The Evolution of Chelsea | Teen Mom 2

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we make this squash i've been wanting it all day my dad really gets me except when it comes to my boyfriend adam adam like changed his facebook status and it was like i wish chelsea wasn't such a [ __ ] and didn't want all my friends and just wanted me well then i suppose we don't need to talk to him anymore do we ever with me and adam there's always drama he usually has a problem with whatever i do and whoever i do it with are you going jax i have no idea well i'll probably go that's okay no matter how much drama we may have he's in my life for good now because i'm pregnant [Music] good job [Music] a little bit like i don't want to say anything out loud miss harmony 3792 dorsey harmony i was up in bridgewater present hunting why didn't you come the other day when i needed you i don't know i was talking to my parents about some stuff okay we could have come after i really needed your help looks like she did fine she's not dead or nothing you are her dad don't you think you should help me i understand that i'm her dad you should stop saying that you say it about every damn day do you have any idea how you make me feel okay do you have any idea how many you make me feel when you ask the same every day it's pretty annoying and that you call me like constantly like every missed call on my phone is from you what do you want like with us you just stop being annoying what do you want out of this i thought you'd come around more it's not like i'm doing anything bad i'm either working on my or hunting yeah well sometimes when you're doing that stuff you should be there helping me with the baby i want you to be able to like give up hunting or something one night to come help me yeah i don't get to do those things why you want to go hunting no i mean like i don't get to like just go out one night with my friends all the time like you do i don't know what you want me to take her so you can go out and party or what i never once said anything about partying can you please get off your phone i'm just trying to talk to you what does that have to do with anything i'm listening to because it's distracting no you're just preaching at me i'm not i'm just i'm trying to have a conversation i want to be good okay let's shut up and quit talking about this my god although i see some not so good stuff going on on tv when i sit and talk to them it sounds not so bad so give us your perspective that was a sugar-coated version of a train wreck do you see any of the qualities that keep them together they keep them coming back to each other i see teenage kids that can go have fun together but i don't see teenage kids that can be a family together there's a difference how were things when they were apart randy better how did you feel when they got back together awful did i see what's happening i know how it's gonna end how's it gonna end not good you don't know that within the last month you've told her you know i'll come back i'll come back if you cancel child support with them i would have been there i've been paying for all the you don't recognize any of that all you see is the bad and you within three weeks ago you guys were broke up and had a huge fight so we still fight we're trying to get better on that really yeah randy why do you think she keeps going back to adam the fairy tale dream for the happy ending in a marriage and it started out bad it was never good not even back then here's my concern guys there's something called the cycle of abuse where people abuse one another and then they come back and say oh my god it's just because i love you so much i get so upset and then they go through the cycle again and the cycle gets worse with time so you have to find a way to get help and make changes earlier if you're going to commit to each other and stay together any thoughts randy about what this is doing to aubrey yeah you know she's little now and the happiest little girl i've ever seen i do my best to do not fight around her not cry around her i do my best to keep her out of it but she knows when her mom's not feeling good though she feels it yeah guilt again huh want to talk about what no i don't like talking about the effect on her is that the same reason you want adam in your life is that part of that same instinct i mean i want him there and be a family and even though i know it's bad sometimes i just like i just want it to be good you're wishing it to be good life's not like that hi what's new me and adam broke up i guess again yeah you can't thank anybody like you can't make him change yeah but you know you're in misery when you're with him you gotta quit thinking things are gonna get better they're not you guys gotta move on this is no good it's just hurting everybody you just have to do it and get going okay i'll talk to you later though all right all right how can i like him so much and he likes me not at all i don't know i can't say that i'm happy because i'm i don't like seeing you like this but he's not going to change it just like makes me feel worse about myself he sees it as you need him and you gotta stop acting like it because you don't what do you think baby should we call daddy what's up hi [Music] i haven't talked to you a long time so what's going on oh what do you think's going on i have no idea your reasons for what leaving so we are done yeah you have your dad's life [Music] can i have a hug babe [Music] so i scheduled my first therapy session and i'm heading there now i'm nervous and a little skeptical but i do want to be happy hi i'm chelsea hi chelsea i'm brenda nice to meet you too come on in okay well chelsea what i'll have you do is just kind of tell me what i need to know to to help you okay so i have a two-year-old daughter um i had kind of a bad relationship with her father what's what's his name adam and how long have you been with adam um off and on for like three and a half years and what was it about him that you admired um he was funny and he was kind of like a jerk and if for some reason i was attracted so right from the beginning he was a jerk well yeah he wasn't like the nicest guy okay why now are you making the decision that maybe i want to try to move on without him because my daughter's two and she can talk now and she asks me where daddy is sometimes and so i know that it's gonna start affecting her more and more if he's to keep coming in and out and then also i'm just unhappy so i don't want to be unhappy anymore tell me a little bit about your childhood growing up well my parents are divorced and they got divorced when i was going in my freshman year okay so that's a big deal yeah and at the time i didn't feel like it was a big deal but when i think back about it like i feel like that's when everything started going wrong when we have like family get-togethers or holidays i still think it's weird like i still would rather have my whole family together and do the traditions we did when i was at all and that's what i don't want for aubry like i feel bad that she's gonna have to do that if her parents are split up you don't like to to let go of things that are i cannot let go of stuff i'm wondering if we focused on kind of building you up what would happen between you and adam yeah i wonder that too it seems like you're you're pretty vulnerable and he's taking advantage of that i haven't heard from adam in a few weeks and he hasn't seen aubry in a while either i got yours i got chocolate in there cheesecake oh heck yeah okay baby let's get some candies in there you want chocolate chips you love cherries i like cherry you like cherries he loves cherries i hate my life because because adam dropped aubry off with his girlfriend today mm-hmm you talk to him he says dad i don't think i can do it i hate him so much i know like okay so he's like what time do you want her and i said no and he's like we are more than happy to keep her all weekend who's that like he's never said that no we're like who are you and then i was like no i want her back now and he's like okay and he's like you won't have a choice soon but okay we're coming now like why did you have to say that and then there's no understanding and he's like aubrey loves being around taylor so you're just gonna have to live with the chelsea sorry that's the way life goes sometimes why would he say that aubrey loves being around her she's probably been around her like hurt you she doesn't even know her i know why would you say that aubrey loves being around anybody i know it doesn't feel like i won't be happy for a long time and he looks like he's happy now okay thank you i seriously tried so long to like make it work so it could be a family and now he's gonna like put it in my face okay first of all you realize now that it's not gonna be a family ever but that's all right you gotta realize that he's one person and you've moved on maybe you don't have a boyfriend but right now you have school you have aubrey and family that's where you're at right now i just sometimes i think about when he asked to sign the papers over and i wish i would have just done it that's me being selfish like she needs her dad in her life but he's such a piece that she'd probably be better if he wasn't there at all instead of coming in and out i'm literally like i can't remember what it feels like to be like honestly just happy you'll be happy the biggest change is that i met a new guy named cole we've been dating for a few months now and he's really great with aubrey hello hello ready i jumped round run run boom it's a masterpiece thank you for helping her [Music] who's your boyfriend what i'm your boyfriend i got two girlfriends we win they say you'll take cole for christmas right he's mine mine he's mine for christmas oh break it up guys should i put a bow on yeah i'm gonna do that cole said he had a surprise for me he took me out to one of his favorite spots in the woods and it was something i totally didn't expect [Applause] [Music] let me see oh my gosh he took me into like the spot he likes out like in the woods and he had me come out there and there's a whole bunch of trees that had pictures of us like us three and us like there's a whole bunch of photos like nailed up on there then he got on his knee and i seriously covered my eyes and i was like holy is this really happening and then yeah and she was there right yeah okay and then he even asked her he's like is it okay if i marry mommy i was very emotional oh i bet you're like it's okay okay i was what are you thinking like a big wedding no something like a cabin setting or like oh i don't know but we're just enjoying first yeah just kind of enjoying being engaged do you say like fiance no we try to but that sounds so weird maybe we just have to say it a few times yeah it's just so wonderful and i just knew this is how it would be remember i said someday you're going to find somebody especially all the stuff you've been through you know yeah be a little princess probably father-daughter dances tonight and even though i texted adam about it a few days ago i still haven't heard from him what'd your teachers say about this dance anything nope would you ask them if i could call in my daddy what'd they say that you could that's good so if your dad doesn't call her anything you're okay going with his call mm-hmm or do you not want to go i want to go okay i don't know are you guys going to dance mm-hmm because you know it's called the father's daughter dance you're a church i'm gonna go okay yes i can no you cannot i can wear a mustache and boy clothes no why no one would know see i can do that if your dad does call do you want to go with nicole and your dad or just your dad go admit it you're nice girlie that's nice of you to include him babe you know that mm-hmm why is it important to include him you think but he my other daddy you're sweet oh my god she looks so cute are you coming out yep he still hasn't texted so where's my dancing partner can i get a picture of you guys no smile you guys are so cute hey thank you all right let's go in the kitchen it's about time aubry you gotta go let's go gonna be late now we gotta go don't get your dress dirty sound drawing i got a text from chelsea saying that she needs to tell us all something so we're gonna find out what's going on [Music] oh my god [Music] on valentine's yeah the due date it's valentine's day all right come in here what's on the table [Music] what is that what's that say you want to open it give me a kiss first can you read this no try [Music] um baby you are going to be [Music] what's going on what do you think's going on what you know what's going on mommy has a baby what do you think are you happy yeah you are i love are you surprised yeah you're gonna be a big sister [Music] what do you think i love you hey okay so the doctor was saying that we should probably have like a birth plan ready which i don't know hopefully you're at home plan that no well what are we gonna do oh i'll probably start yelling and we're if you are freaking out i'm gonna kill you i'll stay calm but i'll be moving fast [Laughter] and then aubrey is gonna go to my mom's so we'll probably either bring her there or my mom can just meet us in the hospital yeah but we all have bags so she'll have her overnight bag for my mom's people poop during labor i know we've been over this we've been all right no i i'm not gonna say that oh my god i'm ready i'm excited um if this is it let's go [Music] i just wish he wouldn't beat around it just saying i'm coming [Music] you're funny i should just let you know tell me tell me are you coming today last night my water broke cole and i went to the hospital and an hour later watson cole was born [Applause] where's my partner these are both for you well we all need to acknowledge that papa gave braley flowers too absolutely already i'm so excited that you guys are taking these crazies out of my house oh my god we need to go i might even have a glass of wine let me see some dance moves please oh i like that all right all right let's see one from you [Music] let's show them our dancing ready oh god well don't do what laura's doing the sprinkler the shopping cart yeah you want to see how i dance oh god here we go all right wait wait you guys i need a picture all for you you gotta go in the back you go with him and i go okay [Music] oh my god i'm obsessed with my husband so i'm funny they're so cute we didn't get to go to the father-daughter dance if i was still a single mom i totally would go to that yeah i get like a sweet tuxedo a tuxedo t-shirt but it's like a single mom formal but i'm here to party was adam gonna go uh i don't know i texted him the information like two weeks ago maybe and i don't know he didn't reply of course he didn't did you talk to aubry before the dance about um adam possibly not being there um i mentioned it to her i think this morning and i said will you be sad and she said no she's like no and then like went on to the next thing i mean i think cole's just so good with her i think she's just more used to doing that aubry come here so remember i asked you if you would want to add something to your name i thought it'd be nice for you to tell cole that you wanted to tell me what to do i went to make it every sky linda barnes ah that would be amazing so it's not for sure for sure but why is that important to you because they want watson to know that i have the same last name as him oh my god that hurts my heart and i've never had the same last name as her ah so it'll be cool that's incredible i'm really glad you want to do that ladies and gentlemen put your hands together with the video here we go clap your hands please rise and hold your guest supporter chelsea and call to board forever aubrey surprised me and cole with a recording that she wanted to play over our first dance hi mom and cole carl i love you because you're so happy and nice i'm happy you're wearing my mom because you both are the same people because they like the same thing and think of the same stuff thank you for making my mom so happy thank you for giving me my little brother mom thank you for taking care of me and always putting me first mom cole i love you [Music] oh my god i can breathe [Applause] [Music] okay i gotta call my dad dad they agreed her name changed they agreed to have his visits at the visitation center and as long as his parents get one weekend a month he can't be pro that he can't be present for that's a good setup though oh my god i am so happy good oh my god i'm seriously gonna cry did anyone did he have to say anything no but his mom was really mean she wanted she tried to confront me before court and i told her i wasn't comfortable talking you know before and she told me to grow up and yeah i just feel like so much better because i just feel like i don't really have to worry as much hello hey girl what's that what do you think it means what i got the last name [Applause] look what the case says look at your unicorn cupcakes [Music] what do you think are you excited yeah oh you know me flowers you want to blow them out one try what do you think how does it look was it what you wanted yeah hey you guys got the same last name so do you it's crazy you guys are awesome last name and so does this guy [Applause] what does that mean [Applause] [Music] you guys are having a baby oh yeah we sure are it's so early it's the size of an apple seed sister again yeah are you excited you are excited when i told you i told you right away i didn't you were really excited we have two under two we were obviously trying and i took a test every day and i they always know i wanted to know like the second i could point out we took quite a few yeah i did it every day hey girl how was your day i got a hair chop i wanted to look good for my little sweetie in the dance i polished up my dancing shoes are you ready for this remember when i was crazy last time well we're gonna have a pregame dance party okay okay girl let us go inside we are gonna do [Music] what time is it time to get ready it's time to get ready is call ready i'm ready [Music] oh you look beautiful look at that i love your dress these are for you honey it's so giant and this is what you can wear on your wrist it's called a croissant you wear that on your wrist that big old flower perfect okay come here do we match yeah that's what i told you i said you should wear the blue shirt you look okay you guys look great cheesy potatoes it's a real smile aubrey so how you feel i don't know shocked i guess shocked but not it seems like i'm actually more fine than i thought i would be disappointed yeah when they called you i was like uh oh i know you did because she never does anything i heard him say that that there's no dad yeah that's what they said i know cole would have shown up if we had to do that of course but he would not we wouldn't have to do that but i know he would right it's not fair to get someone's hopes up like that you know and the first one couldn't even on the first day they're gonna let me know by next tuesday if he did this thing or not yeah if he hasn't paid what will happen his visits are cancelled well i'm glad you're not like hurt [Music] you know i'm just a little disappointed right i needed this you when you have ice cream you feel like oh well now i i know i needed to have this right now oh my god i'm scared i woke up in the middle of the night with contractions so we're heading to the hospital aubry is with my mom and cole's parents are meeting us there to take watson [Music] [Music] so we thought it would be fun if we designed some little t-shirts that could be like big sister big brother or something that you think other girls your age would like too okay so we're gonna show you something you can help us to see what you like okay so this one what does it say big sis what does this one say little sis so could you see lane wearing that yeah you're wearing that okay and then you want to help us pick some for like maybe watson oh my gosh some little cute ones like this wild child mama's boy mama's boy love you so much because i think that's something else that your family says and then like we just brought a few shirts for you to kind of see like anything that you think feels good if you guys just want to like go through these and see like make a pile of like throw the ones you don't like what you do like i know cole likes american flags yep you know i tried to not put that on my board why well no one knows it would have been a lot of flag i'm not gonna lie this is a cute little yeah that's a little tween one yeah i love that i feel like you have a lot of shirts like that one like this aubrey yeah all right awesome thanks guys well it's been so fun designing for you and thank you for being a part of it aubry you're a really big helper ready one two three chelsea and cole we got back a few days ago but we realized our house was broken into while we were gone we called the police but they still haven't figured anything out it's been over a week now and i'm still shaken up so what happened when you guys got home so we literally walked in put the suitcase right there she had the baby and she walked back to our room and she just came out and she went wait she said something's not right in here and i was like what do you mean and then i like went into our room our master bedroom closet was absolutely destroyed everywhere bins dumped and i just like instantly freaked i said all of you go into our room and sit there i'm running in every room of our house and closet like thinking someone's hiding in a closet you know you were fired up oh man i was seeing them terrified i think i was the most pissed i've ever been because aubrey already didn't want to stay in there with her she just wanted to follow me and then i'm like i don't want you to be right behind me if i'm coming around corner with some and somebody's in here right once i knew no one was in here you know i called the police right away and i'm still just freaking how scary was this for you aubs i'm sleeping on the couch i tried last night to go in my room but i couldn't fall asleep couldn't do it i want to move you want to move yes you want to move too yes cole's like please don't make me i tell them all the time it's just not that easy [Music] hey i'm still on your side though whatever you need to do and whatever it takes for you to feel better you do it [Music] i feel like everyone's gonna get over it and i'm not gonna be over it and i was gonna be like get the hell over it and i can't so i got this heart monitor on yes when did you get it on uh yesterday i've had anxiety but i've never had it like this before there's definitely having some anxiety about something that's coming up yeah and a panic attack i had that thing too you did yes people don't like to talk about it because they see it as a flaw in themselves yeah it is shocking to me that this is a common thing i'm still convinced that there's something wrong with me because it was so scary yeah but then it went away the first thing you gotta do is not read about it i've been writing about it and i think i had a stroke i think i have heart disease google does not help this situation no that's the first thing i told her i think it's something serious why do you think that because it was so bad i would never ever go to the hospital for something small believe you asked that i swear to god i thought i was dying the other thing is people think that something triggers it but it can just be totally out of the blue i mean a lot has happened in the last six months yeah we moved you know i had a baby um someone broke into your house i think that's what really i told you guys this is gonna mess me up cause i don't handle this stuff well the house is always gonna seem a little tainted isn't it i will never get over it what's happening okay so we've got like the ropes lined up so everyone's lined up are you gonna be by me i'll be with you okay um so we have the table set up with like all your plaids are lined up behind you and then we have the photo backdrop so so i'm just gonna have you sit at the end of the table and then you're easily able to like pop over for a picture with them if they want that okay and there's people here yes okay there's been people here since like noon oh i was like it's really hot just stand outside and wait but okay so they've been shopping and now they're back out waiting okay they're ready for you okay we're excited do you want to walk through the store there's a lot of people in the store do you want to go it doesn't matter let's go through the store because i'm sorry okay okay we're gonna walk through the store to go around you guys can meet us over there how are you he's super excited but if i have to pee i'm just gonna tell you because i pee a lot more in records no problem hey guys what's up hi oh my gosh here what do you want just walk this way are you guys ready for some flannels this is chelsea she can sign whatever you want to sign really and then you also have the opportunity to take some pictures with her if you guys want um just have fun have food have drinks yeah hang out have a blast [Music] there you are are you guys going to get some flannels yes heck yeah there's so many good colors hi just got your message so you want to change the agreement so adam can be at your house when aubry's there i truly don't feel like enough steps i haven't seen any steps on his end to be able to just be okay with that quite yet i mean he could go to the visitation center and set up visits again are you wanting him to have time with her or is he wanting to have time it would have been different to hear that he wants to see her like from him [Music] you're not going to talk to me like that i mean i guess just the final word of it is i i'm not comfortable i'm not comfortable with it i guess all right i was shaking the whole time i can't believe what i just heard were you listening oh i was listening okay yeah i just need someone to tell me that i'm not crazy i'm shaking because i'm like so mad you are not crazy because what first of all she's saying what can he do to prove well then he deserves this and you're saying well let's start with going to visitation that's not gonna be but that's not a thing like how is that not takes effort and and he has no income and she can't pay for it get a job so well for money she flat out just said on the phone that he didn't ask for more time with her right because of her well i'll answer the door friday yeah so what's happening on friday their visit so they get a monthly visit yeah yeah and so she's gonna pick her up on friday then and she just made me feel like i'm this like it's unfortunate i think that way and then she's saying we're gonna have to go to court and pay for it because he has no income what do you want me to say to that i like the fact you said you you're not gonna talk to me like that you're not gonna come tell me and make me feel like i'm yeah making the wrong decision i can't go my court agreement for aubrey lets her go to adam's parents house once a month but adam cannot be there he can only see her at school events or a supervised visitation center so it's a big deal his mom wants to change this because i had good reasons to put this will in place this test came back positive for methamphetamines and amphetamines he got arrested for domestic simple assault adam's parents don't take the supervised visits that they're supposed to have seriously direct supervision means they have to be there aubry's going to his parents tonight and i don't think he'll show up while she's there but it's still frustrating to deal with all this okay all right love you watch it go with mom let's get a snack watson well don't don't ruin those those are brand new okay okay see ya [Music] hopefully aubrey's has a good weekend over there and no drama anymore and that's the end of that give me the kisses your mommy good sugars go like this it's your birthday [Applause] [Music] i love my baby
Channel: MTV's Teen Mom
Views: 2,668,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: evolution of chelsea, best of chelsea, teen mom og, the challenge, new beginnings, war of the worlds, Best of Teen Mom, Teen Mom, Bentley, memorable moments, Ranked, Teen Mom Ranked, Teen Mom: OG, Teen Mom 2, Teen Mom 3, Teen Mom: Young + Pregnant, Young and Pregnant, cute moments, motherhood, young mothers, moms, relationships, finances, high school, college, job, father, teen pregnancy, 16 and Pregnant, MTV, Amber, Amber court date, Teen Mom OG
Id: WDcGsIsuT5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 32sec (2492 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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