Omega/Beyond Omega Level: Marquis of Death | Comics Explained

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what's going on guys this is Rob and if you're enjoying the content here on my channel then make sure you hit the like button and make sure you hit subscribe so you can decide what direction the content on my channel goes in in the foreseeable future okay we've talked about some powerful mutants right like Matthew Malloy all right Matthew Malloy what in our discussions about powerful mutants all right Matthew Malloy was like okay the most powerful mutant that we'd ever talked about on my channel I mean there was like Franklin Richards and Matt Jim Jasper's and there were some crazy powerful mutants man let me tell you something dude this guy the marquee of death there's beyond omega-level mutant and like then there's this guy I mean this dude it's stupid how powerful this guy is and that's a crazy thing I'd never heard of him until like three or four days ago and like somebody commented in one of my videos and they were like hey would you do something about the marquee of death and I'm like what the hell's the marquee of death and so like I just started poking around online and I was like Jesus this guy alright so here's the deal here's the marquee of death is a dude named Clyde winch him junior and his whole origin actually came out of a 2008 story called Marvel 1985 now here's the deal for those of you guys who were new to Marvel Comics there's what's called original graphic novels original graphic novels are basically just stories in comic books and they don't have any one particular place that they fit into it's just a story out there somewhere The Dark Knight Returns is an example of an original graphic novel it's just a story that takes place somewhere along the line but it doesn't really fit into any existing continuity Marvel 1985 was an original graphic novel in so much that it was six parts but it might as well have just been in original graphic novel I mean they release it as a singular trade or something like that but it's basically just a story that just kind of takes place out there in the middle of nowhere and there's no actual timeline that's specified to it which means that like none of the Marvel characters reference it later on so it's just kind of out in the middle of no man's land but the fact remains Marvel 1985 is a story that's largely told from the perspective of a kid named Toby and Toby is this kid who's just kind of hanging out and so the whole story takes place in earth 1218 which is them like the real world that's the world that we're in right now where you're watching this video and I'm making this video and all that kind of good stuff the whole idea is that Toby's just this kid who's like hanging out and there's this place called the wind chim house and the idea is that no one goes to the wind gym house it's like it's considered to be haunted / cursed / nobody goes there you know Toby's dad Jerry is like don't go there you know stay away from the winch um house will eventually Toby goes by there one day and sees like the Red Skull and he's like what in the heck because in the real world he reads comic books it's always like the Red Skull is a fictional comic book character this is weird and so as more time progresses these villains from the Marvel Universe start cropping up it's like vulture and it's like you know Doctor Doom and so on and so forth and so the whole idea is that it leads to Tobey kind of trying to figure out what's going on but eventually Tobey discovers this portal because by this point in the story by the time you know Tobey discovers this this portal things have gone awry like Galactus has shown up in the real world and it's gonna like consume the earth so it's just like okay we've got to do something so Tobey finds this dimensional portal he walks through and ends up in the Marvel Universe in the main Marvel Universe and then he goes to see the Avengers and he gets run off they're like whatever get out of here so he goes to see the Fantastic Four and it's like wait in line because there's a ton of people waiting on the Fantastic Four so eventually he discovers spider-man and and it's really kind of cool because as a person who read spider-man comics in the real world Tobey knows everything about Peter Parker and so he basically kind of you know confronts Peter Parker says hey look I know everything about you and all that kind of good stuff and then we don't really see what happens instead we end up picking back up back in the real world and we actually end up joining up with with Jeri and what we find out is that when Jerry was a little kid he was friends with this kid named Clyde and the idea was that some were along the line and no one really knows how but somewhere along the line Clyde's house just like vanished one day it was just gone disappeared and then it reappeared and there was no and no no indication anybody knew what was going on there was no indication that like Clyde or his mom had any idea what happened or anything along those lines and so you know Clyde and Jerry continued to hang out and that kind of thing we'll eventually what happens is like one day everybody in town just like goes into this hypnotic state and they all just start descending on the wind chim house well then like Clyde wind chimes like deceased dad his dead dad gets resurrected from the dead and shows up on their front door and so it's like what in the heck is going on it saw like Hyde's mom starts freaking out she starts blaming Jerry and then Clyde speaks up he's like look I have these powers to control reality but I don't know how to use him his mom freaks out hits him over the head with a candlestick and sends him into a catatonic state and so everything just kind of goes back to normal well then we fast-forward 20 years in nineteen you know and in 2008 when the story was written and we end up finding out that Clyde was taken to an insane asylum but when he was taken there he wasn't to bring his comics and so the result was that you know he had basically reached into the main Marvel Universe and grabbed all these different villains and then brought them over into the real world and it was just designed for the purpose of showing everybody like hey you know you have to do what I tell you to that kind of a thing this is the kind of power I possessed so Jerry and his guys you know end up grabbing the comic books of Clyde and they end up bringing them over at the same time Toby shows back up with like the Avengers and the Fantastic Four and the x-men like all these different superheroes from the main Marvel Universe and so it's like this massive battle between like all the villains and all the superheroes so Jerry goes over to the insane asylum where Clyde's at and it's like hey look here's all your comic books I'm sorry they took you you know took them away from you here's your comic books back and then Jerry please with Clyde to like set things back to normal well before or Clyde can do it the Red Skull shows up and kills Jerry and so Clyde's just like enough like he freaks out like he's just like enough everybody go back and he ends up like sending all the supervillains back to the main Marvel Universe well then Captain America is like hey look man that was kind of crazy you know look in my universe we have people like you all over the place that have like brain damage and you know we have people like Reed Richards and so on and so forth and they can help you they can you know return you to some state of normalcy now that's where the story ends but if you thought that was crazy wait man man wait until you were getting ready to get in to switch over to mark Miller's Fantastic Four technically it's issues 562 to 569 but really it's issues 564 to 569 and the reason why is because of the fact that it's a story called the master of doom or something along those lines but the idea is that it picks up in the end the point in the Fantastic Four's history prior to Dark Reign when dr. doom is basically arrested for all the villainous hacks that he had ever done and he was just put on trial for crimes against humanity now being part of Norman Osborn's whole whole cabal and all I kind of get stuff he's basically exonerated and allowed to go free and it eventually goes back to Latveria but when Reed Richards showed up to him and said hey look man like I just want to talk eventually you know doom kind of plays some mind games whatever read begins to walk off but then doom makes reference to something about the master that taught him everything and so that's when it's just kind of like what like what what in the world is going on and it's really kind of weird because what we end up doing is we actually jump after the events of Dark Reign which I think we covered during the Hickman's Fantastic Four that's the point when he's goes back to normal so to speak and when doom is basically exonerate that kind of a thing but from that point going forward the story starts to pick up with like these weird little things that crop up here and they're like uh there's this body of the watcher of who ought to the watcher that just like shows up on the ocean and it's too you know detected by some scientist or something like that Reed Richards goes to figure it out you know goes to look at it see what's going on whatever and then doom goes back to Liberia well when he gets there we end up finding out the reason why he's throwing this huge celebration is because his masters returning and the idea is that when his masters returning things are getting ready to pop off where there were a whole bunch of plot threads the Mark Miller was writing at the time but once we get back to the whole idea of like the watch here we end up finding out that it's not the main who watches The Watcher from the main Marvel Universe it's a version of who watches the watcher from a different universe from that point we pick up with with the marquee of death now the marquee of death just has like this apprentice that's it that's all we know it's just like an apprentice that he has but the marquee of death is in like this alternate universe all right this guy shows up and we all have is off the handle we don't actually see it but this guy shows up and just like Oh radically heroes I mean that's it like like there's no contest like they're all just dead they're all just killed off well in this universe it was Reed Richards and a guy named Jack Storm who became the Human Torch and they actually ended up getting in a relationship together ended up getting married I think but the crazy thing was that like Reed Richards is the one person spared alive well of course Jack Storm shows up you know and as the Human Torch tries to fight back and like the marquee of death just like snaps his neck just like reaches out into the sky and just snaps his neck I promise it gets absolutely bananas you know from this point going forward so Reed Richards this alternate reality version of Reed Richards kind of begs and pleads whatever the marquee of death doesn't care kills that version of Reed by ripping his heart out and then eating it and then he just sticks his hand in the air he forces the Sun to go supernova and then sets off a chain reaction that ignites all the other stars across the cosmos and then just obliterates the universe in his entirety not only that we end up finding out once he shows up in the main Marvel Universe with his apprentice and meets Doctor Doom we end up finding out that what the marquee of death and his apprentice had been doing was just like hopping and skipping from one universe to the next just obliterating all the cosmic entities like wiping out Galactus eternity infinity mistress death just like killing them all off and then just like you know destroying all these different earths and so on and so forth so when the marquee of death finally shows up to me Doctor Doom this is the craziest thing about this when he shows up to meet doom dooms initial response is all right are you happy with what I've done so far the power that I've gained is so on and so forth and in the marquee of death is like no you're a colossal failure like I literally showed up 20 years ago and taught you everything that you knew about like magic and mysticism I gave you all the tools that you needed to make yourself God and you've been routinely defeated by the Fantastic Four and so the result is that the marquee of death like sets them on fire and tries to kill them now the cool thing about this is it like doom fights back my doom ends up you know just kind of like flipping out you know losing his mind and attacking the marquee of death and so it leads to like this six week long battle like this six week long conflict that stretches on and on and on initially it was just dr. doom in the marquee of death and then it's all the other superheroes across the earth that end up joining in so the x-men the Fantastic Four Excalibur all these different superheroes ended up joining and even some super villains to join the side of a Doctor Doom and trying to defeat the Marquee of death so the marquee of death is defeated Reed Richards sacrifices his life dr. doom marry Susan storm and then like they're expecting a kid and so what we found out was that the apprentice and the marquee of death were defeated by Doctor Doom when he locked him away and something called the Omega box now we're not really given any information on what the Omega box is is just this box that's designed to contain them but it says really cool moment because it's like under dr. doom the world had experienced this whole new era of peace and prosperity and all that kind of stuff and it was just like this great scientific age well Susan storm is just kind of like hey are you finally happy and dooms like yes and then she reveals herself to be The Apprentice and like the marquee of death steps out of the Omega box not only that we end up finding out that this was this was not like some six week long battle it's been less than five seconds all right not only that alright this is this is where it gets crazy the marquee of death RA not only do t like distort reality and screw up dr. Doom's mind to make him believe six weeks had passed all right he grabs dr. doom he turns his heart to stone turns his blood to acid opens up a time portal and throws him 65 million years into the past I've never seen anything like that before the only time I ever saw anything like that was during during the Infinity Gauntlet story and that was wielding the Infinity stones so the marquee of death is like okay look like if dr. doom was not able to beat the Fantastic Four then I'm gonna be the one to defeat them and then I'm gonna kill him because I mean he had a thing about it from his perspective right like he's been traveling around these different universes killing all these different superheroes for him it's nothing to kill the Fantastic Four so the marquee of deaths first stop is to basically meet and like torment and torture Ben Grimm and so when he shows up he basically makes Ben Grimm witnessed the death of his Aunt Petunia not only that he also turns around to the other Fantastic Four and basically says I killed Victor Von Doom I threw him into the past I turned his blood to acid turned his heart to stone all that kind of good stuff and when the Fantastic Four try to fight back he just starts like manipulating reality around them like he basically turns Susan storms her force fields and so on and so forth turns him against her so it basically just kind of shuts her down and almost puts her in a catatonic state he makes Johnny Storm witnessed all the different times that the marquee of death has killed Susan storm I mean it's just it's absolutely bonkers because he's just distorting reality in this extreme way so eventually he grabs Reed Richards and just like takes off like he's he'd literally grab some and just whisks him away to the other side of the universe and then they start reality hopping the first thing he does is he takes him back to his own past he takes him to the point when the Fantastic Four first gained their powers and says look I will go ahead and I will leave your universe alone and I'll stop wiping out all these different universes if you kill Ben Grimm because Ben Grimm wishes he could die instead of becoming the thing he wishes he could be dead you know and Reed ultimately says no I'm not going to do that he's better off alive and he is dead so on and so forth and so then he's like okay well what about your son Franklin Richards he's got these godlike powers he doesn't know how to control them so on and so forth you know I'll kill him and you know I'll go ahead and kill him for you and again I'll spare you know the multiverse basically Reed again turns them down and so finally we get this origin story for the marquee of death and what this does is it picks up after the Marvel 1985 story and what we find out is that this new version of Clyde Wyndham had basically been put in a machine by Reed Richards that was designed to prove to keep him in a state of suspended animation to keep him in a catatonic state but he would experience nothing but like these incredible dreams and so on and so forth well various villains again this is an alternate reality but various villains had shown up like all of Reed Richards villains had shown up and attacked Clyde winch him well then Claude winch emerged from this containment unit or whatever you want to call it and then like had total control of his faculties the dude waved his hand and all the villains were dead just like waved his hand I mean it wasn't like some grandiose conflict or battle he was just he just waved his ham and they all died the molecule the molecule man Owen Reese was just one of the people who were killed by the Marquis of Death that's how powerful this guy is the molecule man Owen Reese is a guy that can manipulate matter on a multiversal scale he's a multiversal threat before his powers were reduced he was more powerful than the Living Tribunal that's how powerful the molecule man Owen Reese was the marquee of death just waved his hand and the molecule man is dead now it does beg questions was this molecule man where's those powers unlocked was he as powerful as his main earth-616 self we don't know we were not given an answer to that question but you know the marquee of death says look this is me in the past you could kill this version of me and that will never become Who I am right now but ultimately Reed says no I'm not going to do that well we end up finding out that all these different alternate reality versions of mr. fantastic that is to say the member of the Fantastic Four who could stretch we're all told by the marquee of death I'm destroying your realities because there will come a point when I will ask Reed Richards from the main Marvel Universe if he would kill his son or his friend or even me at a younger state in order to spare all your universes and he's going to say no ie Reed Richards is the reason why all their universes were obliterated or why all the superheroes on their earths were destroyed and so the result is that Reed Richards ends up having like the Fantastic Four have to go against all these alternate reality versions of Reed Richards like you know whether it's Ben Grimm who becomes mr. fantastic or Johnny Storm who becomes mr. fantastic or Susan storm who becomes mrs. fantastic whatever you know they all end up descending on the Baxter building for the purpose of just unleashing absolute hell well then Ben Grimm starts to overhear what it is that's going on in the middle of this whole conflict and realizes that this is basically Clyde winch um from you know area 87 you know the place that Reed Richards had previously visited where he kept Claude windchimes head in this state of suspended animation while Ben Grimm races off and grabs Clyde winch him and brings him back now this past version of Clyde winch am is nowhere near as powerful as the marquee of death but he's powerful enough that when the two of them end up doing battle it weakens the marquee of death but notice alright notice this when the two of them are having their conversation and the marquee of death is talking about all the things that he's done he talks about creating these constructs that were just more powerful than Galactus imagine that like a being so powerful that they just created constructs that were more powerful than Galactus and it made Galactus look like absolutely nothing I mean it's crazy the kind of things that he could do and so the the marquee of death starts talking about how he was going through and just obliterating all the cosmic entities that there was child's play and so the result is that when the two of them end up going into battle with one another while the marquee of death isn't really killed by Clyde wind chime the result is that you know the marquee of death is just severely weakened by the attack and so the result is that we end up learning that The Apprentice that the marquee of death has been walking around the walking around with the entire time is Doctor Doom and it's crazy because what we end up finding out is that when Doctor Doom was thrown into the past where he was torn apart by all these different you know dinosaurs and so on and so forth these sharks that he used magic to basically either regrow his limbs or at the very least to keep himself alive and then from there he spent the next however many millions of years just like walking the earth and learning all these different forms of magic now the death of this alternate reality version of The Watcher was the result of the fact that that watcher saw what was going on with dr. Doom's the dr. doom just killed him so he wouldn't have to worry about it but then the marquee of death encountered this guy somewhere along the line but by that point dr. doom had basically changed his appearance in such an extreme way even down to the molecular level the marquee of death didn't realize it was dr. doom and so the result was that the marquee of death was walking around with the very man that he would kill later on in the future without ever having realized it and so dr. doom basically overpowers the marquee of death who's extremely weak at this point totally incinerates him and then just tells the Fantastic Four I'm going back to Liberia if you end up starting stuff I'm going to obliterate all of you so again it's a pretty quick ending to the story I mean it's really the only way you can and I mean what you're talking about a character with power that extreme there's only so much you can do but this guy so this begs the question how powerful is the marquee of death in relation to other characters that we've talked about what we know just by virtue of his actions and going through and killing the cosmic entities the marquee of death is more powerful than the molecule man Owen Ricci is more powerful than the Beyonder because the Beyonder is just as powerful as a molecule man Owen Reese the marquee of death is more powerful than Franklin Richards the marquee death is more powerful than Matthew Malloy I would go as far as to say the marquee of death might even be more powerful than the Living Tribunal now that makes the question why didn't the Living Tribunal intervene no idea probably just for the sake of the story and it would have been easier just to not have him in there maybe Mark Miller forgot about him I have no idea but given everything that we've seen in terms of the power that the Marquis of Death is displayed just kind of walking around space and time and so on and so forth the idea that after he had killed all the supervillains he spent a billion years learning how to manipulate all space and time and controls reality-warping powers I would say the marquee of death is probably more powerful than the Living Tribunal but less powerful than the one above all so it may very well be that the marquee of death is the most powerful being in the multiverse or at least was before he died second only to you know the one above all itself I mean that's that's the only way I don't had a class I can't I can't classify power like this I can't explain power like this I had to read this comic three times in order to be able to grasp what it was that I was seeing it's crazy this kind of thing is absolutely bananas but this guy is so wildly powerful it's the most powerful mutant that I think has ever existed in the history of Marvel Comics even adult Franklin Richards that made Galactus is Herald he was nowhere near that level I mean as powerful as he was making Galactus his Herald you know he still wasn't able to defeat these Celestials by himself so it means that he was on par with Celestials but this guy the marquee of death was way beyond the Celestials way beyond the cosmic entities I mean it's just it's it's it's nuts it's bonkers it's one of the craziest things ever so yeah as far as I'm aware unless we end up discovering something new this guy the marquee of death is definitively the most powerful mutant that's ever existed in the history of Marvel Comics it's crazy anyway guys we're gonna go ahead and bring this video to an end if you are new here to come this explain make sure you guys hit the sub button to become part of the rob Court if you guys enjoy this video make sure you drop a like and I will catch you all later peace [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 2,581,402
Rating: 4.8934999 out of 5
Keywords: comicsexplained, marvelexplained, fluidicbeats, Comics, Comic Books, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Marvel 1985, Marquis Of Death, Beyond Omega Level Mutants, Mutants, Omega Level Mutants, Reed Richards, Mr Fantastic, The Thing, Johnny Storm, Human Torch, Dr Doom, Victor Von Doom, Clyde Wyncham Jr., Franklin Richards, Matthew Malloy, Molecule Man
Id: BP9uROMeYvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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