SMITE: Fundamentals of Item Building! How To Build For Beginners

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today's topic was meant to be something else originally but while I was playing I kind of stumbled across this more or less and I figured I'm going to do this video first today and that is the fundamentals of building in Smyth if your experience with smite then this will not be news to you all hopefully so this is aimed at beginners of the game that really don't know how to build yet and how to put a bill together on a character yet and are trying to do their first steps in that regard so if you've been playing for a while maybe there's something you can send to your new friends so we're gonna start with some physical characters and then we're gonna look at some magical characters and just get the overarching idea really I'm not gonna specifically tell you what to build on any character or something but rather just give you an idea of how a build is formed and when what items are typically built so at the start of the game first of all we actually have one relic that we can choose so for example a typical relic on many characters across pretty much all roles would be purification beads this is something we would build at the start of the game the second slot is initially the extra ward that you can use until level 12 and then you can build a second relic here so this is something you want to get out of base by the way if you new don't get meditation most of time it's usually not the best option and then along with that we typically want to get a starter item so outside of conquest we have a few more options in conquest EFS essence blessing attackers assassins blessing Guardians blessing hunters blessing and majors blessing as well as warriors blessing and then in other modes you if attackers blessing which is frequently used to finish blessing lots of frequently use and specialists also not so frequently used so you choose the one according to the role that you're playing in conquest at least and usually in other game modes you will choose the Tagus blessing in most characters because it's so strong unless you're playing a very tanky one now you don't have to build a standard item there are certain built paths that avoid such items an example here would be going into transcendence and starting with charged Morningstar but typically in most situations is advisable to start with a sad item so we have a Honda here right now we're using a muslin cap to build so we're gonna use a hunter's blessing so we select that and that is what we built at this point it depends a little bit on what type of character you're playing a situation is a little bit different with a tank but most characters will start with the first rank the Tier one of a damaged item so for example at this point we could build the morning star or in a hunter we would also often see spiced gauntlet this is because that allows us to get a the Tier three item quicker which is especially important for stacking items the earlier finish of a stacking item you the quicker you can start stacking this item and the quicker you have the finished item basically so we're just used by corn as an example here about that and then along with that you also want to get some potions so we have a healing potion here usually and depending on the character you might also add some mana potions not necessarily always the case on hunters someone just can get away without mana potions entirely I prefer these two over getting multi potions on most characters there's some exceptions that regarding soul in it also is worth keeping in mind if there's a baron somebody on the team then you would have another consumable option here which is barons brew which you should probably take over normal potions because it's it's reusable essentially so this is just the main structure of how a build will look like right at the start off the game before you leave base roughly sometimes like this something like this but it's something like that and sometimes you will also have have more of these so it really depends on the amount of gold you have left what like what other items you start with and what character you're playing but the general idea is somewhere around this and you want to have as many health potions as possible in my opinion before you leave pace so whatever gold is left goes into healing potions so that you have a way to heal up so now after that the typical build path is either to first finish up your stacking item this is if you can get away with it so instead of having spine quality wood at that point half DeVos Scarlett or alternatively you could at this point build your boots and then you would have this first and then afterwards you would finish your differents gauntlet so I'll switch it around like that but you get the idea so which one you go for here first is situational I would generally recommend going for boots first most of the time because it is just a little bit more safe I would say and it gives you some reliable clear with most character and I think that's generally more helpful now at this point it was first of all important to note is what you typically do not do in smite compared to two other mobiles especially is you do not build many Tijuana items so sometimes we'll see new players doing is something like building this and then building this or maybe a hunter emily's and then building this and then the bill ends up looking like this and that is something you absolutely do not want to do in smite because the tier one items are still somewhat pricey and the stats are not as not nearly as efficient as fully finished items so tier one is the first stage and you have the T two stage and then at tier 3 you always want to get to tier 3 as quickly as possible and the only exception here is that you sometimes leave this one on tier one and finish the boots first this is because the tier 1 bits are not exactly the first the best thing to start in line with for many characters because it doesn't give you extra damage it just gives you movement speed so after this point everything you do you always want to finish up the full item before you start building into the next one for almost any situations there are very few exceptions where you will maybe decide to to skip the third level of an item or something it's have to prioritize another item but it's also very rare instances there's stuff you don't have to worry about at the start so at this point you're basically going into into whatever items you want to build realistically now you could go into attack speed items into into more power items really that's up to you at this point it's very flexible and really depends on the current meter in that regard I would say like I'd refer you to two other build guides for that specific role rather or for that specific character rather than following along with this anymore so it could for example be that at this point I build a head lettuce palm then I would also hit level 12 at some point which means I would get a second relic often this would be a guess amulet for beginners as well and there's something important to note here as well and that is that these two have upgrades you can upgrade them for five hundred gold and that gives them additional benefits however these additional benefits are usually not worth it in early stages of the game again there are exceptions where you could justify that and if you're especially looking towards a relic like cursed hunk then the upgrade actually does a lot and it will do even more on the next patch but on most characters you want to have at least all items built here before you consider upgrading the relics in most situations unless it's very very urgent that you need a specific benefit more off otherwise you're just delaying the rest of your build which typically is more important because those items will in effect have an effect on you all the time was relics have an effect on you once every whatever 100 seconds hundred thirty seconds hundred sixty seconds depending on the relic so that is the overarching structure that is how you roughly want to build and yeah depending on the the exact character there will be some differences so if we for example look at the same thing on a magical character instead then we would maybe start with mages blessing and here we could start with a Tier one item of a penetration item that's very common at the moment or we could also start with a stacking item I think in the long run stacking items might just be encouraging I know they're the more standard typical approach so I'm just going to go with that for the purpose of this video lasting a little bit longer than just the current so maybe this would be like a start we stopped at spellbook and then you would again go into your boots and at that point you just built whichever boots you prefer for your character and yeah the order here you have these you'd also obviously build the relic again you'd also start with with the same consumables again I'm just gonna do it just for the sake of complete clarity here just so I don't skip over it so we will again have purification beads at the sell of the game but also again get some health potions will again get some mana potions if we can fit it in a bit more important on mages in my opinion than on physical characters actually because they often use a fair bit more mana at the start of the game to even clear the wave to even make make room for themselves to actually make any place so and after that if you finish the boots first you would then upgrade the the spell book here and you would again go into a stacking item to book of thoth so that you can get full sex so that would be this one and the actual order they would look like would be this one but they could also be situations where you just say okay I want to build the spell book and I want to upgrade this stacking item right away I want to go into a book of thoth and then build on boots afterwards but that's very very risky again something I would not advise to begin us I would say build the spell book first build issues of focus and then go into book of thoth and now something that it's a little bit more prominent with mages which is why I want to point out at this part is that in your build you want to have a few specific stats you want to have some power and you also want to have some penetration in most builds and there are two different components here on one hand you want to have flat penetration so that's just something where it says 15 magic of penetration that will be flat penetration and on the other hand you also want to have a decent amount of percentage filtration which is something you can for example see here the 20% magical penetration you can see here the 10% magic penetration so at some point of the build you typically want to have items with percentage penetration as well this is so against it doesn't actually let me build it and I'll have the book built this is so that you will deal more damage to tanks and more damage to enemies with lower defense because penetration works very effectively in combination with the base damage of your ability but it's maybe too complex for a beginner at this point that there's something that I can discuss in more detail in another video but I think it's important to note that if you are going your own build ways it's not advisable to just go for pure power all the time you want to look that you have a little bit of this and a little bit of that and that applies for pretty much any role but hunters for example can get away without flat penetration in some situations and that is why I didn't mention it in that part but yeah well especially for assassins and mages you want to have a little bit of this in a little bit of that when looking at the tanks it's a little bit different we can do that now but after that again there's a lot more flexibility just make sure you finish your items up first make sure you get your second relic at level 12 and make sure that you look towards getting full build before you upgrade your relics and at the end of the game where if you had full built here right if we just say whatever I'm just gonna click some some random stuff if you say we just had this and we finish we sold a starter item which we can do at the end of the game that's also something at free service slot and we build this whatever doesn't matter this random items really then we can also look to get some consumables alright then we can get a potion of power which will give us I can actually build it but it will actually give us extra power and cooldown reduction and likewise you can get more consumables here you can get Alexeyev power which increases your power even more and Alexeyev defense which increases your protections by a lot and it decreases that much taken from structures as well so these are really really late game are really really good they're really expensive while you only want to build them after you have full build and then you also have the Aleksey of speed the LXE of speed allows you to sell your boots and instead of your boots get another item here because boots are mainly built for the movement speed they have some nice stats but the movies based the most important part and if you get to the point where that's not necessary anymore where you want to have something better then you can buy this at laxative speed for a lot of money and you can then use the item slot here for something else but make sure you have saved up enough to buy both the other item and LXE of speed because otherwise you might just lose stats in between because these boots still have a decent amount stats they still have 55 power and 10 percent contraction that is not something to scoff at that is at least equal to a tier 2 item roughly so unless you can afford a tier 3 item and an elective speed together I probably would not trade things out and if we're looking over to the tanks and things stay relatively similar actually both in in solo and support as well what is different here often is that like in supporting we'll start with guardians blessing and solo you would start with a warrants blessing so either this all that and but what is different here is that often in the beginning you will buy other items along with that so what if for example can see in solo at the moment again it's something that could change especially the current meter and solo is actually the evolving in a way we might not even see where as blessing anymore might actually see different starts but what we often see is them going into the tier 1 shoes right away to finish up shoes as quickly as possible and then also getting a well either a chalice of healing here which brings us to a total price point of 1500 at that point which would be all the gold or what we also can often see it's just a just a mix of of potions here together throwing this together and there's also a new start now that includes 10 of the guards sometimes but really very early I would really recommend that brother this is often then we see in support so what you'd see instead is something like this for support we I can also see that you start with a defensive item and you start with your boots you obviously get your relic as well typically a more offensive relic so you could for example get a shell and then you can get slightly different consumables here this can help you clear the first camp before you even go to the wave or if you're in solo and you have all these chalices all these potions you can just sustain a lot more it depends on the exact meta but I just wanted to make clear that's a bit of a difference here because there are more frequent starts here with boots for both roles because for both roles mobility is a factor in different ways whereas the other roles need the early damage now most of the time in solo it's not even as much about the mobility and more about the gold that you have left after this because it allows you to buy more pots and in support it's well about whichever you want to look at and last but not least we also have the jungles where we can see very similar picture again where you often will start with an early power item so for example a very frequently built item is its mace at the start of the game which is gives you a little bit of extra power because again this helps you clear the first camps alternatively you could also start with the boots which is done sometimes sometimes people get more potions but typically you can build I'll show you that I will show you what you can build it build exactly this with the gold you can build assassins blessing 700 gold mace 1350 gold healing potion 1400 gold and then handle the guards 1500 gold so this is exactly the amount of gold that you have at the start of the game and this allows you to clear the jungle earlier quicker which is very important as a jungler sustain sufficiently with a little bit of healing and have more damage against camps good again boots here and then you can get some more potions but it's just typically not what what is preferred right now and yeah I think that is everything that I want to include in a basic overview what I would also want to mention is that in the early stages on most characters even if they focus on attack speed so if you for example have a character that builds a ninja tabi attacks with boots you'll often see at least one power item being built on them like even if they if they generally speaking are more towards the attack speed focused side it's typically not the call to go for say an item like a chi ville right away it can work you you can try it I'm sure there are ways to make it work something that case in katana as well but typically with the exception of some very janky strategies for a distance bow which I would also not recommend you want to go for power if you have one power item in your build forefront for jangle they could for example be something like Jon's wrath or crashing which is I even miss mixed so this is actually something we even get some attack speed or for before a hunter it would be something like transcendence instead that all kind of kick start your build in a different way because in the beginning the power does so much for clearing camps with abilities especially and yeah that's it for this overview this should hopefully give you a bit of a better idea on what part of what item you might want to build at some point and my goal is that effectively what I will try and and not see anymore as few in the future our builds that look like this that is exactly why I made this video or builds that have to upgraded relics before anything else is done because I think you're setting yourself back a lot by doing that and if you end up building like that a lot you might be better off trying to use the alter build a little bit longer the optimal function which is not completely terrible anymore and then try to figure things out a little bit better yeah that's it for this video I hope this was interesting insightful helpful if you hate the game and if you enjoyed this video feel free to feel it's a pun and maybe the Bell so you get notified of others my kind of content as well is what I want to say hope see you for the next one soon duke sloth out
Channel: DukeSloth
Views: 92,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smite, f2p, free to play, season 7, dukesloth, duke
Id: dDwy7k2tzXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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