3 NEW Ways To Gear FAST - 10.1.5 Gearing Guide

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patch 10.1.5 is here and there's three brand new ways to gear up your characters Main and alts let's dive right into it the first of which is the new myth gear track and this is a tier that is higher than the hero tier that is the highest currently in season two and by spending your Crest Stones you can actually level up your gear up to four four seven now blizzard has confirmed when you boot into the new patch any item that you got in season 2 that is at least eye level 441 will automatically be converted onto the myth gear track blizzard has confirmed in a blue pose this change will be retroactive so I hope you folks have kept your 0441 or 444 gear because they can be upgraded all the way to 447 which is equivalent to the item level reward in your great Vault when you complete plus twenties and above and similar to the current system you do need the required Crest to upgrade them to 447 more specifically the aspect Shadow flame Crest but keep in mind that a column white discount on your flight stones to apply so this will be amazing for pushing your eye levels higher on your olds now what is worth noting is that now you can actually do plus 16s and above for your weekly votes and those will drop 441 which you can then take to the vendor and then upgrade them all the way to 447 using the brand new myth track so if you don't feel like sweating out for plus 20s this season you can still get the sweet 447 by spending currency this will also increase the demand for keys that is plus 16 and above which should be very handy for gearing your Olds so just to reiterate any existing gear in your bag or inventory that is 441 and above right now when you enter the brand new patch it will qualify as a myth gear track any gear going forward in 10.1.5 that drops at 441 and above including those that you pick up from raids will also qualify for the Miss gear track so do not sleep on this upgrade for eye levels the second brand new source of gear comes from the new Mega dungeon that is just behind me in the footage the dungeon is called dawn of the infinite and if you look at the map here it's located south east of Val dragon in the zone of the ultrases you won't miss it there's a dungeon icon here on your mini map this dungeon launches with Mythic difficulty available so find four other friends go in and smash the bosses there's a total of eight bosses and that's why it's called a mega dungeon similar to the mega dungeons in BFA as well as shadowlands this will naturally be included as two separate Mythic plus dungeons in season three what you need to know for now is that it drops every single type of gear including weapons including trinkers including all the different armor classes for every single slot as you can see a massive loot table here and again all these items were dropped at eye level of 437 and that means that it's on the hero track which means you can actually upgrade it to 441 using your crests and your flight Stones so this is an alternative to Mythic plus to gearing your brand new Tunes or for your main if you missed sing one good trinket slot this could potentially be an option naturally there will also be a guide for this entire Mega dungeon so stay tuned to that I will teach you everything you need to know about all the eight bosses so make sure to check out this brand new gear source and the third brand new source of gear is that of time riff event vendors now time Rift event here is going to be the fastest way to gear brand new olds if coming into 10.15 you are already geared to the max on your main this might not be as applicable to you and it's really simple to obtain the brand new ketchup gear especially for your Olds players can just participate in the brand new time Rift event Intel dresses these are new events that's introduced with the patch and these brand new events occur every single hour until dresses so this is where you get the gear from in between Val Dragon the capital city and tier hole if you just zoom into the map here you can see towards the north east of this circular structure there's a whole bunch of brand new NPCs they added in 10.1.5 now the first type of brand new ketchup gear can be bought from this NPC called ever Breeze she's selling gear for every single slot at the eye level of 402 on the veteran track and don't you worry I'll cover how to get those currencies in a bit it's really simple but the point is this is free 402 eye level gear for your fresh alts you can then quickly upgrade them to 424 on the veteran track which means for your fresh olds it's so easy now to get raid finder equivalent gear eye level to get you started on your brand new Avengers in 10.1.5 now you might notice that this vendor doesn't sell trinkets but don't you worry the other vendors got you covered aside from every Breeze there are all these other vendors that sells you trinkets well more than trinkets actually all these vendors also sell you cool stuff like cosmetics and mounts but this video is focused on gear so let's talk about the trinkets that they sell now Baron silver over here sells para causal fragment of frostmon now there's a wall of text here just need to know this trinket can be used by any spec in the game it comes with Baseline strength Intel and edgy it grants you stacking souls in combat as you kill your enemies up to a Max maximum of 10 Souls you can then use the trinket and unleash the souls for different effects naturally if your DPS it does DPS if you're a Healer it's something that is beneficial for healing you get the point different roles different effect next from the Night song and PC you get this para causal fragment of a zenoth again a strength Intel and edgy trinket usable by every single spec where harmful spells and abilities have a chance to do additional damage and increase your haste so a beneficial stats take even if you don't benefit from Haze increments or the additional damage and from this murloc NPC here sir Finley you can get the para causal fragment of Thunder fin the humid blade of the tight Seeker this is the third trinket that is a stat stick for both strength edgy and Intel so usable by all the specs just know that your helpful spells and abilities have a chance to conjure a cyclone that deals way more damage over time and those are the three trinkets that applies to every single spec these vendors also sell melee specific trinkets now the first melee trigger can be bought from the NPC crazy and because I'm hot is the Para causal fragment of Doom Hammer now if you are Alliance this will be the same shrinker but it will be named something else other than doomhammer I believe it's Charlemagne if I'm not wrong but as you can see from the trinket it's strength and edgy where your melee attacks and abilities have a chance to do additional damage there's also an unused effect of 1 minute and 30 seconds cooldown that allows you to do more physical damage now the second melee DPS tracker comes from provisional quora and it's called the pericosal fragment of sulfurus again strength edgy stat state every time you do a melee swing you have a chance to do additional damage this is also useful for tanks as you can see from the last statement here the fragment has a chance to react to damage taken counter attacking your enemies when you receive damage so those are the two melee triggers of interest there are also two healing specific trinkets the first one can be bought from Kill the drill para causal fragment of Val near and if you played wrath this weapon might be familiar because it's the legendary healing weapon no surprises is an Intel stat state in addition your healing spells have the chance to Grant you blessing of Eternal kings that allows your heels to Shield that Target and the shields are stackable now the second healing trinket comes from the NPC soratus and is the para causal fragment of sessional again Intel stats on this trinket your healing has a chance to manifest a sapling and this sapling will restore Health periodically over time when you heal the sapling you extend its duration again all these trinkets I've mentioned alongside all these weapons and armors they are all on the veteran track they are bought at eye level 402 but with just minimal currency you can upgrade them to eye level 424 which is amazing for your alts alright great so you know what are the gear that you can potentially buy you will notice that from ever Breeze you need this currency called the dilated Time Capsule and if you want to buy those trinkets you need this currency called paracozo flicks so how do you get them and it's really simple like I mentioned 10.1.5 introduced brand new events that you can do for the patch and these events happen every single hour in the game by the way you can check your mini map for when the next event will happen as you can see from on screen here just Mouse over this icon here and it tells you when the Riff starts in this case the next 16 minutes there's two phases to the event in stage one an invasion will happen and you can open your map to see where the points of attack is you fight enemies and you compete objectives as you are told on screen and you will fill up this Essence meter progress bar and as you progress your bar the better rewards you will get now after you have completed some objectives stage 2 will commence a portal will open in the event area and you will enter one of seven possible worlds or time riffs to fight a boss most of which are familiar faces from famous World of Warcraft lore and by the way it seems like these bosses have a chance of dropping a veteran eye level gear as well at the end of defeating the boss completing stage 1 and 2 would Grant you the currencies that you require to purchase those items but more specifically The pericoso Flicks this is the most common currency of the event these are not capped or time gated you can farm this repeatedly by joining the time riffs every hour there are also some quests that reward some of these para causal flicks now the dilated Time Capsule is the time gated currency and this is where players will receive one dilated Time Capsule per week by completing a weekly Quest and this weekly Quest is obtained by talking to sorry Domi which is the NPC that is near the vendors where you purchase your items and every week you can pick up this Quest called when time needs mending from sorry dummy which is a quest You'll complete when you finish part 2 of a single time Rift event after you beat the boss come back to sorry dummy turn in the quest and you will be rewarded with this contain para causality click on the item in your inventory and amongst all the rewards that it grants you it includes the dilated Time Capsule now on the PTR I can solo every single time with event but it's probably way faster to farm it in a group not to mention at the start of the patch is when most people are farming these events because everyone is gearing their brand new oats so if you're playing a spec that is not so great that soloing you might want to capitalize on everyone's farming these events and those are the three new sources of gear coming to you in 10.1.5 by the way a quick reminder the Onyx amulet ring is getting a Nerf in patch 10.1.5 its overall effectiveness being reduced as much as 40 for certain specs there's a chance that you need to replace your accessory here which means this brand new three sources of gear will come very in handy for 10.1.5 and that's all I wanted to cover in this video if you found this video helpful do subscribe to the channel more tips and tricks for the Mega dungeon to come alongside coverage for patch 10.1.5 you don't want to miss them I also stream on Twitch feel free to swing by to hang out good luck in your drops I will see you soon
Channel: Quazii WoW
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Id: RREE9oHo_kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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