Every Numberblocks Club So Far! | Learn to Count | @Numberblocks

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oh if there's one thing better than picnic it's a square Club picnic [Music] um is this Square Club I'll be square with you yes it is Square [Music] coming coming let's play a game rock paper squares Tiddly squares how about Norton squares good call you start rounding [Music] oh I forgot no round things at Square Club you win fair and square square [Music] sorry I'm late oh oh dear oh sorry you now we're all here I'm Square we can begin what's the first rule of square Club no round things right you are and let me hear the motto even though we're different sizes you can always recognize a square body side four five four three five three two five two Square Club hooray time for some Square art [Music] my square has four sides all the same and four corners all the same so does mine mine too mine's four across by four down mine's three across by three down mine's two across boy two down foreign crackers Square apples Square cake everything we need for a square meal cake sounds good pink or yellow pink no yellow no pink no yellow pink yellow oh I don't know oh no that's terrible choose what's the first rule of square Club no round things [Applause] don't panic Don't Panic pull yourself together or not we three are the three three [Applause] what could be more Square than squares in a square don't give them to me get rid of them you can talk fun one one [Applause] [Music] oh where again four sides all the same Four Corners all the same run across by one down one is a square number foreign welcome to square Club one one even though we're different sizes you can always recognize a screen turned on each side four five four three five three two five two one five one looks like we're back to square one if there's one thing better than picnic it's a square Club picnic hey one see what the art blocks picnic I'll be there soon Club picnic day is a busy day for me tell me about it we both got the step squads picnic later U2 21 see you there three wow I've never seen so many clubs it's Club Picnic Day 29 finding your clubs helps you discover what you have in common with other number blocks for example do you fit in with the odd blocks or the even tops come and find out the rule is when you stand two blocks wide if you've got an odd block on top you're in the odd blocks I did it I fit the rule I fit in with the odd blocks I thought you might you end in a nine you see and any number that ends in a nine is odd like me and me welcome to the club 29. I like the helmet it's nice having something to show on a member are there any more clubs I can join let's go and explore everyone knows Square Club oh hello there I thought it might be fun to start part of the cube club and since I'm in both clubs this saves me some running about block cake you can join Square Club if you can make a square and be as tall as you are wide don't think so to be in Cube Club you need to be able to make a cube like this no but you said this was a new club does that mean that anyone can make up a new club I suppose so you just need a rule about who gets to be in it like the nine Enders the club for numbers who end in a nine I like the sound of her huh [Music] I'd meet you squares with holes in oh how about a squares with holes in club for 8 and 12 and 16 and anyone else who can make a square with a hole in why not anything to do with squares sounds fun to me there are so many new clubs I could come up with oh I figured myself out I'm 20 names and I love clubs being in them and making up new ones like square with a hole in club you need something to show your all members like badges Club Badgers there square with a hole [Music] and how about Square badges for square Club [Music] you know I know hey I'm only just getting started super rectangles Club hello League of 11. um can you make lots of rectangles quite the opposite I'm a not very rectangular number who can only make prime positions and no others that's a bit of a mouthful how about prime Club whoa whereas you're even more rectangular rectangle club for you Square Club oh you're in the undercover 13s Club 26. um falling apart Club Cube Club oh rainbow seven and my new club the nine Enders I've got one more club for you the Roaring Twenties all together now [Music] [Applause] wow cool Court let's play golf ball one two two sides we need two teams I'll start one team I'll start the other we can take turns one player on my team then one on yours three you're with me four you're on my side last but not least ten [Applause] picking sides and playing games both our teams need funky names that's a great idea sex each team think of a name we can be the yellows huh but we're not all yellow oh right hmm hey look easy watch me [Music] not fair we don't all have big flat even tops like you that's it when we stand two blocks wide everyone on my team does have an even top see ah so let's call ourselves the even tops [Music] none of us have flat tops we've all got one odd block sticking up oh you know what I mean all right then let's call ourselves the odd blocks [Music] let's play basketball oh it's Christmas events over here wait wait wait Who's Gonna Keep score I know what's this one for the odds two for the evens let's play those four [Music] a green don't try to have two points to the evens now let's see that again in slow motion look at that two two lots of two three lots of two in fact each of the evens is two more than the one before let's see what the odd box can do one three five seven nine amazing two points to the odds that makes the score to all and started with one one and There She is again on top of two making three and again on two twos look each of the odds is two more than the one before with an odd one sticking out on top [Music] with the school level it's all to play for what can they do now [Music] that's what's even numbers do three five seven nine we are hot and we feel fine nine seven five three one odds are having so much fun [Music] the odd blocks beat the even tops by a magnificent three points to two [Applause] [Music] what can I say even we couldn't beat the odds well if you can't beat them join them [Music] [Laughter] steps yay squares is everyone ready for the annual steps versus Square's treasure hunt whoever brings back the most trophy pieces wins you can use any tricks and skills you like oh sounds like fun don't mind me I am 36 and I am a big fan of Tricks then stick around and watch anything goes in this contest including starting before I say go looks like we're one step ahead hey come on squares after them [Music] there it is the next trophy piece I have a perfect seven step plan [Music] got one one find a helicopter and fly it over the beach step two lower a rope towards the cage step three tie a gigantic magnet to the house you snooze you lose you oh after them step shape detected all clear foreign there it is how do we grab it without being spotted shame we're not step shaped quick hide four on the floor [Music] oh dear alert non-step shape detected a perfect camouflage thank you step shapes detected all clear look at this squares can make up and down steps so we can very tricky oh oh [Music] oh [Music] got it quick before [Music] intruder alert tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle run for it it's not fair those strong squares could break this ice like oh I got you and look what we can do two-step shapes can make a square we can beat them at their own game oh hey step squads are the best no squares are Tara what happened there then welcome back let's count your pieces and see who's won [Music] ugh don't look at me [Music] I gave mine to um wait who did I give it to I'm so glad you asked you gave me a trophy piece 28 when I was step-shaped and you gave me the second piece 16 when I was square wait are you a step squad or a square yes exactly I mean I both I'm a square and a step Squad so who do I like tricks I am Puzzle Master 36 but who won steps or squares that's easy you both did because 36 was on both teams [Music] that's good Agent 15 ready for action the super specialty reset Squad is here [Music] oh oh free balloons Squad the super special secret Squad is here oh me Squad all by myself I'll give it a go step one chase the balloon my plan is working perfectly foreign [Music] one two three three escaped balloons if only step squads were here look at me yep shaped two two maybe I can be can be a squad [Music] step one step two pedaling hard [Music] one plus two plus three equals six one two three four five six balloons have now been freed I know exactly who we need the super special secret Squad is here look at that it must be true can be a step Squad too [Music] one Chase step two pedaling hard step three with a net [Music] [Music] one plus two plus three plus four equals you naughty bird you bring those one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten balloons back I need step Squad the super special secret Squad is here can it be yes it can a squad 2 [Music] . step two heading hard step three step four rest the square foot [Music] grab them one plus two plus three plus four plus five equals fifteen the super special C reset Squad is here [Music] agent 15. does this make me a double agent you passed my test with flying colors red orange yellow green and blue well done all of you all of us all of you step squads 15. you're a step Squad oh and ten you're the step Squad too one two three and four [Music] you're a step squat one two and three and three you're a step squad one plus two and one you fit the pattern so you're a step Squad as well one [Music] I hope the 10 gets back here soon I want to fly up to the Moon Ten's rocket rides are really wait for it taking off [Music] we flew to planet seven where the skies are made of rainbows thanks ten I'm lucky to have a friend like you it's my pleasure seven so who's next um but only if you're not too tired what if we all go at once then it's only one trip I suppose I can give it a try oh blaster oh sorry I need a rest no more rocket rides for a while this feels like a job for step Squad ten with a four-step plan to reach the Stars [Music] step one let ten have a nice sit down step two build more rocket Towers step three build more Rockets step four blast off to the Stars great plan leave the towers to me octo block build one two three four five six seven eight build oh dear friend that should be plenty now let's make rockets one one plus two plus three plus four is ten five you're next five plus six leaves one block out the frame I'll slide it down and start again one me next one plus seven is eight plus eight is Much Too Tall whoa you've got six blocks sticky at the top slide them down for the next rocket six plus nine is ten plus five my turn I'm feeling much better for that rest five plus ten is ten and five would you look at that five rockets with five blocks left over together what have you got ten twenty Thirty forty fifty fifty five the Starship Explorer my 10-step mission to step boldly where no number block has stepped before how lucky is that we all happen to add up to a step Squad um well actually think about it start out with one add up in a line you'll get step squats every time the next number is the next step once you spot the pattern you can see each step is one bigger than the step before you don't have to count you know it will be excellent work crew and now let's do it by the numbers one plus two is three plus three is six plus four is ten plus five is fifteen plus six is twenty one just seven is twenty eight plus eight is thirty six plus nine is forty five plus ten is fifty-five crew standby for countdown ten nine eight seven six five four three two one [Music] crook standby for spacewalk [Music] nine eight seven six five four three two one see this is one small step for numbers one giant step squad for number kind engage [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 8,141,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, numberblocks full episodes, numberblocks episodes, cbeebies, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, alphablocks, numbers for kids, count to ten, count to five, counting for kindergarten, counting for preschool, picnic, square numbers
Id: tw8xEwONAr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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