How to Heal Better as a White Mage in FFXIV Endwalker

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hello my name is renon and today I'm bringing you part two of my endgame and Walker White Mage guide I released the first part of this video earlier in the week which focused on damage optimization on the job and this video is the accompanying second part and covers the other half of the coin which is healing in this video we are going to cover your healing skills how to use them smartly how to minimize gcd healing while still keeping the raid safe how to map your cooldowns and then we will specifically discuss smart ways to deal with certain scenarios in the current array tier anabasios let's get into it White Mage is one of the two pure healers currently available in Final Fantasy 14 and whilst they lack much in the way of mitigation to prevent damage to the raid they have a pretty robust Suite of gcd healing tools for various scenarios various healing comps and Regens to keep the raid healthy for an extended period of time one thing to remember as a Healer is your job is not to immediately heal damage as soon as it comes out but instead your job is to take a proactive approach and look towards the next instance of damage ensuring that your party has enough HP to survive that before it comes along this is regardless of whether you are a shield healer or a regen healer a as a regen healer sometimes that means that you will be relying on your regen skills to slowly top The Raid rather than rushing to spam spells like Medica or killer 3. because of your potent flatus abilities in healing Buffs your co-healer can often trust you to do the bulk of the burst healing especially as it plays into the core flow of your job gauge now let's talk about white mage's healing toolkit here I'm not gonna just be reading tool tips instead I'm going to talk about ways that you can use your magic that you may not have thought of before as well as abilities that you want to consider prioritizing over others first of all I'm going to cover those spells and abilities that I consider core to a White Mage the ones that you want to use before any others you can think of these skills as tier one the spells that are not going to cost you damage to use and you want to make use of as much as possible without any wastage I feel like the first two things we need to talk about here are your Lily spells a flatus Rapture and a flatter Solus Rapture is a 400 potency AOE heel and Solace is an 800 potency single Target yield you generate a lily every 20 seconds passively whilst in combat and you cap out of three stacks while these are both gcbs they are instant meaning that you can store them for movement they cost zero MP to use and the heel from them is front loaded so when you're in a pinch they can help you out a bunch because of the fact that you get a Misery after every three expended lilies in and Walker you need to make it a goal to never overcap Lily's in combat giving you access to three of these spells per minute that you need to and want to use in most raid scenarios you'll be using Rapture over Solace Rapture is probably the most important part of your entire toolkit when it comes to directly healing damage on your party other parts of your toolkit are normally more than enough to deal with tank healing but there are Fringe cases that Solace can save a player in need or fix an issue in the situation that something goes wrong next I want to talk about plenary Indulgence specifically due to how well it synergizes with and interacts with Rapture plenary is a 60-second off Global cooldown that grants all players around you confession the buff lasts 10 seconds upon using Medica Medica 2 qs3 all of which we'll talk about later but most importantly a flatus Rapture it will proc an additional free 200 potency heal on those players what Rapture and plenary do pair together is force out a 600 potency heal on the raid which is the same amount of healing as a Q3 with no damage cost plenary Rapture is your strongest free tool available and is one that you always want to bear in mind for instances of heavy or repeated damage assets has to be mentioned here because whilst it doesn't have the variety of applications of a Rapture it is a 400 potency of global AOE heel on a 40 second cooldown that additionally refunds you 500 MP because it it also does 400 potency of damage in almost every situation you want to use it immediately on cooldown regardless of if you gain value from the heel it is primarily a damaged skill using it on cooldown makes every third ass eyes line up with your two minute raid Buffs which is important for your damage output in addition your goal is to make your required healing line up with acids rather than moving your ass eyes to heal more effectively with it to give an example let's say a raid white comes out that leaves your party on low HP and as size is coming off cooldown in 10 seconds instead of immediately resorting to a Rapture you could wait those 10 seconds assuming another hit isn't coming in and let our size heal the damage instead next we're going to talk about Asylum this is a 90 second off Global cooldown that places a large bubble on the floor for 24 seconds all those within the bubble receive a 100 potency regen as long as they're inside it which will tick for every 3 seconds but secondly and in my opinion more importantly Asylum also provides increased Health recovery via healing actions for those inside the reason this is so so big is because the term healing action refers to all incoming heals this means that not only is your gcd heel like Rapture going to benefit from the 10 buff but you're off globals like acids and the spell I'm about to discuss next will also benefit as a result you can use Asylum as a way to slowly top The Raid and prepare for the next incoming damage but also as a buff for a burst healing phase to push out more HPS to the group in a short space of time next we will talk about your level 90 ability Liturgy of the Bell liturgy is a three minute cooldown off Global that places a healing Lily down on the floor alongside giving the user 5 Liturgy of the Bell Stacks every time you the White Mage that placed the Lily takes damage it will proc removing one stack and providing a 400 potency AOE heal from the Bell once the 22nd duration of the ability runs out any excess Stacks are remaining will proc for a half value 200 potency AOE heel per stack this means that you can expect to gain between 1 000 and 2000 healing potency from a liturgy usage all with no gcd cost liturgy is best used during multiple instances of raid damage but if you can't find a really useful place for it during a certain phase of an encounter it is better to get it on cooldown by using it and manually detonating it for the 1000 potency heal rather than not using it at all liturgy is your Premier healing cooldown and generally you're going to map all of your other heels around the core of good liturgy placement the final AOE Tier 1 ability is temperance this is a two minute off Global cooldown that gives you wings and increases healing magic potency by 20 alongside reducing damage taken by self and party members by 10 it lasts 20 seconds while this doesn't directly heal the raid it is white mage's only direct ale source of reducing incoming damage to the party so generally you want to use it to mitigate major damage spikes in a fight it also Buffs healing magic which as a note is different to Healing actions like I talked about in asylum's case healing magic refers specifically to gcds like Rapture which while it's not quite as multi-purpose as asylum's healing buff the extra 10 makes it extremely handy Temperance has a long duration which makes it alongside liturgy one of the two core cooldowns in your kit that you build your healing plan around lastly let's talk about free single Target healing these abilities will generally be reserved for mitigating and healing damage on the tank but should a DPS take solo damage for whatever reason either mechanical or because they messed up you can often use these to triage that problem because incoming tank damage is often relatively low at end game honestly you can sometimes end up in a situation where you just can't press these on cooldown without wasting them and that's fine it's okay for them to sit available if there is no good place to use them Divine venison is a 30 second off Global cooldown with two available charges that provide a 500 potency Shield to the player that you use it on while the obvious use case here is to use it on the tank for auto attack or tank Buster coverage because you obtain Stacks so regularly you usually end up with excess benefits that you can use say on a DPS that's slightly lower on HP than the rest of the party as an alternative while I would say it's a goal to not overcap venison's in general due to the nature of the ability as a press it and forget it mitigation it honestly isn't too egregious if you remain at two stacks for a while aquavale is a 60-second off-global cooldown which provides an 8 second 15 mitigation to the targeted party member this is fairly clearly a buster bun and in 90 of uses it will be used to mitigate an incoming hit on the current main tank should you not need it for a while though you can also use it in the exact same way as benason is used as mentioned above tetragrammaton is another 60 second off Global heel this time providing a direct 700 potency heal to the Target I'm going to talk about this alongside the next healing ability benediction as both of these abilities do very similar things and right now are used in mostly the same situations benedictions are three minute off Global which fully restores the target's HP in the past this was often reserved as a post-involved heel but with the current state of end Walker in the vast majority of cases this is just not needed the only exceptions of the healing Warrior or Dark Knight invulnerabilities where they will be taking multiple major hits including one right at the end of their involve as it runs out benediction can be a safe easy way to top them up aside from those scenarios you can use Tetra and Benny as to heal that guy now buttons as and when you need it this again will mostly be for dealing with tank Autos ensuring the tank is sufficiently topped before or after a buster or for providing triage to a player that may have missed a heel or messed up a mechanic always be on the lookout for a way to use these abilities to make the pull safer next up are the tier 2 spells everything I've talked about up until now is a tool that you're encouraged to use as it is DPS neutral and costs you nothing in that department but for scenarios where the aforementioned abilities are not enough tier 2 spells are going to be your next Port of Call you'll find yourself relying on these in most progression situations where you aren't yet fully comfortable with a phase or to cover for mistakes or poorly mitigated sections while these do cost you a gcd of damage to use you should always err on the side of caution and use these spells until you are 100 confident that you can cut them back safely medicate 2 is an AOE heel with a 250 upfront potency additionally providing a second 150 potency regener to each player with no wastage the regen and AOE heal combined make Medica 2 a 1 000 potency heal at the cost of one gcd this is the first heel of the ones I'm going to talk about in tier 2 that you resort to As Long As The Upfront heel is enough to prevent any player death you are going to get the most possible value from the region effects of medic II only if Medica 2 will result in death for a player at least if that's a risk do you resort to the next spells I'm about to talk about Q3 was once one of white Mages Premier skills but nowadays it is generally resigned for scenarios where you need to do a lot of Dirty Work in terms of healing you need to do it right now and the raid is relatively stacked this gcd heel is a 600 potency AOE heel with a 1500 MP cost Associated but it is important to note that it has half of the range of medical 2 rapture and other AOE heals in your portfolio so while it's strong it is only situationally useful one thing people don't really pay attention to is that the heel from Q3 originates from your targeted player which doesn't have to necessarily be yourself so you could potentially Target a player far away from you cure through them and it will heal them and the other players around them lastly we have regen regen is another White Mage spell that used to be a core part of your kit but nowadays its uses of dwindle to the point of it really only being a prog or downtime tool I like to medicate two or regener tank pre-pull or as the end of a downtime is approaching to attempt to gain value from the regen ticks after damage but otherwise you have very Fringe use cases for this lastly I'm going to cover the tier 3 heels these include Medica which is a 400 potency AOE heal it's stronger than Medica 2 weaker than qr3 and honestly the only scenario in which you're going to use it is when you have to GCB heal you have Noah flattus Medica 2 isn't enough or is already up qr3 won't hit all of the players or you somehow don't have enough MP and you can't wait for regentix it's a very Fringe use cases nowadays q1 and Q2 are in the same boat but for single Target heels you will barely ever use either of these one thing to know about q1 is that it is a half cast with a 1.5 second base cast time meaning that you can get this out faster than you can a cure too use this to your advantage if you find the one situation in 100 or it can save your targeted heal Target remember that during downtime these priorities change when the boss isn't targetable you want to rely on tier 2 and 3 healing as much as possible and you also want to generate as much of a misery as you can to gain damage on the boss return one thing to bear in mind is that before most pulls I always make an effort to put a regen and a Divine venison on the tank roughly five seconds pre-pull this gives them a little bit of a buffer for the first few Auto attacks of the fight and it's free it costs you nothing you can still do your opener as normal including potion I'm not going to talk too much about utility skills here while I know I covered quite a lot here in a lot of detail I trust you to read your tool tips and know the basis of what things do on your own one brilliant ability that you have access to though is thin air this negates the Mana cost of your next spell and using this is essential to keep in a healthy Mana economy without too much piety stacking use it for rez's gcd heels or honestly if you're about to overcap you can even use it for your next glare now that I've spoken for quite a while about each of your primary healing spells and abilities categorize them and show you you which ones to prioritize let's look at some real world scenarios from present rates in ff14 I'm going to show you how White Mage can deal with different damage profiles to make your co-healer's life easy let's look at Super chain Theory 2A from p12s in the current raid tier anabasius this mechanic is incredibly fast paced and without catered strats they require a lot of movement from The Raid with a high chance of failure for less confident players however a number of hits in this mechanic even when failed do not One-Shot a player this opens up a lot of space for recovery at the end of this mechanic two minute raid Buffs will be coming up so I want to end the mechanic with a misery prepped and ready to go my Temperance is still on cooldown from previous mechanics so I can't use it I lay down Asylum before the mechanic begins both to buff any shielding my co-healer may put up and because its long duration will cover the entire mechanic I have two of flatter spells ready to get me through the main movement constraints of the mechanic and to buff the heels along the way I'll be pairing it with plenary additionally as late as possible before the first instance of damage comes out I'll set liturgy on the floor this gives me so much burst healing that should a player be unmitted gated or accidentally get hit by something they will be healed without any damage loss for me should that not be enough I have benediction accessible we'll take the initial hit I'll do my movements using my flatus heels and swiftcast and then I'll set up for our last pairs or spread mechanic after this liturgy will proc once more to help top The Raid and I can burn my laughter flatus as the raid Buffs are about to come up and I'll manually detonate any remaining Stacks if needed to finish filling party HP bars for the upcoming raid wide then I can divert my attention to my two minute burst and do that flawlessly another is in p9s at the start of the encounter you'll be doing a pair mechanic a spread followed by another pair mechanic and each of these will do big raid damages alongside all of this will be followed by another raid wide so you need to top The Raid up as well after the third hit right is the first hit's about to go off I Temperance to give coverage for as many of the incoming hits as possible then I plenary Rapture after the first hit to top The Raid and if that isn't enough I've got another Rapture in the bank I can use as the second hit is about to go off I drop my Liturgy of the Bell which will heal most of the damage from the second hit and I'll cover the rest with another Rapture lastly liturgy will proc again after the third hit and I'll manually detonate the remaining stacks for a heel healing on any job effectively is very rarely a case of applying one heel as a solution to the problem of an instance of damage but instead of thinking about how you can pair and synergize your tealing tools effectively you always want to be thinking a couple of things how can I get this on cooldown ASAP in a useful way where are the maximum value timings for my MVP cooldowns in the case of White Mage Temperance and liturgy where can I allow my flatters to do most of the work whilst not interfering with my burst Windows is what I'm doing safe and consistent what is my co-healer doing are they putting all their strongest heels in the same place as me which then leaves us dry for other parts of the fight can I shift something round to fix that if that's the case if you have thought of all of these while planning mitigation and healing and you're happy that what you're doing satisfies most if not all of these criteria then you are probably doing it right one thing to touch on here is that some healers like to make spreadsheets when planning their heels admit and if you're trying to play optimally it can absolutely be a useful thing to do to get perfect timings down for everything it is not something that I personally make use of most of the time but should your group want to it's absolutely an asset worth pursuing next I'm going to run through one or two of the Encounters in the current tier and give you placements that I personally use and recommend for your main cooldowns giving you a foundation to build off of and adjust to your party requirements bear in mind these are not speedrun optimizations or anything they're intended to be used comfortably in re-clear parties in party finder and for normal runs in p9s I like to use my first Liturgy of the Bell to cover the second and third mechanics of the first AllCast this will make it available again during the 11 strike downtime meaning that you can use a second instance of liturgy either on the boss return to cover the spread Au pairs into raid wide or if you're comfortable dealing with that hold it through to Media phase and use it there the argument to use it in the former case is because it occurs as two minute raid Buffs are about to come up and you don't really want to be gcd healing it will then come back around the end of limit cut too should you see that far and you can cover the damages afterwards because this encounter has such a limited instances of damage I generally like to pair Temperance in the same places I recommended liturgy here in p11s during the first divisive mechanic which will lie an AOE into either in and pairs or out and stacks after the line goes off but just before the pair of stacks go off I place down my liturgy this will heal the party after that initial hit preparing them for the incoming sticks and it will allow you to deal with the sticks afterwards this will then allow you two options you can either cover sticks three and four or the two you know me as before letter of the law use my first Temperance to cover the first spread mechanic of the encounter and from that point onwards make it a goal to cover as many spread mechanics as possible as soon as it is up as these multi-hit raid damages with the group spread out can be a big resource sync for both healers and I want to lighten the load as much as possible in p12sp1 I like to use my liturgies for superchain Theory 1 and super chain Theory 2A both of which happen on the cusp of two minute bursts where I don't want to be doing gcd healing as much as possible depending on what your co-healer is doing I have two Temperance plans that I swap between I either use the First on pull to cover the first raid wide and paradigma the second for super chain one the third for the downtime healing burst and the fourth for super chain 2B alternatively you could cover paradigma 2 3 and have a third usage available for either super chain 2A or 2B of your choice you don't have to follow these examples to the letter one of the most fun Parts about healing is that once you have a good understanding of the fundamentals goals and of your job you can play around with different timings and make your own healing plan that really works for you your co-healer and your party and honestly it feels really good to do so I encourage you to always be thinking is there a better way that I can deal with this segment sometimes however things don't go to plan no matter what situation you're in be it progressional recluse you are likely to run into a scenario where you either need to come in immediately having received a revive and triage a less than ideal scenario or you need to recover party deaths to allow the group to continue the pull let's talk about how I break these scenarios down in my head into simple repeatable steps and follow them one by one by doing so and doing so quickly you can save so many pulls from immediate failure I think it's good to get into the habit of trying to save pulls in progression even if they will result in an enrage later because a recovery is an insanely useful skill to practice and allowing the group another practice run on problem mechanics is often really really valuable firstly you want to think about what is coming next is it a damage to the party or is it a mechanic this is going to guide as to how you prioritize going forward if it's a mechanic you need to check who else is dead do you need those guys no seriously think ahead to what is coming next the next raid wide the next tank Buster the next mechanic who needs to be alive to correctly resolve it do you need everyone up do you only need four or five people up get the people up that are needed immediately utilize your Swift cost and thin air and if you have neither hard cost res you just have to do it if it is damage instead of a mechanic instead of resin prioritize healing and mitigating The Raid for the incoming hit that is assuming it isn't a split damage that will make you take more with less people alive make sure that the party has enough HP to survive the hit preferably topped and think about whether one of the Dead players is one that usually places mitigation on the mechanic if they are try to provide something a little bit extra to help supplement the group's safety as a y Mage this usually means that you end up burning Temperance early should it be available or group Regens you can also use your aquaval and venison to give tanks or other important players more survivability so that you have a time cushion to raise then immediately get to work on getting the res is off next up is to check your Mana situation firstly can you use lucid dreaming do you have enough Mana to deal with this current situation if you don't or you aren't sure Mana potion if it's available to give yourself an extra 1.8 KMP buffer this is especially important if you have just rest try to rely on your thin air Stacks as much as possible for tools such as Rays Q3 or Medicare 2 and if you need to stop doing DPS for a short period of time in order to recover your MP to be able to heal a later phase you're going to have to buy the bullet and do it one thing to understand throughout all of this is what your party is going to be doing to help and what they can be doing to help recovery while a heavy burden falls on the healers is the responsibility of the entire party tax can put their targetable mitigation on players to help out Paladin can help out with spot healing with a few clutch clemencies Red Mage and Summoner can help with rezas and players can use their self-sustain wherever possible to make things a little bit easier on the healers if you're in a situation where you need to recover as a Healer and your Summoner or Red Mage is up it should be an expectation that the Caster will work on the rezas so you can focus on triage for the party while they do if they're dead on the floor focus them and the other healer and potentially if you need them for a mechanic the tanks so that you have more active rezas and more active Support Recovery to summarize in a recovery situation you need to think who do I need to Res first how quickly do I need to top The Raid what should I expect the rest of my party to do to help what additional cooldowns can I dump to ensure a safe and comfortable recovery how's my mp in these cases you often ditch the idea of gcd efficient healing for a handful of seconds because it's by far the easiest path to getting the group healthy again and to in some form of state of normality but once everyone's up healthy and you have two to three KMP in the bank you can resume gameplay as usual and hopefully see progression further into the fight in dungeons healing on white Mages honestly very simple you want to reach Ann and Benson the tank pre-pull and then once the mobs are packed up try to use at least one of your tools such as a Asylum Temperance or liturgy use your off globals as filler and try to build a flatus misery in between pulls for maximum damage remember the holy your primary AOE is also so secondarily mitigation because it can stun enemies because of this don't front load your healing too much on White Mage that pre-pull regener benison and one other tool at most is likely going to be enough all on its own if your tank is using their cooldowns wisely and you have Tetra benediction and more if the tank starts taking heavy hits one little cool piece of tech to bear in mind with liturgy is that liturgy procs when you take damage so in dungeons it is totally a viable strategy to put down your liturgy use shawcast and just take an AOE to gain more value from the heel it actually ends up a safety gain rather than a safety loss on the hole especially if you've got gear thank you so much for watching I hope this gave you some information you didn't already have or if you're about to enter end game on White Mage for the first time a primer that will allow you to build off of and create your own healing strategies in your progressions to come please bear in mind that this video is intended to be used alongside my other video how to do more damages or ymh healing and damage go hand in hand and it would be negligent to not use both so go check it out if you haven't already have a fantastic rest of your days thank you so much again for watching foreign foreign
Channel: Rinon
Views: 8,036
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Id: MlrndK4sLjE
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Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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