FFXIV Astro card macro is INSANE & a MUST for controller users!

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hi buns do you want to be able to play Astro on controller without getting arthritis to be able to put any card to any person in your party without having to d-pad scroll I am attempting one of the hardest macros to set up for controller players and that macro is used by progging tier for Astros so you know it must be good make sure to drop a like on this video for all my hard work and to give me good pets as far as I know this macro was made by this person right here so make sure to give them lots of love if you happen to run into them also a big thank you to Lord's obvious in my own Discord for bringing this macro to us I would not attempt this until you're more experienced either on Astro have been playing a lot or healed a lot in Final Fantasy 14 or have a basic understanding of macros you will still be able to do this if you don't have any of that but you'll have to follow this to the exact detail a few important tips and disclaimers this macro is Battle approved macros that include gcds are a big No-No because of delay this macro is with OG CDs which means that you can use this without delaying your gcd damage spells by the nature of this macro number two this is an advanced macro if you're brand new to the game or to macros this may take time to understand and set up if you follow this directly then you will be successful I have also included the original Link in the description to the document if this did not work for you it's a hundred percent user error as I personally have many members in my Discord using this macro regularly number three do not use any of these macros until you finish the process or you will mess up your cross hop bars I do not want to see in the comments that you had to redo your cross hop bars because you press the macro button and didn't finish the entire process first that being said it only takes a few minutes to set up as long as you do it correctly lastly this is going to be based off all of my own controller guides and controller setups for Astro and how I set up my cross Hopper I will deviate from the spreadsheet you can find all of my own controller guides under my controller playlist in the description box box if you want my personal Astro setup or how to set up the double cross hop bars like this let's get started this macro setup has to happen on hot bars that are not shared so once you go under settings character configuration hot bar settings and sharing you'll see that these two cross hop bars one and two are not shared if you try to create this macro on shared cross hop bars then it will break the macro you need to pick a class for storage for our cross hop bars one of any of the nine classes is fine it will just change what you're going to type out I am going to follow the document here and I'm just going to use The Conjurer class for this macro don't overthink this part it will hurt your brain just know that your conjure a class in your white made job do have different cross hop bars which is why we're using the class since no one's ever going to use that after they get the job second we need to make 10 macros the setup will be relatively the same these macros are for our 8 party positions four if you're in dungeons eight for year in Trials a play macro and a go back Macro for our one to eight macros we will have it read forward slash m error off the second line will be chot bar copy cnj one AST one and then forward slash AC play one for the rest of the slots we use the forward slash m error off so then you don't get constant error when you're trying to cast these macros and it also needs to be on a separate line than the Chop Bar this second line right here just simply means that you're calling forth the conjures first cross hop bar to replace your Astros first cross hop bar again we're not complete yet so don't overthink it going through and creating these this is what each number will look like take a second to make sure that they all match that everything is spelled right and that there's no Extra Spaces in between in the macros I will leave a pinned comment with the first one and then you can adjust from there just remember when you copy and paste it sometimes adds in Extra Spaces now that we have our one to eight we're gonna make the remaining two macros which is our play macro which will read as forward slash my con play forward slash Chop Bar copy cnj2 AST one as per the document the play needs to say C and J2 instead of one I am not sure why it doesn't really explain so I'm just do as I'm told the undraw macro is basically a go back if you accidentally press the play macro and you don't want to cast the card just yet this reads as Micon undraw you can put any symbol here I just like the undrawal one and the second line is forward slash Chop Bar copy cnj1 AST one just remember the undrawability needs to be placed on a separate cross hop bar than what you're going to be placing your one to eight on so so I have one to eight on my first cross hop bar so undraw needs to be on my second crosshop bar now let's set up the cross hop bars you are first gonna place your play macro in where you're going to have it regularly on your setup from here I wouldn't deviate because I wouldn't know how to help you if you wanted to place it on a different cross hop bar so I'm gonna place it on my cross hop bar run where I've always had it now that we have the play macro where we want it we're essentially going to take a picture of it and send it to the conjure setup how you will do this is in the chat window you will type forward slash chot bar copy AST one cnj one this is going to essentially snapshot your current cross hop bar and make it your conjures cross hop bar if you did it correctly nothing should happen I got no notification and nothing changed on my Hotbar next you're now going to place all the numbers down on the cross hop bar one again this is where I debate from the spreadsheet I place all my numbers on my right trigger where my gcd healing is as these are my least used abilities at higher end content since I'm using ogcd healing so much more so I place all my numbers down and once you're done placing where everything is I just did an easy one two three four five six seven eight but you can place these however they make sense to you once you're done placing we will again snapshot this cross hop bar over to the conjurers Cross hop bar we will do this in the chat window by putting forward slash Chat bar copy AST one cnj2 again no notification popped up for me so I did it here twice just for good measure now replace all your healing abilities back on your crosshop R1 and boom Oh wait see this is a problem with macros you got to make sure everything is perfect which is why it may take some time and triple check your spelling I forgot the J on my play macro okay now let's check if this works and it works so I've just ran through this whole thing on a separate alt character from start to finish in this video and you see that it now works this is going to be a huge learning curve for anyone so don't feel discouraged if you don't get it right the first time for setting up the macro or if you have a really hard time playing with the macro if you found that you didn't want to play with the macro anymore because you didn't like it for whatever reason then it's just as simple as replacing the macros with the actual abilities I will say honestly it took about 10 dungeon runs to get comfortable with using this regularly but so did Astro when I first started playing in the first place and I feel like anything good in Final Fantasy or anything worthwhile is always requiring of patience and hard work if you want to go above and beyond and make it a little bit easier on you you can set up your party list in the settings in order to have certain jobs in certain places to make it easier where I always have my tanks as two and three if I'm in trials and then all of the DPS on three to eight playing with it I've seen a gigantic decrease in my hands hurting from playing on controller with astrologian and was one of the reasons why I ended up switching to sages sages is just a lot easier on the hands it quite honestly is one of the most advanced macros that I've ever attempted and I just am truly happy and appreciative of this person for creating this macro and look for many of you who follow me for my controller guides and controller settings I will try to help you if you're messing up or have any questions you can always join my Discord and ask in our controller chat Channel or you can try reading the document and figure it out that way but but that took a little bit of time and was a little confusing for me personally which is why I wanted to make a video for all of you guys I really hope this helped out and if you got any value out of this video or just want to support my content then please limit break through that like And subscribe Button as it really helps with the YouTube algorithm if you want to check all of my other controller guides or controller playlists you can find those in the description box along with the vast Library I have on Final Fantasy guides and tutorials or you can click here
Channel: Bun Boss FFXIV
Views: 16,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a realm reborn, heavensward, stormblood, shadowbringers, endwalker, ffxiv, ff14, ffxiv macro guide, ffxiv astro guide, ffxiv astro controller guide, ffxiv astro macro, ffxiv astrologian card macro, ffxiv astrologian beginner's guide, ffxiv controller guide, ffxiv controller macros, ffxiv cross hotbar macros, ffxiv astrologian, ffxiv ast, ff14 astrologian, ff14 astrologian card guide
Id: 7ks5rqSPJbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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