🐸 Playing Games! Wonderful Discoveries in Numberland 🌻 | 45 mins of Numberblocks | Learn to Count

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it's tough being a detective in the big city when nobody needs your help with no big cases to crack I've been feeling a little gray detective one's office a missing blogs case you see a big one I'll be right [Music] there detective one thanks goodness you came two four yum eight 10 I should have known big tum the friendly monster who loves popping blocks into his big snuggly tummy yum yum who's in my tum let me see this is an even tops Expedition that's right we're all even numbers yum standing in a line two big every time so the missing number is two more than four and two less than eight whichever way you look at it six is in your tum yum yum well done well done one you cracked the case I was in that cozy place you're welcome six yum yum what's going on oh the magic home mirror big Tom is going to Alpha land quick after [Music] him my mate has gone missing detective one on the case tell me everything it was only moments ago I declare my magnificent new munching room open w welcome to the big Yum Big yum terrific this looks like a capital spot for a big cup of tea Big T T Big T [Music] oo new blocks yum yum Tut Tut yum yum who's in my tum I saw it all it was tea tea is in your tum yum yum well done tremendously toasty in there come on big tum let's get you back to [Music] oh Catch Me If You Can yum yum he's got someone quick what happened both of us bolted down this back alley and then someone ran into us coming the other way who ran into you I don't know I had my eyes closed they grabbed my hand I grabbed be we all called out and yum yum who's in my tum we need to work out who's gone missing look for Clues is there anything strange or unusual here I should think so this stinky bin was not here an instant ago a bin appeared from nowhere alpha blocks can make things appear when they hold hands and say their letter sounds that's it if we can work out which letter sound sounds make bin we can work out who's missing let's try it say the word bin say each sound b i bin bin starts with a B that's my letter sound then I which is my sound and the final sound is b i bin n is the missing letter sound n makes the sound n so n is in big Tums tum yum yum well done nice Catch Me If You Can yum yum here we go again it looks to me as if another threet word was made b g what a your letter sounds b g b g what sounds like B G oh get away you buzzing bug bug that's it B uh G the missing sound is a that means you is in big Tums tum yuck yuck your stuck uh-uh unlucky it must be a vowel though a e i o u a makes an a sound that would be B A my bag of apples annoying not a e makes an e sound b e g e beg your pardon very excited to be here at Capital Tower not e in case you get any big Ideas I am not inside that hairy tum H not a not e not I not U so how about o o makes an o sound b o g bog a bog is a sort of Swampy Marsh like this one oh is in TS tum yum yum well done we soled big Tums riddles and saved all the alpha blocks Brillion incredible [Music] great big Yum Yum Yum big big jum this face keeps getting bigger big big Tong's tongue is empty yum yum yum yum yum oh no big big [Music] tum 10 stop woo 10 is in your tum big the tum 10 is in your tum worth a try but he's too high up to hear you oh no hello up [Music] [Music] there 10 great thinking oh that's a whole new way to make 10 [Music] Big T 10 big 10 I'm still 10 blocks but I'm 10 very big blocks I have an idea t n can you swap places please B big e net big [Music] net got him but I can't take either of them home at this size [Music] oh not big not big yum yum tiny tum case closed thanks to your quick thinking detective o oh and so capital city was saved tiny tum grew back into big tum once he got to numberland and his new friends gave him a present to remember them by being a detective is such fun and there are all sorts of puzzles waiting to be solved [Applause] woo plus who equals woohoo not a real sum folks the atmosphere here at numberland stadium is electric get ready for a rolicking rumble the first ever loocks versus blocks obstacle Reay race I reckon it's time to reveal our Runners starting with a classic lineup for the home team 1 2 3 4 five number [Music] blocks ready to meet their Rivals give a rosing roar for the alpha blocks [Music] [Applause] [Music] teammates ah mat [Music] exercise they certainly have some unusual abilities but will this team of friends Pals Chums whatever you call them be able to beat the odds or rather the odd even odd even [Music] odds [Music] it's race time Runners ready ah a block in the starting blocks ready one one block in the starting blocks ready then what are we waiting for oh yes for me to say start the countdown 5 4 3 2 1 Z [Music] did we miss anything no good Let's Race through the rules the obstacle relay race has five stages reach the next stage and a new Runner joins your team mhm one runner in the first round two runners in the second round three runners in the oh you get the [Music] idea one reaches the relay point and is reunited fed with two let's hope they're not phased by this crazy maze he says um um here their Rivals are rapidly catching up Tick Tock time is ticking agreed accelerate one two one two you know I think these te teams need to work out there teamwork oh if only I could see over here friend hop up no you for goodness sake I'll do it it's that way annoying another dead end let's try teamwork take my hand and at at aha the arrow shows where we're at terrific turn left then turn left tip toop the alpha blocks are on the right track but the number blocks remain The Front Runners I did it me [Music] me don't stop now ooh game on up the ladders down the snakes let's hope I can avoid mistakes rolling a six right off the bat the rules require each team to reach the other side of the board let's hope the alpha blocks land on some lucky ladders here they go exit over here excellent e eager to get on let's take a time out what are they doing e tea what are you doing taking tea there's always time for tea refreshing refreshing but risky their Rivals are racing ahead with a really long ladder in reach roll let two and I'll climb to the top for a one or a three and downwards I'll drop I've teams of run and twos and threes the twos should find this roller Breeze not that no good that's better Third Time Lucky well that was lovely but it looks to me like you're out of the race Tut Tut take another look eat [Music] eat well told you there was time for tea the rules say reach the other side of the board but they don't say how sneaky a bold move from the alpha blocks means the teams are neck and neck going into stage [Music] four magnificent munching teammates Army hearties prepare to face that robotic Rascal loopus better watch out she's a wild one time for a hug four + three + 2 + 1 equal 10 Up and Away with Rocket Power [Music] high five very high five too tricky maybe we can make something ah what can we do to calm down an angry octopus excuse me the number blocks reach the final stretch surely they'll rump oh no poor alpha blocks I almost wish we could lend them a hand Hush Hush yes we won wait wait wait they ran in Reverse giving their Rivals a chance to Rally but block to puss is proving hard to control wait who's this on the pitch I recognize him it's magic e get ready for a long vowel a tame tickle tickle tame BL octopus maybe you can help us make it across the lake amazing it's seems hopeless but we can't just stop we should seek a solution team that's it if they can travel by rocket power we can try e e m [Music] steam steam [Applause] [Music] power both teams running for the Finish line but the alpha blocks are running on Rails so long see you m teams remarkable both teams are now riding the [Music] train it's a dead Heat incredible I don't think anyone could possibly have predicted that result alpha blocks and number blocks are remarkable when they work together as teams but it's loads more fun when they all come together as mates [Applause] woohoo it's the super superhero team up you've all been waiting for the incredible octo block and the exciting X together at last in crossover in the numberland stadium 11 prepares to take a penalty but at that very moment somewhere in alpal land K kicks the ball he shoots [Music] [Applause] suddenly scores go wait what alpha blocks and number blocks switching places there's only one hero who can sort this out the exciting aut block all right then there are only two Heroes who can sort this [Music] out an alpha block here in numberland h they must have used the magic home mirror to travel here but where is it magic home mirror not detected but I am detecting more alpha blocks we three are the [Music] three confusing someone is switching number blocks with alpha blocks this feels like the work of octo naughty but that naughty number is no longer in numberland and now I've stolen the magic home mirror I'm in charge of who can travel between alal land and numberland time for our trip [Music] typical huh rip whoa we need help extremely quickly did somebody say x extraordinary how did you get here I haven't a clue I was racing 24 on the raise track and zap here I am and I think I saw T disappear you've been exchanged 20 and T but why because it's funny of course why is X so serious Octor naughty I'll take it from here you look a little cross maybe you should cross over [Music] welcome to numberland friend hello Chums lovely racing weather I can keep this up all day and all right octo naughty the game is up I'm not octo naughty octolock draw 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 draw stop this is octo naughty you're right extremely sorry octony tricked me he's using the magic home mirror to switch alpha blocks with number blocks as I suspected three and C 11 and K 20 and T and now 24 and X but why those numbers with those letters there must be an explanation what say we team up and save the day I like your style to the oo cave let's see if we can spot a pattern in these crossovers 11 and K both like football but what has t got in common with 20 we're missing something we're missing out lots of numbers for a start maybe it will help if we add them in so many blank spaces we'll never work it out have patience my excellent friend friend I expect when we get the explanation it will be as obvious as ABC a b c c is the third letter of the alphabet and C swapped with three what about k k swapped with 11 is K the 11th letter A 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 e e 5 F 6 G 7 h 8 I 9 J 10 k 11 T 20 x 24 they all match up Octon Nai is swapping alpha blocks with the number block whose number is their position in the alphabet so you've cracked my little code boohoo well I don't care I'm safe here in alphaland and without the magic home mirror you two do gooders are stuck in numberland no superheroes means nobody to stop [Music] me this looks extremely bad he's right without me there are no superheroes in Alpha land but there is another superhero in numberland 27 she's a super Cube like me OCTA block Cube 2x 2x two 27 is 3x3x3 her Cube powers are exceptional so if we can trick Octon nauy into taking 27 to alphaland she will soon end his game octo computer what's the 27th letter of the alphabet error there are only 26 letters in the alphabet exclamation mark he's one step ahead of us again one step ahead of 26 there are 26 alpha blocks but 26 + 1 is 27 we need to get a message to A and Z the Theo signal [Music] wake up my friends there's a message for you a signal what does that say zoom in zebras Zed plus a it must be from octoblock and X they want the two of you to go after octony we can't be there First Choice so we must be their last chance I'm going to have so much fun with no superheroes to stop me allow us to introduce ourselves we're A to Z and we're coming to get [Music] you is that the best you can do bye no one in the world can stop me now no one we might have something to add to that 26 + 1 equals no 27 give it up Octor never if I can bring you here I can send you back you're forgetting there's no 27th letter for me to switch with oh time for a swift get world I don't like the look of that by the power of three manions we've got you surrounded not quite any anywhere is better than here excellent work Cube Crusader and with the magic home mirror back to normal alphal land and numberland were soon put back in order as for Octan nobody was sure where he ended up only that it was somewhere he couldn't get up to Mischief again until the next time spor cus take it from the [Music] top perfectly pitched please play [Music] [Applause] on too loud too high I can go higher oh [Applause] terrific view excellent Echo I like singing high notes but this isn't what I imagined at least we're as high up as we can possibly get [Music] up ha I wanted to be highest one one sky one one Galaxy one million stars and one me calling numberland come in numberland this is one Speaking I've come so far and seen so many wonderful things what I'd really like is someone to share them with [Music] a hello a new friend um shouldn't a have come down by now heads up everyone here she H who are you good question I am one one block I can see that but who are you that's my name I'm one I was traveling through space for ever so long and then I saw [Music] someone yes that's her so I came down to say hello excellent let me welcome you to alphaland we're alphal blocks alpha blocks how funny I'm a number block nice to meet you and is your letter all right letter what letter it's right there I know an ie when I see one oh no this is my ey this is my numbering it represents how many blocks I am one one block I don't recognize those symbols though are they your numbers these are letters they tell you what our sounds are I'm e my sound is e I'm te and I like tea well I like things there are one of one one teacup tell me if you're One Number Block are there more number blocks you could say that would you like to meet some more uh are they up there not up there over here one moment I'm not sure I like her interrupting my singing like that try to be inviting I she came an amazingly long way alone hello me hello me hello you oh you can make copies too yes if we need to make our sounds longer e see impressive but can you do this 1 + 1 equal two I am two how do you do yes I'd like to know too how do you do that and where are those ones did they pop off no no they're both still here I'm two I'm one two two blocks that's what my numbering stands for two blocks are two lots of one see [Music] My my what happened terribly sorry T to I can explain if we hold hands and sound our letters out sometimes things happen pit oh if our letter sounds make a word magic happens that's incredible it isn't as incredible as this mirror it didn't work magic mirrors only work on number blocks like this and this tremendous tripling one two three did someone call 1 2 3 me me me amazing is that intended to impress well yes actually some blocks need to learn a few manners it's called adding numbers can add together to make bigger ones like this 1 + 3 equal four hello you're huge is that any better I think that's better I like being Square you can change shape of course I can whatever order I put my blocks in as long as there's 1 2 three four of them then it's me four and you're 1 + three I certainly can be see or on two twos you choose or even four ones it's the same amount I can't believe my eyes why what happens with alpha blocks what would happen if you got on top of you I imagine I'd fall off oh utterly undignified perhaps I could perch upon you I that's no way to make a number be rational it was three that started it with her impertinent ideas is impertinent as if I'm not the one who's all I I I three please we've only just got here did you intend to stay long oh I I don't know I've been traveling on my own for so long I just wanted to make friends what do you say alpha blocks and number blocks can we be friends I don't know we're so very different oh [Music] you sure have a way with words oh you understood that he just said oh a lot you get used to it he said if we don't have a lot in common that only means we should try harder well I suppose but we really are quite different you know we're alpha blocks we're number blocks we both have blocks in our name we're alpha blocks we're number blocks but we're not the same as different as you and I as different as 1 2 3 we stand in line we stand up call we're not the same at all alpha blocks are all one size number blocks get bigger each of us has just one shape we can all refigure we all have symbols on our heads but they mean different things alpha blocks have letters numbers numberings our letters represent a sound you hear this sound when I'm around mying is my amount that's how many blocks you'll count 1 2 3 three could be that we are not the same at all we're alpha blocks we're number blocks we both have blocks in our name we're alha blocks we're number blocks we're really not the same we say our names to count things till we complete the set 1 2 three three letters we make our sounds to SP out words pet whichever way you add us up the total matches snap our order is important up not add any number of blocks together you make more numbers on forever Al blocks must watch their step there's no such word [Music] as I we're not the same at home we're alpha blocks we're number blocks we both have blocks in our name we're Alpha BLS we're number blocks but we're not the same i i i me me me not the same as you can see we stand in line we stand up T we're not the same at home we're not the same at home we both like [Music] [Laughter] singing alpab blocks we're nearly there they can't wait to meet you everybody keep up these blocks sound brilliant but how many did you say there were there were six sort of but as soon as you look around there's a whole load [Music] more oh hello be right back would have only painted you 16 times there that's more my style it's getting increasingly out of hand they've been looking in that mirror question who wants a around the world race answer did you really need to ask the question six Ray and Away these must be your friends I'm one you must be B and behind me is where's C crumbs Cy excuse me asking but how many of you are there it's kind of hard to say can I borrow that hello who's the biggest right now why that would be me nice Planet you've got here he's big all right but did you say biggest right now yes you see the thing about numbers is there is no biggest number cuz if you take the biggest number you can think of hello and and one more you get an even bigger number every time 21 number Explorer so pleased to be here I have so many questions you're not the only one but how can there be no biggest number it's hard to get your head around put it this way it's like space I I traveled ever so far leaving my Planet far far behind but for all the distance I've come I'm no closer to the edge of space because space doesn't have any edges it keeps going on and on forever you can't ever reach the end of it because it's infinite it goes on forever and so do we you can keep adding all the blocks you like you'll never never reach infinity infinity you mean you might make an infinite number of number blocks with that magic mirror well it would take an infinitely long time but what enough about us how many of you are there uh actually I can't say we make up the alphabet but we've never really counted it well let's change that number blocks are born to count count line yourselves up and let's get exploring a 1 b 2 counting things is what we do C3 e four and E five everybody to drive F 6 G 7 h 8 I 9 J 10 k 11 kick it l 12 M 13 10 and three is what you mean and 14 oh 15 16 the party queen Q 17 18 racing through we're really Keen s 19 and T makes 20 d for 2 * 10 is plenty U 21 V 22 23 it's w x is 24 hooray X is here to save the day y 25 Z 26 times Fain Che out this list a b c d e f g h i j k l and m halfway there the same again n o p QR s t UV W XY Z how many letters in the alphabet 26 2 13s W that was fun absolutely I think all 26 of us enjoyed that I thought there might be more of us 26 is much less than infinity no no no that won't do you should focus on what you can do not what you can't what can we do you tell me well I can show you one trick k k hello C can I be on your team okay that's clever two letters together making one sound let's see what you can make now not quite what I had in mind ooh ooh B join the line B [Music] Block cold still not quite right but we're getting close H that ice made my legs quite numb I see what you're trying to say we need an n and you you H maybe another B we need an uh [Music] sound uh b b s block hello world incredible I I mean we made number blocks and if you can make these two you can make more and more which means you can make exactly as many number of blocks as we can make and not just blocks you can make locks and clocks and socks and docks and frocks and and anything you can name you may be 26 little letters but if you work together you can make anything awesome you know we may have our differences but there's one thing we're both good at making I think I know where this is going so do I we're both good at making [Laughter] [Music] friends we're alpha blocks we're number blocks we both have blocks in our name we're alpha blocks we're number blocks we're so glad that you came we're little blocks who love to learn we love to make you friends when it gets tough we don't give up we try hard to the end so whether we are numbers or we shout out one thing we agree on is we'll better all together and if we keep an open mind keep learning then we're sure to find no matter what our name in the end my all the hi R I'd like to invite you all to stay if you'd like thank you and I'm so glad we came but seeing you all happy here it makes me miss my home it's so far are away easily fixed with the help of magic e e magic e i can team up with other letters without even touching them see oh oh m home is that a portal home I'm home I no number land anywhere one it's one welcome home ah the parties on our [Laughter] planet we're alha blocks we're number blocks that's how this story ends we're alpha blocks we're number blocks and we're the best of [Music] friends [Music]
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 563,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, numbers for kids, count to ten, count to five, #12345, kids, numbers, kindergarten, nusery, playing games, games for kids, cartoons, 123, discoveries in numberland, numberland, 45 min, 45 mins of Numberblocks, Learn to count, addition, substraction, division, multiplication
Id: u0hKzlLuxwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 7sec (2887 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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