Enter The Gungeon Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With Zero Exploits!!!

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[Music] hey there welcome back to enter the gungeon i'm surprised let's stuff together back with paradox i'm gonna be running some turbo hero shrine a sling oh we might be able to do some funky things with the sling we start off with convicts basic pistol but the sling the sling is one of those basic weapons that you have unlocked automatically i'm pretty sure that is uh far too powerful for its own good if you know how to use it we give ourselves nine curves straight away so one curse away from lord of the jam showing up and of course we're gonna see well how many candles we can singularly destroy karen and a candle business from the rng department you know that big bullet king in the rng department well hopefully we can get a good start for one with a sling we have an opportunity to make boss fights our that's the kind of thing you're looking for to make a single shot weapon and do tremendous damage and if we go to secret flaws well then you burst ah oh nice so we got the gold amulet i didn't really want to use that key because it could limit my potential for getting to the secret floor i'm going to trust the game to drop me a key outside of combat and the shop because you're guaranteed one key in the shop but you need two for you know so for anybody who knew to play an instagram welcome if you really want to learn about the specific certain tips of the game we do have a 25 top tips video in the playlist i'm pretty sure let's end this uh into the gungeon playlist there you go hunted out it'll be a fight oh there's a water barrel need to save that water barrel but this tnt should go right down their lines when it comes to stuff like the sling and other heavy shot weaponry there's a lot of basic items in the game that can really be a single shot weapon as we had last time all right grenades well i said it inconvenient we'll make it through squeeze through the water barrel still alive that water barrel is so important we don't have any water on us what's my passive um i should have checked what my power we got the gold amulet oh you don't we're not done there's going to be a dude appearing yes sneaking behind the table bulletin oh not you ah this dude's fine he only shoots in one direction the direction you're looking at so he shouldn't kill the water barrel the water barrel rifle yeah get a sling in his face and we're done having saved waifu water barrel it leaks forever you're nice i'm very moist very well it is what it is you know oh oh if we could get because this will give me lord of the germans but oh there's a spare water barrel in here all along but if we could afford both of these we would have five blanks per floor would it be six because with um we have we have better accuracy straight away with the scope but with the gold amulet i will now get three blanks per floor for having that amulet alone the gold amulet is amazing every time i use a blank i do 50 damage so if i can find a companion that blanks for me he will do 50 damage also per blank if i can find the owl and if i can find the hexagon there's something very special that i can do but i was very proud to you know when you're in older in the modern day and age right where if you watch a lot of youtube if you watch a lot of content creators play the game you play there's a lot of things in games you don't find out for yourself right i'm sure we all have that problem but this thing that if i could get it together it's one of those things i was really proud of because it's one of those really obscure things as well i found out for myself and when i found it it's a complete abuse of the game as well it's a complete abuse of the game as well so we'll get through i do hope to find it but the owls in it there's an owl synergy with a hexagon allows you if you change weapons rapidly it will hurt every time you change weapon it blanks essentially it's like forcing it to blank oh dear i kind of you know when your vision we get a key oh thank you key because this is where we need to go we need two keys for this you're a precious little game thank you so much i needed that i needed it from the boss fight or i needed it for my floor drop or two keys in the shop more keys now if we do find ah run and don't draw in at the right time there's a precious commodity but the extra accuracy because this weapon convicts starting weapon is trash it's got convict has one of the highest dps loadouts but it's really hard to use especially for a beginner mainly because you have to switch between two weapons very rapidly it's a speed runners dream but yeah not practical so there's a chest in there that is a chest loadout i could use my sling for an instant kill on the bulletin but no we don't need to there's plenty of things we don't need to do but shall we i want to find the shop the shop's there hello your cash money for me if i bounce the sling off the wall i get double damage i think it might be 1.5 times damage right here's the thing about the sling and why it's so good by itself let alone any other type of one-shot weaponry and the things we can get to help us with that the sling does extra damage versus boss fights it's kind of like a david and goliath thing you know i love this when you you can do it with the cases well if you just keep on tapping you know the fire button because it's a single shot on it a charge weapon you know it has a charge animations you just you know abuse it aesthetically and that pleases me greatly and you know hey you've got to enjoy the little things in life you know hit life lessons here at lst of course also life lessons in a not live setting if you want life lessons in a live setting yeah coming and chilling chat with us twitch.tv forward slash let's suffer together some live good old live streaming yeah i've been playing a lot of night recently but we're branching out to some of the old games we used to play and you know trying to find some new games as well you know hmm we do have enough money for another amoled with 89 money we do need to buy the other key though we could buy the regular lodestone amulet and we'd have four blanks per floor so we definitely would we definitely need the key so we found an item we can't guarantee this chest unless it's a mimic so that would be 60 overall so i would have 29 monies i would need six shells out the boss fight to get me a load stone if i buy the snowballer to guarantee a weapon because i can't get the key and use it on the chest i had a feeling and we get a blank back but this this is this is what i'd call a break even room you know if i do get hit in the boss fight we can heal but we could have done that anyway with the uh hbr saved because i do want items it's all about items this game we've already got the lodestone yeah i'm gonna gamble i think we'll get six shells out of the boss fight and if we don't well we can freeze the boss fight as well oh it's trigger twins we want to take out smiley he's not jammed frieza that'd be reason oh the old slingification oh do you see the big chunk huge chunks want to take the ads out as well of course we didn't get hit i don't think so when i bounce ashore of course we do tremendous damage because it's double damage or something it's definitely good damage definitely good damage against the boss site of course you've got to hit it which is harsh and horrible and not easy to do ah look at it there you go you might run into damage cap trouble um at certain points but considering it's one shot in less than five seconds in less than a second sorry five seconds where they even get that from and it's not easy sometimes you just it's probably you've got more potential oh deary me we got a key did we get five shells six shells sorry we technically don't need to buy the key now but this rhubardine oh my god this is the rarer part there's two parts to a super weapon this is the more rare one so i think we did get it i think we did this will be a third yeah awesome so we can open up the secret area we can get four right the load stone ammo let's generally do something this does every time we blank 50 damage to the enemy blank damage up and it's a passive and it will give me an extra blank per floor this pushes the enemy back so we not only hurt the enemy but we pushed them back at the same time so we're building up our black blanks are hugely satisfactory because blanks mean you know more likely to get master rounds this is going to be a gun hmm hell yeah get bait launcher it's a single shot weapon where is it where it where is it there we go he's looking for the bait but it's those kind of things that really make this game the wonder it is but we can get in secret rooms with blanks we can get master rounds by not getting hit [Music] in boss fights save ourselves you know hp and armor and we've got a sling so we know we can do huge damage to the boss anyway like we've just shown and that can only get better you know you can use a sling the entire game against boss fights to the power of the sling my friends that's what this run is always going to be about um yeah my link up top we're scrolling away isn't interfering with the map is it let me know in the comment section if it is i can't have a proper look at it now but i can sort it out for the next video you know yeah but the ruby dyne is a beautiful weapon i'll probably end up using it nicely oh jesus but we can freeze enemies get the bait out you know sling them you went for the wrong dude yeah freezing enemies and pushing them into pits i'll still get the money for them it's a great incapacitation though [Music] and you can shoot around corners because obviously it bounces as well so yeah incapacitation when you get pushed into a corner oh that's me huh yeah but they get pushed back and they get hurt i don't mind being hit this early we just lose that's about to say we lose a little bit of money but it doesn't seem like we are too much we still got some good money out of this room yeah just because the enemy doesn't see you anymore doesn't mean they won't shoot what you got hit in the face mate yeah if you get bouncy bullets with this because it increases the damage when you bounce off a wall let alone against boss fights if you get bouncy bullets with a sling it increases the amount of damage you do every bounce so again there's a lot of ways the sling can go it's one of my favorite weapons should be everybody's favorite one of the favorite weapons just for sheer you know utility push them in again incapacitation and then pushing saves you a lot of ammo in the course of audio they're fast people sometimes you won't have the angle to get the job done though to push them in that's fine you know you can only do what you can do but again switching weapons huge actually to charge in this game cute little tiger on my side you know and maybe with enough friends and with enough weaponry we can have a goddamn zoo some of the companions in the game are animals too you know even though we treat them as equals yeah we killed him we got him oh with the sling bouncing around push it oh i missed him but the tigers will just run around until they find a target hey shopping already wow table tech money the earlier we get table tech money the better it'll be but you don't get that much money out of tables you get enough to eventually make it worthwhile but it's more of an investment since i want to afford the rat key it's a difficult one yeah what i really want is the second part of this weapon so we can get that super weapon because it just rips everything apart for room when it comes to rooms it's good against boss fights but i got sling probably the most productive yeah if anyone's following you you can just fire ahead of you and let them you know deal with the aftermath really there you go oh we get some ammo as well which keep the sling filled up of course it's your ticket it's a great destruction along the way and if we like anything it's great destruction i'm going to show you a little bit of cheese in a bit because it's so funny when i found this out it's been super helpful along the way especially when you streak the game if you're again for yourself or competitively yeah it doesn't really matter but you know the streak in the game you can get into really tricky situations oh it's locked no the green so here i've opened the door the enemies are already loaded into the game someone died there someone died that someone died there they're wonderful everybody's nearly dead or injured one dude you don't lose money out on that as well the money will stay there until you go in all right ah i blanked by accident but that's not a problem right i could get to a position where i can start really stacking blanks yeah enemies take freezing damage over time it's like tick damage um you don't really notice it that much what i can do as well you see that blood from the meat that can be used to put out fuses but i can just do this instead which is a little bit better you know because while you can do it with the bait launcher if the tiger runs into the chest twice it's a goner the chest is gone no way you're saving that one this is such a nice quick and rapid weapon oh yeah it doesn't matter about getting it as we've said before as long as it can heal if you're gonna get hit get hit early so you have the chance to get the hp back hey that one yeah fill this up we haven't used a sling much since we actually rebuilt it this is a horrible little room if you're letting it get on top of you all of the enemies will make their way towards you and then you're gonna have a bad time all right this one's worse although you've got the old tactic of running in a square oh what i'm thinking of doing as well having an episode or two like for different roguelike games oh that's horrible mainly because it hit me for a full heart but i think we'll recover having because i wear glasses having an episode or two where i play roguelike games without my glasses because i can't see you know and see how i do roguelike games have already played more likely because obviously people can see with glasses on how i play but let me know if you'd be interested in that kind of you know i'd love to hear your opinions on it and whether i'd need a camera for it wouldn't me just saying so be proofing up because you know i want to do it and see it for myself as well but you know would it be better just actually having a camera on for a run or two for that series you know it'll be a nice challenge wouldn't it again seeing how you know me not being able to see at my full capacity it's not like you know you can run blindfolded and stuff like that but no well that's a great concept for a video it's been done um you'll probably just die very quickly i'm not i'm great at the game but the random nature of roguelike games makes it almost you know well it makes it super unlikely getting it what the he touched me oh i get an armor back anyway we do have a hp around most of the time you get hp out of the boss fight anyway so you can lose hp up until the boss fight and be relatively okay we're earning good money the game is paying out oh it's a mimic so hopefully this is a gun if it's a gun we have a chance of getting an item out of the boss fight it is a weapon it's the worst weapon ever oh i'm so glad this isn't locked oh we get slings and arrows i don't know what oh it allows me to supercharge it the bow is one of the worst weapons in the game i just i just dislike it and it's horrible it's not good for me table take money i could pick this up now go flip every table in the goddamn place i don't think i'll be going in that i really don't i don't even know it's a green light room which is usually quite good i just don't like the look of i'm probably going to need another key when i get in there so that would take me down to 52. that's not great because i need at least 70 leaving here it depends how much you get at the boss fight i suppose yeah we've picked up our weapon we can just go boss fight be happy about it so let's see with a a souped up bow i think yeah it can move while it's charged oh blob mcface mcblobbin pilfer purple pulpit purple he's a little bit pink so let's see what damage that did yeah not very good was it yeah i really don't want to get hit now i mean it's not bad it's just you wouldn't want to really fight with this compared to something like this it's quicker on the recharge yeah this dude's hitbox is huge so it's not like the trigger twins where you feel like you're gonna miss every shot because to slings and arrows i prefer my sling thank you very much look at that devastation yeah when you're comfortable turn your back to him he's dead oh now he is you see we get some hp and this this little dude hey we get the talks it's not an item i'm sorry a friend he's got a toxic t-shirt on him i feel i feel like i'm the bad man you know coming into their environment messing up their will we didn't get much money out of that place um if i wanted to open the other chest which i know is an item now we're not gonna get table tech money for one compared to the table tech this is gonna be amazing because this is 25 damage to all my weapons plus one bullets is amazing hey it's pretty average in a way but it's also pretty good damn good so i was hoping we'd find a secret room i'm wasting this ammo oh didn't we already find a secret room no that was last long we do have three blanks for three rooms since this bounces uh he's not angry not yet you don't want him double double in the prices you really don't so let's just go blank in this room this room yeah the secret room in this place is really hard to find i'm gonna we're done so we've got our crest which gets us access to the next secret floor if we wanna go we need 115 monies it's why i didn't buy table tech money i need 115 monies in this place for one i need to concentrate on having my crest uh survive till i find the crystal to room jesus ah it's a good room for hoover there's some good space you just got to make that space and this dude moves around you know look like i can push them as well veteran like any tries to predict your movements yeah toxic is good though toxic will do a job shoot me ah i haven't seen one of these in a while again i've been playing into the gungeon recently i haven't really seen much of this so for some reason there are certain times where you just don't find that much money it's not even about you getting hit or not getting hit oh we missed out on something i missed out on a key dude maybe i heard it in the background and disappear doesn't matter but again it's all about cons well we get a blank out but anyway we've got five blanks now so maybe as compensation oh i just realized what the i did i should have looked in the map however we do have good old sling can't be missing the shots oh they're in it we're going to use some blankets yeah kill them yeah i just have to use my blanks to get some good damage that i have to i was in jeopardy of losing my crest this is really easy to trip over bullet stuff usually oh please tell me i've just found it for one i'm gonna get the nord key now because i want to go you know we didn't find it and this is a very very dangerous room there's a lot of spikes on the floor that's easy to not pay attention to oh we get a heart a partial refill as well now i have no idea where the crest room is so i'm just gonna have to you know take a punt snowball stop the bullets fire we get a full ammo okay the pox cannon has barely been fired so we've probably has barely been fired though [Music] probably snowballer you know incapacitate the enemies especially at the moment when i need to concentrate on not getting here yeah it's got a large clip for a pistol it's got some good damage behind it i think we're just going around in a circle luckily once again defusing oh dear sure yeah it's really easy to uh if you freeze them sometimes they'll just close up again lunk my bro brother lunky's lost he needs assistance he does he needs me to fill out the entire map hey we found the boss fight though yeah without getting hurt wonderful and we still got three blanks left you know we've killed the mini boss we've got some good weaponry [Music] um this is a horrible little room from what sometimes you judge a room just by you know certain things not even the enemies in it but i remember this being a pain in there someone's gonna ah fair enough that's the benefit of having long range weaponry i suppose yeah refill the reuben come on is oh come on i found a chest room lunk the shot the gun muncher four places that could technically have the crest altar room offer but it's gonna be off this uh little room here but again plus i've got to remember i've got plus one bullet so i've got to have them having confidence in your weaponry to do the job quicker it's half the battle [Music] you get good by confidence real confidence not just you know that fake confidence where you don't know but you can try to convince yourself you know it's going to be all right that's not real confidence real confidence in your own abilities and ex real confidence from experience that's what i mean again life lessons were suffering that is invaluable in any walk of life ah well it's not a mimic this is a mimic however we need to be able to escape yeah if you let a fused chest that's a mimic unfuse like oh we get a weapon so we can go straight into the boss fight we find our way to do a full run wonderful stuff so we've got our weapon already we can go boss fire right now and try and get an image of it because again with plus one bullets two blanky blank blanks um accuracy nice i think the rubydone is even better because the accuracy and now 25 extra damage i mean taking the fools down and punitive but now we can get hit we've already bought the rack key so we've got 70 monies we can spend yeah sometimes you're gonna be able to get the angle sometimes you're not i was lucky that i didn't think i'd get him to be honest yeah these partial gun refills they fill fifty percent of your main weapon twenty percent of everything else they're really handy now i'm gonna go boss fight first but then i'm gonna go talk to lunk and open the two chests you know well yeah is there anything in the shop though anything at all i could buy a blank could buy a key don't need a key but i've got the money i've got three blanks with the weaponry i've got that should be enough to get me through i can slow the enemy the great thing about freezing especially in boss fights you have a certain amount of time you can freeze them for like you can freeze them once fully but you'll never be able to slow them down with freezing after that it's really weird there's a certain kind of allowance that you can freeze them for but well you're just gonna have to get used to it milady nice guns why why can't i take their guns you know it's a bit wrong bounce yeah we don't have poison immunity so hopefully yes look at that damage it's silly and this kind of has infinite range it's great god me it's windy outside i don't know if you hear that i've got headphones on oh no i might blank this yeah why not yeah if you miss and goes out of range yeah just go for a straight shot you know come on give me some up for a single shot weapon uh we get a mimic so we get uh another item or gun out of this anyway so and it can freeze freeze the beard so it's all good oh we get a decoy i can do amazing things with a decoy decoy is oh it's an awesome passive oh we're in for a good run i can fly also with the balloon gun the balloon allows you to fly we're gonna get some good no matter what here because lunk oh i must wait for lunk lunk can give you a cursed item oh i'm glad i bought the key oh it's a mic yeah lunk can give you a pursed item and you can't refuse it as soon as you you know we get mustache oh what is that is that heels when i i think that's heals when i buy stuff are spending money sues assault yeah if i buy something i have 50 chance 50 chance i heal from buying some ah the mine i'm gonna pick it up and drop it because i don't i want the game to register or picked it up once so it hopefully won't give it me again [Music] so that was a gun wasn't it so this is going to be another blue item i don't mind some rat stealing that mine the decoy is so much better yeah we get the zombie bullets unfinished business bullets that hit the target will sometimes go and hit something else that's a good haul not bad at all but the mustache yeah you know the paradox of the mustache doesn't look right they don't constantly shift ah look so we could get some cursed from him some and lord of the jammed we don't we get the galactic medal of valor which is a bit of extra speed i think quicker reloading time um it's definitely good for your weaponry maybe a bit of extra damage as well it's definitely good all round you know support for your character beautiful times and we look at that hbn armor i like it it's good stuff so it doesn't help with charge you know for a ceiling it doesn't help me charge quicker i don't think but the reload of clips and such so having a decoy decoys can be used to cheese certain bosses and this next boss i might just be able to choose it there's a certain way to go about cheesing with decoys against boss fights in particular oh hate this room um is it this one again it's been so long since i've played some of these oh there we go beautiful stuff kill oh you're blocking my weight oh i still want my second part to this rubidon you know oh maybe i should just use the decoy yep but because the decoy will be there forever until it is shot or blown up if like these guys they can't destroy it you know what i mean it's there forever i can use it to steal from a shop as well but now no no need for that so this really sorts me out you know decoy is down which isn't a problem you know against these folks as long as i know where the ghost gets spawned he's dead anyway he's not going to spawn anywhere so we've got a fabulous build a very comfortable build oh no you don't you pop out son of a where'd you get your hats from like who's making your costumes have you got like a place somewhere that's doing all this for you for one i want to get in on that merchandise business thank you much we've got another decoy already if we want to i can oh it's yep but they'll destroy it so i need to go ham at them freeze them more lightly already got it a blank star that's not the worst thing um for one i can get hit i don't know why i'm so a burst of being hit being hit in dungeon it's just you know reasonable to assume it's going to happen it was more of an accidental blank you know the pressure it's all the pressure no the panic blank i suppose can you steal my beef probably not yeah poisoning the enemy setting them on fire throwing a bit of windage that way [Music] yeah i'm not sure you can freeze these dudes after oh we get our blank back though and we get some ammo as well thanks so much game so what do we use most [Music] again ruben we've got one key but we can put out mimics anyway sorry fuses mimics are superb because you don't have to spend the key yeah the galactic medal of hour now i've barely got any reload time it can only get better if i can get oiled cylinder help my reload time even more you can get silliness occurring an airstrike it's most likely just a key i'm gonna i'm gonna get the key because obviously keys are king that's probably a secret room down there if i had to guess yeah even if i can't see the enemy you know if i don't have line of sight i can still shoot them anyway and hope a few shots will buy me a few seconds that's valuable with a gun that bends around corners gotta remember the decoy although i need the decoy available for the boss fight yeah spent and stuff like that you want to be if you see spent just keep on shooting never stop shooting hope the bounce does the job because while regular spent won't hurt the jammed will doing that full heart of damage if you don't have armor but yeah this is why you stack armor super important for one armor blanks if you get hit so not 50 damage from the amulet but we can take these guys out with impunity okay you're fast oh you're in the way fast and in the way what a combination of problems i think you'll notice i do like this weapon a lot it doesn't look impressive in a way you know [Music] it does look a bit better than most pistols you get but yeah it's nothing you'd say it was you know gonna outpace most assault rifles yeah we can boss fight but i don't i don't boss fight until i've uncovered the entire area giving myself all the information possible [Music] oh i didn't the table was in the way it's okay should have again looking back which you can't always do sorry you can always look back but you can't obviously change the past should use decoy we've run out of ammo that's how much i like it you know just not even taking care of my ammo supply [Music] there we go can we get some alma thanks again he wants to keep me in good rubidom should probably use different weapons oh i got boots ah seems like it can hit multiple enemies if it's charged up it could have been the zombie bullets sometimes it's very hard to know what actually occurred it's a 250 percents back up to 100 percent when we're done oh i'm not you yeah iron maidens some of the hardest enemies to learn how to get around in terms of not being hit there just bastard people that's a secret room [Applause] hey we got a key to open it with in the first place one and the fuse is out so we're looking for the gun now i don't think there's any gun in the shop but brother all burn he can give you some dope he even gives you troll level equipment right we don't have sorry we haven't found a weapon in this floor which again we're always looking to get i could throw the molotov in with something else molotov and bow because uh with bows and arrows i don't think the sling actually gets anything better with that synergy and that might be good enough to convince the game i've picked up a weapon so i lose the synergy but i get a new mystery weapon which could synergize with something else who knows we get a banana hopefully the game thinks i picked up a weapon got that we're fine nothing happened at all we've got a banana and you know what i'm saying about charged weapons before i'm going to whap my banana neo in general direction it's too good banana is not a great weapon it will push enemies around in directions you might not want them pushed around and but my friends i am really hoping i am hoping beyond hope i can get this done what i specifically want to get done right about here [Music] yes it depends now if it can destroy it will it be able to destroy yeah it's destroyed but i'll be able to charge mine up again and hopefully put it into a situation because if you put the yeah ah if you put the decoy in too deep it won't register and it will come after you if you put it in too shallow it'll have an easier time destroying it but now i've got another decoy and of course this guy you know it means i can use the balloon and stuff like that but for this look he's destroyed sling time nah swinging in the mist sling gonna miss he's destroyed it instantly but my sling damage since i don't need my blanks anymore i can fully make you sound oh no there we go sling activated so one armor down can we get an item please we do a very nice in good night greaves that'll give me one piece of armor every floor so i'm gonna leave this synergy chest until later i have far too many chests to open or one of them's all burned though so that's a free chest shall we open auburn now i think yeah he's he's a good little i'm brother obama of several trolls if thou seek out my truth just in front of my question leslie what did i eat for breakfast punks like you apparently it must be so received our water truthful hero yeah a shotgun i'll get my banana out um so we have three keys but four chests if i open the blue chest and it's an item i know the green chest this one is a weapon this one in the secret room could be anything so it's likely the blue chest is gonna be the item i don't know why i just feel if there's a disparity in quality of chests yeah we got a turkey triple tap if i shoot an enemy three times in a row i will get a refund of one bullet so we know this is a weapon so i'd rather open this to try and get another item oh if only i could get lies but this is perfect because it gives you a shield that you can cheese with um so we know that's a gun but this could be a synergy oh hey actually this has been upgraded upgraded homogeneous rifle homogeneous special forces synergizing with my galactic medal of freedom junk oh i've just realized right you know all burns chest if you destroy it you get a piece of junk called lies ah if i was to get the if i was to have got the betrayer's shield first and had remembered that i could have got betrayers lies it would make it it's one of the best things to ever happen to this weapon while this is good anyway it would have turned it into an absolute monster you get infinite ammo it's just all sorts of goodness but breaking all burns chest gives you lies it's it just looks like a junk piece it's so easy to accidentally sell um ah wrong order but it's fine we're looking good anyway didn't get any extra damage from this floor just some good extra weaponry a turkey to keep our ammo looking fresh so we good here i don't like forgetting anything gotta remember we got a decoy yes we do let's go special pulsing everything oh he penned me in a corner you son of a that wasn't very special forcing yeah this is just free ammo from the turkey really i say free ammo having to spend that much you can make ammo but yeah you know you gotta spend money to make money and that kind of thing right oh boy here i go killing again oh the electric rubber bullet is not your friend but i really want that second piece the second i accidentally blanked again and this this is a problematic boss fight potentially this one the third one if i get cannonball rug it's not that i'm in trouble i just don't like to do i require one blank most likely to get me out the very start of the fight if you watch the um you know the boss fight tips video we put out the other day now you'll know exactly what i mean for cannonball rug yeah shopping and hmm could sell stuff because i could sell a mustache and stuff like that you know get keys ah we don't need money we need keys though roll bomb it can't open secret rooms [Music] come on kill the little purple dude who even is he what is he even doing here you know where did they even come from what's their life story it's probably an indian naminomicon is this rat room it is rat room i'm looking for these rats on the ground you see them just killed one of them they're very handy when there's a lot of poison on the ground and when they get spawned in they're already poisoned so there's hey it's already here we need to spend the key on this there's no way around it remember the rack kiwi picked up you might wonder what the i'm doing here but it's don't worry about it i've used an armor instead of a blank because armor's blank don't you know turkey is having a fit this is my safety vaping cart this is where i can vape safely while maneuvering up to where i need to be and i won't fall in the pit it's perfect but we use a blank there because if i was to fall off the cart it a blank would never reach there even though it is well within range there's a special force stopping it not special forces and of course just a special force oh cheeky [Music] yeah watch out i don't get poison myself so we're set up for the right now i should use the balloon gun but i don't want to because it'll pop and then i'll feel bad but yeah this special forces rifle hey because i've got accuracy with it as well oh yeah baby weeping forth and they've certainly could never clear this room in challenge mode challenge mode right this could instantly kill me if there is a modifier that comes up on the top right called high stress i and possibly in a world of i'll bet yeah i can complete this challenging hammer time ratchet oh you bastard but it's fine we earn and we get the secret room out of it nice get a blank bag hey i'd spend armor for an extra blank to try and get a master out so that's a good trade well he could also light lunk like the link dude he could give me a cursed item that i can't get away from this floor so we'll try not to forget him trying time to special force these people once again hey with the extra plus one bullet damage yeah i'm a good these dudes have special forces helmets where's mine who am i naked snake or something you know i'm going in what is it sop secure on thought it was actually i'm watching a lot of metal gear solid eclipses this um like kind of you know breakdowns where the actual you know philosophy the metal gear solid and a lot of stuff just sticks in my mind because in metal gear one it goes on about i'm sure it's sop secure on property maybe i don't know he should be secure on site that's not what he says i wonder if it's a mistake i'm contacting kojima even though he doesn't give a anymore i'm sure he cares i'm sure he does so we need a weapon we've got two keys oh no we've got one key one key or top or bottom we need the weapon we need that weapon we could try and get a weapon off lunk but i'm gonna go low go low we get flak bullets though so we get the item no matter what i could risk it all and i'm gonna risk it he's not gonna give me any curse work on it i just talked to him immediately we get broccoli hey broccoli makes you strong that's extra damage as well my sling is going to rip everybody apart flat sling as well i could break this open watch out for the flak and chests by the way oh what i can do there's a trick there's a neat little trick that you can trick the game into being all tricky what's the best weapon to deal with right not balloon ain't nothing but the balloon what's the snowballer i need to empty your weapon fully ah let's do it i could do it i could do it in the boss fight as well if you empty a weapon throw it and then pick it back up the game thinks you picked up a new weapon for the floor it's incredibly funny it's trolling the game it's a shame because this weapons ammunition supply is pretty precious to me but this is special forces ah because hold on how is it watch my ammo supply how's turkey doing his job how what am i hitting no i do there we go empty throw the weapon pick it back up i might have convinced the game it's probably going to destroy it really easy yep it gives me a moment of time though look at that damage i've already been against them i am so disappointed with myself and i could see that coming i was concentrating too much on the decoy aspect of everything accuracy no master round for me right oh no it's the iron coin so we do get an item useless iron coins it's a shame we messed up pretty hard on that one oh we got some more junk do we get junking we don't well we want to go down the rat way the rat hole because going to the rat you can get some tremendous we've got enough armor hp buddies and everything along the way to you know in fact we're going to get so much money ah there's nothing here to grab to be honest yeah a hell of a lot of money from going the wrap just from killing along the way down right down up down up is the path i need to take doctor doodoo as it spells out yeah let's not mess it up i could kill all the rats for well the jammed rats for potentially extra money but let's just kill yeah i don't care about i want to save up i hate spent should have decoyed down right i should have done a lot of things in my life hey we gotta kill down yeah that's gonna help me against iron maiden isn't it at least they won't come closer to me and we can use the shield to our advantage oh no it will help me with the way the shots bounce off walls yes that's not the worst thing that's ever happened if i keep getting hit though and losing all my armor it might just be down hours are the worst i'm meant to have confidence in this build not getting trashed by the rap maze i'm not sure if sling does more damage against jammed enemies because obviously the jammed enemies have three times the amount of help oh deary mate this is a difficult one so we'll get away with it just about the flak them up oh no ah the pop the big pop and up oh we made it yeah need a full sling and everything else can go into the ruby down and 20 of everything else uh decoy again i'm not sure how good the decoy works on this dude again it's been a while he's jammed as well so that makes him incredibly dangerous i seem to do this over and over again will he get it though [Music] yeah he's got it [Music] he's not the greatest dude to sling off a wall to because some of his shots are really kind of you know the design to hit you wherever you are like that oh he's destroyed the d doesn't matter he normally hits you anyway getting a perfect fight against this dude really hard oh we killed him with the blank but the decoy here my friends now the decoy in this boss fight is hilarious for one i'm gonna be doing amazing damage anyway put the decoy up in the wall oh no i didn't destroy my own so the decoy is still there i need to charge my decoy up it might be dead right now oh i need the decoy give me get a decoy in the corner doggos don't know what to do the problem is though i need to kill those doggos before they all come and run in back and they're dead it's fine so you see how you can use the decoy it's it's overpowered as what is yeah use the decoy to get out the way instead of i was in a really bad position for that then as well the decoy absorbs the actual you know the spread of the shot oh the other decoy is still active as well wonderful so it should go after the other one it seriously thinks i'm uh now while this is happening i charge my other decoy up and he's dead anyway wonderful so let's see how far we can control this dude no i accidentally bounced a sling right into him oh we best get some really good here come on the basic rubidon mark one boxing glove that i can't take guanstone that's going to probably be lost immediately oh we got liquid valkyrie which slows enemy bullets down by 15 or 20 that can be really jarring actually having enemy bullets being slower can actually be a hindrance um oh we're getting a peck blaster so we can make people who were jammed not jammed anymore that's a well a pacifier but make them a lot weaker oh we get the patriot very nice yeah liquid valkyrie because enemy shots are slower on screen they last longer on screen it's quite problematic [Music] all right jumps he'll follow me for a little while he's fine yeah patriot and flak bullets check that out that's james is impressed decoy dummy very nice i don't think there's anything else i'm missing here let's go we've got a nice little turkey hmm [Music] no turkey's in the way yeah shotgun is best to get this dude moving yield you just attack me three different times with various different weaponries see you later well let's do the advanced dragon it's a massive pain in the ass but i am built up enough to do it i could if the advanced dragon is jammed as well i can merely just you know take it out easily jam jams this dude he's not gonna be around anymore i dropped the boxing glove what was the extra thing that was giving me the extra curse the game in the first place so now we've fed that snake fourth four different things including the bad man himself yeah the longer you fire the patriot the better it is well i say the better it is the more the shots you'll have coming out great at clearing up fantastic but can i get my uh you know you know what i want i've mentioned this several times now again veteran that was he aimed really well i must say looks like he knew where i was going yeah with a quicker reload of the um how much money spent well not how much any special forces but the um i could have left that hp on the ground but it's fine we're fine i really want bouncy bullets with patriot i'll give it the extra boost that needs to give my sling the extra boost it needs bounce is not that incredibly hard to find dude and it's not that rough that's what i mean this snake is glitching out lizard snake flying doodle face you never really want to stop firing this but you kind of have to sometimes the otherwise just going to waste a load of ammunition ah we can definitely leave that one on the ground and use the patriot to its full extent though because again if i miss the flak bullets will bounce off and hopefully finish off the job yeah crowded room spectacular this one a bit loud though yeah even if it weighs summer you sometimes don't want to stop firing yeah key and ammo again so we can really run out of ammo now yeah if you push into a wall you'll probably stop firing just the waiters oh yeah we got all the money we've ever wanted i can sacrifice all my hp ah yeah give up the mustache i don't really want to give up my junk hmm because enemy shots are slower you know we're gonna have a bit of a bowler um i could get rid of a weapon i suppose but which one banana banana's not really gonna come into this oh yeah shut up mate the problem there is you can accidentally sell two things at once um did we give him a master round yet we'll give him you know the one no one what take it it's yours yeah he's gonna disappear boom and take this weapon for no particular reason apart from i can just rush into the boss right now and hopefully get out oh we could ruin our entire room pull the lead up apparently there's a slight chance to have that explode and put you down to one hp or something like that something really bad and ridiculous um can also give you a curse it can do all sorts of nasty things you can get positive things out as well like quicker reloading more hp some really good beneficial things but compared to some of the negative things i'm not sure if it's worth it he didn't even get to swing it around properly you know i feel bad he's been waiting all his life to swing that round and the moment he does well that's a perfectly timed ammo that especially since the rat's not going to come and take it away well the other ones hey armor i need all the armor possible if i'm fighting the advanced dragon now i never fight the advanced dragon because there's no reward for doing so all right what the there's literally no reason to fight the advanced dragon more than once you get the statue of it in the hub area jobs are good yeah we can go fight there's literally no reason not to the wall monger versus my patriot i'm kidding decoy doesn't really work for this dude he uh has a set pattern however with what invulnerability yeah rapid fire flak in his face we don't get an item because the game hates me and everything i stand for but we do get a nice weapon and we've got five keys to open up some nice things along the way ah we get drum clip which synergizes with something else doctor worm what the does that do just turkey turkey seems to work i thought it worked when it hit the enemy i recovered a small amount of ammo on landing three sequential shots what do i have to hit him or something it still seems to work that's a weird one landing three second sequential shots so why how am i hitting anything ah the m1911 very solid you know for a pistol works very well [Music] yeah let's get some money 30 money for half a heart you know since there may be a lot to buy in the fifth area but that's the only real shop left we don't need to go two bolster wars with this just 300 should be everything i don't even think we need the ammo to be honest [Music] my special force up now we're good i don't know if i've ever used the decoy versus the chopper the noise they make when they're being hit dying trying to make you feel sorry you shouldn't now even bad people oh they're really yeah if i get close enough with this ice breath and freeze them it's not an easy one to get close enough to [Music] pizza being shot at in there though i like pizza i had a pepperoni pizza before it was good hello ah don't draw too soon i think i'm blank though get a chest wow we got old uh ring of chest vampirism blood from wood i think if i destroy chest i get more hp that's what i thought i heard the rat then but it won't show up anyway we're going to special force i'm going to see what dr worm does actually if it does anything obviously a lot of black and you see the d jamming there i'm going to make less money i think dr worm might give me ammo when i'm not firing it so we're eight four eight though yeah it did it just gave me ammo i thought it might cheers oh hold on what are you doing here you're big robotic here's the thing though if you d jam the enemy you get less money but you surv you know you save your ammo coming off garen and karen again i'm sorry garen and her pet bird keeps a company while she's making those candles yeah it's conspiracy always has been she was on the local news once as a legitimate human interest story you know good for her promoting her business and the only way she knows how by ironing her hair with an actual clothes iron that's how you get it super super straight yeah i like heck it's still fire even though you're doing this oh i'm gonna eat givens oh no we didn't have time to eat kevin and caron some in the basement where what is mech suits from it's very rudimentary mech suit if you ask me so patriot metal gear solid reference with a decoy which is obviously you know not metal get a solid reference but well paradox doesn't have a pass to kill anyway so yeah the decoy is going to go down so fast but with this weapon another decoy out in the open if i want it oh decoy got destroyed thanks for the decoy again it's armor i need to save because the advanced dragonfire is a real pain in the ass the other one who's just been exploded in this helicopter sir i think we're the brown chester oh we got the tri-gun gun nice and get a key so we've got the triple gun which is synergised with broccoli and plant power i'm not even sure what that is it's gonna be really hard to run out of this ammo the thing is if you've ever watched trigon you know vashta stampede can fire six bullets out of his revolver to make it sound like only fast enough that it only makes it sound like one bullet has been fired this isn't that fast i am no vashta stampede unfortunately but i do want to see what power plant does um maybe it makes the final phase of this weapon which is amazing by the way so that's why i'm gonna be using this we do have the damage to make this not infuriating to use kind of as soon as it gets to the um you know the machine gun it's gonna be a lot better all right what the luckily we can float and run [Music] let's just keep firing our weapon anyway and tank the explosive yeah it's the only way to be sure ah there we go because for the advanced dragon i want this weapon full beam oh with the drum clip as well lasts forever [Music] never needs reloading when you're in actual battle it feels you know constantly keeps going so hopefully oh ghost bullets aren't great for explosives but we don't have many explosives um bullet idols fine we'll get the blank ah ghost bullets it why not it's not gonna hurt if i can always drop it if i need to use explosives but again all of the phases of this weapon there we go all a reference to [Music] the great anime dragon have any extra ammunition in the clip now through drum clip so all extra power from the passes it's great so again the confidence inspiration from everything we've got and it's beautiful it's in its way it's everything i've ever wanted apart from that bouncy bullets never came it still has time it still has time ladies and gentlemen hello you never know why is this now firing slow i wish karen was here show me the way oh we got the sunlight javelin holy stout bullets that gives you extra damage but you need to be close to the enemy now we'll get the m16 very good for drop straps because you get three grenades if i drop strata before ah the problem is because i've got quicker reloads i can't do it i just don't press a button after so i dropped the weapon oh no i was firing three grenades and then drop stranded it's got four grenades in because of the drum clip thank you very much oh he's got grenades against her but that's how to make the most at the ammunition for the m16 drop strap baby because you only use one shot for each grenade which is hilarious when you've got 500 capacity on this and ammunition everywhere else anyway yeah don't drop a weapon in a pit by the way that can happen it's happened to me many times before but stout bullets again fatter bullets close up if i am further away i will lose about 15 damage um yeah it's no patriot when it concerns oh but a stout javelin accidental blank which is annoying because i'm about to go up on a very tricky fight i'm gonna need all the damage available dude is poison and incandescent so i'm wondering how a beam weapon somewhat like you know the tri-guns weapon well the triple gun is going to react to stout whether it will be permanently or whether we'll need to get into a certain distance because even with a huge experience in the game individual bespoke synergies for certain things uh yeah it's really hard to remember exactly how to interact yeah that extra speed is coming into play with the wrap boots and the bionic leg actually do i ban it like or did i get that on stream today i wonder i can't remember he's got my javelin good thing i just want my chests oh you passed oh deary me double hit in the protonate huh ah the red guam stone so my dodge roll has increased what's the synergy red guan guanstone hey does that mean i got better dodge rolling no idea yeah the gungeon all on fire the gungeon um wiki is excellent if you want to find any of the really intricate things we do oh a heart you know i don't need no hearts so the first phase of the fight is like the regular fire and then you'll see watch out for this little snake boy he's going to play a big role in the fight firstly if it is jammed we'll de-jam it ah decoy as well put it in the corner he's not jammed anyway so [Music] he's not gonna go for ah i'm being fired upon awesome oh what that happens you see it happens these things happen when you've got a gigantic snake oh the this thing the sling the problem is though because at a distance it needs to travel in the first place [Music] to bounce off a wall i won't get a bounce bonus damage with the stout damage what i can do now though hopefully put a decoy in the way that's nope nope nope i'm still being fired upon which is normally not what would happen of course but i only need to avoid this once have a little dance the advanced dragon is an angry boy but sir might yeah if i'm close to this i can't fight it's annoying you can't even charge up your weapon really slows you down [Music] oh come on you said this was cool patriot might do mid-justice in oh dear [Music] this is why invulnerability actives are really nice i also get the flack from the top of the ceiling hopefully doing some extra damage if i come out of this with just you know my health intact which i should do consider it i'm empty all right emptiness headbutted him of course i love actives yeah this is lasting forever that synergy power plant really makes that last a long time because i think you normally only get it without the synergy if you're at 50 on the ammo count and now 150 and it seems to last longer definitely lasting longer and that's a good thing of course we don't get the um you don't even get the obsidian shell casing no [Music] that's all i ever wanted um i would get ammo for this but i kind of don't want to i might just save it for lich and of course we don't need anything else uh patriot amma harbour yes we got a bunch of m16 anyway so that's not bad you know it could have gone a lot worse since i am completely out of practice but as i say gunchen is like riding a bike you might fall off when you get back on one after 20 years i'm not riding one but hey after that you should be fine you know you fall off once and you know that's a lesson learned all will be well yeah the push back on this nice that's the kind of that's kind of damaged you can get behind it's friendly behavior oh dear oh we're fine i think we've done the right way maybe not no probably not it doesn't matter i mean it's all enemies that need killing we get some ammo anyway we technically did go the right way we just went a longer right way as usual the game has to have its uh fun never got a full metal jacket never got kind of a friendly companion we did get a little bomber though wow so i can go into secret rooms now but will horrible little room maker oh come here you don't get away from me sir no one gets away from me not when i'm cheese yeah ghost bullets in these grenades don't work this don't work together i'd rather just fire regular bullets how the did i get away with that a question you might ask yourself several times during my runs but seriously the bullets just look like the background then to me i don't know i don't even know what i was dodging a bit of a problem when you run around in a circle within your circle trajectory as you run into a bullet but hey you live and learn or you don't in your diet simple answer there is always the option of just dying it's not the preferred option but it's there for you you can take it screw this horrible little room as well although dealable with you would go to furnace the way you could go let's get my decoy out actually cheese oh yeah i forgot to turn off my sound again i've been turning off my sound for the followers recently you know religiously i've been getting really good at you know remembering and hey remembering it's somewhat overrated sometimes but not always yeah we don't need the money maybe i should just heck blaster about it so they though so when i don't have armor anymore i'm not losing a full heart at a time it's a really good strategy in hell actually because you'd know shops all right you don't need the money unless you've got um golden bullet thingy plus it just shred this when it needs to especially if you have extra damage because it shoots so many bullets what do i have ghost shoes by any chance no one dares be jammed anymore they're not wasting the energy yeah flack on the pec blaster as well lots of distractions it's unlikely you'll miss even if you miss they've gone the wrong way but if we didn't take damage and there is no wrong way and we got a spare heart now so we went the right way which was the wrong way yeah we made benefit from going the wrong way so it's the right wrong way you know you feel me just chasing that again i love it in hell when you can just bully the enemy you have the confidence just move when impunity oh he's going to touch me i don't want to be touched no touching here please but as long as i have three ammunition for the boss fight to unjam it and well we've got all the ammunition what's more yeah we'll refill that but my friends i have the greatest thing to show you for one i'm gonna save the triple gun i think we need a bit of javelin work but you might be wondering you know what can i do to lich with the decoy not much here to be honest apart from you know help the ads not come at me too fast i've still got my sling as well should get used to again i can't get the start damage so technically i'm losing damage the great thing is though with ghost bullets i might be able to get multiple bounces although i think i run out of range whose was that bullet so i've got my decoy back so it's not this one nor is it the next one for the specialist decoy but it's the same with tables as well you know the active table usage tables can also do what i'm going to do in a very nice way [Music] a special force this mother we've come all this way we've definitely earned some accolades so what are we gonna do to this boy one thing in particular do it i'm not gonna attack until you do it [Music] get in the center oh not like that in fact if i get hit or if i blank his attacks oh we're fine as long as a dodge roll for a few of these you know make some holes in them because i've got cheese he can't touch this that way yeah get in the center there you go laser light show you all he gets stuck in a decoy and he can never destroy 10 hour 10 game no fixes needed whatsoever i can fill up my cheese as well i'm pretty sure let me just i'm pretty sure i can look at that i can fill up my cheese because it keeps refreshing the bullets evil master plans here and of course a bit of cheese at the end as well so if you ever have a decoy no they're very good in boss fights explosive decoy is terrible by the way it'll explode prematurely before you've finished your job [Music] ah wonderful times but thank you so much for watching i've been suffering stuff together if you enjoy the content always consider dropping a like subscribe to the channel it helps and support supports the content very very much i really do appreciate it also we stream live at twitch.tv forward slash let's suffer together come and join us on some good interactive live entertainment we'll take you on a journey my friends that's another successful dungeon but we will be back tomorrow my friends on stream and on youtube specifically to shay's channel metagordi mig sean warren for joining youtube roguelike renegades with the join button down below contributing i really do appreciate it my friends thank you so much for providing some good ham sandwich energy drink you know keeping me alive but until next time my friends take care take it easy keep on joining roguelike games and i'll be back very soon take care of yourselves my friends see you soon
Channel: Let's Suffer Together
Views: 27,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mod the gungeon, enter the gungeon, suffer, twitch, streams, live, viewer, world record, a farewell to arms, supply drop, advanced gungeons and draguns, advanced, tips, strategies, tricks, cheats, gameplay, synergy, builds
Id: PZT7xdRe3M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 5sec (5885 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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