My F2P Genshin Impact 1 Year Account Review

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I have officially been playing gentian impact for a full year now um so I have 113 fragiles if you look at my character archive at Amber she joined my party on 12 6 2021 which today is 12 6 20 22. so I have been playing for exactly one year on gentian the entire time I have not spent any money I have been completely free to play for a full year congrats on one year thank you everybody so yes disclaimer the luck is very variable I personally do not find that my account is very lucky but overall I still have fun with this game I find the grind really fun so I don't mind being completely free to play and waiting I am live on Twitch sharing my experience being free to play with all of you so feel free to join we're at Rebecca who3 I think we'll just go through the bag of materials that we have so starting with our weapons this is all of the weapons that I have acquired I have only gotten one five-star weapon in the game which is equivalia which is not a bad one by any means to have as your only five-star weapon um I personally have never pulled on weapon Banner which is why I don't have any of the limited 4 star weapons the only one that I do have that's different is the black lift full Xiao is of course my baby so I needed to get him the best that he could have as a free to play so I did get black Cliff for him but that was the only one that I actually got from the shop so as you can see I have a decent number of level 90 weapons I actually just recently worked um to level up a lot of them I take that back I have two more level 90s I have 20 Level 90 weapons because I leveled up black tassel version only and a white tassel for Sino um but yeah I have a decent amount of four star weapons I started refining them I always keep an extra copy of the four star weapons in case I want to have an extra one but yeah these are all of my weapons I have a lot of the three star weapons as well and then you can see at the bottom I have 2 000 Mystic enhancements ores I do not Farm ores regularly so these are mostly ones that I've gotten from events um moving on to artifacts I'm not going to go through all of the artifacts just because there are so many but I mostly Farm a lot for just certain characters and I fought a lot of bosses so these are all of my five star artifacts a lot of them are not leveled by any means so mostly five star ones that just haven't been leveled is what is what they are I have a few characters that are super built um mostly being like my show being my first five star he has taken a lot of my energy moving on to the inventory I don't think that there's too much to point out here I do have a thousand Heroes with so the purple books I just slowly level up my characters so I have a lot of purple books as well as the red books I have 306 and then 1300 of the white books because I barely ever use these and then as far as like material goes for the world I pretty much have like a lot that I uh I'm slowly running out of so like slimes I'm slowly running out of treasure hoarder drops I'm also running out of since I don't actively Farm I'm just like slowly running out of that material when I do need them I will actually go out and farm for them as far as weekly boss material goes I was originally farming all six of the weekly bosses that existed and then wander being the seventh weekly boss I realized that I could not just spend all of my resin farming all the weekly bosses so after I stored up a decent amount for all of them I actually started slowing down so I only do about three weekly bosses a week just the ones that give you like the cost having and then last thing to point out for this is probably I have 11 crowns in the game so I've only triple crowned and used my crowns on one character being Xiao I haven't found another character that I want to Crown yet which is why I just am hoarding all of the crowns but I got them from the events that go on as well as I still have a few left around the world that I still need to grind for food nothing much to say I have a lot of food that I cook but then don't use as far as the materials go I have a decent amount of billets I have some of each of the different types I do want to eventually craft at least one copy of each craftable weapon so we'll kind of see how that looks like in the future I told you that I don't actively farm for Crystal chunks but I do have 968s so I apparently farmed them when I see them in my site and I have 474 of the purple amethyst ones for the most part when it comes to farming materials for characters at the beginning I was really good about this if I knew I wanted a character in the future I just stocked up on their local specialty that they needed I'm lacking a lot in the samaro Specialties to be honest so yeah this is all of my materials I don't have that many I have been slacking on fishing as well but I do want to eventually refine my catch the only thing that I would say that I like wish I had more of is I wish I add more foul my very typical team does not have a bow character on it so it's very hard to get fall all right so moving on to gadgets um not much to say here I do have the Sealy and then I also have this one that came around um I think this was an anniversary gift Quest items um also not a ton to say I was thinking about this the other day when I was looking through my account and I was like Wow we've gotten one five star Quest items from each region so we got this one from Monster this one from leewa from Inazuma and from samaru so I'm really excited or curious to see if it's just like going to be for show in our in our Quest items or if we're actually going to use them at the end so yeah I'm curious to see what these are all going to be used for in the future moving on to Precious items I have quite a few fragile resins because I barely ever use them and I just kind of hoard my fragile resins um so I have 113 fragiles I should probably use them to farm artifacts and we'll see if I ever get around to doing that but right now I'm just kind of hoarding them for when I need to farm a lot for a certain character and then last but not least we have our Furnishings again I don't personally do that much with my teapots so I have not a ton of Furnishings but a decent amount but yeah this is everything that I own I did want to show you that achievements I have 533 I do not actively Farm achievements I just kind of achieve them like as I go through the game I can also actually show you that I do not actively explore my map super in-depth the only place that I've a hundred percent is I did all of monster so I still have a lot of things to explore in Dragon spine as well as Leo and a ton to do still in sumero and then I did 100 one of the Inazuma Islands but a lot of them are still they still have a few more places that I need to go through Anka is only 80 percent and then Chasm is also around 80 percent for our character archive for the number of times that I've rolled on limited banners I actually only have six limited characters tartaglia and Venti I do have Jean deluke Mona and Kuching and then I actually own all of the four star characters except for farazan I was hoping that farzan would come home but alas I still have one that I do not have but yes overall these are all of my characters that I have I have a total of six limited characters most of the four stars over a year I only have three level 90 characters the other ones I pretty much just leave at Ascension six but just level 80 out of 90 but I will just quickly go through all of my characters as well as their constellations so when it comes to constellations for Xiao c0 C6 shincho C6 yanfei c0 zhongli c0 kazuha c0 Childs c0 venti I actually have a C1 Gene because she came home twice for me on standard Banner but yeah she's the only five star that I actually have a constellation for so Sino I have c0 we can skip over traveler c0 deluke but as far as the rest of my four stars go you already saw that I have C6 shincho and yanfei but I have a C4 ninguang C3 Hazel C1 diona C2 cookie shinobu c0 Bennett C1 shangling C2 sucrose Mona c0kaya c0 C6 beta C1 Barbara C3 Noel C2 official C1 collie c0 Amber C2 Candace C2 sayu C2 chongyun C3 razor C1 Toma oh yes I got a C zero catching recently C4 yunjin C1 Layla C2 Rosaria C1 Dory C1 Cujo Sara C1 Lisa situ shenyan and then we just got our C2 Goro today so yes I do have a C1 Gene she's the only five star that I have that actually has a constellation the rest are all at c0 but we have a decent amount of C6 four stars getting C6 yanfei today means that I have three C6 four stars now I've never bought a character from the shop so these are all just from pulling on The Limited banners and the standard banner I am ar57 after a year of playing I still have a lot of content that I haven't gone through like a lot of world quests my world quests log actually is kind of insane kind of long the Primo gems you just saw me use a ton of them here um so I only have 11 000 left I do have 155 star glitter which gives me 30 wishes and then Stardust I have 2 430. I hope you enjoyed reviewing my account with me this is what a one year free to play account looks like again I would not say that I'm the luckiest person ever so this I feel like is very much a free-to-play account yeah if you guys are watching this video If I ever decided to make it into a YouTube video I hope you enjoyed it thank you for watching this video and I'll see you guys all in my next video bye foreign
Channel: rebeccahu3
Views: 31,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, anime, open world, rpg, action, paimon, liyue, china, quests, treasure hunters, mondstadt, story, spear, hydro, geo, electro, pyro, anemo, dendro, cryo, bow, archer, claymore, sword, catalyst, polearm, event, guide, artifacts, 4-star, 5-star, explanation, how to, beginner guide, main stat, sub stats, ios, android, pc, f2p, free-to-play, primogems, twitch, new content, abilities, character preview, starter guide, inazuma, sumeru, xiao, zhongli, xingqiu, genshin impact f2p, account review, 1 year, yanfei
Id: D2p76M44t4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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