How Game of Thrones Should Have Ended? (Complete Version) - Game of Thrones Season 8

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Sorry if this is a repost. I have tried searching it but it either wasn't posted before or my searching skills are insufficient (which they might very well be...)

Anyway, I just stumbled upon this narration of how GoT should have ended on the Talking Thones YouTube channel. I am only at the end of episode 2 right now and have to go to bed but it's really really good. Certainly better that the BS we got on TV...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Dacaldha 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back for another Game of Thrones video now that it's a new year I'm sure we will be getting some winds of winter and House of the Dragon updates very soon so make sure you're on the lookout for those in the meantime I want to go back to Game of Thrones Season eight as you all know the ending to Game of Thrones essentially split the fandom right down the middle what I want to do in this video is basically rewrite the entire final season over a year ago but first season eight was released I read several different outlines and plot leaks on my channel and just like what the final season some of you did like them and some of you hated them now when you consider what Dan and Dave an HBO actually gave us for their final season some of those leaks and outlines were actually far superior than what we got so what I went ahead and did was gathered up some of those ideas that I think make for a much better season I also sprinkled in some of my own theories of course so feel free to let me know what you think down below so without further ado let's begin now as you all know the very first episode of Game of Thrones began at Castle black with the introduction of the Nights Watch as well as the White Walkers I want to do the exact same thing with the final season I want to begin at Castle black if you remember season 7 ended with the night king knocking down the wall at eastwatch-by-the-sea during the White Walkers invasion beric Dondarrion and tormund Giantsbane were able to escape from that attack so the very first episode of my final season will begin what beric in torment arriving at Castle black to inform everyone of what happened at Eastwatch immediately after they were lay the information we will see several men from the Nights Watch begin to send out Ravens to inform everyone about the breakthrough at eastwatch-by-the-sea right as we are watching some of these Ravens fly away from Castle black we will hear the sound of their horn blow three times signaling that the army of the Dead are there at that moment beric Dondarrion will tell tormund Giantsbane to take a horse and head south for Winterfell while barracks stays at Castle black with Lord Commander IDI and the rest of the remaining members of the Nights Watch we can still see all the Ravens flying with their messages from Castle black but right is they're almost out of frame we see the knight king's dragon burn them all before their messages can ever make it south to all the other houses this is when barrack shouts not all of the dead are coming to Castle black we can see that the army the dead have split up only a few hundred whites are running for Castle black while the night King is dry and the rest of his army are heading south for much bigger targets then the few hundred White's reach Castle black and the battle begins you see one of the many reasons why fans were so disappointed with season 8 was because of how the night King story ended we waited eight seasons for them to get through the wall and then as soon as they did they all died during their first battle at Winterfell well that's not about to happen in my version of the events as you can see the final season opens with an attack from the dead just like the first season opened with their introduction this will set the tone for the entire season winter is here ladies and gentlemen as well as the night King and his army of the Dead now let's go to the next scene another thing that was very disappointing about the final season was how bran Starks abilities were underutilized to say the least I mean let's be honest bran barely did anything at all well that's not gonna happen in my version of the events either this scene begins with bran stark sitting in the godswood next to the weirwood tree we see brains eyes go from white back to normal he looks over at the maester and says how long was I gone the maester says I'm not sure maybe a few hours brain says he has not seen anything this time he may have been thrown out of a vision similar to how he was thrown out of the Ravens when the knight Cain noticed he was watching him brain also says something must have gone wrong bran then signals to the maester to help him back to the courtyard brain says they are here now we get a big arrival scene with Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen only in my version this scenes not going to go on forever and ever John Daenerys Jorah Tyrion Varys Brienne the hound and some soldiers arrive inside the main courtyard of Winterfell Jorah Mormont immediately notices Sansa and some of the other northerners are looking at Daenerys suspiciously they already let us know how they felt about Danny last season tyrion lanister looks around and notices they are already reinforcing the walls of Winterfell we then see John and Sansa embrace each other first she wants to know how they were able to get Cersei to agree to send her armies north which Tyrion then shows a half smirk and Bowser said sons it looks a bit surprised as if she doesn't believe it then we see John embrace bran it's a very similar reunion as to the one we got in the show John looks very concerned by brands lack of emotion Sansa says brand situation is hard to explain but he has visions now John looks like he wants to say something but then he notices Arya and I have to be honest the reunion John and Arya had during season eight was a bit underwhelming for me which was very disappointing because it was the one I was looking forward to the most out of all the stark children I believe they have the closest relationship at least in the books they are both constantly thinking about each other and I was hoping that would come across when they finally reunited again but for whatever reason it just wasn't as emotional as I was hoping so I would try to fix that in my version of the final season now we know that John did ask her about needle the sword that he had given her before he left but this time I would have Arya mentioned something about just how much the sword has meant to her as you all know Arya was willing to kill other characters over that sword it has also saved her life on many occasions not to mention when Arya was training at the house of black and white she had to get rid of all her personal belongings to help enable her to strip away from her former identity however Needle was the one thing she could never let go of Arya can never fully become no.1 because she could not allow herself to get rid of the sword and most importantly forget about her family and life as a stark needle was not only a gift from John but it also represented who she was and where she was from so when we see John ask Arya about needle I want her to express this to John in some way afterwards we can have Sansa and Daenerys meet for the first time then Songza can tell Dani Winterfell is yours your grace we can also see Sam Gilly and the baby standing across the courtyard ghost is sitting right next to them after sons and Dany meet John's gonna ask Songza where's Littlefinger if you remember John nearly killed Littlefinger and the Crips right before he left Winterfell right as sons and begins to tell him Arya cuts her off and says I executed him John is shocked by that information he knew Littlefinger was a shady character but he never could have imagined Arya would be the executioner John now knows Arya is no longer the same little sister he grew up with but before John can even let all the new information sink in he's then greeted by Sam and ghost John's gonna bend down and scratch right behind the ears while Sam begins to ask John about the dragon glass from Dragonstone John will thank him for sending the information about where the dragon glass could be located then he's gonna ensure all of them that there is more than enough dragon glass to arm everyone in the north we then see Tyrion walked over to sons and asked her how she was able to escape from King's Landing during Joffrey's death she says Littlefinger was behind it Littlefinger has been behind almost everything he helped her escape from King's Landing but he was also the one who helped martyr Joffrey as well as their aunt Lysa Jon Arryn and many many others Jon wonders how does sons and know all of this did Littlefinger admit it before his execution songs is gonna look over to bran and say I told you he has visions Jon will look over to bran with a very surprised look on his face bran of course is sitting there emotionless Jon says it's time for all of us to gather inside the main hall we need to prepare for the wars to come inside the main hall Jon can see the look on everyone's face as Daenerys takes her seat at the main table the very first thing he does is remind everyone the king in the north has bent the knee and is now serving Daenerys Targaryen yon Roy stands up and says why haven't you learned from the mistakes of your uncle Brandon stark and your grandfather the Targaryen cannot be trusted John angrily shouts back at him Daenerys has came here to save us not only has she given us as much dragonglass as we could possibly need but she has also brought her own armies as well as her dragons John also says she has already helped me fight the dead despite how dangerous that was she even sacrificed one of her dragons to do so what if you sacrificed Lord Royce Lord Glover rises to his feet and says I have not seen any of this for myself brain stark says I have seen it they are telling the truth Daenerys finally stands and says I'm not here to slaughter the north I will help you defeat the night King and then we will go down south and defeat Cersei Lannister together Lyanna Mormont says how was it that you were able to get Cersei to agree to send her men to help you knowing she's gonna need those men later to defeat you Arya Stark follows this up we cannot trust Cersei Lannister she lied to save herself she's not gonna be sending any of her men to help us Tyrion Lannister has a concern look when his face we then see Sam lo whispered a brand he says when are you gonna tell Jon the truth he needs to know bran will say not right now the tension in the room is already high Jon Snow will then walk to the center of the room and say I will not force anyone to stay here and fight the dead but if you do stay and we somehow survive we will go to war for Daenerys Targaryen because it's obvious she is here to go to war for us so whoever is staying here to fight need to have all of their men get to Winterfell all of the northern lords and ladies begin to discuss their options some of them still seem to be undecided about what to do this is when bran stark says we do not have time to argue the dead do not argue in fact the dead do not speak they follow one king than I king I knew many of you may not believe me but I have seen them I first met the night King in a vision then he found me in the far north he has left his mark on me whatja bran shows the entire room the night kings mark on his arm Brandon looks at Daenerys and says he has also left his mark on your dragon and now your dragon fights for him this silence is the entire room Daenerys appears as if she is about to cry Brien ends the discussion by saying the night King and his army are now south of the wall and they are heading this way join us in this fight otherwise everyone you know and love will die now we go down to King's Landing and I'm also gonna start this scene off by having Khyber and revealed a Cersei that the wall has fallen and the dead are moving south Cersei will have the same reaction as she did during season eight Makai barn is also going to inform her as something else he will say what he has been working on his near completion and that Cersei should come see it for herself they will walk through the Great Hall until they reach one of the back rooms once inside they will go down a ladder to a cellar that's in complete darkness except for a faint glow of green that can be seen for nearly a hundred yards we can see that there are hundreds if not thousands of pots of wildfire stored right underneath the throne room Qyburn then says there's or stashed all over the city he implies that he has been working nonstop on producing a unlimited supply of wildfires since the explosion of the septa bail or was so successful as Cersei and Qyburn begin to leave the cellar we go outside where we see Euron's fleet arriving in the Blackwater Bay there are hundreds of ships filled with gold and Company soldiers we can see that some of them are already unloading the cargo there are hundreds of war horses as well as dozens of elephants fitted with body armor this is the golden company we should have seen during the final season Harry Strickland and euron greyjoy begin to have a conversation Harry Strickland wants to know does the Narus Targaryen actually have full-grown dragons he's heard about them yet he has never seen them for himself your honor sure sim Daenerys does indeed have dragons but they have something to defeat them as they walk to the back of the silence Euron uncovers one of the largest ballistas we have ever seen in the next scene Jaime Lannister meets what bran at an undisclosed location before he left King's Landing Jaime sent word to Bronn to meet him somewhere along the road to the north he tells bran he's leaving King's Landing and Cersei for good he intends on keeping his word to Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen and if broad wants to survive the winter and get what is owed to him he would be advised to join forces with them as well bran does not appear to be happy but he does agree to follow Jaime back in the north Jon Snow is down below in the crypts of Winterfell similar to the scene in season 8 Daenerys walks down there to be with John when she stands beside him she will ask how many family members says he lost during the recent Wars John will talk about Ned Catelyn robb and Rickon he tells her about how Rickon died right in front of him during the battle for Winterfell he will tell her about how Rob was betrayed by some of his own men John says unfortunately his mistakes led to his own death this may or may not be foreshadowing John says Robb was set to marry a woman but he chose another and it cost him his life Daenerys then walks from Ned statue over to Leona's she says she hasn't noticed any other statues of a woman down here she must have been loved by many Jon says she was my aunt Lyanna which is interesting because we all know Daenerys is actually John's on John looks at Dany and says she was abducted by her brother Rhaegar Targaryen Daenerys says she has heard the story many times she says she never understood why Rhaegar would do such a thing because everyone always told her about how Rhaegar was a good man and loved by many abducting a woman does not sound like something he would do John looks kind of sad and he says it really doesn't matter now they're both dead and there's nothing we can do to change that then as we see John and Daenerys walking back out of the crypts they noticed some commotion happening at the main gate John can see that his tormund Giantsbane who nearly collapses as he gets off his horse the horse appears to be ready to collapse as well it's obvious they have been riding non-stop through the night and day tormund Giantsbane is very distressed he tells John about what happened that he's watched by the sea and Castle black he confirms the night king does have the dragon and he will be heading their way Winterfell was now on high alert Tyrion Lannister is watching all of this from above we then follow him inside the castle and down one of the hallways he enters his own chamber and closes the door behind him we see him begin to write a letter but we don't know who he is writing that letter to in the final scene of the episode we see a small boy working outside in the snow with his father after watching them for a few moments the boy suddenly stops the father will ask him what's wrong the boy will motion to the nearby forest it's getting very dark outside so we don't notice anything at first but then we begin to see blue eyes staring back at us before we know it there are hundreds of blue eyes moving through the woods the father tells his son run inside and tell the others a horn begins to blow as hundreds of whites begin to run straight for the father standing outside little Ned umber who is followed by several soldiers begin to rush outside to defend the castle as hundreds of soldiers begin to rush outside the sound of a dragon begins to drown out the sound of the horns that were blowing one of the soldiers tries to get Ned umber to run back inside but it's already too late thousands of White's led by White Walkers and Giants are now just a few feet away then the knight King appears through the clouds and Viserion begins unleashing is blue flame on the castle chaos erupts in every man woman and child begin to get butchered simultaneously vissarion's blue flame delivers a devastating blow that completely destroys the umbers ancestral home ned umbers personal guard is butchered within seconds leaving him all alone on the field one of the white walkers approaches him and with one swift move he Pierce's his heart with the ice sword Ned umber Falls as we see the night king landing his dragon we can now see there are almost 100 white walkers walking across the blood-soaked battlefield every man woman and child lay slain at their feet we get a close-up of the night King as he raises his arms then the episode's gonna end with us knowing what's about to happen next you the opening scene of the second episode will begin in the north at Winterfell Davos Gendry and the remaining forces arrive at the main gate they agreed to stay behind what the ships so they can unload all the dragon glass from Dragonstone then escort at the Winterfell they have about a dozen big wagons filled with dragonglass most of the wagons are full of black obsidian but we can also see there is a wagon full of green and red dragon glass once again we can see Arya and Brienne outside training in the courtyard as the wagons are arriving at the main gate they are interrupted as all the wagons are being brought inside to the center of the courtyard this is when Aria and Gendry will notice each other from across the yard neither one of them can believe what they are seeing because they never thought they would actually see each other again Aria and ginjury meet in the middle of the courtyard where they embrace each other for several moments with a big smile on her face arya says I cannot believe you're here I did not trust that red witch I thought she was taking you away to murder you and Gendry says she wanted to sacrifice me this is when Genji looks over at davos who has help and unload the wagons of dragonglass and says I would not be alive if it were not for him then Gendry says thanks to the red woman i found out why the gold cloaks wanted me so bad I am Robert Baratheon's bastard son that's why the gold cloaks wanted me and that's why the red woman wanted me I have Kings blood Arya looks stunned for a few moments then she says you know I wanted to kill the red wix4 taking you away I used to recite her name every night before I would fall asleep Gendry smiles then arya says if I ever see Melisandre again but before she can finish her sentence Davos cuts her off as he walks over and says I will kill her myself this will be a nice segue right into my next scene in volantis we see there as a large group of followers gathered right outside the red temple vellore Melisandre can vara and several other high-ranking members are standing at the top of the steps overlooking the crowd this is when Melisandre will say there is a darkness falling over Westeros and soon it could cover us all the Lord of Light has brought all of us here for one purpose and one purpose only to end that darkness can vera walks forward and says Melisandre has already brought ice and fire together I believe daenerys targaryen is the one who will lead us through this darkness but Melisandre says there is another then Melisandre says I have already seen it in the flames whenever I look for the answers from our Lord of Light all I can see is snow Daenerys Targaryen has her own part to play but Jon Snow will be the one who defeats the night king Kim vara says prince or princess it doesn't matter Melisandre is right the great other is here to bring the darkness to us all we must go to Westeros and help them all of us in the next scene we will go to Castle black where we will see the aftermath of the attack from the army of the Dead Castle black is now in ruins but there are some survivors from that attack Lord Commander II D as well as 95% of the remaining members of the Nights Watch are dead but beric Dondarrion and a few others are still alive we will see beric Dondarrion begin to burn all the whites with his flaming sword beric Dondarrion will then say he has to ride south right away he also says he made a promise to someone that he would see them again he has yet to surf his final purpose if you remember at the end of season seven Barrack did say to another character they would meet again so we shall see now let's go to another scene back in Winterfell Brian Stark is sitting alone in the godswood next to the weirwood tree we can see that his hands are gripping the chair as his eyes are fluttering back and forth in his head then we will be thrust into a series of visions bran stark is having we see Jaime Lannister taking off his helmet during the first time we saw him arriving at Winterfell we see Ned Stark statue in the crypts of Winterfell we see and hear the Mad King saying burned them all we see the stache a wild fire underneath King's Landing we see blue dragon fire burning a castle that's covered in snow we can see a bed covered in blood we see bran stark falling from the broken tower we see smoke rising from Winterfell we see Melisandre looking into the flames we see a black silhouette as someone standing on a battlefield holding a burning sword in their hand we can hear the sound of a baby crying inside of a tower then bran will see himself standing face to face with the night king and this immediately throws him out of the vision as we get closer to the end and the night king gets closer to Winterfell there can action and their powers will continue to grow stronger and stronger when brain stark looks up we see he is surrounded by John Davos Daenerys Sansa and Arya they all want to know what brain has seen bran says everything I can see everything at first it was all fragments making it very hard to decipher what was past present or even future events but now he knows brain says Castle black is gone along with its men the last hearth is gone along with all the umbers men then brain says I saw the night King he knows we're all here he will be here soon John tells everyone to meet him in the main hall bran grabs John by his arm right as he's about to walk away Bryan says we need to speak soon it's finally time you know the truth this gets the attention at the Narus and Sansa they're both wondering what bran meant by that every one of importance is gathered inside the main hall of Winterfell Jon Snow informs everyone of the recent attacks in the north by the night king everyone in the room is silent John says Cersei Lannister has yet to send us any additional soldiers to fight the army of the dead but what they're without her they have to prepare for what's to come they will need to reinforce all the walls of the castle they will need to hand out dragonglass weapons to every man woman and child at Winterfell John says the castle should not fall my father always said 500 men could hold Winterfell against 10,000 if the castle should fall there are secret passageways below the ground that can help them escape from the north but let's hope it doesn't come to that then John holds up long cloth for everyone to see he says this sword is made of Valyrian steel I have already defeated several White Walkers with this sword they have control over the army of the Dead and the night King has control over them if we can take out the White Walkers in the night King we might be able to defeat the entire army I will go for as many White Walkers as I can with Longclaw but I'm gonna need your help this is when Arya and Brienne will stand up at the same time they both mentioned they also have Valyrian steel weapons and they will stand by John to help him defeat the White Walkers and the night King Samwell Tarly stands up as well he informs John about his father's sword hearts Bane Sam also says he has been reading some of the old books that he took from the Citadel he says he may have found some information that may be of interest Tyrion Lannister will shift in his seat he looks to sam wall and says i would like to see those books as well as everyone begins to leave the hall Daenerys tells John she would like to speak with him alone songs who looks at Daenerys suspiciously as does Terry Lannister Jonathan Aerys then walk atop the castle overlooking the battlements Daenerys wants to know when Jon's gonna tell everyone about their relationship John doesn't think that's a good idea right now considering how many other northern lords and ladies still do not trust an heiress he doesn't need anyone to lose focus or abandon their cause right before the army of the Dead arrive they should wait until after the battle is over we can't afford to lose anyone right now it doesn't look like Cersei is sending us any of her soldiers we already lost the Nights Watch in the umbers let's discuss this again after the battle rate as John begins to walk away Daenerys says wait there's one more thing I spoke to your Masoner last night I told him I haven't been feeling very well lately and he decided to examine me to see what the issue could be John looks nervous he says is everything okay what's the matter after a long silence Daenerys says John I'm pregnant now let's go to another scene Jaime and Bronn arrive at the twins the castle looks nearly abandoned now Jaime says someone infiltrated their castle killed Walder Frey and almost every other loyal man to House Frey bran notices that no one is guarding their bridge Jaime says if only Robb Stark would have found their birds this way he would still be alive and I would most likely be dead bran slaps Jaime on the shoulder and says if only dreams came true when Jaime and Bronn reached the castle doors they are greeted by several of the Frey daughters who are now in charge of the twins Jaime says we are now heading north and he needs to gather any soldiers our men that they have available there is a storm coming down from the wall and everyone will die unless they follow him north one of the Frey girl says Queen Cersei did not inform us of this why did we not receive a raven Jaime says she sent me instead speaking of Cersei Lannister we go back to King's Landing in the next scene Cersei Qyburn and the mountain are walking around the wall the red key Qyburn has men burning up the stashes a wildfire to place at each gate that enters the city along with many other locations no one will enter through any of the city gates without getting burned alive we can also see they are strategically setting up large ballistas all around the city King's Landing will not fall as easily as it did during season eight Circe says Daenerys Targaryen may have the larger army right now but we shall see how large that army is after the dead get through with them Cersei vows that Daenerys will never step foot inside the red keep while she is still alive Cersei also says even if we lose we have seen what fire does to the army of the Dead with the amount of wildfire we have I'm not concerned with anyone or anything taking over the city while I'm here now that I have the iron banks full support I may have one other surprise for our dragon queen the next scene takes place in the middle of the night Theon Greyjoy and his small team of men land their boats on the shore of the Iron Islands and make their way up to the castle Theon is hope and a sister Yara is being kept captive there he wants to free Yara before Euron eventually has her killed but to their surprise the Iron Islands are completely abandoned there isn't even anyone there guarding the castle Euron has taken every able body to fight with him and those who could not fight were put to the blade yarr is not there Theon's worst fear has come true Yara stolen the silence and in order to set her free Theon's gonna have to board that wicked ship now let's go to the next scene this time we go to Dragonstone we can see Euron's entire fleet is scattered around the island now that Daenerys has taken all of her men north urines men along with the golden company were able to easily secure the castle for Cersei Lannister on board the silence we go down below where we can see yar a Greyjoy she's covered in blood and it looks like most of her hair has been chopped off your own Greyjoy enters the cabin and he begins laughing like a maniac right in yars face he informs Jorah that she's not gonna make it off his ship alive and he assures her that Theon's never gonna have the balls to try to get her back and even if he did he's gonna hang both of them from the front of the silence then he leans down and whispers tell me my sweet niece who your king Yarra doesn't say a word but she does not break eye contact for a few moments it's silent then Euron begins laughing like a maniac again and he throws something that bounces off a yars face we soon find out why Yura hasn't said a word Euron has said Yara with her own tongue what she had chopped off almost immediately after her capture now we go back to Winterfell where Jon Daenerys bran Sam Tyrion and the maester are looking over everything he took from the Citadel their hope and they can find out some more information about how to defeat the night king sam says he has several books and Scrolls about the long night the White Walkers and the children of the forest and many others the only problem is he's having trouble making sense of it all Brian Stark says show me what you found then perhaps I can go back and have a look for myself tyrion lanister grabs one of the books that is already open this one has legends about the long night and he begins to read it aloud it has information about a legendary figure known as a Zora high who carried a burning sword called light bringer tyrion looks over at Jonathan Harrison says this reminds me of what Melisandre said to us on Dragonstone Melisandre said the prince who was promised will bring the dawn but missandei believes it could mean the prince or princess who will bring the dawn this is or a high figure sounds like a man bran Stark says old nan used to tell me bedtime stories about a last hero who would lead the fight against the dead then the maester cuts in and says well where do you suppose we find such a man with a magical burning sword Sam immediately looks over at Jon Jon says a long Clause of Valyrian steel but it does not burn Jon looks over to bran and says what do you think this could mean brain says I need to go to the godswood in the final scene of the episode we will see a massive storm begin to roll in from the north everyone in the area begins to go indoors the location of the castle is revealed when we see the Karstark banners hanging by the main gate Alysse Karstark is inside with a few of her household guards she's sitting by the fire reading some of the messages the Ravens brought in for the day she says word has arrived from Winterfell Castle black and the last hearth no long stand the night king and the army of the Dead may be on their way to Winterfell next they inform us that we should all get the Winterfell as soon as we can they say we should prepare for the worst before she can finish telling her men about the news from Winterfell a sudden scream and the sound of a horn begin to echo through the castle Elise Karstark runs over to the window to have a look outside to see where the scream came from to her surprise she cannot see anything now it's a complete whiteout from the storm then all of a sudden a thunderous scream comes from the clouds above the night king and Viserion suddenly appeared through the storm the episode ends as a blue flame can be seen lighting up the night sky we now know how scarce dark will also be added to the army of the Dead you this episode will begin with us getting a glimpse of the aftermath of that attack there is smoke rising from a mound of stone which is where the castle once stood we can see that there are a KERS and acres of snow-covered land and soaked in blood there's also remnants and northern uniforms all over the ground as well as broken weapons this looks like your typical battlefield the only difference is there are no dead bodies we know the night king has risen demo to fight in his army and they're most likely heading to Winterfell which is where we will have our next scene back in Winterfell we will see hundreds of northern men preparing the Starks castle for the coming storm outside of the main gate of the castle we will see them making trenches that appear to be a moat just like in season 8 I want to enclose the castle in a ring a fire that will prevent the dead from entering Winterfell I actually talked about this idea in one of my videos before the final season came out we're also gonna see hundreds of archers on standby all along the top of the wall of the castle all of their arrows are made of dragonglass there's also going to be barrels of these arrows all along the top of the castle walls as well down in the courtyard there are thousands of Spears made up of dragonglass - however great worms spear will look slightly different than the rest his will be made with the red dragon glass we're also gonna see that ginjury has made himself a new hammer out of dragonglass and there will be different spikes coming off the hammer each of the spikes will be made up of different coloured dragonglass one black one red in one green John Sansa Arya and ghost are walking around the courtyard overlooking all the work getting done to their home arya mentions how she came across Nymeria on her way to Winterfell arya tells John I did want her to come home with me but deep down I knew that she was meant to be free she hopes that one day she's gonna be able to see her again as John looks over at ghost you can see that he has a sad look on his face realizing that ghost is the only direwolf left in the far north John talks about the day they were found and how he told Ned they were meant to have them he also says as long as they're alive they're always going to have a connection to one another no matter how much distance is in between them this brings a smile to arias face and John says even at times when him and ghosts were separated he would always have a sense that he was still with him and Aria says I have also felt that with Nymeria they are interrupted within one of the guards at the main gate begins to shout that a writer is approaching the castle beric Dondarrion has arrived from Castle black barrack looks like he's about to collapse as John tells the guards to open the gate and allow him inside as soon as arya recognizes who it is she draws out her dagger arya lets beric know right away that he is not welcome and John looks somewhat confused arya says barracks old gandrayda Melisandre knowing full well that the red witch wanted to sacrifice him beric Dondarrion will say kill me if you must but I'm here to play my part in the Great War then barrack looks at John and says the night king and the army of the Dead will be here tonight the next scene is in King's Landing it begins with your own Greyjoy greeting Cersei Lannister Euron says I have completed every mission you have set upon me I have travelled the seas conquered your enemies and even brought you the golden company Cersei says you haven't defeated all of my enemies but maybe it is time you are rewarded your own smiles then the commander of the golden company greets Cersei he talks about how good it feels to be in Westeros Cersei reminds him not to get too comfortable they still have a war to win harry strickland then wishes to speak to whoever commands Cersei Lannister soldiers he wants to discuss their strategy Cersei informs him that she is in the process of finding someone she can trust who can command her Lannister men her former commander and brother has left the city for good she says he went to go join his traitor brother the bastard in the north and the foreign [ __ ] with the Dragons Cersei then says but it doesn't matter now I have everything I need right here Euron has a very big smile come across his face even though Cersei wasn't just talking about him we also see Cersei noticed the look when Harry Strickland's face as the Dragons were mentioned she can tell he's very nervous about those dragons so Cersei says what's wrong are you afraid of dragons Harry says he wasn't entirely sure they were even real he's heard about them for quite some time yet he has never seen them for himself afterwards euron greyjoy wishes to speak with Cersei alone the scene ends a Cersei says as you wish back in Winterfell bran John De Niro Sam Tyrion and the maester are shown in the godswood Tyrion Lannister says there must be someone or something that has a connection to all the different legends about the long night as we saw in the last episode the book about the long night talks of azor Ahai Melisandre talks about the prince who has promised an old nan used to speak of the last hero during her bedtime stories and all these different stories it is said that these legendary figures have faced the darkness and one sam looks over at bran and says we need you to go back and see if there is anything you can tell us about this man who was he how did he defeat the White Walkers we need answers bran stark will take a deep breath then his eyes will roll back in his head he's about to see another series of visions somes going to take place in the past some in the present and even the future this time the very first thing he sees is a black silhouette standing alone on a battlefield holding a burning red sword it's very similar to his last vision of the shadowy figure only this time the man is standing face to face with the night king then bran will see the same battlefield but now no one is there and all the snow is gone bran stark is walking across that battlefield then he sees a man facedown in the water he can also see there are some red rubies scattered all across the water then he begins to see a crowd of people cheering there is a man mounted on a horse and he leans down and hands something to a girl who looks a lot like his sister Arya then brain is at the wall there is a lot of blood covering the snow when brain looks into the blood he can see blue rose petals scattered throughout it soaking up the blood now bran is back at the Tower of joy but this time he can see leona is sitting up in the bed talking to a man with hair so blond that it almost looked silver bran knows it's Rhaegar and he can hear him say our son has a song and it is the Song of Ice and Fire Bryan then sees a woman dressed in red with hair as red as a bleeding star it appears as if this woman is talking to someone but brain can't quite make out the man's face it sounds like John's voice but all he can see is a black silhouette with smoke rising from the sword then all of a sudden brain is back on the battlefield that is now covered in snow once again bran can see the figure that looks like a black silhouette with a burning sword clenched in his fist time he's standing face-to-face with the night king right his brain sees the night king take a step forward the black shadowy figure swings his sword as fast as lightning strikes when brand opens his eyes we can see that he has completely covered in sweat was steam coming off his body everyone else that's in the godswood are silently staring at brand anxiously awaiting to find out what he has seen Tyrion says are the legends real after a few moments of silence sam says do you know what we need to do to defeat the night king after a few more moments of silence brian finally says yes now it all makes sense I finally understand what the three-eyed Raven was trying to show me sam says what what is it this scene ends as bran looks over at Jon back in King's Landing Cersei the mountain and euron greyjoy enter her private chambers Euron immediately says he wants the mountain to leave so they can speak alone but Cersei says don't worry he won't say a thing Euron begins by telling Cersei it's time that he gets what is owed which we all know he once Cersei herself Euron then starts bragging about how he's a better man than Jaime and how Jaime will never be coming back to King's Landing unless his head is on a spike Cersei does agree but she continues to play hard to get however Euron does eventually get Cersei to start to soften up a bit Cersei knows exactly what you're on once but she tells him she's already pregnant with Jaime's child inside of her Euron says he doesn't care if she's pregnant he says all he's ever wanted was to marry the most beautiful woman in the Seven Kingdoms which is why he's here he's a king who deserves to have a queen at his side they should rule Westeros together and he also says he's never gonna betray her or abandon her in a time of need Cersei does enjoy the attention she's getting from him but she isn't quite ready to just hand over the keys to our kingdom she does however assure him that he won't get everything he wants in due time Cersei then motions for the mountain to step outside Cersei closes the door behind him then takes your on by the hand and walks them over to the bed in the next scene we go back to Winterfell where we see Jon push and bran across the courtyard bran says it's time that him and Jon go speak alone they begin to make their way to the crypts of Winterfell but then they notice some of the guards shouting down from the castle wall one of the guards yells to John and says there are more riders approaching the main gate this time there are hundreds and maybe even thousands once again brands gonna have to wait to talk to John before John can even ask who's approaching some of the guards begin to pick up their weapons and draw back their bows he can hear everyone shouting this sends everyone in the courtyard into a frenzy then we begin to hear some of the guards shouting the word Kingslayer with many other curse words to follow Jaime bran and the soldiers they were able to gather have finally arrived they were able to find roughly a thousand men who were still scattered throughout the Riverlands Tyrion does seem to be surprised that Jaime's in Winterfell not wearing the Lannister colors he also notices none of the men with him are from the Lannister army something has obviously gone wrong Jaime and Bronn are greeted with zerah courtesy Sansa wants to know what the hell's happening why is Jaime here with soldiers from House Frey the northerners are very angry some of which who are still shouting Kingslayer the North remembers etc Jon Snow attempts to quiet everyone down he says the Jaime where are the Lannister soldiers Cersei said she would send before Jaime can even answer songs emotions - Jaime's sword and says that was Joffrey's sword it was a wedding gift from Jamie's father then she says Jon that was made from father's sword ice we noticed that Brienne is afraid of what might happen next so she steps in between them Brienne says the Jaime's no longer the same man that he once was he not only saved my life on multiple occasions but he also helped me save yours she says Jaime gave me the sword and the suit of armor to protect my own life and yours you're right Jaime does have half a Ned Stark's sword but he also gave me the other half and specifically said take Ned Stark's sword to protect Ned Stark's daughters Jaime then interrupts and says I mean you no harm I've only come here to help you fight the army of the dead when that is done I shall leave surprisingly miss silence is everyone but then Jamie pulls out his sword and that is followed by a hundred northerners pulling out there's one of them shouts go ahead Kingslayer give me a reason to cut you in half like your brother I will kill you where you stand Jaime says I was only getting the sword out to give it back he looks at Songza and says you can have your father's sword then he looks at John and says but I was hoping I could use it to defend the realm I know the Lannisters are no friends of the north I know I have done many things bad things that I really wish I could take back but I can't all I can do now is be a man of my word and I remember promising you that I would help you win this war so here I am with a thousand other soldiers to help you my sister will not be sending any men which is why I left and rallied up as many men as I could on my own Joran Greyjoy light as well he's not on his way to the Iron Islands he was actually heading to Essos to pick up 20,000 mercenaries to add to Circe's army she intends on fighting in defeating whoever survives the war in the north which now includes me I might add when Daenerys here Circe lied she gives Terry in a venomous look Varys puts his head down and walks away John finally addresses Jaime he says you know I don't like you sir from the moment I met you standing right where we are I've not liked you since she disrespected me in my own home he then motions the Jaime and Bronn and tells them to come inside but the other thousand men are gonna have to set up outside other castle walls none of them are allowed to enter until everything is sorted out inside everyone then gathers inside a Winterfell main hall as always Lord Glover and Yan Royce are by far the loudest voices in the room they give John a stern warning if they allow this man to set up shop in the north he will slit everyone's throat while they sleep you cannot trust a Lannister Lord Royce threatens to take the Knights of the Vale back to the Eyrie he doesn't want to fight alongside the Kingslayer or even the Targaryen for that matter unfortunately this causes other Lords to stand up and begin to say the same thing they're all wanting to march their men home and wait out the coming storm that's until John slams his fist into the table and yells enough John says I already made it known that I would not force anyone to stay here and fight but I promise you if you leave you will die we either fight together or die divided this is the only way John says I have no love for the Lannisters they're responsible for the death of my father brother and Lady Stark I want them here no more any of you but we need men I have stood face-to-face with the night king I know what he's capable of none of you have seen the army of the Dead but you will soon enough when you do you will be thankful for any and every man standing by your side trust me we're all gonna need it finally Jaime Lannister stands up to address the room first he apologizes to John for what has happened to him and his family he swears he had nothing to do with Ned Stark's death or the red wedding Jaime looks around the room for Varys because he knows Varys knows Joffrey had Ned Stark killed on his own but to everyone's surprise Varys is gone no one has seen him since he walked away after finding out Cersei wasn't sending any additional support right as everyone's focused shifts from Jamie to Varys in comes bran stark Jamie gets very nervous he knows everything's about to blow up in his face we can see that brain is being led into the hall by his sister Arya Stark once she gets bran sitting next to John and Sansa she walks up to Jaime and says what's wrong you look a little frightened Arya says you might not remember me Kingslayer but I remember you she looks over at bran and says I remember you - the last time I saw the both of you you are celebrating with Walder Frey you were celebrating the fact that she had retaken my mother's childhood home as well as killing our uncle the blackfish she looks back at Jaime and says do you remember here let me help you Arya then removes something from the bag that has slung over her shoulder all of a sudden Arya now appears to be the same serving girl that was flirting with Jaime at the twins Jaime and Bronn are both stunned this even gets John's attention he's wondering what the hell's happening Arya then removes the dagger from her belt as several men walk up behind Jaime and Bronn with their swords drawn Arya says is there anything else you would like to say to my family Kingslayer Jaime's eyes are filling up with water Jaime doesn't say a word but he looks at bran and notices brain is staring a hole right through him for a few moments Jaime silent struggling to find the right words to say but then right as the tension is reaching an all-time high and finally says something he says I know it was you Lord Glover stands up and demands that brain tell everyone what he knows about the Kingslayer brains eyes never leave Jamie after a few more moments Sansa stands up and demands that brains say something as well Jamie who's crying at this point looks at sons and says no need my lady I will tell you everything Jamie walks to the center of the room he looks around at all the stark children he says I am truly sorry I do not expect anyone to forgive me for what I'm about to say Tyrion looks at bran he's certain he knows what's about to come next deep down he's always new but now he realizes he might also die for the crimes of his family then after a few more moments of silence Jamie opens his mouth to confess but they are suddenly interrupted by the sound of a horn coming from outside the sound sent chills throughout the room it is time the dead have finally arrived Winterfell Hall erupts into chaos Jon immediately orders everyone outside and those who cannot fight or to head for the crypts below to flee the north they were ready for this Jon had maps drawn up at the secret tunnel so everyone knew the escape route as Jon gets outside he signals for the trenches to be lit which will enclose Winterfell in a ring of fire preventing the dead from getting inside Jon hands widows well back to Jamie and he says if you have any shred of on or left come prove it by fighting alongside me on the battlefield within seconds they find themselves standing outside in a complete whiteout they're only able to see within a few feet of their faces Jon also wants to marys to go underground now that she's pregnant he doesn't want to risk her getting injured Daenerys refuses to sit out the fight she says they're not gonna survive without her endurance help Jon really has no option but to let her fight he knows how effective jorgen is when Daenerys is on his back this is when we will see Daenerys mountains rogue on and take to the sky however we're not able to see much because of the whiteout Jon then goes to the top of the wall in hopes of getting a glimpse of the army of the Dead for a few moments he's not able to see any further than a few feet in front of him but then he starts to see the faint glimmer of blue eyes in the distance he's not able to see their bodies but at this point he can see there are thousands of blue eyes staring back at him and they're not just in front of the castle they have the entire castle surrounded by the dead by now the snow is getting so deep that authority are not able to ride their horses most other forces are outside the walls john hopes they are able to defend themselves in that storm Brian Stark attempts to use the Ravens so he can see where the night king is at but the birds are not taking flight in the storm the night king storm essentially blocks bran from taking control of any animals all of a sudden we begin to hear the screams of thousands of dead men as they get closer to the castle the sound of them running almost sounds like a thunder storm the battle has officially begun Jon Snow Sandor Clegane Brienne Jaime Lannister grey worm Jorah Mormont tormund Gendry and Arya head out into the storm all of the Valyrian steel weapons will now be on the battlefield once they get outside the main gate the rest of the pitch is ignited completing the Ring of Fire around the castle John and the others are not going to be able to escape back to the castle if need be their destiny now lies ahead of them as they enter the battle they are determined on stopping the night King tonight the faint glow of drogon and Regan's flames can be seen to the storm we can only hope that the nurse and her dragons are finding their targets just like in season eight the night king has sent his army ahead of him so he can sit back and wait for the right time to strike we are then shown a glimpse of dozens of White Walkers and Giants walking onto the battlefield this time we are gonna see all of the characters holding Valyrian steel weapons face off against White Walkers and some epic sword fights however at some point during the battle grey worm will be slain by a white Walker he was able to kill one of the White Walkers with his dragonglass spear but due to the limited visibility he wasn't able to see the other one closing in on him Daenerys is able to take out hundreds if not thousands of whites with each pass of her dragons but the unsullied Dothraki and even the northerners are getting slaughtered in this massive storm Brienne's lake will be severely wounded during the attack torment in the Hound will try dragging her back to the castle wall but they're also going to come under attack Stormin will be killed in the process John and Jamie are both injured as well Arya Starks gonna end up getting surrounded by several whites she's able to kill most of them but if not for Jamie shielding her she might have fallen as well Daenerys will be able to burn thousands of whites who are dragged on and ragle but it's not enough to slow down the attack it's nearly impossible to see all of them in the storm not to mention they are surrounding the entire castle on all sides after nearly every main character suffers a significant injury they begin to fall back to the castle wall although they are still trapped outside of the Ring of Fire they are hoping Daenerys can hold them off while they try to get the injured to safety meanwhile on the other side of the castle one of the Giants lays down on the fire to allow the rest of the army of the Dead to reach the castle wall once that happens they will be able to start climbing the walls or break down the gate now the night King has entered the battle vissarion's screams sounds so much louder than dragons or agels Daenerys is finally able to see Jon and the others near the castle she wants to attempt to land her dragons so she can fly the injured somewhere much safer they are completely exposed outside of the castles defenses when she lands drag on one of the White Walkers throws an ice spear which cuts right through reagan's wing this causes ray gall to fly off erratically as everyone starts to climb on drug on the sound of vissarion's scream seems to be getting closer and his blue flame is getting brighter through the storm Daenerys realizes she doesn't have much time to move and there are too many people on jorgens back for her to try to engage the knight King right now instead of dropping them off inside the courtyard where she knows the knight king will surely find them she decides to leave the castle instead as they are flying away John looks back at Winterfell where we can now see there are thousands of whites climbing over the castle walls the night King finally appears through the storm the first thing he does is burn down the weirwood tree in the godswood the heart tree that has been there for roughly eight thousand years is now up in flames as they continue to fly away John can only hope that the rest of his family were able to make it through the tunnels underground this episode will end with the night King landing his dragon right on top of one fo as he claims the home of House Stark for himself you this episode will begin where we left off we can see what used to be Winterfell there is smoke rising from several different areas of the castle the battlements are littered with thousands of dead bodies most of which are burnt beyond recognition the night Kings Army is gathered inside of the castle walls now although Daenerys was able to do some significant damage to the night king's army he still has a rather large force the night King and nearly a dozen White Walkers are seen walking through the godswood the weirwood tree is now burned what was once white in red is now blackened with ash the night King and his white Walker stand to the side as one of the Giants knocks over the weirwood tree crashing it to the ground the night King and the White Walkers then head through the courtyard as they make their way to the crypts of Winterfell as the night king is walking through the yard he grabs one of the weapons that was laying on the ground the night king examines the dragon glass almost as if he's inspecting what it's made of he throws the weapon aside but then he sets his hand over his chest he remembers how the children of the forest created him this may be something you want to remember for later when the night King does enter the crypts of Winterfell he immediately heads for its lowest level the level that has partially collapsed it seems as if he has been here before he knows exactly where to go he looks down a tunnel that is still freshly lit by candlelight he knows that members of House Stark were able to escape and he already knows where they're heading next in the following scene we find out exactly who was able to escape through the secret tunnels Sansa bran Tyrion Davos am gely baby Sam Musante and several other known characters this escape route led them right to the white knife River there are a few small boats stashed along the shore they will make their way down the river until they reach white Harbor which is where the rest of Danny's fleet is waiting Davos was chosen to lead the group if they ever had to use this option as we all know Davos knows his way around the waters better than anyone the map Jon had given them says the wait at white Harbor until they're able to regroup with everyone else Davos tyrion and sam began to help load everyone onto the small boats as of right now none of them know if Jon Daenerys or anyone else for that matter we're able to escape from Winterfell all they know is to go to white Harbor and wait they finally go to load brain onto the boat they notice his eyes are rolled back in his head and his hands are still gripping his chair Davos look somewhat nervous him and Sam have to actually unlock brains grip from the chair you have to wonder what brain is seeing at this time in the next scene Daenerys John Jaime beric the Hound Brienne arya ginjury and a few others land at white harbour they have been flying on drugged on non-stop ever since they left Winterfell when they reach land the first thing John says is everyone else who escaped had a good head start on them so they should be making their way down the river already John wants to leave some of the injured here at white Harbor with Danny's fleet while they fly back up the river in hopes of locating John's family Daenerys voices are concerned for regal he hasn't been seen since he was hit by one of the White Walkers iced beers now we all know regel obviously still had the ability to fly but Danny is worried he may not find them Jamie happens to be one of the first ones to volunteer to go with them although he did suffer some injuries when he saved Arya he says he doesn't want to sit around while others head back out into dangerous territories Johnson Oh gives him a nod and he thanks them for helping save Arya John says I need to get the rest of my family out of the north immediately Winterfell is gone along with most of our men we will need more help if we're ever gonna stop the night king we cannot allow the night king to take King's Landing even if it is Cersei Lannister sitting on the Iron Throne Tyrion reminds them there are roughly 1 million people in King's Landing if the night king manages to add that many to his army life as we know it will cease to exist with a very concerned look on his face John says we need to talk to your sister again she must understand we will need the golden company to help us and we may need protection behind those walls of the red key finally John looks at both Jamie and Tyrion Lannister and says your sister is our only option in the following scene Theon Greyjoy in a small group of men prepared ahead for the Blackwater Bay now that it's beginning to get dark outside they had a good feeling the iron fleet will be there since it wasn't at the Iron Islands nor did they come across it out at sea all they need to do is slip in grab Yara then get the hell out of there before any urines men are alerted as Theon and his men walk across the beach at Dragonstone they notice a shadowy figure sitting in one of their boats Theon is shocked when he recognizes who it is it's the spider somehow Varys is there waiting for them Theon is somewhat confused because he knows Varys should be in the north with Daenerys they also take notice that there are no other boats in sight in Varys appears to be completely dry they have no idea how he has arrived on Dragonstone when Theon says what are you doing here all Varys says is I'm coming with you back in King's Landing Qyburn meets with Cersei and Euron to tell them about some recent reports he's been receiving through his little birds Qyburn tells them that the Narus Targaryen z' fleet is at white Harbor she has abandoned Dragonstone while they fight in the north her fleet is our only means of transporting her large force quickly they also remember that John said the army of the Dead do not swim Cersei doesn't want to allow John and Danny to have a way to flee to the sea so Cersei tells Llorona take some of the Wildfire to white Harbor and burn Danny's entire fleet Euron does agree to do this but not until after he spends another night with the Queen in the red key back in the north we see several small boats heading down the white knife River we will focus on brand right as he opens his eyes after another series of visions Sam is sitting right next to him he is the first one to ask brain is everything okay bran had been out of it for quite some time and his hands are starting to callus from the way he keeps gripping his chair brain says I'm fine but he doesn't quite understand why he saw but he saw this time sam says well what did you see maybe I can help you was it the night king is he getting close to us again brain says no but then he looks at Gilly and he says I saw your son everyone on the boat looks at little Sam then bran says your son was crying and he was surrounded by fire everyone on the boat is now concerned by the tone of branes voice Gilly wraps her arms tightly around her son Davos tells Gilly not to worry they will be at white Harbor soon enough once they arrive they will immediately load Gilly and the baby onto one of Danny's ships and get them out to sea brand then interrupts by whispering we won't be getting on any ships jon is on his way to get us now then he looks at Becca Gilley and says does your son like dragons Gilley doesn't even want to look at brand he's starting to scare her but before she can answer a dragon appears through the clouds we noticed that it has a big hole in its right wing regel seems to be following them down the river back at white Harbor Daenerys John and Jamie get ready to leave at dawn so they can find the rest of the survivors John tells beric and the Hound to find some food to make sure everyone gets something to eat they may not have many chances after they leave Arya is seen helping Brienne clean out the injury on her leg then get it wrapped up one of the whites had buried a sword deep into her thigh as of right now she can barely stand let alone fight the how notice is already helping Brienne he walks over to them and jokingly says I hope you're not asking her for mercy because she won't give you any then he says most men would die from an injury like that but I'm sure you will have your sword up someone's arse in no time by now the Sun is starting to rise John Danny and Jamie walk over to climb on Dragon's Back John looks back at arya and says if we're not back by sundown we need to have everyone board a ship then head to Dragonstone the night king will never be able to get his entire army to that island it will be much safer there we need to find songs of bran and the rest of the others as soon as possible we cannot stay here for very long John and Arya embrace each other one last time before he leaves the scene will end as we see drogon disappear into the clouds in the following scene Cersei and Euron are laying in bed together Cersei is still asleep but Euron is starting to wake up he rolls over and looks at Cersei he starts to run his finger across her lips then he moves his hand further and further down until it's under the blankets Euron puts his hand between Circe's thighs he can feel a wetness on his fingertips when he pulls his hand out from under the blanket he can see that his fingers are covered in blood he immediately rips the blankets off Cersei he can now see that most of the bed is covered in blood as well Cersei wakes up when she feels the cold air hit her naked body she can see Euron standing over her with a strange look on his face Cersei then sits up and is suddenly horrified by what she sees this is when she will begin to scream and cry the mountain runs into the room with his sword drone expecting to see Cersei in a struggle Euron immediately raises his hand but the mountain walks right past him he grabs one of the sheets covers it over Cersei then carries her out of the room Euron then gets dressed leaving the room with a wicked smile on his face as he's walking across the throne room one of the Lannister guards walks up to him and tells him there is something that he needs to see we follow them outside and the guard begins to lead him to the water when Euron gets close enough to the bay he stops in his tracks he appears to be shocked by what he sees almost all of his iron fleet are gone the silence is still there but that's about it Euron quickly boards the silence there are several men laying on the deck with their throats slit when you're on enters the main cabin he notices Yara's gone there is a dagger sticking into the wall with a note left under it written in blood all the note says is what is dead may never die sign Yara Greyjoy Euron removes the dagger and the note from the wall he turns around and calmly says to the Lannister guard how does someone sneak into the Blackwater Bay and make off with an entire fleet without someone noticing before the Lannister guard can even mutter a single word you're on jams the dagger into the man's neck Euron leaves the silence heading back into the city then we will see you're on meet with a few men from the city watch they head to the chambers of the commander of the golden company when they enter the room though they notice it's empty as well he tells the captain of the city watch to gather up all of his men they need to find Harry Strickland immediately they should check every brothel every Inn or anywhere they think they might be we will then begin to see some quick scenes of the city watch entering every home and establishment within the city not only is Harry Strickland gone but it appears as if the golden company has also left euron greyjoy is furious he orders the captain to bring him every single man that was on watch last night either these men are extremely incompetent or they were paid off no it doesn't matter what happened they will all have to die for this back on Dragonstone Theon has nearly a hundred men gathering up as much dragonglass as they can find that is still left over in the caves they will be leaving very shortly to head north Theon now has an entire fleet with over 20,000 men from the golden company varus is seen with a smile on his face it's obvious he has been up to something but we don't know what just yet when Theon exits the cave he will walk over to his sister Yara after looking at her for several moments his eyes begin to fill up with water he can see Yara's covered in blood with bruises all over her body Theon also knows that Euron had her tongue removed finally Theon says Yara I'm sorry I'm so sorry I left you I'm sorry for what he has done to you but I promise you this we will get our vengeance Yara steps in closer and wraps her arms around her brother she's upset but ultimately thankful to still be alive Varys and the commander of the golden company are now standing side by side Harry Strickland will reach out the shake varus's hand he says it's good to see you again my old friend Ilario told me you would eventually come for us one day but I wasn't entirely sure if you were still alive before they can finish their conversation they both noticed several ships approaching the beach all of the men on the beach begin to scramble for their weapons they have been expecting retaliation from your own Greyjoy but they did not think it would happen this soon it takes Varys a few moments to recognize the banners waving on the ships when they finally stop flapping in the wind Varys has a fearful look on his face the banner is displaying the flaming heart for Varys this site is even worse than your own gradually looking for revenge he now knows Melisandre in Canberra have arrived he remembers what Melisandre said to him right before she left as we see Melisandre and can vara laned on the beach they begin to walk over to Varys the red rubies they are both wearing on their throats are glowing brighter than ever Varys can hardly look directly into them without getting blinded Melisandre greets him first by saying hello dear spider can Vera places a hand on Varys and she says do we still serve the same queen Varys nods his head kinvaras says good you're coming with us then all of you must come with us Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen are no longer in the far north Winterfell is gone they will be back at white Harbor soon but that's not where we're heading Varys tell the others it's time to leave Varys is visibly shaken up by all of this he doesn't know what to think but he does feel the urge to do as they say in the very next scene Daenerys John and Jaime spot regal in the sky above the white knife River they also noticed there are a few small boats directly below him they found songs of bran and the rest of the survivors both of the dragons begin to cry out to each other Davos will be seen giving a signal to the other boats they are to head to the shore to meet with John and Danny right away after drugged on lands John will embrace his family when they exit the boats everyone else begins to climb on the back of the Dragons they will now head back to white Harbor to regroup with everyone else however before they leave bran tells John they need to speak as soon as they get back there isn't much time left we will see the night King again tonight this scene will end when the dragons take to the sky back at white Harbor Arya and ginjury begin telling everyone to prepare to leave by now it's starting to get dark and John said if they won't back by sundown they work to board a ship and go to Dragonstone the night King might be heading this way as we speak we cannot stay here for very long beric Dondarrion stands up and says they're here both dragons come up from behind them inland arya rushes over to see who made it out of Winterfell alive she is relieved when she sees her brother and sister they all begin helping everyone off the Dragons when arya sees Jaime she says thank you for helping my family then she reaches out to shake his hand we will see Jon help bran down from drug on then Jon says okay let's talk brain says are you sure you don't want to speak privately John says no if there is something that I must know just go ahead and say it now everyone starts to look at Jon and bran Sam already knows what's coming next finally brain says Jon you aren't exactly who you think you are there is great power in you that you never knew existed but I'm sure you've always felt it John looks somewhat confused then brain says why do you think you found ghost why do you think father never told you who your mother was what do you think you were brought back from the dead you have the blood of the Dragon you have the blood of Ice and Fire you are the Song of Ice and Fire John that's why you were chosen none of this is a coincidence things were set in motion long before either you or I were here all of it was leading to what will happen by the end of tonight the three-eyed Raven showed me your birth for a reason it wasn't to only show me who your parents were it's because you are the one who will have to bring the dawn every time I try to look for answers about how to defeat the night king all I see are images that point directly at you Ned Stark was not your father you are the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark you are the one who is destined to defeat the night king everyone now has their eyes set on John everyone is silent almost as if they're waiting for something to happen John seems to be struggling what's trying to process everything bran just hold him finally after a few moments Sam walks closer to John he says it's true he removes a rolled-up parchment from his sleeve he hands it to John and he says it's a record of Rhaegar annulment with Elia Martell afterwards there was a secret marriage in Dorne bran has seen it for himself brain says John you've never been a bastard you are the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne your real name is Aegon Targaryen this new revelation stuns Daenerys Targaryen her eyes are now filling up with water she places her hand over her stomach Sansa and Arya are now both at a loss for words brain says I know all of this might be hard to grasp right now but we have to leave very soon when all of this is over you will know that it's the truth finally John begins to speak as he shakes his head he says none of this makes any sense why didn't father say something brain says your mother made him promise he could not allow Robert to find out who your real father was he would have murdered you Rhaegar never kidnapped Liana she loved him and together they had you Rhaegar said she would be the Song of Ice and Fire and he was right that day has finally come there is only one more thing you must do in order to defeat the night king you will kill him but it won't be here it's time to go the night king has already left Winterfell and he's coming for all of us everyone still seems to be shocked by the news but they take brains advice by immediately preparing to leave most of them had for Danish ships but Brian tells them to stop he says we cannot get there by sea we need to fly there now the night King is on his way to the trident we must meet him there I have already seen the battlefield in my visions the lady in red is on her way there as well Daenerys says Melisandre sounding somewhat surprised she then says I'm not gonna be able to fly everyone there with Drogo alone half of you will need to get on Ragle but I'm not sure how he's gonna react without having a writer Daenerys and bran both look at John John shakes his head no he's never attempted anything like that before bran reminds him you have the blood of a dragon John you're the only other person here that can do this you have to believe as I said before there is power in you and you need to embrace it Daenerys says brain is right John I should have known when you and drogon immediately bonded on Dragonstone vissarion died trying to save you i named Ragle after my brother your father it has to be you who mounts him this is when John realizes he has no other choice he walks over to reg all right up to his face at first he begins to pet him for a few moments staring into his eyes hoping to create a bond John then whispers something to the dragon then he slowly walks around him and climbs on top when John sits down raiga lets out a scream so loud it causes little Sam to cry ragel then stretches out his wings and begins to flap them Sansa and Arya cannot believe what they're seeing after a few more moments John yells let's go half of them climb on Joerg on what Daenerys and the other half climb on Rhaegar with John they both take flight heading straight for the trident in the next scene you're on enter sky burns lab room he had been examining Cersei after her miscarriage Cersei has lost a significant amount of blood Qyburn was keeping her sedated with milk of the poppy Joran informed Cersei of what happened most of the iron fleet is gone as well as all of the golden company your says I now have no reason to stay in the city he knows Cersei doesn't have nearly enough Lannister men or city watch to hold the city for much longer he says he's taken the silence and leaving Cersei says wait she sits up and says I thought you said you were a king you promised that you would never abandon me but now you want to leave because we lost a few boats and some men we haven't lost the war just yet I still have one thing they don't Daenerys said the army of the Dead are 100,000 strong hath patience my king the dead will crush our enemies for us Daenerys already lost one dragon she will lose the rest King's Landing is well-protected no one will ever enter through those city gates even if they did somehow managed to breach them I will make sure there won't be a city left my plans were already set in motion long before you ever arrived in King's Landing you said you wanted to rule Westeros together you said you wanted to crush our enemies together you said you needed a queen at your side but you're only a king of the Iron Islands how about I make you a true King and together we can watch all of our enemies burn the final scene of the episode will end as we see a evil smile come across your own Greyjoy's face you this episode begins as we see Melisandre can vara and Varys traveling by land they are leading an enormous party of over 25,000 soldiers Melisandre and can vara were able to bring a thousand soldiers of their own along with several thousand followers of her lore following closely behind are Theon Yara and the commander of the golden company thanks to varus and Theon they have the twenty thousand men from the golden company and some of the Ironborn men before they left Dragonstone they were able to get enough dragonglass to fill a very large wagon but not nearly enough to arm all of the 25,000 men after watching them travel for a few moments Melisandre and can vara will finally find the location they have been seeing in the flames we are now at the Trident the same location Robert Baratheon defeated Rhaegar Targaryen this is where they will set up camp as they wait for John Daenerys and the others to arrive some of the followers of her lore will begin to make several massive bonfires alongside the river everyone watches as Melisandre and can vara begins speaking in a foreign tongue as they look into the fire Varys is visibly shaken he is reminded of what the sorcerer said as he threw his parts into the flames he's starting to think maybe Melisandre is right maybe he will die in Westeros after all after a few more moments Melisandre begins speaking in the common tongue she talks of the long night and the one who will bring the donned Melisandre and can vara both begin chanting again referring to the great other and the Lord of Light they finish up by saying the night is dark and full of terrors but tonight those terrors will be extinguished forever Varys is unsettled by all of this as the day grows darker the Rubies on their throats continue to glow brighter even Melisandre eyes are beginning to turn red kinvaras notices the look on varus's face she walks over to speak with him she wants to know was he looking into the flames as they were chanting she also says the Varys would you like me to show you the answers the Lord of Light has given us Varys doesn't make eye contact with kin vara he doesn't want to know but she leans in closer to Varys anyway and begins to whisper she says there will be a great battle here tonight almost every single person you see here will die before the morning sunrise we all must make our sacrifices I will die tonight Melisandre will die tonight in you Lord Varys will die tonight the Lord of Light has given us protection until now but now we must protect him in the next scene we go down to King's Landing there are over a dozen lords and ladies gathered inside the Great Hall of the red key Qyburn and Euron are standing at the top of the steps right next to the iron throne as always Euron is dressed in all black only this time he has a massive golden crack and stitched on the back of his long leather coat after a few moments of silence Cersei walks in with her escort Gregor Clegane Cersei is wearing a black gown with golden trim on the back of her gown there is a massive golden lion and Kraken stitched on the back Qyburn is shown holding two brand-new crowns that also appear to be displaying the lion and the Kraken both of the Crown's are made of solid gold now that Cersei has lost just about everything she cannot afford to lose you're on greyjoy now as sad as that may sound Jaime Lannister who was once her brother lover and commander of her armies is now gone to the other side the golden company are nowhere to be found and the rest of her alliances are either dead or too small to make any significant impact all she has now is Yaron Qyburn the mountain in a few thousand Lannister soldiers and Men of the city watch not to mention she did just lose another baby so it's safe to say she is desperate at this point although she does somehow remain confident because according to her she still has one thing Daenerys Targaryen does not so as promised in the last episode Cersei marries euron greyjoy after Qyburn makes it official we will see Euron place the new crown on Circe's head then Cersei will place a new crown on Euron said making him her king they don't bother having a feast to celebrate the occasion they don't even have a bedding ceremony since Cersei is still recovering from the miscarriage instead they go outside to check up on all of Kings landings defenses all of the Lannister soldiers are now staying inside the walls of the red key the city watts are shown bringing up more wildfire to place near each gate that enters the city there are now roughly 100 ballista strategically placed around the city of King's Landing we will see one a chi burns little birds run over and hand him a note after reading it Qyburn announces the sir senior on the final phase is complete in the following scene John Daenerys and the others are flying further south on Drogo and reg all right before they left white Harbor brain said they must go to the trident but he hasn't said exactly where they should land that's until they spot a massive force making camp next to the river they can also see several large fires burning into the evening sky as they drop down out of the clouds brain signals to John that this is the right location this is where he saw the night King in the shadowy figure standing face-to-face on the battlefield as soon as they land the dragons Daenerys is immediately greeted by Varys who is accompanied by the commander of the golden company Varys apologizes for leaving the North without notice he explains how it was necessary so that his alliance with the golden company was not revealed otherwise that information may have made it back to King's Landing before Varys was able to make it there himself Daenerys understands and she even seems grateful John seems very surprised that Varys was able to pull this off they believed that Varys fled so he could save his own ass this could not have came at a better time because as far as they know the only ones to survive the Winterfell attack are the ones who just landed on the Dragons without Varys getting the golden company or Melisandre and Theon bring in more men they would have had no chance but to ask Cersei for protection which we all know she would never agree to Fiona informs John and Daenerys that he has most of Euron's fleet along with several thousand men of the Ironborn who are now ready to swear fealty to John and Danny when Daenerys sees Yara she gives her a big hug and tells her that she's sorry for what has happened Daenerys swears that once they finished the night king they will kill Cersei Lannister and Euron Greyjoy next Varys then begins to tell John and Daenerys how he came in contact with kin vara and Melisandre Varys says Melisandre brought 1000 soldiers of the fiery hand as well as several thousand followers of her lore he also tells John and Danny what kinvaras said about how almost everyone will die here tonight John doesn't like the sound of that especially since there are so many massive bonfires around the camp he's afraid that can verify - sacrifices being made in the name of the Lord of Light he reminds them that the whole reason Melisandre is no longer in his service is because she burned Princess Shireen alive John tells Danny that he needs to go find Melisandre right away he needs to keep her and Davos away from each other until he can figure everything out he doesn't want to battle to breakout before the night king even arrives we followed John over to the large fire Melisandre and can vara are surrounded by several soldiers who are dressed in red from head to toe John notices the Ruby and Melisandre's necklace is glowing brighter than he's ever seen it before when Melisandre notices Jon walking over she decides to approach him before he can say anything in front of everyone else John stops in his tracks when they make eye contact for the first time Jon actually looks afraid when he notices Melisandre eyes are now the colour of blood Melisandre breaks eye contact to look down at Jon sword this causes her eyes to glow brighter but Jon finally says why are you here Melisandre says I told you Jon Snow I can help you defeat the night King you need me now more than ever darkness will soon be upon us and we can no longer run or hide I have seen it in the flames and your brother has even seen it in his visions that's why you're here all of us will dance in front of the fires tonight Jon Snow in you most of all will be victorious there has to be one last great sacrifice that - I have seen into flames Jon cuts are off he says there will be no more sacrifices Melisandre XY's begin to glow again causing Jon to look away Melisandre says do you know what the night king wants Jon Snow do you know why he has finally come south the fires behind Melisandre begin to burn hotter and higher than before the red ruby on her neck also begins to shine brighter as well finally Melisandre says the night King is coming for his replacement the one he has chosen is among us now and he will not stop until he gets what he asked for Melisandre raises her voice as she says we must give his replacement to the fire Jon Snow the great other will not stop but we must put an end to all the terrors in the night Melisandre voice was so loud it has attracted the attention of almost everyone in the camp they began to gather around Jon and Melisandre once again Melisandre says we have to give him to the fire Jon Snow that is our only way we have to make this great sacrifice if we're going to stop the night king everyone from Jon's party is now watching Aria and Davos walk up the stand directly behind Jon the tension is beginning to rise throughout the camp Melisandre and kinvaras rubies continue to get so bright that most of the crowd gathered around have to shield their eyes Davos tells John that Melisandre should not be here all of a sudden the chanting stops the 25,000 soldiers gathered in tendance near the fires are completely silent Melisandre has noticed something or someone standing out in the crowd but no one is quite sure who she is looking at next until Melisandre sticks out her hand and points directly at Gilly and her baby jon was afraid this might happen when Davos realizes what Melisandre is insinuating he grabs arias dagger off her hip then lunges for Melisandre snek a few members of the fiery hand are able to quickly apprehend him but Davos begins to scream he shouts Melisandre has already burned one child he will not stand by and watch as she burns another Arya is now holding needle she has always known Melisandre was evil ever since she took injury away she would take pleasure in crossing off another name that was once on her list Melisandre says I am sorry but this is the only way you have to bring me that child the Lord of Light has shown me a great sacrifice in the flames and I am his instrument Gendry now has his dragonglass Warhammer in his hands they are not about to allow Melisandre to get her hands on Gilly son Jon is starting to get very nervous he was afraid a battle might break out before the night king showed up the tension across the camp is now at an all-time high but then we see bran stark begin to move himself closer to the fire everyone begins to settle as they watch brand stop himself right next to Melisandre a moments go by as everyone wonders what will happen next finally brain begins to speak he says Melisandre is right there will be a great sacrifice here tonight I have seen it in my visions I did see Gilly son surrounded by the fires Brian then looks to Gilly and says your son was meant as an offering to the night king he was not meant to leave the north with you and Samwell your son was going to be the final sacrifice to the great other but here we are bran moves closer to Gilly he tells her he has seen all of this in his visions he says your son is more special than you know all of Crestor sons were offerings to the night king each of them became one of the night King's personal guards but your son was meant to be more than that he would have been the 100th offering which had him in line to becoming the next night king the night King needs newborn babies as his instruments and they all need to come from a special bloodline your son comes from that bloodline you see Craster's father wasn't just an ordinary man of the Nights Watch he comes from a bloodline that stretches back for thousands of years bran then turns to Melisandre and Jon he says Melisandre said there would be a great sacrifice here tonight she is right like I said I did see that in my vision Jon but it won't be Gilly son who gets sacrificed Brandon looks at Melisandre and says that great sacrifice will be you you are the lady in red that I have seen on the battlefield as brain is telling her this we begin to see the clouds start to move and above them we will also notice the fires are starting to die down it's getting colder which can only mean one thing Jon is noticing all of this which causes him to alert everyone gathered around Jon says the night king has brought the storm he then yells for everyone to grab their weapons bran grabs Jon by the arm and says I told you there is great power in you you have to embrace it I need you to trust me this is our last chance you must kill Melisandre if you want to stop the night King you have to bring the dawn or we will all die the fires begin to get brighter again Melisandre Ruby is getting so hot that smoke is beginning to rise as it does her skin Davo yells she murdered princess Shireen and she wanted to murder Gilly son Gendry steps in and says she wanted to kill me too Jon looks over at Daenerys wondering what he should do the storm above them is growing larger and snow is starting to fall into the fires can Vera is her chanting to the Lord of Light she promises they will make the great sacrifice that he needs bran Davos Gendry and now Arya are all telling John to kill Melisandre as Jon reaches for his sword Melisandre drops to her knees at that same exact moment vissarion scream echoes across the battlefield the night king and his dragon are here thousands of blue eyes can now be seen in the distance Samwell Tarly runs over to Jon while holding his family's ancestral Valyrian steel sword sam says Melisandre wanted to murder my son if I can't kill her myself I want you to use my family's sword it's called hearts Bane without hesitation Jon grabs the sword and he plunges it deep into Melisandre chest black smoke immediately begins to roll out of Melisandre snows and mouth the red ruby on her neck glow so bright that it actually bursts into a red liquid that begins to run down her chest onto the sword as Jon pulls the sword out of her chest the liquid from the red ruby continues to cover the blade until the sword itself begins to glow turning it into the red sword of heroes Melisandre is lifeless body collapses to the ground we can see the reflection of the sword burning in Jon Snow's eyes everyone begins to run into position as the thousands of blue eyes continue to get closer Daenerys has shown mounting jerk on Jon Snow takes our lone claw then he tosses it to séjour Mormont without saying a word Jorah Jaime bran the Hound arya ginjury beric Brienne and all of the others have their weapons drone we can hear several wolves howl in the distance this gets Ari's attention she turns her head to see where the noise was coming from Jon Snow runs over to mal ragel with the burning red sword still in hand this is when the night King won't break through the clouds flying faster than anyone has ever seen a dragon fly before Ariane swoops over the golden company in torches hundreds of men in a single strike John and Daenerys immediately take to the sky John signals for Daenerys to take out his army while John heads after the night King the night sky begins to light up with bright colors of blue orange and red the battlefield is on fire hundreds and maybe even thousands are dying with each pass of the dragons there are nearly two dozen White Walkers leading the army of the Dead half of them are armed with ice Spears as are two of the giants Jorah Jamie Barrack the hound Ori again jury in Brienne all head for the White Walkers there will be an epic battle where seven main characters fight roughly one dozen White Walkers at the same time Geng jury delivers the first devastating blow as he smashes one of the White Walkers right in the face with his dragonglass Warhammer Arya Stark jams her dagger into the side of the neck of another white Walker Jorah Mormont kills one of the White Walkers as he rescues Brienne who is still recovering from a leg injury she suffered in the first attack Jaime Lannister is disarmed by one of the White Walkers his sword falls to the ground but Sir Bronn of the Blackwater is there to pick it up and finish off the white Walker for Jaime bran smiles then he tosses the sword back he says if you drop the bloody thing again I'm keeping it every time we see a white Walker died thousands of whites died with it the commander of the golden company is seen trying to load up one of the ballistas he brought with him from King's Landing he grabs a long shard of dragonglass and fires it at one of the Giants and the army of the Dead it hits the Giant right in the chest killing it immediately he loads up another shot then takes aim at Vissarion but the dragon is moving too fast to get a clear shot another one of the White Walkers is preparing to throw his ice spear at Daenerys and Rogin but Jorah Mormont charges at him causing the ice spear to fall to the ground unfortunately the white Walker is able to overpower Jorah Mormont the white Walker rips long claw from his hands then turns the sword on Jorah shoving it deep into his chest Jaime Lannister runs up from behind in sticks what as well and - the White Walkers back killing him instantly but it's too late Jorah Mormont is dead beric Dondarrion sacrifices himself to save the Hound from getting killed another one of the White Walkers almost half of the army of the Dead is gone now that most of the White Walkers have been defeated but the night King is still winning the battle the whole encampment is now getting swarmed by the whites Daenerys kills the last remaining giant as well as hundreds of more White's as she attempts to push them back everyone begins to fall back to the river John finally catches up to the knight king Ragle shoots his Flame adversary on but it doesn't seem to have any effect on the undead dragon with all the chaos happening around them no one notices another white Walker getting ready to throw his ice spear this time he goes for Jon Snow and ragle the ice spear cuts right through a Gauls wing causing the dragon to spiral out of control the injury forces reg all to the ground John Snow will now have to continue his fight on foot with the glowing red sword still in his hand this is when everyone realizes they have to kill Viserion otherwise they don't stand a chance Daenerys is not going to be able to kill all the whites and fight off the night king at the same time everyone begins to fall back even further to where the ballista is located now several different characters are taking turns trying to take miss Ariane out of the sky bran is able to land a shot on Viserion but the dragon glass actually bounces off the dragon he fires again and again and again but the dragon glass either bounces off the dragon or explodes on impact finally can Vera whisper something to bran we will then begin to see several soldiers from the fiery hand form a circle around bran they will guard him as he tries something that has never been done before brains eyes roll back in his head and when this happens Vissarion almost immediately lets out a thunderous scream as bran enters his mind bryan has now taken control of his ariane but we will see blood start to run from brains nose as the night king tries to force bran out of the dragon brian will begin to go into a seizure very similar to the ones we saw Jojen have many seasons ago after several tense moments Vasari Owen will begin to fall from the sky the dragon will slam into the ground throwing the knight King off his back when the few remaining white walkers see this they will set their sights for bran once again our heroes will get into another epic battle with the white walkers unfortunately there aren't very many men left to hold them off but now the Viserion is out of the sky Daenerys is able to roast a few thousand White's that are left although very injured Breanna Tarth is able to kill one of the White Walkers with Oathkeeper however another one of the White Walkers decapitates Lord Varys with a blow so devastating it sends his head flying nearly 100 feet across the battlefield then all of a sudden the white Walker stopped in their tracks everyone's focused shifts to the knight King as he is seen pulling a curved ice sword off his back the knight king takes one last look at Vasari oh and as the dragon closes his eyes for good John notices Daenerys coming back around on drug on he weighs his red sword in the air signalling for Daenerys to land behind him John sees this as his opportunity to finally challenge the knight King to 1vs1 combat everyone on the battlefield is now in a standstill with their eyes set on Jon Snow and the knight King they never take their eyes off each other as they walk to the middle of the battlefield John and the knight King continued walking until they are about ten feet from one another the knight King is holding his ice sword and John is holding his burning red sword of heroes they stand here staring at each other silently for what seems like several minutes this is the exact imagery brain stark saw over and over again in his visions Jon Snow is the black silhouette standing face-to-face with the night King with a burning red sword in his hand finally Jon Snow and the knight King begin to move it's very slow at first as they move in circles sizing each other up neither one of them are ready to commit to any particular move that could possibly leave them exposed after a few more moments of this John finally takes a swing at the knight King said but he misses by a mile it's obvious the knight King is so much faster than the White Walkers then the knight King takes a swing at John causing John to lose his footing but he quickly recovers when John looks down he notices the ice sword cut right through his fur and leather it was much closer than he thought the knight king swings again but john is not fast enough to get out of the way this time the ice sword cuts and burns into John's arm causing him to hold the sword with his other hand John grips the handle as hard as he can then swings the sword as fast as the snap of a whip the knight King raises his ice sword to block the shot but the burning sword cuts right through shattering the ice sword into a thousand pieces john has confidence now but tonight King takes several steps back as one of the White Walkers simultaneously throws him another weapon the night King snaps the ice spear over his knee now creating a weapon for each hand the local on John's face lets us know his confidence is already slipping away but he takes a deep breath anyway and rushes forward the fighting that ensues over the next few minutes will be very reminiscent of when Ned Stark footsore Arthur Dayne at the Tower of joy every time John rushes in the night king will force him back every time the night King rushes in John somehow holds him off although some of the strikes were not very clean the night King has made contact many times when he sees that John is struggling to stand and catch his breath the night King moves in for the kill the night King rushes in one last time bring in both ends of the ice spear high above his head but as he brings them down John lunges forward with his burning sword jamming it right through the night King's armor deep into his chest the night King explodes into a thousand pieces of ice just like we saw in season eight the rest of his army falls with him we can see steam rising off John's sword in water dripping from it onto the ground everyone watching was holding their breath during those last few moments but they all finally let out a sigh of relief the clouds in the sky begin to open up the snow suddenly stops swallowing the red glow on John's sword begins to dim Daenerys moves her hand over her stomach as she feels the baby begin to kick John sees this and he walks over to the Narus he embraces her in front of everyone then he embraces his family as daylight begins to appear through the clouds everyone starts to walk across the battlefield it's nothing but death and destruction all around them Sean's and Arya walk over to speak with John they both ask him what they're gonna do next John looks completely exhausted at this point but before he can answer Daenerys says there is only one thing left to do the episode ends as Daenerys says we're gonna kill Cersei Lannister and take back the Iron Throne you the final episode begins with us getting a good look at just how devastating that battle was there are thousands upon thousands of dead bodies scattered across the battlefield the exact location where rhaegar targaryen 'he's lifeless body once fell has now turned into a river of blood Daenerys Targaryen once had one of the greatest forces Westeros has ever seen but after the battle against the night King she now has less than 1,000 men in her army the men that survived do not appear as if they can even March on to King's Landing let alone fight in another battle before they make any decisions they will hold a ceremony for all of their fallen friends very similar to the one we saw during season eight during a very somber scene they will burn the bodies of Jorah Mormont beric Dondarrion Varys Melisandre Ken vara and many many others afterwards Jonathan Aerys will go speak to the commander of the golden company since he currently has the most amount of able-body soldiers left they begin to devise a strategy about how they're going to attack King's Landing he tells Jonathan Ayers about all the recent additions to the city's defenses Daenerys is worried about attacking the city with her dragons now that she knows there are dozens of ballista set up around the city gates aiming directly at the sky they also know they no longer have the numbers to hit the capital head-on this is when the Lannister brothers become very useful they tell John and Daenerys if they can get them close enough to the red key without getting spotted they can get them inside the castle they are very familiar with all the city's secret tunnels this gets Arya Starks attention she too knows about a secret way to get in and out of the red key she tells them about the time that she was chasing a cat through the dungeons of the Red Keep and how that secret passageway led out to a storm drain that empty right into the Blackwater Bay before they leave they gather up some of their best fighters to take with them on the back of the Dragons they want to enter the city right away although the remaining soldiers will have to march there by foot this scene will lend as we see a few dozen characters take to the sky on the back of Drogo and Rey go as John is flying regal he looks back at the trident one last time we get our final glimpse of the battlefield and the massive fires that are burning all of the Fallen men and woman who help save the realm from what would have likely been the stinking of human existence in the following scene sir see you're on the mountain and Qyburn are discussing their own plans in case they come under attack anytime soon Circe tells Qyburn if it looks like this city is about to fall make sure all the candles and torches are laid near the wildfire Cersei has no intentions of surrendering or fleeing King's Landing Circe's made one thing very clear if the walls are breached she will blow up the entire city or die trying' the Mad King already had wildfire stashed all over the city but Cersei made sure Qyburn placed the majority of it right under the red key there are hundreds of pots directly underneath the Great Hall where the Iron Throne is located after they discussed their strategy Cersei asked I burn leave the room she wants to have a word with your own alone Cersei closes the door behind her cutting us off from hearing what she had to say - you're on we then follow Qyburn back outside we can see that the capital is very alive this evening there are Lannister soldiers and Men of the city watch walking along the top of the castle walls there are several men guarding each gate as well as several men standing next to the ballistas King's Landing is ready for battle the scene ends as Qyburn receives a note from one of his little birds his eyes go very wide as he reads the contents of the letter he immediately heads back for Circe's chambers we go back to John and Daenerys flying on the Dragons we're able to see the glow at King's Landing far off into the distance John signals for them to land the dragons near the water there's still several miles outside of the city but they don't want to take the dragons too close just yet the Sun is almost all the way down by the time they get everyone off the Dragons they have decided to send an aria and Jaime first but they want to wait until they can hide under the cover of darkness although they still do not completely trust Jaime Lannister they know he is very familiar with the inner workings of the red key and if he did somehow get spotted by the guards he might be able to convince them that he's returning to fight for Cersei arya was chosen not only because she knows her way around the castle but also because of her faceless men training all of that training makes her a perfect candidate for a mission like this one they've decided to enter through the storm drain Arya found when she was chasing the cat through the dungeons since the drain emptied into the Blackwater Bay they will be able to get there via boat which they hope to find in the next village along the way thankfully theon greyjoy was able to make off with most of your own Greyjoy's fleet so the Blackwater Bay should be very quiet tonight their plan is to find a small fishing boat in the next village then Ari and Jamie will slowly paddle the boat along the shore of King's Landing until they reach the storm drain right below the red key once they enter the drain they will make their way into the dungeons inside the red key right where the dragon skulls are located when they get inside they're gonna split up Jaime will immediately look for Circe and Euron while Aria kills the first Lannister guard she comes across inside the castle she will then wear the Lannister guards face and uniform which will allow her to move freely throughout the city then she can go to one of the back gates kill all the guards then leave it open for everyone else to enter the city after that Arya will walk along the top of the castle walls then wave one of the torches to give the signal that the gate is open then begin killing as many men that are Manning the ballistas as possible once all of the others get inside the city they will first head to the ballistas to destroy them then they will give another signal which is when Jon and Daenerys will know that it's time to attack with the dragons now that everyone knows the plan Arya and Jaime began walking down to the shoreline in search for a small boat Jaime has first stopped by Bronn who hands him the small dagger that's always kept tucked behind his back he tells Jaime you will be in close quarters while inside the castle besides it will be much easier for you to use that than the sword on your hip after walking for about a mile Arya and Jaime do come across a boat it's secured to the dock by some old rusted chain arias Valyrian steel dagger cuts right through it like butter they quietly carry the boat down to the water then slowly make their way to Blackwater Bay it takes them about another hour before they land on the shore right behind the red key they don't waste any time pulling the boat onto the rocks then dragging it into the storm train with them so no one happens to see it Arya hasn't been inside this drain for many years it takes them quite some time to find a way around the sewer system but they do finally find their way into the dungeons below the Great Hall of the red key this is where Jaime and re-add the separate ways before they do arya grabs Jaime by the arm before he heads in the opposite direction her eyes are burning a hole right through him arya says if you betray my family again it will be your face that I'm wearing when I kill your sister Jamie looks scared he gives her a nod as in he believes she will do it it's not long before Aria slips back outside the red key only this time she's walking through the city streets it only takes her a few moments before she comes across the first Lannister guard she executes him immediately then dawns his face and uniform she walks past several other guards who don't even give her a second look this might actually work before the guards notice anyone is there Arya begins cutting their throats one by one she unlocks the gate then heads for the top of the wall to give the others the signal The Hound and Brienne are waiting for the signal they see Arya waving the torch in the air now they know it's time to enter the city we go back to Arya who is now beginning to attack the men guarding each ballista there are roughly a dozen of them spaced out on this side of the wall so she has to take her time to avoid getting detected one of the Lannister soldiers eventually spots a dead body laying next to a ballista he gives his own signal to sound the alarm which alerts the entire city this forces John and Daenerys to react before all of the blisters are even taken out they climb on the Dragons and head right for the red key John and Danny want to burn all the ballistas first then blow out a section of the wall to allow the rest of their men inside they both fly right over top of the Red Keep and begin to torch the wall that protects the inner city Jaime Lannister can hear the chaos erupted then outside therefore he knows he doesn't have much time left some of the Lannister soldiers begin firing the ballistas at the dragons but it's not easy hitting a moving target at night Arya who is still disguised as a guard kills them to Jon and Daenerys finally break through the wall with their dragons John lands regel so he can help the others climb over the rubble to get inside the city Cersei and Euron run outside one to the balcony to watch from above Cersei is very surprised when she sees Daenerys still has two dragons alive she was hoping the army the dead would have killed her others for her out of an act of desperation Cersei orders the mountain to go outside of the red keep to fight he's not to allow anyone inside then Cersei signals for Qyburn to go down and like the Wildfire underneath the Great Hall she knows the Capitol will not stand for much longer she's not about to watch her city fall by the hands of some foreign horror and bastard from the north Euron leaves with Qyburn help see it through leaving Searcy all alone in her chambers but in reality Euron has plans of his own he wants to escape from the city before it falls leaving Searcy to her own demise Jaime Lannister watches as the mountain walks down the stairs he's not sure what he's doing but he hides until he walks through the room Jaime then begins to climb the stairs heading for Circe's chambers right as Jaime is about to come around the corner he can hear Kai Bart and Euron talking in low voices he grabs the dagger bran gave him then crouches down and waits for them to turn the corner The Hound immediately spots his brother as he walks out the double doors the mountain begins walking along the top of the wall lighting the stashes wildfire and each post The Hound finds his way to the top of the wall and cuts his brother off before he can light the next ash a wildfire it's an intense stare down for a few moments but the Hound eventually challenges his brother to 1vs1 combat the mountain sets the torch down and the fighting begins an epic sword fight will ensue but the Hound is still no match for his bigger and stronger brother after several minutes of fighting they both end up losing their swords a brutal fistfight begins lasting for another several minutes the Hound will eventually smash upon a wildfire over his brothers helmet completely covering him in the highly flammable substance as the mountain is trying to recover the Hound grabs one of the torches from the wall and tosses it right on his brother burning him alive inside of his heavy armor this scene then cuts to Jaime who lunges out from around the corner Jaime shoves his dagger deep into Kai burns throat all the way down to the handle this catches your own off-guard but what Jaime only have in one hand he's still easily overpowered and taken to the ground an intense struggle will last for several minutes between the two until Jaime knocks out some of Euron's teeth with his golden hand Joran chokes on his own blood Jaime scrambles and takes the dagger out of Kai burns throat then swings it around and drives it right into Euron's chest Jaime stands back up when he sees you're on close his eyes he leaves the dagger in his chest then he fixes himself and heads for Circe's chambers Jaime enters the room closes the door then he locks it behind him Cersei can all believe that Jaime's here she was sure that he would have died in the north he was the last man she was expecting to see Searcy immediately notices the blood on Jamie's hand she begins to cry out to him saying how much she loves him and how glad she is to have him here then she begins to touch her stomach until Jamie how she still has his child inside of her Jamie doesn't say anything at first he allows Cersei to embrace him as his own eyes are filling up with water he looks Cersei in the eyes and tells her that he loves her he then gives her a kiss on the forehead as Cersei begins to cry Cersei says I always knew you would come back and save me she leans in to give him a kiss on the lips but right before their lips are about to touch Cersei begins gasping for air Jaime has both hands on a throat his left hand is squeezing as tight as he possibly can while he pushes down to apply pressure with his golden hand Circe's legs begin to give out but Jaime continues squeezing as he moves down to the floor with her tears start to roll down his cheek knowing Cersei only has a few moments left she tries gasping for breath one more time before her body stops moving her bloodshot eyes are fixed on Jamie still Jaime gently sets down her head then he moves his hand over her eyes the scene will fade to black as Circe's eyes closed one last time the rains of castamere begin to play back outside there are fires all over the city Jon and Daenerys are methodically burning the tops of the walls surrounding the red key killing any and every Lannister soldier who dared to remain outside the remaining men of the city watch begin to lay down their weapons it's obvious this battle cannot be won Cersei City has fallen before her wildfire could be ignited once again Jaime Lannister has saved King's Landing from total destruction Jon and Daenerys land their dragons just outside of the red key The Hound Brienne Arya and Tyrion Lannister are there to meet them we see one of the Lannister banners is on fire as it falls to the ground representing the end of house Lannisters rain in the Seven Kingdoms Jonathan Ayers begin to climb the steps together to the red key as more and more sunlight begins to appear through the clouds everyone can see just how much destruction has been caused to the capital King's Landing looks like a smoking ruins almost everything is burned from the dragon fire some of these fires can still be seen burning throughout the city nearly all of the Lannister soldiers are dead and those who did survive only did because they chose to lay down their arms in the face of the Dragons the survivors are looking around the city in disbelief right is John and Daenerys reached the front doors of the red key we go back inside sir she's chambers to see Jaime Lannister he is still clutching Circe's lifeless body in his arms he continues to hold her and look at her for a few more moments Jaime kisses Cersei one last time on the forehead then he carries her body over to the bed Jimmy wipes the tears off his cheek and out of his eyes before he exits the room when he does exit the room he glances over at Kye burns dead body laying on the floor in a pool of blood as he walks around the corner he is then completely shocked by what he sees next there is more blood on the floor but you're on Greyjoy is gone he can see some of Euron's teeth laying there from when he knocked them out and he can even see the dagger on the ground Jaime has killed enough men to know that the injury to his chest should have been fatal someone either took his body for some reason or urine is still alive and possibly even escaped the city by now back outside we followed the Hound as he walks up the steps to the top of the wall he walks over to where he last left his brother some of the Wildfire is still burning around his body the Hound has to cover his nose because of the stench of the burnt flesh most of the mountains armor has melted into the stone wall there's almost nothing left of the enormous man that was once known as the mountain that rides next we see Jon and Daenerys enter the Great Hall Jon stays by the door as Daenerys walks over to the Iron Throne Daenerys is finally looking at the symbol of power she so desperately tried to win back and her family's name now the Iron Throne resides in a city that is in complete and utter ruins Danny looks disgusted she walks all the way up to the Iron Throne to get a closer look but it's not long before she turns back around and head for the doors she's lost all interest in actually sitting on the Iron Throne Daenerys and John exit the room to head back outside John wants to know what the Narus will do about the Iron Throne Daenerys says I want it burned melt down the chair King's Landing will no longer be the capitol of Westeros I said I wanted to break the wheel well that's exactly what I'm gonna do we have all made too many sacrifices for us to continue repeating this same vicious cycle over and over again we will no longer have one king or queen ruling the Seven Kingdoms from that iron throne John has a few men carrying some pots of wildfire into the throne room after covering the throne in the flammable substance Daenerys grabs a torch from the wall then tosses it onto the iron throne it ignites immediately and doesn't take long before the chair begins to melt like a candle as it melts down and turns into a puddle of liquid iron the screen fades to black as if the episode is ending several months will have went by before we enter our next scene the sun is shining and all of the land is beginning to look lush again we're back in Winterfell for the first time since the night King attacked the Starks home the walls have mostly crumbled to the ground the gods what is Bart black with the massive weirwood tree laying on its side Jon Daenerys Songza Arya bran ginjury Brienne Tyrion Jaime and a few others walking to the courtyard songs immediately says we need to find some builders and get them to Winterfell as soon as we can we can't leave our home looking like this Jon nods his head in agreement but suddenly everyone stops in their tracks when they hear the sound of wolves howling in the distance Arya's eyes go wide she isn't sure if she actually heard the sound or if it was in her head everyone hears it again but this time it's much closer than before Arya looks at Jon then Jon points to the main gate there is a massive pack of wolves running down the hill heading their way arya has a big smile come across her face there's no mistake in who is leading that pack Nymeria has returned to Winterfell as well Arya takes off running to the main gate to greet her John's also smiling but this makes him think a ghost he hasn't seen him since the castle came under attack Jon doesn't know if ghost made it out alive or not everyone begins to go inside together in the main dining hall for a meeting Daenerys Targaryen is visibly pregnant she's actually ready to give birth any day now in the main hall everyone gets a chance to voice their opinion about how the Seven Kingdoms should be rein in the future they all take votes and decide that each Kingdom should be independent with its own Council to decide how territory will be ran there will no longer be one person deciding what's best for everyone as of right now most of the Seven Kingdoms are in shambles since Westeros has been at war with each other for so long they take another vote and decide that John and Daenerys should oversee everything together until Westeros is stabilized again kingdoms and castles need to be rebuilt so many things will need to be done in order for Westeros to be restored to its former glory and even beyond everyone decides that the Nights Watch will be abolished immediately the night's king and his army are gone the wildlings are nearly gone and those who are still alive have been led into the North to live out the remainder of their lives since there are no more threats beyond the wall they decide there will no longer be a use for the Nights Watch they even decide that the wall itself should be taken down they want the north to be wide open again John and Danny both agree to this they also decide that each major family will get to keep their ancestral homes Gendry is legitimized in offered storms end Jaime and Tyrion are both allowed to take up residence at Casterly Rock however they all decide to stay in Winterfell until the Starks Castle is restored they all want to help see the Seven Kingdoms get rebuilt before they go home Jon informs his family that he's not gonna be staying in Winterfell after it's rebuilt he will be heading south to Dragonstone with Daenerys so they can raise their child together John also says he wants to marry Dany before she gives birth he will not allow his child to become a bastard like he thought he was for so many years Jon hopes that Sansa Arya and bran will stay in Winterfell together brain says he can't do that he says I must go to the gods I soon I'm not fit to spend the rest of my life in some castle I have to be what the we're woods Jon doesn't fully understand but he doesn't say anything either brain is old enough to make his own decisions anyway Jon and Daenerys decide to Wed in the godswood within a few days even though it has been destroyed Daenerys says she wouldn't mind having a traditional northern wedding afterwards Jon heads down into the crypts of Winterfell it's one of the only places that was left undisturbed by the battle this will be the first time Jon looks upon Lee on a statue knowing she's his mother this will be a very emotional moment for him not only because he finally knows who his mother is but also because of what Ned Stark did for him now he knows Ned tarnished his own honor in order to keep him safe as John is looking at both of their statues he hears something moving around in the darkness this causes him to draw his sword and take a few steps back after staring into the darkness for several moments John notices two red eyes glowing in the distance before he can react the glowing red eyes move forward and leap out of the darkness at John he's knocked down to the ground and showered with kisses from his beloved direwolf ghost has been hiding down here the entire time after the castle was abandoned ghost did return home and stayed in the crypts until someone came back now this becomes an even bigger emotional moment for John he's so happy to see that ghost is still alive the scene ends as we get a shot of John hugging ghosts in front of his mother statue next we will see a conversation between Songza Brienne and Jaime Lannister this is where Songza will relieve Brienne of her duties she tells Brienne she is free to go home if she would like Brienne says if Jaime is staying here to help rebuild Winterfell then I will stay and help as well Brienne then says Jaime gave me this sword to help keep me safe while I went looking for you then to keep you safe thereafter this was your father's sword I don't feel right holding on to it any longer it belongs with House Stark Jamie pulls out his sword and says you should take this too both of these swords were made from your father's I'm no longer a competent swordsman anyway Brienne is right they belong with House Stark sansei accepts but tells them as long as you're gonna be here help and restore our home hold on to them until you're done bran Stark is sitting out in the courtyard waiting for his family to see him off he looks much thinner than he used to he appears the beginning SiC Jon Arya and songs that come outside to see bran one last time he tells them he's on his way to the gods eye he says he doesn't feel very well but he should be fine when he's back with the weirwood trees Jon has gathered a few dozen men to help escort bran down the Kings Road this is when Arya interrupts and informs everyone that she will be leaving to Jon and sanso seemed very surprised by the news Jon wants to know where she's heading Arya says I have to go back to Braavos Sansa seems confused she says Braavos why arias says I have some unfinished business John says well when are you leaving Aria says I'm leaving now I will stay with bran until he gets to the gods eye but then I'm sailing across the sea this will be a very emotional scene as everyone says their goodbyes sandor clegane is seen waiting by the main gate Aria gives him a nod as she climbs onto her horse it appears as if Sandor is traveling with her too but we're not sure why Theon and Yara both agreed to stay and help but they had decided they are going back to the Iron Islands afterwards ever since Jamie said Euron's body was missing from the red keep they fear that Euron could show up again and try to start some kind of an uprising Euron was badly wounded and he no longer has the iron fleet but he's still a very dangerous man Sam and Gilly are heading back to Hornell Sam tells John him and Kelley will be getting married he wants little Sam to have his last name John and Danny both say that Sam and Gilly can return home whenever they'd like but Sam volunteers to stay and help the north took the most amount of damage since it was directly in the night Kings path they could use all the help they can get in one of the very last scenes Daenerys goes into labor Sam and Gilly both assist her during the process Daenerys gives birth to a set of twins a boy and a girl the boy has dark hair just like his father and the girl has silvery blond hair just like her mother they will both be given that Targaryen last name Jon and Daenerys tell songs that they will believe in once she makes a full recovery they will be living at Dragonstone together as a family the last time we see Jon and Daenerys are down in the crypts of Winterfell they are holding their children as they're looking at Ned and Lyanna statues telling them about their family in the final scene we will see different locations around Westeros the last hearth the karhold and Winterfell are shown being rebuilt in the north we will also see King's Landing getting rebuilt we will see farmers attending to their crops we will see livestock and fishing villages booming again Westeros seems to be on track to being better than ever but finally we will see a large weirwood tree surrounded by water this will be the largest weirwood tree we have ever seen the features on the face that's carved into the tree looked very similar to brands underneath the tree is a cave just like the three-eyed Ravens but much larger we will follow a child of the forest deep into the cave where we will see brain stark entangled into a weirwood throne his eyes are rolled back in his head after looking at him for a few moments we will then follow a raven whose eyes are solid white we will know brain stark is inside of the bird as he takes it far into the north past the wall deep into the heart of winter he flies the Raven into the lands of always winter we see the ice altar where the night king turned one a crest her son's into a white Walker only this time it looks much different now there are symbols carved into the ice the same symbols we have seen the White Walkers leave time and time again right as bran lanes the Raven onto the ice altar the ice beneath it begins to crack this forces brand out of the Raven and back into his own mind bran is gasping for breath he looks at the child of the forest with complete shock he won't have to say a word because we will already know what this implies there are white Walker still sleeping under the ice I want to thank everyone for watching this is basically how I would have ended this series now I may have done things a little differently if I had more time to write but I still feel like this would have been a much better ending let me know what you think down below I really appreciate all your support I hope you come back for the next video have a great day bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Talking Thrones
Views: 1,473,683
Rating: 4.8179889 out of 5
Keywords: Game of Thrones, Season 8, Final Season, How Game of Thrones Should Have Ended, Who Wins the Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones Season 8, Rewrite, Dan and Dave, HBO, ASOIAF, GRRM, A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones Ending, Jon and Daenerys, Bran Stark and Night King, Talking Thrones, The End, Game of Thrones Finale, Game of Thrones Theory, Game of Thrones Predictions, The Iron Throne, Cersei and Euron, Jaime and Cersei, Hound and Mountain, How It All Ends?, Game Over
Id: HX2mVfRv7kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 30sec (7590 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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