Every Single Catfish Season 1 Reveal | Catfish: The TV Show

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- Ready? (knocking) Hello? Jamison? Anybody? This is the address. - Think it's not in there? I'm not sure. You wanna look? - [Max] I'm having Silence of the Lambs flashbacks. - I don't see anybody in there. I feel like we should look. - Are you sure this... This does not seem like where he would be though. - Well I don't know, this was definitely what he said. - I mean we're just in the middle of (bleep) Egypt right now. - I know, I feel weird. Are you okay? I'm-- - No, not at all. I just don't understand what's going on. - [Max] Wait, guys, guys, guys, guys. - Hello? - Hey. - [Nev] Hi. We were looking for Jamison. - I know. - [Nev] So, is he here? - It's me. - [Nev] That's you? - [Chelsea] Yeah. - What? - I don't know what to say. Hey. - Hi. - Nev. - I am in total shock. - Sunny, you know. - Yes. - Obviously. We spoke on the phone, right? - Yes. - Okay, so that was you? - Yes. - Obviously you're not a man. - Obviously. - This is the person you've been talking to, right? - Yes. - Okay. Obviously I'm at a little bit of a loss for words. - I am too, I don't know what to say right now. I mean am I being punked or what? - [Chelsea] No, not punked. - Who are you? - My name's Chelsea. I don't know. What do you wanna know? - Well how come you've been pretending to be someone else? - It started off a few years ago and a girl was messaging me all this crazy stuff on Facebook, and I made the Facebook to get revenge. And it turned into something it really wasn't supposed to. - So you've been pretending to be this guy, for how long now? - At least four years. - [Nev] With lots of different people. - Plenty. - Like with my sister, too, Summer? - [Chelsea] Obviously. - Does she know? - [Chelsea] No. - How old are you? - 18. - Geez. - So are you like attracted to girls or something? - [Chelsea] No. - [Nev] Do you know RJ King? - Yes, I do. - [Nev] How do you know him? - I know him through his sisters. We all played soccer. - [Sunny] Who are all still alive. - [Chelsea] Yes. He really is a model. - But Sunny's never spoken to him. - No. - [Max] Do you feel bad at all? I mean you guys have been having a relationship for eight months, you know. - I'm sure your feelings are hurt, and I'm sure when Summer finds out hers are gonna be hurt and everybody else, but this is the ending of it right here. This is why we're doing this. - It's a little surprising to me that you're not more apologetic. - Yeah because she has a personality disorder. - You're right, I'm not... No, no. - [Sunny] You must have multiple personality disorder. - No, no I don't. - You said that sisters were, people were dead and things like that. I mean who does that? That's just so (bleep) up. I mean you must be a lesbian or something. - No, no I'm not, I'm not. - Did you feel any connection to the people you're deceiving? I mean if you're texting with them-- - [Chelsea] Do you mean emotionally? - [Max] Yeah. - No. Nothing ever, ever was emotional. There were no strings attached, nothing. - I may look like a big fool on TV but I promise you you're gonna look twice as (bleep) bad. I mean people are gonna be like who the (bleep) does this person think they are? - She came out of nowhere. I had no idea that Summer even had a sister. She added the Facebook, started talking to me, so I talked back. - Normally, if it was any other person here and I didn't have people watching me and I knew I couldn't be filmed, I would take you out like none other. - Okay, 'cause I'm twice your size. - Don't you recognize that to some extent there's an issue with you that-- - Like you need to be in a (bleep) psych ward or something or insanity institution. - No. You have no (bleep) conscience, because nothing bothers you. Obviously you're not-- - How the (bleep) would you know that? - I mean because how can you like mentally just like wake up every morning knowing, wait am I a Chelsea today, am I RJ, am I Jamison? Who am I? So what did this girl do to piss you off so damn bad? She didn't sleep with you? - It doesn't matter. Is that what it was? - No. What did she do? - She sent me inappropriate messages on Facebook. - Oh so you felt like since someone (bleep) you over you had to do it to other people. - [Chelsea] No, no. - I'll find a way to (bleep) you over, trust me. Like it's not... I mean like it's... And my sister and everyone, like that is so wrong in so many ways. I mean like I'm done. - [Lee] Yeah, what's up? - [Nev] Yeah I'm looking for Lee. - [Lee] Oh hey what's happening man? - [Nev] Is that you? - [Lee] Yeah that's me. - [Nev] It's Nev. - [Lee] How's it going Nev? - [Nev] Yeah man, how are you? - [Lee] I'm doing all right, how you doing? - [Nev] Pretty good. I obviously, you know what we're doing here. - [Lee] Okay, yeah. - [Nev] Which is introducing you to Trina. - Hi. - Hello, how you doing? - [Trina] Hi, how are you? - I'm Lee. - Scorpio? - Yeah. - So, everything was a lie, basically. - No no no no, not exactly. I know the profile, it wasn't me, but everything else was real, you know, I'm still the same person it's just that, you know... The only part that wasn't true was the whole male dancer thing and having six pack abs and all that. I mean apparently I'm not six pack abs or anything. - [Max] How old are you? - Honestly I'm not 27, I'm 32. - Wow. I'm 24. (laughs) Wow. - I wish I would of met you as me, but you know I had that profile up. - Do you have kids? - [Lee] Yeah I do have kids. - Four kids? - Yeah four kids. - Right you told me that. We weren't sure because you told her you had two. - Yeah. - But I have like a little company where I help people get gigs, like modeling, acting and stuff like that. I got the pictures from a guy who was looking to do some acting. - [Nev] Larry Drummer. - [Lee] Right. - He contacted you? - Yeah. Initially just wanted to get some feedback from different women, you know, say okay, this guy has the look or whatever. And... - You found me. - Yeah I thought you were like the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. You look better in person than in the pictures. I don't know, I just wanted to get to know you and I thought, you know, I'm not sure what I was thinking. I know that wasn't the right thing to do. - I just feel like I gave you the real me and I've just been misled, you know. And it really hurts. - Well I mean that's the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you. - I fell in love with you, like, you know. - I got so tangled up in it, it was just like how can I come out and tell you the truth without hurting you? That's what I was like really afraid of. - It's too late for that now. I'm already hurt. - I know I'm shooting for a long shot here but if there's any way I can make it up. - Are you in a relationship with someone else? - No, I'm not. You know, I was actually in a relationship with Trina. - [Trina] Break. Break. - Okay, can we just give you guys a minute, just to have a quick chat over here, and we'll come back in a second. - [Lee] Okay. - Wow. So where do we go from here? - Well we go where you feel like you need to go, I mean... - I don't wanna lose, you know, somebody that could've really cared about me, you know? - Yeah, I mean it's clear that he cares about you, but it still was real for you. - In my heart. Oh. I don't know how to deal with this right now. I don't know. - [Max] Look, this whole thing is on his terms right now. You're meeting him at his house, you haven't met until he's decided that he's ready to meet you. I mean you can make things on your terms now. - Okay. Yeah. - So I think we should maybe go. - Yeah. - Hello. Hello. - Hi. - [Mike] Oh, man. - It's been a long time. You're shaking. - [Mike] You smell good. - So do you. Are you scared? - No. - Yeah you are. - Not nervous at all. So, hi, nice to meet you. - Yeah, good to meet you, man. Thanks for meeting up with us. - Yeah. You guys can come in. - [Nev] This is intense. - Yeah. I'm not gonna lie, it's kinda weird. But pretty happy, you know. We've just been hearing each other's voices this long, and now we see each other. So, you're very pretty. - Thank you. - Yeah so, as you can tell, pretty big guy, and that's a big reason why I've been nervous to meet with you. I don't have any big crazy secrets or anything, don't have any children that I know of. (laughing) It's been hard to want to meet you. I've been wanting to meet you for a very long time and it's just it's held me back. - I didn't think you had anything to hide, but, I mean-- - [Mike] I didn't really explain it. - Right, you never did explain like... - At my highest point of weight I had reached 619 lbs. - I didn't realize that. (gentle music) - I was so big that I almost like literally couldn't live life everyday. Like I couldn't sleep, could barely shower, could barely put my shoes on, didn't have like any clothes to wear. Like, I didn't feel like a person. But I've been working on it, and I've lost over 65 lbs. Even though I am not where I wanna be, did not wanna meet you like this, I am still happy about it because I'm so much better off than what I was, and now I'm living my life that I wanna live and I'm fixing my problems, and one of those problems is finally meeting you. So I'm really glad that we're doing this. - And I'm glad that you've figured out something that you really wanna do and you're sticking to it and it does make you happy, and that's what makes me happy. - He's obviously struggling with his weight, but... - [Max] That was it. - Yeah, and I understand. His health was poor and he was... - He's ashamed. - He was ashamed of his weight. - I'm sure you probably thought like we were just never gonna meet, and... - I did think that. - Yeah. - The main reason why I was like basically now or never to meet you is because I am in a serious relationship. And I just needed to meet you before Scott and I took like the next step. - Which would be what? Marriage? - Not that funny but yeah. - Yeah. - So I just had to make sure I wasn't missing anything. And if I didn't come here to see you, I would be. And it's hard to put you in a plan when I've never met you. - Yeah. I get that. - Who's this? - Oh my gosh. This a (bleep) I used to (bleep) with. Don't come over here. Do not come over here. - You know this girl? - Yes, I do. Don't come over here. - Who is this? - Missy. Don't come over here. - Brought you a flower. (laughs) - Do you guys know each other? - [Missy] I know her. Clearly I do. - Yeah. - [Nev] Okay. - So you must be Mike? - Yes, I am Mike. How are you doing today Jasmine? - But you did this for what? - [Missy] Why not? - Why? - Why not? - Why though? - It's revenge. What do you mean? - Revenge though? And then you're just so slutty, like... - Look at you though, look at you, look what you-- - I look beautiful baby. Beautiful. - [Jasmine] Well I look beautiful too. - Nice perfect size, nice, looking real good. - Yeah but I had a baby honey. I had a baby, okay. - It's called working out. Working out. - [Jasmine] Okay but it doesn't take a day. - Hold on a second. Just hold on a second. Give me a minute here. - I'm about to fight her. Can I please do it? Can I please, just please? - Hold on a second. Please, please, please. - Hold on a second. Look at me for a second. Look at me for a second. - I really wanna beat her ass, I really wanna beat her ass right now. I'm trying not to, I'm really trying. - Just look at me, just look at me. - I can't, I can't, I'm really pissed off right now, I wanna beat her ass. - This is crazy. - And you know Josh? Yeah, that's who she used to (bleep) with. You know I'm upset because I thought I was gonna meet someone I liked, like... That's why Mike never called me. Something was wrong with this whole picture and we knew it. - She didn't take my flower. I threw it at her, she didn't pick it up. That's sad, huh? - Max will you stay here for one second? - Yeah. - And just talk. Just don't, turn that way so she doesn't have to look. Yeah you go over there, yeah. - [Max] Who is she? - She used to (bleep) with Josh, the one I told you about. - [Max] Triggs. - Yeah. - Forgive me, I'm a little... Just trying to kinda catch up. As far as I can tell, you and Jasmine have known each other. - Yeah. - I met her at the mall, and we was talking about who we was dating and talking to, and she brought up Josh. And it's a coincidence that both of us was (bleep) with Josh. - So you created the Mike Davis profile specifically... - To stop her from, you know. - So you wanted to take her attention away from Josh and put it on another guy. - Yeah so she can leave him alone. - Nah I wanna see why she did this. That's what I wanna do. Missy. Oh, excuse me, please. Okay, you can go, I just wanna ask some questions. - [Max] Let her go. - All right I just... - Okay so I just wanna know why you did it, that's all. - Why do you do the things you do? - I was talking to this person, supposedly Mike, for two years. - Who does this? You talking to somebody for two years, you only heard their voice twice, two different voices at that. - Why did you do it? - Relax, relax. - I already told you that. Now if you get loud I'ma get loud. - Listen, you did it over Triggs. Point blank period because Mike is friends with Triggs. - Over Triggs? Yeah that's kinda funny. And he don't even talk to you no more. - Baby, Triggs is driving my car as we speak. As we speak, baby. - Triggs is using her though. He's using you. - [Missy] Psyche, but he stays in my house. (bleep) outta here. - That's cool, he's still using you. - [Missy] It's pretty funny how he didn't want you. - [Jasmine] Yeah, I don't give a (bleep). - Obviously this guy Josh got in between you guys. - [Jasmine] Yeah, he did, he did. I'm not gonna lie about that. - Had to be something pretty intense for you to spend two years getting revenge on her. - [Missy] No, it's just that I wanted her to leave Josh alone and she act like she couldn't-- - It was just about Josh? - Oh my gosh. - [Missy] Yes, really it was. - [Jasmine] So why are you so, I'm gonna be calm, why-- - I'm talking to this man, not you. - I don't care. Get the (bleep) outta here. - You better watch who you talking to. Don't put your hands on me. Don't put your hands on me. Do not put your hands on me. - I'm not doing this. Do not put your hands on me. - Get in the car. - No I'm good, I'm good. - Bitch shut your ass up. - There's another door, you wanna try this door? Oh there's someone. Hi. - Hello. - [Jared] Hello. - I mean it is what it is I suppose. I mean I know I'm not, you know, Barbie or anything like that. I have a lot of explaining to do I suppose. - [Jared] Okay. - I'm Melissa. - I'm Jared. - I know who you are but you really have no clue who I am at this point. Well, I mean you know who I am. It obviously is what it is right now, and my apologies definitely. Pretty much all of it was you know, me, just not me. You know what I mean? Everything. All the emotions, you know, just a different face I suppose, you know? - [Jared] Yeah. - I really don't even know what to say right now. - What was the reason that you sort of started this whole profile business? - The reason was because I had so many self esteem issues. Like I used to cut myself. I couldn't handle the depression anymore so I had to figure out something to make myself happy. And it was bad, I understand, but, I got so much out of it, and like I wouldn't have met Jared without doing it, you know what I mean? Like it's just that kind of situation. - All right just give me one second. - [Melissa] Okay it's cool. - [Nev] You all right man? - [Jared] Huh? - [Nev] You good? - [Jared] Yeah. - [Nev] I mean, it's a lot. - [Jared] Yeah. - [Nev] But I feel like, basically what we were talking about before, a lot of that applies. - [Jared] Yeah. - [Nev] Melissa, who's the girl in the pictures that you were using? Anybody that you know? - No. - Just a random person? - Yeah, pretty much. Like that's the crazy thing about the internet, you can be whoever you wanna be. If I wanted to be, I could be a self made millionaire, you know? - [Max] You're doing this kind of to help your self esteem. - That's what I... - [Max] And so when you say I love you or when he says he loves you, does that, what does that mean to you? - Yeah I mean, we established this great relationship, even though it was over the phone, I told you things about me I've never told anyone. - [Nev] So how's it going, man? - I'm like just trying to grasp everything. Thousands and thousands of questions that are just like flooding in at one time and I'm trying to make sense of everything. - I was completely myself, you know, obviously, because I'm just like sitting here crying hysterically, like... I was completely myself. I don't know how it goes for him, but he changed my life. - [Nev] I mean do you have a profile for yourself? - Oh yeah, but I'm not blond haired, blue eyed Barbie. If I was to walk up to half the guys that are on that friends list and like hey, what up, they would be like who are you and crazy stuff like that, like I don't wanna talk to you. And I understand that I should have stopped it so long ago, and I wanted to, but I got so emotionally invested. - Yeah I mean, I don't know, I'm trying to like pull everything in, like really... I guess the things make sense now, you know, like the not able to meet up and things like that, it makes sense. Everything's like, I don't know, it's weird. I've gotten to know you so much, at the same time I have no idea who you are. It's one of those things where I feel like I just got pranked. I gotta, what was it, decompress for a minute. - Might be a good idea just to like take a little break, give yourself some space, process all this. - Yeah. Just think about things. - Over here? Oh. - Hi. - Hey. - Hi. Nev. - Dani. - Hey. - [Kya] Hi. - Hey. - So how come you didn't tell me the truth when I told you? - [Dani] I was just nervous and didn't wanna lose you and I just wanted to tell you in person. - But as I always told you, I'm not going anywhere, no matter what, you can't get rid of me. - It's just still in the back of my mind, just that flag, like no, don't do it. But I told you now. - Yeah. - Go sit around back there. I'm like shaking, I'm like... - Obviously you're not exactly the person in the photographs. - Yeah. (laughs) - So you're transgender. - Yes. - And how long have you known that? - I think I was six, I might have been younger. I knew something wasn't right about me. At the time I didn't know what transgender was but I felt like I'm not who I'm supposed to be, I'm different from the other kids. I didn't know how to voice it or how to really make it. Then when I turned 18 I was like fine, I'm gonna shave my head, (bleep) it, I'm gonna dress how I want, I'm gonna buy my own clothes, do what I wanna do and... Yeah I did that and then I wrote my parents a letter when I was 20 and now they've kind of started accepting it more. Right now I'm going through hormone replacement therapy. I had my first shot last Friday. - [Nev] Wow. - [Dani] So I'm currently a week and two days on testosterone. - How many shots? - [Dani] I have to do it for the rest of my life. - Oh. - I'll just go less and less throughout my lifetime. - [Nev] So that, you've committed to that, which is a big decision. - Yes. Surgery wise I will get the full hysterectomy done and the mastectomy done. I don't know about anything else yet. I'm usually really good about telling people I'm trans in the beginning, but then the first week, most of the time they walk out. So I'm just used to it but I was just afraid of losing her. I had this bond with her in such a short time that I've never had with anybody else, that it was just like I need to do what I need to do to keep this for as long as I can. I don't wanna (bleep) it up, I don't wanna lose it. So that's why I just kept going with it. - What are your feelings, I guess, about that? - I have no problem with it. You're still a man to me, so... - That's all that matters, that's all that matters. - That doesn't change anything. I care about his personality, not the looks. Except I like redheads, so looks plus added onto that. - That's a plus. - [Kya] I told you, I love you no matter what. You can't get rid of me. - I'm just kind of enjoying just looking at you guys, sitting next to each other, you know what I mean? I mean I never could've pictured this scenario, but... - It feels amazing, it feels right. - Yeah it feels really right, and I can't explain it, it's better than what I was dreaming and everything, it's like I can finally hold your hand and just be here with you. I don't have to like say I'm holding your hand, I can just do it. - Yes. Gonna shove you in my suitcase to go back home, even though my suitcase is like only this big. - All the words in the Webster Dictionary, all the words in the universe, every language, there is no amount of words that can sum up my feelings for her. You would have to be physically in my being to understand my love for her. (sighs) - Just happy to be here. - Me too. - [Nev] Yeah. This is a car. - [Joe] Okay. - Hey. - Hello. - So it's been Rose the whole time? It's been you the whole time? - Yes. - Yes. I'm sorry, about everything. I don't know what to say, I'm really sorry. What do you think? - Why wouldn't you tell me it was you? - I was scared. - [Joe] Scared? - [Rose] Scared to tell you. I do have feelings for you, and I was just scared of what you would say to me. - So long have you had feelings for Joe? - A few months. - [Joe] When you started to fall in love with me or whatever, then why didn't you tell me it was you? - Because I didn't want you to like stop talking to me altogether. Another part of me, I just like doing it because for me it's kind of like entertainment. - I mean we owe you an apology. We totally, we failed. We failed you, man. - Yeah we definitely did not see this coming and I feel like in a way we didn't prepare you for this. How long have you had this fake profile? - Which one? - Well how many profiles do you have? - How many are there? - Quite a few. - For Kari Ann or for lots of people? - For lots of people. I've been doing it for years. I've pretty much mastered it. - [Nev] It doesn't seem to bother you that much. - It doesn't bother me that much, I don't know why everyone's making a big deal about it. - It's an unusual way to start relationships. - Nev is being very nice. It's incredibly selfish and you're being really irresponsible. You're manipulating people's emotions, you're leading them on, you're lying to them. - Well that's fine. - It's a messed up way of entertaining yourself. You know that you (bleep) with their emotions and their lives. Joe thought he was about to start a whole new life. - I know and I said that I am extremely sorry for that, I'm apologizing. I'm apologizing in front of all these frickin' cameras, like what the (bleep)? I wouldn't come back here for just like nothing. - So you came back for Joe? - Yeah I guess in a way I did. - How can I believe anything you say? You just (bleep) people in their heads and make 'em think they're with somebody else and whatnot. I don't know, I'm just... It hurts, it sucks. It really does. Pretty much like everything that I have told you is real. Everything is 100% true. I haven't lied about nothing. I think I need a little bit of time to think things through. I wanna see what's real now and see what's fake, I guess. - Okay. Bye. - Bye Rose. - Bye. - [Nev] We messed up. - Cold hearted. - Someone over there? - [Aaron] Hi. - [Tyler] Hey how's it going? - [Aaron] Hi. - I'm Tyler Hayden. - [Aaron] Aaron. - All right. - Also known as Amanda Miller. - You're Amanda Miller? - Yes I am. - The Amanda Miller. - Yes, which I do owe you an apology, I'm really sorry. - Okay. - I'm Nev. - [Aaron] Nice to meet you. - This is Max. - Hi. - Hi. - We got obviously our guys around, crew. - Do you wanna just step out? - Yeah, let's give ourselves some space. - [Tyler] Yeah, kinda clumped up. - All sorta stand around and talk for a minute. Okay, well, I guess first big kinda questions answered as far as Tyler goes. Looking for Amanda, your name is Aaron. - [Max] What does it feel like to be in front of Tyler? - Weird, awkward, but nice at the same time, 'cause like... - [Tyler] I'm kinda shocked. - Really? - Yeah. You hear about stories like this all the time I just never really feel like I'd be involved in something like this, you know? So it's kinda like a little shock factor, it's like oh my God, happened to me. A sucker. - How long have you had the profiles? - [Aaron] Amanda's? - Yeah. - [Aaron] I started when I was a sophomore, actually, in high school. - About how many guys would you say you've been talking to, currently? - Currently, not that many. I actually stopped because I did start to like Tyler. But before that there was probably over a hundred or so. - Have you ever thought about just like coming out, like even on the computer, just saying, oh, maybe adding me with your real profile and saying, "Hey nice to meet you." - I have thought about that, but I just couldn't go through with it, like I felt like it would ruin things. - All right, so I'm assuming this is your house. - [Aaron] My grandparents house. - Your grandparents house. So you never was a K-zoo native. - I actually went to Southwest Michigan College, which is in Kalamazoo, so yes I was. - [Nev] You're going back, right? - [Aaron] To Southwestern? No, I'm going to a different college. I ended up talking to my RA as Amanda, and he did figure it out, so it kinda got me in trouble. - [Max] Amanda got you kicked out of school? - Yeah. - [Nev] I mean that's a big deal, to get kicked out of college. - You guys wanna sit down on the bench? - Yeah, let's take a seat. - Okay cool, I'll take a seat. - What does it feel like to be Amanda? - Just feels better, I guess, than being myself. When I realized other people had a problem with me being gay, that's when I went to Amanda and I can convince a straight guy to like me, like my personality. I don't know, I don't wanna be gay, to be honest, but that's something you can't change and I kind of accepted that a while ago. - Would you rather be a straight girl than a gay guy? - Yes. I would, yes. - Now that we're here and we're standing in front of you, here's Tyler. I mean like what do you wanna get out of this? - Definitely I would still like to be your friend. Apparently there was something about Amanda that you did like as a friend, that you kept talking to her. - Probably won't be friends with Amanda anymore. You know it's not the path you'd expect to go down when talking to some chick online. - Definitely a lot, at the end of a year and a half of communications, to sort of take in all this new info. I think we could head out for now, sort of process all this, give you a call later on, or maybe tomorrow. - All right cool. - Aaron. - Nice meeting you. - Really nice to meet you. - Hello. - Hey. (laughing) - I cannot believe it's you. Are these for me? - Yeah. - I don't know what to say. (laughing) You look a lot different. Oh my God. You're tall. I feel so short. Hey. (laughing) It's you! Well, let's come in. I'm so excited. Sit sit sit sit sit. You look nice. - [Rod] You look nice too. - You look nothing like what I... I don't know. You just don't look like your pictures at all. You sound like you, but you don't look like you. - Well, I don't want you to be mad at me when I tell you, the pictures I sent you, they wasn't my pictures, they was my cousin's pictures, so this is me. - So it wasn't your pictures. - No, I was scared to send you my real pictures. - Why? - I thought you was gonna be some psycho. - That's crazy because it's like right now I'm excited because I feel, I know this is you, your voice, I've listened to that voice for four years, but it's kinda (bleep) me up right now because you, you know, for four years I've laid and I picture something totally different. - Come sit down. - No, I wanna stand. - I have one more thing to tell you. - No. - My name's Rod. - Excuse me? - Is Rod. - Your name. - Yeah, it's not KJ. - Your name is Rod. - Yeah. - Okay. - I felt you should know my name and see me, so that's really one of the reasons why I wait-- - I'm disappointed, I'm hurt, and I really feel like I don't know you. Who the (bleep) lies about a name for four years? Who lies about a picture? Who are you? Like who are you? That makes no sense. - [Nev] Oh hey man. - [Dawuan] Hey what's up? - [Nev] Hey. Nev. - [Dawuan] Dawuan. - [Nev] Dawuan? How you doing? - [Dawuan] Doing all right. - [Nev] We're looking for Dave. - Oh yeah that's me. - [Nev] That's you? - Yeah. - Okay. You wanna come out for a second? Well, okay. So this is Dawuan. I asked for Dave but I think this is Dave. Or at least that seems to be the explanation, right? This is Stephanie. Just to be totally clear, obviously you're not the guy in the pictures that we saw, right? On Facebook. Okay. Obviously it's a little bit of a surprise. - Yeah 'cause you told me your name was David. And I'm just like Dawuan? Who's Dawuan? I mean I was honest with you for seven months. - Yeah I see what you're saying. - I told you too that I hate liars. - I wanted to make sure like I was like the perfect dude for you. I don't wanna let you slip away from my life. My intention was not to like hurt you or lie to you. I was gonna wait til the right time, the right moment, to tell you. - [Stephanie] Seven months? - Yeah this is now. And I don't work at the Staples Center as a security guard. I work at a movie theater. But this is the real me now. - Liar. Right? Liar. - [Dawuan] Don't get me wrong, there have been times that I wanted to tell you so bad. - [Stephanie] You're such a liar. - [Dawuan] No, that's the truth. - Dude, we'll be on the phone sometimes for like a pause, like a long pause, sometimes, there was your chance right there. - At least I'm like stepping up. - What, another guy disappointing me in my life? Oh yeah you're stepping up. What other lies are you (bleep) telling me dude? I'm pretty sure there's more (bleep) lies. - Look, I'm just sorry. Can I just... - Don't hug me. - [Dawuan] Sorry just like about everything. It was like a big mistake. - [Stephanie] Okay well hope you learn from it. - All you gotta do is like try to give me a chance. - Dude, no, you lied. No, I don't care. You don't know how big of a deal this is to me. You don't. Right now you literally disgust me, so like back away or something. Like for real, I'm not trying to be a bitch. - Dawuan, do you mind if I... I just wanna take a second, talk to Stephanie. Here. - [Stephanie] I honestly don't even wanna be here. - I mean I know that feeling. - Oh, man. What did I do? We always used to talk on the phone for hours and hours and hours. She makes me laugh, I make her laugh. She's the type of girl that I would like tell my problems about, she would tell me her problems about her, her dad, and I give her advice on things. She texts me that she miss me, and I tell her that I miss her too. So we just had like a good relationship. - Obviously if he really, really liked me, I would've known a lot of stuff about him. That's where I'm stupid, like I, you know, gave myself to someone, you know, pretty much, like threw out my feelings there. - All this time I was thinking about telling her but I just didn't know how to tell her 'cause I think if I would have told her over the phone, she was just gonna cut me off and have me out her life and I don't want that to happen. - I don't get the feeling that his intentions were to ever hurt you. All I'm saying is the decisions that you make now, you can't really take back. (tense music) Flowers. - Flowers. - Oh my God. Let's go to the beach, you wanna go to the beach? - [Nev] You're nervous now? - [Rico] Yeah. - [Nev] This is it, man, this is your moment. Give me your phone. - All right. Oh my God. - Wow. Wow. Wow. - Hi. - Oh my God. These are for you. - Thank you. - Oh my God. Wow. Oh my God. Wow. Whoa. Wow. Holy (bleep). You're actually here. These are for you babes. Ooh, I'm so nervous and I'm so excited. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. - How you doing? I'm excited. Wow. You're here. - Yeah. - Wow, wow, wow. I hope you like the flowers. - I do, they're beautiful. I love roses. Feel my hand shaking? - Yeah mine are too, both of us are very nervous. I'm so surprised. You look great. - Thank you. So do you. - I chose this beach for many reasons, 'cause growing up this was a beach that my family came to, you know, and we had a lot of problems. For some strange reason we felt united when we was here. So I thought Crandon Beach would be a good place to bring you. - I'm glad to be here, finally. - But, unfortunately, there's a lot that needs to be said. - Okay. - It's nothing crazy and I'm holding your hand because I sincerely mean it, but I do want you to know that I really do care about you and I want a good chance to be with you, you know, that means a lot to me. My name's not Ja'Mari. My name is James, and as you can see, I aint driving a Mercedes S Series. And I'm 22. You know, I don't have my own place. I actually live with my mom by the way too, so that's why I always tell you I understand that how you feel about your mom, because my mom is my rock. And not a model. I'm actually, I aint gonna let you go, 'cause I want you to hear me out, I don't want you to walk away, I just want you to give me a chance, you know. I'm not a model, I'm a bus driver. So when I say I'm always on the road it's because I'm on the road but not literally the way you think I am. I was that close from telling you but I just didn't wanna lose you, especially when you've confided in me about so much. And I don't think that I've ever done anything like this in my life because again, it wasn't supposed to get to this far. So please, please, just give me the weekend, like just give me like a day or two to show you who I am, because I wanna show you that it's not about those things, it's not about the material things, it's about me being with you. And if after this weekend you never wanna see me, that's fine. But just don't count me out, not just yet, please. - Let's rewind a little bit. So you said you're not a model at all. - No. I take my own pictures but they're nice pictures though. - And your name is James. - Yeah. Not too far. You know, I dislike my name. And I got my own reasons, babe. It wasn't to deceive you at all, like I was really going through a lot at that time and I just needed to feel like I can be free again. So that's how Ja'Mari came about. - That makes me question a lot of things that you've told me, so... - Everything I've told you has been sincere and genuine. The only thing that I haven't told you was that I don't have a big house, I don't have a Mercedes, you know, and-- - Yeah but I'm not a materialistic person anyways, like you know that, like I've been struggling, I'm sleeping on a couch right now, so I mean... - I don't know, like I wanted to be that person that could be here, I wanted to be that person that you looked up to. That's why I always used to tell you we so alike in so many ways. And you never knew why. - Are you about to cry? - I am because I'm just sitting here and I'm just like amazed. So where do we go? Can I have this weekend? Can I show you? Can I take you out to dinner? Can I do something to make it up? - I don't know, like I... My thoughts are like everywhere, so, it's gonna take me some time to like let everything settle in. - Hey. - Hi. - How are you doing? - Good, how are you? - I'm good. - Oh my gosh, you're finally here. - Yeah, I'm here. In Florida. - Yeah, that's crazy. - [Nev] Hey Felicia. - Oh yeah, here's Nev and Max. - Hi. - Hi. How are you? - Good, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too. - Yeah so I mean I was thinking that maybe you can show us around Orlando today. I mean your store and stuff. - Yeah. Well, I actually like lied about something like really important, I guess, that I should've been honest with you like in the beginning. - Honesty is, you know, a big part of a relationship, you know? - Yeah. That's true. Basically I don't live in New Jersey. I live in Orlando. - Did you ever live in New Jersey? - Yeah, like all my family and friends are there, but I'm here for school. - [Mike] For school? - Yeah. - But you told me that you lived there this year. - Yeah, but I don't. Like I didn't... - Okay. - Sorry. - Yeah. - Sorry. - So any other secrets? Lies? In the past. - Well, there's no store. - Oh there's no store either. - There's no store. There's no store because like when you kept asking me to hang out I was like (bleep), I need to come up with something so he could stop asking me. And I'm sorry, like you know, I didn't like purposely do it. - In a way you did because-- - I didn't purposely do it. Like it wasn't like I'm gonna lie to Mike, I'm gonna just make up all these lies. Like I felt like if I was straight out and was like I don't live there, you would've been like well what's the point of getting to know her and going on a date with her if she doesn't even live here. - It's kinda hard for me to take when someone lies to me like that 'cause I have been hurt in the past by, you know, other people, and I don't wanna be hurt again. - [Felicia] Yeah, and I didn't tell you-- - If you understand that. - I'm gonna ask a question that I think everybody's wondering, is since you are you, for the most part, Mike is Mike, why you chose the lies that you did choose. - It's just a habit. It's a bad frickin' habit. I literally went from lying about who I am and what I look like to other people, from since I was 14 years old til this past January. You are honestly like the first guy who actually wanted to get to know who I am. I just was scared that I was gonna lose that, so I just tried to make every excuse possible so that I just didn't lose that. And I'm sorry. I lied about the stupidest (bleep), but like it was a mistake and I would never do it again. - I hope it ends today. - [Felicia] It's ended, it's done. - It will just stop. - Like let's just start on a clean slate and just move forward, you know. - Just stop, yeah. - Yeah.
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 862,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catfish season 1, season 1, first season Catfish, every single reveal, dramatic catfish, catfish victims, MTV, catfish, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, best of, reveal, hilarious, best moments, top moments, best of catfish, online dating, real life, mystery, uncertainty, forgiveness, shock, shocking, pretend, nev schulman, nev, max, max joseph, relationship, honest, reality, MTV Ranked, every single catfish
Id: ESt9fFRMt64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 11sec (3131 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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