you choose to be Griffin McIlroy cuz it's me I like being in I like the image videogames you like yourself yeah that's important okay we'll do this one and enter so there's a lot of different sort of here I'll actually back out you can see where it says regular normal that you it changes the time of day and the wind conditions and whether you're at the near tea or the far tea or the regular see where it says normal there's a different holes in the game so there's like a tornado hole that will suck your ball in which makes it like really easy to get Eagles and stuff and so like in those games you really need to be kind of crushing it yeah there's mega holes which are bigger than normal this is a very I think casual friendly sporting experience I've unlocked a few clubs I like going with the pinhole because it makes a little bit easier to get good impact and then I don't actually know what these balls are well that allows for fine-tuning power okay I'm just gonna go through so it's so much there's so much going on on the screen right now I was so overwhelmed it really eases you into it pretty slowly you you do not really need to sweat it very much so let's just hop on in load screens are pretty bad but you only get one of them before the game and it lets you power oh that's good there's no look whoa look at that you could oh that's cos Namco lost the copyright on doing stuff there oh I didn't even think about that yeah how exciting yeah it's nice it uses the same sort of three ye quick system that's been in the yeah yeah that's the only way a golf game should work any other golf game system screw that it is a creek like the ones are you guys like pull the stick back and then swing it forward Oh F that is senator just sort of a standard game here and you have to win a few of these in order to unlock 1v1 tournaments and by doing those that's how you rank up and why they are they hitting at the same time you're heading yeah but they all freeze for me whenever I get in there to do much this is not safe golfing technique like they could just get clocked yeah I know and there's like kids on the course too and I'm gonna you know blast one of them with one of my powerful drives on so you saw there I did good with my swing and so this particular set of clubs the one wood is just leveled up in power so whenever I use this club from now on it's going to be stronger and there's you can see there's power control backspin and backdoor those are like the different stats and it shows me as I switched it to my club's high level them up I'm okay I'm a pretty good driver so my power on this one is like good there is there are a ton of like RPG systems kind of at play here where you're like always leveling up your your your club stats and stuff do you do you want me to do play-by-play no I don't think that's necessary really good sighting of his shot he's he's tapping the X a few times there was my answer Ryan threw his face in in his rocket jet pack to get an overview of the course very good technique absolutely absolute silence [Music] all right that'll do and it's away the ball is away he's whistling so it's trending left a little bit I think I might go right in the oh oh oh my god believable I'll take it shot I will absolutely take it I think I bounced off a rock there he's got a sandy we are we are coming up off to the races okay so that's gonna bounce left when it hits the course the course okay I feel like this stream is gonna give away how little golf terminology actually now that's a that's a sand sandwich that you're using to get it out of there with a little extra mustard oh that's who hard no that was a beautiful shot nice on the birdie attempt how's the people watching thank you for watching Wow a good amount yesterday I was testing on my stream and I got a chip in from like 40 yards away for like a sick eagle and I was like why couldn't this have been the polygon stream not last people would think we could actually play video games every once in a while we proved them wrong what there's so much running I'm surprised at how much like actual running around you do within a golf game yeah so there's other stuff you can do - there are golf carts that I just like having unlocked yet there's a fishing game but I have not unlocked yet yeah and I don't know how it sort of plays into the rest of the game I'm gonna use a Power Shot here that's returning you see I got the p3 I've got three power shots I can use on this nine-hole course and there are ways to like discover more power shot uses in the lake hub world Oh bizarre yeah they always add a bunch of like crazy character development stuff in these games I love it man that's always been my those like the Camelot Mario games like the gameboy color we mentioned it we talked about this yesterday the Game Boy Color Mario golf game and Mario advance making pants that are really going to and they haven't made a good well they've made decent ones but no yeah but they haven't had those like RPG mechanics and that's my jam and everybody Dolf has those in spades ooh that's gonna be a little too hard I think put some backspin on it but I think this one might might go off the back of the green yeah I did definitely hit say Ori there oh sorry say Lauri nice who say yuca is your cat either yeah you can use unlock new caddies also I'm gonna beef this I think oh you gotta check the line be the ball go to your happy place of silence absolute silence please get in that yes oh my god beautiful Griffin you're talented thank you your middle-schooler look 90s middle score a man there I should show you some of the other customization options because there literally is like thumbs through the sleeve holes under a vest with a sideways like golf cap like full-blown Hot Topic rise of emo going on okay okay so so everything I've seen for the most part feels like basically a polished like version of stuff that has appeared in previous hotshots golf games yeah is there anything that's like fully fully different I guess the running around is different right it has that been yesterday that's up world exploration is a bit different and all of the different customization options are not necessarily different but certainly it's like much deeper this time around I would watch golf way more if everyone was swinging and running around at the same time like this makes it much more compelling the threat of disaster well you can actually see my whole record down there at the bottom I finished this course with 4runner I just unlocked it and played like one game on it so I am not especially great at it how far into the game is this course so I finished rank one in order to do like in order to rank up you you have to play these like exhibition matches and once you do enough of those you unlock a one on one and after you do three one-on-ones you move on to the next rank hole 13 I just wit like we were talking about this yesterday I wish this was on like Vita or I guess you could put it on remote play but maybe with the delay it beats you it's not that bad actually it makes timing out your shots a little bit difficult but you can set it on auto impact mode and that makes it a little bit easier yeah but not as fun and satisfying yeah maybe but it it still works really well if it was on switch I think that would be like the dream but obviously this is a this is a Sony property so it is clap hands a internal so nice to do you know I do not know and how long did they take trying to come up with the name for their studio do you think they spent six or seven minutes sorry I couldn't hear the main thing that you said cuz I was trying to get a good I was making fun of clap hands as a game studio this is a fun game studio name and also in a world and everybody's clapping all the time I've really loved the people in the background there can you zoom around oh yeah what are they up to kinda looks like it has your shirt just everybody wishing me luck whoa damn okay that's terrifying this is so this is uphill and at weights let their did look there right in your eyeline now I know they're really being jerks about it is that guy dabbing got it all right absolute silence absolute times please dad oh Jesus Christ a Gryffindor rodeo dog are you doing very well yeah it's it's not that hard I think to do pretty well in these in these games like I've always drawn it it is cuz there's like lava pits it's but early it's usually pretty easy now see I have a choice here the holes right there but I want to try and let's go this way they just like they were like do you think we should put in every possible UI element on the screen at the same time like see I'm not even seeing that though I'm focused on that beautiful ball it's like you're just seeing instead of like blonde balloon if a brunette redhead kind of thing it's like the matrix it's yeah it's exactly this is exactly like the matrix dude okay thank god that's what I hoped for gonna go past there's no thing you can do where oh nevermind that's extremely good where's your spin you got to put a little spin on me I did I put backspin I that's why it stopped yeah needs a little super spin yeah it doesn't have that Mario golf like it'll travel backwards 30 feet you can do that in previous games yeah I think if you did like circle and then X you did like do it or maybe it's like this yeah you might be felt like you hit it if you're watching and kind of confused what's going on you hit X to start the meter you hit X to get your power going and you hit X to determine impact which sort of determines by the way I love this part of me running it jumping over the fence impact determines like accuracy and how hard you actually like make contact with the ball and if you go a little bit over on the strength you can press circle instead of X when you're deciding an impact and it'll reduce these power a little bit or if you go under you can hit triangle to increase the power a little bit so you have like this split-second decision you can make to try to like course correct a little bit try double tapping one of those buttons when you set the impact I think it does like myself it's been alright I can give it a shot I don't necessarily are you worried about ruining your perfect yeah I'm doing extremely well right now the Golden Bear is looking down at you and nodding and smiling here we go is he dead I don't actually know anything that's pretty good that was pretty good that was pretty good dick that's not good oh no oh beans was that cuz the double tap was that my fault yeah I got distracted well I'm sorry alright I'm using a wedge if I can ship this in I can keep my perfect birdie streak going but I don't think it's gonna happen yeah put some spicy mustard on that let's try this okay holes a little bit higher thank you for the tool tip so I'm gonna go a little bit past here we go oh you an impact okay not bad and get par par this is your first par though I don't think you settle for mediocrity and generally so I could see this being oh no dark oh God Griffin it's fine here okay yeah but those close I know is that because I was talking to ya I do request absolute silence I don't know what happened there I thought we had sort of uh I didn't know it was implied I thought it was case by case I can get him right in between those two palm trees you already had hole 16 how did that happen we're just doing the back half oh that that is wise I guess I have some power shots to burn I should do that now yeah if you beef it on a drive and miss your impact mark that is that is terrible news that's when you get like you go into your you know dad's Honda Civic in the driveway and obliterate it yeah that's that is discouraged that's actually an animation in the game you'll hit your dad have you seen does it get into like weird fantasy stuff or is it mostly like kind of realistic it might get into weird fantasy stuff later I don't I don't know I try to remember I feel like in previous games it tends to be kind of grounded but you'll also do like like on a Mesa like going from like cliff to cliff kind of golfing that's pretty good shot for shot is what was wait what was all that oh you're ranking up your backspin yep so that that I can't switch clubs right now but that Club is gonna better a backspin and power and whatever though how else okay I get really nervous about these kind of middle-of-the-road putts cuz I never know like how much correction I put on it this should be good well that's a little hard yeah that was a lot we got that we can turn on make a holes if you need it I actually can't adjust that in the middle of the match oh sure I like mega hole stone I really like chipping it's like my favorite yes satisfying you can line it up and I've been playing a game called clash golf on iPhone that's been kind of fun if you're looking for a mobile oh my god Russ why were you talking I was talking about the silence oh it's so deep in there it's in a mummy's crypt wah wah Wow you know what here's what mona say sometimes you're playing golf in Florida and some guy threw a drunk and he's just like how do you say this Russ and he's really drunk gotta be a pro about it ruining my stream you got to know how to adapt oh god this impact meter is bad news bears I might use a Power Shot just to get the out of here what would Golden Bear do don't talk about Golden Bear please look it up look at that marker in the bottom right that is how deep my ball is right now this is gonna be bad I'm not gonna waste a power shot on this okay you eat a pail oh my god Oh H yeah you got it out of there is there or dude I can't get I can't get a bogey now you're fine you're five strokes above above everyone I know but I can't get a bogey man it's important stead of pride yeah alright so I'm gonna try and hook it around this tree a little bit [Music] okay nice get around get around get around please get on the Oh No all right it's gonna be a bogey do that way no way all right believe in yourself Griffin geezers what happened to the giddyup where did it go the giddyup went man it went it left it left you oh my god oh geez Horace you almost dipped into double-bogey territory okay you still got four strokes above everyone else no I'm high on these like as you get further in these games there is ZERO room for error like one hole and you're toast sorriest wanting to turn off slack there so I need to stop getting things okay okay serviceable doable it's the last hole yeah tin cup by the way Oh No okay so ten cups about golfing oh we don't need a ball sort of gray head posture is sort of like a golf guy and he's trying really hard but at the end on the very last hole he has to hit over some water and he gets really frustrating keeps hitting in the water and then Rene Russo gets like angry with him so don't be like tink oh no I know ten cotton right there golden bear cub that's a platinum Cup hey what's golden barracks you keep referencing it and Golden Bear is the most well known golfer in the world he was a gold bear and he was very very good at golfing he sounds amazing howdy-ho clubs though with the paws and stuff in his mouth no that wasn't necessary that was okay with everybody yeah everyone there's nothing in the rulebook that says you can't hold the club with your mouth God why you got me thinking about a bear golfing with its mouth because litter I was thinking about how that would work and I land it right on reuse but oh oh got a birdie yeah but look at it so you can see the meter with the dock that's real real bad that's bad news bad news Golden Bear okay here we go channel it [Music] there you go no way look at how bad that hook good boy alright he's weeping in his Dender right now I don't need that Golden Bear guilt alright whatever there you go finish it out strong finish yeah 5-under so we got a beats completes my my last record even with that nasty blue triangle there and take the win okay do you get like a snap bracelet for winning I get a jelly band silly bands then you find out how you sort of rank up you can see you've got your 100 whole stats down there at the bottom so like my average now for perfect impact is I get perfect impact on 31.6% am I like that those stats are really interesting to me new longest but new record on the Dino at giris strokes greens in regulation very good Gryphon Golden Bear proves I mean I literally watched a tutorial and I get a bunch of new clothing items you got the top you got a hat coins what are the coins for if you're getting free oh yeah so this is neat too if you beat like person you're playing against these are all AI buy more than three strokes you I think add them to your world and then you can yeah and then you can like go up to them and take down there look if you want to pay for it oh so you steal their souls if you're a baby yeah you steal their souls and then if you have enough people on it boosts your clubs it's like Ghostbusters you lock them in your containment center it's exactly like ghostbusters in so many ways let's spend some scrilla yeah so I've got a lot I don't think I've actually bought anything hi hello so here's the different fashion items you can get so I think that this I guess ok so I guess it refreshes every month I don't really know that much about this part of the this part of the game but I like change it's really weird I get some cool stuff here and your RC jacket and get a neat pendant some salt this is all visual right there's no like statistical different no stat bonuses but you can unlock new balls which do have sort of differents mechanics better spin instead of spin this one is easier to get out of bunkers you're gonna need that one based on what I saw and these are expendable so you use these in a game and then that's it oh really yeah but they're really cheap like I'm learning 150 gold for each game now so I could like use one of these than 150 gold and then you know but you would you're not gonna use those no you know yourself right and just store them I'm saving that for you know cool mustaches yeah more important and then I don't know what these are but you guys cost money that's my old my old human dollars yeah I guess I can add a bathroom yeah it's a private bathroom for your character that's so weird you don't know what those do yeah I don't know why don't we buy them all no no you want to see another game or there's also an online another but I think I'd probably get destroyed we run around yeah I want to see this like adventurer Explorer wow it's like a fun yeah kind of a like PlayStation home a little bit just in terms of aesthetic some that there's no human beings yeah it's just creepy a again I'm playing an offline mode this is like a single-player mode so if we're playing online with like people run around your world yeah I don't know I haven't done it yet I want to get good at the game before I you know how much upper body strength you need to be able to leap yourself out of water like that like a dog because lower body strength I actually have or both about hitting Finn so yeah after I ranked up I found an item on the ground that gave me an additional power shot in each match and that's permanent yeah permanent oh that's so there's golf carts you can drive around this is what I was talking about like these folks are my gallery so if I wanted to yeah take this guy's look look if he would stop running around chill dude well he doesn't want you to steal his soul yeah you buy all the things that he has on oh I see you have to buy it his look is terrible you don't want that look oh that's just a guide person I want see cart driving yeah I haven't unlocked that either I think it's I think I am locking in this rank it's like oh you have to progress through the ranks in order to do it I want to see if there is a like tornado Cup now these are both normal what is that we could do this one real quick this is a Rank 1 one but this is the the tornado Cup I was talking about earlier okay oh yeah um I unlocked a new grade of big air I could try that I'm probably gonna with a lot more shots oh it's it's harder to hit them because the control is a little bit lower I'm pretty sure that's what that means Junichi okay do the to the what do they called caddies have any impact on your stats no just nice to have around they're like Oh Judy Chi thanks for coming do you have to tip them at the end yeah you got to give them some of your coins they get first dibs on whatever aesthetic customization options you are of course reasonable all the mustaches go right to them yeah yeah this is a pretty long load time but but you're right like you don't have to see it again until you finish the game yeah are you playing on a Playstation pro or a normal PlayStation 4 this is a PlayStation Pro okay are you seeing how many KS are you seeing eight-teen okay that's pretty good actually I don't think that's true I think it actually runs it like lower settings through the elgato hi everybody I've been streaming for about 12 minutes now sort of do it yeah it's probably running at 1080p but I I don't know if it actually supports 4k maybe upscaling impressive I just love that swinging animation so much yeah that's where everybody else's Drive landed mine went to space crushed it I always like in these games like you play until the end and then you go back to the very first course you ever played and you score like a seven across all poles it's very satisfying well seven if you scored a seven that would be bad no it'd be good it's can you imagine scoring a seven on an 18-hole course like people be really impressed well I not do it oh you've been seven over par yeah here we go oh yes yes yes get in uh something like so so that's the tornado hole don't get too close to it holy because it looks like ghostbusters yeah I guess that does have sort of some ghostbusters it looks like the packs that like suck in the ghosts there must be some cross branding going on what's Judy cheese do I can't actually hear Junichi but I assume you need cheese very nice yeah he's just great what does he like to do in his spare time watch me play golf yeah who doesn't he's not really on the clock right now no I'm gonna hit that right I'm gonna hit that rock wolf kind of a silly silly approach to that that's okay it's like you got a super bounce ball yeah except it went the wrong way okay so you should be able to to hold this right because you've got tornado power I mean you gotta get that you still gotta get it pretty close top spin top spin it in just like roll it in no we put backspin on it say hey past oh my god Oh see I told you exactly what to do when you did it and it worked I'm gonna put backspin and I put literally the opposite kind of spin on it yeah but I knew that you liked to go against me so I just it was like reverse that is beautiful Griffin your golf right now so pretty okay I need to go get out on the links and just make some business deals I mean this is you're done you have all the skills you need call Jim Bankoff the movie set she shot that firework up he carries fire everybody goes it's like a flare gun Jurassic Park style what I want is a part three and get a hole-in-one and have the end of the stream just be like getting that sick oh yeah that's exactly how we end it I'll save my power shot in case I need it for the cool hole-in-one I'm gonna get how much of this game you think you're gonna play you think you're gonna play this fright here's the thing it's it's guy I like I like a good like mood game and this is this is that like I could see myself just picking this up like whenever like like you just failed the destiny rate and you need to like feel I need to come I got yeah I mean I I've honestly been thinking about it like that like I love destiny too and I'm looking for I love testing one I'm looking forward to dusting to a probably play a lot of it if I ever get too pissed off at it I'll just switch on over to this amen nope oh my god look at that look at the map look at the map oh that's bad oh oh oh I guess I'll try so you can pick man that's a bummer yeah it sucks real bad you should be able to swim for your ball I feel like that should be an element I think like that meter though the the indicator above the powershot meter that shows the elevations that's really yeah it's really really neat the game has a lot of ways to like make sure that you are measuring your shots as well as you possibly can [Music] I feel like you've got way too many layers on for golfing it's actually extremely cold outside then show you that yeah but you don't think it would like to limit your motion you're like range of motion no it's all very lightweight fabric oh good [Music] do you know God writes why did you talk I'm sorry do you know if there's like a race mode where you actually have to like speed through the map I don't know I don't think so hmm wait are you on bare ground yeah Golden Bear ground go yeah baby this is where he rose yeah yeah yep yep yep hey it cut through not good though hi everybody who's just tuning into the stream please rewind to when I was doing good I've even playing baby mode this is kind of baby mode with the tornado that's why I'm saying yeah it seems like this and make a whole motor essentially the same idea though well make a whole mode you don't get that the tornado but it's bigger yeah it's a bigger hole that seems kind of 6 and 1/2 bar that's a good rally from that the bare ground horrible yeah alright this should be a part three I think nope okay Jesus but par fives you can yes it's legal [Music] there we go okay okay see that time you didn't get distracted no cuz you weren't talking about some imaginary golfer that you know this is not imaginary he worked very hard for his title he started out his bronze bear and moved his way up he said don't say he's imaginary how many trees is is gonna hit one two three no you're gonna go over three trees okay you're good sky in sky yeah sounds good look at that look at how small that impact meter was yeah piece of cake get down oops that's fine oh I thought it hit a tree okay you're good yeah I'm on the beautiful green that was wonderful nicely played genichi approves oh no I can't get an eagle if ice cake you can get it left break it's pretty flat yeah I know but at the it's going left for real hard yeah so I think yeah right there it feels good to me and then maybe a little bit past the yeah dude if you oh my god oh please oh please I'm gonna cut eaten by a big tornadoes but it still feels so good all right give me that 3par no I know she's retiring here somewhere I would hope so now see this is he's a nap sometimes I'm gonna bounce it off that bridge you ready for that yeah let's see it lets see it but you got some wind to deal with so account for the wind I don't know about that I don't know about that oh nice but not great top on that tree I hit a tree an autop you're fine semi-rough this is like three days worth of growth right here okay here we go oh god no Griffin I didn't say anything that time that was all you I was thinking about the eyes I was thinking about the things you said in the past which I guess it's my fault it's important that you reflect on the important things that you've learned and experienced over the course of this stream yeah baby does good okay let's see a part three this has got to be a guy get that hole-in-one now for a hole-in-one do you prefer to roll it in or you want to go straight for the hole here it is yeah no it doesn't count if it's not a swish it's got to be a swish okay so we're looking at a lot of wind put on your jet pack zoom ahead that weight oh yeah I think you're over overestimating the amount of impact that wind will have okay you disagree I don't know just you've never played the game before so I don't know I should listen to you I've played every Hot Shots Golf gave their all the same they all play the same that's too much I think that's perfect I think a touch the air right there there you go okay nice nut grenade that when to be much stronger please I was right though yeah well I also watched I watched the impact that's right yeah but yeah that wind doesn't make much of an impact until it gets like eight or nine okay we could finish this course out yeah let's finish it out you got two more holes right yeah yeah let's finish it out see how you do negative seven pretty good seven under is usually the parlance that people use not negative seven that sounds bad no I'm pretty sure it's negative seven have you ever along helped see what that was my fault cuz I was talking that was you talking to yourself what were you gonna ask me it's important have you gone shot a variant golf golfing I have I've gone golfing in real life once how'd you do the percentage at which I didn't hit the ball would amaze you I made so many swings and just hit absolutely nothing which is amazing for a ball that does not move and is sitting on a tee yeah so I get that's sort of something that they don't really allude to in these golf games is how you don't always hit 100% of the time right it's really that's even when you miss it completely in these golf games you still hit it and that's giving me a lot of credit [Music] all right birdie I want you to hit negative 10 I want to see that well then I need a I need a hole-in-one on this next one okay there's really no reason not to unless you don't believe in yourself in which case sure wind okay keep the mind the wind I would yeah I would say close to even closer to the hole maybe a touch closer there you go all right here we go absolute silence maybe that's gonna go oh no oh oh disaster or fine he's crying his cave right now all right [Music] okay finished off Griffin I want to see negative nine at least it's pretty hard yeah that's a little much oh you're good I think I hit the pen yeah thanks baby mode that would not have worked out if it wasn't for baby mode all right that's definitely a good golf score yeah good work Griffin hey thank you did you get a new shirt for that I don't know what I got let's see victory I've got that win that's all that really matters everyone seems very happy for you thanks everybody yeah yeah babe buh buh buh buh yeah all my hundred bucks that's average Oh got some tournament experience versus Oh next versus character right you can hit those first as matches you got top look at this a nancy boy shoes yeah they're pretty fancy and I ranked up my bigger club which is a good club yeah okay good work thank you oh yeah this is everybody's golf at out on ps4 now and I like I said like I really dig it it is a very I another like point of comparison is like I play a lot of pub G at nights and I'll play some of that until I just get so angry that I just want to chill out with my virtual golf buddy and it's like a really I don't know it's it's a very sort of it's relaxing it's relaxing yeah and sorry I've really been diggin it so go play it and Russ thanks for playing it with me oh my pleasure I'll be sure to give you some more tips moving forward yeah they were really really helpful my dad yeah I don't worry about him [Music]
Channel: Polygon
Views: 119,210
Rating: 4.8686037 out of 5
Keywords: video games, videogames, games, gameplay, polygon, news, review, overview, walkthrough, lets play, Everybody's Golf, PS4, PlayStation 4
Id: qM_QtBQj_bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 44sec (2384 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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