Every Single Catfish Season 8 Reveal | Catfish: The TV Show

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(Nev) There's a car pulling in. (Kamie) Wait 'till she get out. (Red) Oh, my God. This some bull(bleep). (Kamie) Hello. Hi. (Nev) Hi, Ashley. How are you? (Ashley) I'm good. Nice to meet you. Nev. Kamie. It is Ashley? Yeah. Right. How'd it go getting in? Good. (Nev) Had you been to L.A. before? No. (Kamie) Never been to L.A.? I said no. I thought you were just here doing (indistinct) for work. Okay, I'ma talk for you. Oh, (bleep) me then. That's fine. I was just trying to make some small talk. 'Cause I'm assuming you're nervous. Anyway, we figured out that a lot of the profiles that Red has been talking to for the past six years are fake. We're assuming you're behind most or all of them. Uh-huh. (Nev) No one else is involved. No. OK. So, Shakaina. Tamar-- Me, me, me, me, me, me. (Nev) I just want to make sure I know all-- how many are there. Some that we don't even know about. Oh, yeah? Are you doing this to anybody else? Of course. Oh, my God. I just want to know why. Like, why? What was the purpose? It just started. (Red) Why? You hopped on my inbox first. Who, Julisa's? 'Cause I don't even know you. (Nev) Well, wait. When you say-- And I didn't hop at nobody's inbox. You did, though. (Red) As Julisa? Was it Julisa? No, you hopped in Shakaina's inbox first. Oh, see, you're not Shakaina. You skippity skip skip hop. But, why? You did the bunny rabbit and you hopped. You hopped your ass in there. Really? Really? Don't flip this on me. What is the attitude? I'ma talk to him, he the host. Wow. You are the one who is impersonating other people on the internet. It's his show, not yours. But I'm talking to you. It's our show. And therefore, (Ashley) Well, I'm talking to him. you are here on our show with our cameras. Ugh, this bitch. If you call me a bitch one more time, we're gonna have a serious problem. So let's be respectful. (Ashley) Jesus. Look, if you keep speaking to her that way, then you won't get the chance to speak to any of us. Okay. Do you have kids? (Ashley) No. Are you married? No. We just happen to notice on your Facebook page, we found that it says you are married. I was married. We're just trying to find out more about you, We're trying to figure out the truth. OK, Nev. Tell us who you are. So we know, like, what is real and what isn't. I'm just me. (Nev) How old are you? 24. (Nev) 24. Okay. And you live in Texas. Yes, I do. (Nev) So if you're 24 now, it means you started these when you were like-- When did you first start? At 12 years old. Okay, so, your first fake profile when you were 12. Yeah. (Nev) Woah, OK. How did you come across Julisa? 'Cause she's a real person. On Instagram. OK. She's not really famous. No. We're just friends on Instagram. You know her personally. On IG, yeah. You have met her in person. My God. No, we-- we follow each other. Yes? We know some of the same people. Uh-huh? That's it. If you break it down a little slower, I might be able to understand you even better. OK. You seem... upset. I'm a blunt person. This is my personality. This is how I am. There's a difference between being blunt and being respectful. You're being very disrespectful. (Ashley) I'm being respectful. No, you're not. How not? You're being very disrespectful. You came up here disrespectful. How? Look how you talking to her. Why she gotta be a bird? Well, buck, buck, bitch. Why she gotta be a bird? (Ashley) Buck bitch? Yes. 'Cause she's calling you on your (bleep). OK. Do you have any more questions, Nev? I'm not talking to these two right now. There's a side of your personality that is different than this because you've talked to Julissa in a different way. Yeah, I can be sweet. I can be sweet. Did you know that she was dating someone? (Ashley) I mean. Yeah, I knew. Did you ever think, like, "I should probably leave her alone?" Yeah, I did. I got married and then I got bored. We got the impression from Red, and maybe you have a different take on it, that there was a lot of talk, romantic conversation about being together, getting married. Oh, you may not have meant it but like-- (Red) I hope you didn't. I'm not gay. Well, I'm gay as (bleep). Like I'm gay gay. Enjoy that, anyway. (Kamie) Red, you look like you've got a lot on your mind. You wanna go talk in the car? Sure. Go on. Leave you two to it. She's hella rude. She's gonna look like the asshole because she is a (bleep) asshole. (Red) I want to knock the (bleep) out of her. (Antonio) Hey, Alfred. (Nev) Who's this? It's Antonio. I heard "Catfish" was in town. (Alfred) What that gotta do with you? Why are they here? Get your car, go home. You really gonna leave? Get your car and go home. Can I talk to you over there? Why? Five minutes. For what? I can't talk to you here, everybody's in my business. I don't need that. (crosstalking) (Antonio) Why are they here? (Nev) Why don't you go back inside and I'll (inaudible) by Antonio what we're doing here. You're Antonio. Yeah. I'm Kamie. (Alfred) This what I was telling you. You see what I'm saying? He's probably just jealous. And upset. He's always (bleep) jealous. That's what I'm talking about. It is... Alfred's business. But... We're just-- we're here to help. This is a perfect opportunity to just say-- I told y'all, I told y'all. But you don't need it anymore. I told y'all. It's not your responsibility. So why don't you go out there and let him know how you feel? What you have to say? Why are you bringing "Catfish" out here, am I not good enough for you? Why are you trying to meet somebody that you don't even know? (Alfred) Look at the (bleep) you pulling right now. You hear somethin' from Sanford and you coming at me. (corsstalk) (Antonio) ...For 5 years. 5 years alone to trow away to someone you don't even know. It's been about you. You don't even know this person. It be different if you knew this person, but you don't even know this person. That's my point. You gon' leave me over somebody that you don't even know. You damn right I would. That's stupid as hell. That's crazy as (bleep). What you gon do about it? You look dumb as hell. That's fine. You look dumb as hell. OK! You look dumb as hell. OK! And the reason why you can't find this person is because I'm Adonis, bitch. Yes, I am Adonis. Bitch! (Kamie) Stop, guys! No, no, no. (bleep) (Alfred) Nev, please let me go. Please. Let me go. Please. Let me go. (Kamie) It's not worth it. He better be lying, y'all. (Kamie) It's not worth it. He better be lying. He better be lying! (Nev) Hold on. Hold on one second. (Alfred) He better be lying, bro! (cries) Sit with me. I'm tired of him. Take a sit-- take a sit with me. Nev... Nev, I'm tired. Let's take a second. Alright. He better be-- He better be lying. We're not gonna get anywhere right now, everyone's upset. Are you OK? Yeah, I'm OK. That (bleep) is crazy. He's mad at me because he cheated on me. This is a tumor. I can't talk. I'ma go. I can't do this. Please get home safely. I am. (Alfred) I just wanna know, is he lying? Do you want me to go ask him that? Please... Just stay here. Find out if he lying, please. Just wait for me one second right here. OK? (Kamie) He said he needs to leave. Did you talk to him at all? Yeah, I did, but he doesn't want to. Hey, just really fast. Is it true-- you said at the very end, right before you started fighting, that you are Adonis. I am Adonis. That's true? That's true. So you made the profile. Yes. It's been you talking to him the whole time. Why did you do that? I needed facts. In terms of him, like, cheating? Cheating on me, talking to other people behind my back, I needed facts. (Kamie) Oh, my God. Hi, Nev. Hi. Maritha. Maritha. That's her. Yeah, that's her. Interesting. Very confused. But hopefully you'll explain all of it. I will. You got us all really scratching our heads on this one. Yeah, that's the girl on the picture. So... this is Maritha from the photo. How are you? I'm good. (Nev) So, it's you. It's me. I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. Oh, sorry, Kamie. Nice to meet you. So-- Yeah. What? OK, I have a whole lot of questions. Why don't we let you start, maybe? 'Cause I know you said you had some stuff you wanted to talk about. I know I seemed like I was shady, but I'm really who I am. I was just shady because I had a lot of disappointment in my life when I tried to meet my family members. Like how Deejaney blew me off. Like, everybody basically was just like, "oh, no, we don't want to deal with you." You know? I never made you feel like that. From day one when you told me you was my sister. I just accepted you. I didn't have no proof. No evidence, no nothing. And I just accepted you. You did. I opened myself up to you a whole lot. You did. I'm sorry if I hurt you. (Nev) I'm just confused because the video chat thing, like-- Yeah, why didn't you wanna video chat? That's weird. Why was it, like-- It never really worked. It wasn't ever really a good time for me. That's pretty strange behavior. True. I just... I have a lot going on. I'm always working, so... You know, maybe I did this is myself for a little while. Just feels like this is a situation that could have happened a long time ago. Yeah, it could've happened in San Diego, like. Were you really in San Diego? I was. Did you really leave San Diego? I did. I don't think I was ready. I was-- I wasn't ready. So you made me wait another year. I wasn't ready. (sighs) This is... This is so crazy, like... Just to confirm, what's your dad's name? His name is Tommy. (Nev) OK. That's your dad's name. Yes. But you have a different last name. I do. I have my mother's last name. (Nev) Got it. Did you always know that Sparkle's dad was your dad? When I was younger, my mom told me I had a sister named Sparkle. I've been trying to meet her for a long time. When I had a MySpace. I went on there putting in Sparkle (bleep) but nothing ever came up. One day, four years ago, I talked to my uncle He's the one that gave me her information. So I started talking to her on Instagram and then we started talking. Everybody's question is we never heard anything about other sister. So that's kind of like why at this point, I feel like we need to do a DNA test. I need to know for my own self now. (Nev) We actually looked into that and there is a place nearby that does these tests. Are you open to taking a paternity test? No. (Nev) Why? I don't-- I don't want you to get hurt. Why you think I'm going to get hurt? My dad made a statement before about one of us. So I don't want one of us to get hurt. "About one of us." (Nev) OK, wait. Hold on a second. You are in touch with your dad. I am. Are you suggesting that she may not be his daughter? That's what you think? Did he tell you that? Yes. Wow. When did your dad tell that to you? Before you reached out to her? No. After I reached out to her. Interesting. Jesus. That's a lot. This is-- yeah. (Jesus) Who's that? (Kamie) Oh, wow. Why don't we come over here? (Jesus) That's Alexis. So, Nicole. This is Jesus. You are... the person he's been talking to, is that right? Mm-hmm. (Nev) OK. So what's been going on here? Because we got a whole story from Amanda. Clearly, you're not the girl-- No, Amanda made the profile. Wait, Amada made-- Amanda made the profile years ago, she was doing this and used to be my best friend. She's not anymore. So you're saying that when Jesus started talking to Alexis, he was actually talking to Amanda. 'Cause I dropped her and I took over. (Nev) How long have you been the profile? I was talking to him a little over a year. So pretty much the whole time. Yeah. (Nev) And it was you in the video chat, right? It was me. OK. So you are the catfish. Who's the girl in the Alexis profile? (Nicole) That's my cousin. All of her pictures. Oh, you used pictures of your cousin. Yes, that's "Alexis." And she knew you were using her pictures. No, Amanda didn't tell her that. Amanda befriended her like a friend, you know, "hey, let's do this together." I said, OK. You know, I agreed to-- (Nev) And what about this Nicole person? (Nicole) That's my daughter, Nicky. (Nev) You used pictures of your daughter? Yeah. Does your daughter know that you're using her pictures? No. (Nev) What about your other daughter, Alissa, that you told Jesus about? Yeah. Who's Alissa? That's Amanda's daughter. You said it was your daughter. Yeah. But don't yell at me. That's Amanda's daughter. Oh, right. Amanda said you guys got to a big fight 'cause you sent pictures of her kids to some guy in prison. First of all, she's the one who gave me the pictures to send to them. Second of all, Amanda-- (Nev) So, you did send pictures of her daughter to some-- (Nicole) To nobody in prison. She was in this the whole time. I don't know what she's talking about. The bottom line is, Alexis is not real. You're talking for a year plus to this young man. And the idea was to make a fake profile to talk to guys to see if you could get them to give you money? Yeah. Amanda being a total bitch and I hate her right now. (Nev) Enough about Amanda. You're the one here who's telling me that you have been scamming lots of guys, pretending to be Alexis and you're the catfish. I'm not gonna say I'm innocent, but don't make me look like I'm a (bleep) bad person on (bleep) national TV. I could easily just get up and walk away and I won't care. So you don't care about him at all? I care for him as a friend. You guys were saying "I love you." As a friend. You can't tell a friend you love him? All right. But you knew that he was more 'in love' than just like a friend. Yeah, but he was just like I wanted a friendship. (Kamie) You have to care about him if you-- a year is a long time to talk to anybody. Really? I have to? When nobody give a (bleep) about you, you don't got to care about nobody. You don't know my life story. You don't know what I've been through. I've been through a lot of (bleep). I've been in the foster care. I've been adopted. I've been in and out of jail since I was 11 years old. OK. I've done it through a lot of (bleep). OK. I've been through a lot. I've been-- I got my ass dragged from one end to the other. You don't talk to me at the end of the (bleep) day? Oh, well, so be it. I'm still gonna be me. I'm still gonna move on. I'm gonna do me and my kids. And that's the (bleep) bottom line to it. And if you believe Amanda, then you're (bleep) dumber than I thought. (Kamie) Oh, my God. But you lied. (Kamie) I honestly don't believe anything that you say. I mean, what you did is not OK. Take some (bleep) responsibility for yourself. You realize what you're doing is really (bleep). I'm done. I'm done with the situation. I'm done. I'm going to walk away cause I'm about to cuss your ass out real quick. So I'm done with this-- I don't want to talk about it. Thank you. Ok, I'm really done. Just let her be. Just let her be, guys. (Joseph) I got this. You know me? What's your name? Patricia. Patricia? So... why all this? It was not really with malicious intent, it never was. You still played with emotions (bleep). I mean, I can't force you to believe it, but the feelings really weren't a lie. Is that the only profile that you ever made in your life? Yeah. And for you to believe it, like I said, I'm not going to force you to. But, like... Why put a child in a situation that wasn't even real? I just want to know, why would you do that? I did lose a kid myself. A little girl. So, that's real? That's real. I need a minute. I need a minute. Oh, take your minute. (Nev) Hey, sorry, I didn't-- We wanted to let you guys talk, but I don't want you to leave before I get to say hello. What's your name? Patricia. Patricia. This is Kamie. Hi. I'm Nev. I understand this is a lot, but, but don't walk away from it. So, Patricia. (Patricia) Yes. From Denver. I am. Okay. How old are you? I'm 20. You're 20? Yes. So, you-- okay. And when did you start the Sabrina profile? Four years ago. Okay. So around the time that you met him was when you first created the fake page. Was there a reason initially or...? I've always been, like, a bigger girl. So I've been bullied all the way from the time I entered school till almost till I got out. (Nev) Right. So I was like a sophomore. And then there's this guy and he's like, "Hey, I think you're really beautiful." And he had a plan for us to go to the movies. And I was waiting and waiting and waiting. And I finally get a text from him, like, "hey, this was a joke. It was a prank. It was a bet." So that kind of just destroyed me, 'cause like why am I someone's laughing stock, you know? That put me in a dark place. I just wanted to be called, like, pretty. So, that's then when I made that page, I mean, I totally understand initially doing it just to kind of get some positive feedback. But at some point, did it become clear to you that you could use the profile to lure men in and then kind of get them to possibly do things? No, I'm not that type of person. (Nev) But at some point you started asking for money. I've never asked for money. He told us that-- that he did send you some stuff. Yeah. I'll say. Right. Okay. I understand that. You did. You just, like, used my kindness. I just don't know what to say. What about the cousin? You have other fake profiles. I just had those two. (Nev) Wait, so was Sabrina one and the cousin? Mm-hmm. So that's fake. That was a fake profile. That was you? Right. (Patricia) I friend requested him because he was messaging, flirting with other friends and there was other females on Instagram he was flirting with. So... I needed to catch him in the act. (Nev) Hard for you to justify. Right. As someone who's been lying to him, it's a tough sort of case to make. Right. (Joseph) What did I ever do to you for you to impersonate and come back as someone fake and then (bleep) with my feelings? Actually, let me just start off by saying I had a daughter April 15th, 2015, so I had her and she was just not developed. She was premature. Right. So we were sitting in the hospital. So I made Sabrina's page because I was sitting there kind of like bored and hoping my daughter would, you know, make a recovery. So that gave me something to do. (Nev) So wait a second. You started the profile while you were in the hospital... Right. with your daughter. Yes. Yeah. (Nev) But you just told us a different version of the story. So I had just went through this guy, like, making me his laughing stock. And I was in the hospital with my daughter trying to see if she has a fighting chance. So we were in the hospital until December and then they unhooked her from the incubator. She didn't live past three hours. So... that was like where it was stained deeper. 'Cause that's my child, you know. (Kamie) Now, obviously, like it's impossible not to feel for you, we all feel for you. But if this story is true and you're someone who has had a daughter who passed, how can you fathom creating that scenario for another woman and her child? I'm not making a pity story. All I could say is I'm sorry. All the "I love you," that wasn't fake. I'm kind of done for the day. All right. Well, look, this is-- this is a big deal. Would you be willing to meet us tomorrow to see what we can... Come up with tomorrow? OK. (Nev) Speak to you soon. (Kamie) That was a lot. (Joseph) That was intense. Hi. (Nev) How you doing? Nev. I'm Jamie. (Kamie) Kamie. Nice to meet you. (Nev) Obviously, you know William. Yeah. (Nev) Why don't we talk out here, it's a little dark under there. So what's going on? A lot. (William) You're Jamie. Yeah. (William) The whole time you're Jamie. (Jamie) But I did tell you in text who I was. And I sent you pictures. You're right. Because we just saw... We just saw it. (Nev) So when you first met him, were you lying about the pictures? Yes, I was. OK. So initially you were using different pictures. You admitted that you were using wrong pictures and you sent him the right pictures. (Jamie) Yeah. (Nev) Then did you go back to using fake pictures again? Yeah. Because he kept on not really believing that that was me. So I said-- like, in my head, I said I would go along with it. So that is confusing... (Jamie) Yeah. For him. I mean... For most people, I would think they would get it. When I started developing feelings that I had, I came clean because I felt it was the right thing to do. Thank you. (laughing) You are the first person you lied about who you were. Then you got into a relationship. You have feelings for him. So you told him the truth. (Jamie) Yeah, it was bothering me. You didn't want to believe it. I didn't believe. (Nev) What's up with all the money? Because that's very confusing to us. I had feelings for him and I just, I just wanted to help him out. Just because you liked him? 'Cause she loved me. Yeah. And that was just your money? Yeah, I was making on social media. I mean, I never really had a really serious relationship. And it was like, if I sent him money, I would keep him around. And I look at it now that I shouldn't have done that. But because I couldn't break how I felt, then I just kept doing it. These other accounts that I think you created to mess with him and other girls that he was dating, was that-- No. (Nev) Did you not make any of those accounts? No. But you've contacted Akira. No. I mean, I don't know what messages you're referring to. "I know where you live." (Jamie) Yeah. (Nev) "I want my money back." Yeah, I just said that. But I didn't actually, like, think it through, like, I was actually gonna do that. You didn't try to log into her Instagram account? No, there's no way I could have done that. I don't-- I don't see nobody else doing that. I didn't have a valid reason to go after Akira. Well, yes, you did. You... You do, honestly, yeah. ...loved him and have a relationship with him. And then he started dating Akira. (Kamie) I wouldn't blame you because I would be (bleep) pissed off, too. I would be like, who the hell do you think you are? Just, like, walking all over me. I feel like you're really judgemental at times. You are. I'm judgemental? Yeah. I don't think I'm judgemental. I don't judge people. I don't think that's right. I would not say that to you. So, wait, after you showed him pictures of yourself, He said, "I'm not attracted to this girl, she's ugly." (Jamie) Yeah. That's (bleep). And he said that he didn't find my actual voice attractive. You said her voice was ugly? I said, I said-- I don't remember. But yeah. You don't have a lot of memories of a lot of things. 'Cause I tried to forget. I remember everything. I pretty much keep all of our convos. I have everything, yeah. That's how much you was in love with me, huh? (Jamie) Yeah. You really did love me. What are your feelings toward William now? I still love him. I do. I think he is a great person regardless of me feeling hurt. (Nev) So you would like to still have a relationship of some kind and obviously you still have strong feelings for him. Yeah. But he's in a relationship, so. Do you have any-- What are your feelings now towards Jamie? I mean, do you want to still be friends? Well, no. I just feel like we should go our separate ways, move on from this because of Akira. She thinks, like, you know, we talk and that I still love her and care about her, but that's not the case at all. 'Cause I love Akira and I wouldn't do that. I'm not a cheater. William, if you don't want to be friends with Jamie, then you also can't be accepting her money. I know. I apologize. I'm sorry for... For everything I did or I felt that I hurt you. I apologize for that. I feel the same way. I mean, yeah, I'm sorry I lied to you about a lot of things. (Nev) Solo? Solo. (Nev) OK. B.J.? Yeah. So that's you. (Kamie) Kamie. Nice to meet you. (Nev) Obviously, you know Danielle. Yeah. (Nev) When we spoke yesterday, you mentioned you were going to maybe come with... Yeah. Devon. Yeah. (Nev) So he decided not to come. Right. OK. Well, we're all here very eager to find out what's been going on here. And kind of-- Yeah, like, last two years it hasn't been me. I told my brother everything. So he went through my social media and all that and like, started talking to her. So I wanted to cleared it up. (Nev) I'm just curious, like, you log into his Instagram? I always, like, my phone is already on, like, my-- is already logged in so he on my phone some of that and I hear it go to here, go to here, like, I didn't-- I wasn't question him. So why is your brother not stepping up to the plate and saying that it was him this whole time? Yeah, I don't know. Like. When I talked to him he was on a fret like, he was like, bro, I don't know what I'm gonna do with this. Yeah, I did it but I don't wanna go out there. I got a whole family and all that. But did he think about that when he was talking to her for the past two and a half years? I don't know 'cause I just found out. Last minute. (Nev) But people are going to find out about this either way. Right? And he's gonna be in trouble anyway. (Danielle) I don't believe this. I don't believe this. This isn't true, like, this is who I've been talking to. Like, you sound like yourself. We sound alike. I don't, I don't-- I don't believe you. If that's the case, call him. And show-- He won't answer. He don't want, like, I tried to get him to come here. and clear my name, you know. So... He... He won't do it. I'm like, damn bro, come on let me clear my name, bro, with all going on. So I don't care how you feel. He might see it, they might see, I mean-- Wanna clear my name. I don't wanna do this no more. (Nev) You understand the situation is... strange? Right. Don't you think it's kind of (bleep), that your brother would see you had a relationship with a girl and that he would then go behind your back and sneak and get her to start messaging him? (indistinct), yes. That just feels weird to me. Like why? I don't know. I don't-- I don't believe this. I don't believe it. I don't wanna talk to him no more if he gonna sit there and lie dead in my face. Something else is going on. And I don't have to put up with it. I don't have to put up with this (bleep). That's what I don't have to do. So you think it was him the whole time? I think it was him the whole time. I know you haven't... had any interaction with her-- First time. In a whi-- right, a few years. Do you still feel like any kind of like, friendship with her? Do you feel any connection to her? Yeah. I feel a connection And I came here to clear things up. You were right to say if you have a brother, then call him. He might not answer our phone calls. But why would he not answer his brother phone calls? If he not gonna call his brother I don't wanna say nothing to him. Let's get him to call him. That's the least he can do. (Nev) You never lied. Right. About anything, right? You were friends with her from Instagram. And then you stopped talking and then that was it for you. There's something else. What do you mean? I don't have to put with this (bleep). Does not make (bleep) sense. What's this, something else? (Kamie) Something is not right. Why don't you just tell us what's going on? (B.J.) Basically, yesterday, I kind of like, I kind of panicked, you feel me? I panicked. to give me leeway, Give me leeway to take the pressure on me. Know what I'm sayin'? (Nev) Wow. This is now a whole new story. Yeah. (Nev) Not what you just said. To be clear, the only person Danielle has been talking to the whole time has been you. Yes. (Nev) OK. Do you have a brother? I have a brother, yeah. But he has nothing to do with this. He got none to do with it. And he's married. Yeah, that's true. With kids. And you threw him under the bus. Why would you even play like that? I panicked. and I didn't wanna... Have a confrontation. (Nev) So the real reason that you encouraged her to come to South Carolina and then decided not to meet her was just because, what? You were nervous? I wanted you to come, but I never will go through with it. (scoffs) Yeah. It wasn't the place for you to come. Why? 'Cause, like, I didn't have a thing to show you. So that's a big lie. I got insecure and that's mine. The laundry mat thing. I said it to keep her around. (Danielle) Wait, wait, wait. What made you think that that will be something that would have been a big deal? (Nev) Danielle, were you particularly interested in his money or something? (Danielle) No. I felt like if I said I had those things that she would be still fond of me. I felt bad But not bad enough to show up. (Nev) Couldn't you at least sent a text that said, "oh, (bleep) I just got called on a job," just to let her know. So she doesn't fly all the way down there. Like, you didn't realize that you didn't have it together before I came down here? No, no, I have it together. Know what I'm sayin'? Just average Joe, you feel me? I'm upcoming, know what I'm saying? I have it together. Is that everything I told you, that wasn't it. And once you see that, I thought you weren't-- You'd be turned off, know what I'm sayin'? I don't understand why you lie. You didn't even have to make it seem like it was something else. I felt like I did. (Nev) I just really want to lay it all out there. What's true and what things have or aren't true that she doesn't know are lies? Can you kind of just clear the air? Everything is a lie. You're a liar. Everything is not a lie. Me living an extravagant lifestyle, traveling, all that, that's a lie. Everything else, how I feel that's not a lie. I said things to keep you around. I don't even have all the things that you're trying to tell me that you have. (Kamie) Were you just waiting for the right opportunity until the business grew and you had all these things? Yeah. I didn't want to be like this. (Kamie) Why not Facetime? Yeah, why couldn't you Facetime? Because I felt like she's gonna see my lifestly. Yeah, but you could've just been at (bleep) Burger King, having lunch. Yeah, but sometimes, like I said, I'm out of town when I'm not in town she tried to Facetime me. I wouldn't do it. Here's the (bleep) thing. The truth... isn't even that bad. Like, the fact that you embellished your lifestyle a little bit. Pretty insignificant in the big picture of things. What's really (bleep) is that you wasted her emotional time and energy. I know, but I'm here to come clear. I'm here to let you know, that I'm coming clean. I want to go forward. Forward how? I want to hopefully keep our relationship. You want me to go ahead and let go of everything? I don't know. What you told me is true. That was the biggest lie. Everything else, I told the truth. I have no kids. I'm single. I'm a bachelor. That's the truth. It didn't have to be like this. You could have told me eventually, you could have even phased it out. I'm telling you now. Thank you. So you're (indistinct). That's... That's crazy. Thank you for agreeing to meet us. Just to be very clear, you've been talking to Dejean. Yeah. (Nev) What's your name? My real name is Gervaise. Sydney, who we met yesterday, is that your cousin? Yeah. Are you alright? Yes, I'm OK. Overwhelming. (Man) Yeah. 21 months down the drain. I didn't know who you were. Got a whole bunch of questions. (Nev) Can we just get your stats? Are you 30? Yeah, I'm 30. And do you have a son? No. Do you have any children? No. (Nev) OK. Wow. Have you ever ran into Dejean before? Because you guys live really close to each other. No. (Dejean) What happened? Why did you (indistinct) for me? Man, for one time just-- just, just be real. I didn't even-- like, this is not intentional. It just happened, I guess. In the beginning it was a game. I was fishing one day on PLF and some type way, just that it was necessarily you. I was fishing for. It just happened. And over the years, you know, we've just grown to be close, I guess. You had me believing in this. In a whole nother woman. No, I heard you looking at a whole other woman, but the woman that you talked to everyday is me. Why use somebody else's photos? you're an attractive woman, you have beautiful eyes. Why not use pictures of yourself? When you're behind that person, you can do and you can be and you can create the image that you want to portray to somebody else. because I already know how I've been tormented in my past. You know what I'm sayin', I know how I've been judged. Caché Hubley might be a little bit better than my real person. When did you first start making a fake profile? I've been fishing since before catfish was really catfish. Like, the chat lines, the phone chat lines, and stuff like that. It was like an outlet. How many profiles have you had? Ain't no telling. (Dejean) I was so caught up in Caché that, like, a couple months ago, went and purchased an engagement ring. I was that serious. (Nev) Because you guys talked about starting a life together. Yeah. I forked over a lot of money for that damn ring. Thinking that I found... my one. I'm sorry, Dejean. I'm sorry. I care about you. Like, I really... I care about you. I didn't want to hurt you. OK? I can't do nothing but stand here as a woman, as me, and apologize and hope that you can still... Try to start over as friends. You know. I need some air, real quick. This is a bit much, bit much. Uh-oh. (kamie) Is that him? (Woman) I can't believe it. (Nev) It's him. Wow. Jaquan. (Woman) Oh, my God. What happened, we hadn't heard from you for a couple hours. (Jaquan) Yeah. (Woman) Oh my God. I'm a little nervous, for real. Something new, new experience for me. (Woman) (inaudible) Jaquan, that's your name. Yes. (kamie) Aliyah, you want to join us? Yeah. (Nev) We're confused. I mean, because you did get her texts. (Aliyah) What's been going on? What took you so long today? I kind of didn't want to do the show to be honest. I didn't want to meet like this, honestly. That's kind of embarrassing for me. (Nev) OK, fine. But it would have never come to this if you had just even like, Facetime with her. Yeah. (Nev) Right? (Jaquan) See, like, it took me a big chance to even get on the phone with her in the first place. I don't even talk on the phone. But you haven't sent her any pictures. At first, I didn't take it serious. And then she was telling me that she was a virgin. To me, I'm a good guy. I wouldn't want to take no girl virginity and not be with the girl. (Nev) So you felt like she got serious. And you guys obviously live on other sides of the country. You weren't sure how-- where it was me go. But from what you told us, it seemed like you guys were in a relationship. You said you loved her and she said she loved you. She was willing to get on a flight. I don't get it. I wanted to meet her. But that is a big step for me. I was kind of nervous. I'm insecure in person. She wanted to see me so bad. I would just say, yeah. But when it came down to it, I would make an excuse. Like, I got to work or somthing. Or I ain't got the money. I hear you're saying this just puts so much mystery around you. Why did you delete your Instagram? Oh, my brother did that. So he's at Park Heights. Oh, yeah, that's my brother. That's your brother. And he blocked us because you didn't want to do the show. He was kind of placed up my head too, 'cause he was more skeptical, at first. Skeptical of her? Yeah, pretty much. We found a Facebook page that you use, I guess. And she didn't know you had a Facebook page. But on the Facebook page, you're very flirtatious. You were definitely talking to girls on Facebook. I was, I was just doing it for fun, basically. You like sex. And then when we seeing was like, racing, you know. (Kamie) Jaquan in real life is supposed to be in a relationship with Aliyah. When you're out and about and somebody were to ask you, do you have a girlfriend, do you say yes? Would I say yes if somebody were to ask me if I have a girlfriend. If you gotta think about it, it's fine. Yes. Because I really do love the girl. Don't get me wrong. I really don't show my feelings. And so I know, like, it's (indistinct). I was scared to get my heart broke, if that make sense. I can't-- when I wanted to meet her, I can't do that on my own. That was a big step for me. I was kind of nervous. I'm insecure in person. I know, I, like-- Hey, Miranda. (Nev) Gemini. Here she is, Miranda aka... (Kamie) Danielle. Danielle, actually. Thanks for coming. <i> We're here to give you an opportunity to</i> get some closure to this whole thing. Why did you do it in the first place? What is-- what was you looking for? Nothing from you. The hell? Well, did you have feelings? No, no-- he's a great guy. He's just got, you know, issues. What you think you get? I'm just saying, you're a great guy, you're a great friend. It happened. It was a joke. (Man)<i> How you mean it was a joke?</i> <i> Seven years?</i> <i> Ain't nobody find it funny but you.</i> We came here today 'cause I want to make amends. I've done that, so... can I go now? No, I think he had a question. I'm not answering him 'cause it's gonna get heated between us. You know, I don't even care no more, you selfish, you don't even care about nobody but yourself. (Nev) He's upset, obviously, and I think it's justified. (indistinct) That's a wrap. (Nev) Let me quickly just talk to Gemini, I'm gonna take him inside for a second. Please do. I'll cool him off and then we'll come back out. (Miranda) I'm not doing it this time If we gonna do that then I'll go back to the crib. I don't know what you're expecting. We got as much from that conversation as we're going to get. You guys can just be here. if you could. I just want to get this over with. I don't care no more. (Nev) All right. I'm gonna go get her. I'll bring her in. I'll be right back. He's in there. Calm down. Why don't we go in there and we can try this again. (Miranda) Oh, Lord. Oh, damn. No, no, no, no. (Kamie) They love you and care about you. (Nev) As you can see, we brought people here from your life. It's an intervention. Yes. Kind of. You set me up. That's how interventions work. (Nev) Let's have a sit. So, call it whatever you want. I care about you as a person who exists right now. }Obviously, you need to stop the catfishing. But maybe, before you can do that, you need to realize that there are people, specifically these two who you've known a long time, who... want you to be happy and be honest and live a life that's fulfilling and rewarding. We're here. We want to how you feel. And we want to be helpful, if we can. (Woman) I love you, but I'm not finna sit here and applaud your (bleep). 'Cause I know you're better than this. The whole point of being on this show is for these people to get their answers. Not for you to come in here and make this a joke and act like this isn't hurting them. And like you're just completely deep down OK with what you're doing to these people. What about your real life? not this person you're pretending to be. All this effort you putting in all these lies, you could put it into finding yourself a real husband, not one that you got to lie about. Yeah, the smile's gone now, isn't it? And that's coming from me, your big sister, who actually loves you and cares about the real you, not this person you're pretending to be because it's not okay. (Gemini) It's crazy. All I'm asking is why, why you couldn't be yourself? That's one question, he's just asking one. It was a joke. I'm sorry but-- (Sister) It's not a joke. You wasted seven years of this young man's life. I'm not doing this. Hold on, hold on. (Miranda) I'm not doing this (bleep)! I'm not doing this.
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 1,596,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: every single reveal, dramatic catfish, catfish victims, MTV, catfish, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, best of, reveal, catfish season 7, hilarious, best moments, top moments, best of catfish, online dating, real life, mystery, uncertainty, forgiveness, shock, shocking, pretend, nev schulman, nev, max, max joseph, relationship, honest, reality, Elle King, MTV Ranked
Id: DWN9nL2u4EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 34sec (2794 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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