GoT's Abandoned Plotlines 2

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Figures they cut a scene that actually looked kinda cool.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ZweiHanderman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I would argue the Nymeria plot line was abandoned as well. It was certainly not tied up satisfactorily. Also, holy shit I never realized the dramatic irony of having Daenerys become pregnant with Jon’s child, only to have him eventually kill her. That would have been heartbreaking, but such good storytelling!’

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Darkschoolnight πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh shit I also forgot---the fucking Greyscale plotline was thrown out the window.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Darkschoolnight πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys this will essentially be a continuation of the first abandoned plotlines video since it sparked a lot of discussion people have brought up more points to go into which is why I'm making this video some people had issues that not every point was a plot line but this series mainly points out everything that was just forgotten whether it's big or small but yeah here we go in the beginning of season 3 the warlocks are actively trying to kill Daenerys it's set up that a warlock escapes and is ominously peering over Danny and her followers as if the Warlock will come back but that whole assassination plot line has dropped it was basically just used as a scene to have a badass introduction for sir Barristan Selmy Sansa being married to Tyrion is a pretty significant development in Game of Thrones but they just drop it and joke about it later on like officially they should still be married because the show never goes into a separation process I mean I'd be down to get a marriage story spin-off worse on Centurion sort of their divorce via trial by combat also their marriage could have played more of a conflict in season a given they are paired together again instead in the last two seasons they just laugh it off and act like it never happened she missed me terribly so that whole plot line is just abandoned after Cersei blows up the Sept at the end of season six the faith of the seven in that undercurrent plot in King's Landing is dropped just because she destroys the set that doesn't mean the religion just goes away the majority of people in King's Landing worship that religion and they would be propelled into chaos of the scepter suddenly exploded by abandoning this minor plot toward it makes the public of King's Landing seem much more shallow this also creates a big inconsistency because the general public go from hating Cersei to suddenly loving her in season eight they are grateful for your protection I guess the high sparrows in that whole religion were just there so that starts he could just blow them up it reminds me of this mean great Sept go boom in season six it's set up that the Lord of Light and its followers will help Danny and support her cause Daenerys Stormborn is the one who was promised from the fire she was reborn to remake the world but outside of just spreading the word in Mereen that's all they do kinvaras stated this the Dragons will purify non-believers by the thousands burning their sins and flesh away so you would also think they would be interested in the Battle of King's Landing and not just the Battle of Winterfell but they don't bring them back which is a shame throughout season four it has set up that Danish dragons are misbehaving and that she's losing control of them this leads her to lock them up and it would seem that it would have a lasting impact even in season five the Dragons seemed to hate her but in season six when they break out they seem to just be fine Tyrion doesn't Akal them but they are still imprisoned they disobey and the whole notion that they're misbehaving and there's no lasting consequences the whole conflict just conveniently disappears the faceless men's whole plotline was basically being developed throughout seasons two through six at the end of it it just seems very anti-climatic to the point of where it just feels unresolved you're telling me that the faceless men will allow are you to kill the wave still a bunch of faces and essentially justify their whole order it seems that jaqen has some affection towards her and is proud that she ascended but there are more faceless men that would definitely want to hunt down aria there's just no consequences for her actions in this plotline although an guy isn't technically a forgotten plotline characters are still pieces of plot lines and they contribute to the overall story so in that sense they just straight-up deleted anguy he was very charismatic and likable but they didn't bring him back in season six I don't know what else to say he was just abandoned speaking of Forgotten characters Salladhor saan was basically left behind he was a pretty big asset when I came to Davos is valued because he was a source of ships they had a falling out after the first time Davos lost his fleet [Music] but Davos got his fleet a second time and we don't get to see an outcome to that whole situation we don't know whether Salladhor is mad or wants vengeance because he's just left behind as it was set up words were much more common when it came to the free folk after John goes to hardhome and saves thousands of free folk we apparently don't see any wargs there could have been a very interesting development in which brand meets an experience of warg this war could a top brand torg into anything about [ __ ] crows maybe even larger animals like dragons intent so in season seven they reintroduced the whole idea that Dany may or may not be able to have kids I can't have children who told you that they weren't sure who murdered my husband has it occurred to you she might not have been a reliable source of information and then they go into having sex so the question remains can she have children or can she not they just dropped this whole question and I'm sure they at least had sex more than once this would have made for a much more emotional climax if Danny was pregnant and John had to still decide whether or not to kill her for the good of the realm but nope feels bad so literally throughout the whole show they keep setting up that this will be the longest winter ever the peasant say along sama means an even longer winter color superstition but it seemingly lasts like a couple of days or however long the in show time was also after they killed the night king it simle ends the winter since it was snowing in King's Landing in season seven and now it's a desert so this just raises more questions does the night can control the seasons well there never be a winter again I don't know just one turn in general is abandoned I guess after so much build-up when that stark dies both Rickon and brand say they have dreams about their father and they go down to the Crypt as anything until what's happening I saw him one last night when I was sleeping for bran this was later revealed that he had these visions because he was a warg but after this point they never tell us why Rickon was having these somewhere symptoms it's basically just left behind and Rickon in general just gets heated out of the story in season six when yara confront his dani about wanting to start an alliance a part of her terms in that conversation was that she wanted the Iron Islands to have their own independence what if everyone starts demanding that independence she's not demanding she's asking after this point I think David and Dan just forgot that this even happens because in the ending scene where everyone meets she doesn't bring it up especially after Sansa declares the north independent so in the timeframe of one sentence spoken by Jaime Dave and Dan managed to completely ruin and abandon his entire character arc and for every one of the million people in that city innocent or otherwise to be honest I never really cared much for them innocent or otherwise Jaime deep down was sympathetic and this was shown when he sacrifices his honor in order to save King's Landing from the Mad King but in season eight he for some reason says he never cared for the public of King's Landing so Jamie's whole arc from that point on isn't validated and thus abandoned the iron bank in season seven bets heavily in favor of Cersei winning and they basically fund our whole operation rest assured yo grace you can count on the iron bank support they obviously lose and the question remains is what does the bank do to get their money back the bank in general just fades from existence and nobody brings it up the line that Tywin gives us that was very important was that they are Bank always gets their money back you can't run from them you can't cheat them you can't sway them with excuses if you have the money and you don't want to crumble yourself you pay it back but it's just unresolved maybe a cool development is that the bank hires the faceless men to get the money back this would have tied the faceless men back into the story and Arya would have had to overcome one final obstacle instead of getting shorn into killing the knight King for Jon Snow at the end of season seven during the scene where Dany and John are having sex Tyrion looks at their room with a very ominous and disapproving look this seems to set up some sort of conflict for Season eight and it's never brought up again Taran is just delivering [ __ ] joke right out of the gate instead of exploring this development they set up at the end of season seven so the reason why I'm including Benjen stark is that he was a very interesting piece of the white Walker plotline his character in essence is cool because he is half human and half undead he is basically just abandoned and he loses all depth by becoming an ex machina all he does is just save characters and is very clear that David and Dan did not know what to do with his character the horn Sam finds at the fist of the first men is known as the Horn of winter this is a plot point in the books but it doesn't make sense to introduce it in the show to just abandon it I guess it's an easter egg but they still set it up the horn apparently has the power to bring down the wall and it's a big point of conflict for the books so the show basically just abandons that whole plot thread the only reason why I'm including this plotline that's from the books is because it actually makes an appearance so I won't be including other plot lines from the books that the show doesn't go into Oberyn Martell was a pretty integral character in season four and everyone related to him was important as well even his children known as the sand snakes had out of focus in season five so this raises the question of what happened to oberyn's other children here's a clip where he mentions them for one of my gutters we have several w88 surely they would have more significance but David and Dan just leave it alone it would have been a pretty cool development if the new Prince of Dorne was overand son he could have potentially had an arc avenging sword to Lannisters for killing his father there's a couple moments that hang up the idea that grand maester pycelle is actually smarter than what he is letting on these are your new chambers little [ __ ] perhaps you don't need much room do you you are no longer hand of the king for your trouble there's also this whole deleted scene that reveals this fact am I the only one to see through this performance there are times when I have trouble believing it myself and why do you bother so many flowers my lord I don't want to be the tallest or the brightest I only want to remain in the garden but David and Dan cut it out in the small plot line along with it it's a shame because it makes pi cells character much more interesting and we get another Tywin scene which is always a plus in season four what the Hound is talking to Arya she asked him what he wants to do my passage across the Narrow Sea why there's a self sword second Psalms could be a good fit for me after he comes back in season six he for some reason decides to join the Brotherhood without banners although he hates them in season three they tried to kill him and he often goes on about how much he dislikes them Father sake will you shut you know hope so it doesn't really make much sense for him to go with her Brotherhood instead of pursuing his own personal goal and continuing down the plotline that was set up in season before Illyria was a pretty important character in season one and they never bring him back this somewhat make sense but he doesn't come back to the story for whatever reason when they're at his palace in season 5 Varys and Illyrio share the same goals and are working together so story it makes sense for him to make a reappearance here it would have been cool to see him reunite with nurse in season 1 and he would have had some value to the plotline throughout the whole show John and ghosts have an active relationship in the background even in season 6 we have a very wholesome moment where ghost is the last friend in the room awaiting for John to return in season 7 he doesn't even show up and in season 8 he basically serves no purpose at all for whatever reason during the Battle of Winterfell ghost is charging with Jorah Mormont who he doesn't even know it would have been a perfect opportunity for goes to come and save John after he falls off of his dragon instead of his pawn armor saving him ghost would have actually had some worth but all that happens is that he gets pet once essentially towards the later seasons there Horrell a shin ship becomes very superficial and they just delete ghost screentime to save money so it's is really sad
Channel: Supercuts Delight
Views: 641,440
Rating: 4.8988185 out of 5
Keywords: Game of thrones, GoT's Abandoned Plotlines 2, got abandoned plotlines, Game of thrones abandoned, Game of thrones abandoned plotlines, Abandoned plotlines 2, Plotlines, Game of thrones plotlines, Everything forgotten in game of thrones, Supercuts delight, Supercuts delight game of thrones, GoT, Game of thrones abandoned plot threads, Forgotten plot lines, Every error in game of thrones, devoid of logic, Devoid of logic game of thrones, HBO, Game of thrones season 8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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