FFXIV Scholar Healing Guide | 1-90 Building Confidence as a Healer!

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okay you guys if sage hadn't come out scholar would probably be my main job you definitely need to play it and i'm gonna show you how it's one of two barrier healers and do you know who else is a barrier healer zuke lionheart thank you so much my friend for supporting on patreon as you're really protecting me and casting that ad low from the youtube algorithm so thank you very much without further ado let's talk about some scholar healing now like all my other practical healing guides i'm going to give you a 1 through 90 explain every single ability and give you some dungeon pools now the tips are the same as all the other healers always be casting you never want to be standing around make sure you're gearing as with the downscaling you're probably going to be healing a little bit more so make sure that gear is up to date and those two are practically it we're just going to get right into the 1-29 scholar is a little bit different at this point from other healers since you have a ferry he'll be taking care of the majority of the healing for these levels when you summon your ferry as your ferry should always be summoned it is pretty much just a small region over time that you have no control over it will just heal whoever is needed in your party you also have your main gcd spell rune and your dot or damage over time bio these are going to be pretty much the same all the way up to level 90 with just upgrades along the way your single target heal is physic which is just pretty much your tier one or benefit one or diagnosis if you're playing other healers once you unlock the ferry at level four keep this summoned sometimes it will despawn very rarely though if something happens but just make sure that it's always present we move on to our first actual helpful ability which is whispering don this is our party wide region that we'll use constantly on cooldown this is basically your just go to ability for healing your entire party as again your fairy is going to be doing most of healing at this point because you have whispering dawn and you have your fairy healing you really need to get used to dpsing here there is no reason for you not to be dotting every single enemy with bio and spamming your ruin or single target gcd so just start doing that now so then you can get used to weaving later on at level 30 we get addloquium which is our first gcd spell now don't get confused with the spell yes we are healer and technically we're shield players but we want to focus more on barrier mitigation later down the road than actual hard casting shield abilities if you also notice we didn't really get many abilities 1 through 30. that's because you're an arcanist and once you hit level 30 is when you get your scholar jobstone now that we're here let's work on our first dungeon pool the tank will pull the first mob add low if necessary dot each enemy as you're running and spam rune you can cast an ad low here which is the ad loquium just short in name it probably is not necessary though as your fairy healing and your whispering dawn party-wide regen is usually more than enough to keep players alive so all scholars really shouldn't struggle at this point now let's chat about fairy positioning this is something to understand as a scholar you can go two ways here you can start perfectly positioning your ferry or you don't really have to worry about it and just make sure you're standing in the middle of the arena this is because the fairy has a range in which it can cast its healing and when you use the fairy abilities they also have a range so you want to make sure your ferry is properly positioned whether that's by you or just placing it with the place ability now you don't have to worry your fairy is an npc so it will not take any damage so just put it right there in the middle of the arena and let it take all the aoes another reason why you want to place the fairy is if you're moving around in cast a fairy ability there can be a stutter or delay in the fairy casting that ability because it is moving so learning how to place it now properly is probably better off even with all that you might still be a little off and miss that out there bard or black mage but don't worry too much about it place it and leave it moving on to 31 to 49 content at level 35 we get sucker which is our party-wide gcd shield and heel i'm gonna be super honest with you guys i rarely use this it can be good as a boss pull just to get a free shield up on everybody most bosses have a room-wide aoe damage ability about 20 seconds into a pool so it's good habit to do only if you have time before the boss i wouldn't really waste time doing it during battle though as your ferry and whispering dawn is more than enough room 2 now this is not an upgrade to roon one it can be a little bit deceiving this is a different gcd ability than rune this is an instant cast and at some point leveling up it will be more beneficial to instant cast this then hard casting your rune one spell but it quickly gets outpaced by the rune one upgrade so you really want to just focus on using rune one where rune two comes in is because it's an instant cast you are able to move around while you're casting it so instead of just running around and not damaging the enemy now you can be instant casting this and damaging the enemy until you can get stationary and start casting rune one again moving on to fae illumination this is increasing healing magic potency of everyone it hits which effectively just means the amount of healing done by healing spells yours specifically this also decreases magic damage which most attacks are magic damage in the game so it can be pretty useful now be wary that i said spells which means this ability does not stack with your later abilities this only affects your gcd spells which are physic adlo and sucker so if you have to start using gcd abilities to heal your tank then definitely pop this before another thing we have to talk about is we have two fairy abilities now and you have to be thoughtful of casting them together as it creates a bit of a stutter with the fairy as it has a cool down in between each ability so if you try to cast whispering dawn and then immediately hit faye illumination there's gonna be a couple of seconds before it can cast the other ability so just be mindful of that after this we finally get our job abilities ether flow this is the same as arcanist in the sense of it's a 60 second cooldown and you get three ether stacks and it also gives you back 20 of your mp so this is the way that we keep scholars mp up that means you want to keep this ability on cooldown and spend these stacks so then you never lose any stat we get two abilities with this ether flow ability and that's lustrate and energy drain lustrate now is your main way to be healing your tank as it's just a free ogcd heal energy drain is used for when you're going to get more stacks but you don't want to waste the one or two you already have you can just quickly pop energy drain if you don't need to heal anybody at that current moment and you'll also get more mp back from that as well this also damages the enemy so the goal is to always keep that 60 second ether flow timer going and never let it just sitting there as you can be increasing your damage or healing for free now when i say that i wouldn't dump these two early you want to wait until that 60 second cooldown is just about to finish because you never know what kind of sticky situations that might come up in just a few seconds yay art of war you can finally do some aoe damage even better an instant cast so you can run and cast this at the same time after the tank pulls and you dot your enemies make sure you're slapping that ground this is a melee range so you need to be close to your enemies let's go over a new tank pull with all of our abilities tank pulls mob you'll dodge your first enemy and then hit ether flow you can't activate ether flow without being in battle so that's why we have to dot an enemy first dot rest of enemies as you're running use lustrate as needed are to war until the tank stops running whispering dawn to make sure the tank doesn't run out of whispering dawn range and art of war in heal is needed you may want to throw an ad low if you feel you need a little bit more slack or maybe you have a tank that is a little newer and not rotating through their damage mitigation so just case by case basis now 50 plus content will change your tank rotation as we get a lot of great abilities later on to make healing tanks a lot easier level 50 sacred soil this is my go-to ether flow ability and one you should prioritize all the time if you're not in savage content this is basically a 10 damage mitigation buff that we want on the tank at all times it's your bubble ability and later on gets better when a regen gets attached around level 70-ish when your tank pulls the enemy you can simply place this down where the tank is at for some good old damage mitigation level 52 indomitability this is an ether flow ability as well and is a party wide heal this is great for healing all party members if taking damage used more for boss battles in my opinion as it's an ogcd so you can weave it in between damaging your enemies deployment tactics now i personally love this ability a lot like i use it for almost every tank pull what you can do is cast an ad low on yourself between tank pools sometimes it's easier to just do it on yourself then on the actual tank and then cast deployment tactics to spread that shield to everyone else now you might say well why not just use sucker and i'll tell you the reason why because adlo is a hundred and eighty percent hill and shield sucker is a hundred and sixty percent i just really personally enjoy getting that extra 20 pretty easily so it makes a difference in my opinion okay so i banned this next ability emergency tactics i never use this ever only in emergencies hence the name your ether flow abilities are just so good and the regen from whispering dawn and damage mitigation it's just not something i prioritize but it is there if you need it it essentially just takes away the shield of adlo and sucker and turns it into more healing so for when things are getting really bad this makes your fairy go away for a short time but grants you three ether flow stacks and a 20 buff to your healing i only use this ability for the stacks of ether flow if i'm between stacks or something happens and i need another three stacks to heal the party i will pop dissipation you can even plan this pretty nicely at the end of a big trash pull to have stacks ready for the next trash pull if your ether flow's not going to be on cooldown or to kind of revive from a sticky situation if all the party members just start running into walls the last great way to use this as if you just want to increase your dps just pump those stacks into energy drain and put out more damage the most loved and used ability in the scholar toolkit excogitation i excogete i can't say it it's just a delayed healing potency of 800 which is gigantic and it's a free ability with ether flow the great thing about this ability is you can set it and forget it it will automatically trigger if the tank's health gets below 50 or it will go off in its own after 45 seconds so make sure to prioritize this pretty often in pools we're going to have another ability to pair this with later that even makes it more effective change stratagem increases critical hits the target takes by 10 just keep this on cooldown it allows your party members to do more damage and we love that last but not least for our 70 toolkit ether pact this is a new gauge the fairy gage congrats you have one ability to use this on and that is ether pack basically regens a targeted party member until you run out of ferry gauge or you stop the action you get ferry gauge by using your ether flow stack be aware though when your ferry is using the ether packed ability and you use whispering dawn it will stop etherpak to execute that ability and then just go back to regular healing you'll have to re-activate ether pack so it can get a little weird when you're trying to use other ability first for the fairy i mostly use this for trash pulls after i had casted whispering dawn so then that means i don't really have to worry about the fairy not being able to do the other abilities i need it to do this paired with whispering dawn sacred soil and an ex-cog you're gonna be totally fine in almost every single trash pool and if i'm being quite honest and if all the other people who scholar main are being quite honest we forget about this ability all the time because you only have one thing to use your ferry gauge on so just make sure you put it somewhere where you can see it and weave it into your regular toolkit now we're gonna talk about our next dungeon pool but before that why not hit that subscribe button and smash that like button if you're getting any value out of this video it really helps me with the youtube algorithm to put this off to more people as it can be kind of a jerk sometimes let's get a rough idea what a dungeon pool can look like at this point with all your shiny new abilities tank pulse enemy you can hit them with an ad low right before they're out of range and then dot one enemy ether flow stack dot another enemy put an x-cog on the tank as you're running just keep dotting until the tank stops and throw down a sacred soil from here you're just using art of war while using whispering dawn and or ether pack just depending on what abilities are available there's just so many ways that you can go about this so you just kind of have to figure out what works for you i would say a sacred soil is a must known matter what as well as just mixing through between whispering dawn ether pact and x-cog so then they each get off cooldown at separate times for the next pools if you absolutely have to then you can cast another ad low but hopefully your dps are killing the enemies by the time that happens now after this and up to 90 we're getting some really high level abilities that at level 90 make scholar like almost the best class to play because it makes it so incredibly easy to heal and that starts us off with one of the arguably best ability scholar has resuscitation this allows the execution of adlo sucker indom and x-cog to be free as well as critical most players pair this with an x-cog on big pools and just for go healing for a little bit i like it after a whispering dawn and sacred soil to help with mitigation and help it go just a little further another secret way i like to use this which i know a lot of people are like blah don't do that is pairing this with an ad low and deployment tactics right before a boss pull for a gigantic shield on the tank and regular shields on the team members pre-boss pool now before you ask because i know you're going to no deployment tactics does not also give critical shields to everyone but your tank is gonna need a critical shield probably so you might as well give it to him everyone else will just get regular shields fey blessing just a free fairy healing ability for the group prioritize this above any gcd since it's just your fairy sprinkling some healing magic on everybody summon serif now i feel like i don't see this ability being used as often as it should but it literally is just one of my favorite abilities in the scholar toolkit and i keep this on cooldown in trash mobs all the time you replace your fairy with a stronger version called serif they do all the same things a fairy does but just a little better in some areas her regular region healing is now not only a hill but also a tiny shield like free mini atlas to whoever she heals which is pretty cool not only that you also get another ability opened up constellation which is a free group aoe heal and shield it just makes pooling and trash pulls way easier sometimes now let's go over our last two abilities and then go over a level 90 tank pool we have protraction which is effectively your just tank buster mitigation which increases max hp of a party member and restores the same amount of hp for 10 seconds so it really adds to the tankiness and our last ability that got probably the most hate i've ever seen in final fantasy 14 is expedient which most players thought was just going to be a movement buff and nothing else but they added a 10 mitigation to this and honestly the movement buff comes in clutch sometimes when you're in a dungeon and you cast it and everybody can run out of the aoes just in time i also really like this to make dungeons go by faster right maybe halfway to the end of a trash bowl all cast expedient so we kill everybody and then we can run to the next trash mob even quicker now when i say healing is personal i really mean that but we're going to talk about some ways that your level 90 dungeon pools can go i honestly don't believe there's a wrong way as healing is really about the knowledge of the fight what you want to use and how reactive and proactive you can be as long as you're keeping your gcd up damage up i think you're totally fine with weaving in whatever you want whatever makes you feel comfortable here is an example of a level 90 tank pool tank will pull first mob you'll dodge your first enemy and hit that ether flow for stacks i hit the tank with a resuscitation x-cog while we're running and a sacred soil where they stop all the while dotting the enemies on the way now then i either go into summon seraph or whispering dawn it's kind of up to you i don't feel like you need both i like to get summoned serif out of the way first and get it on cooldown so i don't forget to use it in the next trash pool on the second mob pool because you know that there's two mob pools before each boss i'll hit them with another ex-cog if it's off cool down or possibly an ad low if i don't have an ex-cog sacred soil should be on cooldown again is it's on a 30 second timer and then i'll use protraction as that's a really great ability for large trash bowls and you can literally sprinkle in all your other global cooldowns fey blessing expedient probably whispering dawn again is if you use it right away honestly it's just rotating back and forth between a few abilities for each big trash mob pool i have the problem of actually utilizing all of my abilities as i feel the ones i use are on cooldown quick enough and it keeps the tank alive i will say for the record that i rarely use adlo or sucker for gcd hills as we just have so many abilities at this point there's really no need for them in case things get real sticky or you burn through way too many healing ogcds usually two to three at all times is going to keep the tank well above the danger zone i feel like the biggest problem with scholar is that most people kind of get flustered or something happens in the dungeon and they just default to spamming adlo instead of using their abilities so just put your abilities on a hot bar where you know you're gonna be able to rotate them quickly and easily i hope that this video has helped even a little bit get a basic understanding of scholar as it's really in such a great fun place to play right now you can find all my social media links down below for discord patreon and my second youtube channel where i post all sorts of fun clips and reactions from my live streams if you want to watch more final fantasy guides and tutorials then you can click here you
Channel: Bun Boss FFXIV
Views: 63,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a realm reborn, heavensward, stormblood, shadowbringers, endwalker, ffxiv, ff14, Scholar, healer, ffxiv healer, ffxiv scholar guide, ff14 scholar guide, scholar guide 1-90, scholar healer guide, endgame scholar guide, understanding scholar, conquering healxiety, healxiety, healer role guide, ffxiv healer role, ffxiv barrier healer, ffxiv healing guide, how to be a better healer, how to be a better healer ffxiv, sage, astro, white mage, sch ffxiv, sch ffxiv guide, final fantasy xiv
Id: ziFtZmOrQ7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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