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[Music] yo what's going on guys today is officially the rise of minor poison I don't know why but minor poison has just become so broken oh man lava first play unfortunately we do have the bomb Tower in this deck me and a few other players have decided to put bomb Tower over Tesla Tesla is a bit better than bomb Tower in general but the number one deck this season is Giant and when you're facing giant if you put a Tesla in the middle only one of your dagger duchesses will usually Target it but if you play a bomb Tower to the opposite side both dagger desses do always shoot at it at the same time going to zap here not really sure why he just froze but I think we should be fine okay wait hold up I mean actually our dagger Duchess on the left side should hopefully kill this balloon I think might still be death damage though but yeah we're okay the thing is Archer Queen is so broken against Lava Hound I kind of miss how broken Archer Queen is because I was using Little Prince for a while but you start to realize how much better Archer Queen is against decks like Lava Hound the thing is Archer Queen can be a little bit better for offense I feel like and also guys I keep on talking about it but I don't know ice Golem that card is just so good right now for no reason I mean I know the reason it's because it can fully tank a dagger Dutch's ammo bar that's really the main reason just very cheap as well going to pull this back we're already up a ton of damage because this guy does have the Canon ear for some reason I have no idea why I feel like Duchess is pretty much better in every single deck in the game bit of a wasted Evo zap but don't have too much else to do I'll set up for the queen surprisingly I feel like we're actually going to do okay here but we'll see once again gets to his Evo zap we might be in a little bit of trouble just going to try to protect our Queen then we can also pop the ability I'll poison too the lava pups are the main issue okay I don't know what this guy's freezes are what is he doing this guy's a certified goofball I feel like this match up is pretty difficult but we're making it look pretty easy so far his next zap will be the evolution so do have to watch out for that man if I remember correctly this man bmd me i' say probably in the Stone ages or so so yeah I definitely do want to win here hopefully dude it's game time for me man I even have my shirt off and everything cuz dude I just got so much sunburn for no reason when I went on a hike today it hasn't been too sunny around here so just got a ton of sun most of the days I went running and stuff before it was always all rainy and stuff didn't really get that much sun okay our Queen is still alive it's so nice how it survives arrows and Evo zap that's also another reason that Queen can be better over little prince in some decks oh wait hold up hold up hold up I want to say we're fine but at the same time this Lava Hound is going to be very difficult to stop I don't think the balloon will break through unless something really dumb happens and queen should go to The Inferno Dragon after I think okay perfect I don't know what this guy's trying to do here but we should be okay against it hopefully Queen goes back and takes out the rest of the hound and pups okay man look at our Tower though what the heck even happened to our Tower I have no idea what just happened to our Tower I think one of his Lava Hounds spit on our Tower as much as like 10 Miners did damage to his Tower wow that's kind of sad I'm just going to bomb Tower we can't afford to even take a bit of Lava Hound speed dude Lava Hound is so rude man it's like a llama from Minecraft always spitting on people's faces no respect man no respect okay o I don't know about that balloon we can just pop the ability and we should be fine ooh I don't know about that freeze I'm just going to go for that bomb Tower way up high oh no no no okay it does pull okay I thought it didn't for a second I do want to try to get to another queen ability here I'm not sure if we'll be able to in time though okay weit zap this then poison and we can go for the late ability it will do some damage to the Lava Hound here but we can't get back from their Queen now for some time which could be a bit bad okay he messed up his balloon a bit we can poison this all then ice SCH him to tank and just Queen up high no death damage please okay not even close Okay we might have him we might have him I think we might have him there's no way he's going to outs spell us right there's no way I think we got him filthy Lava Hound user man I mean I'm a filthy minor player but that's not as bad as a lava hound player hot to you too my friend okay apparently a lot of people don't know how to say this guy's name it's actually druggy yeah I know how to say it right I'm just going to go for the ice Golem there's no point to minor most of the time against dagger Duchess unless it has a bit of ammo wasted it's only good to cycle I guess but it's usually better to play your Evo zap or whatever else okay what is he doing I don't know why but recently Golem players have always been going for Golem at the bridge pretty much first play against me I feel like that's pretty bad for him our ghost is going to kill the night witch and we should get a nice counter push that's not bad dude this guy always goes for Golem first play against me then he starts spamming good luck after I destroy him in one push following the Golem first play like buddy maybe maybe try not Golem first playing and you might do a bit better I don't know might just be my opinion though going to zap this quickly should be a lot of damage watch him start saying good luck soon we can ghost too his tower has pretty much no ammo so he's either going to have to play something or take a lot of damage okay that's a nice trade for us we can also just go in for the monor his tower has no ammo very well played sir very well played dude I don't know why but recently Golem players have started to BM a lot like they they think they're goats or something man just for going for a Golem first play okay we do have the Evo zap now thanks to his choices I'll just poison the pump we can save the Evo Zap for defense I feel like once we have Evo zap and cycle our defense should almost always be fine but healer will make this match up actually somewhat difficult thing is though this guy's not going to play well so we don't have to worry too much I mean I think the zap is really going to help us out in this type of matchup wait this could be good guys we can also go in for the Evo skellies and I think he has to play something wait one Evo Skelly oh I was hoping the bomber would just go blind for a second and we would take it out but it's okay we can Evo zap and it should kill the E drag even though he played the Healer okay uh we can't really do too much about the pump here though just have to go for a late poison he is up in Elixir for sure but we do have some stuff on the field here I'm just going to go in for the minor o nice nice nice this is pretty good actually I don't know man this might be the smartest Golem player ever and he's not even playing that smart so that says something wait is night witch in front guys I'm not even trying to be mean like I swear I'm not trying to be mean I'm not I'm not being mean to Golem player it's just so funny what they're doing like I'm being kind of kind of like joking and stuff while I'm saying these things but man this is actually kind of hilarious I'm trying to make jokes about them but I'm actually saying the truth on accident like I don't even mean to to expose them like that you know okay play something into our Evo skellies come on you know you want to okay it'll get really hard in a little bit though because it is triple elixir in like 30 seconds if he gets double battle healer we just can't defend I think unless we kite them across the map maybe that could work Queen should kill all of this honestly Queen is so broken in this matchup see in this type of match up as well I feel like little prince would be way worse than Archer Queen if some people are asking why we have Archer Queen over Little Prince oh the ghost is going the wrong way see look he's spamming now good luck good luck you sure about that buddy cuz I think it it might be from your Golem first play that we got a lot of damage not sure though not sure though not sure though buddy not sure wait what is he doing we can dis spel cycl bro are you sure it's good luck like are you really sure about that or or do you think it might be something else I'll let you think about that good game we got a match apparently this guy is the sky Master but he's not my sky Master I'll go The Miner in the back the tower will waste a few daggers here on the Skelly so it will get okay I was going to say a bit more damage on the tower but unfortunately not okay probably going to be Pekka Bridge spam but I actually have seen a few people playing weird stuff like Pekka Giants okay it is Pekka Bridge spam guys I don't know what's happening to clash Royale but people are actually playing Pekka giant right now I might make a video soon on the deck if you guys want me to okay yeah I mean you can pretty much throw in a giant to anything and it should work out even in like an RG deck you can throw in giant minor will do a pretty good job here ween ability and he has to okay do that just going to ghost kind of early oh nice our tow onto it perfect okay that's pretty bad for him in this match up it can be a little bit hard to get damage but doesn't really matter since they can't get much damage either just going to ice scholem it still has some good HP so we can go in for the minor with this we do have Evo skellies if we need them for something okay very aggressive Pekka dude Evo skillies are so broken against Pekka but I will say I've been seeing quite a few less Evo skellies I think ever since Evo Tesla came out it kind of replaced them in quite a few decks but since this deck has no evo Tesla we can use them I'm hoping the queen doesn't get smacked here but honestly it probably will oh it doesn't okay perfect just going to ice go him to tank wait he's in trouble we're going to also get to another queen ability and we can go for it now wait he's in trouble I think okay I'll take the two shots The Miner will get a lot of damage unless he pekkas again okay not bad you can see we're kind of just controlling this entire game so far we keep on getting him into bad Cycles too wait hold up our ghost may do something okay we can just minor too he has no daggers once again we're just wasting his daggers constantly this man hasn't had the chance to build up one decent push so far okay now he's going to try to make something big here but I feel like we can defend pretty well the only tough thing could be an EVO battle Ram but I'm not too scared about it I heard some people saying that they think Evo battam is one of the worst evos in the game I think it's really good but just the new tower troop is just destroying it so that's kind of the issue wow where's that Bandit going where is that Bandit going no battle r no no no oh dude no okay that's not that bad wait I I really hope we can defend here okay I think we should be fine he's going to Ability for sure yeah but I think we should be okay all right that was a little bit close I don't even know if he's going to get another Evo battle Ram this entire game so he should be okay hopefully we'll see what he plays here for our ghost okay I did see quite a few Pekka players don't even use Evo bam I you guys can see even though it's very strong when they do get to it it also takes very long to get to it is a four Elixir card so it's somewhat tough Evo zap is destroying everything okay it's honestly pretty fun to go against Pekka unless you get countered by it you know what guys we do it it feels so bad to poison a pekka but I swear it's a good play cuz we can literally get away with it I swear we can get away with it guys trust me if we don't get away with it I I owe you ice cream or something okay okay yeah we're fine we're fine we're fine really good Evo skellies double ghost action on the left I'm just going to poison nothing I don't even care man it's a good play I swear well it's not a good play it's a very dumb play and very unsmart play but it works that's all that matters oh wait hold up hold up hold up no no no no okay that better get splashed and die come on die die okay thank you hey don't get on my tower now now now we're fine we're fine do you guys just see how I won this match we just Spam poison on nothing that's all we do I don't even know if I can call this deck High skill I don't think I can anyways thank you guys for watching and see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Ian77 - Clash Royale
Views: 93,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clash royale, ian77 cr, ian77 clash royale, best deck, clash royale gameplay, pass royale, chest opening, clash, royale, bluestacks clash royale, royale clash, legendary, clash royale türkiye, türkçe clash royale, clash royale nihai şampiyon, clash royale türkçe, clash royale ita, taktik, ladder, top 1, şampiyon, eğlence, new update, cycle, clashroyale, me activo torre, كلاش رويال, deste, efsanevi, yeni deste, en iyi deste, arena, clash royale en español, kupa videosu, espor, lan77 cr
Id: C7x5qMdkKRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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