Every Creature Power Transformation Part 13 | Wild Kratts

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[Music] hey Jimmy [Music] nice Chris Marta perfect timing buddy thanks Jimmy yeah yeah welcome [Music] catch you later Jimmy get ready wait we don't want to touch this end rattlesnakes have big rough scales oh check out this pattern see the diamonds that's why this species is called a diamondback rattlesnake okay now activate creature power suits [Music] rattlesnake Powers hey let's get underground and find that tellurium wow we can really get around down here with rattlesnake powers foreign [Music] an ambush on this squirrel and has him cornered the rattlesnake has a squirrel in his sights rattlesnake vision on with you bro it seems like the squirrel's growing that's his tail the ground squirrel is pumping blood to his tail making it hotter and hotter and making the squirrel seem bigger and bigger [Music] whoa he fooled him the rattlesnake struck at the big twitching tail and completely missed the squirrel that was a rarely seen creature moment yeah and talk about rare look delirium Crystal yes yes we did it Running Out of Time quick let's get this hook oh no don't lose it the DeLorean Crystal uh oh I don't see it we need that Crystal to save the tortuga must have gone down one of these tunnels which one do we take uh the one that the tellurium Crystal bounced down yeah but which one is that if we choose the wrong one we'll run out of time and the tortuga will die uh uh uh uh that one why that one because it doesn't have a gila monster crawling out of it [Music] oh God great would I love any other time but don't need right now is a venomous lizard with a crushing bite Rose any luck yeah we found a tellurium Crystal yay but then we lost it oh but we're gonna find it again yay I hope so and you have to hurry there are only 10 minutes left until the tortuga descends into an irreversible disastrous meltdown we're on it okay here goes finished disc maker ready ready and waiting [Music] [Music] activate skunk power awesome okay pu let's save your fellow skunks and take back the tortuga [Music] Aunt for Subs octopods mantis sleds oh yes I'll take them all oh is that tomato soup my favorite soup [Music] jackpot get that soup wait okay go quick quick oh a spoon I need a spoon spotted skunks can climb hi Zach looking for one of these huh well I uh you're not stealing our inventions are you I don't need to [Music] download Complete because I have all your secrets on my computer Drive every design everything I'm done here those are ours Zach give them back and let those little skunks go hey No Deal bye-bye I'm warning you ah is that supposed to scare me you think showing off some cute handstand trick is gonna stop me look look at me I could jump on one foot and rub my belly at the same time can you do this it's the skunk stink defense consider that a warning Zach skunks can spray their stink three meters with perfect aim oh yeah well consider this me ignoring your warning see ya going so soon oh and by the way did you know a skunk can spray at least six times before running out of stink that's nice but you forgot one thing there are three doors and only two of you stinkers I win who are you [Music] that's Mr P you skunk and he doesn't like to be surprised move it got it ow gross gross oh let me out of here oh fine keep your stuff and you're stuck I can't stand this thing stop by again sometime quick activate Gila monster powers [Music] ready for some Gila monster combat oh yeah [Music] [Music] enough I figure you two would show up and try to mess up my plan so I have a little surprise for you while you're standing right there bye bye oh no this is gonna hurt and just so you can't mess with me further I'm prepared to go underground gotta admit that's pretty impressive except that Zack should have been paying closer attention to Gila monster Powers gila monsters can dig let's show them how my plan is foolproof except if the fools you're trying to beat have Gila monster Powers release our Gila monster friend Zach now forget it these slow-witted lizards are totally under my control uh careful Zach gila monsters have a powerful bite he can't bite he can't even move I'm not talking about that one I'm talking about that one Zach we weren't be careful how we get it off it hurts that's because of the Venom the Venom makes a Gila monster bite her worse than normal some people just don't pay attention to the warning colors and the warning kisses I have to learn the hard way yeah but even though Zach is so annoying we've gotta help him I mean you gotta help anybody with a hill a monster locked on his behind okay Zach we'll take you to the tortuga first aid clinic as soon as you release the gila monsters okay okay you're free and so are you [Music] [Laughter] uh we can't I heal the monster let's go when he wants to but don't worry he won't hang on all day and we'll help you out [Music] two power discs ready for teleportation coming at you Jay-Z oops oh yeah he's not here it's just not the same without Jimmy and zap it activate [Music] to the Jimmy rescue to the koki rescue now this is what nocturnal search and locate is all about this eye gear is awesome I can see the sea Trails so clearly now even at night ah all right all right no need to scream Chris the owl hearing is ultra sensitive we're like nocturnal spy missiles come on trail goes this way let's just hope we're not too late [Music] did you hear that hear what that growl something's out there there it is again Jimmy do you know what that growl is coming from I don't wanna know your stomach [Music] because I'm starving out here hold it together a little longer Jay-Z those guys will find us they better find us fast huh hey what's going on my seeds what moths Chris I'm picking up some strange movements ahead wait a second our Trail it's hatching whoa those little caterpillars inside the jumping beans transformed into moths they're leaving the seeds [Music] and check out alphys he loves it he's a master insect Hunter wait what's over there owl eyes maximum Focus more Moss hey if Jimmy had a whole bag of these jumping beans then that big swarm of moths could be from his bag let's go whoa that's a lot of moths ew just put them down somewhere Jay-Z they're getting everywhere whoa whoa oh no we're in trouble now how will they ever find us way down here and there's no food down here either [Music] look it's Jimmy's bag of jumping beans oh but no sign of Jimmy and Cokey hmm maybe they ditched the seeds for some reason that means our trail ends here yeah but we know they were hitting that way so let's just keep on searching in the direction they were heading good idea bro and keep those owl senses tuned in what's that owl hearing maximum power Jimmy stomach that's the sound it makes when he's hungry for pizza quick coming from over there almost flew right past him this owl power is incredible being able to pinpoint a tiny sound like that and hone in on exactly where it's coming from let's just hope ours works as good as his [Music] Jimmy cookie you found us yeah yay I really don't want to wear a groundhog power suit neither do I what one two you guys don't want groundhog powers well dandelion and I are insulted but if you don't want to test groundhog Powers then we will activate creature powers laughs hmm it's a little big and baggy dandelion likes it so I do too this is gonna be the best adventure yet I can't think of any powers that groundhogs have that you could get in trouble with what could go wrong yeah they pretty much just eat and dig digging that's what I feel like doing Earth is so cool it feels good and it's so easy to move I love digging so how far do I go before I dig out the chamber about six meters thanks you're welcome [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] coyote mud bath to ground Poker mudmaster groundhogger come in groundhoggers groundhogger here Aviva cut it on the digging you've got a visitor of course the coyote is checking out the groundhog hole coyotes will use the holes groundhogs have started and dig them bigger expanding them to make them into their own Burrows yeah and because groundhogs are the best diggers in North America and dig so many holes they get hole started for most animals that live in Burrows hello I guess he's never seen a giant groundhog before you know Aviva maybe you're right about groundhog Powers digging is always a cool creature power and groundhogs put it to good use yeah for themselves and for the many other animals who benefit by using their Burrows so what's next Aviva Avila wow digging makes you so hungry [Music] okay whoa I never knew dandelion salad tasted so good [Music] I love it when we get to use one of my favorite creature powers of all thanks to one of my favorite creature Pals of all [Applause] to the clouds peregrine falcon speed [Music] for the voles and all the creatures that depend on it turn on the water let's hope this works [Music] come on freeze freeze freeze all right yes so [Music] here comes the snow the snow is coming the snow is coming all right the snow is coming [Music] you guys don't need this anymore [Music] not with the warmth and power of the subnivian zone [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Wild Kratts
Views: 856,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kratts wild, wild kratts, wild kratts episodes, the wild kratts, kratts tv show, kratt brothers, zoboomafoo animated, wild kratt, wild krat, wild krats, krat brothers, martin kratt, chris kratt, wild kratts official channel, wild kratts full episodes, full episodes, animals, wild animals
Id: 5GbwffbnCfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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