every stressful moment of season 1 | Hotel Hell

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this is the historic Cambridge Hotel in Upstate New York it's set in stunning Countryside a few hours drive from Manhattan the hotel has 16 bedrooms and a large restaurant and has had his doors open for almost 150 years welcome to the Cambridge Hotel ex-militer man and local lawyer John imhoff persuaded his family to help him buy the hotel in 2007. I remember sitting in my hot tub smoking a cigar drinking Bourbon and life was good and I want to thank my wife someplace nice for dinner so I said to her why don't we buy the Cambridge Hotel and then we'd have a place to go he must have hit me at a weak moment because I said sure you hug with zero Hospitality experience between them which one is a27 I don't know the numbers the hotel currently falls shockingly short of guest expectations and there's hair all in through here all over these pillows be nice if we had a remote control there's just gobs of hair we've had remote control since when the 70s I'm not sleeping here we're checking no way it's bad when I bought the hotel I didn't intend to be a Hands-On owner but I am always at the hotel doing something one person has to be in charge got 84 emails 17 from John is uh control freak how we doing on that chicken that's working hard we can do better Chef he's ready to murder with this menu there's a lot of restrictions to it our budget's really tight the creativity's kind of gone out the window Brit um all the rooms clean yeah all the room's coming in I am currently the general manager X that's interesting but John takes away my control I have no control but General John's Hands-On approach isn't working nobody wants to stay and the hotel is losing thousands of dollars every month John wants to put every penny that we have into this hotel and that is something I am no longer willing to do we are 750 000 in debt but failure is not an option and I don't intend to fail at the hotel unless I can fix things and fast John and Tina will lose their business and their home if Gordon Ramsay can't fix us who the hell else can wow the real sense of grandeur definitely some history here Cambridge Hotel established 1885 home of pilot mode I've been Across America I did not realize it came from here good morning good morning welcome to the camera uh Gordon and your first name my name is Brittany I'm the manager I have you in room 117. that is 105 during the weekday and 135 on the weekend okay I think Gordon's first impression of the hotel is going to be what the [ __ ] are these people doing the Cambridge Hotel R.I.P yeah seriously yes it's died you mean no rest in peace is the ghost it's that uh live here we are haunted oh come on there's a little girl who supposedly haunts the hotel Alice Alice [Music] oh my good God she looks like something out of The Exorcist she was four years old in 1913. when she died but I believe in ghosts at the hotel I absolutely believe in them I'm gonna go up the stairs as well and oh God are they the owners no I don't know who they are those have been here this place is littered with freaky pictures what's upstairs there that is our third floor why is that roped off because it is not accessible to our guests well that's where people say they are if he goes mop on the third floor he is going to freak out this is your room oh my God bloody hell look at the wallpaper what's the post up though what is that just there so there's no handcuffs no okay so so it's not a sex thing it doesn't matter that's a really weird thing to have in the bed I know [ __ ] oh [ __ ] welcome to the Cambridge Hotel thank you Christ Almighty I am not going to forget this day in a hurry horrible linen rough and nasty holes look at that and the bed doesn't even fit the base honestly I've seen better linen inside hospitals horrible my bedroom is dated and uncomfortable how could anyone think this was good enough for paying customers bye-bye gonna meet the owners yes I'll be right back with the owners [Music] Gordon this is Tina and John imhoff thank you nice to see you nice to meet you sir John likewise good to see you both it's quite amazing when you drive up and you see the sort of stature of the building yes sir isn't it beautiful it's stunning until we get inside Hotel experience prior to this was what very very little I mean I was no none none so year One what was the profit we lost about 350 000 the first year year two 250 000 profit loss loss so we're in for 600 000 within 24 months of business who's funding this well um my mom and dad have put in several hundred thousand dollars wow um our children our children your children yes yes Shea has put about twenty five thousand dollars on credit cards Shea is your the oldest daughter your oldest daughter right it's a chef's um significant other okay and so my youngest daughter just lent us ten thousand dollars your youngest daughter she's in college how's your house on the line next yes it is up for sale and we would live here we would move on to the third floor where'd you draw the line say stop this is not working you're standing there like proud [ __ ] very confident very happy and like nothing's gone wrong but taking money from your daughter that hasn't even started on the path of her career I believed that we would be able to turn it around I know but John I'm sorry your parents money your family's money your daughter's money I I do have a positive attitude there's a difference between sounding positive and sounding full of crap he doesn't know me and he doesn't know the situation I'm a military guy I'm not going to take Chef Ramsay's [ __ ] I've just met the owners of the struggling Cambridge Hotel and discovered they've borrowed money from their kids to stay open I I do have a positive attitude there's a difference between sounding positive and sounding full of crap unbelievable Tina how do you manage I don't know how I manage and I was very close to Running Away several times wow seriously unreal thank you I've been frustrated for years with him not listening to me when somebody doesn't listen to you for a while you just give up what is it about John that's driven his wife and potential guests away I need to watch the General in action what do you do with the Hoover welcome nice to see you sorry about the owner of walking through with the Hoover are you joining us for a sleepover or are you joining us for dinner Kim so tell me I help you John Keys himself constantly busy but he's busy doing all the wrong things his non-stop fussing and fidgeting is killing the hotel's atmosphere the tables in the bar might be cleaned but I've got an eerie feeling the food's gonna be filthy only one way to find out how are you good my name is Philip I'll be your server thank you I'm a little nervous so am I um what would you recommend well the soup du jour today is a vegetarian lentil vegetarian lentil yep and what was the Super Jewel yesterday it was also the vegetarian oh so soup every two days actually it's longer than two days um I'll go for the pork and beans duck conflict yeah um pilot mode okay okay I think we're done okay thank you thank you very much chef orders up get them going I think the Gordon is going to love the food Chef rich is great we put out excellent food you chef [Music] wow look at that this is the pork and beans holy mackerel here cold in the middle both of you yeah just touch the meat there please I can see why we've got rip on the front of the [ __ ] reception those are two medium rares right scooter Chuck them in the oven please Chef ice cold in the middle Thomas a sous-vide product we cook it to order it disappoints me a little bit that we are boiling bags putting stuff in the microwave I wish we could actually cook with fresher food your Duck Hunt feet and Chef said the pork and beans was a sous-vide product and it's cooked to order sous vide oh we cooked the bag yes they're frozen frozen yes and this plate that's frozen I think that's a sous vide product as well do we have anything that is homemade are the apple pies made here the apple pies are made here okay can you have it with the desserts please sure thank you so far everything has been terrible surely the hotel signature dish is going to be better how's the F5 just tell them we don't want to complain anymore I'm sorry but this is the home of Apple most but if it's the home of our player mode it should be really badass okay wow hello mode according so this is it this is the that is the paella mode [ __ ] this plate is absolutely roasting in the center has it been microwaves it has the apples are raw if there's one thing I was expecting was a decent apple pie and that is gross I need to find out who's responsible for the terrible food here hello if Chef Ramsay criticizes Chef's food where is the where is Chef I think Rich will blow up because Rich does take things personally I don't know where to start to be honest what the [ __ ] is going on well tell me what you don't like can you be a little bit more constructive should we start from the pork and beans Stone [ __ ] cold it's a sous-vide product so you don't even cook that no still no and can you cook yes so why buy that in uh price you buy a store bought frozen piece of pork boiled in a bag and serve it to me stone cold in the center you're not even cooking so you're just too lazy to do it that's not true I am not least this menu could be run now without you being here yes that's the way I designed it because the way you designed it so you are lazy then I'm not always if Gordon calls me lazy one more time it could cause a problem might be going back to Britain in a body bag food at the Cambridge Hotel and it was awful I think it's because the chef is lazy but he's adamant he's not that menu stinks of laziness I'm not always I'm here at 80 90 hours a week yeah you can't call yourself an executive chef come on do you know it's still bought I did why would you employ a chef at two thirds of the menu is still bought I think Gordon believes that I'm incompetent in running a hotel but what I'm doing is right your hotel became famous for this apple pie right and this is the dish that is trying to stop your house being put up for sale to keep this place going but I'm just what I'm trying to say is there are so many Basics wrong I could [ __ ] cry I could seriously I could cry too and look at the apples look the apples are raw not even baked and I could scream when I see that and this this was invented here and there's thousands of restaurants across the globe that have copied what you originated have you got any idea how lucky you are and it resolves to that soggy undercooked soaking wet this pie can I have a quick word with you for two seconds please I'm struggling to understand what's going on here I need to hear a woman's perspective John in what he does as a lawyer awful here I can't get it in his head but between the two of them they're about to take your [ __ ] house down him and John go back and forth when I give suggestions it's pretty much you know up and then it's pushed aside and then John is making decisions you're about to lose your house I know and he says we are going until I haven't got another Penny to put in it he's never run a business before no no and he's never done anything in his life but be a lawyer and a soldier that is it it may have won lots of battles but he's [ __ ] definitely losing this war let me tell you finally a stranger is seeing what I've been seeing and I'm hoping that John is gonna take something from this and either we're gonna make it go we're gonna shut it up [Music] I've seen about as much as I can stand at this hotel the outdated rooms the cheap Linens and the pre-packaged food how have things got this bad I've got to get some answers what's wrong with this place and who's to blame problem is here is that we have to ask to do something we're not allowed to make a decision general manager executive chef we have to run everything through John make sure everything else you have to ask someone that doesn't know how to run a [ __ ] bath let alone a hotel but he took over more control that's when I put on my hands okay you want to run it you run it it's [ __ ] soulless it's littered with [ __ ] antiques that are broken it's got horrendous pictures all over the [ __ ] place disgusting rooms food that comes out of a [ __ ] bag and I don't control any of that stuff I'm not making decisions I told Rich that I thought we should cut our food costs have you got the respect from the owners to do your job properly yes or no no I have energy talk I definitely do not make the decisions that I think I should be able to though because she's telling you that and that's what the problem is it's not the [ __ ] ghost John that's scaring the regulars away it's you a chef needs to be a [ __ ] chef and the general manager needs to General manage I'm not a micromanager when we first started this place and the ideas I had were all shot shot down that's the kind of stuff now it's coming out you've handicapped the chef the general managed this functional and you're calling all the [ __ ] shots I'm not calling the shot you're a Lethal Weapon well you may think that no I don't think that I [ __ ] know that not just heard from your wife your general manager your Chef that I'm controlling Over Control you're like a little [ __ ] Hitler around here and if you don't stop doing what you're doing you lose your family and The Business [Music] I finally got to the truth at the Cambridge Hotel you like a little on the owner's meddling ways have made everyone's jobs impossible I'm not a micro manager they're not puppets they're your team and if you don't stop stop doing what you're doing you use your family and The Business working out your honor hang on to bed good night this is all stuff that I've been trying to get across to John for 20 years what's the matter seriously yeah what's the matter with you right now we have a headache again I've had it I have had it I was feeling squashed and I don't have to feel that way anymore I'm not going to feel that way anymore bedtime and I'm not looking forward to sleeping in a haunted room I've never seen such a delusional owner and staff that are so desperate to do their jobs and now I want to sleep in this Christ Almighty oh [ __ ] what was that this bed is so uncomfy what is that noise on the stairs I had a sleepless night and believe me it wasn't a ghost that kept me awake it was something far more frightening time to give John and Tina a wake-up call after you please foreign [Music] these are the guests that have been staying in the hotel I've asked them in my room this morning as to help you understand how difficult I come for guests to actually stay here who would like to go first I took a shower this morning and used what I thought was a clean towel and there was hair in the towel yeah the better itself was actually very uncomfortable yeah we left our room last night and couldn't lock our door so we had to leave our hotel room door unlocked hand on Hearts how many of you would return here yeah anyone not unless you're paying me to stay here John and Tina are you aware of so many problems inside these rooms some of them we are aware of some of them yeah but I'm more pissed off about about anything is that last night I went downstairs in fact let me show you it's easier if I do it this way I forgot my toothbrush I went down to the car and I cannot believe this just watch carefully I went outside so step down the stairs and all of a sudden damn I've locked myself out I've got no keys to get back in the bloody front door is not locked at night now there's no night Porter there's no security and then shock horror I went behind the reception desk and every one of your keys is hanging replicated in the pigeon box wow that's terrible duplicate key for every room oh my God credit card details personal cell numbers it is all there yeah why is the door not locked there's no good reason yeah we haven't locked in a long time no no about two years in this community you have eight major burglars in the last 12 months three registered sex offenders locally in this community I mean how does that make you feel that we were sleeping in this hotel last night and each and every one of us thank you thank you guys thank you um can I can you stay here with me and ladies and gentlemen thank you thank you John and Tina have broken the first law of hospitality keep your guess safe John's so busy interfering with other people's jobs he's lost sight of what really matters I'm not joking around on the burglaries the sex offender I know I know your reputation can be over in seconds on one incident in this hotel because you're not going to walk around this town has a prosecutor a chief lawyer and then being responsible for a serious rape taking in place inside here wake up you're running a business not a courtroom and they're here for an experience not a [ __ ] sentence sell the place because you're not fit to run it sell it because this is madness sell it and keep your house worth it [Music] I've just discovered that John has lost sight of the big picture at the hotel the bloody front door is not locked at night and his incompetence is putting the guest safety in jeopardy John doesn't change his interfering ways he and Tina will lose their home and be forced to live in the hotel's top floor it's time to find out what it's like up there [Music] hello anyone there hello it's like summer oh [ __ ] out who in the hell we put this here this really is Hotel Hell oh God Welcome to our hands this place is generally disturbing freaky laptop floors no place to live but I've got a plan if I force John to see how different things could be here maybe he'll get the message so I'm gonna need Britney's help if we can prove to John and Tina if you take charge and you hold those reins but you can make money for this hotel trust me they back off and you step up okay yeah absolutely I'm here I'm hoping to prove to John that it can be busy it can be fun here tonight we are serving we are doing a bar night oh my God this is terrible we're not a rowdy kids doing shots going crazy bar as a party party party and we're gonna do a drink specials we can get people in the rooms a ladies night tonight have to pack the place thanks bye this is the first step to change as last minute preparations take place in the bar in the kitchen there's a new energy in the hotel this is Chef Richie's chance to prove he can cook with fresh ingredients nothing out of a bag please no preheated all fresh yeah all fresh great Rich it's your responsibility to teach these guys how to cook absolutely not to reheat is that right scoop yeah absolutely it's just sort of culinary school oh good man how do you inspired you to be a chef I heard relatives everywhere pushing me to join a culinary field because I wasn't physically able to do any other things like sports and stuff yeah what's the disability I've had two heart surgeries and two back surgeries yeah you move fast that's a big asset are you haven't been taught properly yet have you no that's incredible so what do you want to do when you grow up um I would like to have my own Bakery and be a professional executive pastry chef wow we're ready to roll Brittany has gotten the word out but she's in charge tonight and people are flocking into the hotel there's a lot of Ages here and everyone hanging out together and having fun what can I do to help you nothing get out that's going great but I don't think John quite understands how important nights like this are because I don't think this guy gets the message John I want to show you something come with me [Music] that thing Spooks me every time I come in here is the situation downstairs currently there's a buzz and they got put together by your general manager Brittany that's her vision but if you carry on running the Cambridge the way you have been this is what you're gonna have this is what's your destiny this on your own so stay up here and sort of enjoy your surroundings I'll come and get you when I'm ready all right foreign he's so wrong he has no clue and I'm I'm thinking when he comes back up he's going to ask me what did I learn and I'm going to say to him I really didn't learn anything pluck damn it I've looked John the hotel's interfering owner on the top floor I need to demonstrate to him how well the hotel can run without him I'm not happy sitting there waiting because I know my guests are downstairs having a party and I kind of felt that I needed to be downstairs Ford who's wants me to sit up here and and think that he's all right about all this stuff and damn it he's wrong about me being a control freak with ladies night in full swing she has fiance and John Tina's daughter Shea arrives to join in the fun [Music] I think she's my last chance of getting through to John hi Shea hey how are you I've got one minute 30 seconds please excuse me thank you time's running out for your dad for your mother and for their house I can't get through to your father I asked him to go upstairs and just sit and Ponder and think that this is your future that you think he's ready to change by all means bring him down and if he's not I don't care keep him out of there and keep him up there what's going on I'm just up here sitting down and waiting waiting to go back downstairs I think the point um was to try and visualize what could potentially be the future oh no I've been doing a lot of thinking okay I've been doing a lot of thinking I thought my role was about the same all along I feel like it's changed a lot and I think a lot of it is a fear of trusting you don't have to be here all the time when was the last time you sat down at home and had a dinner with Mom you know yeah I feel guilty when I'm not here do you know what's going on downstairs no it's awesome there is a restaurant full of people that are thoroughly enjoying themselves it's happened and it's working without you yeah yeah I'm getting it okay I mean I'm it's going to be tough for me to back walk of the working I think it's important for you I think it's important for you and Mom you know you're making good points Jay I think you would be able to spend more time with your granddaughter so I'd love that it's possible you don't want this to be your future no you don't want to live here no I don't you have to commit to change yeah yeah I I understand if Mom will put up with me being home more love you I love you too Shay oh I I've it's an epiphany I've I've just now realized my control is what Dre is dragging the hotel down now I need to make a change in order for my personal life to improve and for my business to get better so good job thank you tonight has been a real success seeing Brittany in charge and Rich cooking fresh food gives me real hope but is John capable of letting go my goodness it feels weird it's sounding so quiet now right uh well done behind the bar well done in the kitchen scooter well done ladies great I mean you can get a seat at the bar within 20 minutes that's how it should be how much do we take it's under 1400 in two hours fourteen hundred dollars in two hours we made more than the last four Wednesdays or four Thursdays combined John you spend the majority upstairs how was your night it was in a very good night actually in what way um my daughter Shea um opened my eyes to some things I'm here every night because I feel that I need to be here that that is my role as the owner to wave the flag as a military term but when I when it came from Shea as she says you know Dad I know how hard you work and and I promised I wasn't going to tear up and uh this all happened without me you trust your subordinates as a commander the most important person you have are your ncos and Chef and Brittany are my ncos I can't tell you how good it is to hear that because you're a [ __ ] tough nut to crack because we have got one hell of a day tomorrow but I need everybody everybody at their best thank you what are they I'm hoping that John has finally got that message but is it all loyal crap tomorrow we'll definitely find out freezing [Music] my design team worked all night to bring the hotel into the 21st century now it's time to reveal the new Cambridge Hotel to the staff good morning right you ready to go in the only way we're getting in is with this a key let's go let's go the door is locked so your guests can sleep safe and sound come in unlocks good good right come upstairs I'm hoping you're gonna love my room I think it's absolutely gorgeous [Music] oh my God look at the floor wow taking the carpet out and putting that flooring in absolutely transformed it the wallpaper was expensive in order to enhance it we work with it so we've got the back drapes above the bed we have this amazing new floor yeah yes perfect furniture that fits the room we've upgraded every room with brand new linen and towels 75 000 worth of linen oh my God we could have never afforded that that is so wonderful I feel like kind of like a kid that comes down Christmas morning and there's so many things under the tree that you're you're in overload I can't really comprehend everything yet I mean I'm just kind of looking at it saying wow ready for one more room oh my God I don't know if I can take it wow wow wow wow and I can't wait to actually show a guest upstairs to a room I love it I love it I love it um there's one more little thing I want to show you downstairs come with me please in the 1890s the Cambridge Hotel gave birth to world famous pilot mode and I think that dish can put the hotel back on the map today something I thought was a huge missed opportunity I've been working on an amazing very special apple pie recipe that I'm going to give to you that you own and it becomes the best apple pie in America and on the back of that we've transformed this room through here to the alamode room come through morning everybody how are we can sell our own pie that's homemade that Gordon is giving us his recipe for oh my God this hotel invented pile of mode and the ice cream is made fresh here with a brand new ice cream maker and it's loafly sauce cream I can't wait to try it come with me please enjoy the apple pie nice to see please come through beautiful pile of mode digging digging come on guys if anybody wants this you better get on it [Music] oh my God that's awesome the world famous Cambridge Hotel apple pie alamode that is the best crust I have ever had on a pie welcome to the Cambridge Hotel we now have the best apple pile mode in I'd say the world people are gonna be excited scary what do you think bud I'm shocked you're shocked are you happy little Lord say oh mate don't get upset buddy what's the matter I'm so happy oh good I'm happy too as well you know that okay seeing how my teachers I would tell is very overall I can feel a chance I'm a lot more inspired right now I feel like I could accomplish anything in the kitchen I am thought there's a new pride in me to say this is where I work time to go I never thought I'd say this but I'm actually quite sad to leave this place because no longer is John in denial he can now stand back and watch his team run the Cambridge properly as I'm getting ready to leave guests are starting to arrive at the new hotel the new Decor is the fact the guests are loving it at the Cambridge this is beautiful the restaurant is buzzing the Cambridge burger with the pork belly guests are enjoying the new home cooked menu that are put together with Chef rich and you better save room for the pie because it's totally different the hotel's signature dish piler mode is a big hit ice cream is worth driving for fantastic great buzz in there I mean it's electric and it's the sound of the new Cambridge Hotel only hope now is that they keep it up and keep those customers excited because when it's like that it's phenomenal they're good I think tonight went incredibly well the fact that I could stay and sit with Shay and Addison and funk it was really really nice [Music] wow to see you smiling is incredible you know that you light this place up but I don't want you living here no I'm not I don't want to live here I do not want you living here I won't live here okay tell him that I'm not living here I hear you I'll give him a hug you just as well he hasn't interfered tonight and you sat down and spent time with your granddaughter I had a blast yeah my job is done let me tell you no longer R.I.P okay of the Cambridge it has a bright future long live the Cambridge right that's absolutely right before Gordon came I didn't know where to go anymore with the hotel and getting Gordon here and having him show us what the problem was now I can see that the things can be fixed I'll tell you okay Colin Powell says optimism is a force multiplier I'm optimistic stay optimistic but don't get too involved okay okay look after yourselves thank you very much stay together thank you thank you thank you before I leave this place there's one more person I want to talk to follow big man so you've got three more years left at college right I'm out for okay hear me out okay I want you to keep in touch with me okay I'll give you my email address because I want to finance those next four years in college personally and help you okay do it for you and keep that dream alive one day of owning your bakery and then when your bakery is open all I want back is a loaf of bread okay it's pretty unbelievable that he is going to be able to finance my four years of school well done good job thank you so much welcome can't wait to finish school we came off for that big loaf of bread you have an amazing Pair of Hands and a lovely smile don't stop okay and God help you if you fail that college thank you you won't though I know you won't well done thank you okay when I go to school I'm gonna push myself 200 times harder I'm going to sugar in what I can do and how fast I can do it good night thank you very much take care thank you well done thank you oh good job man awesome job hey you deserve it definitely what a week what a place and now whenever I see yellow mode I know where it started foreign San Diego California is one of the top five vacation destinations in the U.S and is home to the Keating hotel which lies in the heart of the city's buzzing Gaslamp Quarter want to serve with this this is Christos how may be of service the hotel is the brainchild of local property developer Eddie Kane everything about the place is just the way he likes it the Keating was my vision I was at the parade dealer looking at cars and kind of just hit me why not have the Ferrari of hotels but this 35 room Boutique Hotel is far from living up to guest expectations oh my gosh any pictures this as the Ferrari of hotels but it feels like a hospital this is all style and no substance I feel like it's a jail like I don't want to take it ever this is uh not exactly luxury Eddie had a sports car design company and sank Millions into the interior design but he spent peanuts on things the hotel really needs let's not use this machine for the sheets because it has rust in the back making life a misery for his guests and his staff I was there a resources pretty much everything there is to do here I do it how glamorous is this it's a hail operations here to be honest Eddie's constantly adding ideas he's seen elsewhere but that's hurting the hotel and the restaurant I believe our menu is [ __ ] joke it's like four pages long which are all favorites of Eddie's but we're not feeding a [ __ ] million different Eddies we're feeding different people at the end of the day I am the owner right if there's something I want on the menu just gonna do it yeah Eddie will come in and say I want a chicken parm slider on the menu I had one in New York and I say yes I have stopped being proud of my food the hotel is millions of dollars in debt and struggling to fill the rooms so I have my work cut out for me if I'm gonna get this place back on track we're losing a lot of money it's a nightmare but you should be able to handle that Eddie knows he's losing money I just don't think he knows how to fix it I don't have any hope that things will get better if anything Works around here it's because of pure dumb luck [Music] there it is the Keating wow looks nice on the outside Beautiful Jesus got a dog outside [Music] hello how are you good how are you is that a model dog was he real no what's her name smudge oh my God she's ugly the nightclub out there with those ropes hello hello how are you good to see you there's a lot of red wow I'm Christos Christos good to see you um what'd you do here lifestyle concierge down here at the front desk you'll be advising me for my life are you going to be you need dinner reservations they organize everything anything you need oh now somebody likes red is that smudge is it like red or no it's both the designer and the owner wow wow we're on the second floor second floor please perfect thank you right here I like to always stop at the car which floor is a different model car who's obsessed with the supercars who is that the owner everybody so right here this is your room wow yes it's so empty more like a garage in the guest room and how much is this a night 759 759 dollars wow that's incredibly expensive what's happening there that is actually the jacuzzi tub in the middle of the lounge it is in the middle Lounge wow designed the rooms they took away all the interior walls but without sounding stupid these are card designers correct they are car designers now they're putting Jacuzzis in the middle of Suite last time I checked a living room was for sitting it the bath the jacuzzi tub itself is about twenty thousand dollars the specially designed that is their own areas that's Eddie yes crazy [ __ ] the sports car inspired Furniture looks cheap and isn't even functional it's different than anything else um different from a nice hotel room oh I don't know about that who on Earth want to sit here and sort of watch the television and watch the television it works though the sheets how can I also wrinkle when having you slept in there why is that we do them in-house we say we what do you mean you don't do laundry lifestyle means everything your mouthwash it's like gas sockets all broken on Smash down there's someone's left their dirty ones there the plastic that's outrageous 800 oh my gosh Gordon doesn't like anything about the hotel damn it anything else if I have any lifestyle needs I'll call thank you of course so far I'm not impressed with the keating's pretentious and uncomfortable design but maybe it can redeem itself with the one thing every luxury hotel should have impeccable room service come on General the desk this is Christos a little bit bizarre for me is that I'm ordering room service at the front desk there's no direct line down to the kitchen there is no the communication between departments isn't very really there so we um take care of everything make sure it happens listen I'm starving I'm not a tomato soup please and then pizza and a barbecue chicken I'm fascinated to see the chicken parmesan sliders as soon as I can brilliant bye-bye thank you bye [Applause] hello hello how are you thank you my pleasure is this how it's normally served in a ticket box yes you pay 800 a night to stay here and you're going to eat your food out of boxes and plastic containers are we short of soup because it's not even half full that's how you serve it that much yes it's one cup it's like a retirement is that luxury do you think no not at all what would you rather do sip that out of a cup of course it tastes we've barely got half a cup um anyway and I'm digging if there's anything else I can do for you just go ahead and let us okay brilliance hmm darling I'm sorry can you turn that now it's finished thank you my pleasure a chicken parmesan slider thank you now I know where they've got the boxes it's a takeaway puke box Pizza unappetizing in a box especially when you're spending 800 a night this place is obsessed with design but serves room service in plastic containers no wonder they can't fill the rooms that is not my idea of luxury let me tell you that's embarrassing wow yeah how can this place call itself a luxury hotel I need to get some answers from Eddie the Keating Zona and visionary hey how are you thank you how are you good to see you this place has been your baby in many ways and I'm dying to find out the vision the insight and to why give us a little tour I bought the building back in 2000 it was around six million did you go to hotel school no you've never run a business before not in a hotel business now wow so it's actually at the Ferrari dealer looking at cars and stuff and it kind of hit me why not the Ferrari of hotels I'm more concerned what you're smoking at the time and what you're thinking why would you take one of the most high spec cars anywhere in the world and turn it into a hotel I don't know where he's coming from but it does piss me off I designed the Keating to be the perfect hotel for me not for him where should I start the floor it's all scuffed and marved then you have a resin floor it needs to be updated I mean everything's just marked to hell it feels cheap um the sheets you can't yourself a luxury hotel if you don't have beautifully pressed sheets what's the idea behind sitting here so when you have guests you know we can sit down and talk but where's the sofa where's the table where's the fun do you know what hurt the most I got soup served in a plastic Bowl there's a chicken parmesan slider that tasted like it was cooked three days ago who in the [ __ ] would put a chicken parmesan slide it together there's things that don't go in sliders and chicken parm is one of them that was my idea be laughing as if it's funny and you think because you own the place you can put that in a roll and sell it I don't know what he's talking about this place is not bad so I think Gordon's comments were complete [ __ ] you're trying to convince me this is your idea of luxury it's been a while you you can tell me that there's nothing wrong with this place when you don't even stay in it he bought a building that was your dream but it doesn't feel like a dream experience to a guest nowhere [ __ ] near it I'm at the Keating Hotel in San Diego and I've just met Eddie the owner who's completely oblivious to the fact that he's Supercar inspired hotel is seriously underperforming you're the owner you bought a building that was your dream but it doesn't feel like a dream experience to a guest nowhere [ __ ] near it I desperately want to help you only for you to start identifying the problems okay could you uh send that young lady up to clear that dog [ __ ] out there please Jesus trust me Eddie is not used to honesty like that right now he looks like a baby that's just had his lollipops stolen how are you who is this guy the first thing he does he lays right into me little room service was terrible welcome to my world he opened the bed up and the sheets were all like wrinkled and most hotels have those giant iron in things that the sheets go through there we don't have that I tell Eddie the problems that we have but it might be sometimes you tell people something and it goes one side to another oh maybe Gordon will get him to wake up I don't know what to say that was very embarrassing after my meeting with Eddie I'm ready to see how this so-called luxury hotel runs on a normal night hi there how are you guys luxury lifestyle concierge no I am actually standing of the GM of the hotel manager how long have you been here I've been here for six years okay one two here from the beginning wow wow wow I got a lot to tell you you've got a lot to tell me yeah I bet she does because the Keating seems to have more complaints than yes our room is not very clean there's a hair in the cheeks as well we turned out our bed and there's what appears to be a bunch of sand the sand what do you think of the right it's like a brothel you've been in a brothel okay wow I can confirm it is let me check on the internet we've been waiting for 45 minutes because we're going to dinner okay okay how can they make a guest wait so long for something that's not even cooked the system for room service here is clearly not working taking the orders at the front desk then pass them to the kitchen is madness I've never seen anything like this before let's get through the kitchen together okay weirdly the hotel's restaurants The Merck is in a separate building around the corner can you believe that they're waiting 45 minutes for cheeseboard I can't believe it but I'm not surprised she looked pretty pissed off she did look pretty pissed they sounded festive three times they called as well where's the [ __ ] cheese is that it that is it how much is that 16.99 I believe you're kidding me I can guarantee someone's gonna complain about that hello how are you Gordon how are you my name is Aaron manager you're the manager yeah um you're the manager of the restaurants yes sir that Chief portion there barely two little slivers of cheese they waited 45 minutes for us and it's like no one gives a [ __ ] oh I definitely do know that you've told me this is the first time that I've heard of it why would they wait 45 minutes for something that's already I think the process unfortunately is a little bit slow here I think getting up the stairs is a little bit of a challenge why don't you take the call in the kitchen oh in the kitchen itself we can't take that call it's definitely an option but we've always what do you think that's faster I think as a hotel takes it it's just as fast so even though the customers are unhappy with the weight that they've had to endure you don't want to do anything for them I didn't know how long the customer is waiting until just now wow okay manager [ __ ] me Aaron the restaurant manager isn't taking any responsibility if you work for me he'd be long gone how [ __ ] weird how'd you rate him out of ten can we go into negatives Aaron is the king of excuses as far as being able to kind of weasel his way out of things but I'm not in charge of firing him how are we doing over here guys no wonder the hotel is half empty they can't even get the basics like room service and laundry right maybe Sandra the GM can tell me what the hell is going on here right we're having a chance to catch up um thank you so all these issues with the laundry where's the laundry done let me show you please [Music] oh here we are so this is the laundry room wow buddy hell you have got your work cut out these are domestic I know these washing machines are designed for small families not a 35 bedroom hotel wow no wonder they struggle your lifestyle concierge has come in here throughout their day to do laundry and attend the front desk and take room service I mean this is crazy it is insane it is insane I don't know how we do it sometimes who presses the sheets we don't we don't have equipment so you don't press them can I show you where we are in the pillowcases absolutely somewhere else seem to know all these problems and you're the general manager but if there's one person who can stop this it's you if the owner well yes I can quit I can leave to another hotel and go where everything is much better it is hell to run this place you're a general manager you're managing nothing I spoke to the owner I said this has to change what's going on Gordon is totally ready with what he's saying but his Eddie being so involved in everything that's the problem I have conversations with the owner but what works and what doesn't work in the restaurant no matter how many times I say you know what we should not have a book as a menu Eddie comes up with whatever he wants but no one's taking responsibility pull back my duvet and the Sheets Were shocking eight hundred dollars a night stay in something pretty mediocre you should be ashamed I gotta get out of here let me get down to the restaurant [Music] for a so-called luxury hotel the Keating has been a major disappointment it's like gas the owner's misguided Vision you're trying to convince me this is your idea of luxury it's taking its toll on the staff it is hell to run this place hopefully the food in the hotel's restaurant is better than it was in my room I don't know what table of one please hey good evening how are you very well and yourself bro thank you and sorry my name is David Davis so what'd you do I am actually the restaurant manager here I thought I just met the restaurant I'm the other restaurant manager and the food how would you rate the food out of 10. six six I wouldn't serve any of our dishes to my dog Chef Ryan's kind of given up so much has been taken out of Brian's hands and bye Eddie that I don't think that he has the passion and the drive to be that great anymore starting off with chicken under a break what does that actually mean it means it's rather than a bone amazing even the manager thinks the food's terrible here and he's not embarrassed to tell me and then the capital yeah here we go we're checking uh Sunday Tomatoes mushrooms you like that one no [ __ ] really uh I'm still gonna try it so for desserts I'll go for the chocolate pig um it's a 10 inch uh dessert pizza chocolate strawberries big how can I resist that thank you thank you the table I'm ringing right now just bring it as it comes okay everything's Under Fire [Music] all right what do we have here this is the brick chicken 21 is it twenty one dollars break chicken yeah it looks like someone's just shot a brick yeah I mean really dry that's actually better than usual really yeah if you can under a brick is where it should have stayed because it should have never come out of the kitchen wow pardon my reaching okay this is the cavatappi and chicken okay Bland chickens dry way too much Rosemary and just it's [ __ ] for dessert what you have here is the chocolate pig white and dark chocolate strawberries bacon it's like we've had a crisis with the toilet paper Department someone's wiped their ass with my daughter I mean it's just I've never seen anything so [ __ ] unappetizing as a dessert in all my life absolutely bacon and chocolate pizza OMFG yeah he didn't like any of it not one thing [ __ ] me no so he's here but he's not cooking I would really like to meet the executive chef chef Ryan Rutherford Gordon Ramsay how are you let's go somewhere out there yeah I'm lost for words I just you know I don't know I didn't know where to start but um why wouldn't you cook for me why wouldn't you do that it's not a question of me not cooking it's do you want to see what we're doing here because I want this to improve you've been here for how long five years five years but you've been cooking for 30 years 33 years 33 years I didn't see you on the line I didn't see you taste anything this is you I didn't even see you inspire anybody this position is killing me in my soul I've just been doing everything that Eddie wanted we have two large menus for the amount of business we do so I have 120 items on the menu and we do 50 people a night how much of this am I able to prep on a regular basis to have quality but you're the executive chef on the menu yeah saying how can you let that food go out with your name above it you can't just give up and almost you know Abandoned Ship before it sunk I'm at the end your toast I'm tired but you're you're an experienced guy you okay [Music] look at me look at me you okay are you on medication no excuse me can you get me some water please quickly can you give me a chair please a chair [Music] call 9-1-1 please quickly 9-1-1 urgently what happened a chest on the floor oh [ __ ] you okay call 9-1-1 Jeff just fell collapsed can I have some water please and a cold cloth urgently [Music] stay alert Ryan [Applause] give me a chair please a chair [Music] call 9-1-1 please quickly 9-1-1 Jesus on the floor Chef just fell collapsed let's try and stay alert and drink some water no job is worth this let me tell you [Music] when we were just standing talking unfortunately he just slaps and banged his head on the back here I am really pissed off at Gordon he's stressing everybody out everyone seems to be at their boiling point has he been stressed out for long I mean there's been a lot of stress on all of us but me being here yeah but do not dare [ __ ] go anywhere near that I put him in that ambulance let me tell you something 150 items on a [ __ ] menu the size of a [ __ ] shoe box because send that man to an early grave let me tell you it's like he's a Dead Man Walking what he tried to tell me in a five minute conversation is that you've overburdened him because he does whatever you want you pay salary but you're not behind that line you have no catering experience you haven't spent a day in a kitchen I've never seen anything so fragmented okay it's like you're a little magpie a little spoiled [ __ ] Magpie let's go around picking out little bits of glitter and running back and getting your army to expedite it for you all that matters right now is that guy wakes up to mourn feeling better enough is enough for one day yeah [Music] for me the most important thing is that he's okay but that guy has the world on his shoulders and tonight proved that thank you what a day yesterday the good news is that Brian's out of hospital and they said it was dehydration and anxiety so I'm gonna shoot over to his house keep the cameras outside and hopefully have a chat with him how are you sir I'm so glad to see you know that I'm telling you how are you feeling well we've got immense troubles you cannot continue driving yourself into the ground like that Eddie takes advantage of my good nature do you feel well enough to come back to the Russian today yeah good let's get you back in there and trust me this time it's on your terms not Eddie's definitely good to see you the restaurants is the beating heart of any good hotel so the Keating has no chance without Chef Brian thankfully just a couple of hours after I saw him Brian is back at the hotel after going to the hospital I believe that Gordon is totally in my corner saying get back in there get it you got this guy now it's time to get the whole staff together to figure out how to get this hotel back on track thank you all for meeting me am I happy to see you or what how are you feeling more importantly I am feeling very good brilliant welcome back thank you let's get everything out on the table because Life's Too Short Professor I'm here to help and I just want to hear it from you guys what's wrong with Akita the resources is the resources I tell Ariel as I'm Eddie I can't do my job your front reception desk should not be doing laundry let me tell you that the big concern I have is the room service how on Earth do we get ourselves in that mess as the food beverage manager yeah tell me why it's going via the reception determined by you know Eddie oh my God don't give me that you're not the owner of the place I tell you what I want and you guys need to implement it why is the menu so big because Eddie comes up with ideas I and he sees things Eddie has a lot of friends that come in that would like to see more items on the menu yeah if I go see something I like for somewhere else I tell you guys to implement it but you're not a chef he is and he needs his identity and he needs his voice I do know Brian doesn't like to say no to me you have a general manager do you have a head chef executive chef you have a front desk man you shouldn't get involved and I give them ideas you know because I have a vision here and I give them the ideas no no I cannot work with you if you're like this we have the key players the on there's one little problem we have and unfortunately it's you at this point [Applause] after last night's dramatic turn of events have finally found the courage to confront Eddie the owner now there's one question I have to ask tell me who's the most important person at the Keating who is it Eddie Ryan yeah the most important person at the Keating Sandra who is it I I gotta say it to Eddie yeah I mean I I believe it would be Eddie Eddie Sandra no no [Music] the most important person at the Catholic is that a guests and I think it's all been forgotten about and it's more about keeping you ready happy we have to focus on the guests I'm here to put this place right understand that Eddie and Sandra just come with me if Eddie won't listen to me and he won't listen to his staff maybe he'll listen to the people who could pay the bills Around Here Eddie up until now this hotel has always been about you your dream your vision now it's about the guess people I'm just really worried right now I have no idea what Gordon has in the room see uh guess that would have been staying at the Keating over the last 24 to 48 hours oh no when I see all those guests there I want to run away right now I wanted to give you a unique opportunity to hear some very and I mean very valuable feedback I also stayed here and I am frustrated but I'm here to get this place back on the map give you a little insights please what do you think of this luxury hotel I walked into the room and it smelled horrible there was the rust in the jacuzzi no water some of the features in the room were just lower quality like the plastic look a little bit cheap and old so it doesn't feel comfortable please I just feel like this place is designed kind of form over a function it was it's kind of weird first one's supposed to sit and eat breakfast in their room my husband had to stand up this morning to have his breakfast while I took the only chair and sat at the desk I'm sorry our room service was um we ordered a couple of small pizzas and they essentially looked like microwave pizzas and then the rotors wrong so we called it cracks they eventually you know brought up what we actually ordered and then in the morning they charged us for both wow I'm sorry anybody else there was some really high-end stuff and then at the same time there was just simple amenities that were skipped are you saying there's better at the same price out there Yeah Eddie your baby your vision um on the back of that feedback no I appreciate the feedback I have one question for you all who would return here let's do a show of hands who come back wow not one person Gordon's comment about it's not what I want it's what the guests want well I'm starting to realize that some of the things he's saying actually are true I really apologize and I am looking forward to having you guys in the future I can tell you we'll have a different experience you know I'm not trying to embarrass you but this is for me critical feedback and it's only gonna get better the feedback from the customer was good I'm realizing there's more issues than I thought we had and just being here over the past couple days and seeing what they are I think we can definitely fix them and streamline them so the place works a lot more efficiently and all the guests are happy thank you I appreciate it Eddie is starting to see how much things have to change for this place to succeed but for the hotel to have a Fighting Chance of turning a profit I've got to find a way to reignite Chef Brian's Love of Cooking let's show the gang what we can do yeah I don't have much passion here anymore I'm hoping that that Gordon being here at will nurse it back and breakfast was the roasted beet and borata salad they've just been seasoned with a little touch of salt pepper and then finished in a little hazelnut vinaigrette scallops I like serving scallops with a nice sear so a touch of salt pepper a little bit of vinaigrette I've just made it a sort of citrusy sure so I love it when you get excited like that seeing that energy coming back I absolutely love it let's have a little taste are you okay Brian you're killing me the scallops and the onion puree when I'm on the line with Gordon the energy level just pops up and now I'm you know I'm standing a little taller and it's exciting nice happy yeah it's so nice to see you smiling you know that Gordon kind of unlocked the chains that I had allowed to be put on I'm with you every step of the way but you need a voice in here and your voice is on that play Let It scream I love Eddie but I have to be able to just say this is not going to work this is not to the benefit of the hotel the guests the restaurant or anything you can I don't know you can do it I needed this to remember what I used to do and that there's no limit to what I can do in the future Brian and Eddie are both making great strides and tonight my design team will move in and try to get this hotel out of the pits but first there's something you've just got to try I've got a 25 round bathroom as well use it [Music] thank you my town please it's been a challenging week at the Keating Hotel a place that was all style and no substance but its own Eddie has finally turned a corner good morning morning good morning how are we good excellent it's time to show him and his staff how my design team have transformed the Keating into a place people will actually want to stay okay good let's be honest the heating is a hotel with huge potential right yes but you need to focus your attention and energy to the guests that are staying here yeah come with me let me show you the Keating let's go come in welcome ah come here that is great oh my God it's all opened up [Music] wow there's no more dominant red read carefully all those wonderful configurations of your hands welcome to the kitty it's just so beautiful isn't it it's just such an emotional experience you all have a hand in helping the guests feel welcome it's amazing you disappointed the red is gone no no no it's a brand new wall inviting entrance to a hotel ready to see more yeah nice nice nice come into my Suite oh wow [Music] I am definitely Blown Away wow wow welcome to what I think is a sophisticated comfortable modern Suite yeah let's start off with that Jacuzzi if guests would like to take a bath pull the curtains they have a choice that's how you embody luxury the sofas you can sit down you can watch TV three meters away from the screen Brian you've gone quiet on me again geez we thought we were sleek and cool and now it's beautiful it feels welcoming come through the bedroom please I really like the concept of the made over sweet now it screams the guests you get stuck in a perspective sometimes and you need to take a step back and have someone you know come in and show you and I think that's what Gordon has done is amazing now now something really important I've organized a free trial period from a local linen company use it to Advantage that means that front desk team doesn't need to waste time doing laundry you've got more time to focus on the guests and Sandra you are a GM you're not a laundry assistant the lifestyle concierge we don't have to worry about laundry so I am happy there's more let's go right excited yes come through we have refreshed the menu okay I've worked with Chef Brian to devise a short new menu that will play to his friends first impressions visually it's very vibrant the presentation is amazing and the good news is 2000 menu is gone Chef what do you think I think that this allows me to speak to the guest and Aaron I want you as the food and beverage manager to take responsibility of room service own it and no plastic containers I think now we have the proper execution the proper understanding of the menu with limited smaller items we definitely can execute it a lot quicker and now I feel a lot more comfortable and that for me is great news because it means the front desk is no longer looking after room service or doing laundry they can concentrate on looking after the guests yes there's one more change we need to do you've been wearing a red chef jacket for far too long you deserve a white one let me tell you put that on thank you enjoy it I certainly will I'm feeling great I'm no longer Eddie's Chef in the red jacket I'm the chef of the Merc Bistro in white it's not Eddie's favorite color but it is a proper Chef's jacket you perform like one deserve it make it yours thank you well done this is the kind of energy you want to see every day so you know what as long as they're doing their jobs I have no problem with them saying no to me anymore big night tonight it's gonna be a packed restaurant you've got to remember you're all team Keating I know you can do it oh absolutely absolutely [Music] guests are arriving for the relaunch of the Keating Hotel and the first impressions are very positive this is really nice you like it oh yeah at long last the front desk can focus on welcoming guests how are you welcome um Cindy pleasure to meet you and the hotel's new wine Lobby is a great Improvement and before it looked like a bus station now it looks like a hotel it looks much more inviting at the restaurant Aaron is finally stepping up all right and taking a new Hands-On approach to room service I'm not a plastic container in sight Mr Hanks right yeah excellent we got room service over here for you the simplified menu has brought Brian back to life I want the most gorgeous plates in the world coming up in this window that's good news for the diners and for the future of Eddie and the Keating Hotel keep it going that's amazing it's perfect if I had one thing to say to Gordon right now it's just thanks all right ladies and gentlemen it's our last ticket out I've been really lost here and you've woken me up great job new day new day reminded me of who I am this place is all about Eddie's dream of what a hotel should be like but I forgot the most important person the guest I'm just hoping that Eddie can trust his staff and let them work as a team because this is a place I'd love to come back to okay right Sandra you are a great general manager don't stop being one okay Gordon thank you thank you so much I'm proud to be the general manager of the kitten Hotel give me a hug all right well done seriously you can do the food beverage you can handle the room service easily and my God I mean you bounce back from the dead let me tell you literally and literally make it yours okay hold on and do not change that jacket okay white Sushi you know that and let your team run your business okay I think this experience with Gordon was life-changing for everyone here what you did to get the team back together I mean I'm telling you no one could have done but this place is on the road and good luck I can't wait to come back it's one of those experiences you'll never forget good job guys sometimes you have to trust me no no no no no no no no no two years ago chef and restaurant tour Ken peshotta had a dream he bought the river rock in in Milford Pennsylvania a Charming Town nestled in the stunning Pocono Mountains just two hours drive from Manhattan it was the golden opportunity White Town Apartments had come this way but soon after we got the keys the dream turned into a nightmare I was expecting to reach a certain number on room sales and I didn't hit one tenth of that I don't think Kenny has an idea how to run an inn and a few guests that do come are far from impressed there's nothing in the bathroom does shampoo no conditioner soap nothing we have to go out and buy some if I came in I would probably check right back out it it's like old it's trying to be cozy but it's not it's hideous if I wanted to stay at my grams I could pack a bag and go stay at my grams I'm not going to a BNB for that if you buy an end you got to step up and be an Innkeeper we need to fill these rooms we really do facing financial disaster Ken was forced to move out of his house and into the Inn I said Ken you're making the biggest mistake the miserable man Ken is now 48 Single Living and he's crumbling in and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt the more the hotel fails 2 868 dollars in taxes are still good the more controlling Ken becomes takes everything out on us to make our lives feel miserable just like his I feel very good about yourself as an employee kind of chips away at your sense of self I don't know what's going on I told you I'd buy you a little tarantula and he's down here everybody's walking on eggshells everybody's afraid to do their job they don't want to get yelled at but come here everybody threatens to quit it's the daily event and things don't get better here I'm definitely leaving you know what you really need to grow up and act your age you're a 48 year old man don't get the [ __ ] out of my face has just turned it all into a hot mess [Music] I've been rocking an American pieces [Music] [Music] right anyone in it's like a hallway like a chicken desk but she's behind there hello hello somebody's ashes are down there bloody hell oh my granddad says hello at where's the reception ah this is it basically this is the reception should be out in a minute if you like okay thank you very much well hello nice to see you it's nice to see you I'm Karen ocean it's a pleasure to meet you I'm a little bit nervous then yeah honestly because I'm just like standing on my own oh well I'm sorry I apologize for that um confusing where's the reception desk it's right here right this was the reception desk can I just quickly show you something yes I know I don't mind getting stuck in well yeah oh dear that is pretty bad yeah that's not very pleasant that's not at all Pleasant uh so would you like to go to your room uh yeah follow me this way okay how old is this place this hotel was built around 1880s I'll tell you it was decorated in 1980s it kind of looks that way for the first time in the last time it's been a while for the rooms there is a closet over here they uh special hangers just for me oh yep wow wow I think the court will stay what is that extra carpeting we just got new carpeting here okay so it's uh save for repairs I've never had free carpet in my wardrobe before okay just check my view oh look all those bugs and the blue bottle is staying for the week it's a nice little force of them down here we give these to your cleaner sorry it's like an insect Funeral Home truthfully in the fall there was like a ladybug problem you'd bring it in guest and oh my gosh it'll be like you know 50 bugs in the room and so Ken and I would take care of that to get rid of ladybugs with people to stay um now they've died and look at this here I think that's a cockroach to welcome me on the toilet no way having a number two I'm just like I can't believe it look at that never had a cockroach committee welcome me on the John let's get out of here well what else is on this floor well this is the owner's quarters and all these bits of furniture here do people literally sit that seems to work well to cover internet service out here okay so this is the Wi-Fi chair yes it really is I'm gonna bear that in mind if I need to check my emails [Music] it's so sketchy at best okay far worse than I thought through Gordon's eyes I was like whoa it's totally neglected no I will uh I'll unpack and get ready for dinner my first impressions of vegan have been Dreadful at least I can take my mind off things with some TV nothing look at that I knew those shitty hangers would come in useful for something come on I can't believe Mr Simpsons come on this is embarrassing 110 for this [ __ ] hole just the general hygiene cleanliness is just shocking wardrobes full of crap and there's no excuse for dead insects and the filth everywhere it's like they've given up and no one knows there's a hotel here because it's just not fit to rent these rooms out for the public I mean look so far at Milford Pennsylvania's River rocking I've discovered outdated Decor bugs Galore look at that I've never had a cockroach committee welcome me on the John and a TV that last worked in 1982. I've heard that the owner is a chef so maybe the restaurant will be the River Rocks Saving Grace okay foreign yes is it a classic Bistro yes everything made from scratch that's nice you're a chef by trade yes I am you're not in the Kitchen Tonight uh no I'm not working online so you've retired from cooking sunlight running the past maybe or um running the other side I'm just watching all the food and letting sorting everything out it's hard to run this whole place by yourself I have so many years of experience I thought that when he hired me he'd be able to let go a little bit knowing that I could get this job done but he just can't seem to let go um and how would you rate the food one to ten seven or eight and if I ask you to rate your rooms out of ten what would you give them four or five I'm now [ __ ] myself about dinner let's hope that the food is better than the rooms sure [Music] the concept of an American Bistro serving fresh local food in the Country Inn makes perfect sense but I can't make any sense of this menu our um so I'm getting a little bit confused because we've gone Mexican on the quesadilla we've jumped down to Thailand and then we've gone to Italian for the calamari American visa yes sir wow um what would you recommend on the menu we've got a house small trout I believe that it's a golden trout from Northern California it comes in Frozen you're recommending that I eat frozen trout from Northern California you know Chef it's been only Frozen Once right your head is sweating it's a little hot in here I feel like I got a leak in my [ __ ] butt that's your bald head who puts these ideas together that would be Kenny show okay um so give me a Thai Samba players yeah sure yeah uh entree dying to see that I'm traveling around the globe in Milford enjoy I'm appalled I was promised an American Bistro instead I get a sampling from around the world I was expecting fresh food but I get recommended frozen fish what's going on here the Thai sample chef are they made in house no they are not no thank you [Music] wow it's just Frozen crap reheated and how can you make a slice of chicken look so Bland that will give that Thai experience to my [ __ ] dog l-6 is on the fire too I'm struggling yes sir is he a local boy yes he is I think left to his own devices he'd do very well he's very limited on what he can use for ingredient wise because he doesn't do the shopping who does the shopping now Kenny does the shopping so he's almost like cut the balls of the chef off yeah sure M6 M14 menu at the river rock is pretty much outdated uh it's Kenny's menu it's been here for years I don't agree with the menu but it's he's my boss he pays my my salary and he's still gonna get to that point where he just kind of burnt out [Music] hi Gordon Emery how are you tough on this one what'd you do here I bartend and I help manage Ken's a chef and the chef is cooking he's not allowed to cook his own dishes yeah it's almost like he's sort of cutting balls off well it's kind of what he does with all of us are you ready to strips your confidence won't let you make any decisions executive or otherwise that's crazy and it's a lot of micromanagement why do you stay here and I'm a loyal dog unfortunately I'd bend over backwards for him but that phone's wearing thin that's your Chef Ramsay that might be the golden ticket [Music] thank you Jesus Christ almighty it's like someone's just dropped a [ __ ] T-Rex foot on my plate honestly in fact that might be a small Valdosta oh that's a small one yeah sure I mean it's like a meal for eight that valdostano can feed an Ethiopian family of 40. you know what I mean horrific this is not what I would expect in a Country Inn it's worse than a nasty Roadside Diner I feel like I'm eating a [ __ ] flip-flop with mayonnaise can the owner looks like a zombie sleep walk in towards disaster it's time to get everyone together and see if I can wake Ken up how much money are you losing per month right now about five to seven thousand a month and that's on the decline correct if those rooms aren't that busy why are they so disgustingly dirty they're they're dirty because they didn't check them it's almost like we're robbing customers when I arrived you give your food seven or eight out of ten yes but the food was Dreadful Seth how long you been cooking almost 18 years as a chef 18 years in the business are you proud of what you serve personally I don't agree with Kenny's menu it's on the menu I want what I want I know what I want you can't hold people's hands in this business if you don't fix this in they've all lost their job I honestly think that kind of needs somebody to open his eyes so that he can see that everybody that works for him is capable and more dependable and we're here to help him increase his business and make it successful and nobody said hurt him I'm here to help it's impossible because you are not helping yourself and it's not as if you're the captain of the Titanic you're the [ __ ] iceberg yet you haven't stared at yourself long enough in the mirror and actually understood where the issues are you're looking at them good night oh Jesus I've had about all I can take for one day it's time to get to bed but based on how neglected these rooms are I need to know exactly what I'm sleeping on my black light will reveal any bodily fluids previous guests have left behind oh Jesus Christ that has got to be SEMA this is Hotel Hell [Music] before my first night sleeping at the River Rock Inn in Milford Pennsylvania I decided to check it out with my black light to make sure there was nothing I wasn't seeing and I was appalled to discover a vast spread of bodily fluid stains has this thing ever been washed people pay to sleep in this bed unfucking believable there is no way I'm sitting on these sheets tonight luckily I came prepared please I've got to turn off the lights [Music] oh man that was rough hopefully a shower will wash away the memory of those awful stains foreign [Music] [Music] I don't think the staff or the owner have any idea how revolting it is to be a guest here I want you to come upstairs with me I want to show you something I'll place an audio time for a wake-up call [Music] good morning good morning these are the guests that have been staying in the hotel now you've all experienced the last 24 hours a sleepover and what I'm here to do is to help fix this place I can't do it without your feedback my biggest complaint was this morning when I took a shower I had water up to my ankles before I got out my shower ahead I probably showered from here down because the shower head hit hit me about here there was like bugs on the floor and then I was sitting on the bed and then I saw a bug on the door too I have back problems this morning it was really hard to get out of bed just because you could feel the springs the big question for me is that on the back of last night's experience who would stay here again a little raise of hands [Music] I probably wouldn't come to stay again really no one thank you very much thank you thank you I hope Kelly's starting to see how his lack of effort at the end is driving guests away there's one more thing I want to show him if this doesn't wake him up nothing will I'm going to show you something that is pretty horrific come in uh just stand over there please three of you [Music] glass is on brace yourself Karen it's awful I don't even like to think of what I'm even looking at it's like a [ __ ] Galaxy this is foul absolutely foul I'm Shell Shocked a little bit it's disgusting it's truly disgusting the saying this makes me sick to my stomach oh dear I don't know what to say I mean I'm just it is Horror Show it was horrifying I was thinking how many times did this room even been rented without being cleaned for all that to be there Ken you're running a [ __ ] hotel not a brothel it is [ __ ] disgusting start taking responsibility I've discovered some disgusting things at the river rocking horrific food to give that to my [ __ ] dog dead bugs like an insect funeral home and I've worked out what the source of all the problems is it's Ken and it's not as if you're the captain of the Titanic you're the [ __ ] iceberg [Music] he's in way over his head and making everyone's life miserable as a result and his incompetence has let the in fall into a shocking state [ __ ] Galaxy that's what I thought I'd even like to think of what I'm even looking at this is truly disgusting it's a true slap in the face I apologize to everybody who slept there before that I put you through that I think it's horrible I hope Ken realizes now that there's more to running an in than just owning an in this place needs to change and change fast yes Elise just went to get stuff first up the Inn needs to be cleaned so it's a place fit for paying guests to stay in I put the whole team to work to clean the end from top to bottom and I'm going to address the worst problem myself well hello Madam very well thank you is there any chance I can put this through a wash yes what do you need to buy buy tonight yes definitely would you mind but can you do a sort of extra strong cleaning product it's pretty Rancid okay so be careful we'll be there thank you bye-bye can we don't catch anything [Music] wow places looking so fresh while the staff finished cleaning the in I want to have a snoop around the kitchen and see if there's any more clues as to how Ken is running this place [Music] why do I have to ask weekly for the fish to be iced down do not take this sign down do not take my pens by your own if you use this drill replace it or I'll buy a new one with your paycheck bloody hell Charming Ken definitely have issues bloody hell if you eat these cookies take one to your next job interview I mean my God I'm surprised anyone still [ __ ] works here there's God is incredible that's not management this is insane I can't believe Ken is so passive aggressive with his staff I need to talk to him and find out what the hell is going on I come across all these little notes about don't take this if you do take it to your next interview you tell me what's going on I I don't like being taken advantage of I have some hard times with things that they do why are you talking to them why aren't you leading them why aren't you motivating them why aren't you getting close to them The Secret of any good Management's about communication understanding putting yourself on their level maybe I look at it as they should be on my level are you kidding come with me I want to show you something take a seat here Ken thinks he's managing his staff but I think he's bullying them he needs to see how he's making them feel I've set up a monitor in one of the bedrooms and I'm going to force Ken to watch a staff meeting I think this might bring about the change this place desperately needs stay here I'll be back in five [Music] I came here to help what I'm frustrated about is what I'm discovering I snooped around the kitchen I come across this a cookie jar we eat these could take one to your next job interview we call those Kenny's nasty grams I mean a joke or is this no that's real I put those notes up because my staff needs reminders for me to tell them to do the simplest test they can come off as degrading but I don't know if they get the himthia any other way what in the hell is going on look at this one don't take my pens buy your own I think he hides behind he's afraid of Confrontation it's passive make you feel he causes us all to be discouraged in the jobs that we have there's so many people here that really know their jobs well but we have become discouraged and when people become discouraged they don't do the things that are necessary [Music] like this we're just spiritless he's really just sucked the soul out of every one of us he's just a spirit sucker honestly [Music] I'd love Ken the owner of Milford River Rock in into a bedroom where he can watch a staff meeting on TV if you eat these cookies take one to your next job interview the staff have told me his management style has destroyed their morale is this a joke is this that's him every day there's no gratitude like so when you say to us why why are we like this we're just spiritless he's really just sucked the soul out of every one of us individually over the period and length of time just a spirit sucker honestly Ann Marie's comments about me brought tears in my eyes her especially because she's one of my closest friends it did hurt me what do you want to see change from him let the people his team do the work that he's hired us to do this place can succeed providing that you stay on track you've got to stand up to him let me go get him I hope that seeing that finally got through to Ken it's time to reveal to the staff that he was upstairs watching every word wow of what my staff thinks about me it's Awakening it it really saddens me because I would do anything for them and I feel that they don't see that I need to change I uh watched everything you said and I apologize I never wanted to suck the life out of any of you and uh I think I control this place But realize maybe I don't need the control you have a good team here and if we are going to move forward you have to give them ownership of their own areas uh Seth yep you've got to get that mojo back and I'm falling back in love with what you've employed to do uh Karen uh you care and that's what being a good Innkeeper that little Personal Touch you should have a hold on the inside of this business and sort of filling the place like the in hotel manager so I want you to have that level of responsibility I think what I learned the most was that I need to give people the opportunity to run this place I can't micromanage like I always did I really hope that he backs off and lets us all do our jobs he just has to put the faith in us and I know that our team can accomplish anything [Music] stop I think Ken's warm into the idea of change but I don't feel I've got to the heart of why he looks like a man under such extreme pressure Kenny have you got two minutes sure thing come on in there's got to be more to this than money yesterday in many ways I started to believe you'd given up today we turned the corner we've got to stay on that track I thought I thought I'd control this place and it didn't work it's not working it seems like the pressure you're under is not just Financial right in order to buy this place I borrowed from my brother I said I think I could really make this work and and the price is Affordable would you help me you have to be met with the owners he went to the truck says how much you want me to write the checkout for [Music] my mother too my mother that wouldn't happen without her help either I said I could move to this Restaurant to this place and the only way I could do it is I need some money from you I needed fifty thousand dollars and she also said just take it so both their houses are tied into here [Music] so this place fails you have let them down and yourself this entire place wouldn't be here without my brother and my mother's help I want the business to succeed so they don't have to have a worry I don't want to ever let them down and you can't do it alone yeah do you have a girlfriend in here no no don't take this the wrong way but it needs a it needs a woman's touch he needs a bit of a feminine approach it needs that kind of love no yes it's been kind of rough there's been no lady in my life because I haven't been had a chance to go out there and and even meet or date women I just want to meet that special person and just a big deep breath it's first time I smiled in a while because the River Rock Inn has come a long way from where we started the ones filthy in is now clean and can the owner has seen the error of his ways I apologize I never wanted to suck the life at any of you but before this place is ready to welcome guests the staff need to understand the true meaning of hospitality this place is definitely on the road to recovery but I think this team needs some training so I've asked a very special friend Ramesh saidwali from Caesar's Palace I can actually show them how it's done hi Gordon good to see you how are you I'm D thank how are you I'm great please take a seat it's so nice to see you it's great to see you so the customer focus is critical isn't it very much and in your mind what are the golden rules on the first 60 seconds you have to approach your guests with a big smile on your face because it just opens all kinds of doors find little ways to to make a lasting impression on that guest and let them know that their comfort and their enjoyment is your primary objective and it sounds simple but it's not that simple if you practice all the basics sure the rest of it will just fall into place it has to be natural people know when you're not being sincere the good news is the team here you know their heart is in the right place but they are clearly lacking training okay the owner doesn't smile that often so okay all right let me go get the team okay thanks Ramesh Kenny we've got someone a very special I want to introduce you to please come through I'd like to introduce you to a very uh very dear friend of mine please my name is Ramesh Ramesh very nice to meet you he's from Caesar's Palace Karen he's flown in from Vegas I asked Ramesh to come and teach you how to greet customers holy mackerel he's a guy that runs Caesar's Palace coming to teach my staff how lucky of a guy am I he's here to help you and to show you within 60 seconds of those guests arriving through that door what we need to hit First Impressions go wrong they never forget it okay why don't we have a look at what they normally do stop straight away and we restart okay [Music] stop as soon as you see a guest coming through there you can come out here and reach for the door open the door and have a big smile on your face it looked like you just lost your arm here we go bollocks okay put a lot more into it okay it's Gotta Be Good afternoon it's great to have you here welcome it was kind of hard I'm gonna work to get better at greeting people good afternoon nice to have you here Welcome To The River Rock Inn thank you very much stop before he extends his hand out to you you should have extended your hand out to him I feel like I'm being yelled at by a drill sergeant you're out on the side of town your turn Karen you have an incredible smile I was a little nervous Gordon's in the back and he's chanting you know you can do this you can do this you don't give it a pep talk here we go foreign I'm Karen Welcome To The River Rock afternoon my name is James Sanford I'm here to check in welcome Mr Temple Depot come right this way I see that you'll be staying with us for the next week yes ma'am possibly more of course that would be wonderful we have you staying in our king-size room which is on the second floor absolutely lovely room with a pretty view out the front of the house so that's a nice place to be nice finally amazing Karen is a superstar she really is that one very well done Gordon helped me realize that I have people that I can rely on and instead of being the Hands-On owner I should be more of the overseeing owner which I really need to be very well done very nice [Music] now that Ramesh has taught the staff how to make the right first impression I'm gonna try and help Ken boost his self-esteem which will make him a much better Innkeeper Ken meet Bobby Bobby meet Ken nice to meet you nice to meet you I've flown in Barbie hatch a Hollywood stylist to give him a new look this one's a little bit too big for you a different shirt maybe well bobby gets to work on transforming Ken I want to check out the Inn's website and see if that's also in need of a makeover this is supposed to be the Wi-Fi Channel I can't even get it any signals one bar there's an amazing competition in this town so in order to stand out and sort of be somewhat different you do need a great website my goodness the opening page of the website looks as old and from the interior of the bedrooms I mean so dated it's like it's been put together on a 20 budget shocking he obviously doesn't realize that 80 of hotel bookings are done online today so if you've got no decent website to follow then you're absolutely screwed ah Come Back to Me signal I'm safe it's great it really works you don't have to put on a parka you just throw a throw on your neck you're done let's do it thank you so much you're so welcome Ken's makeover is finished and I'm gonna take him out on the town but first let's see what his staff think you're new Cooper very very nice yeah yes very handsome let's go [Music] foreign to a local bar I think that meeting the right girl will give him a great confidence boost the sort of positive energy that will light up the river rock and make Ken a pleasure to deal with quite a lovely little place take a seat how Dapper does Kenny look whatever he does Disney thank you how could that man still be single Kenny's single oh we gotta find you our milk I felt like the king boy he really set me up thank you very much if I fail now I'm really a loser big day tomorrow best wishes good night good night honestly I've never seen a man change so much um let's just hope he's not late for breakfast in the morning [Music] my design team worked through the night to transform Milford Pennsylvania's River Rock in and now it's time to reveal the changes to Ken and his team good morning good morning how are we very good good Seth how are you feeling great great excellent all of you this week have really put so much effort into get this in back on track so I'm greatly appreciative for your efforts it's only fitting okay that we start the relaunch with a proper sign take a look at this thank you it's not the old sign from the old restaurants it's a beautiful sign River Rock Inn and restaurants the best food in lodging in the Pokemon how cool is that that's very cool is it nice beautiful it's wonderful thank you okay ready to go inside yeah excited let's go come through are you ready it's a beautiful place to live and stay not a place you've got to come and die first off we have a stunning color on the walls gone is That Hideous paper so now it's in keeping with a rustic charm and all the bugs are gone too the changes are just incredible I'm a bit overwhelmed by them I'm Blown Away totally Blown Away we've replaced that dinosaur TV with a new flat screen guess what it works okay replacing the mattresses stunning linen oh my goodness new table lamps and guess what gone are the spunk stains Karen the only Milky Way is from the skies above yes it's Karen so what do you think I I'm still a country inn but it's a country end of the year 2012. let me show you the room next door please this is incredible this is just amazing Gordon just did wonders here oh by the way I've updated your router okay so you have Wi-Fi in in the room oh my God how cool is that amazing hello I'm Blown Away you're Blown Away worn away excellent oh wow please come in wow look at look at this come in come in come in when I first arrived the check-in was so confusing now the guests come in they sit down we offer them A coffee glass of water and then we'll go to actually booking them in online [Laughter] how cool is that amazing now how much do you spend on linen a month a fortune a fortune underneath tablecloths you had these stunning natural tables which were just being hidden at a ridiculous expense focus on the linen upstairs in the room before Gordon was here I just had a restaurant now I have an inn I have a destination I can't wait I'm looking forward to the relaunch tonight we're gonna have a lot of fun you like this thank you yeah you like it [Music] with a new decor and ramesh's expert training hello hello Rock I'm Karen along with a newly inspired cancer enjoy your dinner the river rock is in a much better place time to go well I got here Ken honestly that guy was a hopeless Innkeeper almost like someone had given up but yeah we've turned him around it's almost like he's sort of he's got his mojo back and now the river rock has every chance of succeeding I tell you what I've seen a lot of Skies but not quite a Milky Way like that [ __ ] me as I prepare to leave guests are arriving for the relaunch and I noticed some familiar faces from the bar last night and as promised they've brought a friend how are you my darling nice to meet you little people first impressions he looks cute he looks cute nice I can feel a good night coming on Joey I need three onion soups two fish cakes and fish fingers Ken trusting his staff and not micromanaging he's able to spend more time on the floor my friends leaving time to charm the Mills of Milford hello how's everyone tonight welcome and this is oh come on wake up I was excited to see them she was very pretty I look forward to talking with her here we go ladies my first impressions of Ken you look cute very um solo ladies thank you very much [Music] the Inn is buzzing and Ken has invited some very special guests to see the place at its best and this is my brother oh how are you sir likewise good to see you too and my mother hello Madam how are you how are you very well thank you nice to meet you there's no words to express how proud I am after dinner upstairs the guests are loving the new rooms I'm downstairs they're loving the fresh local menu their chef Seth and I put together really really good before I can leave there's one last thing I need to take care of your cell number please not for me if I can come on thank you amazing Hey listen thank you so much for coming tonight I really appreciate it thank you Ken come here now how are you feeling I feel wonderful I want to see at the beginning of the week I thought you're gonna sort of almost I suppose form for the Wayside will you bounce back and I'm grateful for that thank you I'm grateful for you oh and one more thing [Music] [Laughter] for you you can't have a better wingman than Gordon Ramsay oh yeah he gave me your number it's in my pocket no more sticky notes nothing let them do it yeah okay I love you this is the greatest thank you so much Gordon made me realize that I should be less than the Hands-On owner who can't see the forest Through the Trees from here on I'm empowering my staff to make their own decisions and I'm going to support them no more micromanaging for me [Music] what a week what a Galaxy [ __ ] me the historic Juniper Hill Inn sits on a Hilltop above the quaint Village of Windsor Vermont built in 1902 the country mansioned both 28 luxurious bedrooms and two grand dining rooms it is filled with original works of art and antiques all museum quality antiques dealer Robert Dean II and his boyfriend Ari Nikki bought the business six years ago I've always thought that you should live with nice things if you can afford them this looks good there Robert I thought you'd like it the guests that we don't want here are people who don't have a lot of money the Inn may look the part but despite Robert's dreams of an elite country estate the hotel is barely functioning Robert Dean has no hotel or no restaurant experience the prices may be a little bit high for locals 350. tonight minimum so that's 700 the lack of communication is very frustrating where are you I know the customers see that every day because at this point I can't even get in my room with bookings at an all-time low the hotel is in serious financial trouble but that doesn't stop Robert from living a Millionaire's dream Robert believes this place is his playground and a playground for his friends he's got to have a lot of clothes made thank you cops all their meals rooms tips they're having a hard time paying me because they give away all of their money and food to their friends showing off using this as their private castle with hardly any paying guess it's no wonder that this Inn is in the red yes we are losing money more or less like two hundred thousand dollars a year I think that the play the place is going to be closed and it's that's very sad Gordon is going to come into this place and say this place is [ __ ] if I don't stop this business from bleeding money it's doomed I'd love to own an end in a setting like this if you get it right you'd make an absolute Fortune before I get to Juniper Hill I want to find out what the town's folk think of their local Inn how are you very well and yourself yeah I think I've been driving all morning um it's beautiful and reputation it tends to be a little on the high end for our area okay but I would love to have a place to go to locally do they not invite locals up there I feel it'd be intruding everybody what a shame thank you so much have a great day welcome to Windsor thank you very much indeed thank you thank you here we are Juniper Hill Inn now who in the hell would bring an RV all the way up here and not stay in that stunning hotel look at it oh my God that's beautiful wow okay around the front door [Music] I can't believe I can clear the snow for guests to come in [Music] you're kidding me it's locked that's not very welcoming [Music] why would you have a big mansion guests can't arrive through the front [ __ ] door Jesus who wants to enter through the back door Mr Ramsey is here I need you to do room one right away [Music] at least this door's open finally hello there how are you how are you Mr M black Gordon please Robert Dean wait were you over there I was at the front door yes okay this is actually our entrance and in the winter because of snow ready we have to keep that locked and otherwise the snow load comes off and kills people kills people yeah it can have you killed anyone so no where's all this stuff from um and aftermath of a antiques Fair yeah this looks like it could be a beautiful room but you can't tell because it's stuck with so much clutter that's the reception desk no my God so what is that that is our bar right now you are kidding me this is the bar yes with what the martinis martinis God bless him uh made of pigs Pig Martini well we have three rescue pod bellied picks you have three pigs here right what is that for were you born with this in your mouth yeah I don't like whiz honestly I actually know that was a gift from a giant so yeah Robert obviously loves to show off all his expensive antiques but as a guest I don't feel comfortable I feel like I'm in the museum this is the main formal dining room this big chair here is four for one uh just kind of we're known as a romantic destination and uh it's just out of Interest well we would move the table move it in for me please yes wow so we've got a sofa on the table we thought it was kind of nice to have like a cozy banquet oh well three US presidents have died here oh really which ones uh Teddy Roosevelt Calvin Coolidge Teddy Roosevelt died in here wow I wanted to try to give him a little bit of sense of the history of juniper Hill wow okay so that's the dining room well we have two dining rooms oh God you must be busy with two dining rooms well I wish we were busy let's see how we have spurts of being incredibly busy right uh where we lack is all the other times ready yeah this place looks like a millionaires Mansion not a struggling business I've got to scratch beneath the surface this place per week is telling how much we're lucky if we're doing you know 15 000 a month what does it cost to keep the place open 30. ready yep so you're losing two hundred thousand dollars a year it's been a nightmare we maintained our room rates thinking that the economy wouldn't be this long a haul but we've all experienced those kind of devil kits and myself including but you you navigate your way out of that recession unfortunately my partner lost his job we expected him to have his job for a little longer he must have gained a substantial payoff retirement it's all been put into this how much over a million dollars a million dollars into this already Yes and does he have an active role in the business he tries to maintain the accounting and he helps just about with everything we're in trouble you'd never guess what it's more like Buckingham Palace than Skid Row do you know what um Robert honestly I had to go straight to my room if you would okay all right wow this goes on it does it's the largest culinary Revival Mansion in New England more paintings and you're in the Maxwell at Art Suite which is the original uh okay wow beautiful room and uh I mean this is uh it's a beautiful room but what is that smell I mean seriously it's it does smell [ __ ] I mean that is horrific oh my God it smells like sewage [Music] I'm at Vermont Juniper Hill in and I've just met his owner Robert Dean II who's filled his hotel with expensive art and antiques were you born with this in your mouth but he can't fill his rooms and his business is struggling you're losing 200 000 a year it's been a nightmare and no wonder because although the room he's put me in looks nice beautiful room it has one major drawback what is that smell it smells like raw sewage we had a plumbing issue and it's like someone's shot under the bed and um how much this room goes for 350 a night 350 a night for room that smells of [ __ ] well you're kidding me we haven't rented it though bloody how it's been out of use for um four months four months yeah oh come on it has been this is crazy it is crazy it just makes sense I've got to get out of here is there another room yes I have room too bloody hell I didn't realize 350 dollars to be caked in [ __ ] wow it's gorgeous and this one doesn't smell like crap I'm going to quickly uh unpack and then I would um I would like to have a um a quick bite of lunch okay I'll notify this what time is the restaurant close for lunch well we actually don't serve lunch normally but we're happy to prepare you something is that a joke we serve breakfast stop stop stop stop stop you don't actually serve lunch no the restaurants close for lunch yes if someone requests lunch we'll make lunch for them but could you uh prepare lunch for me uh yes I can I'll tell the chef please okay uh thank you yes not open for lunch Gordon is gonna want lunch huh Gordon wants lunch what am I supposed to do with that information [Music] that was a welcome breath of fresh air on the back is gusting smooth I can't believe it and that are gorgeous and yet how could you have a room that has been smelling for months that bad and then he sticks me in it what a muppet despite the Hideous smell in that first guest room I've still worked up quite an appetite hello Hi how are you Barbara Barbara how glamorous are you I'm nice to see you I have a mad crush on as he knows I'm a cougar how old are you now last week I turned 70. you're kidding me watch out Joan Collins I'm telling you now bloody hell Bobby what's wrong with this place well in a nutshell don't get any people like pulling teeth to get my paycheck you don't get paid it takes forever to get my paycheck and when I do it's usually something's left out hold on a minute you you don't get paid and when you do it not on time we spoke you're supposed to get paid every two weeks so what do you earn a fortnight I made 6 000 this year six thousand dollars a year that's ridiculous you know you got to have the money flowing and it's almost come to a standstill at this point my last paycheck was 48 dollars I'm I'm Rob has obviously got enough money to fill the guest rooms with Fine Art and antique furniture but it doesn't pay you staff and I'm starving what would you recommend for the crab cakes with a little salad so this is the dinner menu okay because we're not open for lunch and the lamb sounds great as well you want the lamb yeah all right darling is this a prefix menu or yeah because there's no prices on here what sort of Russian doesn't have prices on the menu It's like a club for millionaires where if you have to ask you can't afford it I've got a supplement of 15 for my lamb how much is enough charge for the lamb is Robert nearby [Music] how much is it for three quarters fifty nine dollars fifty nine dollars so if we had the lab it would be 74. people are horrified at the price of the food this is why a lot of people think that Juniper Hill is snobbish when we typically take a reservation we will tell people it's a three-course meal but that's for the residents I'm talking about a local coming in here we're reservation only though so nobody walks in we don't have to walk in how can you expect to appeal to the locals um we haven't identified the appropriate people to come here or would you mean appropriate people people who can afford 59 for three courses appropriate people what a snob where does he think he is the Ritz and where's your table which one's your table well most of the time I eat in our RV our motor coach say that again um we have a motor coach to the side right and where'd it come from is it yours you rent it yeah it's ours I mean we owe on it but we bought it and we bought it yeah how much was that over a hundred thousand dollars a hundred thousand dollars you're three years away from 50 you should not be living in an RV we don't live in an RV it is a motor coach which is the higher end version of an RV it is that psychological break for us and it gives me a place to relax and kind of unwind I actually love it I could live there the rest of my life to be honest with you it's quiet it's clean I suppose if this place doesn't get fixed then you might be in there full time yeah I've just sat down for lunch at the Juniper hilly hello and already I found out the staff aren't paid on time like pulling teeth to get my paycheck and the owners live in a camper outside how much was that over a hundred thousand dollars this place is baffling I hope the food makes more sense makes sense wow where are the crab cakes oh that's in there underneath there are they mini crab cakes are we uh the chef has decided that those are the size that he needs to serve I mean that tastes Dreadful that thing tastes sort of washy and soapy for that he's as cheap with his crab cakes as he is with his staff now for the Lamb with Robert's ridiculous 15 extra charge it's um a rack of lamb encrusted in macadamia nuts fresh herbs and a little bit of Dijon mustard it's served with a honey vinegar reduction I even cook properly almost didn't take that off I always get nervous when you see white fat like that on the side of the chop [Music] to your liking I mean it's pretty raw in the center you like the flavor of it though the Honey Garden way too sweet I I'm not satisfied with the quality of the foods coming out of the kitchen I believe our Chef has a learning curve to be where he needs to be thank you we just lost our other Chef why why did the chef leave I'm supposed to tell you the truth right the truth is all I want to know why did the chef leave well her paycheck she put all everything on her charge cards and and she just figured she wasn't paid back for what she Chef bought produce she did she did everything she was the best chef ever oh that's Dreadful starving the peanut butter chocolate decadence I could do with some of that pick me up please thank you God a chef that left because she had to buy produce on her own credit card I mean this guy's priorities are upside down a bit like this in okay are you ready this he said he doesn't care for the sweetness there's fat around it he didn't care for the flavor of the honeygar foreign [Music] wow thank you very much and did you cut it in half because it looks like something and where's the other half gone uh goes to the another person who worries oh no I want my other half 74 dollars this place is insane listen half my dessert's missing if you think I'm spending 74 dollars for dessert that is half cocked [Music] it's actually quite nice there is hope I'm sorry I'm going to say that that is not a dessert that he made Barbara made it no somebody else makes desserts it's ordered like store-bought like through one of our purveyors what where's the chef he's in the kitchen can you get him out please what how you doing Chef Julian in my opinion is not living up to his potential as a chef he will try to cut corners and I think Gordon needs to know these things I've just spent 74 dollars for three plates of absolute dire dated [ __ ] food [Music] cakes yes sir you can't put two little half testicle size [ __ ] crab cakes that came from a can there's bigger [ __ ] cakes chef at the [ __ ] canopy party my lamb was cold in the middle the fat was white it was almost like a mouthful of sugar the best tasting dish for me was the [ __ ] chocolate peanut thing that I got served half a portion that's not even made [ __ ] in-house what is this there's no Synergy here there is honestly a lack of communication often sometimes when I'm in the middle of doing breakfast service for the 10 people that we randomly get I get five texts from him asking me a question so why are you texting him if you have a question I'd like to maybe leave the RV and come out and talk to him show me those texts are you nitpicking are you trying to control him are you no I'm trying to make sure I I'm I haven't been sleeping very well to be honest with you and uh I've had I've been beaten down I'll take responsibility for everything that happens in the kitchen you don't you do nice you own it yeah he's edible four taxes 400. Jesus Christ almighty 400 a week to be the head chef in a luxury hotel that's insane I mean you're barely surviving I'm I'm I don't know that I'm even barely surviving if you're not happy with your work environment you should leave are you taking the piss or is this just an abuse for you what are you doing to these people so they're livelihoods this is your responsibility [Music] Rob's World and you're in an RV a hundred grand everybody is disgusted that you live in that thing they really are because it costs so much money and they can't get their paycheck on time well that is not the that is part of the issue we are surrounded by wealth and reminded of poverty at the same time because of that RV it's a symbol to me that RV is a simple and it's a symbol that you're separating yourself from everybody else I'd be very careful about coming down on me too hard I'm telling you exactly how I feel and how that makes the people that I work with feel let me tell you how I feel when you're in your [ __ ] kitchen all day long and you're on the goddamn internet instead of actually trying to perfect a menu and get a menu how long did I ask for you to make a menu of your own and if I'm on the computer usually as I'm trying to research menus research ingredients give me a break I've given you plenty of breaks I work very long days and I haven't been paid in three weeks there's only been one paycheck that I got on time almost the entire staff is ready to walk out because they are tired of not getting paid anything to say no we we do things oh please [Music] it's my first day at Vermont Juniper hillion and the battle between the chef and the owner and be very careful about coming down on me too hard has turned what should be a Charming country in into a war zone I'm telling you exactly how I feel I work very long days yeah and I haven't been paid in three weeks there's only been one paycheck that I got on time almost the entire staff is ready to walk out because they are tired of not getting paid anything to say no we're tired and half the team is broke I'm beyond angry I'm beyond pissed off well I just got the new [ __ ] ripped to me Gordon says that I live in a fantasy world and that uh I live in a million dollar RV while our our employees can't pay their bills and all of this kind of stuff because we don't pay them on time and they're all complaining that they haven't gotten their paychecks this time either oh they haven't and he said that everything is all about me I can't believe what a mess this place is I've got to get off this hill for a bit that's someone I need to see hello is that Lida it's Gordon Ramsay I've got some questions about Robert and Jennifer Hill would you mind if I pop over for five minutes please great I'll see you then thanks [Music] I think the old Chef that quits will be able to give me some insight into what's wrong with juniper Hill [Music] good to see you good to see you come on in give you a little insight to what it was like actually working there I have to say it was very interesting five years uh things were going very very well and then all of a sudden two years into it they stop answering the phone Robert I think thought he was too important to answer the phone or he was too busy doing other things it's a preoccupied and distracted very very preoccupied and distracted and not focused at all on maintaining his own business wow I was getting cut out of a living when they did all this stuff I used to earn forty fifty thousand dollars in one restaurant and now I'm down to earning uh 15. well you paid on time um not very often wow um did you ever use your own money to buy things all the time and then I would have to demand to be paid back or we weren't going to open for dinner it's insane Barbara has been shorted checks a lot she's barely owning a hundred dollars a week yeah and he won't pair and then if he had a private party with all his friends he didn't tip them you're kidding me no let's just discussed this stuff I mean that's where I draw that you can't do that no you just can't treat people like that now he's a confirmed snob and he thinks he's above the town he thinks he's untouchable I'm here to make this place work um the first thing I'm going to do is burst his bubble I'd like to be a fly on that wall but would you come back and walk through the doors to have a look at it at the end of the week and just come back for dinner no no just won't go or no I'm not even interested in getting it I just fear getting it in one more battle with Arya or Robert after five years yeah do you think I've got a chance of saving it the problem is now is nobody will work there you know I'm there to get this place turned around um those staff deserve a better future they do you know I feel terrible for them um listen thank you you're very welcome um appreciate your time enjoyed it thanks nice to meet you too bye-bye bye-bye how sad is that after five years of her life dedicated to the Juniper Hill you know she won't even step foot in the door just see them [Music] the old Chef left because she couldn't stand it and the current Chef looks like he's ready to walk too I wonder if everyone here is feeling the same frustration what's wrong with the place what's wrong with this place we're lacking uh paychecks on time paycheck you don't get paid on time either no no basic supplies we don't even have I mean Noel purchased guest checks for us today so that we've been using scrap pieces of paper [Music] first name is I'm Ryan Keith Ryan Keith and what'd you do I'm the estate manager here I do all the maintenance on the house I've done everything here though that's why he likes me to spread out my talents to try and help anybody wherever they need help how's morale not good I personally haven't been paid since the 6th of January here it is the first of February that's nearly a month you pay the employees before paying your bills when they've done the work that's their livelihood how Amaze you're still here working as hard as you are because staff never needs to be treated like this let me tell you it's always as if what you're saying to him doesn't get through because he sees you as not an equal he treats me like that and that really bothers me because I feel like I've contributed a lot it's actually pretty degrading I see [Music] I'm shocked with what I'm finding at the Juniper Lane owner Robert wants to kill his Chef how long did I ask for you to make a menu of your own and the rest of the staff want to kill Robert how's morale not good estate manager Ryan has told me about some of the problems but now he wants to show me if you want to see the root of the problem that's kind of the best one it's the basement yes please Jesus what's in there everything oh really it's the majority of it is personal items you know even the shelves are all lined let's see how look at this place oh my God look at this stuff stereos wine racks quilts chairs tables copper pans more chairs over there look at these Robert Prides himself in having to have the very best of everything Christ is enough in here to open three restaurants is all this stuff still brand new most of it is brand new glitter with thousands of dollars Robert's got so much stuff he could furnish a dozen houses but he doesn't pay his staff it's crazy where we go raise yourself we're going up to the office you're kidding me oh no come on this is the office this is the office you're kidding me not at all I wanted you to Jesus Christ scares me half to death oh my gosh this is insane it would only take a day or two to sort out this horde as heaven but Robert's left it in chaos no wonder he spends all day hiding in his RV this guy has lost the plots this is disturbing please tell me there's no more yes there's more this is where the pigs are kept at least they look happy hey pigs who live a life of luxury while everyone around them suffers so it sounds strangely familiar bloody hell so the owners live out the pigs live in there's more so check out the storage units storage units you are hitting right now oh my God this one's all personal items oh Jesus I mean I swear to God it's like a special edition of Hoarders I mean honestly wow I'm in shock you know that and this one all of this entire storage unit is full of chairs oh my God look at this stuff honestly I mean they must be packed with thousands of dollars worth of hundreds of thousands of dollars how much stuff does one need [Music] it's bloody hell I can't believe how much stuff Robert has bought he must have spent a fortune I've got to meet Robert's partner Ari and find out why he's financing all this Ari it's a pleasure please um my God so how much money have you put into this business personally more or less over a million dollars a million dollars and how much have you seen back nothing it was on my uh Severance packages my income that I when I was working and then my retirement class rapid savings are in artwork and antiques I have supporting this in with my my savings clearly this is a beautiful place but putting your entire life savings into a sinking ship is insane and with Robert at the helm treating his staff so poorly I don't see things getting any better Robert is in a fantasy world and I've been struggling all day to get through to him this place it's Dreamland a playground for your boyfriend Robert your biggest problem is not Juniper Hill your biggest problem is [ __ ] Robert I'm at Vermont's Juniper Hill Inn and I've just had a difficult conversation with Robert's partner Ari who seems strangely unconcerned about how bad things really are here how much money have you put into this business personally over a million dollars how much have you seen back nothing but I've tried to make him see who's to blame for the problems your biggest problem is [ __ ] Robert dinner time is approaching word has spread about me being at the inn and the place is bustling hello there nice to see you I'm learning a lot about why the Inn is struggling by watching Robert and Ari deal with the new influx of guests anyone with any wrestler experience would stagger the seating of guests but as if they're just welcoming people to a dinner party at a private house hello there how are you Robert and Ari see everyone at once yeah at the corner May pretend you're back in 1902 it's meant to be a relaxed evening and that's the recipe for disaster for Chef Julian and the wait staff by making a change on 21. write it down don't tell me just write it down it's an order are you guys kidding me with all these orders who said everybody at once like this we don't know about pacing who's writing the tickets generally you know in table four table five some of them have names on them some of them do not who wrote that ticket there's not even a table number on there table four they just got their lobster where's table 23 they've got I need one person at a time I need less talking in the kitchen tables 23 has got no food eight people ask me for something with Julian haven't been slammed by the owner's Dreadful seating Ari isn't helping the strained atmosphere with an awkward art lesson and then like this this is from 1800 and it was painted for opera house because you know what it is what is it come on everybody has to know what that is it's a hand about going across the ABS with the white elephants everybody should know that laughs [Music] on the other side of the house Robert's also busy giving a lecture this is one of the original signs to the house there's a lot of history here Teddy Roosevelt actually was best friends with the man or a very good friend with the man who actually built the house Maxwell Everett did you always get this backed up I mean yes yeah when I have four seating Robert has groups of his friends come in sitting him at once okay so you're waiting for your starters then yes okay well let me uh check on those for you okay yeah yeah Robert yes this ticket system is bollocks handwritten tickets no time on there no proper dates no coordination who trains the front of house team who's in charge of the restaurant who is there I would be the host and then you'll be the host the chef takes over the kitchen this place is such a mess clearly Robert has no idea how to run a hotel yeah um dress because they lose we lost 30 something drinks oh my gosh Robert we lost 30 drinks at least I often find drinks not written down or just a lack of follow-through and it's a big problem when we're trying to make money there's no communication between the bar and the dining room so people get served drinks but no one remembers the charge for them oh we're losing big money no kidding and they're losing their checks and I'm going crazy trying to figure out a system they have hardly any guess and don't charge the ones they do have no wonder this place is in the red how does that happen if they're supposed to ride the drinks down and then apply them to a table and a room and then they go into the computer the ticket system is bogus and as I feared seating everyone at once is already causing problems for the staff and the guests [Music] with guests now suffering and the kitchen falling apart from robbers ill-managed seating come on I have to step in um just to just stop there you have to be [ __ ] kidding me this Goose liver is burnt to a cinder stop Junior yes come around buddy I know we're in this [ __ ] and we're busy food's dying in the window a foie gras salad I mean honestly it's like a piece of [ __ ] beef jerky where's Ari get me Ari urgently I mean honestly come on guys hello I stopped that I just said no what is that what is that foie gras that is it's not funny guys oh that is not funny I mean I know we're in the ship but does anyone have any standards here yes well can I see them can I see something don't want to because right now I just want to get out of here I can only be as good as I am with the tools that I have I'm embarrassed and I know that I can do better I know the staff can do better first off no more [ __ ] tickets in the kitchen give him 10 minutes to catch up okay all right I'm Robert is it possible for the first time put the phone away get your jacket off and [ __ ] dig deep a little bit yeah please yeah somebody I'm concerned that food is in the window and it's just dying entrees on table six are England entree send them they should be sat here I mean how am I supposed to do everything baby are you with me are you an owner I'm with you are you an entrepreneur I keep trying to you know you can talk to him he's your [ __ ] Chef well when I try to communicate with us yeah yeah no no no no no no I can't do it no he doesn't [ __ ] find your balls and tell him you need to talk about my balls do I want him to walk out he's not gonna walk out if you communicate with him talk to him there well I have been trying to so when he finishes it send the [ __ ] food which is always a third dish not ready or a fourth dish well it must be one or two moves behind but unless you [ __ ] ask how you're supposed to [ __ ] know I have been asking I said where does this chicken so ask him again [Music] it's the middle of dinner service at Juniper hillian and Chef Julian is drowning under a flood of orders [Music] finally decided to get his hands dirty to try and help but he's utterly incapable of communicating with his Chef when he finishes it send the [ __ ] food it's always a third dish not ready or a fourth dish well it must be one or two minutes behind but unless you [ __ ] ask how are you supposed to [ __ ] know [Music] where is it soup go Jillian table 23. I just told you one minute ago I need Foie bra I know I have it right behind me all right okay Julian yes that's what you call communication it's better communication that's what you call communication Roberts there's a difference between interrupting and no communication and when you [ __ ] put those entrees up there you make sure they go you've got to start stepping up and [ __ ] dictating a little bit because this is just Madness I agree Jesus Christ [ __ ] ups from start to finish and it was a [ __ ] and Gordon saw that Dreadful with an owner and Chef sewing capable of communicating with each other it's no surprise the diners are unhappy and they're not the only ones while Robert and Ari are living the dream their staff are living a nightmare hopefully by gathering everyone in one room okay I can get to the root of the problem I've never seen a hotel and Inn in such disarray there needs to be structure and there isn't structure it's just like a scramble it's a mess there was no order in the kitchen nobody took responsibility for any one thing no one has been taught any standards in any Department really it's like I'm racing from thing to think nobody knows what the other one's doing there's nobody here that is in control willing to take charge I did 40 [ __ ] dinners by myself tonight I could help you and you've never asked I can cook the rack of lamb excuse me excuse me one plate is nothing to brag about excuse me excuse me I am the boss you can't call yourself a boss if you don't [ __ ] pay them I mean honestly do you think that's normal Ari do you think that's the way to look after your team every pay period there is a problem with the checks every pay period there's a problem with the checks I don't know what the problem is but I know it's the same two people you get to know about it first or you have to go asking for your salary I always ask for it that's absolutely wrong and the reason is he's lying no no no he's not lying I would rather have them wait than write a check that's going to bounce because I don't how about telling him it's not gonna be ready rather than having to ask like some skivvy cap in hand please sir may I get paid anybody else have to wait yes how long five days more Barbara I had to wait five weeks he had to what I had to wait five weeks before I got a paycheck five weeks guys you come in and you work your ass off the least these two guys can do is pay your [ __ ] salary on time I don't have a secretary Gordon I'm sorry I'm trying to communicate with Brides I'm trying to send out things I have to have peaceful time in order to do my work are you always this I am not pathetic well when are you gonna stand up and start showing some respect for your team and start growing a pair to sort of understand the measure in I understand the mess we're in I'm fighting for the team you dug the [ __ ] hole yes and put them in it so they're [ __ ] they don't have to work here oh my I mean you know the bottom line is how dare you no they don't have to work here how dare you how [ __ ] dare you they don't have to work here oh my God I I I can't disrespectful disgusting man they don't have to work here I don't think you realize how [ __ ] Lucky You Are because it wasn't for one two three four five six of them you'd be driving the RV miles away from here Robert definitely needs a reality check it's life or death right now and I don't think he actually realizes what kind of Jeopardy this place is in it's not all about you you Robert it's only me in here excuse me excuse me go on then you pomp as [ __ ] excuse me don't talk to me what what's wrong with it I want to know don't speak to me well I'm telling you you had out your ass and start getting a little [ __ ] real you still haven't got it now this place is sinking start paying a little bit more attention to the guys on the ground understand how hard it is out there forget your [ __ ] antique roadshow and start from the bottom running this business you're right there's no structure it's fragmented the T needs a leader they need a structure they need a mentor I need some support and all they get is nitpicked what kind of motivation is that all I've heard since I've been here you're just blaming people well I'm blaming you for not taking charge get [ __ ] real [Music] yeah so far my stay at Vermont's Juniper learn has been shocking yeah [ __ ] and the root of the problem is beginning to show you don't get paid I've seen with my own eyes how poorly this place is run but now I need to see what happens to the bottom line when Robert and Ari used Juniper Hill as their own private playground entertaining all their friends I'm hoping estate manager Ryan can help me a lot of the staff are telling me their um friends pop up from Manhattan and come and spend weekends and sit drink and be merry are these guys actually paying uh no Robert had a slew of friends come and stay for free and eat for free for weeks at a time and that's why they've been losing money since I've been here what do the colors mean help me understand that green means they're paid in full red means they have not paid y'all I have 50 room nights that's between November and December well just to average there are two hundred dollars a night but that's like ten thousand dollars in Revenue that's ten thousand dollars they're running it almost like a clubhouse almost like they're trying to buy friends and Robert Prides himself as the superior business person Robert walks around like he's the king and that everybody hears a bunch of hicks this is insane and this is like a private club for him he's worked with the servers before and accepted a portion of the tips oh my God [ __ ] hell taking their bloody tips and this guy is mad I can't believe this he doesn't pay them and then he takes their tips I gotta talk to him foreign Barbara how are you today good I just I just traced Robert takes a percentage of the tips it does this is your tips as you take what we get he gets the same as you yeah it's really hard to keep track of the tips I eat the bookkeeping it doesn't it seems inconsistent why is he touching the tips he did the same thing for New Year's they felt that because they needed to cover part of the band that they took the tips off our bad tip that's why we don't make anything here anona has no right to take the staff's tips and with all the room and food comps Robert is giving his friends it's no wonder that Ian is struggling the staff shouldn't be subsidizing the end so Robert and his friends get to live the high life for free it's sickening I have to confront him and figure out this nonsense I just had a look round and I just I am flabbergasted and I'm going to be really Frank I'm going to try to stay so calm but if I smell but yes that you start going into denial I'm gonna let it rip again I studied your reservations last November December 49 rooms were given out for free and on top of that they ate they drank for nothing I'm not even tipping and I'm just what the [ __ ] are you doing tell me why I thought I needed to have somebody here rather than having two other guests in the hotel all by themselves to have more energy making it worse not only do your friends not leave tips but when people do tip the staff you take a share on nights that I work I did take time that is disgusting [Music] I think you are right to that I have tried to work with my staff to teach them that this is the way I want service done you're so bad I take a percentage of the tips based on the amount of work that I do and who does the books on those tips um Ari but if I'm doing their job and I can't get it across to them you're the owner you're not the head bus boy you're not the barman you're the [ __ ] owner what I was saying wasn't getting through so the psychology was that if I started to take tips they would maybe pay attention to that that is insane it's the worst management model I've ever heard in my entire life do you honestly need a 70 year old lady's tips [Music] so 15 20 rounds worth of complimentary rooms in the food in a two-month period I'm just it doesn't make sense I have to tell you that the reason I did that was because I thought that they would at least tip my staff but they didn't tip your staff sorry to piss on your bonfire well then I will call my friends and I will tell them look what happened you haven't got the [ __ ] balls to call your friends and ask them to leave a tip yes I do call them then and asked them I thought at least out of generosity you would have left a couple hundred dollars tip for the team hello Dana yeah yeah it's Robert you stayed here recently and um I was under the impression that you and Greg left a tip did you leave a tip no no no but you said you were going to send additional tip I think my time's done here that was one of the things that I was hoping you had done I left the money with you well wait a minute there's others to call too Gordon oh dear Gordon has left he thinks I'm stealing my staff's tips unbelievable [Music] hey Ray it's Robert did you tip the staff because they're telling people that they haven't been tipped I left the money with you oh so I need to do that I I somehow lost that [ __ ] idiot Gordon left thinking I'm a liar I feel as if I'm I'm at the end of my row I mean I'm gonna lose everything I'm gonna have to start all over again if this doesn't work and I just don't seem like I can do it I know I can't do it [Music] I've just left Juniper Hill after catching Robert in a lie about his staff getting tips I was under the impression that you and Greg left a tip did you leave a tip the guy is maddening and I don't know if I've got it in me to help fix the place I'm so pissed off with rubber right now honestly I cannot stand anymore of his bloody lies this guy doesn't deserve the team that is in his hotel he treats everyone so badly when you're in your [ __ ] kitchen all day long and you're on the internet instead of actually trying to perfect a manual it doesn't even pay them properly I had to wait five weeks before I got a paycheck I work very long days and I haven't been paid in three weeks how can someone so rich not pay the people he employs that's something I simply won't stand for as angry as I am I feel I have to help the staff get paid and I have an idea of just how to do it I'm going to hire a team of white Club movers to assemble all of Robert's most valuable antiques from the storage units the basement and around the Inn I'm hoping when confronted with all the money he's wasted I can convince Robert to sell some of his vast collection to pay his staff [Music] if this is going to work and must stay calm while I talk to Robert um I've come back not for you but for the staff they deserve better we're losing an average 15 to 20 000 a month we are short but you have a serious hobby of sort of an art collector and art dealer I mean you could open a museum how many pieces you have in this oh my God hundreds what are we talking about everything collectively all those beautiful oil paintings the expensive stuff at a suitable auction um maybe three hundred thousand dollars three hundred thousand dollars and that would supplement you for the next 12 months 18 months yes that would certainly get us through that would get us through two years um right there's something I want you to see yeah I want you to come with me please that there's one thing we need right now is an injection of funds wow Robert no man alive needs this much stuff walking in it was shocking now mantis oil paintings silverware does it not I mean frustrate you that we're sat with all this and yet we can't pay our staff properly there's someone I'd like you to meet she's the head Auctioneer at Bonhams in Boston Amy good morning good morning Gordon uh nice to see you Gordon great to see you thank you so much for coming um we're in the [ __ ] basically and this stuff needs to go we need to raise as much money as possible so what's the best price we can get for all this stuff [Music] what you have here doesn't read as a collection to me it's kind of an accumulation a lot of copies of things or if they are of the period that they're supposed to be there's some condition issues um [Music] I would say about 25 000. say that again 25 000. 25 000 dollars all this all this Amy's opinion on our our things was shocking and I can't really believe that on the painting painting is a copy and not a good one I'm afraid how much that worth I can't imagine what someone would pay for it it's really very low value wow Robert I thought you said it was expensive 18th century well it's dated I dated 17. it is but it's not actually of that period at all sorry did you know that was a copy I did not know that that was a copy lots of copies reproductions reproductions we're hoping the ballpark three to four hundred thousand twenty five grand for everything that won't even get us through the next five weeks even all this amazing silverware I put 100 on everything on this the dollars what what first period this Sheffield yeah it's complete what about this 175 bucks those are background candlesticks they just don't bring very much at auction I'm afraid is this the kind of collection you'd be willing to sell at bottoms would you take the whole lot no we wouldn't wow we would have to say no we're floating as if we've got this asset full of three or four hundred thousand dollars worth of antiques we haven't and we're distracted with the bits of crap in here it was a wake-up call thank you appreciate it thank you it means that we don't have the backup that we thought we had we've paid more money for [ __ ] storage than there were than they're worth does that not bring it home a little bit earlier that you need to be an Innkeeper not a part-time antique dealer because you fooled me you give me the tone I thought wow this guy is uh he's got serious cash to burn but right now we're even further in this [ __ ] than I thought we were so the pressure intensifies yeah you need to focus on fixing the business because that's what's going to generate sufficient funds to keep this place open and I don't think you quite realize that your staff they're miserable they don't like Aries barking excuse me excuse me I am the boss you bitching when you're in your [ __ ] kitchen all day long and you're on the goddamn internet instead of actually trying to perfect a menu it's not a nice atmosphere for the staff currently and if they quit you're [ __ ] they are staff they're not pigs that live in the [ __ ] basement think that's not the case and you're that delusional and you're not prepared to listen to anything I'm saying you're [ __ ] sell the in sell this [ __ ] in here and give up [Music] I've just come back to try and save Juniper Hill in and I thought I could use some of the owners vast array of antiques to get the cash flowing but I've just discovered I would say about twenty five thousand twenty five thousand dollars all this all this that I was wrong that won't even get us through the next five weeks with no assets the challenge to make this place work is bigger than ever tomorrow I have to start the process of change before I get stuck in there's one thing I want to try [Music] it's bloody roasting oh [ __ ] my feet are freezing now foreign now it's time to see if I can get through to Robert and Ari can I just borrow you for two minutes I want to show you something together I'd like to come up to my uh room thank you if this place is going to work as a business Robert and Ari need to hear some home truths about how their paying customers really feel about their precious in ladies and gentlemen good morning all right thank you so much for uh popping into my room how was your stay last night well we didn't know where to go when we walked in so we walked around and around until we found somebody to help us check in I was like disorientated when I checked in as well I mean there's no signs in terms of reception desk or wow lounge or how are the rooms how did space heaters when I checked the room it was like a sauna and he sounds aggravated raise your hands if you come back please it is not like it is there's someone I'd like to hear from who hasn't said anything yet he is a lead inspector of the Diamond collection of hotel and Inns across America in a nutshell very disappointed didn't meet expectations from the moment I walked in with no greeting no check-in area I was totally lost and the bar is a joke should not even be there folks it looks as if it's set up for a wedding the hospitality is nice but everything else fails how do you feel I don't want my guests to have that experience you know our goal is to please people that's why we're in the in business and we've obviously Fallen really short um for me I think that's positive feedback so I'm grateful entirely let me tell you thank you all can I keep you two here please thank you the guest feedback has certainly been constructive thank you and Rob was even using the word I've never heard from him before we are sorry but I'm shocked by Ari's response to the guest complaints what's the matter with you why are you so angry with guests why are you running an end when you're so bitter you look like you don't give a [ __ ] I'm not saying that I don't like to guess but if you have ever been an Innkeeper it's 24 7. no one is more touched by what these people said well Ari but I would love this to be our private home but I am it's a loss and Ari does have a different way of dealing with I see that based on my experience I was seriously request both you actually sit down and reconsider whether you should be in this business going forward [Music] it's clear to me that Ari isn't cut out for the hospitality business and even though Robert now understands how he's let down his guess he needs to understand that he's also let down his staff and failed to recognize their potential I've got a plan that will help Robert to see what he's doing wrong and how he can fix things in his kitchen [Music] I've asked Chef Julian to cook three dishes from Robert's expensive old menu and three new dishes of his very own creation once he's finished we're going to pretend I cook the new ones and see what Robert says crucially Junior's dishes are all ones that could be served on a 29 menu half what Robert currently charges look at that 74. 29 let's go good luck okay yes I can't wait to see what Robert thinks of Julian's affordable food when he thinks I've cooked it I asked him to cook a three-course meal yeah he cooked his lamb his crab cake and the dessert that's the 74 version I cook the other meal I got hold of some chickens some sprouts and I use the crab and butterscotch pudding with some caramelized popcorn 29 that's what those three courses are gonna cost yeah okay Julian's three new dishes are fantastic and fairly priced that would go a long way towards bringing guests back through the front door now the Robert thinks I've cooked them I bet he loves them talk to me excellent fabulous and the Brussels sprouts are really good too you've actually leafed them and it's very pretty this is a much better value I've never heard you use that word value and we could get two price of one but we should do so my menu or Julian's menu your menu my menu now I'm flattered but there's something I need to tell you I didn't make any of this Julian cooked everything felt very moment that I had done Julian a disservice have you got something you'd like to say to your Chef Julian I'm sorry that I haven't given you the freedom to do what you need to do I guess I have to eat it and say that I have restricted him from being who he can be which is is really difficult and I have to say that this is delicious thank you now that owner Roberts heard from the guess very disappointed didn't meet expectations and some of the kind of affordable high quality food his Chef can cook when given the chance excellent fabulous I didn't make any of this Julian cooked everything I hope this is all started to sink in with him what how you feeling I'm feeling all sorts of things I mean there's of course fear but surely hope too Yoshi's food was amazing absolutely it was an epiphany I feel regretful that I have come across in the way I have and that I haven't exhibited to my staff the leadership they needed and the compassion that apparently I'm I must be void of I think for you to tell them how you're feeling what you're going to commit to how important they are for you I know that this place wouldn't be here without them and I'm wanting to do everything I can to show them that we can make this work I'm glad Robert's On A New Path I just hope it's not too late for your staff to learn to trust him again you are all valuable to me and to Ari and to Juniper Hill and I fear that we have not always expressed that and we want to show you that we are going to make a difference sorry for your paychecks being late sorry for taking part of the tips sorry for not communicating because that was the reality and one that I'm not proud of that we're not proud of but one that we certainly can correct and that's what we want to do the business is short of cash flow I thought there was a substantial collection of three to four hundred thousand dollars worth of assets but I mean why don't you explain exactly in the things that were assembled here um they've said lucky if we got 25 000. it is going to be difficult and I think Robert has realized the bubbles burst and he understands truth to where we are I think there's a perception that we are these wealthy magnets coming in and Lord of The Manor sort of things that's not Who We Are you know I knew there was some um bad situations here but I stayed because I want to be here and I want to help him and I believe what he says and I'm very proud of you Robert you're the man that I've always known and loved it's he's coming back I'm glad to see that you know we're facing facts and that's the only way we're going to get out of this agreed thank you Ryan what'd you think of what robbers just said I wanted to stand up and clap I did too I feel like I've been working for somebody who can actually run a business when I hear things like that that can succeed I've never seen Robert so serious this is actually really a life-changing thing for him and I feel like I want to be part of the changes thank you thank you thank you it's humbling to have to admit some of the things that haven't gone right but at the same time it's energizing to see that people really do care for us and care for Juniper Hill that is what's going to make us successful I'm impressed with the way Robert dealt with his staff meeting I've got real hope that he can make this place work but he has another lesson to learn he thinks people aren't spending money at Juniper Hill because of the recession but I think it's the snobbish atmosphere and the high prices that have kept people away I'm taking Robert to a fantastic local Brewery to show him how a warm welcome can translate into money in the bank let's go and have a beer let's get in with the locals trust me they won't beat you up you are like a fish out of water right now honestly you're like a vegetarian in the middle of a big steak tartare look at you no no I love the people from our region the Upper Valley is filled with amazing people the Juniper Hill is not I know we're local people wouldn't you welcome this atmosphere oh yeah in your stately house absolutely everyone is what stand on there and tell them you need them off we go if I could have your attention please I'm Robert I'm The Innkeeper at Juniper Hill in we just want to tell everybody we'd love to have you all up at Juniper Hill Inn and uh we need the help right now so if you can come up and have dinner or just have a drink and just say hi it would be great thank you if Robert can always be that inviting to the locals he surely has it in him to be the leader of the Inn remember the last time you brought Ari here for beer we haven't been here probably in six months how was he after he spoke to the team like that you know the the interesting thing with Ari is his exterior is finished you know he's very Stern but he feels deeply you can't express it though can he can't he's emotionally constipated I think he gave up that can't come across to the staff that can't come across the customer so you've got to almost isolate yourself from that but he's getting through it but he's not going to be the face he's not going to be the no he's not but he can provide a phenomenal amount of support behind the scenes cheers to that it's been a tough week here at Juniper Hill Inn and owner Roberts pompous ways have been maddening I don't have a secretary Gordon I'm sorry are you always this pathetic but he's finally come off his pedestal to get on the same level as his team you are all valuable to Juniper Hill and we want to show you that we are going to make a difference overnight my team has been working on a remarkable transformation and with relaunch upon us it's a chance for a fresh start for everyone good morning good morning let me introduce you to the new Juniper Hill Inn it's no longer a hangout for the super rich or your mates getting freebies yeah it's now a nice warm and very welcoming Country Inn and trust me everyone is welcome whether you're driving up here in a Mercedes or even a pickup truck you ready yes let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go please come in come through the Great Hall is a beautiful room but it was hidden by vast amounts of furniture oh my goodness look at this my team have edited the collection and created a feeling of comfort and space when I walked in at the Great Hall it felt like a different room Gordon put together this amazing place it feels comfortable and warm you have a spacious gracious warm reception room look at it gone is That Hideous makeshift bar gone yes nowhere to go because they have proper signs you ready to see the dining room come through oh it's warm and welcoming oh I love this no longer feels like your grandmother's parlor it really is a dining room it's what you expect from the Country Inn it has an identity a lot of those hideous sofas that nobody can sit and eat dinner with all right what do you think very nice you like it very open excellent I'll show you my bedroom okay please everybody else can come too please you ready we're ready here you go do you know what's wrong with this room nothing you don't need to do anything to them the only thing wrong was a smelling room one and a plumber is taking care of that the guest rooms are the absolute highlights of your Inn that meant something because it meant we were on the right track we just needed a better directions now the key to filling this is to charge sensible prices I would rather have the room sold at a cheaper price and have an 85 percent occupancy rate across the year and the price is down fill it let them enjoy this quality stunning bedrooms didn't need changing but there's one room that did need a significant overhaul in order to bring in much needed cash flow now there's one more little thing I want to show downstairs okay you ready I'm ready let's go [Music] okay we need to attract the local community I'd like to welcome you to the Blue Bar oh my goodness Ari aren't you thrilled the best new local bar in Windsor fantastic this is so crazy walk in and see the people sitting there and the games on the tables and the Beautiful drinks it was very emotional I loved it is exactly what the town of Windsor Vermont and Juniper Hill in need I'm hoping it'll be popular especially on a day like today when the in-house is first ever Sunday lunch service the staff are all getting ready for the arrival of their lunch guests five six seven eight so you've got four tables each but why everybody else is busy Ari seems lost and needs reminding of his role here at the Inn I'm here oh jeez right I had to go the other way are you in are you out are you doing the checks what are you doing I was checking in people but I thought that was the great I thought you were checking in people you want to check them in and take them up that'll be great these are kind just two seconds I'm so sorry would you continue that of course for 30 seconds I thought you were gonna leave the front of the house thought you're going to be the back of the house number one things that Robert asked me to to check in people with uh because he had to take people to the dining room we have a saying in England too many chefs spoil the broth I'm not a natural Innkeeper [Music] just explain to Robert that you're going to support him from behind the scenes please sure please I could do that I think Ari has finally got the picture and understands that he needs to play to his friends I really hope that things can continue to improve now coffee we better remove the dog she's going to eat the food Sophie our poodle you shouldn't be in there I mean it's a place where we eat come on Sophie come on come come come that's not for you come on come on come on come on honey excuse me come on come on I take care of the dog okay excuse me dog shouldn't be in the bar he's on the seats eating the food really I am the boss okay don't ever talk to me that way again excuse me don't ever and I mean it I'll be in my room and I don't need to be yelled at [Music] I'm coming towards the end of my stay at Vermont's Juniper Hill Inn and I thought we'd turn the corner but as the aim's first ever Sunday lunch service approaches assistant Inky pasera has gone missing where's I haven't seen Sarah in about a half an hour is she okay so no you don't know okay just ask him has Sarah gone home has Sarah gone home no the team can't afford to be a man down I've got to find her what is it it's me Sarah's Gordon oh hi Gordon you okay oh no hold on a second dude Danny I thought you joining us for lunch oh thanks I'm not going to awesome half an hour ago customers are in the bar I know that first level's just arrived I just expect you to be there in terms of you're part of this team I know but I'm sick of being yelled at by Ari I'm sick of it Gordon when did you yell at you just a few minutes ago because I asked him to take the dog out of the dining room naturally it's his dog and it's sitting on the bar furniture please come back down oh [ __ ] up and come down nobody's ever seen me break down in tears in this end it's never happened before just come back downstairs okay please yeah okay yeah I want to help you upset and the girls need you down there they do and I'm just I'm just really mad at them no well let me go and have a word with Ari this is ridiculous get yourself ready places full of locals and they'd love to see you too okay please at Smiley yes yes yes bounce back I'm not sure why Ari is snapping at his staff but it just proves my gut was right about his place being behind the scenes all right yes I've just found Sarah upstairs and floods of Tears everything okay no he had a little running because we both have very strong people he snapped at me and I snapped back do you think the dog should be running around in the bar no no I went there I guess so was she right or wrong she was right would it be appropriate for you to apologize to her you're responsible from behind the scenes is there any way we could just for this first Sunday lunch sure try to keep the team together okay I think Ari's heart is in the right place but his tone is all wrong for an Innkeeper he needs to be the power behind the throne I'm sure this is going to be one of the busiest days yet at Juniper Hill Inn and I need to remind Chef Julian to make good use of his sous chef Nida if he's gonna have any chance of being successful Junior's proves Robert and I that he has the talent and the potential in the kitchen now he just needs the help to execute I know you're Adam at the fact that you're going to work on your own but you're not a one-man band yeah yeah sure encourage entice over the stove the local community have responded to Robert's invitation and there's a great atmosphere as people turn up to check out the bar and Sample the new menu I put together with Chef Julian Tara nice to see you welcome to Juniper Hill Hi how are you here nice to see you as well as new arrivals the Inn has a return guest hotel inspector Steve Talon his first visit was a disaster very disappointed didn't meet expectations from the moment I walked in with no greeting I was totally lost this is Robert and his team's chance to prove to Steve that they've learned the lesson I hope this time how are you Mr Talon nice to see you nice to you welcome so this is our new menu okay let's go next coming up next we have one Trout the key to this place running smoothly is communication among the entire staff but Chef Julian still doesn't seem to get that how long for the first flat iron play talks Anita I don't care what it's about the [ __ ] weather I don't care but talk to her okay come on you gotta talk I said come on you can put things on a plate for you just refusing to talk to her and it's been so [ __ ] painful now I simplified the menu in order to get it so much easier for you know that yes chef and the menu was designed for you to open up and talk okay yeah sure look at me yeah she broaden your mind out and all you do is one plate focused next plane focus and I just want you to open up a little bit she's there to help thank you you know what let me do this just help with the Skillets help with the skillet [ __ ] it now Julian yes come here what's the matter with you you just shut down on me now do you want to give me your jacket I'll do it for you no Chef it's not difficult can you do this open up come on you've just shut down [Music] with Robert working well with the team okay thank you so much and Ari's staying out the way the bar is bustling how are you welcome to the drink but Chef Julian needs to raise his game and start communicating if we're going to make today a success you've just shut down on me open up please get it together let's go [Music] you'll be about four minutes to that table so you do one played I do one play is that good all right so then you get with the lamb shank then you get some lamb glaze which is right here Julian nice much better look at me much better yeah sure good how is everybody out there wow the locals are definitely noticing a change here it was wonderful it's very good I was very surprised time to see if the hotel inspector has two eyes let's see you again good to see you too I recognize a few changes in some ways I didn't recognize it at all right what the entrance on in terms of the total openness for the signs everywhere when you walked in with the wall oh it's great warmth now I feel it it has that time and collection feel yeah enjoy lunch appreciate it pork's amazing okay thank you there's a great Buzz at the end Sarah yes I hope that's not all about to change I'm really busy I'm sorry this food is affordably priced it's really really tasty and it's nice to know a nice place to send people to get a drink and relax and everything hard in the areas that's great Robert and Iris communication has improved by leaps and Bows since I've been at the Inn but actions speak louder than words and I think Robert is starting to understand that I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate all the extra effort you're given not just this week but the entire time you've been here and this is your paycheck literally because I know you need it we wish we had more we put a hundred dollars extra in there for you just so you have a little bit extra because we really do appreciate you Ryan thank you right you and I are going to bring this back and are he's going to join us I haven't been that emotionally moved in a long time I I feel like it's all been worth it now I just I feel like it's appreciated what a week I think this business is on the road to recovery and Robert Andy's team with Ari in the background can really make this place work because once the locals invest in this place word it's going to spend Big Time wow beautiful it's time for me to say my goodbyes but with a crowd enjoying themselves in the bar and loving the Great Value in the dining room it's a hard place to leave really good this is a nice company and we're sharing the lamb shakes for them okay you're welcome uh right finally you think we've got this under control yes yes and you're opening up yes yes don't stop talking yes yeah communicate good job thank you Chef he might have beat a few people down but then he brought a few people right back up and that was necessary I'm just glad he didn't smack me with a spatula foreign [Music] you're writing paychecks yes good luck with the place it's a business absolutely look after yourself look after Robert and support him in all the right places thank you best wishes we are very grateful for him that he has passion for us because it's not easy to restructure molded Minds look after yourself yes look after yourself how are you feeling I'm feeling great and it seems like you've got this under control I'm going to keep it under control well to stop doing the job the bar is functioning the dying room is functioning kitchen's functioning that's good that's beautiful oh he's in the RV and there are people and they seem to be having a good time you're on the track now we're on track I have a little present for you stay there having Gordon come to Juniper Hill has meant a lot to us it was harder than hell but ultimately I know it's going to do great things for our staff and for our town this is something that money cannot buy but this week you've earned it now the most important thing please keep it up this is your side to be part of the amazing setup the Diamond collection thank you you deserve us thank you well done thank you safe journey he really did awaken me put a fire in me and I want him to come back and say he really did it that's our goal take care bye-bye have a beautiful day storage units are still there I was Robert I'd like Ari in Warner [Music] surrounded by stunning lakes and close to two major ski resorts cordellane is one of Idaho's Premier vacation destinations it's also home to the Roosevelt Inn is a 16 bedroom converted Schoolhouse owned and run by one of its former students John Hoff the Roosevelt Inn is the first hotel I've ever actually owned I was up here signing the papers and I called my wife Tina and I say we now own the Roosevelt town and all of a sudden I hear this because she started crying I did not want to buy the hotel but John really did I have told John many times that he won't be cold in the ground and I'm on my way home to Kentucky the Roosevelt Inn is not just hell for Tina it's hell for the guests who have to put up with the consequences of Jon's eccentric Behavior sorry we're not trying to be a pain yes you are I would say that the hotel is struggling because it's dated it's old probably because it is coming out of the Inn's shoebox size kitchen as bad as the decor strong fish flavor oblivious to the problems John's performance never stops I'll ask you questions you'll give me answers I'll ask questions you'll give answers and I'll ask you questions you'll give me answers as John is more focused on playing dress-up how was that Watson than on being an Innkeeper John refuses to grow old gracefully it's Halloween for John every day he loves to dress up it's the cast it's the bloody cast once a month at the Roosevelt we put on a murder mystery and dinner how's everything going in here for you I basically do everything uh you want to finish making up this bed and I'll do the bathroom okay great I feel my dad doesn't appreciate my mom my mom works three times harder than my dad does there are times that I'll come in and she's out busy doing something and he's sitting on the couch reading a book as the business has suffered so has John and Tina's relationship we actually had to go through marriage counseling I don't think John understands the sacrifice I've made unless I can get this place on the road to recovery John and Tina will everything if I lose the Roosevelt I don't just lose my job I lose my home I become unemployed and homeless and one fell swooped dang it I don't think we're gonna pull out of this one I'm hearing curd Elaine Idaho I seriously hope this place is better than the other shitholes I've stayed in oh my God look at that they say all publicity is good publicity but the billboard that old-fashioned I'm not so sure you're [ __ ] joking aren't you come on Roosevelt Inn Bed and Breakfast it's like something at The Addams Family Roosevelt School the place looks great from the outside hello welcome to the Roosevelt good to see you I recognize that voice your Gordon Ramsay oh my God look at those chairs now are they from school they are those came out of the first grade classroom well look you almost fit he reception Soldier [Music] that's the pressure from the outside it smells like [ __ ] as well what is that is that did the dog do a oh boy I sure hope not um this is her dining room who's the chef here I saw a billboard of a guy with the most hideous hat on covered in trees and like this six foot hat kind of grown into jean-pierrezimad French chef de Roosevelt because you're in Coeur d'Alene is a French named Tommy and also we must cook fabulous food above this outfit now you'll see uh School photos yes down the hallway here and these are of kids that went to school here at the Roosevelt and the ones with the arrows pointing at the really cute adorable little boy that's me of course because I went to school here oh you went to my Elementary School who wants to live in their old school it's like getting a detention That Never Ends the guests get to hang out down here with the dogs and watch TV you are kidding me you can't smell those dogs oh yes I can the dogs actually believe it or not Gordon are one of the highlights highlights here now you're sounding deluded what's next our little Ballroom or our multi-purpose room oh come on Rohan you're not supposed to be in this room don't you think this place could at least had some form of makeover well sadly Gordon we renovated this room four years ago this is new stuff now this room looks like it was last decorated in 1908 not 2008. how much do you spend on this fifty four thousand fifty four thousand five four not 5400 54 000. I know lovely huh Christopher and does it generate money no I can't believe anyone would want to rent in that space it's hideous I'm dying to have a look upstairs it can't get any worse it could get worse and what's your uh occupancy across the year probably around mid-20s 20 across the board ouch I'm amazed you find it so funny this is your room okay what's with all the pink it's like someone threw up strawberry milkshake all over the place my room has two levels eat as bad as the other oh everything looks like we're in a Time Warp I mean it is so dated so my room how much do you pay to stay in here uh 319 319 bloody hell I'm speechless [Laughter] 13 year old Decor 319 a night can I ask you something fire away why do you think everything's a big joke because you're very critical I'm here to get this place right but what I don't understand is how blase you are the situation I'm gonna give you the truth and if you don't like that then I'm out of it what do you want me to do get not angry and punch you you want to punch me maybe I do want to punch you a little bit but I can become physically very very violent and have in the past people get hurt John John you can't just walk away where are you going [Music] Since I checked into Idaho's Roosevelt Inn I'd be unimpressed by the horrible Decor what's with all the paint it's like someone's vomited everywhere and the dated event space that smells like wet dog the dogs actually are one of the highlights but the biggest problem here is the owner John who seems to think it's funny that he's in is a disgrace the only time he stopped laughing was when I confronted him with how bad things really are here what I don't understand is how blase you are the situation jump you can't just walk away while John hides on the truth downstairs I'm gonna have a closer look at my room mess that's when the rugs on the floor for just gross look at the dust on there most disgusting of all [ __ ] is the dust magnet hanging over my pillows [Music] how long has that thing been up there how let me out I hope I'll get a sense of what's really going on here from John's wife Tina Gordon this is my lovely wife how are you I'm stressed out what hotel were you winning before this I was running a dental office I worked in a dental office I wasn't running anything except my home so why would you go from sort of teeth to Hotel because he bought a hotel so you bought the hotel it was my negotiation you negotiated you both bought it yes yes willingly or unwillingly unwillingly I was very happy and content with the life that we had so when John told me that we were buying the Roosevelt I burst into tears how much did you buy for 700 000. so you spend on it we owe one million 100 000. obviously you haven't paid back the debt yet in the bank owner yeah no the bank owns US sold our house we had here cash in a 401k everything we had oh my word where's your house now what do you live in up in the attic this is my help I have had terrible experiences here business experience financial hardship everything's just Fallen apart here for me you seem serious you seem joking it's almost like you're playing at it it is kind of an entertainment though to a certain degree at 1.1 million dollars that's an expensive entertainment well yeah I didn't realize it was this bad how's the relationship we're in a rough place we went through marriage counseling what was that four or five years ago because of this business oh yeah and still working together seven days a week yes yes 24 7. I'm ready for something to change I'm ready for anything at this point I just feel like I'm I'm gonna suffocate I'm gonna get my uh bag unpacked and I'll uh I'll catch with you later thank you Tina looks ready to bail out and all John can do is laugh he thinks being over a million dollars in debt is entertainment I think this marriage is in as much trouble as the end clearly in denial but more importantly a man that won't man up and take responsibility [Music] I've been told that tonight the Roosevelt Inn is holding a murder mystery dinner it's an event they host once a month I have a feeling it's gonna be hard to forget head of your head on into there I'll get you all checked and ready to go you look fabulous we usually always have a lot of fun with this we're going to continue to have fun with this are you dressing that this evening I play the part of Sherlock Holm Soul Man you're playing an Englishman I am playing an Englishman and I even have the pipe to go with it I've studied this accent long and hard in fact mine is better than your British accent actually they don't know where Gordon got his accent he obviously doesn't practice it very much mine is far more authentic than his is look at me yes wow well John Prince is around as Sherlock Holmes I wonder what Tina does during these events oh my god what have you got on this is crazy it's not a mystery night sir it's gone from an end to little house and Prairie I mean honestly it'll be my job this evening to cook your dinner so while John gets to play Sherlock Holmes his wife is stuck in the kitchen wake up John this is not the 1800s anymore John definitely like dressing up more for the murder mysteries because he's not in the height kitchen he's out there Hamming it up with the guests playing Sherlock Holmes okay right um to make all this is a little bit bizarre slightly weird I wonder if this event even makes any money is this profitable it is profitable yeah it's a lot of work I mean we made 200 tonight 200 for all this work and are they all staying oh no what's the locals you know when they come for a murder mystery they usually don't do an overnight clearly tonight's about feeding John's ego not filling his bank account oh well that that could explain it then yeah oh here now oh my word should I say oh my [ __ ] God how come true sir ladies and gentlemen it appears the game is a foot you know the goal with the murder mysteries has always been to get people in but I'm not filling the rooms what's the point [Music] and I would have called away with it too if it wasn't for you and your meddling yes well there you have it brilliant of all of you thank goodness that's over it's time to find out from John what on Earth he thinks he's doing sit down you must be shattered I'm tired I bet you are sick of fork in me it's Matt was it mad yeah you're in the kitchen busting your ass off working hard to serve all those people and John you were out prancing around like a sort of actor the thespian thing it's an inn it's not a theater but you seem to enjoy it you have to force yourself to like doing it I mean it's on stage for three hours and the problems at the Roosevelt are Elementary can I just never work with you on your own oh sure this place is sinking because John refuses to take anything seriously you love being an Entertainer don't you dare tell me that that is hardly this whole [ __ ] thing was put together for your fantasy well that's kind of what this night is it is entertainment we put on a show you're pretending to be Sheryl at home and upstairs we're empty you're in the [ __ ] financially we're in Ruins and if you put the same amount of effort into filling this place just one room book tonight would have made more profit than the whole murder mystery and all that work that went into it I mean this is insane and you prance around like some [ __ ] idiot while your wife is slaving away in the kitchen do you have any care in the world apart for yourself you get a psychology degree oh when I go you come and tell me what's wrong with me here we go you obviously think you are psychologist denial again no I'm not in denial I just don't know what you want it's only your own [ __ ] stupidity to why we're in the [ __ ] this far well that is probably true so then man up and act responsible [Music] you need to grow up and stop running away from the truth a joke steak at Idaho's Roosevelt Inn and last night proved to me that owner John needs to stop dressing up wait till I get going and start growing up he prance around like some [ __ ] idiot and takes some responsibility for the problems at the end it's only your own [ __ ] stupidity to why we're in this [ __ ] I'm done with that but John didn't want to listen just talk to my hand you know oh what a [ __ ] idiot today I'll have another go at getting through to him before he heads into the kitchen to prepare lunch you're losing money you're on this treadmill of mistake after mistake we may be in a elementary school but you're not a child and I would really wish if you stopped acting like one quickly is that possible [Music] show me what you got ta get that I don't want to cook for gardening I mean first of all he's got a huge Eagle of his own so you know nothing anybody else does is going to be any good I don't even want to cook him a thing how are we doing over here where to spread that I'm in town and the dining room is full we're all having the same five core set menu cooked in the Inn's Tiny Kitchen [Music] thank you that's Gastly what the watery bits what's that um that's probably the tomato juice unless it's condensation from the shrimp condensation was it Frozen yes yeah warm it's a sad looking shrimp that's not gonna stop okay I will take that for you and everyone else seems to be hating it too how can you [ __ ] up okay here's Gordon's pecan crusted a salmon is it fresh salmon Frozen that has to be the saddest looking plate of salmon anywhere in North America tonight [Music] seasoning is triple very dry would you like me a ticket for you yes please I'm sorry she'll take everything tastes great to me I'm gonna kill him I just want Gordon to take a long walk off a short pier I want him to fall into a very deep pit so he can't get out this is pathetic conjun cook anything he can cook an egg could you ask him just a homemade egg sure thing it can't possibly mess up a soft-boiled egg can he soft-boiled egg okay what soft boiled egg what I'm just like going wow [Music] I know is this really happening he can't even boil a [ __ ] egg [ __ ] things still got feathers on it we probably cooked out another two minutes I'm absolutely ready to boot Gordon Ramsay out of my hand [Music] fire away buddy are you having a laugh at your family's expense no big tall hat big jacket and you can't boil a [ __ ] egg donut fried egg you want french toast too how about some pancakes [ __ ] are you doing you don't care do you I do care you're a [ __ ] joke those are what we refer to as fighting words gutsy thing to do especially in a kitchen full of sharp knives it has never been a joke for me ever come play at my school I'm the Headmaster you're acting like an absolute idiot no but you're in my house that's right I'm disgusted at your performance your big problem is you can't handle the truth you don't like hearing it you don't even know me think about your wife you're in to 1.1 million dollars of debt you're forcing her to live in Hell she's telling me that I just think over the last 13 years but what you've [ __ ] done and not to you debris outstanding behind you I'm tired of hearing that I don't need it anymore screw it I really don't care if he leaves [ __ ] man good I had a horrible night's sleep on the couch because I couldn't sleep in my bed I really need a hot shower oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you know this water's freezing I need to open John's eyes but he walks out every time things get difficult so I've got another plan have you got two minutes we do there's something I'd like to uh show you both in my uh my room oh crap what now what's wrong now please help [Music] there's the jury and they're going to hang us later you recognize some of your guests from the past six months we do I think feedback is critical First Impressions walking through the door a lot of decorations I'd like to go on to the food um the general consensus it was too it wasn't the value that we paid honestly show of hands how many of you would return and stay here again please none of our guests would return I'm kind of speechless I I didn't expect this I thought it was I thought we were better than that that's the most valuable information you've had in 13 years I thought we were a lot better than this and that that is uh a view that is changing you've got to put yourself in the guest position you know you've given me feedback on everything you've seen and experienced but there's something I'd like to point out that none of you have seen please would you be so kind to put a pair of these on please oh my gosh and let's just get any more terrible I don't think so glass is on this black light is going to show up any bodily fluids let's start with the uh the pillow Sean is there oh my God like someone urinated on it absolutely disgusting if you think that's bad [Music] this kind of stuff hasn't been weeks that's that's years [Music] absolutely hideous horrified disgusted grossed out kind of want to go vomit oh you kind of trust that things are going to be you have the right and you you have that this is just as bad as it can possibly be I mean I'm disgusted I how does that make you feel everything he actually feel sickness thought I took a shower but now I'm wondering about the shower I'll let you go thank you thank you thank you all very much thank you this is me I mean I've put my heart and soul into this it's just so embarrassing I had to do this because you won't listen to me and John just laughs at every problem [Music] yeah I'm worried about Tina hearing from the guests and seeing those stains seem to hit her pretty hard Tina yes have you got two sets I'm not here to hurt you I'm here to help you I'm just banging my head against the wall with John I don't know what we do is not perfect but I thought what we did was better than that one's got to get out of this bubble he's an Innkeeper but he's constantly joking and shrugging responsibility and now he has to start looking at himself the thing that probably bothers me the most is John just refuses to understand my need to have my part of the dream I don't like living and eating and breathing my work 24 7 and never ever having a place to go that I can get away they don't happy no I'm not at the end of the day I usually lay down the bed and I know this isn't what I wanted and I'd leave here tomorrow if I could leave here tomorrow I'm ready just walk away from this and just forget it I'm gonna leave I want to get out of here and go away Khan give up 13 years of being unhappy is not immobile it's a mountain do you have a voice you've got to stand up you absolutely have the right to be happy I guess maybe I needed somebody to say you have a right to be happy so that was good thank you I'll see you later okay I promise you I'll make a difference and I mean that last night John's wife Tina was at a breaking point I feel happy no and I'd leave here tomorrow if I could leave here tomorrow I'll have to talk to him I realized how bad things really are here and I promise to make things better because Tina truly deserves to be happy good morning honey good morning how are you I'm I'm here you're here um let's catch up let's get out of this little cubby hole okay um maybe downstairs I can't believe that John Tina have spent sixty thousand dollars on a ballroom that they never use and smells like dog looking at this Inn there's a huge missed opportunity the potential of this room is extraordinary and this has to be used as a way to get people into the bedrooms upstairs and make money exactly how often do you use this room twice a month oh no that's crazy it is have you ever thought about employing a wedding planner to actually book this place out I have one I'm working with and working with her for just about a year now I don't pay her a salary it's her wedding if we score a wedding we both get paid so she's motivated to sell it for me it's a big missed opportunity yeah once you've held an amazing wedding and you've got such great feedback it just spreads okay this is what I want to see I'll see you later yeah thank you this does not Stack Up I'm gonna go meet the wedding planner because it must be something that John and Tina aren't telling me hello how are you nice to me likewise where should we start well you want to come on over and we'll have a seat shall we yes come on over the rose events um what would you say the key problems are it's dated it's um it's hard to sell 10 day old bread right you know brides are young they're sophisticated they're on their phones they're seeing with the rest of the world is doing you know a big thing with selling the ballroom is the colors that only matches a tiny percentage you can either go burgundy Ivory or navy blue and those colors are so dated anyways it's terrible and then you walk downstairs and the smell I had one girl literally say I've got to go upstairs the smell is gonna make me sick John doesn't strike me as someone that I'd want to put my wedding in his hands as a host how is he we have had some issues last summer with him coming out and dancing at the guest wedding yes like ballroom dancing or it was more like Macarena type line dancing style oh my God I mean how awkward was that it was mortifying if you just bear with me whilst I make some changes because I mean you are the key to their success going forward would you give them one more chance I'm in thank you good to see you thank you thank you Don now that Misty is on board to help the Roosevelt I'm gonna make one last attempt to see if John is ready to change [Music] I'm not here to hurt your feelings John but you have a huge defense mechanism I have an attitude I want to help but you are a very tough stubborn selfish individual to get through to it's not a sign of weakness to put your hand up and ask for help [Music] I don't want about hats here Gordon I've got two options here I can close up the business walk away from it give it to the bank the other option is I know I've done this to myself I've done this to my wife I've got to find a way to get out of it this has been your dream your ambition and she just followed suit you're correct you have one amazing loyal lady there I don't deserve her I'm a pig sometimes there's just no doubt about it yeah trying to change that she's not the one that should be suffering because of what I did and considered that in yours it stopped making this place better I need you committed I want the help I want to make this work [Music] now that John's finally turned the corner I'm a pig sometimes trying to change that it's time to sit down with Tina and get to the heart of their relationship I'm so pleased that we've got to a place that we can start making steps in the right direction but this is a family run in and you need your time out and you need to cut your dear lady slack you need to learn The Importance of Being a happy couple what have you got to say now we've been so wrapped up in this and everything we do that we just don't even know where to where to go with romance anymore it's like I'm so self-consumed with all of this just the ability to just have a conversation with you understanding my my feelings I have wishes and Ambitions there are things that are important to me they're vitally important to me you'd have to support that if you're not prepared to support each other in each other's roles then it's never ever going to work you need to be happy together I want to know what your dreams are again I haven't heard a Dream from you in years I don't even know I don't know what my dreams are anymore I've I've quit dreaming I want you to start dreaming again then I want you to share those dreams with me because I love you I know you do told all my girls they were princesses are too I haven't treated you much like royalty I do feel that Gordon has helped John appreciate me more and see what's going on inside of here should matter to him now that they're talking again I want to give Tina Jon a lesson in something else they've not done well for a long time cooking many in Country Hotel it's all about comfort and what I learned immediately from you is that you're trying way too hard you've got a shoe box of a kitchen that you can't swing a cat in you should be cooking five course meals in there okay you're not a chef no you shouldn't be on a billboard that shouldn't be a delicious home-cooked meal that's all I'd expect to see that's all I expect to smell when you come through that door so I put together a list of dishes for the whole week something you can cook in one pot fabulous let it cook itself really fabulous these are my recipes I'm proud of them don't start improvising change you just follow them they will work half an hour to get the chili on yeah fabulous wait nobody comes here John and Tina expecting a five course meal the food was an amazing discovery that it could be so simple so easy so delicious I'm glad that Gordon is in my kitchen tomorrow's a new dawn for the Roosevelt and my goodness are we going to turn the page my team worked all night to bring the hotel into the 21st century now it's time to reveal the new Roosevelt Inn good morning good morning or spring in your step John how you feeling wonderful good let's go okay come here come in come in please okay 16 rooms 32 guests this hotel should be full welcome to your new honeymoon suite wow [Laughter] [Music] we were literally two centuries back in time with what we were doing in these rooms and we are suddenly into now today it's John and Tina I'd like you both to go upstairs [Music] is just a room that will be great for room service to have a bit of romance oh this is just truly beautiful now we're selling those rooms the big asset that was underused in many ways was downstairs truly that's been a huge distance come with me now let me show you the new stunning Roosevelt wedding space I thought we had something that would be viable to help build our business and it was and it was dragging it down [Music] okay this is stunning this is amazing absolutely amazing color scheme this is stunning oh my gosh this is the direction we need to be going in this is the next step up and I am extremely grateful and I don't want to see I don't wow I dog's hair I dogs chew anywhere in this space understood now this room should Propel this business to Greater Heights it has to be your biggest marketing tool because when you've got the wedding books the guests should book every room upstairs this space and the revenue it can bring into the Roosevelt could definitely be the game changer that we've been looking for I'd like to point your attention to those wonderful plates and all the glassware on the tables that's a special gift to you worth fifty thousand dollars no way really you've now got you know a solid foundation to host the most amazing wedding now there's someone I'd like you to meet hey please this is just you may recognize this lady look at our new space I hope Misty's gonna give us a second chance what strikes you now walking through that room what's the first thing that hits you it's just it's natural it's it's modern it's what the brides are looking for they're sophisticated they're young this is what they want and does it show sort of Versatility in a way that it can be adapted to suit different colors absolutely we can put any color in this room and it'll be wonderful yay this is gonna sell itself how does it smell it smells wonderful [Laughter] is the good news she is prepared to give you one more chance to become curta lens number one venue for hosting weddings one more surprise John and Tina Missy's not just here to visit the Roosevelt is hosting a wedding tonight tonight [Music] owners of the Roosevelt Inn John and Tina have come a long way from when I first met them personally because I love you and professionally I want to make this work I've just surprised them with a true test for their business the Roosevelt is hosting a wedding tonight wow tonight when Gordon said we had a wedding tonight instant gut clenching terror you're gonna be cooking serving just simple elegant food yeah good luck [Music] are you a bride hello welcome let me just take you ladies up to the room all right go on in ladies oh my dress guess we're just starting to ride [Applause] [Music] I gave John and Tina a couple of simple but delicious wedding recipes that they could cook in their tiny kitchen and that I knew the guests would love this evening is going to be huge for us you're feeling that that really wound up sense inside yourself and it's like holy cow foreign s downstairs upstairs in the kitchen John and Tina are proving they are there for each other when it matters I give you all that I am I give you all that I am and you may kiss your bride [Music] you're that side on this side and we go bang okay ladies let's go grab them and go grab them and go for the first time ever the food at the Roosevelt is putting a smile on people's faces try and bunch them up a little bit just make look so much neater including Tina's breathe and talk and okay I've got this awesome we're a nice rotation here John and Tina are a great team when they communicate properly I think the buzz they get from tonight will encourage them to keep working on their relationship how you doing we're rocking along here I love it plates are going away it's the best thing I've ever had well done okay how'd you feel where's John well done oh thank you first time you've actually cooked yes yeah from scratch for an amazing wedding well done both of you thank you it's been a great night thanks to John and Tina's teamwork you guys did it even ahead of schedule you can do this I'm really hoping that our future with Misty and our wedding business just goes through the roof time to go I'm gonna be a bit sad to leave this place I think John and Tina done a bloody good job tonight and more importantly I think the whole wedding has opened their eyes the huge potential they've got here tonight the Roosevelt is fully booked for the first time in years and the Inn is back on course for Success it's been a hell of a week yes tonight prove that you both can pull this off once we got the system going it won't work very well stick together all right we'll do that like Lou you've got every chance now good luck you can have a happy thank you so much take care of yourself thank you to not sneak downstairs to that dance floor no no in that direction no nice foreign [Music] so gorgeous oh my gosh oh there's an upstairs thank you to Gordon Ramsay for giving us this opportunity this experience obviously is not meant to be easy but in the end it's worth it so thank you very much it was nice to say goodbye to him tonight and I look forward to seeing him again actually [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares
Views: 3,939,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon Ramsay Kitchen Nightmares, Kitchen Nightmares USA, Kitchen Nightmares UK, Kitchen Nightmares Officia, Kitchen Nightmares Full Episodes, Kitchen Nightmares Best Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Fridges, Kitchen Nightmares Funniest Moments, Kitchen Nightmares Worst Food, Kitchen Nightmares Argument, Gordon Ramsay Insults, Gordon Ramsay Argument
Id: kGrRyO0_2wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 10sec (14050 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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