EVERY Pikmin Type Ranked from Worst to Best

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this video is brought to you by viewers like you thanks for letting me do this for so long every new a national holiday I'd be duck it happened in any way somehow Pikmin 3 was 10 years ago but when Nintendo remembered that this franchise exist for long enough to make a new game it's always a big deal certainly if it was up to Shakira Miyamoto Nintendo would exclusively pump out as much Pikmin as possible so Pikmin 4 finally seeing the light of day after being virtually ready to go for eight years deserves to be celebrated like the momentous occasion that it is I've played most of this game now and may well do some rankings on it if I find enough exciting things to talk about but for now I really fancy ranking all the Pikmin types we've come a long way since the first Pikmin game had just the three different variants so I'd like to make some sense out of all these weird and wonderful Pikmin types and work out which ones the best yeah I'll rank strange alien vegetables you watch me when you're looking over all of the Pikmin types the common Garden variety does stick out a bit and so unfortunately I think the worst Pikmin are actually the red ones now don't get it twisted every type of Pikmin can do the basic tasks really well and there isn't a single version that I would describe as bad but I think there's a reason why every Pikmin game opens up by giving you the red boys to play with Red Pikmin are perhaps the least interesting of all the Pikmin types which makes them perfect for the tutorial and the opening minutes until you find something more exciting but even then the Red Pikmin have unique traits that make them very useful in the right scenarios the problem is that these situations don't present themselves all that often and if it wasn't for all the fire-based enemies in the game they'd have a really hard time finding their Niche Red Pikmin do however have one of the highest attack strengths in the franchise so they'll do more damage to enemies that you Chuck them on but I feel like that's not as significant an upside given that the preferred method of defeating enemies is to overwhelm them with dozens of Pikmin a strategy that works pretty effectively regardless of Pikmin color I don't know they're good but they don't have the vast utility of other types so the Red Pikmin are technically the worst variant of Pikmin although they're closely followed by a version that promised a lot but wasn't quite able to follow through on everything that rock Pikmin could be the basic upsides of the rock Pikmin are incredibly durable because you know rocks and stuff which means that they're quite hard to kill with blunt force and are only really in danger against enemies that eat Pikmin they're pretty strong but because they don't latch onto enemies like other Pikmin they're bouncing off they do means that their DPS isn't any better than other variants so they're actually a Pikmin designed more so with defense in mind that's fine and it's useful to have at least one variety of Pikmin that is hard to kill in a game where your friendly units often feel extremely fragile but the usability of rock Pikmin doesn't extend too far beyond being the only guys who can break through Crystal barriers I don't know what you'd change about them to give them more of a niche to be honest oh no now we'll have to make Pikmin 5. if Rock Pikmin are the defensive powerhouses that can't be killed easily really white Pikmin go for the Kamikaze approach of taking down any creatures stupid enough to eat one because these are poisonous it's a significant trait that also has them as one of the few Pikmin variants that are immune to poisonous gas clouds whenever they turn up and it gives the white Pikmin a role that you can't exactly skirt around with any other flavor they are mostly underused in this franchise I gotta say poison isn't exactly the most abundant of Hazards and given that they've only ever been available for General use in pikmins two and four they haven't had a ton of air time outside of poison hazards and getting eaten white Pikmin are weak but fast which is great for moving treasure but not great for punching bad guys hey when your most effective battle strategy is to die you might want to rethink things a bit hey guys real quick my channel has been approved for YouTube memberships now so if you fancy supporting my channel more directly you can become a member for as little as one pound a month and gain access to some Nifty perks as well as being featured on my channel Page hit the jaw join button below this video if that sounds cool to you thank you and let's get back to the video I'll be honest I still haven't worked out how I should feel about winged Pikmin this was always going to happen and I'm a little surprised that it took until the third game for Nintendo to introduce a Pikmin type that can fly but the benefits aren't as obvious as you might think clearly having a Pikmin fly is so handy because it means that you don't have to be so worried about all the problems that grounded Pikmin have to face every day and when delivering treasure they can just fly in a mostly straight line back to your ship they aren't all that strong and this means that they carry stuff slower than other Pikmin but it also means that they aren't very useful in a fight you'd think they'd be your go-to Pikmin for aerial combat and while they make it easier to hit them they don't do increased damage to Flying enemies or anything like that so there are Pikmin designed for specific jobs that doesn't have to worry about all the fire and water that other pikmins have to think twice about so are they good they're good if you don't have enemies to fight and need to move things quickly anything else not too sure myself glow Pikmin are probably the most unique type of Pikmin that we've talked about or at least the most unique type that we've talked about so far and that's because these luminescent little fellas are only available during night Expeditions and during trips through caves if you have the flow seeds for them they are very strange mechanically and exhibit several characteristics that corn into question their relation to the Pikmin species you don't grow them from pellets or dead enemies they kind of materialize out of nowhere once you put some glow pellets into your big dirt Mound and then they teleport over to you when you've made more of them in combat they are about as strong as most Pikmin but the interesting part is that their charge mechanic is radically different they coalesce into a big glowy ball that stuns enemies and lets the glow Pikmin dog pile shortly after they're functionally Immortal to standard hazards so they're a little overpowered if you fancy using them in a cave but you can tell that they weren't truly designed to be used outside of the night missions which makes me reluctant to use them since they are a pain to replace if you lose them but damn I do love how they look that blue eyes seems familiar there's an argument to be made that blue Pikmin are the best of the Original Trilogy of colors almost by default because whereas yellow and red Pikmin are situationally useful depending on what level you're in and what game you're playing and what it is you're doing blue Pikmin have one of the simplest skill sets of any variant they can survive in water this is gigantic news and a skill that has been helpful in every single Pikmin since at some point usually sometime after the Midway point of the game Pikmin games decide that everything should either be underwater or separated by a river blue Pikmin are so valuable since the level design funnels you towards needing lots of them since they aren't all that amazing at anything else but you need dozens and dozens of them since if there's a boss fight located on an island you're not getting any help from any other variants they're a strange color to talk about because other than water resistance there's nothing special going on here at all but the games have made them a necessity due to the abundance of water other Pikmin can avoid water but only the blues can thrive in it across all of the games there has never been a variety of Pikmin that has been as consistently good and useful as yellow Pikmin in Pikmin 1 they were straight up the best type in the game since they could carry bomb rocks and were like the demolition Experts of that game and even though their powers have waned somewhat in the succeeding years these yellow friends have still been able to carve out their own Specialties electric resistance is a given and was a necessary addition in Pikmin 2 to make up for the lack of usable bomb rocks but electricity is an insta kill for other Pikmin making yellows really valuable for so many enemy encounters Pikmin 3 made them dig a lot faster than their cousins and when you compare all of these handy skills along with the fact that you have always been able to throw them significantly higher than other versions there's actually a ton of different scenarios where yellow Pikmin are borderline essential to bring with you electricity isn't quite the deadly Hazard that it used to be but in Pikmin 1 and 2 especially these guys are having the time of their lives and building an army of yellow Pikmin is practically essential as a buffer to the more challenging moments and boss fights you can never underestimate how valuable being able to throw Pikmin so high is especially for boss fights the second new flavor of Pikmin added in Pikmin 4 fares a lot better than their glowy friends because you can actually find ice Pikmin in the main areas of the game which is very handy because these guys are a lot more helpful than I ever thought they would be than one of the most Elemental Pikmin types around so they immediately have favorable synergies with water and have great survivability in cold environments or when faced with iced based enemies they have two major influences on moment-to-moment gameplay in Pikmin 4. the first is that despite being a little less geared towards offense ice Pikmin are terrifyingly efficient in combat since their attacks will fill this light blue circle and when that's done that enemy is frozen and can't do a damn thing until it shakes off the frost the big jellyfish guys die instantly when you freeze them so you can roll up with the crew and ruin their day the other massive thing that ice Pikmin can do is freeze the surface of water which bypasses the need for blue pigment by allowing every Pikmin type to cross bodies of water so long as you've got enough ice Pikmin to chill out for a bit it gives you a lot of flexibility over how you explore your environment and it means that you're not as reliant on blue pigment I support cracking open a boy with the cold ones the research for this video has resurfaced a long dormant part of my brain that held the curse knowledge that bulk men were once a thing in these games they're exclusive to Pikmin 2 and even more exclusive to a handful of underground caves in that game so we're talking about a Pikmin variant that really hasn't had a lot of time to show what it can do bald men are the result of a parasitic form of Pikmin infecting a ball bulb and parading its host around which is 100 as horrifying as it sounds especially since baldmans start out hostile and will try to eat other Pikmin if given the chance but hey if you kill the adult all of its children will fall in line and do your bidding wow that's cream P Baldwin are special since they're resistant to every hazard in Pikmin too even the insta-kill electricity and this immediately gives them immense value as a really versatile Pikmin type the bad news is that you can't take them with you when you exit a cave but the good news is that they are the perfect candidates to convert into a Pikmin type that can leave the cave so you can turn a parasitic Pikmin that lives inside a ballboard into a normal non-parasitic Pikmin what an eventful life these guys must lead there's only one Pikmin type that I would describe as overpowered and a little too strong for their own good and purple Pikmin reek of a concept that was thrown around for a little while in the dev team but not long enough for anyone to stop and think hey should we have a color of Pikmin that can carry 10 times as much as the others yeah that's fine is it okay what about a Pikmin type that stuns enemies whenever you throw them so you don't have to attack in a different way or anything you're just heavily rewarded for doing what you were doing before like white Pikmin they're only available in Pikmin 2 and 4's main stories since Pikmin 3 decided they were way too strong for some reason and in two and four they are required in order to transport some particularly heavy Treasures the one downside is that they're the slowest Pikmin type by far but since Pikmin 4 has a dog now you can move them around on the back of it and you don't really notice any drawbacks to using them if you've got a tricky boss to fight or a hefty treasure to take back home you'd be a fool to leave them behind and that's all the Pikmin until they make more in like 20 years do you agree or is there another Pikmin you would have at number one let me know in a comment down below if you enjoyed this video make sure to like And subscribe for more and hit that Bell for notifications of every upload if you need something else to watch right now last week I talked about creative map boundaries and video games and I also want to thank my top sports on patreon blue catarades ceramalion and fusion Warrior thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one take care foreign
Channel: rabbidluigi
Views: 56,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RabbidLuigi Top Ten, Rabbidluigi Let's Plays, RabbidLuigi Review, rabbidluigi top five, rabbidluigi top 10, rabbidluigi top 5, rabbidluigi gaming, rabbidluigi video games, top 5 video games, rabbidluigi pikmin, rabbidluigi ranked, pikmin 4, pikmin 4 gameplay, pikmin 4 review, best pikmin, all pikmin ranked worst to best, pikmin worst to best, pikmin games worst to best
Id: YKXXQ3wwYy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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