Every FIRST with Chloe Thunderman! | Nickelodeon

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Chloe Thunderman told you it would be a girl still making her evil superheroes need a 12-hour recharge nap after giving birth so let's give your mom some privacy oh it's okay Hank you know I don't think I'll need [Music] to is that a baby what no it's my stomach all that liquid bread no that's a baby where did she come from well when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much B he he Cherry me my new baby sister Chloe you have a new baby sister and you didn't even tell me don't be mad at Phoebe you guys are friends you're so cute too bad your sister's a big liar yes she is does baby want another bottle all righty wa jumo baby that's not normal baby Cherry I need you to tickle Chloe now what okay Gucci GUI goo GUI GUI goo guci gucio bubbles time to burst your bubble oh smile for the camera Chloe smile tickle tickle tickle hey you activated her superpower she has bubble power that's so cute H her bubbles didn't do that before also didn't do that they look a little scared of the new kid don't they I think I'll stick around a while I have a feeling life in the Thunderman house is about to get in interesting looks like we have a little gymnast on our hands oh either there or she's doing the peeee dance I want to do gymnastics oh how can we say no to that face of course you can do gymnastics yay oh little gymnastics class huh you sure you guys are ready for that we'll be fine phoei I'm just saying I remember quite a few Saturdays that turned into the tanging Barb show Hank talk to your daughter don't worry I will keep an eye on your mom and who's going to keep an eye on you hey who's going to keep an eye on you Chloe hasn't done anything all class I mean maybe we should join in make her feel more comfortable yeah for a minute or two but for Chloe of course just for Chloe Chloe how come you aren't jumping around like you do at home I don't want to a come on it'll be fun watch [Applause] t that was fantastic you think you could do a little more for everyone get the kids into it I'm sorry coach Gibbons but we're not really dressed for that no we are thank you we are the Tumbl men mommy daddy I'm ready now oh in a minute sweetie I think the kids want more Tumbl men okay get off the M sweetie I think these nice people are trying to take our picture okay all right Dan this is it let's do the tumblemeow okay let's do it oh my C my back now can I have have a t they you bu candy bars for sale will you guys buy some sorry but we're not allowed to take candy from strangers Billy it's Chloe I know I just don't have any money I'm the only one in my troop who doesn't have a sweet tooth badge I'll never get it how many customers have you had just one hey you can't bring a bunch of ch chocolate to the spa it relaxes me going to melt in the sauna Barb you are just making it sound better all right kids we're off to the metroburg Super Spa so we'll see you later Thunderman getting pamper Billy we have to help our little sister sell our candy bars it's our duty you said Duty what don't worry Chloe we're going to make sure you sell your candy bar so you can earn that sweet tooth badge you're going to help me of course now your first problem is location right Billy I'm still laughing at Duty in the meantime let's find a place where people are so desperate for food that they'll lead anything dville no Splat Burger Splat Burger guys this is hopeless Mrs Wong is on fire fire let's just go home no if badges were easy to get they wouldn't be worth anything yeah you got to work for them but how Mrs Wong may have a candy bar Cannon but we have something even more powerful the tears of a child that doesn't sound fair let's do it h why won't anybody buy my candy oh no this poor little girl is crying because nobody will buy her candy bars these are actual tears on this actual girl I just want to be a good scout a wait where are you all going I can cry too if I had a heart or emotions or a soul that was the last bar we sold out Chloe I'm going to get my sweet tooth [Applause] bag you made me look like a fool again I spent $700 on that candy bar Canon I know you're mad Mrs Wong but at least we're getting out of your hair let's go I got to try this crying thing on Mommy and Daddy okay Chloe we've got until tomorrow to get you ready for the pageant let's work on your Thunder Wave spin the light bulb wipe the window and F I've been waving all wrong it's sure have honey but daddy going to fix it now first we got to figure out what talent you want to showcase how about my tell handspring Tada it's like you inherited my looks and my talent now you're going to win this thing you have to be able to answer questions under pressure if I don't know what to say easy the answer is always World Peace crowds eat that up now I'm going to spin you to simulate how nervous and disoriented you'll be on stage ready young lady what do you want to be when you grow up world peace that was good Chloe you didn't land on your face Daddy pants are a lot of work but it'll all be worth it when they hand that trophy to me don't you mean me uh World Peace pop the hip Chloe it's a sassy walk not a gassy walk is this better no no no no no no no no no no no watch see Fierce confident pantry you keep on practicing while I see where Colosso is with your dress Barb she's at a three I need her at an eight wow you're working so hard sweetie are you excited for the pageant daddy is and what about you daddy is all right our next contestant is Chloe [Applause] Thunderman now it's time for the question and answer segment so Chloe if you had any superpower what would that be well peace well the good news is no one in the audience is going to be hungry later why is that because they are eating this up now a follow-up question if you could just have one wish what would that be I wish I had a magical unicorn that poops world pece that's my daughter that's my daughter Chloe tell us what you're going to be doing in the talent round coming up I can't wait for everyone to see her ta handsprings well for some reason she decided to do my ribbon dance Hank look at her she is not having fun ah this is not supposed to be fun Barb This Is War uh big Hank oh good little Hank I saved your seat the lady's right Chloe's miserable out there trying to make our dream come true I think miserable is a little strong don't you think pageantry okay I see it what have I gone nothing that can't be undone big guy I'll be at the snack bar that is one wise imaginary boy were you talking to little Hank no I was listening to him Chloe stop I need to accept that I lost this pageant all those years ago I shouldn't have made you enter this one I'm sorry I forgive you Daddy let's go home wait there's something you have to do first really show them how it's done [Music] baby hi Max get on my room baby a look at our sweet little angel playing with her why are your toys so pointy young lady you promised you'd pick up your toys I know but it's so much easier not Tolo if you say you're going to do something you do it a thunder promise is as strong as Thunder tanium okay I'll clean up woohoo oh no that sounds like greetings Thunder Pam are you bloating bloating that would be crazy no I'm on an invisible skateboard Bobby do the thing do the thing oh Chloe he's probably tired so listen I'm here because my scientist at blob Co started a fashion division oh you're making clothes now is there a family discount no anyway I want Thunderman to be the face of our new fall line oh Robin I mean I'm flattered but you I'm retired as a superhero you can sell anything well I am pretty amazing then you promise you'll help me I promise where do I sign right here on this invisible contract oh bobin you've been doing a drum roll for 30 minutes just show us the product please okay from now on when the world thinks of Hank Thunderman's face they'll think of underwear not just underwear it's thunderwear it makes the everyday person look and feel like a superhero Daddy's a butt face Lin my face does not belong on your tidy bities you don't sound as excited as I thought you'd be because you put my cheeks on people's cheeks but we order 2 million of these and operators are standing by you're not going to break your promise are you my daddy would never break a thunder promise of course he wouldn't I won't break my promise I'll be your butt face thank goodness because we're having a thunderwear launch party later today at splater and I need you to wear these these thies feel weird they keep storming my castle Gates diaper Ash been there Hank Thunder wear go go on the outside like a super suit that's why the slogan says you'll look and feel like a superhero I wouldn't feel like a superhero feel like a weird guy wearing his underwear over his jeans so it's settled put these on over your jeans and meet me at splatburger in an hour darn it where is that invisible skateboard it's a fifth one I've lost today oh I'm so happy the man of Thunder is wearing my unders oh he I've never seen blob this excited yeah me either I'm not doing it what I'm not going to embarrass myself in a restaurant full of people you're not going to help Lin yes he is Chloe because your daddy promised and a thunder promise is as strong as Thunder tanium unless a giggling rich guy wants to put your face on his underwear W found the invisible skateboard and now former superhero Thunderman oh look at him rocking those thunderwear so Fierce so comfortable the breathable cotton allows me to stay super cool when I'm dropping the kids off at school or showing up at splatburger to keep my promises and with our pant at stretch and snap technology say goodbye to saggy drooping drawers goodbye saggy drooping drawers isn't he amazing just like thunderwear now who wants a pair buy won get one free buy none get too free well at least give it a try sorry blin they can't all be winners or make sense it's not the end of the world at least I didn't put my face on it catch you later thunderf I am proud of you honey oh well I don't care how silly I look as long as our little girl learns her lesson goodbye saggy jup and yours well at least she learned a lesson pink the awards are this weekend and I have nothing to wear me neither let's go shopping baby ooh sweetie you're too little to come to the awards with the rest of the family you'll have to stay home with the babysitter okay but I'm still going shopping supermanny at your service cool how' you do that monitor travel is one of my babysitting Powers others include creating toys and disinfecting playground equipment with my mind Chloe is going to love you I'll get her please allow me to fetch the girl jumpy bumpity boom who's up for a bounce bouncy house okay bye Chloe we'll miss you she doesn't care let's go Thunderman's getting Awards you must be very excited for your parents they're going to be recognized by metr BG's finest Heroes cakan super Viking pause girl pa girl yes pause girl I hear it's the first award show she's ever attended hey supermanny watch me bounce coming young Miss I'm hungry supermanny then prepare for some tasty weather P tots dreams do come true Billy we have to meet pawg girl you know what we need yep an invisible dinosaur with a taste for Mischief what no good cuz I definitely don't have one of those shh quiet Rexy I'm talking about Colosso he can distract supermanning with one of his weird fashion lectures someone request a fashion lecture this is a TR W but I can't look away why would you want to Nora this is getting very strange they're gone nobody sneaks out on supermanny and gets away with it and nobody interrupts my dance now I have to start over Billy Nora apologies Thunder parents they snuck here but I promise I will not lose one of your children again you're it spoke too soon Chloe Chloe here's your child congrats on the award I'm never babysitting for you again he needs a nap
Channel: Nickelodeon
Views: 1,092,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick, nickelodeon, nick tv, nick full episodes, full episodes, new episodes, theme song, #youtubekids, nickelodeon shows, kids tv, entertainment, chloe thunderman, chloe thunderman firsts, chloe thunderman then and now, thundermans, chloe thunderman powers, chloe thunderman every first, compilation, thundermans compilation, the thundermans, phoebe thunderman, kira kosarin, super hero, max thunderman, funny moments, cute moments, jack griffo, chloe thunderman superpowers, ytao_tm
Id: Wh07EBRedhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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