Every Jon "Bones" Jones Title Defense

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Jones to the body and it is all over John Jones light heavyweight champion of the world all right gentlemen this is for the ballot we'll be giving your instructions expect a clean fight you pay my commands all times defend yourselves at all times so let's go let's go back let's do this [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] look at this right when you think you've seen everything he pulls guard and tries a flying triangle foreign ER told him in between those rounds Jones that inside latex was there and those rides down [Applause] he's passing of this champion rampagers have been in the two wins [Applause] the ultimate ultimate [Applause] [Applause] football player behind the winner by top out due to a rear naked choke uh Johnny protect yourself at all times obey my commands at all times and the question for the Challenger any questions for the champion come on let's go touch them down step back he does everything crazy it's so wow what a powerful leg kick that was well his brothers in the National Football League another skillful leg kick get complacent he can't get sedentary oh now you add that to all the other skills of mixed martial arts which lyodo also possesses and it makes for a very unusual opponent every time let's take a look here solid Left Hand by Lyoto stagger Jon Jones I'm wondering at what point in time does John decide to try to take this fight to the ground good kick to the body by John Big White Hand by Jon Jones and now Jones by Jon Jones bad the cut is because the forehead bleeds very badly oh wow yeah that's a gap oh man that's a huge game did that when he uses wrestling oh again they battle in another big knee trying to choke him out and finish up trying to finish this fight [Applause] go right there it is all over use his full set of skills and look at that he caught him with that left hand and leota's right arm goes left but his left arm is stuck up there we've been over the rules we packed us up at all times follow my instructors gotta keep it clean touch clubs make it official yeah and the way he's bringing that to the box and again by Rashad big head kick by Rashad but nothing Jones's reach oh my here we go let the games begin Salvo oh another beautiful elbow by John much more damaging than a punch and he doesn't go into a fence again with the elbow big elbow man let's see if he decides to Sprint to the Finish 10 seconds look at that and there's this short elbows of Jon Jones and there's that head kick and as you see it is a brilliant technique look at that stiff right hand there Johnny Bones [Applause] in the back I want you to fight clean my heart protect yourself at all times it'll be in my commands all the time you want to touch go up touch it now good luck because he loves to utilize that look at this attempt but Vitor he lands a punch and he's on his back now one thing we've never seen off of Vitor is submissions from his back he can defend himself from his back I'm sure he has submissions he's got it can't he get it he might break that on Mike he might break that arm wow you know what it's a little high now I think he's out he's out he's out wow that was very very close and he might have popped his arm we don't know how how John's arm is right now it's pouring now out of his face and then hit it again and he's doing it all from inside the guard man round one in the books here's the armbar attempt look at this even people apart anytime you want taking that one's there so it stops you because your knee ball mode he threw it again oh man that's a nice technique yep look at that look at that triangle attempt final seconds though Joe guy who brings the proper toolbox and we can build something sidekick to the body heard him he heard him he heard him third round he went for a normal Plaza attempt there but John slipped out of me he didn't really secure the body closed the distance but watch this Mike boom right to the solar plex and he needs to be Vito yeah again he pulls him into his guard this is so crazy and he winds up on the bottom and side control here now he's going for Kimura that's it John Jones Remains the UFC played heavyweight champion and still the Undisputed UFC all right heavyweight champion of the world [Applause] and here we go black trunks for Jones who looks for the takedown and he gets it and then Trails back up to his feet Landing punches from the clinch but the clinch it's hard to manufacture that you either have to be scared of a guy or you're not scared of a guy spinning elbow shots Danny wants to put him on his back and he does he's famously said that he's a Republican and Republicans don't lie on their back with men between their legs that's a famous TL Southern quote there's a nice elbow again Michelle made it swarming line is Jones [Applause] ladies and gentlemen referee Keith Peterson is called a stop to this contest at four minutes 33 seconds in the very first round and still Johnny Bones jump ER run over the rules in the back protect yourself at all times I've been in our commands at all times if you want to touch gloves touch him now step back good luck to both of you here we go John looks very relaxed here nice spinning back kick to the body Silva had been a perfect season right hand that's what I was talking about maybe the first time they've faced Gustafson appears to be very comfortable here in the first time a combination by Gustafson techniques his whole life throws him going down the right side of Jon Jones's face [Applause] spinning elbow by John now Jones looks for the takedown he's got Gustafson up guys second to the round big elbow big elbow round two the light heavyweight belt is on the line the main event and first event in Sweden look at that but John's chasing after him now he's literally chase him unbelievable and the gust at the loose try look out that hyper extends the knee goes high kick wow [Applause] got the hands behind the hips how about the takedown takedown defense of Gustafson oh going high customs and man seems to have the hand speed Advantage here final seconds of the round taken down for the first time inside the Octagon earlier tonight and he's still having a bit of a problem with that right eye and as John continues to land these hard leg kicks oh big combination by Gustafson work on your wrestling with oh high kick listen prepared for that he's never been there before good uppercut and a good right hand behind it by Gustafson for the left kick now oh he went with an ax kick John's looking for that spin yep yep there's the elbow check that kick Ed by Browns in his defense in Atlanta against Rashad Evans big cut over the right eye here's a nice right hand by John [Applause] again beautiful left and with the right hand despite here's the takedown attempt again stuffed one more time wow and another one he goes up high oh a nice left by the champion [Applause] watch the clock closely a final seconds of the rounds flying knee Gustafson is going to survive incredible fight Fifth and Final Round wow Gustafson lives to take Jones a nice uppercut you're the champion [Applause] nice elbow steps in with it can you get this one finally he light heavyweight title is on the line big head kick let's put his hands on his hips like he was exhausted another head kick he's barely keeping it together with the way he's moving another head kick they're gonna go the distance wow what a fight ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judge's scorecards for decisions 48-47 48 47 and 49-46 ah [Applause] both you guys our fight clock brought to you by Toyo Tires driven to group four good switch kick to the body by Jones shot they tie up against the cage look out for that spinning elbow trying to get free he touches his stats hard kick to the body by Grover [Music] [Applause] round two Clover trying to get inside there's the takedown attempt breakfast stops it have fun Jon Jones have fun he wanted to be loose out there nice inside leg kicked by Jones a nice straight left by John when he throws kicks you can't hit him it's pretty substantial body shot again [Applause] closing the distance on the fence he may have an injury on that right hand and another oh good laptop by Jones spin again again with that spinning back kick the oblique kick and then the Spanish [Applause] combination knock the mouse piece out you've got to take down stuck for now John doing a good job of tying up the arms of Glover too not letting him get up on the beautiful elbow oh beautiful left hook by John and he just moves out of Harm's Way oh beautiful kick by John the left hand behind it oftentimes Jones quicker to Destroyer man Chester final seconds of the round [Applause] keeping in a distance there's the right hand over the top and there's an elbow again and for Glover he's just got to figure out a way to land a big shot there's this video and another one [Applause] [Music] the best in the world and the best of all time he's winning it from the outside and the inside watch for a spin maybe a takedown he's got him down and final round and another takedown he's landed nearly 70 of his significant strikes that's amazing in a title fight and John is showing complete disregard for the punching power of global I'll beat anybody at their game they go the distance [Music] all right gentlemen we've been over the world protect yourself at all times follow my instructions if you have a clean fight you can touch gloves at this time if you wish kick to the body caught down close the distance that will be a big challenge throughout this fight and he's trying to take John down again this time stop freeze great Fighters good straight left by John and he's so comfortable the nice straight left the body Yeah by Cormier oh tries for a flying knee uppercut Again by DC good left start on the break to this Monumental matchup foreign good kick to the body by John good right hand over the top by DC over there the loose strikes good kick by Jones that's sharp well he's just so oh nice kick by DC and again with those high kick oh it is a dog fight oh good punch by DC another one big finish in round two for Cormier Asia it makes it almost impossible for for me he doesn't want to test him he wants to be good right hand by Cormier battle continues and John it seems oh big kick to the body by John night Jones [Applause] fighting in a phone booth again here at the end of the Third four cornea 86 Jones 81 game for these two men look at this he's looking to take him down again and he does wow this is probably the best and it got him down again at the end which is boiled over two kicks head kicking for oh big uppercut by DC you heard the corner to the rib cage of Cormier [Applause] there it is but Josh y 30 seconds good spinning elbow by John this ultimate Grudge Match look at this close the distance all three judges score the contest 49-46 and still John bones after Jones had beaten Daniel Cormier to defend his title he got into a hit and run and broke a pregnant lady's arm he was suspended and stripped to the title he then came back a year later to fight oven Saint Peru for the interim belt in one then fought Daniel Cormier for the light heavyweight belt and knocked him out but I guess God must have really been testing him or something like that because after he had beaten DC he tested positive for turinabal and was stripped once again but he absolutely mauled the Maller to regain his belt he said finally been restored and it was now time to defend the title against Anthony Smith my instructions let's keep it clean touch gloves and let's do this [Applause] strong leg kick but right now he's grabbing at it oh spinning back kick Ed Jon Jones kick from Smith huge hit kick again with that side kick to the body this time oh that hurt him yeah that got Smith's attention seed in his eyes good right hand the combination Choice John is just so far out that he can't front kick to the body John's left leg is just so Dynamic good kick to the body by Smith trying to land back it gets hit hard with that left that left hurt I think Jon Jones control his hands which is the problem it's a big difference she's studying tape and then being inside the octagon with this guy Jones throws Smith to the ground Smith comes up wait a minute what was that perhaps we'll get another high amplitude takedown from Jon Jones [Music] has landed a hundred more total strikes than his counterpart Anthony Smith Jones not slowing down to see the replay [Applause] that was right on the money one point two points two points you're getting after it now [Applause] Smith pretty much doing just enough to not get finished here but not really try to win Jon Jones had eight six eight six during his first Reign and a late flying knee John bones Joe all right gentlemen we've been over the rules but thank yourself at all times follow my instructions just keep it clean touch gloves and let's do it thank you [Applause] yeah he's attacked both legs early on believe me is reading that John's catches the leg Big Ten oh nice dances even if he doesn't see [Applause] leg kicks have been a big part of the narrative here early on six have landed for soccer himself oh yep nice body kick from Santos oh yeah Santos maybe a one-legged fighter here yeah John seems to know it oh nearly [Applause] this is what we talked about this is what makes him excited oh telling you his kicks come pretty well given the circumstances [Applause] and he might be wobbling because of the party hit me from Jones throwing that left leg back up oh nice kick maybe we're exaggerating the idea whoa goodness he's going for it many guys fight with tornadoes he's stunned them there going on bone Collision early [Applause] oh went to the body there with that one perfect he's been a great championship fight they want a gun fight so Jon Jones and Thiago Santos Go the Distance [Music] [Applause] once obey my commands at all time watch protect yourselves at all times you want to touch gloves do it now the best of luck qualities got your Corners either guys Pace Jones isn't controlled it right away like he generally does nice kick by Jones there beautiful [Applause] dominant Reyes Is For Real ladies and gentlemen really digging those toes into the midsection down the stretch of the round and a nice offering there from Johnny Bones oh my goodness Jones Retreats and bring him to the ground oh nasty low kick that got Reyes his attention Jones's defense is his biggest weapon in my opinion and then he starts picking you apart once he makes you miss and that was a nasty jab there by John as domini starts to slow down nice left hand he's getting trickier Jones [Applause] beautiful kick to the body by Dominic that was a hard round kick to the body seems like Reyes might be slowing down a Scotia but you've got to eventually but John just constantly keeps that pressure on nice the shots in he's in deep he is in he always fights everybody different his boxing is much more efficient in this fight than I've seen in most nice body shot by Reyes there and look at this uppercut by Reyes on the counter jab after he counters the jab right underneath I mean so pretty the way he lands that John checked another kick nice right hook not what hurt his eyes Left Hand by Reyes lands he's following up with combinations Ray has shown absolute toughness Jones this fight is everything that we thought it would be and more oh from Jones outstanding shot by Jones one of his better shots in the fighting kick from Jones we'll see if Jones has a late attack in him spins unable to land Dominic Reyes and Jon Jones go the 25 minute distance tonight [Music] [Applause] does you turn it you will see [Music]
Channel: beastboybjj
Views: 5,201,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fFsv8kZdvQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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