EVERY CONQUEST ROLE Explained In 2 Minutes Or Less! | SMITE

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today we become legends explaining every conquest role in two minutes or less let's go this will be general strategy and not specific builds or gods to play so as to not date the video within a month or two when the meta changes but let's get started [Music] solar lane and smite is located on the fire giant side of the map near blue buff soul in and smite is dominated by tanks warriors and guardians since they see most of the action in this role but it is by far the most diverse role in terms of what can actually be truly viable there and even some mages and assassins have worked here in the past the sultana's early game goals are pretty much solely to farm up whether you do this through efficient minion management and taking camps or by dominating the 1v1 lane against your opponent that part is up to you but early on in the game you're trying to farm and get a lead on the rest of the map as the solo winner in the mid game you're looking to maintain any lead you've got from the early game or catch up if you are behind while also starting your rotations in the mid game you should be ahead of the rest of the match in terms of levels and goal by at least a little bit and a key solo in rotation in the mid game can tip the scales of a team fight in your favor to take objectives and actually start winning the game in the late game full 5v5 team fights and fire giant are in play the solo laner here is looking to play a front-line role diving the enemy backliners that being the mid and the adc of course to keep them busy and maybe even kill them if you're feeling yourself or if you're fed for objectives you're looking to either tank the hits from them or zone enemies away to stop a steel attempt for example on fire giant for sieging this is the same way keep enemies away so your team can take the tower off phoenix and or tank the hits from if necessary basically your job is to make it as easy as possible for your adc to hold left click on the phoenix for the longest amount of time in terms of solar lane builds you want to be mostly tanky with one or two damage or bruiser items at the absolute most building defense against your lane opponent first before worrying about the rest of the team is a good way to go so against the guardian build magical defense first against a warrior assassin etc built physical defense make sure to pay attention to the local jungle camps like your own blue buff the totem of cou the side happy and the scorpion as they're very important in getting you incremental leads over the enemy which is what solo lane is all about the rule is a grind not an explosion many small victories win the day in seoul in not one huge play [Music] the midline in smite is located well i think you get the idea the vast majority of gods that see play here are mages with a few hunters mostly ability-based ones seeing some reliable play too here depending on the meta the mid laner is primarily a big aoe burst damage dealer for the team early in the game the mid laner's main goal is getting control of the map and working with their jungler to get a lead of course you need to keep up with your minion waves to get that juicy farm but mid lane generally has a bit more to do early game than just farm namely making plays with their jungler who together formed the core of their team early on since the mid is central to the map they're located near most of the key areas of connection early in the game the mid jungle are key to getting pressure early on and it can often decide the early game in the mid game not too much changes beyond that support will be joining you in mid this can also happen even into the early game as well depending on when the support wants to rotate but i'll get more into that in the actual support section but in the mid game you have the call 3v3 of conquest fully assembled that of course being the mid jungle and support these three will roam sometimes there's two or even singles sometimes it's a full three and get control of the map while trying to gank the sidelines of solo and adc to get them a lead going into the late game the call 3 are also essential to getting objectives in the mid game in the late game the mid learner's main objective is to provide big burst damage and zone control to the team you'll usually be hanging out throwing your abilities from a safe range trying to burst down squishy targets like the enemy mid adc and jungler while also trying to stay alive and survive dives from the enemy jungle and solo in terms of builds for mid lane you're almost always going full burst damage whether that's magical damage for your mages or physical for your hunters though there are some occasions where one defense item is warranted such as a magiz club since we already covered mid where i talked a bit about the mid jungle core of conquest let's cover jungle in depth now the jungle roll in smite is definitely the hardest role with the most to think about and do it's also the role it gets flamed the most usually sometimes that supports if they play badly so keep that in mind this role of course doesn't cover a lane like the others but runs the jungle between the lanes getting farm from the camps and buffs in there and sometimes emerging to gank a lane to get their team ahead jungle is a fairly diverse role with representation from most classes but assassins are by far the most common to see here early in the game the jungler is mainly looking to farm and gank only occasionally in terms of farm you should prioritize camps that drop buffs for either you or your team since keeping those up as often as possible is essential and taking them on cooldown prevents enemy invades as well then in between taking buffs or if nothing else is available you have nothing else to do you can take standard caps and harpies and things like that or if it's just on your rotation to somewhere you need to be try to avoid leeching farm from your teammates minion waves as this will usually put them behind there is enough farm in the jungle for you to live entirely off of that unless your own team are screwing you by taking your camps and things like that so take note that the mid laner will sometimes do camps with you early on in the game and you'll sometimes help them with minion waves as well so you essentially split the farm for a little bit to keep yourselves both safe in the mid game your job is largely the same but shifts to focus more on gangs than farming by this point you should have a few items online and will be able to gank very effectively the mid game is what mostly decides who has a lead going into the late game and so ganking your lanes to get them ahead at this point is the best thing you can do but of course be sure to balance ganks with farm and not fall behind if you're ganking all the time but you're two levels down the whole game you probably would be better off farming up a little bit and only ganking a few times with an even or level lead in the late game your primary goal as a jungler is to dive the backline and kill the enemy mid at adc you can of course deviate from this maybe pick off an out of position enemy jungler or something like that but your general game plan is to assassinate the enemy backline since you should have strong movement and damage as the jungler to get in kill them and get out moving on though let's cover the final piece of the call 3v3 conquest the support this role's primary job is to protect their team and keep them alive primarily the mid and adc but you can also protect solo or jungle if needed this role is sort of a hybrid between a learning role and a roaming role as supports will tend to roam where they're needed most rather than sticking to one lane the most common gods and supports are guardians but some girls from other classes can see play here too such as a few warriors or tanky assassins early in the game the supports lane and duo with the adc gaining farm and protecting their adc while assisting them with their weak early game from there the support will tend to rotate out of that lane and roar more towards mid where they can get more opportunities which is where the car 3v3 of conquest forms the mid support and jungler in smite tend to run the central parts of the map looking to gain control on objectives and taking fights where needed ganking sidelines as well to get them ahead of their direct lane opponent in the late game the support's main goal is to keep their carries alive in team fights through crowd controlling enemies creating space for the team and supporting their teammates with buffs your main focus in team fights as support is your adc and your mid try to peel for both but if you have to pick between them pick the one that's doing your best so focus the efforts on keeping them alive [Music] and finally we have the adc role residing in the duolin this role is very much a learning role with a long laning phase of 2v2 with the support and 1v1 versus the enemy adc for this reason individual skill is emphasized pretty heavily when playing adc the god roster of adc is quite varied but mostly consists of hunters and magical adcs aka chronos sol freya and all around along with another few oddball picks you'll see occasionally but you'll mostly be seeing hunters in this role early in the game the adc's primary job is to farm up whether you get that family by clearing waves and camps efficiently or by killing the enemy adc in the 1v1 that doesn't matter it's much like solar lane in that regard just know that you need to get big from all that solo farm that you're going to be getting in the adc role because you tend to be weaker early in the game and ramp up as you go in the mid game you'll start to roam out of your lane and look to participate in team fights around key objectives in the map especially the goal fury which lies right next to dual lane so it's very convenient for you to help with that however you do still need to keep up as much farm as possible during this phase to get your build online where adc's can really start shredding speaking of your job in the late game is basically just to shred everything inside while staying alive easy right well yes but staying alive can be easier said than done when you're being died by a soul in and the jungler at the same time which is where the support comes in that we discussed earlier they should hopefully be appealing for you so stay close to them if you can in team fights and don't run off on your own as you're an extremely important part of the late game strategy for your team being the main objective damage as well as the main sieging for towers phoenixes and titans if you die it's really not good by this point in the game though you should be near full build and your damage output should be on rival that's set by maybe the mid laner so you should be able to dominate team fights if you're kept alive but that's it every conquest role explained in under two minutes each i know a lot of new players have trouble understanding the basics of the royal system and so i'll never actually get into the meat of what makes conquest so enjoyable so if this actually helps you out then be sure to drop a like before you leave and i'll catch you guys later have a great day and peace out your notes [Music] foreign
Channel: Inters3ct
Views: 93,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smite, Inters3ct, Intersect
Id: TiIFH4kL05g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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