Blender Complete Character Tutorial - Part4 - Low Poly Hair

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in this video we'll learn how to make lightweight textured hair using blender this is part 4 of a series that goes through all the steps it takes to make a character in blender if you haven't been following along check below for the free plugins you'll need this is the hair we'll make and we'll make this in stages or layers so this is the first layer we'll make and this hair covers the back of the the neck or the nape of the neck and the back of the head this hair is here so that way if you're animating and the hair blows up or backwards you don't see a bald spot in the back of the head this next layer will cover the sides over her ear a bit and the hairline this is kind of a skull cap and this one here is the main hair and this is um this is the main part you'll actually see most of the time and so that's where we'll put most of the work we'll make this hair using what i call hair tubes it's basically one giant mesh we can make different sizes for different levels of detail and you can see it's one very light piece of geometry for the hair and there is a path on the inside and the mesh has a curve modifier so you can deform the hair to match your head or make whatever shape you want it's pretty simple and then we'll have the little details and grooves and colors made with procedural textures okay let's get started let's hide the hair toggle on the character layer i made some a little jumpsuit here just so it doesn't look funny all the time so that's it well let's change this to body and we will duplicate this let's lock our body so this little carrot here allows you to select it or and if it's uh an empty carrot then you can't select it so let's see here so you see right now it's a solid carrot and if you select it it's fine if you toggle this off you can no longer select it so i'm leaving this off because i don't want to mess with the body i only want to mess with this duplicate of the body that one and you by default you can't see this so go to this little drop down here and click this guy to toggle it on okay okay so we have our body let's write jumpsuit let's go to the materials and delete delete let's make it white and viewport display and it's already white where is it okay so now we can go to edit mode hit a this to select everything zoom in a little bit and hit alt s just to scale out oops too much scale out just a touch okay go to face mode um face mode and alt control and then x and faces and then l x faces let's make sure there's nothing else there if you go to x-ray mode you can you see these little dots you'll see them floating around if i missed something and it looks okay so let's select that x and faces and then hit l a few times x faces and then and then x faces l x and there okay so now she's got a jumpsuit okay let's now okay her feet aren't touching the ground and that's going to cause problems later so let's move this down but since we've got so much other stuff here and it all [Music] relates to it like we have this head bass mesh reference it's kind of handy to have everything lining up but we might not ever use it again but we might and so [Music] it's not too hard for us just to change it so with these we don't need to change okay so let's grab all of that let's make sure yeah okay that's good now let's move her foot down to the floor so let's go like that i'm gonna actually leave it a little bit higher because i usually have shoes on her feet or their feet and so i'd like to have it a little bit higher so something like that i think that's good okay now let's go and hide all that stuff we just unhid again so collection oh we want that hide this one hide that one uh we don't need that one okay okay let's add let's add our first hair tube so let's hide a character in fact let's hide the stuff too we can leave the templates so we will move our 3d cursor to the world origin so shift s for this section we'll be hitting shift s a lot so shift s one goes to the world origin or shift s one it's right here okay then we will hit shift a to add a mesh get a cylinder which will be our hair tube we'll make this 10 radius will be the the width of this is how wide you want that chunk of hair to be so i'm going to make it 1.5 inches which is 3 inches diameter or 3 inches wide and let's see here the depth will make it one meter around three feet and i want to make this hair to roughly the length of her hair here also taking into account for how much it curves i think it's too long but it's okay because we can scale it later okay and we don't need caps nothing and let's see let's shape this so let's go to edit mode point mode zoom in and quick note if you grab this and scale in the x and it does weird things like that where it moves the top not the bottom it's because you are in you are not in x-ray mode so make sure you're in x-ray mode which is this thing here this is this thing here so you can see it's turned on now and then sx to scale and the x i'm going to do 0.5 the way i like to do the hair tubes is i this this half will be the part that's on the outside of the hair right so it's going to curve maybe like this here and it's going to curve around the top of her head so i like that part to be flat so we will scale this in towards 3d cursor yep pull that in let me pull this back a little bit too and then this side here i like to make it a bit thicker just to fill the mass between the gaps so it's covered up so we will ctrl r to add a cut and grab these and x and dissolve edges okay let's go back to the top view go to point mode and let's see here let's turn off proportional editing so there's not much geometry here but this is going to go across all the hair so the lighter you can make this cross section the faster it's going to easier to be for your computer to process it so just keep that in mind and now having said that i'm going to add and add a bit more so ctrl r i can't see it here what's going on ctrl r and ctrl r so i've got a little bit [Music] more oops and i just want to make it so the it's not so pointy for the hair on the side so it rounds rounds a little bit and i want to move this over and so the part of the reason why i'm doing this is because a couple of reasons one it's better to have more geometry on this side because that's the side that's going to be facing outwards towards the viewer also we're going to split the uv map in half so this back half will have a section of the texture map and this front half will have another section and so it's it's nice to have a break right down the middle it's not necessary but it's nice okay so that's our hair tube profile then let's add some cuts some loops so you can shape it along the hair so we will go to edit mode ctrl r and let's add like 12. yeah i think that's good that should be enough for us to curb it and then let's also [Music] scale this in so let's go to top view we just have the top here and then we will go to top view and we'll scale it in towards the 3d cursor scale x and we'll do 0.1 and then turn on proportional editing and scaled in the y so it comes in that scale there so this is going to be the root of the hair coming from the scalp and it's going to come out and flare out a bit then fall down on the side of her head and back and it'll be a little tape at the very bottom so let's grab this bottom here and then if you go to how do you go to bob view that was shift no control okay control number pad 7 is bottom view scale x we will do 0.1 okay and then for the side view it's nice to have this hair taper gradually so it's scaling the y oh that's no good proportion editing is on scale on the y and let's make this circle bigger and i don't like how that's tapering you can see it's making this kind of a s shape and i want to be more of a bullet shape so let's go to this one here scale y and that's nicer yeah i like that better scale y and let's just bring that no i want just the tip scaling okay so i just made that i hit scale and y to activate scale and while it's active you can control your radius for proportional editing so i'm just going to make that small but now i can't see how much it's scaling because it's too far away so i'm going to escape out of it then zoom in and scale y again again and now i can see it and i know that the radius for the proportional editing is very small and it won't affect the other points so i'll just do that okay that's good i originally used this this hair tube technique a lot in my studio max days because i would 3d print these characters and so this i would close these caps instead of leaving them open and and 3d print it and it worked good so that is our hair tube and we want to [Music] move the top of this hair tube down to the floor so we will to do that we will well there's two ways you can do this because i know that this is one meter tall i can do g z negative 0.5 and it's at the zero point but for this segment we'll be moving these hair tubes around a lot using the 3d cursor so let's show you that way so if you grab this hair tube here go to edit mode and select all these faces here if you go to shift s and cursor to selected which is here it brings that cursor to the very tip of whatever you have selected okay and i want to bring this point to the world origin so now go to object mode and back in object mode you'll see the origin for this object is over here okay we want to bring that origin point for the object to this 3d cursor which we set to be right in the middle of this area here so we'll grab that object and i'm sorry if i'm repeating myself and said this earlier object set origin transform set origin here it goes origin to 3d cursor and here it goes okay so the point is now there so we can now move this object based on that point so we want to move that to the world origin origin to do that we will hit shift s and one to bring the cursor to the world origin okay it goes down there grab this shift s and i think it's eight yeah selection to cursor okay so oh so when you when you do this shift s selection to cursor it takes this selection more specifically the origin point this little orange dot for the current selection and brings it to the 3d cursor which is down here there so now it's down there so the first time i learned this it was kind of a brain twister and after you get used to it it's it's fine [Music] so if it's confusing i hope i explained that good enough okay so here's our object now we need to add the path so we will hit shift a curve and path there we go we got our path we'll rotate it r x no r y 90. and we want to bring this path also down to the very tip just like we did with the mesh so let's do the same thing again grab object edit mode grab this very top point shift s to the two cursor to select it there you go okay go to object mode and then object set origin to 3d cursor okay so now [Music] if we move this you can see yes again our origin is at the very tip where we just had the 3d cursor then shift s and 1 which brings our cursor back to the world origin and then shift s and 8 which brings our object which brings our object and brings our object with its 3d curs our object with its origin to the 3d cursor okay scale this down so the curve is just a little bit longer than our hair tube and that's pretty good now we need to make sure everything is not scaled or rotated so we'll go to item and it's not rotated which is good it's not scaled which is good okay that's good check our curve here our path and this is rotated and it is scaled so we will hit ctrl a and apply you could do all transforms but let's do it one at a time so if you do rotation it makes that zero and that's good control a and scale and that's good okay so now we are set to add a curve modifier so we'll grab our hair and go to modifiers add modifier and curve there we go and then we will click this little eyedropper you know what let's name these let's call it h t for hair tube uh oh one okay let's call this ht path maybe this is ht01 mesh so the reason why i'm naming these the same first five characters is so that way if you organize by name [Music] this ht01 mesh will always be just before hto1 path so they're always kind of together because we'll be clicking these um over here a lot from the list instead of in in the 3d viewport so it's important that these are kind of easy for you to understand now we could also put it in groups too so let's do that new collection let's call this ht and we'll grab these two hit m [Music] and move so so if you so if you click a couple objects hit m you can move them you can also do it here you can grab these and hit oops and hit m and you can move them to this collection here okay so now it's nice and neat and you can see the other hair did the same thing all these guys i i had them yeah all inside a collection okay so now let's add our modifier so we will click this curve object eyedropper click our tube i mean our path and something really weird happens what is that that's weird so i don't know why it does that but go through all these until you see the one that looks the closest and it's probably going to be negative z so that's kind of okay but it's all skinny and i don't know why it does that and it's also the different it's the wrong orientation so i mean the best way i found to do this was let's see here turn this on grab this control um sorry could it go to edit mode and a rz90 then pop out and okay so now this is back to the way at least the orientation i wanted this okay but it's too small so let's go back into edit mode and let's let's turn these on let's do that that's cool so now we can see the orange is the actual geometry and the gray is the modified geometry so i want this to be wider than it is so actually i want the gray one to be as white as white as the orange one so we need to make the orange one even wider so the so the gray one's wider it's really weird so scale x 2 makes that wider and scale y 2 makes it wider so now this is the size i originally want it to be i i think does that look right how big is that let's see here no it's not wide enough okay so then we will make this bigger yet scale x 1.25 scale x 1.5 that looks right scale y 1.5 okay that now looks correct now something interesting to note because i modified the size of this the scale of this while in edit mode it left the scale all at one it didn't change anything and that's because you're in edit mode if you scale if you're outside of edit mode and scaled it scale x2 you'll see it it changes it here also and that just screws everything up especially for rigging so it's kind of good practice to keep this always at one okay so let's see if this worked let's grab our path here or you can grab it here hto ht01path grab a point and hey it did not work it's it's it's rotating funny so that's not good so let's try this grab this hit edit mode rz negative 90. and then go back to the path so what what the you want to happen is when you pull the curve out this way this hair should flatten out so let's try it grab that okay so that's good it's flattening out but the wrong side is flattening out we don't want that we want the this side's flatter this side is pointy we want the flat side so let's grab this again rz 180 now we'll grab our path grab that point g to move it okay so now that's what we want so we'll take this hair we'll bring it actually no we're not done yet okay so let's let's add a uv for this thing here so let's do that turn off x-ray go to edge mode and we will alt oops sorry uh alt left and shift alt left so now we've got both sides selected go to edge mark seam which is right here so this basically separates as far as uvs are concerned it separates one side from the other so if you go to face mode and hit l which selects everything now it stops at the boundary which is this red line and this open surface there same thing for the back okay so that's good and let's go to our uv editing workspace and let's go to here so now um so for our hair texture we want the hair texture to follow straight here and then towards the bottom we want the hair texture to curve inwards just like the geometry does so to do that we need to make sure that this uv layout stays perfectly vertical so we need to keep it nice and vertical we also want to scale this uv down so it matches this basic size so we will hit l and now since we've hit l we've got them selected all the faces in the back are selected but they're also selected in the uv editor so the uv editor is kind of like this mesh geometry laid out flat turn off proportional editing and g x move it aside and now we'll grab the front and so this got split funny this is over here and it should be lined up with the rest of it if i uh if i if i do a uv it if i unwrap it it makes it funny ah let's see here no it's not good so if i unwrap it this is still nice and clean but if i use the procedural textures the these straight lines for the texture which goes straight across i can see these this grid here it all goes straight across it'll cut straight through the uv but it won't the curves for our texture will come down here and they'll start to come outwards and we don't want that we want these uvs to be all straight so let's undo that instead we'll just move it in place so if you grab this here you can this tells you that this surf this edge here is the same here it should be connected there this one here should be connected there but we don't want that we just want to have this whole front section in one chunk this one stays in its own chunk so we'll grab this gx pull it over here scale it in and that's probably good enough okay let's move this closer so now if we um we want to make the proportion of this uv roughly the same as this here so we will pull this in until it's something like that and bring that over here and yeah that's good okay so now we've got our hair all uv'd and let's call this let's change this let's call this hair tools uh sorry not hair tools uh hair tube large lg o1 mesh and we'll call this hair tube lg 01 path because we're also going to make a medium and a small okay so let's grab this guy here click and shift click and let's see here we will shift duplicate gx 1 okay so now you've got that and let's see here we want to make this will be the large one we'll make one that's half the size of this large hair so we'll grab this and we want to scale it around its own center point so this orange dot so we will a to select all change this to bounding box center scale x uh am i i'm in edit mode yeah let's get so go make sure you're in edit mode scale x 0.5 scale y 0.5 okay this didn't scale correctly and the reason why is because when you pick bounding box center it scales it based on the the size of the average uh they take the average of the whole selection and find the center point and that's not what we want we want to go to the object origin so well i don't know how to do that so we will do this so we'll grab our object shift s and 8 which is cursor to selected sorry shift s2 which is cursor to selected then we'll grab our mesh again go to edit mode let's go to the top view so we can make sure it doesn't act up scale x 0.5 it didn't work again because i need to go to 3d cursor scale x 0.5 okay that's good scale y 0.5 okay now we're working so since we made this hair thinner than the first one we need to make our uv thinner also [Music] it's kind of a good practice to make your texture maps over here a square and often times people will have several pieces of hair um using one map and they'll have different types of textures in different sections so it might be good for us to just move this texture for the medium-sized hair to the side so let's move it and we don't want to overlap the first hair so i'm going to use my 3d cursor and shift right click to mark the ending because i know this is where the big hair uv ends i can show you here go here edit so this is the uv for the big hair it's right there so let's go to here go to edit mode a to click all gx let's move this over here and now let's scale this down so it's so this front half is roughly the same proportion is this front half scale x something like that okay let's just make sure this is not scaled and it's not because whenever i scaled it i was in edit mode and let's call these two medium so md let's get rid of this 0 0 1. and then the other one is this here lg to md 0 0 1. now again the reason why i'm naming these um alphabetically so it sorts nicely is because we're going to be copying these over and over and over again making a whole bunch of strands and it's going to oops it's going to it'll copy it and it'll add a 001 to it and so oops when you get a whole bunch of them it's just a huge list and it's kind of hard to find these points so you just go and say well i got this hair this is medium o3 i need to find the curve for it so you go to medium 03 and then you find the curve so it just it gives you another way to select things or you could just go and say where is that path there it goes so it's just another way to make it make life easier for yourself so medium oh okay so now we've got our medium and let's make a small one so let's grab that shift t g x one let's move shift s we'll move our 3d cursor to the selected which is two and go to edit mode let's go to top view so we can watch this and see if we mess up again s x point five s y point five okay this time it worked we know that this uv right here is from the medium here so we can just shift right click to mark where this uv stops gx to move it over and then scale this uv down so it's roughly this proportion scale x okay so i think that's good and if we grab all three of our hair tubes you can see the uvs nothing is overlapping and each uv is roughly half the width of the previous one okay so now we've got our hair tubes all made and ready to position but before we start positioning these let's let's create a material for it we're going to make a procedural hair texture and this here is a screen grab of the hair texture this is what you'd see in the shading window so this uh you can see numbers here this shows you the sequence of which you make each of these nodes and a little star means you can plug in this node to your texture and you can see what it should look like so here number five should look like this one and number eight should look like that one so this way you know you're you're on track okay so let's add our material so grab our hair pull this out here go to our materials panel click new and double click and let's call this hair one here one when you create a new material this node and this node are made automatically so number one is already made we now need to add number two three and four two tells this material to use the uv coordinates we just made this mapping here adjusts how the map is made like you can scale it and here noise texture this creates kind of like a random noise texture so we'll uh we'll attach this noise texture and then adjust these numbers to adjust how the noise looks i hope that makes sense so let's go to shading zoom in here turn on materials in the viewport and we'll zoom into our material so this one here yep that's our material so we will do shift a shift a s type in t x to get our texture coordinates shift a s m a p to add our mapping and shift a s to add our noise there we go so you can see um let's see in our example image a reference image this little star shows you what this node should look like i'll show you how you can preview that so if you go into the shading panel say i want to see what this node looks like i can drag that to the base color you can see okay that's that's what it looks like so that's how you can preview where those little stars are okay so we'll grab our texture coordinates and grab the uv and drag it to vector this tells our material to use the uvs we just made attach vector to vector this will allow this mapping node to adjust how the noise looks and now let's plug it in okay looks nothing like here but if you play with these things here you can see it adjusts how this uh this noise looks so we can you know adjust this to a higher number so it gets smaller and then we can make this a lower number so that'll get longer so let's say let's say 0.1 maybe that's too even so 0.15 okay that's i think that's pretty good can play with these two and it's it's nice you can see it real time so if you adjust this it makes it a finer texture and if you adjust this it's kind of like a contrast so let's make it a bit more punchy nope too much maybe 5.5 then roughness adjusts how crisp or soft it is 0.5 is fine and distortion kind of adds a an extra noise to it um let's go [Music] like that and you know what i think this should be 0.1 uh i think that's yeah i think that's good and you can you can adjust this yourself to get the look that you like okay okay let's well first let's group these with ctrl j this just helps to keep things organized right click rename noise just turn on that okay shift a s r a m for color ramp drop that right in between there you can see the curve automatically updates so nothing happens initially but if you change color yeah if you change a color you can see the whole color updates so let's get this color to be the way you like it so let's add a couple points here um i'm going to try and make her blondish like a strawberry blonde or redhead so let's do that make this a little more yellowy um it's kind of dark so let's go to [Music] turn off the scene lights and world lights see that's good and let's make this a little bit darker what's nice about this is it's plugged in so you can see it real time and you can adjust it the way you like it so let's go for something like something like that okay and then we will add a ramp right now the texture is even all the way across we can add a gradient so it'll be light here dark here and light there or whatever whatever we want so shift a s m a p for mapping a s g r a for gradient texture and then shift a s r a m for ramp color ramp okay so same thing we get uv vector vector the vector color to pack so we can preview this so we can see what we're doing while we're doing it so we want this to be a gradient so light to dark to light or whatever we want right now you can't see anything because the orientation is the wrong way so mess with these here so it's not right let's try this one okay there we go so let's uh let's see here let's add so let's get some kind of ramp going on and then we're going to combine this ramp with this color shift a s mix add a mix rgb so let's see here so this is what we'll use to mix the two so the mix shader it's got two uh two elements color one and color two and if you adjust the fact hit it it adjusts the strength of each one of these so right now if you have it at one it's all red if you have it at zero it's all white so the fact adjusts how much is red or white so we're gonna add color to color one here so now you can see if it's one it's all red if it's zero it's this texture so we're going to combine so now we're going to change this fact so that way instead of being all red it'll be red at the top this texture at the middle and red at the bottom so we do that by attaching it to the fact uh well it's the reverse but you get the idea so now it's red here it's the red is up here the middle is this texture and the bottom is red so if we make this there okay and you can play with this also to get the look you like so you know okay so let's uh join some of these together ctrl j let's rename this uh ramp you can join these two and call it like uh color mix or color combined okay let's go and add a bump map shift a s v u m add that there we'll use the same noise texture and drag that to height and drag normal to normal um it's hard to see because the lighting is super even so let's add some or turn on our scene and scene lights and world and unhide that okay so now you can see we've got a texture there no bump oh let's go to edit mode a face shade smooth uh let's also go to where is it normals autosmooth 180 okay uh where were we oh yeah okay so you can see we've got we've got our bump no bump let's make this like 0.5 let's also add shift a s a anisotropic shader so this will uh preview this plug this straight into here so you can see it and you can see it's this big metal thing let's color this a bit and let's use the same [Music] noise that's that we'll go to normal and let's use the same uvs okay so it's this nice reflective shiny thing unplug that and let's combine these two materials so shift a s m i x we will do a mix shader this was a mixing color this is mixed shader works the same way plug that in plug that in plug that in and you can see this is our shader and this is all metal so you can adjust it to how you like it okay okay let's add a sub d to this go to some d surface okay we want the hair to vignette out in individual strands or what looks like individual strands so we need to add a transparency to it so to do that we will shift a s or a m for a ramp we'll need two of these shift a s d m a t for a math node m a t for a math node and a transparent t r a make sure you don't pick translucent get transparent okay so similar to how this ramp makes it dark in the middle and light on the top and bottom you want to do something like that but inverse it so we'll grab this guy plug that in here grab this guy plug it in there and we will see here i want to add some points make this dark so it'll be a black is transparent so we'll make the roots transparent and the tips transparent so we'll drag that up here we'll make the bottom kind of fade like that okay now we're going to bump it up by doing a divide so we'll grab this one and put that there and we're going to divide it by this noise texture okay so we can see what that looks like okay so now you can see the the ramp gets opaque in the middle and transparent on the sides using that same hair texture let's um let's bump it up some more so we'll grab this guy attach to that grab this one to here so we can see it so can't see much yet but if you drag this you can see it gets punchier so let's add you know maybe not so something like that so i mean you can tweak this to your liking but basically we've got this black color um is transparent so we got that so now we need to combine these together so we will oops we'll add another mix shader here so what we're going to do is we're going to put this one here and this one here and then we will so so um what this does okay so if we go to zero it's all color if we go to one it's oh okay so we need to go to our material and go to the viewport display and make this alpha hashed okay so now it goes invisible so back to here if you go to here it's all color over here it's all transparent so we're going to adjust that with our transparency map up here and you should see oh that's the exact opposite of what i wanted okay here we go okay so now we've got a hair tube that goes transparent at the roots looks like strands of hair and transparent at the tips tonight i think that's too much so let's um let's pull this [Music] down yeah that's better yeah okay so now we've got our we've got our hair tube all ready to um attach to the head okay let's go and make some hair so we will go to the modeling window let's turn on our shortcuts we will hide let's see hide the reference images let's lock out these um templates by turning off the selectables so not selectable these lights let's lock those out let's also bring our character back so we can build the hair around our character and let's make our character unselectable and let's look at our hair to see what we're going to make okay so let's hide these these are reference samples let's hide that and that so this is what we want to make first let's hide these so first we want to make this large chunk right in the back and then we want to make these two side large chunks so these these hair this hair that goes in the back of the head like that it's really there just to plug the holes so we'll use big pieces you're not going to see them that much and we can make them nice and thick and you just don't move them that much when you animate them okay so let's hide that let's go to our hair oh forgot to apply the colors so we already did the uvs and everything for these so let's grab these two and then shift click the one with the hair texture we want okay ctrl l which copies and i'm going to copy the materials and now they all have the same material okay let's see here okay so this technique uh you end up creating lots of hair and lots of hair meshes you can see mesh and we create lots of hair paths and so it gets confusing and these are not named correctly so this is hair tube large mesh large path this is hair to medium mesh and medium i mean this should be small okay this should be hair tube small one mesh and the path that goes along with it it should be small path that could have sworn i already did this okay so we've got small mesh and path medium method mesh and path and large mesh and path okay that's good let's also make these same folders or collections so new new new nape side and top side okay let's grab our hair shift d to move um m to move and move it to a folder find the folder we want select it to move it there let's go to the side view move this so we want to move this is the so i'll show you the workflow for a few pieces of hair it's going to be the same thing over and over and over again for all all the hair so let's let's just walk through a couple of them so g to move it i'm moving the root to where i want the hair to come from it's going to start there and if you go to control 1 you go to back view if you hit number pad you go and look at what you have selected so you could move this manually um but it's not perfectly centered it's a little bit off i'll exaggerate it for this example so that's you know it's it's not perfectly centered and in my imagination blender works better when you move things exactly don't know if that's true or not so what we can do usually if you want to just move a mesh you know it moves the origin point to center you just click here and hit zero and it moves but it didn't move only the origin moved you could similarly grab the path hit zero and the mesh and path move which looks good but when you click on it the origin has not moved this is because the mesh is being modified by the um the curve modifier right there so it so it's weird so um what you could do so there's two ways to solve this and as you're laying down your hair sometimes you'll notice that the origin for your mesh is messed up so i'll show you how to fix that so um i can't see my path so i grab the path that grab the hair that i want to mess with then i find what number this is click the corresponding number and now i have the path and you can see the origin is where it should be i want the 3d cursor to be there so we'll hit shift s and 2 to bring the 3d cursor to the origin then i'll grab the mesh hit object and set origin to 3d cursor so that's one way to solve it if you see that your origin for the mesh is in the wrong place okay but what if we want to avoid that and just move this without changing all that so we can do this we can grab this or the path you can grab either go to the x and copy whatever's there then shift and then control shift and pick both of those things we want to move and we can just hit g and x to move it on the x-axis but which way do we go so we want to go um this way towards the right and if we look at this transform gizmo you can see that we're going opposite of the red x and the line which means we're going negative if we had one to go to the left we'd be going positive okay so we'll hit g and x and since we're going negative we will enter negative on the keyboard and then we will hit ctrl v to paste and it moves the mesh and the path exactly to the zero okay let's so we have the hair placed now we want to shape it so let's grab the grab the mesh find its corresponding path this i know this doesn't make sense because there's only two objects here and so of course it's the other one but when you have like 30 this helps a lot so grab the mesh pick the corresponding path go to edit mode and just drag the path until the hair is the shape you want to be [Music] up by the scalp feel free to add lots of points in your path because that's not going to be moving at all you know i take it back it doesn't it doesn't matter too much because we won't be animating the path we'll be animating the hair so add as many points as you want and there okay nice little curve so we have the path in place and the hair is shaped like we want it but it's it's really too long it's weird so let's fix that make sure our transform around 3d cursor is active go to edit mode a to select all and let's go to um s z to shorten it and it's that's too short let's make it so just the tip of the path is there so you can select the path that way if you want to okay um let's make it wider also so we're good we're going to scale this out a bit and y like that and let's see here so that's pretty good now make sure you don't scale in object mode if you scale it in edit mode the scale stays zeroed out if you scale in object mode then this will get messed up okay so now we want to shape this hair to follow the head so let's go back into edit mode now so this is where this gets this this method of modeling hair gets weird um so you would think you just you just grab it and hit g and move it but you see i'm i'm hitting g and i'm moving my mouse to the left and this is what happens so click now move to the left and you can see it's really like what is what is going on it's not working um this is because this hair is being modified by the um the curve modifier and so so it's just it's just weird so if you turn this off you can see that this is this is what the shape of the actual hair so when i'm clicking g and moving my mouse to the left this is what's happening but when you turn the modifier back on you can see that move here that's what happened so you have to understand in your head how the hair is actually shaped even though you can't see it and then move it according to that knowledge okay really weird um you you get used to it so let's see what can we do here no no i thought there was a way to ghost it then maybe not okay so so how do so how do we do this it's weird how what do i do so you can grab it and you can hit g and y and well that's not going to work okay g x okay that's closer but you know i also want to be wider so let's go to g y so it's wider oh i want proportional editing on g y and make this bigger [Music] okay that's that's better maybe pull this towards the skull g so it's you know it's a bit weird but but you get used to it g too much okay um oh shoot only half of it moved okay so let's turn on our mirror our um symmetry modifier so this too is going to work funny so let's just test it first hit x like you think it should be and let's just free hit g and see if it mirrors and it does not let's try y and okay that looks good so let's move this hair and shape again i'm going to grab more this time g y nope gx and g y okay i'm going to maybe pull my mirroring yeah pull that in some let's see here go to point mode and grab that point there if you can't see it you can go to this mode and hit shift alt z to go to x-ray and okay i've got selected then gx and pull it back and scroll that i think i want to cover more of this bottom part because this hair is covering more of this area here so let's go to edge mode grab a couple of these g x that's good here g x maybe a little bit more gx now gy okay that's pretty good so now i've got the hair kind of covering the empty spots i want to cover and let's add our second hair let's see here so same thing grab it shift d to duplicate you'll see now this has a zero zero two instead of zero zero one hit m h t nape same thing let's move this to where we wanted to start up there let's start around the same place and let's move this towards the center gx and since we're not moving this accurately uh with um with this transform information here it it works like you'd expect but let's move this there so you can see that this this hair is totally not following this this uh skull it's um it's at a an angle peeling off that's okay all we're concerned about is making sure we get the root where we want to be okay so now let's bring our 3d cursor back to the root shift s and two and then let's shape our path so let's see here grab that number two path number two edit mode let's grab some edges so i will want to explain let's see so so if you move the second vertices of your path to the left or right of the first one then it changes the orientation of this mesh so see if you hit g and you just move it around you can see it just it just kind of moves around that's how this path modifier works the curve modifier works it's okay so what i like to do i like to use that fact to easily set the angle so move that point close i'm going to hit g oops i have proportional editing on turn that off um g and now i can get this kind of where i want it i'm going to make this hair wider so let's go to the mesh edit mode a scale in y and yep that's good um you know what i don't want the whole thing wider i want more of the top wider so i'm going to go to path mode and alt click alt shift click turn proportional editing on and scale y so it's a nice gentle slope like that okay so that's good now we want to shape the path so we will grab i'll see here number two grab path number two go to edit mode and let's move this around with proportional editing turned off so g so this will be the exact same workflow as the last one so i'm going to run out of things to say about this because it's the exact same thing but let's just let's just watch me flounder about here and try and make hair e to extrude e to extrude and okay i think that's nice maybe not perfect let's move this in a bit and then let's move it out at the very end okay that's kind of good yeah good enough too long let's make it shorter go to edit mode make sure 3d cursor is on up here a to select all s z to shorten it and it is shorter let's um see here so i don't like how this hair back here is not really laying flat against this hair here um this hair piece is going to be below the rest of the hair so i want to be a little bit a little bit flatter filling space is good but um i feel like it needs to be flatter so what we can do is go to edit mode which we are in alt click to select a loop turn on proportional editing which is on and s z huh s z oh sorry r z and we can rotate the air sk s is scale in case anyone is wondering r is rotate r c and it's kind of nice you can you can get some cool shapes you can you know really twist it up if you want if you wanted to let's see here i think i'll move the tip a bit also r z so it's like that okay that's pretty good then let's pull in some of these faces to fit the back of the head so let's grab these and gy oops turn off i will leave partial editing on and just make it smaller gx where oh here we go and let's grab some of these gx let me grab a couple of those so i'm trying to keep this a little bit thick maybe we can make this thicker here because i'm trying to fill the space so scale y now yes scale y no scale x x square y let's flatten these out a bit too let's rotate it okay maybe close that path up a little bit so grab number two pull that in okay so that's a good underlying hair i think it's a little thick back there it's flattened out some okay uh yeah i think it's okay so you should spend more time than this i'm just gonna kind of burn through it for the sake of the tutorial and time so we've got this the way we want shaped let's go to add modifier and find our mirror oh and it didn't work so that's because mirror mirrors around the origin but you can also use a different object's origin so let's unlock our character because i know that character's origin is at zero and find our mirror modifier oh leave these off you know how we're modeling the body you want to leave merge and clipping on because we're merging the two halves together this we don't want these to merge so make sure those are off click um mirror object this tells they may recommend what objects origin to use and then click that and it mirrors okay there we go so our nape is done and let's make sure it's all in the right folder okay there we go okay so that's that is our nape of the hair and we're going to do that like 15 more times okay so let's build the sides of the hair let's preview it here so we'll get a couple of pieces of geometry to i guess start above the sideburns and go over the ears it'll come on the inside of this hair and then we'll put a couple pieces to cover the hairline so let's do that so let's grab i think we should grab um the middle one for the ones over the ear so we'll shift d to duplicate m the move put this into side let's um make sure it's ends okay it's in the right place go to here let's move this did i hit what g okay hmm i think i i think i hit h but i thought i was trying to hit g it's hard for me to see my keyboard while i'm recording this because of my microphone setup so let's get this in place here and let's go to path edit mode grab these you know what i'm going to you know what i forgot to do i forgot to move the 3d cursor so we just placed the hair and path where we wanted to start from grab one of those two shift s and two and now the 3d cursor is at the origin now let's shape the hair so let's grab uh shape the path edit mode a i'm going to i'm going to just make this shorter because i want some detail over the ear let's go to side view [Music] remember once you move this it oops let's turn off the portion editing once you move it it shape it controls how the hair is oriented so which in this case is not going to work because you want the hair to go backwards and it's going to make it kind of a horizontal so that's okay so let's just make this path follow the flow we want it to have so something let's see here something like that i'm trying to imagine like this is you know two inches wide so try to imagine what this looks like following this path when it's two inches wide and i think i think that's right um also you can see the mesh is too boxy and poly polygonal if you grab that go to edit mode a and s z and we'll scale it smaller like that you can see now it's it's um sharper i mean not sharper it's got more resolution but it's still pretty boxy so you can hit control r and click it ctrl r click and you can see the path just gets um the mesh gets smooth and follows the path better okay so let's keep editing that path over here let's see here let's bring this in some let's have it come in a bit oops extrude extrude extrude let's like yeah okay i think that's pretty good and this next layer of hair is very similar to it so i'm just going to just going to grab these two and shift d to duplicate it i'm just going to move it move it out of the way for now now just i'll just use the same thing to make the next one so let's rotate this a bit so it's in the proper shape let's remember that this is actually in this orientation so let's keep that in mind as we're rotating it we're going to um grab a loop turn on proportional editing and rotate it in z something like something like that but what we're going to see is our z it's going to look like that so weird but it's low geometry oops and you can scroll your mouse wheel with proportional editing to control the how much influence it has so i think that's good let's check the bottom here r z it's uh you can see this dotted line it's because it's rotating around the 3d cursor it's okay you can just kind of do that too much okay i think that's pretty good let's add the path a bit so number one number one grab that and [Music] well there's a hole there but i think it's okay because we're going to have more hair over that now you know what this one's under so this one probably shouldn't have holes so let's move this back we will right click and subdivide to add a point and we will [Music] grab mesh edit mode face mode alt click turn proportional editing on rz and let's narrow the influence to that okay anyway oh there's a big bald spot there so let's fix that so remember when we uh so we want to cover more of this here but when we move um where the hair starts we want to do that in object mode so let's bring the root to where we want the hair to start shift sn2 so our origins uh at the root and let's see here let's pull it in just a bit and then we'll go to edit mode and grab this um let's check out our mesh so you can see this is this is i guess the biggest problem with this method is as you're editing once you start rotating this thing um it's all it doesn't scale and move clean so if you hit scale x you can see it's all skewed or scale y you can see it's all messed up so you know this is not the perfect method but hopefully if um you don't mess with it too much you know it still works so you can see right now rotating is still working for me rotating it seems like it works pretty good once you start grabbing certain sections and moving them that's when it gets weird so like say let's take this and g x now g y well it's it's still working but if you mess with a lot it starts to get weird um okay i think that's pretty good excuse me let's get this next layer on here uh you know what i want this wider so let's scale now scale x crease scale x uh if you um for proportional editing you can pick different um profiles that affects i guess the rates of the influence so this one um it's hard to explain this one the curve starts off stronger and it tapers off where this one the influencer curve starts off shallower and it slowly gets stronger so it just uh i guess just play with it until you figure out what you like scale x um scale x hmm i don't i don't like that okay i'm i think i'm once again wasting time okay oh i made it worse okay let's put it back okay so that's done now let's do the same thing one more time let's move this in place so it starts you know kind of here let's grab let's see this is number two grab path number two let's go to the side view and shape this and let's see here let's see here let's just shape this so it's nice and flowing but i kind of want to come out wider and we can probably curb it to avoid that collision okay okay that's i think that's good oops then let's grab the mesh go to edit mode face mode oh i forgot i wonder if that messed it up i didn't move my 3d cursor shift s2 okay i didn't i guess i didn't move the mesh or the path at the very start so at the very root of it so it's okay let's go to edit mode a and let's see here no we want to rotate so alt click rz and something i want this to be parallel with the scalp in fact i want this to be parallel with the scalp so we'll go to object mode shift s2 edit mode it's still selected r z r z so that's the reason why i want this to be parallel with the scalp you can see how the hair it tapers out but it's a tube so there's an inside and if you can see it there's a transparent map on the outside and the inside of the hair so kind of like ideally ideally only the outside one's visible i guess it's okay but um either way if this edge is parallel with the the head it'll look more like the hair is just flowing into the head which is what we want okay shift s2 let's go back to the path and pull this in nope it must be a mistake so we grab the whole thing g and pull the whole thing in and then grab the path edit and pull this out okay that's better [Music] and i think i want to pull this out somewhat so let's grab these now you know what i think the path will work better subdivide this guy and grab these guys and pull them out so gx i'm taking careful not to move this very first one okay grab the mesh oops proportional editing and [Music] r z okay i think that twist is actually bad so it's r z and kind of untwist it okay that's better i actually want this one wider so let's go to edit mode a i think this is not going to work scale x yeah it doesn't work because this path is twisting this mesh is twisting but up here it's not twisting too much so we can do that because i wanted this to cover more of the scalp here edge scale x okay so this messes with things but i'm going to rotate it so rotate y okay just there you go okay that's not good but okay let's just move on we can fix all that later [Music] let's not dilly dally too much on this okay so let's get some hair for the hairline so we'll grab that shift d to duplicate and let's move this to the top side i mean the side here we go let's move this in place let's see let's do let's do the middle one first let's go over there let's go to front view side view we want this to be on center so let's check our information window here it is uh on x it is this amount copy it and i want to move it negative this amount because it's opposite this red line so g x negative control v oh that didn't work okay so when i selected these two so you can see how these two are both orange that's that's because this dimension here is referencing something else that i had selected previously i'm not sure what so uh so if you just shift-click um or yeah shift-click one of these two that you're moving you can see it one of them turns yellow so now this number is reflecting this object here the yellow one so now we can control c uh get that and then we will hit g x negative control v and now it moves in place okay now let's grab our path go to edit mode and let's drag this in place i'm just going to get these roughly closer first okay and let's just shape this so i'm just getting the um shaping the control path outside of the head slightly knowing that when i scale the mesh it'll be okay so now i need to shift s and 2 so our 3d cursor is at the root of the hair edit mode a s z and scale and the whole thing squishes up okay she looks really funny looks like mrs t for you old folks out there who know who mr t is okay so let's go back to our path uh let's go to object mode grab our path go to edit mode and e to extrude pull that down a bit and i think these can go closer and i think i can make this hair not as thick so let's grab this ctrl go to edit mode and s x no s that was y s x so um the hair on the sides and back here we were making them bulky um so it hides all the holes and it takes up space up on top the hair wants to be as thin as possible because when you layer on the the main hair um you you don't want this hair to take up too much space because the hair in the top head is is it's smaller has less volume and so if you're layering new hair on top of this the whole thing gets really bulky or puffy so make this top part as thin as possible sy let's make it a bit thinner you can kind of do a quick preview to see how it looks and i think we'll [Music] get the path to be a bit closer like that and then let's curve this hair a bit so we'll grab that what do i do let's um grab some of these faces oops like that let's get mirror on and g x g x o g x and [Music] that's pretty good pull some of these down gx pull that down so right here i'm i'm looking at the very tips of this hair um you can see how it looks like it's doubled that's because this hair texture is on the um see here so you can see it's this is actually an open tube until that hair texture is on the front side and on the back side and on the back side i know if you can see that it is halfway sticking through the um the actual scalp that's why over here you can see it's you can see only the tips of that texture because it's only halfway exposed so i'm going to try and get this hair so that only the outer texture is visible right where the hairline starts so gx let's pull it down like that and let me pull it a bit a bit more what's going on that was weird so that looks pretty good on the front edge there yes this is popping through here let's fix that so let's grab that gx pull turn off partial editing and pull that up and pull this one up and that's that's good okay yeah i like that i think we should we should leave it like that that's cool okay let's grab some more hair here shift d to duplicate m side let's go to side view and move this up so this is you know this is i'm doing the same thing over and over again i'll i'll go through it a few times because it's a bit of a weird process so so if you've got it down um just skim through the rest of this video and just look for uh i guess the beginning where i lay out each piece of hair so you can kind of get the download and the strategy for it but for the actual technique it's the same thing over and over again so um i'll talk to it a few times and i think for the rest of it i'll i'll probably just do it and record it and help me i'll like speed it up some okay so placing the root where i think it should be so you can see here let's see this this is a good example of a some weirdness so their hair looks like it's i don't know around three inches wide and it looks like this gap from the hair here all the way to there is like three four and a quarter inches or so um so it doesn't so we'll need two of these instead of one the example had just one piece there so i'm just trying to figure out where to place it so let's see here so i think if i put one here and one there it'll overlap on the side and over here so let's do that so let's move this oops like just checking to see if my root is right outside the skull and that looks pretty good shift s and two so now our 3d cursors right in place let's see number four mesh number four path grab these points and let's just shape it so i'm just gonna get all these just closer and easily within reach okay so now i think i'm going to so those points look like they're all roughly outside the head but um we want to fill i want i want these points to be further down i'm also lazy so i want to work as little as possible so let's just grab these go to front view make sure we have um transform around 3d cursor on and we'll rotate in the y and just rotate the whole thing down like that and then we'll scale it in i think that's pretty good maybe some more oops rotating why like that scale x scale y c i don't think that saved any time i think i could have just moved it manually and probably just as fast so that didn't work a test z and let's shorten this whole thing down s z so or something like that let's make it a little bit skinnier says what sx it's a bit skinnier and then let's rotate this so let's go to face mode and alt click turn off x-ray turned on proportional editing and rz let's rotate it let's just rotate the whole thing okay that's pretty good let's go back to our path so number four we want number four and let's pull that turn off for partial editing pull that in extrude extrude and extrude i think that's okay let's see here maybe a little skinnier a s y oops a s oh so you can see after i scaled it now it's after i rotated it now it scales funny and that's because if we turn this off you can see that this is now at an angle so scaling is not going to work super clean anymore which is it's okay what we can do is we can let's see what we can do we can do alt alt s instead so let's grab some of these go to x-ray and grab those and let's un-grab those and then alt s and this just scales uh whatever faces you have selected normal uh in its normal direction so you can see normals where was it no i could have sworn there was a oh was that it okay so this is the normal direction for each face so if you hit alt s you can see it moves it like if you look at if you look at this if you look at it's hard to see look at this first one here if you hit alt s you can see it moves it along that blue line that's its normal direction so it doesn't matter how it's scaled let's find the same one so this this is the same one right there if you scale that it moves around along its normal direction here too so this is a nice way you can selectively scale even though the object is rotated i hope that made sense alt s let's let's uh let's i want to grab a few more faces here when i grab this row so we'll do select m for more and m for more and then we'll unselect these ends here and then alt s scaled in yeah i like that okay now let's pull some of these in and then we will move it let's turn off x-ray and g g x uh turn on proportional editing g x and let's scroll the mouse wheel to make it less powerful g x and g y and i think that's pretty good again this is pretty rough so you probably want to spend more time in this but um well it's a tutorial so i'm going to go kind of quick here let's grab these edges here and turn off proportional editing and rx and okay so i want this to be a little bit further forward but if i just move it then it's not squared up with its origin if we know that we're done with this and we're not going to change it again then yeah you can you can probably go ahead and do that but i might change this later so i'm going to be safe and just oops grab these two and move them slightly forward so i have it where i want it i'm just making sure the front looks nice this is we'll fix that up here we'll fix this down here but it looks like it's lined up nicely then i'll go back to edit this path and pull it up a bit okay and then grab the mesh point and pull this let's move this in g y g x gx and gy too much okay let's make this one look nicer here and let's pull this up like so okay i think that's pretty good and that's not a big deal there okay so let's see here i think i think we can use this same one and just duplicate it so i'll grab this one here and it's corresponding path and then duplicate it let's just move it so let's kind of move it in between we'll put the root like right there okay let's move this back in very close to the scalp let's pull that up here shift sn2 let's just rotate this in place first r z uh let's turn up to portion editing r z so the whole thing moves and will this work looking at the hairline here oh so the hair needs to all come forward quite a bit more okay so let's do that so let's grab these gy to pull that forward and i think these also need to come forward it's yeah it looks too far back i think these also have to come forward so it's one and two one and two let's move these all forward okay maybe we'll stagger this a little bit forward okay i think that's better so let's let's just make sure okay so i've i've thrown everything off here so i need to re-um line up everything let's see if just moving it will help it okay that seems okay let's move this one in also one and one g x pull that in and let's shift s and shift s and two okay that's weird go to edit mode grab that r z and let's let's just move the very end of this out r z let's scroll out okay that's pretty good and then let's see here [Music] maybe we'll rotate this to r z and increase the strength slightly what's happening here it's not liking my rotate that's so so i think i've added this so much that now it's starting to get finicky so okay that's good this one looks pretty good now let's go and blend between this one and this one so let's find number five so you can see here i'm starting to get a lot of pieces of hair so i'm finding number five and a corresponding path grabbing that and let's move this kind of in between like that and let's pull this in like that in fact i think i'm gonna have this piece of hair sit below this piece of hair here [Music] because right at the front which is the only part i'm really concerned about right now this hair is over it and so this will fit nicely below it so let's go and grab our hair and our path and let's move this a bit lower and bring it in [Music] let's grab our path now go to edit mode let's just move this all in place here so i'm going to have this top part it's going to be below the hair up here but the bottom part will be above this hair over here so i'm just moving it so it's kind of in between the two and then i'll rotate the mesh to make it blend nicely just pull this down and like that get this one down here and i think back here it will probably just start to flatten out towards the head or maybe fill this hole there a bit and we'll rotate this mesh to cover up this hole up here that's pretty good grab the mesh here again check this part that matters most and that's pretty good so now let's grab say those oh make sure we got a 3d cursor in the right place shift s and 2 and then r z and something like that so now it's going over this bottom hair close to under this top here r z and some more rz okay let's individually push some of these in like that let's pull this one out here and let's grab a f uh edge did i get it yeah all right c and [Music] okay i think uh this hair is pulling up too much so let's grab its corresponding path and pull it down a bit like that so i'm looking down here to see how that looks and i think that's better okay now we got a little patch up here let's fix that so we'll go to x-ray so we can see it go to face mode and grab a few faces um checking to see if the 3d cursor is in the right place which it is and then r z and i'm just gonna pull that out okay okay i think that works pretty good it's really messed up back here but that'll all be covered but the front looks pretty nice so let's go to object mode and mirror some of these so go to mirror grab our body do the same thing a few times mirror grab the body [Music] and after this you will know the mirror command by heart mirror grab the body okay okay so now she's got all the the underneath hair now we can add the main hair to the top okay so now let's see we need so we have the side hair done we have the nape done next we need to do the top sides top here okay so next we're doing the main hair this is like everything okay you can see here the hair got a little bit too thick so we lay um these outer hairs over it it'll all be they'll have to cover that so it'll push our hair out a bit um i think it's not too much so it shouldn't be a big deal if it is we can always go back and just edit that but so next we will make this outer hair so we're going to make this in halfs halves and this one will be just one giant piece so let's uh and you can see we're using some medium-sized ones some small ones and some big ones so it's kind of a combination okay so let's do that so let's hide our example here and let's make sure we got a top side folder that's not named weird maybe just call this outer outer here outer hair makes more sense and then let's grab let's see where do we start start from the back or start from the front i think we will start from the front because that's what you see and we can really kind of work on our character lines for the hair so let's let's start from the front let's hide that and let's start with um [Music] let's start with this piece here these two they're a little bit thicker so let's go for a medium piece and we want to put this in outer hair so shift d m hair tubes and outer hair let's go to the side and move this in place let's move this towards the middle let's take a peek at what we're doing okay so it starts looks like it starts right in the middle and it kind of peels out and goes down so let's do that and i i think what we're going to do is we're going to rotate it so it's like a little thin so it's thin and we're going to rotate it so it gets wider so we'll move the root right in the middle oh what happened there did i oh i have oh i don't have partial edging on what's i don't know why that's happening that is it looks like proportional editing is on but it's not on so that's oh i forgot so it must be that the last hair i had selected before was this one right here and even though it's not turned on somehow it's selected it doesn't look like it but i bet you if we just select these two again it's fine okay so that was that was strange so let's get back on track here we'll move this right to the middle like that that's where it's going to come from and i think this can go back a bit i'm going to make it go a little bit further back to take into account how thick this hair is so i think something like that is good grab the path go to edit mode let's go to the front view and let's shape this to match our front um let's see here i'm going to move this template over so we can see it as we're working gx hold that there let's lock it grab our hair jump to it and grab the path okay so let's just move let's just shape this control path to roughly match this hair and again this is getting really repetitive it's the same thing over and over again [Music] so if you've got it just uh just skip all this and just just go to it if you um if you want to watch some more to just see if there are any other little tidbits that come up then by all means keep watching okay and it kind of comes down to here and peels out okay let's grab this shift sn2 edit mode a select all s and z and let's just shorten this whole thing like that need some more geometry here so control r and i think we'll need quite a bit in this top area to make this um intricate curvature maybe one more okay now let's grab the path so let's grab this path and see here let's shape it from the side a bit first so we're just kind of roughing in with the path we're going to obviously have to tweak this a bit more but you can you know we're just getting it started so let's um so it kind of hangs down near the eye and then swings back over the shoulder and it looks like it just kind of waves so let's do that so it's so let's see here guy so um one thing here is um from the front i have the path roughly the way i want it i don't want to i don't want to change it by moving things up and down you can see it'll it'll change how the shape is or the profile or the the read of this you know path so over here if you move this up and down it'll mess with that front view so make sure when you move this only move it forward and backwards this will help you um not get confused when you see the front and it's all messed up and you're like what happened okay let's pull this back was the ear exposed nope kind of goes back over the shoulder and then peels back in and kind of wave ease back out again okay let's make this mesh a bit longer edit mode a whoops a s z okay we need to we need to work on her face [Music] but uh it's okay um we can sculpt this later so she looks better right now she looks a little uh a little bubble heady she's kind of bubble heady but let's finish our hair let's grab this guy here so i think the curve is close let's move this out a bit um maybe more like that let's pull this in more like that okay so let's uh let's see here i think maybe a little bit further forward oops okay and i think up here we don't have a sketch of it but i believe up here this hair would um wouldn't go straight out i think it'd come forward a bit and back so let's do that too with proportional editing turned off let's just go a bit like that okay so i think that's going to be good so let's grab our mesh here let's make sure our 3d cursor is where it should be go to edit mode so from the front it's a nice little fin and from the side let's let's rotate it in z with proportional editing turned on r z and [Music] something like that maybe a little bit more maybe the curve is not right no that's worse that was good select m m r z okay that's i think that's better okay so it gets a bit thicker there and over here it looks like it narrows again that's kind of there so maybe it's we do a bit more over here r z and no this one r z and then it looks like it well like i can't really tell what happens here i think the sketch just kind of gets mixed and jumbled so let's just say it gets a bit thicker here and that's kind of boxy so let's add some geometry okay okay so i think that's um pretty good i think it needs to get [Music] thicker yeah let's make it thicker so let's grab this and grab a row here and s y let's put smooth on and let's uh do that okay that's better let's rotate this a bit more and let's edit this path a little bit more so it comes out um this so this first hair here this character line for the hair i'm pretty sure it's going to be overlaying the hair that's behind it right so this first piece here will be on top of the hairs that are behind it and so right now it's too close to the scalp or the hair cap so let's pull it out so it has some breathing room so this will start to it might start to deviate from our our concept sketch a little bit um we can always throw into more hair to get it closer or or mess with it more when it's done this it's a very um iterative pro iterative process iterative process so you have to kind of go back and you know add more stuff fix it add more stuff and fix it it's it's a lot of the hair takes a lot of um artistic feeling i guess okay okay so that's our first piece of main hair and so i'm gonna kind of keep going here and adding more and more pieces of hair it's going to be the same thing over and over again and so it may possibly get boring so i'm going to do a couple and then i'm going to stop narrating and i'm just going to fast forward it and maybe i'll uh maybe i'll watch it while it's playing fast forwarded and just talk through it here and there but let's let's let's do one more let's go over here so next we're gonna do let's see here what do you want to do we could do a hair up here or we could put a hair on the bottom let me see here let's move that let's move that so i'm thinking here if the hair blows aside it gives this strand and say if this one's behind it if the hair blows aside what are they going to see and will look funny and so i think if this hair blows aside you'll see these roots going straight back and so it might be a little bit funny so i think what i'm going to do is add another dangly piece like this right below it and that's going to peel away from here and kind of come down yeah okay so let's do that and i think i'm going to duplicate this no i'm not i'm going to get that get another one let's get a small one here shift d move hair tools outer hair front view i've been getting weird problems when these are both orange so i'm going to control click one of those and make sure nothing is okay so nothing's moving weird so let's move this so you can see our sketch this is four and four so let's see it's easier so i think i'm going to start the hair [Music] right around here and have it peel down on the so we'll start here and have it peel down and kind of follow one of these inner hairs so we will oops grab number four and number four and move these over here oh look our hair is not this tip should come all the way to the root here so let's see here let's see if we can rotate this r r x r x no not like that let's first make sure okay this is at an angle so let's first make sure this is perpendicular to the center plane and then we'll do r x and that's better no it's scaling funny r y r x scale scale x so you can see it it gets a little weird to work with r z okay i think that's better um maybe pull the whole thing down a bit because it the hair feathers out so it's invisible so it looks like invisible hair is growing from the scalp so let's just pull this down just a tiny bit um if you have too much overlap with these transparent hairs it starts to look like hey why is this uh this thing you know poking through if it's too little then you see a gap in between so you kind of strike a balance so i think that's pretty good and i i think now this uh this is all boxy um i like to model put that on sorry with um flat faces on because it's uh i feel like you can read the form better but now i'm trying to kind of artistically compare the face to the hair and it's distracting me so let's make that smooth so shade smooth and it's kind of this weird so so you select your faces so you go to edit mode um go to face mode a to select all then go to faced shade smooth and there's this weird thing about it and i don't know why it happens but it seems like you need to turn on this other setting to make it work better so turn on auto smooth and put this to like 180. i guess looks the same but it seems like it in the past it's messed me up so make sure you turn turn on your um smooth faces up here and then turn on auto smooth down here under object data properties okay now let's do uh this too a face shade smooth auto smooth 180 okay okay i think that's pretty good so now let's go and grab our second piece of outer hair pick its corresponding path let's move it back to where you want to go this is kind of a slow painful process [Music] i like to use a paid plug-in called hair tools it does a different style of hair you couldn't use it for 3d printing like you can with this hair and it's somewhat higher poly than this but it gets really great results number four number four and i'll make another tutorial i was going to do just this tutorial but um seemed like there's a lot of interest to see both ways to make hair with hair tools and without so following this hair tutorial i'll do hair tutorial on how to use that plug-in called hair tools amazing plug-in okay let's make sure our 3d cursor is where it's supposed to be grab this turn off proportional editing so the reason why i just backed up a few steps was because i had porcelain proportional editing turned on when i moved this i saw that it moved the first point of this path and then i thought well maybe i'm moving maybe i move stuff away from the origin point and i don't want to do that so i just undid it and i redid it again it's um this method requires you to be very clean okay so let's so we can't really see in the sketch what's going on i guess you kind of can so it's kind of gets covered up here it kind of comes out down there so let's you know kind of imagine what we think is happening [Music] so it's kind of it's kind of following the outer hair but coming in more and then let's just kind of [Music] no fake it okay grab this a s z let's squish this down we'll add some geometry okay so now let's grab this path and move it from the side view and let's see here so i don't have any sketches of what these inner hairs do so maybe it's just maybe it's hidden from the side of here and it maybe it starts to appear down by the ear and it kind of zigzags so let's do that so that's hidden and remember we're only moving it back and forth and why so it's hidden here [Music] and then it starts to appear okay let's pull that back a bit pull this forward some and let's pull this back with proportional editing turned on and oh so i've got proportional editing turned on so it kind of curves smoothly but this is kind of a interesting illustration for how these um curves work so let's see okay so if you grab the very tip so i want to curve i want to curve outwards like this path here want to curve out nicely like that if you grab the point and just pull it back with proportional editing turned on it should kind of do that but if you do that you can see that it kind of it pulls it but it comes back down in an s curve that's because the nature of how this curve works now to understand how these work but it's um but this is this is what i've noticed i can't mathematically explain it if you go with sharp you can see that it does more like what we're expecting because i guess somehow this the nature of this curve and this icon here does what's happening here if you go to sphere you can see it it kind of kind of keeps this flat here and it curves um as it goes away from the starting vertex so kind of interesting little thing i just noticed i thought explain let's just move that back here and move that back there okay i can't see it the hair is so shiny i can't see the hair okay so it's poking through okay so um let's get this hair to nest nicely with the skull so let's grab that and put this on smooth r z and this is um too far from the scalp let's check this you know it's underneath the skull you probably would never uh underneath the other hairs you probably never notice it but uh well it only takes a second so let's just move this in place a little better and i think i changed my mind so this hair here is like a little fin coming out and this next hair oh i turned off okay so this first hair here is like a little fin this next hair it it is a fin but i i'm gonna use a second hair just as a filler to fill the space a bit i already have a skull cap in place but i want to have a filler piece that looks like it's flowing down so instead of having this second piece as a fin i'm going to have it i'm wider so let's see here so let's grab these guys and let's move it over like that let's grab this and let our see here okay so i think we need to so this hair is going directly to the side so it's not going to move like we want it so let's turn it off for partial editing and then let's move this up and forward like i think like that let's grab the mesh and rotate it in z with proportional editing turned on go back to our path and i think what we want to do is you want to subdivide that okay so that's starting to do [Music] we are we're actually asking the geometry to twist and bend quite a bit in a very small area so whenever you do that it starts to make it difficult for the computer to do it in any 3d program i didn't have the 3d curse in the right place so hopefully i didn't mess things up i just fixed it so let's pull that in rotate this in z so i'm going to line this line up here roughly with this line right there and i think it looks about right okay and then let's grab the hair and the corresponding path this is kind of the hardest part of this whole thing it's this these front few pieces of hair okay so let's see here let's turn that on oh our hair is transparent it's messing things up so let's grab these and pull them in [Music] so you can see if it goes too much you can kind of see it poking through that's not so bad but if you bury it in the skullcap hair is just invisible okay so i think i'm liking that now so now if like you if you're looking up her nose and you happen to see that this hair up here you'll see like it looks like it peels away from the hairline nicely so now let's get this piece of hair covering the second one let's pull this back hair takes forever okay oh my hair's so shiny i can't even see what's going on it's kind of nice because it you know it kind of makes the hair all blend together into one thing but it makes it awful hard to see what's going on okay this is uh face shade smooth let's grab this see the same thing here a face shade smooth auto smooth i think this auto smooth it's only necessary if you're creasing edges i think i don't remember and let's see here let's go and change these also so this way we're not doing this over and over and over again that would get really annoying a autosmooth put this here face shade smooth okay so now at least when we copied these over and over again they won't uh be all boxy like this one here and do that okay so how is our hair looking the same no it's not so i think this outer hair needs to kind of come up more and then flow down number three number three and let's sum divide this nope let's do oh man you can see when you when you move the second vertex it changes the rotation so i was trying to not do that but i think we need to so i'll need to re-rotate the whole hair but now our hair is looking better i think maybe one more okay let's grab our mesh and let's make sure our 3d cursor is in the right place and rotate it in z like r z okay i think that's thin here which is nice it's thick there which is nice but i think it gets thinner up here so it's rz and let's turn on a little bit of proportional editing okay and this looks really flat let's go to object mode grab our path why is that so flat okay looks like our hair here is intersecting this um the lower side here so let's fix that a bit you're you're gonna get intersecting hair um it's why the the hair cards technique is kind of nice because it hides it better this one it's just it's very hard to hide it so kind of do your best to make the intersections as unnoticeable as possible and it's in the hairs like default resting state when you animate it or move it it's going to get visible and you can't help it but if you make the your neutral model hide it better it just reduces the visibility let's make sure our 3d cursor is the right place let's shape this hair i don't like how it's so abrupt there scale y let's okay [Music] um i notice hair looks nicer when it goes from thick to thin in a smooth way so you can see from the front from the front read here it's thin here and it gets wider there then thins out a bit and it gets wider there so it's trying you know our concept sketch is 2d so it's it's very different you can control the view um this our model is 3d so you can see from all sides so you know you just try and get it to look like from any view it's going from the hair is going from thick to thin here so this view it's great we've got a thin thick you would have a wrap around maybe we make it look thicker down here by rotating it like like that which is kind of nice but then from this video here you can see it's like okay it's thinner it gets thicker there a bit kind of bumpy and then it's just kind of like flat so maybe we scale this also here so i'm adding more geometry kind of be really careful about how much geometry you add because um the more you add the heavier your model gets you you don't want to make it too heavy but you want to look nice too and what's nice is you know later on you can you can use a decimate tool to make it lighter or you can selectively reduce some take out some loops so you know it's not it means more work but you can um fix some of it and lighten it later that's how you make relatively low poly hair and blender i'll go through the rest of the hair so feel free to watch it if you want to but it'll be the same thing over and over again so if you get it then just go go to it and make your own hair here's the final hair if you want to smooth things out you can add a subdeep modifier to it thank you so much for watching i hope this was helpful if you want to see more content like this please leave a comment or subscribe or support me on patreon and in our next video we will create the eyelashes and the eyebrows thanks for watching
Channel: TomCAT - Characters, Art and Tutorials
Views: 81,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NhczQYLkCkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 29sec (12209 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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