Rainbow Senens Club! ๐ŸŒˆ | Maths for Kids | Learn to count - 123 | Numberblock

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rainbow seven yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa I'm a totally new number dude dude check it out [Music] sweets to make me skateboard I am 14. and I live to skate one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen extreme I wanna be a skater I wanna be greater than the rest I'm gonna write to a tail slide I wanna be better than the best I'm gonna nail all the tricks all the Ollie's pops and Cake flips trust me sooner or later I'm gonna be a skater [Music] [Music] in the middle of one of my brand new tricks I've got my lucky double to get me out of trouble [Music] [Music] we don't need dice to do these tricks time extreme 14 and I'm Keen to show you what my lucky double seven can do Lefty double set fun maybe you've got a lucky double too double ones make two seven double twos make four four double threes make six six double four is big eight eight double fines make ten ten double sixes twelve twelve double sevens meet fourteen oh that's sad extreme 14 I'm 14. [Music] I'm riding on an elevator straight to skate to heaven and whenever I get 10 to a fix in the middle of one of my brand new tricks to get me out of trouble [Music] maybe you've got a lucky double too I wanna be a skater I wanna be greater than the rest I'm gonna ride do a tail slide up on a beat better than the best pops and kickflips trust me sooner or later I'm gonna be a skater [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen I wanna be a skater yeah I can't wait to visit the pattern Palace is it far this is shortcut around this Ridge if you can cross the balancing Bridge [Music] [Music] [Applause] whoops I guess I forgot to put the safety locks on I say we go softly softly like this [Music] we need to balance the bridge out before 15 falls off but I'm not big enough to do it alone ten is less than 15 you need 50 blocks to balance me out but 15 is 10 and 5. so if I land a hand oh two plus five equals fifteen grab hold we need to reach The Far Side so we can lock the bridge I can do this I am three by four I am a rectangle wow that is so cool thanks [Music] what's going on oh 12 needs balancing and 12 is ten plus two come on ten wait where's ten bit busy sorry then we need another ten ah seven three you can make ten oh that's lucky plus three plus two equals [Music] plus two equals grab hold we're halfway there what could possibly go wrong morning look out routine you said it we need to balance 13 but we haven't got a three or a ten maybe I can help I'm only one less than ten and that's close oh and after that we need three more blocks so that adds up to one two three four four blocks oh Square power nine plus four equals ten plus three and both sides equals thirteen one more Bridge To Go [Music] to balance out 14. somehow OCTA block think one two three four five six seven eight think Hmm foreign how do I get from 8 to 14. huh from eight to ten takes two blocks and 14 is ten and four so I need four blocks more which makes one two three four five six [Music] eight eight six equals fourteen grab hold thanks to our team we've got a clear run at goal [Music] foreign [Music] hey I guess the shortcut's not so Swift next time we can take the lift there's a lift s thank you for coming to play my big new game I'll roll the dice to start my friends this game is called how many tens [Applause] thank you six times ten equals 60. I am 60 here to play with 60 spots hip hip hooray [Applause] [Music] see six lots of ten is a new high score I'm six tens or ten sixes [Music] come on oh oh no oh no so game dice I'm sure you'll see that dice again it's calls for another 10. seven times ten equals seventy I am 70. you lucky numbers as luck would have it I'm seven tens so I'm also question [Music] I see it it's way over there but how can we get it back again luck is in the air tonight here comes another ten [Music] 80. I am okay super auto block to the rescue secretly I'm eight tens but this is a job for 10 eggs assembled robe octo block forward [Music] smash [Music] the biggest hero of all oh there's always someone bigger look up in the sky it's another 10. 10 equals 90. I am 90. you won't believe your eyes [Music] are you a square or not I can't tell [Music] grid is 10 blocks by 10 blocks but I am one column short oh one row either way I'm not all square and now are you Vanishing trick guys now you don't [Music] and what have we got here [Music] 20. 30 40 50 60. 70. 18 and [Music] [Applause] 19.90s got the highest score but I wonder how long for okay throwing twos you be Reds I'll be Blues sounds like fun I'll draw a line [Music] I'm bigger so I'll start ten minus two equals eight [Music] [Music] [Music] and now the right he's on my head now out of sight up high down low too slow ah action [Music] octoblock [Applause] [Music] two points to Blues I'm bigger now show it's my turn nine minus two equals seven [Music] ready let's go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh see me look at me penalty unfair distraction which means four two better luck next time here we go seven minus two equals five [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Four Points each six minus two equals four [Music] [Applause] [Music] four five minus two equals three [Music] what six points each four minus two equals two [Music] hey not me [Music] penalty round two oh six eight three minus two equals one [Music] final round ready go oh me lender hand or two thank you up there please one two yay [Music] hang on [Music] eight points each it's a draw [Music] that was fun same time tomorrow [Music] game on yeah [Music] oh what was that [Music] hello one two one two one oh what's that it's one one fluffy thing [Music] I wish I had a fluffy okay one two two fluffies they won't stop tickling what do we do now tell the others come on look at me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] one two three four four fluffies [Music] would you look at that one two three four five five floppies on five fingers [Music] [Music] Let's Roll yes [Music] Nucky running into all of you I see you've met the fluffies too aren't we all Lucky come on loveies one two three four five six [Music] how lucky is that oh have you all had enough tickling don't you just make sevens then how I'll show you one and six it's so fun music seven oh that's better [Music] oh that's better three and four three plus four equals [Music] ah they've all stopped we are so lucky what do we do now oh hey have no fear octoblock is here octopuck tickle one two three four five six seven eight tickle [Music] [Applause] oh ready for more [Applause] nice picnic I can't wait it looks so yummy that's a five-star picnic let's get stuck in shall we oh the Sun the sun's gone in that's unlucky starting to rain that's unlooking that's raining a lot [Music] everyone got the umbrella I've got one only one I can share it [Music] [Applause] [Music] equals seven [Music] I am seven am I in heaven you're in numberland oh lucky me oh a rainbow [Music] what what happened look oh a mirror that's lucky one two three four five six seven seven colors and all the colors of the rainbow and a stroke of luck luckily I know just what to do now seven minus one equals six all you lovely blocks are my friends I'm the luckiest number Block in the world I'm lucky number seven I'm in a happy place the sun is always shining and there's always a smile upon my face and all day long I have good luck I'm lucky number seven and everything is falling into place I'm lucky number seven and as you might have guessed I always win the rapper with seven on your side your seven blessed in a pickle you're in luck I'll help you out when you get stuck and if you stick with seven everything will work out for the best rainbow time [Music] my first block is the same as you orange my second block is the same as two yellow my third block is just like number three green my fourth is green as you can see blue for five Indigo for six Violet is for seven oh that's B I've got seven rainbow colored blocks that makes me unique I got seven pairs of pants and socks one for each day of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday one two three four five six seven I've got seven golden tickets one two three four five six seven all my ducks are in a row Nothing's Gonna Stop Me you're my traffic lights are on go I'm lucky number seven I'd like to chance my arm into situations there's really no reason for alarm I take problems in my strike I got fortune on my side I love you number seven when you're with me I'll be your lucky charm time for adventure to Number Block Castle great how do we get in maybe if we pull that handle [Music] if only I was a little bit taller five taller than four so how do we get five [Music] four plus one plus one equals five [Music] [Music] dead end six is good with dice how do we get six [Music] four plus two equals six Hello friends here's my advice it's time for me to roll the dice watch me give a little throw and you'll know which way to go [Music] one two three one two three [Music] seven doors which door is right maybe seven can help how do we get seven [Music] four almost three equals seven oh I feel lucky this way is he peasy look at meezy we're stuck no we're not we could swing from the flagpoles we need someone with very long arms to stretch that high hey how do we get eight [Music] four lost three plus one equals eight up to block swing one two three four five six seven eight swing [Music] [Applause] squares are strong let me try oh no [Music] need a bigger Square nine how do we get nine foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you oh how are we gonna get out [Music] if 10 was here we could rock it out through there how do we make ten down four plus three plus two plus one equals ten ten nine eight seven six five four three two one blaster four three two one what an adventure we may be little numbers but when we work together we're still the kings and queens of the castle [Music]
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 2,614,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, numbers for kids, count to ten, count to five, #12345, kids, numbers, kindergarten, nusery, rainbow, rainbow numbers, colourful numbers, maths, cartoon, 123, learn to count to seven, seven, learn to count 1 to 100, 100000, colourful maths
Id: W5yMHGq38eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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