Every Kirby Villain: Weak to Powerful

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For an adorable little pink marshmallow, you’d be  hard-pressed to find a character as powerful as   Kirby. But even with his immense power, he’s still  got his work cut out for him with so many foes. But which of Kirby’s enemies–and frenemies–require   the stuff of legends to beat, and  which just need a few Hammer Flips? Hiiii! I’m Kifinos with 1upBinge, and  this is Kirby Villains: Weak to Powerful. Now, Kirby is a series that often blurs the  line of hero and villain. But we want to   take into account all the big bads of the  Kirby series–so even though King Dedede,   Meta Knight, and even Magolor  could be considered good guys   by this point–we still wouldn’t  feel right leaving them out. As usual, we’ll start with the Weakest villains  and work our way up to The Most Powerful. Starting things off, you better  hide that strawberry shortcake,   because here come The Squeaks to kick off our  list. Now, we want to make one thing clear:   while the titular Squeak Squad is at the bottom of  our list, that doesn’t mean they are weak by any   means–this is a ranking by Kirby standards,  after all. The Squeak Squad consists of the   super-speedy Spinni, the rough-and-tough Storo,  the mechanizing-weaponizing Doc, and of course   leader Daroach. They’re all fairly tough, able  to use their strength in numbers to tussle with   Kirby for treasure he finds on his adventure. Of  course, Daroach is the big guns of the group–with   the ability to teleport rapidly, toss countless  bombs and even a wand that shoots an ice laser,   he’s no small threat. He’s made even stronger with  the influence of Dark Nebula, who possesses him as   the penultimate boss. The Squeaks each have their  own quirks–complete with a leader who keeps them   together–but we have to put them at the bottom.  This isn’t because of any particular weaknesses   they have–they’re just a much smaller-scale  threat than any other villains on this list. The Mage Sisters are next. This trio–Francisca,  Flamberge, and Zan Partizanne–are disciples of   Star Allies’s main villain ,Hyness.  They respectively use ice, fire,   and lighting attacks to great effect.  They’re strong enough on their own,   putting up a good fight against Kirby and  company, but with all three of them together,   it’s absolute chaos–the Three Mage-Sisters boss  fight in Heroes in Another Dimension is arguably   one of the absolute hardest bosses we’ve seen in  a Kirby game! So…why on earth are they near the   bottom of our list if they’re strong fighters on  their own, and even stronger together? Well…here’s   the thing. Star Allies had a unique mechanic  where certain enemies and bosses were affected by   specific abilities and elements. With the Sisters’  elemental powers, you can probably see where this   is going. Francisca is weak to fire, Flamberge  is weak to ice and water, and Zan Partizanne is   weak to water. They put up a great fight, for  sure–but out of all the villains on this list,   they have the closest thing to a blatant weakness  that can pretty easily debilitate them. If you’ve   played Star Allies, you know how much these  element-based weaknesses absolutely trivialize   their fights–so while they’re not weak by any  means, we still have to put them pretty darn low. We adore you, Noble President Haltmann–we just  can’t put you any higher. Perhaps a controversial   choice to be so low on our list, Max Profitt  Haltmann is the head honcho of the Haltmann   Works Company–obviously. He plans to mechanize the  entirety of Planet Popstar, and with his robotic   army he gets pretty darn close. With a massive  army of robots at his disposal, a powerful mech   suit, and even the legendary machine Star Dream,  you’d think Haltmann would belong much higher on   our list, but there’s one factor that makes him  lose a lot of points–his lack of control. He’s   unable to control Star Dream, being corrupted  and turned into a puppet by simply holding   the control helmet near himself…or maybe that  corruption was because of Susie snatching it   away so quickly and suddenly. Either way, it’s  proof that, as many resources as Haltmann has,   he doesn’t fully have control over them–being  overthrown by his employee and even his computer.   Also, while having resources is great, Haltmann  himself still isn’t strong by any means–unlike   Susie, he’s shown to be absolutely nothing  without his mech suit. He’s a powerful man,   without a doubt, but Kirby has had bigger  threats–even in the same game. Speaking of… The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree–and  so Susie Haltmann blasts her way into our next   spot. The daughter of President Haltmann, Susie  is the secondary antagonist of Kirby: Planet   Robobot. She’s shown to be highly intelligent,  with her resources and smarts being absolutely   top-notch. She has a powerful mech suit ready  at the literal push of a button, and is able to   turn Meta Knight into a fighting machine to use  against Kirby–even somehow giving him a robot   scorpion tail, which we…really don’t wanna think  too hard about, honestly. With blasters, robots,   and a little drone for escape and mobility, Susie  is no slouch–she even managed to enact a plan to   hijack Star Dream from her boss. We place her  above the President primarily because we feel   that both her ability to double-cross him, as well  as her having further control over his resources   with him being…out of the picture…combine to  give her the upper hand. Even so, like Haltmann,   most of her power comes from weaponry–and while  that doesn’t make her weaker by any means,   we feel like the upper hand has to be given  to characters with more natural strength.  Wait, who put Squidward on this  list…? Oh, my bad–it’s just Hyness.   This mad cult leader checks off all the boxes  for a penultimate Kirby boss. Corrupted by a   dark force beyond his comprehension, the  Dark Hearts he’s using to summon Void   Termina? Check. Able to conjure up a variety of  magical attacks, like rapiers, pillars of fire,   and ice storms? Check. Absorbing the power of his  servants to strengthen his own powers and using   them as battering rams? Che–wait, that’s new.  And REALLY messed up, actually. We have to give   Hyness credit for his fighting prowess–as we see  both in the main game and in Another Dimension,   he puts up a solid fight and can even absorb  the power of his own associates to get the   upper hand on Kirby. Hyness is no joke, despite  only being at the end of our bottom five(and   despite the fact that seeing that face for  the first time made me laugh out loud). Still,   while he’s certainly strong, there  are MANY characters who outclass him. From one Switch game to another, we have  Leon. As the leader of the Beast Pack,   Leongar is unsurprisingly quite intimidating. He  has the entire beast pack at his disposal which,   in terms of power, is basically the Squeak Squad  on steroids. Leon himself is undoubtedly strong,   but while being a giant, buff lion is  certainly intimidating by our standards,   by Kirby’s it’s…not really that special. We give  him points for having some immense strength,   as well as unquestionable authority over the  Beast Pack–according to Clawroline, his being   controlled by Elfilis was pretty evident, but  they still stuck by him. That said, we have to   dock some points for one reason: as strong as  Leon is, he’s also a pawn for the main villain   of Forgotten Land, Fecto Elfilis. It may seem  unfair to dock him points for that, as honestly,   most main villains in the Kirby franchise are  possessed or influenced by greater evils at some   point. But in Leon’s case, Fecto has completely  taken over his body and mind–and while much of the   strength we see in his boss fight is indeed his  own, the more flashy attacks like mouth lasers and   giant forcefields of death are all Fecto Elfilis.  He’s still strong, don’t get us wrong–but there   are certainly greater threats. Still–we can’t help  but wonder what Leon is capable of on his own. Though debatable as a “villain,” Galactic  Nova definitely deserves a mention in our   book. This gigantic machine floats in the void  of space, granting wishes to adventurers brave   and powerful enough to reach it . Nova itself  doesn’t really fight–though destroying it is   part of the final boss, as Marx’s wish led to it  approaching Popstar with ill intent–but we can’t   possibly ignore its strength when it’s a machine  capable of granting any wish. We can assume that,   had Kirby not successfully destroyed its heart,  it would have been able to destroy Popstar–not   to mention its capability to summon Galacta  Knight, the (so-titled) strongest warrior in   the galaxy. Still, its power depends entirely  on the person making a wish on it, so we can’t   possibly place it too high. Now, if it had free  will, that would be a different story. Hmmm….. Well, anyway–Taranza weaves his way into our  next spot. To some, he might seem to be a bit   high on our list–but hear us out. Taranza is one  of few Kirby villains to not have a boss fight in   his debut appearance in Triple Deluxe. Even with  this being considered, however, he still has some   impressive feats; he can shoot powerful blasts of  energy, one of which was enough to incapacitate   and kidnap King Dedede–who is one of Dream Land’s  strongest inhabitants. He can also strengthen and   control others as puppets–throughout Kirby’s  quest to save King Dedede, he’s the one who   empowers most of the bosses Kirby fights along  the way–and also strengthens and controls King   Dedede. When he becomes playable in Kirby Star  Allies, he can also trap his opponents in webs,   grow a miniature Dreamstalk, and even summon  a phantom of Queen Sectonia for some quick   and powerful damage. Taranza has one of the most  varied powersets in the world of Kirby–and in the   Kirby Clash games, we see him transformed into  Dark Taranza, enhancing his power even further   through finally giving us a pretty sweet  boss fight with him. Though some of that’s   admittedly due to another villain’s influence–but  we’ll get to that later. Taranza has plenty of   tricks up his sleeve, and has some impressive  feats–we’d definitely have to place him higher,   were it not for the fact that he isn’t as  durable as other villains. He’s undoubtedly a   tough fighter with plenty of resources, but  considering how easily Queen Sectonia blasted   him off the roof of her castle out of anger, we  can at least say he isn’t quite final boss level. Yin-Yarn is next up–dang it, why didn’t we save  the “weave” pun for him?! Oh, well…we honestly   had a hard time placing this guy–and we really  aren’t sure whether our take here is controversial   or not. Yin-Yarn can conjure up and control  weapons and creatures made of yarn–and while   this wouldn’t be THAT impressive on its own(at  least compared to other characters in the series)   a sock around his neck has a portal to his home  world of Patch Land. By sucking the inhabitants   of Dream Land into it, he can transport them  there and turn them into yarn. This, of course,   requires him to get the jump on them–but  once they’re in his world, he basically has   full control over them. He manages to turn the  entirety of Dream Land into yarn and patches,   and to take control over Meta Knight and King  Dedede to turn them against Kirby. We still   aren’t sure what exactly Yin-Yarn was planning to  do with it, but having the ability to change the   literal fabric of an entire dimension should  not be understated. But despite all this,   he was pretty easily defeated by Kirby,  so we can’t give him TOO much credit. You might be a bit angry with us for even  including Dark Nebula, let alone putting   him anywhere but the bottom. But while this  was quite possibly(and infamously) the worst   final boss in Kirby history, it still isn’t weak  by any means. Dark Nebula checks all the boxes   for a dark force of evil and demon possession that  Kirby’s adventures are known for. It has some neat   elemental powers, greatly increases the power of  anyone it comes into contact with, and can only be   defeated with the legendary Triple Star(originally  wielded by Daroach). The difference between Dark   Nebula and many of the other “Dark” villains  in Kirby games is that Dark Nebula is trapped   in a treasure chest. We’re not sure how this  chest was enough to hold it–and the implication   is that King Dedede was guarding it before Kirby  unwittingly led the Squeaks to it–but nonetheless,   there’s only so much credit we can give the  so-called “ruler of the underworld” if he’s   just…stuck in a box and then beaten.  Some boxes are better left closed. Another darkness-shrouding villain, the  light-hating Necrodeus is worth a mention.   Appearing solely as the villain of Kirby: Mass  Attack, Necrodeus manages to split Kirby into   10 tiny versions of himself, rendering him  unable to use his usual copy ability powers.   Inhibiting Kirby to this extent is pretty darn  impressive–not to mention Necrodeus’s huge army   of Skullies and his ability to control enemies  and bosses to attack Kirby. Dedede just can’t   catch a break, huh… Our reason for not giving him  a higher position despite these impressive feats   lies in the fact that Kirby, despite his numerous  limitations in this game–no copy abilities,   smaller size, and no special weapons–still  managed to defeat Necrodeus. We can acknowledge   that he’s strong–but when other villains  have required much more to be taken down,   we can’t place him much higher. With that being noted, let’s talk about the very  first villain whose defeat required a special   weapon–the Nightmare Wizard. The final boss and  main villain of Kirby’s Adventure and Nightmare   in Dream Land, Nightmare Wizard is one of the  lesser-appearing villains in the Kirby series–only   showing up in those two games, Super Kirby  Clash, and the occasional cameo. Nonetheless,   he definitely leaves an impact; he was enough  of a threat that his very presence turned all   of Dream Land’s dreams into nightmares, and King  Dedede felt uneasy enough to enact a plan to   keep him at bay. Defeating Nightmare required  the power of the Star Rod, and it was no easy   task–Nightmare has an impervious cloak, requiring  Kirby to use the Star Rod with great precision to   get bullets inside his armor. He also possesses  great powers of speed and teleportation, and can   fire strong star-shaped projectiles at Kirby. He  also has his Nightmare Orb form, with even greater   mobility and projectile control. Nightmare Wizard  definitely lives up to his name–but as long as the   Star Rod–as well as Kirby and King Dedede–is  around, there’s not too much to worry about. We now move onto one of the most  iconic Kirby villains–Marx from Kirby:   Super Star. Placing one of Kirby’s most memorable  and popular villains this low definitely warrants   some explanation. Marx is a powerful jester who  likes to bounce around on a beach ball wherever   he goes. Like Taranza, he has a lot of tricks  up his sleeves…shoes…? These include–bear with   us–exploding beach balls, giant wings,  laser beams, black holes, teleportation,   extreme speed, sharp boomerang-shaped blasts of  energy, seeds that turn into long thorny vines,   ice energy bombs–et cetera. He’s also cunning,  able to trick the sun and moon into fighting and   getting Kirby to summon Galactic Nova to stop  them…only to steal the wish for himself at the   last moment, wishing to destroy Popstar. Marx  was also able to survive being beaten by Kirby,   as he returns as a Dream Friend in Kirby Star  Allies–showing that floating in the void of   space for many, many years was no problem  whatsoever for him. There’s no denying that   Marx is an absolute powerhouse–but he’s  not quite the godlike entity that many   of the further entries are. It’s also worth  noting that defeating him didn’t require the   use of any special weapons or abilities, which  separates him from most of the lower abilities. For our next entry, let’s reflect on the  mysterious Dimensional Mirror to talk about   Dark Mind and Dark Meta Knight. Wanting to rule  the Mirror Dimension, Dark Mind enlists Dark Meta   Knight to help him cause chaos and destruction  therein. Their ruthless evil is enough to not   only take over the Mirror world, but to seep out  and threaten Dream Land as well. We see this in   their capability to corrupt those who look  into the mirror–specifically Queen Sectonia,   who was given the mirror as a gift by a  well-meaning Taranza, and then Taranza   himself later on in Kirby Clash. Their influence  is among the greatest of the Dark Matter-esque   villains. We can also see in their boss fights, as  well as Dark Meta Knight’s moveset in Star Allies,   they have a solid variety of powerful attacks  and the ability to reflect those of others. Dark   Meta Knight can clone himself, summon gigantic  swords, and has all the fighting prowess of Meta   Knight–with arguably even more tenacity, whereas  Dark Mind has multiple phases–implying that he’s   extremely resilient. He also is strong enough to  warrant the use of Meta Knight’s legendary sword,   Galaxia. They’re intense threats in their  own dimensions, and can cross into Kirby’s   at times too–but because they’re confined  to the Dimensional Mirror to an extent,   we have to keep them lower than  the next few candidates. And also,   while Galaxia helped, it actually isn’t  needed to beat Dark Mind–just a note. Moving from reflections to royalty, next up is  Queen Sectonia. A once-kind citizen of Floralia,   Sectonia was tragically corrupted by the  Dimensional Mirror which was given to her as   a gift from Taranza. The cruel insect monarch  can teleport, conjure weapons and platforms,   has an army of loyal bug soldiers she can  summon any time–as well as Taranza–and rules   Floralia with an iron fist. Her vanity  causes her to merge with the Dreamstalk,   becoming a massive foe who envelops Planet  Popstar–making her one of Kirby’s largest foes   to date. She has control over countless  vines and flower…eyeball…minion things.   They can shoot explosives at Kirby,  conjure a shield with few weak points,   and can shoot massive lasers at Kirby–which  Sectonia joins them for. Sectonia even manages   to restrain Kirby momentarily–a feat very few  of Kirby’s opponents can lay claim to. It takes   Kirby using the Miracle Fruit to gain Hypernova  and reflect Sectonia’s attacks back at her to   ultimately take her down–if you tick her off, it  looks like you’ll need a bit more than bug spray. And from royalty to artistry, Claycia and the Dark  Crafter are up next. Hailing from Kirby and the   Rainbow Curse, Claycia works alongside Elline to  create Seventopia. Due to her excellent sculpting   skills, however, the Dark Crafter possesses her to  take all the color away from Dream Land–paralyzing   everyone therein, so it can take over. In addition  to this already impressive feat, the final boss of   the game shows just how formidable they are. With  a powerful forcefield that can only be broken by   her own projectiles, as well as the ability  to conjure up a variety of powerful weapons,   Claycia is quite the tough customer–and while  she’s able to be defeated by Kirby just repeatedly   ramming into her, Dark Crafter requires the Rocket  transformation–and can only be damaged with being   rammed into by Kirby…after being charged.  There are more durable bosses out there,   but these two get points for just how effectively  they managed to incapacitate Popstar–had Elline   not been able to restore Kirby and Bandana Dee’s  color, the land very well might have been doomed. Landing just outside of the top ten is Drawcia.  The villain of Kirby: Canvas Curse, Drawcia is the   original wielder of the Magical Paintbrush–which  she uses to turn Dream Land into a work of art…and   also remove Kirby’s limbs, making it so that  he’s only able to move with the lines drawn by   said paint brush. Like Necrodeus, Dark Crafter,  and Yin-Yarn, she’s able to completely alter   the fabric of Dream Land, and turn its strongest  inhabitants into limbless balls–even Meta Knight   and King Dedede. But we feel like she deserves  even further credit than those three because,   rather than needing to manipulate Dream Land’s  subjects–or anyone, really–Drawcia is able to draw   subjects to do her bidding and inhibit Kirby. She  essentially rebuilds the fabric of the world and   truly shapes it to do her bidding–she’s almost  a more threatening version of Yin-Yarn. It’s   also worth noting that Kirby still had his copy  abilities in Canvas Curse, implying that Drawcia   is a bit more durable than our last entries for  having to withstand that. She also lasts longer,   having the very first “soul” fight in the  series–and since it’s not delegated to the   True Arena, which didn’t even exist yet, we don’t  even have to debate whether it’s canon. Drawcia is   no doubt a threat–and honestly, we’d love to see  what she could do in a main series Kirby title. What’s with all the weird looks? Fine. Let us  explain why The Master Crown made it to our   top ten. Magolor’s plot to steal this source  of limitless power by manipulating Kirby and   friends to reach it for him initially seems  eerily similar to Marx’s plan to make that   wish on Galactic Nova. The difference, however,  is that while both of them grant extreme power   to their users to grant their desires of  world domination, the Master Crown sort   of has a mind of its own. We see this in  the final phase of Magolor’s boss fight,   in which it’s revealed that the Master Crown  takes over Magolor’s body, disfiguring it   beyond recognition with no desire to do anything  but destroy and dominate the universe. It’s able   to open rifts to other worlds, striking with  interdimensional thorns, shoot beams of energy,   summon small enemies, and even use Kirby’s super  abilities against him. That darn Grand Hammer/icy   floor combination STILL gets us every time.  In the new Return to Dream Land Deluxe game’s   Magolor Epilogue mode, the Master Crown acts  as the final boss–becoming a gigantic tree by   harnessing the power of a Gem Apple. All of its  powers return–as well as the confirmation that   it can not only summon enemies from Dream Land,  but another dimension entirely. It’s absolutely   wild to think that a source of this much power  could possibly be only at our number 10 spot,   but…well…it still requires a vessel to prosper.  That vessel does also grant it unique powers and   forms–as we see with what it did to Magolor and  the Gem Apple. But as powerful as Master Crown is,   trust us–the remaining characters  are where it gets REALLY crazy. Without further ado, let’s move on to  Magolor. Giving people trust issues   since 2011. Most of the powers we talked  about in the Magolor Soul fight during our   last entry could be applied to Magolor as well.  He can travel between dimensions with his ship,   the Lor Star Cutter–which he can summon at any  given time–has powerful energy sphere weapons,   a shield that’s completely invulnerable  to anything that isn’t a Super Ability,   and a plethora of other attacks. Magolor  is one of the heaviest hitters in the Kirby   series–especially once Star Allies came around,  where he had access to the Ultra Sword super   ability. In the aforementioned Magolor Epilogue  mode, we see him go on a quest to reclaim his   powers–he has increased health, can fire massive  laser beams, and can even open a gigantic black   hole to devastate his opponents. Magolor has an  insane variety of powers and attacks–and every   last one of them hits HARD. He even destroys the  Master Crown entirely as an act of atonement for   his earlier betrayal of Kirby. We forgive you,  Magolor–just…please stay on OUR side this time. Star Dream, the prized supercomputer of President  Haltmann, finally shows up for our ranking. If   you’ll remember our entry on Nova earlier,  think of Star Dream as…Nova 2.0. Basically,   it also has the ability to grant any wish–on  top of having free will. It decides to delete   Haltmann’s soul and destroy all organic life,  requiring Kirby to use his Robobot armor to   copy the Battleship Halberd to defeat  it. Star Dream can summon asteroids,   gigantic shields with durable weak points, and  even combines with Haltmann’s Access Ark to gain   a great deal of defense against Kirby’s  attacks. When it reaches its final form,   it summons different time-measuring tools,  and utilizes them in innovative ways to   attack Kirby. In the post-game modes, we find  out even more of its capabilities–it is able   to summon clones of powerful fighters  like Dark Matter and Queen Sectonia,   and even able to summon the real Galacta Knight.  And in the True Arena, its heart has a last-ditch   attack that can kill Kirby in just one hit.  Star Dream is described perfectly by the game:   it’s a cold, heartless machine–and we’ll tack  on “absolute menace to the universe” onto that   as well. It’s only this low on the list because  the remaining characters are simply THAT strong. Galacta Knight might hold the title  of “Greatest Warrior in the Galaxy”,   and is undoubtedly one of the coolest bosses  in Kirby history. He’s able to fight on even   footing with Meta Knight–and as we see  in Return to Dream Land, also with Kirby,   King Dedede, and Bandana Dee. With  lightning-fast strikes, a laser that   pierces the sky with a gigantic laser, the ability  to make swords and lightning rain from the sky,   and even tear a hole in the fabric of Kirby’s  dimension to fire a giant laser beam at him,   Galacta Knight is one of the most intimidating  fighters Kirby has ever faced. Heck, in the end of   Planet Robobot’s Meta Knightmare Returns mode, he  even destroys Star Dream in one strike. Granted,   it was Star Dream’s original form, but still–even  the Robobot Halberd took way more effort and time   to take it down. The only thing keeping Galacta  Knight from rising any higher is that…well,   for one thing, we don’t know much about him.  He’s one of the very few characters on this   list who hasn’t technically been confirmed as  “canon”--and very little is known about him   story-wise. As a result, we don’t know many of his  feats–all we know is that he’s a powerful warrior,   strong enough to be sealed away for eons out  of fear…but for the “Greatest Warrior in the   Galaxy,” Galacta Knight sure does lose a lot.  Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, and even Bandana   Dee take him down–though they do fight pretty darn  evenly, which is impressive on its own. There’s   also the whole “being dissolved by Morpho Knight”  thing, which…you know, let’s save that for later. Get ready for perfection–here comes Great King  Dedede just outside of our top five. Of all the   decisions to make on this list, perhaps the most  difficult was which of Kirby’s steadfast rivals   is stronger–King Dedede or Meta Knight. These two  have both been Kirby’s most formidable rivals for   decades, always able to fight with him on even  footing. But while both of these frenemies are   among the most powerful warriors in Dream  Land, Dedede does fall short. Let’s start   with everything great about him–ok, no, we’d be  here all day. We’ll just stick with him being   Dream Land’s most skillful hammer wielder(next  to Kirby), with firepower that makes bosses   absolutely shudder. He can also fly, inhale  enemies with even stronger force than Kirby   at times, slam to the ground with his intense  girth–heck, even tripping and falling is an   absolutely devastating attack from the King. Fun  fact–that’s actually the strongest dash attack in   Smash Ultimate. But back on topic–Dedede  is crazy strong. He’s also inventive and   resourceful–some of his resources include the Jet  Hammer which he used as a weapon to rival Kirby’s   godlike strength, the Kirby cloning machine he  invented in Battle Royale just for the fun of it,   an entire army of Waddle Dees, Waddle Doos,  Waddle Dums–wait, that last one’s not right.   Just a lot of tough little guys. There’s also  the aforementioned guarding of Dark Nebula in   his castle, the strength and connections to seal  Nightmare into the Star Rod and break it so that   he would stay sealed in the Fountain of Dreams,  saving Kirby from Sectonia’s clutches in Triple   Deluxe, fighting off the entire Beast Pack army in  Forgotten Land–we could be here all day, really.   King Dedede is also prone to getting possessed by  Dark Matter-types a lot–and while we COULD count   this against him, it actually often enhances his  strength. Under Taranza’s control, for instance,   he’s able to use a battle ax multiple times  the size of his Jet Hammer. That said, he is   frequently knocked out by Kirby, and as we saw in  Triple Deluxe, his proneness to being victimized   by greater villains can totally incapacitate  him at times–Taranza being the most notable   example. As such, as much as we’d love to put  the Great King higher, we’ve gotta keep him here. So naturally, kicking off our top five is  Kirby’s other, more stalwart rival–Meta   Knight. It could be said that King Dedede  and Meta Knight are pretty equal in power,   for the most part. Heck, in Kirby Fighters 2,  they even team up to fight Kirby. While King   Dedede is arguably more physically strong than  Meta Knight, the masked swordsman is certainly   much faster than his big buddy. Like King Dedede,  he has access to an army–and unlike King Dedede,   he has a giant battleship on top of that.  He’s able to rival Kirby consistently–and,   remember how we said earlier that King  Dedede was often knocked out by Kirby? Well,   there’s a reason we said that: Meta Knight is VERY  seldom knocked out by Kirby–even when possessed.   Once his mask is broken, he flies off–showing  that, while the two are about equal in strength,   Meta Knight has the upper hand in  resilience. As of Forgotten Land,   he resisted the mind control of Fecto  Elfilis by sheer willpower–and in Epic Yarn,   he nearly did the same against Yin-Yarn. As  admittedly biased as I am to King Dedede,   that mental fortitude makes it clear that Meta  Knight has the upper hand here…but just barely. And here we are–ID-F86…but you might recognize him  as Fecto Elfilis. Before Kirby and the Forgotten   Land released, there were two camps: Those who  thought Elfilin would be the twist final boss,   and those who had faith he would remain a  pure soul. Funnily enough, both camps were   right–acting as the overarching antagonist of the  game, Fecto Elfilis is the other half of Elfilin.   Having gone on a rampage in the Forgotten  Land, it was sealed away and more or less   turned into a zoo exhibit. Elfilis managed to  brainwash Leon, the leader of the Beast Pack,   not only making him exponentially more powerful,  but giving him control over the Beast Pack in its   entirety. Its brainwashing extends even further,  as it’s able to take control over King Dedede as   well–leading to him being at what is likely the  strongest he’s ever been. Combining its power   with Elfilin’s, Elfilis essentially turns into  a god–able to open portals to another dimension,   firing lasers, controlling spears from a  distance, and even pulling Kirby’s ENTIRE   PLANET through a vortex to try and make it  collide with the Forgotten Land–destroying   both of them. Elfilis would have succeeded, too,  had it not been for Kirby’s clutch transformation   of Big-Rig Mouth. Elfilis would be higher on  our list–he’d even make us debate our top pick,   honestly. But we have to bear in mind that he’s  an imperfect version of himself–and like a certain   great warrior from elsewhere in the galaxy,  Elfilis fell victim to–wait…is that a butterfly…? No, wait, that’s–Morpho Knight?! Yep–he’s taking  home the bronze medal of power. Morpho Knight   is one of the newest recurring Kirby villains,  debuting in Star Allies as the post game final   boss. In that game, he’s infamously one of  the easiest final bosses in the series…which   is surprising, given just how incredibly powerful  he is. His usual form is that of a little orange   butterfly that’s always flying around Kirby at  the beginning of his games. By simply landing on   Galacta Knight, he literally disintegrates  him–Marx and Magolor have NOTHING on this   betrayal. In Forgotten Land, he does the exact  same thing to Forgo Soul. Two of the most powerful   intergalactic threats in the whole series rendered  completely moot by a literal butterfly–and that’s   not even when he’s fighting! Morpho Knight  can distort your perception of reality itself,   confusing his opponents with sound waves that  make them unable to move properly until they   land another hit on him. He can also set up  an inescapable border around his opponents,   ensuring that it’s a fight to the death, and  has not one–but TWO gigantic swords that can   not only grow to Ultra Sword size, but also leave  moving walls of fire in their wake. He also takes   on attributes of the foes he absorbs, much  like Kirby himself–when he absorbs Forgo Soul,   for example, he can send its phantoms out against  Kirby. Add to this his resilience, teleportation,   and–we can’t stress enough–his full-on DELETION of  two major villains–and you have arguably the most   terrifying, mysterious character in the Kirby  universe. And to think we STILL have two more! The runner-up of Kirby’s powerful foes is the  Dark Matter Army. Many of Kirby’s opponents   have had strong armies of enemies to work  against the pink puff–but none have had   quite as much influence as the Dark Matter Army.  Primarily appearing in Kirby’s Dream Land 2, 3,   and Kirby 64, the Dark Matter forces are shown to  be capable of shrouding the entirety of Kirby’s   planet in darkness, possessing its inhabitants  and sending its own forces as invading soldiers.   Poor King Dedede is the most frequent victim  of their possession, and for Kirby to save him,   he often has to collect special items to build  legendary weapons–specifically the Rainbow Sword   and Love-Love Stick. In Kirby 64, he just has to  beat the Great King–but maybe Dark Matter slacked   off on its Dedede-possessing skill for a minute,  because in this game it not only invaded Pop Star,   but SEVERAL other planets as well. Kirby has to  team up with Ribbon of Ripple Star to collect   the Crystal Shards and defeat the forces of Dark  Matter. With its incredible influence covered,   let’s look at its fighting prowess.  There’s the Dark Matter Knight,   which is a skilled swordsman with a variety of  special attacks, and its true form which can   hardly even be touched without reflecting its  own attacks–even with the Rainbow Sword. And   then, of course, there’s Zero and Zero Two.  You might remember them as the classic Kirby   fare–you know, the GIANT BLEEDING EYEBALLS?  While both have their precise weak points,   their terrifying blood attacks do a great deal  of danger to Kirby–and even approaching them   requires special weapons. While Kirby’s  had harder individual fights than say,   Zero Two, the forces of Dark Matter as a whole  offer perhaps the greatest threat to Kirby’s   world–and that would make them, under normal  circumstances, an easy choice for our Gold   Medal of Power. But what if we told you that, as  strong as the Dark Matter Army is, it has a boss? As hard as the rest of this list was to put in  order, Void Termina actually made our top pick   pretty darn easy. For those wondering what  exactly Kirby is, Star Allies actually does   provide the answer. He’s the reincarnation  of a god of endless destruction and power,   and the source of Dark Matter. Yes, you heard  us right–the SOURCE OF DARK MATTER AND KIRBY.   Void Termina’s first form is terrifying enough,  and blows every other version of Dark Matter out   of the water. It’s able to summon countless  relics, like gigantic swords, powerful wings,   lightning spears, and–wait for it–the FREAKING.  MASTER. CROWN. What makes this horrifying power   even worse is that, with only a few weak points  on its body, Void Termina must be attacked on its   armor with very precise aim–and with the legendary  Star Allies Sparkler to even get in on its heart.   Once the heart is damaged, it rejects its  attackers and becomes even more powerful,   needing to be attacked on its armor again  before its assailants can approach its soul:   an eerily familiar-faced ball of energy able to  shoot giant lasers, grow needles, charge at Kirby,   duplicate itself–you name it, it can probably do  it. When Kirby and Void have their final standoff,   it takes Kirby summoning the power of all  his friends to ultimately get the upper   hand on this monster. What Kirby is–a pure,  incorruptible manifestation of positive energy   and kindness–Void is the exact opposite: a cold,  soulless being which only desires to dominate   and destroy everything in its path. There’s no  shortage of powerful foes Kirby has faced–but   there’s just as little room for doubt that Void  Termina is the absolute strongest of them all.
Channel: 1upBinge
Views: 99,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star dream, dedede amiibo, king dedede amiibo, Dark Mind, Zero Two, nightmare, kirby's dreamland 2, kirby star allies, kirby star allies for nintendo switch, kirby star allies nintendo switch game, Kirby: Canvas Curse, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, kirby and the forgotten land nintendo switch, Kirby’s Epic Yarn, amazing mirror, kirby triple deluxe nintendo switch, kirby glass, robobot, kirby sales, planet robobot, kirby 64, kirby wine glass, kirby lost world, kirby n64, kirby
Id: 5KcRqu9o1LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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