Ultimate Marvel (MCU) Strength and Power Tier List

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fans of superheroes loved to argue which one of their favorite characters would win if they were ever to fight each other in this current era the marvel cinematic universe reigns supreme in terms of popularity i have decided to use my own superpower of being a weeaboo to rank all of the noteworthy characters from the marvel cinematic universe from phases 1 through 3 in terms of power i've split up the tier list into 10 total tiers with the stronger characters being on the left just because i put someone higher on the list doesn't mean they would beat everyone below them all the time fights can be circumstantial and anything could happen on the battlefield but i think this monstrosity of a tier list i have created through painstaking research is pretty accurate each character will be assumed to have their standard gear and are ready for combat now let the tier list begin the lowest here on the list is the human tier and starting us off at the bottom is happy hogan he was able to defeat a large security guard after a long tough fight so he gives a good base for the list being someone right above fodder human level next is luis who seems like his superpowers to knock everyone out he punches in one hit he was supposedly the only one who ever knocked out peachy mantis doesn't really fight anyone but she has the power to put people to sleep and she dropped from a height that would kill any normal person with no damage so she should be able to beat the two below her nick fury's extremely skilled with weapons and hand-to-hand combat even being able to hold his own against the superhuman skrull taylos though he did lose that fight which is why taylors is above him george battrock was able to hold his own surprisingly well against captain america mbaku almost beat a depowered black panther in one-on-one combat and was shown to have superhuman strength the shocker was able to flip buses and knock around spider-man sure he was able to give killmonger some trouble whiplash in his first suit might seem low but when you think about it anyone with a gun can just shoot him in the head and he lost pretty quickly to iron man's suitcase suit he was able to block iron man's repulse shots which is why i put him above shuri ulysses claws an expert mercenarian has an arm cannon that can destroy vibranium cars i don't see anyone below him withstanding that nakia is an expert shot and with her circular blades she was able to do surprisingly well against killmonger in close quarters next is korg who was able to defeat a bunch of zombies guardians and even knocked away call obsidian he could arguably be higher but he lacks feats and even though i love him he plays fortnite and he was even getting bullied on there so he stays in the human tier meek would also be in the human tier but somewhere lower okoye was able to hold her own against proxima midnight along with black widow and has a vibranium spear that can shoot energy bolts she even managed to kill corvus glaive with it hawkeye is an expert with a bow and arrow and almost never misses he's also extremely skilled in close quarters combat being able to fight black panther and taking out an entire yakuza gang with seemingly just a sword fun fact hawkeye is actually more of a weeaboo than me because he actually bothered to learn japanese black widow's almost even with him but the reason i put her above him is due to the fact she got the best of him twice once when she outright beat him when he was being mind controlled and the second one they were fighting to see who could commit suicide first depending on the scenario i think either of them could come out on top she was able to last longer against proxima midnight than okoye which is why she's above her brock rumlow was a skilled hydra agent who was able to defeat falcon without a suit and give captain america a bit of trouble at that point he probably would have been somewhere around nick fury level but in civil war he came back as crossbones and got the better of black widow and later fought captain america giving him some trouble with his mechanical gloves second from the bottom we had the superhuman tear i like cats so how could i not add the cat i mean fleurkin goose he was able to take out multiple arms korean and steal the fear in talos he could possibly be higher but he doesn't really scale to anyone so i put him at the bottom of the tier killian's goons on extremis had heat powers regeneration and the strength to rip apart iron man suits the strongest of his goons being eric savin falcon is able to fly has bulletproof wings dual machine guns and has tangled with iron man war machine spider-man ant-man and the winter soldier though all of them pretty much got the better of him emil blonsky was an elite soldier who became even more lead after taking a super soldier serum this allowed him to actually fight hulk a bit though he wasn't actually able to do anything he has a regeneration factor but it's too slow to be of any use in combat he got another injection that made him even stronger but he never actually got to show off how strong that made him before turning into abomination wasp is basically ant-man but with flight capabilities a laser beam and is a bit better in hand-to-hand combat with that being said ant-man from the first movie would go right under her and since she's better than him she would also go above falcon who lost to ant-man i put her above blonsky and the extremists because she would be extremely hard for them to hit has lasers that could possibly kill them or could use her shrinking or enlarging tech to try and defeat them i put yellow jacket above her because he can also fly has multiple lasers that can kill people even while tiny and the only way ant-man could win against him was by going sub-atomic and there's no guarantee you could come back from that ghost got the better of wasp and ant-man can go intangible so you can't touch her and seem to have superhuman strength due to that she would probably beat yellowjacket as well scourge is an asgardian so his body should be strong enough to withstand most the weapons of the characters below him his favorite weapons are his dual assault rifles that he used to mow down zombie as guardians most if not all the characters below him aren't completely bulletproof so he would eventually tag them and none of them are really strong enough to put him down at least not easily however most the characters above him are bulletproof and scourge seem to be a bit of a coward and has no impressive close quarters feats so i think he deserves to be placed here next is korath the pursuer who yes i added him just to make that joke he is a cree with superhuman strength who was able to fight a bit against captain marvel and he then got enhanced with cybernetics sometime between then and the guardians of the galaxy he survived being hit by one of quill's gun blasts which i assume are stronger than normal bullets and he was able to fight on par with drax though he did lose in the end groot is able to take out large amounts of fodder extremely easily far easier than some of the people above him however he never actually beat anyone strong when he tried to restrain gamora she broke out of his roots and cut his arms off and when drax got in a fight with him he was getting ground and pounded and when he tried to fight back drax ripped his roots off you could argue groot wasn't going all out in either of these fights but i can't put him higher without proof right above him is his fellow guardian drax who has superhuman strength and durability and his preferred weapons are knives he's above group because he was getting the better of him in that fight and he's above korath because he killed him malikith the leader of the dark elves also prefers to use knives and was skilled enough to kill multiple asgardian warriors in seconds while someone like drax might be strong or even stronger than him i don't see him shredding through as guardians like that which is why he's below him the warriors 3 and lady siff are all elite as guardians who fought by thor's side they were able to fight more as guardians at once than malikith was shown doing and one of them actually fought hella for a few seconds so while i think they're all relatively close i think they have more feats to prove themselves rocket has a whole host of deadly weapons and even without them he's a force to be reckoned with i don't see many people below him surviving his weapons and with his agility and craftiness i don't see many people dodging them either at the top of the tier is pepper potts with extremis for some reason it seems she got stronger than any of killian's goons with it and was able to jump up in the air in one shot in iron man suit this is actually a pretty crazy feat which i think easily puts her at the top of this tier the reason she isn't higher is because that's her only really good feat and she isn't much of a fighter pretty much anyone in the tears above her should beat her if they're willing to kill her and are careful not to let her touch them some of the characters in this tier can arguably beat her in the same way but her speed and power will make it extremely hard for them rocket's the only one i see having a really good chance of doing it on to the super soldier tier we're starting off with vulture his suit gives him the ability to fly can block bullets and is strong enough to pick up cars he uses a weapon with the power to disintegrate people he got the better of spider-man pretty much every time they met speaking of spidey he's next i just said vulture got the better of him but spider-man was never really trying to hurt him and was still inexperienced at that point during far from home he mastered his peter tingle and was able to dodge a large amount of drones firing bullets at him he was even able to block a blow from cull obsidian in his fight with vulture on the ferry which was probably the most fair encounter he was able to disarm him i think at this point if spider-man seriously tries to win he will red skull was able to fight on par with captain america and is equipped with a gun powered by space stone tech that can vaporize people i put him above spider-man because iron man said if captain america was serious he would have laid peter out trust me kid if cap wouldn't lay you out he would have so anyone on par with a serious captain america should scale above peter and one hit from his space down gun and it's goodbye spidey the winter soldier is just about on par with captain america though he did lose so that's why he's below him spider-man did get the better of him but he wasn't really trying to hurt him granted spider-man was going easy on him as well but bucky's at a far greater disadvantage when not trying to kill due to his inferior physical strength and spider-man's go-to weapon being a non-lethal webbing when actually fighting seriously he was able to break through iron man's suit with his metal arm and is an expert with knives and guns i don't think spider-man's ready for a blood-lusted winter soldier and red skull doesn't have the skill feats to deal with him either captain america beat bucky got the better of spider-man in their skirmish and has the statement from iron man placing him above spider-man he was even able to outfight iron man in close quarters before his fighting style was analyzed he may not be bulletproof but he was able to take one of ultron's beams to the chest and i think that backs him being a tear above characters like yellowjacket as the argument for him trying to kill cap with his lasers like he did to regular humans kind of goes down the drain janrog was able to outfight base captain marvel and hand-to-hand combat and with his anti-gravity gauntlets he was able to give captain marvel some trouble even after she had the restrictions on her powers taken off he was also shown to be extremely durable when captain marvel launched him into a hillside and he was still conscious i think that puts his durability at least as high if not higher than any of the super soldiers or even spidermans who knocked himself out by jumping headfirst into a cargo trailer and his weapons that act like telekinesis should be able to throw any of them around considering he was able to do it to captain marvel we have four of thanos children next first of which being nebula she has shown super strength casually breaking the neck of a chitari soldier while restrained is able to leap incredible distances fought thanos for a bit and supposedly almost killed him when she snuck onto a ship took a direct strike from an alien missile launcher and has some sort of creepy robotic regeneration jan rog's telekinetic weapon may be strong but he hasn't shown the ability to put someone like nebula permanently down and nebula is an extremely vicious fighter as well as a daughter of thanos so i feel like she should be above him corvus glaive was able to overpower captain america and bested him in combat he also defeated vision though he was only able to do that after weakening him in a surprise attack he has a deadly weapon that can block energy beams from the mind stone and has the ability to stop vision from going intangible i have him above nebula due to him having more impressive visual feats better direct scaling and the fact that thanos didn't feel the need to replace his entire body with robot parts proxima midnight was able to fight scarlet witch captain america and black widow at the same time and black widow and okoye at the same time with scarlet witch being needed to finally take her out she's above corvus glaive because she didn't go out like a punk against okoye and she just seemed a bit more impressive to me in general gamora takes the title as the strongest of thanos daughters as he's directly called the fiercest woman in the galaxy then in doing so made you the fiercest woman in the galaxy thanos also called her his favorite daughter considering both of those statements it seems at least thanos believed her to be superior at approximate midnight outside sources also referred her as the deadliest woman in the galaxy out of all the times they fought nebula has never been able to beat her either even after being mechanically enhanced she's also incredibly strong being able to smack large aliens far away pick up and fire a large spaceship machine gun and hold on to drax as he's being pulled through a force at incredible speeds i have her lover star-lord right above her he was able to compete with her in hand-to-hand combat and has extremely powerful tools that could even restrain iron man and spider-man wong is a skilled sorcerer who is able to block trees thrown at him by ebony maw and was able to cut off the arm of cull obsidian with a portal he isn't physically powerful but his magic is extremely versatile and has the power to block any attack from anyone in this tier and the potency to cut through any of them as well i have mordo above him because he seemed to be more of a combatant getting the better of multiple enemy sorcerers has the staff of the living tribunal and has boots that allow him to run on air quick silver is too fast for anyone below him to touch and spider-man with his peter tingle is the only one who can even hope to react to him he has shown the power to completely obliterate ultron bots which were strong enough to burst through concrete so i don't think anyone below him could survive long against him if he's serious plus he can just take their own weapons and use it against them thor's mom frigga was able to defeat malaketh pretty easily and one shot an ice giant she has powers similar to loki as she's the one who taught him and can create illusions due to her illusion magic i think she could get the drop on either of the wizards or quicksilver heimdall rounds off the top of the tier loki resorted to using the casket of ancient winters on him and he later broke out of it and then killed multiple frost giants he has the power to call the bifrost and loki even wondered if odin feared him i was originally gonna put him higher because of this but he almost got killed by the asgardian zombie fodder so he stays at this tier he was still strong enough to take down a dark elf ship though and he has eyes that can see pretty much anything in the nine realms so i think he could probably track quicksilver and see right through friga's illusions next is the low superhero tier the iron monger was able to get the upper hand on iron man's mark 3 in combat however this isn't as impressive as it seems due to the fact he took iron man's arc reactor and forced him to use his old one that he built in a cave the suit is still pretty powerful being able to lift up and throw cars crush iron man's helmet with its grip can shoot machine gun fired missiles and is bulletproof however it isn't super agile and has gaps in its armor where parts can be ripped out next is ultron in his pre-vibranium body due to his intelligence i'm pretty confident ultron could build a better suit than the scientists behind the iron monger and he also has the ability to shoot lasers and has some sort of telekinetic type technology which can even rip pavement out of the ground he's near the bottom of the tier due to how much trouble he had with captain america and how quickly he lost to iron man yondu is kind of tricky to place considering physically he isn't that strong and he could probably be killed by someone with a gun but his arrow is just extremely overpowered he can take down small armies with that thing including small spaceships he even did pretty well holding back ego the piercing power of his arrow is also insane and can go right through metal walls like butter i don't think anyone below him has the durability to survive this onslaught even if you try to argue some of them are he can just send the arrow right through their eye socket or in between their armor plating in the case of ultron and iron monger i could see quicksilver winning as long as he can outrun his arrow and yellowjacket and wasp have a chance if they go small and get him by surprise spider-man and his iron spider suit should be durable enough to withstand the arrow due to the fact that it's made of the same nano particles that make up tony's later suits which have extremely good durability feats he was able to take some hits from thanos which backs this up star-lord did get the better of him while in this suit but he just restrained him and there's no proof he could have actually broken through his suit to kill him i don't think spider-man was taking that fight as cirrus as the other peter either and with his current mastery of his peter tingle his raw physical strength and his instant kill mode i don't see him being lower than this killmonger and black panther are next as they have vibranium suits which should make them stronger than spider-man's and they can also store kinetic energy they receive and release it creating blows strong enough to floor call obsidian and multiple large alien creatures considering they're more skilled and experienced fighters i feel like they would beat spider-man even in his iron spider suit and yonder won't be able to pierce their suits with his arrow ultron's already been shown he could be damaged by vibranium and iron manga would be outmaneuvered and ripped apart black panther is above killmonger since he beat him lauffy was able to one-shot frigga and was the one who took odin's eye with the cascade of winters he would even be more dangerous i feel like his physical strength and ice powers would be able to overpower anyone below him the destroyer was able to easily defeat lady siff in the warriors 3. it's above laufey due to the fact that easily destroyed multiple other frost giants and laffy was killed by a blast very similar to the destroyers from gungner serta in his small form is above the destroyer as it gave thor a longer fight and thor seemed to have more problems going through his fire blast than the destroyer's energy blast valkyrie is next that she was able to go toe-to-toe with loki and actually beat him though loki was more focused on looking into her mind and got knocked out because of it loki at his best was able to give thor a pretty good fight though in both scenarios he had a powerful weapon gungnir in their first fight and the mindscepter in their second even without those weapons he has illusion magic which can get the drop on his opponents and knives capable of stabbing through thor he was able to easily defeat captain america even though he was holding back and wanted to be captured he's above surter in the destroyer because he gave thor a better fight and he was hit by a gun made from destroyer tech and came out relatively unscathed war machine is next and this spot can also represent most of iron man's earlier suits as well iron man was shown getting the better of loki on multiple occasions though loki did want to get captured the first time war machine has a big arsenal of weapons which can mow down foes and his flight ability makes him a huge problem for characters without range or flight themselves whiplash in his final suit is above him because it took both him and iron man's combined effort to defeat him uldrich killian was even more impressive though being able to take out multiple iron man suits forcing tony to jump from one suit to another like the other people on extremists he can also regenerate and create heat but he took it to another level even being able to breathe fire kaiselius is an extremely skilled sorcerer and after being empowered by dormammu his powers grew to another level especially while in the mirror dimension if he gets anyone below him in the mirror dimension it's basically game over and even out of it he's a force to be reckoned with though there's definitely people below him that have a chance of taking him out however due to how he seems to get people into the mirror dimension pretty easily i put him this high ronin was strong enough to kick drax's butt and has a hammer that can create concussive waves that instantly snap the neck of thanos's simp i think he can use that technique to quickly kill kaiselius which is why i have him higher up moving on to the mid superhero tier we're starting to get to the big hitters fenris is at the bottom as she doesn't have many feeds but she did give hulk a run for his money and even pierced his skin cole obsidian got the upper hand on iron man in his nano suit multiple times and was able to rip the arm off the hulkbuster suit he's low on this tier due to the fact he has a lot of low showings for example having his strike casually stopped by spider-man getting his arm cut off by wong getting laid out by black panther getting killed by banner even though he sucks at operating the hulkbuster getting stabbed by drax and getting pulled back by spider-man and then getting stomped to death by ant-man abomination was able to overpower hulk but got his butt kicked after hulk got angry call obsidian is probably a better fighter than abomination and might actually take the advantage at first but abomination is extremely tough and has a strong healing factor while kull obsidian's durability is kind of crap for his tier as i showed so i think abomination would eventually come out on top but it would be a rather close fight that could probably go either way vision was able to tangle with ultron and was actually his first choice for a body so it could be argued he should be above him but vision has a lack of showings and he doesn't actually beat ultron which is why he's this low he can shoot powerful mind stone blasts which can cut through buildings and one shot war machine and he can become intangible and rip things out of his target again this power can be really dangerous and in a deleted scene he actually killed corvus glade by crushing his heart this way but in the actual movies he never does something like this to anyone strong so i can't justify putting him any higher as of now thor with mjolnir before getting his thunder god power up in ragnarok has been shown to fight pretty evenly with the hulk though hulk seemed to get the better of him both times he was able to take out leviathans just like the hulk could and he was clearly a step above loki surter and the destroyer which solidifies him at this tier he's above the other characters on this tier due to having more feats than them and less anti-feats in the case of kull obsidian malikith after absorbing the ether was able to go blow for blow a thor and it was clear that they were very close to each other in power however malik seemed to be getting stronger and thor was forced to use outside equipment to win so i put him one spot higher ultron and his vibranium body beat up thor pretty badly which is why i put him higher than him in malikis and with his body being made of vibranium very few characters could actually damage him it took the combined power of thor vision and iron man to actually do any noticeable damage hulk's above him due to the fact he got the better of him both times they ran into each other or should i say hulk ran into him ultron was damaged at that point already but it's hard to put a character above one that already beat him twice even at his best ultron would still probably be ripped limb from limb eventually hulk was even able to stagger the mountain size sorter and as i mentioned before he got the better of thor twice which is why i put him above him curse was able to give thor one of the worst beatings he ever got and even knocked away mjolnir he's basically like a more skilled hulk and to make matters worse he has a black hole grenade which would kill almost anyone it sucks in including himself so it could be used against him iron man at his best is at the top of the tier in his hulkbuster he was able to defeat hulk and his nanotech suit which should logically be superior gave thanos a better fight than the hulk did and even made him bleed a bit was thanos only able to beat hulk because he had the power stone or uh was he already that powerful i think he could i i may be speaking out a turn i think thanos could kick the hulk's ass without the stone yeah due to this i put iron man above hulk he's above curse too due to his intelligence aerial superiority and the fact curse was pierced by loki so there's a good chance iron man could pierce and cut him as well i think as long as iron man avoids the black hole grenade and is careful not to get ground and pounded he should win but i could see curse winning as well he did have problems with cull obsidian and would have arguably lost but the first time it looked like call obsidian had him spider-man stopped it so there's no way that hit would have done much damage and the next time kolb's indian got the advantage over him was when ironman was distracted and talking to peter they were also fighting in a crowded city so he probably couldn't unleash his full capabilities in endgame cole got the drop on him from behind so that shouldn't really count either in the high superhero tier we have doctor strange he was able to completely troll thor with his teleportation ability can use his portals to trap people in eternal falling like he did to loki and force thanos to use multiple infinity stones in their fight he has a cape that allows him to fly and come off his body and follow his will it can even save him while he's unconscious his ultimate weapon is the time stone and if he brings that out there aren't many people who can oppose him his biggest downfall is his lack of durability and physical strength so if someone is really fast or can get in close he could have some major issues ebony ma is a powerful telekinetic who defeated doctor strange which is why he's above him he also got the better of iron man and later called his powers inconsequential in comparison to his own and iron man seemingly agreed your powers are inconsequential compared to mine yeah but the kids seen more movies he was also able to restrain post god of thunder amp thor though he was already beaten up by thanos at that point he's another character who has low durability but he has shown incredible reactions so it would be extremely difficult to actually get to him in one-on-one combat worthy captain america was able to do extremely well against thanos and is basically a more skilled thor that also has a vibranium shield and knows how to use it he can call down lightning which would be extremely difficult for mon strange to deal with and considering how high his opinion of thanos is i don't think ma could do as well as capped it against him ant-man might seem high to some of you but when you actually look at his feats he deserves this placement he broke through the avengers base that hulk was having problems holding up just by growing big one shot of leviathan easier than hulk did and one shot cole obsidian a hulkier character i think all of these feats combined show he's easily a tear above hulk malekith was crushed by his ship falling on him so i feel like he would be crushed by ant-man as well again proving he should be above that tier not only is he absurdly powerful while big he can also go small to make people lose track of him and use discs to shrink and enlarge objects worthy captain america hit call obsidian with mjolnir but cult was right back to fighting after that while ant-man put him out of commission permanently which is why i put him higher the ancient one is very similar to doctor strange but she's far more experienced draws on dormammu's power to increase her strength and has shown the ability to knock people's souls out of their body i feel like she could easily do the same to ant-man so she's above him nobody blower should be able to handle her in the mirror dimension either thor after gaining his god of thunder power up in ragnarok reached another level it took him 10 hammer swings to destroy the bifrost bridge in the first thor movie and it only took him one lightning strike to destroy it after his power up he also went from getting completely dominated by hella to actually putting up somewhat of a fight and he was strong getting the advantage over hulk and that was before even being fully awakened to his new power with his mastery over lightning i don't see the ancient one getting close before getting fried after attaining stormbreaker he became even more dangerous as this weapon was strong enough to even chop right through thanos many people might think that thor with stormbreaker should be higher but according to the russos who are the directors of infinity war and endgame he only got the better of thanos with the gauntlet because thanos was cut off guard and didn't really understand what was coming at him i think that key moment though is this thanos was caught off guard he literally just didn't know the power of what was coming at him i mean maybe he could have used the stones to you know in a different way had he had he understood what that weapon was but it came out of nowhere an end game not only did he have storm breaker he had mjolnir as well and the russo said thor at that moment was actually stronger than he was in infinity war and he still got his butt kicked by thanos so i had to put him one tier lower speaking of that tier the next tier is the team buster tier the first member of this tier is hella she was able to crush mjolnir with her bare hand and completely dominate thor so it makes sense for her to be multiple tiers higher she still got the better of thor even after his power up and thor admitted he couldn't beat her you can't defeat me though i know you could argue after getting stormbreaker he could beat her but she probably wouldn't even let him hit her stormbreaker could kill thanos as well but that didn't stop him from beating the crap out of him so hella could likely do the same and she could even take stormbreaker from thor and use it against him just like thanos did however if you argue stormbreaker may thor faster and stronger as well things could change the problem is you can't actually prove he did or if he did by how much and if you argue he got stronger you could also bring up how hella wasn't actually at her best either as it was stated she would continue to grow stronger while on asgard so either way i think hella should still be a level above thor until proven otherwise captain marvel was able to tangle with thanos however she was overpowered in two of their three encounters first when thanos shriveled up arm was actually overpowering her until the hulkbuster grabbed it and the second was when he tossed her aside however in their last confrontation she was able to tank a hit from thanos and overpower him because of this you could argue her above base thanos the reason i put thanos above her is due to the fact that his sword should be able to kill her if he lands a hit but none of her hits have ever been shown to do actual damage to him so with his sword i would side with thanos without it it would be really close but i might side with captain marvel due to her flight energy beams and the fact she showed she could tank a headbutt from thanos thanos was able to fight thor iron man and captain america all at the same time and come out on top which shows he's significantly above any of them on their own i have him above hella due to the fact he did better against the stronger version of thor we want to announce thanos as the biggest villain in the mcu he takes out previous the previous reigning champion and by defeating hulk relatively savagely and easily you're hopefully there's a sense of dread over the course the rest of the movie for all anyone who'll come up against him however you could argue hella beats him due to the fact she has regeneration and even has statements saying she's immortal though that could just be in reference to her ability to not age if you think hella getting chopped to pieces would kill her thanos wins if you think she literally can't die no matter how much you chop her up hella would win eventually captain marvel's also above hella as she scales the thanos so again that fight would depend on how immortal hell is wanda is at the top of the tier as she was overpowering thanos in their fight and this is backed up in one division where it stated that she would have won if he didn't call for help she could have taken out thanos on her own if he hadn't initiated a blitz it was also stated that captain marvel was the only other one that came close nobody else came close well i'd argue that captain marvel came close which also backstrap is the only other avenger in this tier wand is also shown she has reality warping abilities in wanda vision and can instantly mind control groups of people which just further backs up her placement at this spot next we have asgards doom i reserved eternal flair certain to his own tear as he falls in some weird place that's considerably above everyone below him but also considerably below everyone above him he was able to easily defeat hella and destroy all of asgard though that destroyed him as well i should also make an honorable mention to odin as thor said odin defeated sirter in the past i thought my father killed you like a half a million years ago however we don't know exactly how he did it it was also stated he sealed hella but he did that because he couldn't kill her odin did show he could strip away thor's powers and give them off to whoever he feels like so i would say at the very least he would be at the bottom of the team buster's tier but he could also be argued higher than that i left him off the actual list as there's no real way to truly judge where he should fall exactly in the planetary tier we have ego which should be of no surprise considering he's a living planet even while off planet in his avatar form he was able to easily destroy a fleet of ships on his planet he was overpowering all the guardians at once and only peter with his celestial powers could match him his brains tucked away in an extremely tough container at the center of his planet and destroying that's the only way to kill him so unless the characters blow this tier have some sort of knowledge of this they would have no chance of winning he was also capable of covering thousands of planets with himself at once which sounds weird but that's what he was doing however he needed years of prep and his son's power to accomplish this it still shows how massively powerful he is though ronan with the power stone was going to destroy zandar and the power stone has been previously shown to wipe the surface of planets and destroy moons so there's no reason it shouldn't be able to destroy ego if he's fighting on his planet if he's fighting off world then he would just destroy ego's avatar ronin is also take the shot from the hadron enforcer which are stated by rocket to be able to shatter moons that's for if things get really hardcore or if you want to blow up moons no one's blowing up moons and this is backed up by guidebooks thanos with the power stone up until before he acquired the last stone is at the top of this tier obviously thanos with the power stone would be above ronan with the power stone and with each stony attained he would just get stronger and stronger doctor strange saw that out of over 14 million possibilities there was only one way of beating thanos and that was before he had all the stones you could actually use that statement to upscale base thanos as well as it shows that even if they took the gauntlet from him they would have still most likely lost which one of the screenwriters actually backs up he's unbelievably powerful without the stones i think they would have been very disappointed to get the glove off him and find he was still beating the living daylights out of them the 14 million possibilities would also include the end game events when thanos didn't even have the stones which further proves that there was no way to win besides snapping him out of existence which means that captain marvel never comes out on top and even wanda is never able to kill him in the final tier we have dormammu and thanos with the complete infinity gauntlet dormammu consumes entire dimensions and even with the time stone doctor strand couldn't defeat him he could just keep rewinding time until dormammu gave up that's really all thanos with an incomplete gauntlet could hope to do as well however with a complete infinity gauntlet that's a different story thanos said that he had the ability to shred the universe down to its last atom and i wouldn't consider that a hyperbole considering it already snapped away half of old life in the universe and how that was the clear intent for the plot and what avengers were trying to fight to stop from happening so if thanos could destroy the entire universe i feel he should be able to destroy dormammu if not you can still argue he can put dormont on a time loop and then just use the space stone to leave it doesn't really matter which you put on top it's clear that these two are significantly above everyone else as mentioned previously thor was only able to power through the infinity gauntlet blast because thanos didn't know it was coming so you really can't scale him to those characters you can also include hulk or iron man with the gauntlet but snapping kills iron man so it would only be a stalemate with whoever he beats with it and hulk could barely withstand putting it on so he could just be killed before he snaps so i just left those two off the list welp that was the whole list this video took a lot of effort so i'd really appreciate it if you gave it a thumbs up subscribe and leave a comment on what you think let me know on what you think i got right and what you think i got wrong i would be happy to discuss it with you in the comments section after phase 4 the mcu is done i'll probably make an updated list and i'll try to do that after every phase as long as i keep the mcu going so stay tuned for more and don't forget i love you over 9000
Channel: Weeaboo Warrior
Views: 715,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, mcu, tier list, marvel tier list, mcu tier list, marvel characters, power levels, power level, ranking, ranked, marvel power levels, mcu power levels, strongest marvel characters, strongest avenger, avengers, avenger, strongest, most powerful, ironman, iron man, captain america, hulk, thor, dr strange, spiderman, spider-man, black panther, loki, falcon, winter soldier, wanda, vision, wandavision, vs, top, top 10, thanos, guardians of the galaxy, characters, character, power, captain marvel
Id: gu4iLIJsMY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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